Teignbridge CVS Winter/Spring Online Learning Programme - January - March 2021

Page created by Christopher Craig
Teignbridge CVS Winter/Spring Online Learning Programme - January - March 2021
Teignbridge CVS
Online Learning Programme
January - March 2021
Teignbridge CVS Winter/Spring Online Learning Programme - January - March 2021
Online Learning Sessions

The following online learning sessions are limited to 20 people
Cost: £10 VCSE/£20 other sectors unless otherwise stated
Please use the Eventbrite link below to secure a place unless indicated **

National Lottery Community Fund information session (FREE)
Thursday 14 January 10.00 – 12.00
Hannah Luz is the Funding Officer for Teignbridge at the National Lottery Community
Fund. For this session, she will provide an overview of their funding programmes,
how to apply, and most importantly she will be available to answer any questions
you have.

The National Lottery Community Fund award money raised by National Lottery
players to fund great ideas that help communities to thrive. Groups can apply for
funding under £10,000, or over £10,000, depending on what they want to do. Find
more about The National Lottery Community Fund here:

Delivered by Hannah Luz – NLCB

Jamboard Plus – online session tools
Monday 25 January 2.00 – 3.00
 Are you running online meetings or training sessions? This quick session will teach
you to use simple online tools Jamboard and Menti to make your online provision
more collaborative and interactive for your users – making it easier for you to gather
opinions and engage learners and service users.

Delivered by Ruth Donaldson - TCVS

Community mapping - aDoddle (FREE) what it is, why does it work and how
do I get my organisation on it? Wednesday 27 January 10.00 – 11.00 Join us
for an opportunity to put your charity or community organisation on the map -
Making it aDoddle to find by those who need your support or want to support
you. The session and the mapping are free. 2020 has shown the importance of
finding simple ways to raise the profile and reach of organisations and also the need
for communities to be able to easily find/access local information. This workshop will
walk you through the simple steps of creating and adding an organisational profile
to aDoddle.org and the new connected area-based community maps (There are now
9 across Devon). You will have an opportunity to ask questions and there will be a
limited opportunity to book a call to help you add your profile. This is also useful for
all the Food organisations in South Devon as it links with the Food Alliance

Delivered by Jaki King – aDoddle

** To book follow link below:
Three Horizons “Developing your Organisation into the future”
Exploration Session
Thursday 18 February 10.00 – 12.00
All our organisations have been affected by the pandemic and required to make
changes to the way we work. But not all changes were negative. This session
introduces the Three Horizons model (which is used by the NHS) to help us identify
the disruptions we have experienced and carry forward the changes that we have
needed to make and want to take forward. There is an option after this to choose
CVS to facilitate more in-depth work with your organisation.

Facilitated by Katie Chaplin and Anja Kroening Maynard, Teignbridge CVS

Refresher Training – Working Face to Face
Tuesday 9 March 10.00 – 12.00
After such a long time delivering services online, over the phone and whilst being
socially distanced, this learning session reminds us about good practice relating to
delivering/ managing face-to-face work – be it befriending, driving, running groups
etc and will help to build back confidence as we begin to support people in some of
the ways we did before COVID and in some of the new ways we have found that we
would like to keep.

Delivered by Anja Kroening Maynard, Teignbridge CVS

Funding - Ten Top Tips
Tuesday 30 March 10.00 – 12.00
This session will cover tips and ideas about how to write a successful funding
application. The Covid emergency means charities and voluntary groups face
declining donations and increased demand for services.

 More charities and voluntary groups, will need to apply for grant funding as part of
their efforts to raise money. This workshop will help you stand out from the crowd
and secure the funding you need moving forward to ensure your services can

Delivered by David Cox - TCVS

To book a place on the above sessions use the following link:
https://tcvs.eventbrite.co.uk (nb bookings end 48 hours before the
Online Forums and Workshops

The following online forums are free to attend and open to any VCSE groups
including those who have been working to support people during the COVID – 19

South Devon Food Alliance -Tuesday 16 February 10.30 – 12.00 An
opportunity for large and small food providers to meet and work together to better
support our local communities - including networking, updates, peer support and
finding out about other support available. Please contact anja@teigncvs.org.uk if
you would like to attend

Mental Health Forum – Thursday 21st January 10.30 – 12.00
A regular forum supporting VC and statutory sector connection and collaboration. To
book a place on the forum and hear feedback on actions and updates please contact

Reducing Isolation Forum – Thursday 4th February 10.30-12.00
An opportunity to share ideas, good practice on how voluntary sector organisations
have been creative in reducing isolation. This may be digital solutions, telephone
calls, doorstep chats….What else is needed as our most vulnerable members of
society need to continue to stay safe. For more information and/or to book a place
please contact elaine@teigncvs.org.uk

Families Forum – Thursday 25th February 10.30 – 12.00
A regular forum focussing on supporting needs of young people, children and
families. Please contact elaine@teigncvs.org.uk if you wish to attend or propose a
particular issue to be addressed at the forum.

Wellbeing Workshop for VCS staff and volunteers
Wednesday 3 March 10.00 – 12.00
An interactive session for voluntary sector groups and organisations exploring signs
and symptoms of stress and what strategies resources and tools you can use in your
daily lives, both at work and at home to support your wellbeing. Please contact
elaine@teigncvs.org.uk if you wish to attend

Departure Lounge – Talking about Death and Dying
Wednesday 17 March 10.30 – 12.00
Covid-19 has changed both how we live, and how we die. Not only has the pandemic
impacted every aspect of our life - how we behave, how we work, and how we
socialise - it has brought death and dying into our daily reality. Further, the isolation
conditions that this disease imposes means that our traditional rituals around death
and dying - physical closeness, time with those that are ill, face-to-face contact with
friends and support networks - were/are no longer possible.
This session is an opportunity for you to talk about death and dying, what a good
death – and a good life - look like. The session, which is participant led, offers a safe
space to discuss and explore our feelings and thoughts.
If you would like to run a similar session within your organisation or community
CVS can share Departure Lounge Information and materials with you. Please
contact anja@teigncvs.org.uk if you would like to attend.

Facilitated by Anja Kroening Maynard, Teignbridge CVS

Newton Abbot Caring Alliance - Wednesday 24 March 10.30 – 12.30
The first one since COVID!
A restarting of the networking forum which TCVS has been running for many years.
Open to all organisations and agencies delivering health and wellbeing services in
the Newton Abbot area and a chance to share information and foster working
partnerships. Please contact Katie Chaplin services@teigncvs.org.uk if you would like
to attend

For any other support or information please contact your Locality Development

Newton Abbot area Locality and Teign       Elaine Musgrave        elaine@teigncvs.org.uk
                                           Anja Kroening-
Coastal Locality                                                  anja@teigncvs.org.uk
Moorland and Moretonhampstead
                                           Katie Chaplin          services@teigncvs.org.uk

Teignbridge CVS, 36 -38 Market Walk, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2RX
 ...supporting voluntary action, empowering local communities.
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