Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney

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Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Technology and Strategy Presentation

Altium 365 – Let the Transformation Begin
6 December 2019

Includes guidance and market update on page 52
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Industry Transformation
Through Market Dominance
A Winning Strategy for Long Term Value-Creation
Aram Mirkazemi – Chief Executive Officer
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Altium’s Journey and Successful Track Record

                  Rebuilding                                    Performing                                   Leading                                Dominating & Transforming...
                                                                                    $100M                                      $200M                                                                          $500M
                                                                                     Revenue                                    Revenue                                                                         Revenue

                                                                                    35,000                                     50,000                                                                        100,000
                                                                                  Subscribers                                Subscribers                                                                     Subscribers
                                                                                                                                                 Electronic Design
$250M                                                                                           • Set Revenue
                                                                                                  Target of $500M
                                                                                                  for FY2025

                                                                • Surpass $100M Revenue
$200M                                                                                                               $172M
                                                                  Target Set back in 2014                                   Revenue
                                                                • Set Revenue Target of                                     Rev. Growth %
                                                                  $200M for FY2020
                                            • Altium Acquires
            • Successful Capital Raise        Octopart the #1
                                                                                                 26%                                                                          Subscribers
              of $44M on ASX                  Electronic Part
            • Set Revenue Target of           Search                                                                                                                           $500M *
              $100M for FY2017                                                        $111M
                                                                                       18%                                                                                     Revenue
$100M                                                                                                                                                                10-20%               10-20%
                         $62M                                                                                       $63M    EBITDA
        $55M             12%                                                                                        36.5%
                                                                                                                            EBITDA Margin %
                                                                                                $45M                                             Electronic Parts &                         Electronic Manufacturing
                                                                                                32.0%                                            Supply chain                                  & Embedded Software
$50M                                                                 $27M             30.0%
                                                        $23M         29.3%
                                         $18M           28.3%
        $0.3M            9.5%
         0.5%                                                                                                                                 * The target revenue of $500M may include 5-10% from future acquisitions

                    2012 - 2014                                 2015 – 2017                                 2018 - 2020                                                   2021 - 2025                                      3
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Altium Aims to Unify and Connect Electronics
  Industry Segmented Value Chains

                                                                                                Electronic Design
                                                                                                  Estimated size: $2 - $5Bn
     Electronic Manufacturing
     Estimated size: $1,000 - $1,500Bn
                                                                                                                                                              Electronic Parts Supply Chain
                                                                                                                              IC Design
                                                                                                                                                                  Estimated size: $600 - $800Bn
                 Electronic Manufacturing                                                                                     Tools Vendors
                 Equipment Vendors

                                                                                              Simulation                                                                            Semiconductor
                                                                                              Vendors                                                                               Manufacturers

                                                                                                                              Electronic CAD
                 Electronic Testing
                 Equipment Vendors
                                                          PCB Assemblers

                                                                                                                                                                                     Electronic Parts
                                            PCB Fabricators

                                                                Manufacturing                                                                                              Electronic Parts
                                                               Services (EMS)                                                                                              Distributors

                                                                                   Electronic                                                   Electronic
                                                                                  Manufacturing                                                   Parts       Search & Analytics
                                                                                                                                               Supply Chain   Content Aggregators

  $2 Trillion
                                                              The three segments of the value chain are currently completely
Estimated Industry Size
                                                                 isolated and digitally disconnected within their own chain                                                                             4
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Industry Transformation Through Market Dominance

                      Market                                   Market                              Industry
                    Leadership                               Dominance                          Transformation

        1              LEAD                    2               UNIFY                        3      TRANSFORM

              Altium must target 100,000 active subscribers by 2025 to compel key industry stakeholders to
                           support its agenda to transform electronic design and its realization
                                               $100M                          $200M                                 $500M
                                                 Revenue                        Revenue                               Revenue

                                                 35,000                         50,000                              100,000
                                               Subscribers                    Subscribers                           Subscribers

      2012 - 2014                2015 – 2017                    2018 - 2020                           2021 - 2025                 5
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Phases in Pursuit of Leadership, Dominance and Transformation

                                                   LEAD                               UNIFY                                   TRANSFORM

                                                                Building Altium       Sharing Design Files         Hosting Design Data         Manufacturing PCB
 Industry                                                       Cloud Platform           on Altium 365                on Altium 365              on Altium 365
 Transformation                                                   Altium 365          Light-weight Collaboration   Structured Collaboration   Industry-wide Collaboration

                                                                Extending Reach
 Market                                     Building High
                                                                and Going Direct           Scaling Direct          In-App Engagement
                                          Performing Direct                                  Sales for             Man-Out-Of-the-Loop
 Dominance                                   Sales Force          in Key Markets
                                                                 including China

                                                               Driving Innovation &       Innovating as
 Market                Building High     Establishing Yearly
                                                                Closing Capability       Market Leader &
                      Performing R&D     Innovation Cycles
 Leadership                                                    Gaps with High-End        Extending Lead

                                                 $100M                                $200M                         Current Phase                                 $500M
                                                   Revenue                              Revenue                                                                     Revenue

                                                   35,000                               50,000                                                                     100,000
                                                 Subscribers                          Subscribers                                                                 Subscribers

        2012 - 2014               2015 – 2017                        2018 - 2020                                              2021 - 2025                                       6
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Executing in Concert and to a Higher Standard on Three Fronts

                            Channel                                                                                    Cloud
                  Extreme Reach and Capacity                                                                 Higher Levels of Service and
                           (Challenge of Scale)                                                                 Customer Engagement
                                                                                                                 (Challenge of Experience)


  Product & Channel Must                                               Product                                                                 Product & Cloud
      be in Lockstep                              Maximum Power, Productivity and Coverage                                                     Must Work as One
                                                                   (Challenge of Complexity)

                                                         $100M                                 $200M                                                     $500M
                                                           Revenue                               Revenue                                                   Revenue

                                                           35,000                                50,000                                                  100,000
                                                         Subscribers                           Subscribers                                               Subscribers

          2012 - 2014                      2015 – 2017                         2018 - 2020                                       2021 - 2025                           7
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Evolution of Altium’s “Line and Length” Strategy to the “Rule of 50”

                     •   Consistent Revenue Growth and                                •   % Revenue Growth + EBITDA margin % ≥ 50
                         Expanding Margin                                             •   Altium will provide guidance on Revenue and
                     •   No revenue or guidance provided by the                           EBITDA margin
                         company; only analysts’ consensus                            •   Consistently outperforming the Rule of 50 is the
                     •   From 2012 to 2019 Altium has Delivered 8                         domain of elite companies
                         years of consistent Revenue Growth and                       •   Only Altium and Ansys have been able to
                         Expanding Margin                                                 consistently perform at this level
                     •   Appropriate for Organic Growth                               •   Appropriate for Transformational Growth

                               Optimal Performance                                           Extreme Performance

                                           $100M                        $200M                                                     $500M
                                             Revenue                      Revenue                                                    Revenue

                                             35,000                       50,000                                                    100,000
                                           Subscribers                  Subscribers                                               Subscribers

       2012 - 2014           2015 – 2017                  2018 - 2020                                      2021 - 2025                          8
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
An Operating Framework for Dominance and Transformation

•    For the next phase of growth, Altium will be thinking of its
     business in terms of four zones, each with different
     investment and return profiles                                                           Transformation                     Dominance
•    Altium Designer, NEXUS, TASKING will be in the                                               Zone                             Zone
     Dominance Zone, while Altium 365 and Octopart will be
                                                                                            Transformational Growth             Profitable Growth
     in the Transformation Zone
                                                                              Disruptive                                                             Sustaining
•    Small acquisitions, such as PCB:NG, Upverter, Gumstix                    Innovation                                                             Innovation
     will be in the Incubation Zone
                                                                                                    Incubation                   Productivity
•    Productivity Zone will include all systems and business                                           Zone                         Zone
     infrastructure (including Corporate Services)
                                                                                             Breakthrough Innovation        Systems & Programs
•    Altium will transition its reporting from FY21 to reflect this
     framework for greater transparency

                                                               $100M                                 $200M                                          $500M
                                                                  Revenue                              Revenue                                        Revenue

                                                                  35,000                               50,000                                       100,000
                                                                Subscribers                          Subscribers                                    Subscribers

                2012 - 2014                      2015 – 2017                          2018 - 2020                               2021 - 2025                       9
Altium 365 - Let the Transformation Begin - Technology and Strategy Presentation 6 December 2019 Sydney
Key Take-aways

  • Altium’s next stage of growth will be distinctly different from its previous stages

  • Altium will be pursuing Industry Transformation through Market Dominance requiring
    execution on two parallel tracks

  • In its next stage of growth Altium will be stepping up from Optimal Performance to Extreme
    Performance requiring a change to its “Line and Length” strategy

  • As a long-term commitment, Altium will be adhering to the Rule of 50 (% Revenue growth +
    EBITDA margin % ≥ 50) in every year from FY2021 to FY2025

  • Altium is providing annual Revenue and Margin guidance from FY2020

                                           $100M                       $200M                       $500M
                                             Revenue                     Revenue                     Revenue

                                             35,000                      50,000                    100,000
                                           Subscribers                 Subscribers                 Subscribers

       2012 - 2014           2015 – 2017                 2018 - 2020                 2021 - 2025                 10
Dominating the PCB
Design Market
Scaling to 100,000 Subscribers
Henry Potts – Chief Sales Officer
A Winning Formula for Dominance in the PCB Market

Altium connects to users at all levels within
an organization providing a user experience
                                                                            Altium’s Touch 05
that is unique within the industry
                                                                           Go Direct Everywhere;
                                                                           Altium’s touch matters

                                          Always Improving 03
                                          Sell what you have – more
                                          will be there tomorrow

                                                                                                            Everyone Counts 04
                    User Focus 01                                                                           Every Customer, Every Seat,
              Focus on the USER and the                                                                     Every $ Counts
              Customers will follow

                                                                        Great Product 02
                                                                        Superior product that is easy
                                                                        to use and affordable

                                                          $100M                               $200M                                         $500M
                                                            Revenue                             Revenue                                       Revenue

                                                            35,000                              50,000                                      100,000
                                                          Subscribers                         Subscribers                                   Subscribers

            2012 - 2014                   2015 – 2017                        2018 - 2020                                      2021 - 2025                 12
A Unique Direct Selling Model

     01    A Unique Culture
           Transactional selling is
                                                     01                                 04           Systematic at its Core
                                                                                                     Mapping out flows and
           an integral part of the                                                                   establishing process, Automate
           culture                                                                                   to eliminate the time sinks

     02    Performance Matters
           Every geography – every
                                                                                                     One Channel
                                                                                                     Engage the users/customers
           team – every individual                                                                   as a channel (sales &
           measured                                                                                  marketing)
                                                                    06        03

     03    Everything Measured
           Track metrics & KPIs, Provide
                                                                                                     A Unique Product                 06
                                                                                                     The PRODUCT is different
           real-time transparency via                                                                and so is the development
           dashboards                                                                                organization

                                                          $100M                        $200M                                               $500M
                                                            Revenue                      Revenue                                             Revenue

                                                            35,000                       50,000                                            100,000
                                                          Subscribers                  Subscribers                                         Subscribers

        2012 - 2014                        2015 – 2017                   2018 - 2020                               2021 - 2025                           13
Scaling to 100,000 Subscribers

               Competitive     Expanding into             Man out-of-the-loop          Data driven account
               displacement    new markets                selling approach             based Intelligence

                          Altium’s transactional sales will be leveraged in
                            multiple ways to reach 100,000 subscribers
                                            $100M                        $200M                               $500M
                                              Revenue                      Revenue                             Revenue

                                              35,000                       50,000                            100,000
                                            Subscribers                  Subscribers                         Subscribers

        2012 - 2014           2015 – 2017                  2018 - 2020                        2021 - 2025                  14
Accelerating Growth in China

                                                     Beijing                        Altium’s license compliance
                                                                                    business in China shares many
                                                        Shanghai                    characteristics with Altium’s
                                                                                    systematic approach to sales

                                       $100M                          $200M                               $500M
                                        Revenue                        Revenue                             Revenue

                                        35,000                         50,000                             100,000
                                       Subscribers                    Subscribers                         Subscribers

        2012 - 2014      2015 – 2017                    2018 - 2020                       2021 - 2025                   15
End-to-End Dominance – Every Segment & Every Region

                                                                                                                                                    Extreme Enterprises
                         *         From Concept                                                   To Realization
                                                                                                                                                   Agile Enterprises
                                                                                                                                                   • Selling of the NEXUS solution
                                                                                                                                                     – Product + Process +
                                                                                                                                                     Services -> Customer
                                                                                                                                                     Relationships matter

                                                                                                                                                   Power Users & PCB
                                                     System                             Product                                                    Specialists
                                                       Design                          Assembly                                                    • Selling of CONCORD PRO on
                                                                                                                                                     the A365 platform at scale ->
                                                                                                                                                     User to User Collaboration
                                                          Board &                 Board                                                              matters
                                                             Circuit         Fabrication &
                                                               Design        Assembly                                                              • Selling Subscription & A365
                                                                                                                                                     platform services as a product
                                                                                                                                                     -> Retention of customers
Participating in All Design Segments                                 Electronic
                                                                    Components                                                                      Makers &
from Simple, low cost products to
Complex Enterprise systems
                                                     $100M                                 $200M                                                                            $500M
                                                       Revenue                               Revenue                                                                           Revenue

                                                       35,000                                50,000                                                                          100,000
                                                     Subscribers                           Subscribers                                                                      Subscribers

           2012 - 2014                 2015 – 2017                       2018 - 2020                                                 2021 - 2025                                             16
                                                                                                         *   Altium’s ECAD solution is built into Dassault Systemes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform
Domination Mindset

                     Controlling the narrative                                                                 All geographies covered –
                 for PCB centric electronic                                                                    all users engaged – all
                                                     01                                                  02
                 systems design process –                                                                      customers heard
                 What are the right steps?

                                                                                                                        Scaling sales by adding man-
         Altium has captured thought                                                                                    out-of-the-loop processes to
             leadership in the design       03                                                                04        focus on retention and
          space and needs to keep it                                                                                    product adoption

                            The product beat                                                                       Collaborate with the leader

                           continues and the                                                                       in the complex systems
                                                     05                                                  06
                     competitor gap is closed                                                                      development area –
                                                                                                                   Dassault Systemes.

                                                               $100M                       $200M                                                       $500M
                                                                 Revenue                     Revenue                                                     Revenue

                                                                 35,000                      50,000                                                    100,000
                                                               Subscribers                 Subscribers                                                 Subscribers

       2012 - 2014                               2015 – 2017                 2018 - 2020                                   2021 - 2025                               17
Altium 365 – Industry Challenges
and Transformative Opportunities
Electronic Industry is Ready for Disruption
Leigh Gawne – Chief Software Architect
The Humble Field Effect Transistor

                                                1E+10                                                                                                        1E+24
Unit cost, billionths of a dollar (Log Scale)


                                                                                                                                                                     Total transistor count (Log Scale)
                                                1E+08                                                                                                        1E+21
                                                1E+07                                                                                                        1E+19
                                                1E+05                                                                                                        1E+16
                                                1E+03                                                                                                        1E+13
                                                1E+02                                                                                                        1E+11
                                                1E+00                                                                                                        1E+08
                                                     1960   1965   1970     1975    1980    1985    1990     1995    2000    2005    2010     2015    2020

                                                Since 1960, there have been over 13 sextillion of these devices produced - that is 13 with 21 zeros on the end.
                                                      It is the most frequently manufactured human artefact in history. Volumes increase exponentially.
                                                      The unit cost has dropped from over dollar to a billionth of a dollar. Costs decrease exponentially.                                                19
The Complex, Connected Digital World

Millions of lines of code

                                                                      0               1         2           3   4       5     6              7    8    9

                                                    Unix v 1.0            0.01                                               Operating System
                                                                                                                                                                                      Control         Apple
                                             Space Shuttle
                                                                                                                 0.4         Machine                                                                 Car Play
  1M                                                                  1          10            20          30   40     50    60         70       80   90

                                                     Bacteria             1.1                                                Organism
                                   Syphillis (Treponema pallidum)                                                                                                    Cloud
                              Hubble Space Telescope                      2                                                                                        Computing
 10M                                                                  1          10            20          30   40     50    60         70       80   90                                                        Google
                                                Boeing 787
                                             total flight software
                                                                                          14                                                                                            Modern                  Maps
                                          F-35 Fighter jet
                                                                                                      24                                                                               Automobile
  25M                                                                 1          10            20          30   40     50    60         70       80   90

                                                Windows 7                                                       40


                                 Large Hadron Collider                                                                  50
                                                       total code

                                                    Facebook                                                                      62
                                         (including backend code)
                                              Car software                                                                                                 100
                                    Average modern high-end car                                                                                                                       Intelligence
                                   Total DNA basepairs in genome


  2B                billion

                                              all internet services

                                                                                                                                                                 Relentless pace of innovation underpinned by
    *Human Genome ≈ 3,300 billion “lines” of code                                                                                                                       the electronics industry at large                20
Constricted Design & Realization

            Entrepreneurs                                                    Consumers
                Dreams               Design & Realization                    Customers
                 Ideas                                                         Users



                            Inherent inflexibility hinders progress in the
                               very world it was designed to support
The Long Road to Production

 The Breadboard
                                      The “Box of Boards”                         Industry is good at
   Prototype                                                The “To-Scale”
                                                              Prototype            supporting this…

               The “No Mods”
              Working Prototype

                                                             The Pre-Production
                                                               Run Prototype
                                                                                    The Production

                                  The Confirmation
        …but not very good
         at supporting this

Siloed, Poorly Connected Value Chain

  Hasn’t modernized. The                              …was to take the analog
internet arrived, but all we                          world and transplant it
      seemed to do…                                   into the digital domain

                         DESIGN                 MANUFACTURE

Altium 365 Connected Value Chain

Digital continuity enabled                       …for true digitisation and
   by Altium 365 is the                          automation in the value
       foundation…                                         chain

                        DESIGN              MANUFACTURE

Inflexible, Inefficient and Expensive

                Low-Mix, High-Volume                         High-Mix, Low-Volume
         (High Volume, Consumer Electronics)         (Prototyping, Small to Medium Volume)

                                      $                   $$$$$
                   $$$$$                                Quotation,           $
                               Supply Chain
                              Management and         Procurement and
               $                 Logistics              Onboarding               $$$$$

        PCB Fabrication                                                      Data Processing,
         and Assembly                                                        Machine Setup
                            $$$$$                                  $        and Configuration

      The big things are cost optimised, expensive   The expensive things take the time, poor
      things amortised over the production cycle            automation and efficiency
Isolated Automation

                          Today - Human labour, expensive, error prone processes that don’t scale







                             Tomorrow – Automation, digitised, repeatable processes that scale

                       Quoting      Data Validation   Procurement       Machine          Article           Status
                                                                      Programming      Inspection         Reporting

Industry Must Advance

         Entrepreneurs                                               Consumers
            Dreams               Design & Realization                Customers
             Ideas                                                     Users


                           Tomorrow requires industry to adapt to
                         remove the barriers and widen the channel
The All-Purpose Engineer

                     Architecture         Scheduling
         Overall architecture, bringing   Project management elements,
      together hardware and software      making sure schedule is kept

                              Costs       Tasks
    Being mindful of costs and working    Juggling all task in efficient way,
                            to budgets    parallel execution expected

                         Software         Creativity
              Embedded software and       Developing innovative, creative
      increasingly application software   solutions to problems

                Communication             Hardware
        Keeping stakeholders updated,     Electronics design including
                   ensuring alignment     schematic and layout
Global Collaboration

               Engineering                                       Project Management
          The all-purpose engineer                               Project management needs
            works flexible hours to                                 to see how things are
                                            Customer                                              Manufacturing
         accommodate the customer                                progressing to keep on top
             and meet deadline          The customer expects        of timing and costs       The manufacturer is being
                                      robust communication and                                asked to deliver faster than
                                         provides continuous                                          ever before
Why Customers
Choose Altium?
Altium’s Unique Product and
Customer Experience
Ted Pawela– Chief Operating Officer
Sergey Kostinsky – Chief Technology Officer
Altium’s Brand Is “B2U” (Business to User)

Competitors                                   Altium

                  Dry, Logic Driven Sales &            ✓   Emotionally Appealing Sales
                    Marketing Approach                            & Marketing

                 Complex Value Proposition             ✓   Simple, User Focused Value
                   Directed to Company                             Proposition

                 Focus on Time, Money, and             ✓    Focus on User Experience
                     Resource Savings                           and Productivity

Focused On Helping End Users

AltiumLive User Conferences

                               OnTrack Podcast Series

                                                        University Team Sponsorships

Focused On Helping End Users

   Designer Resources Hub

                               User Forums   Brand Advertising
                                             Customer Videos

Users Have a Say In Product Development

B2U Philosophy Within The Product Team

Enabling Deeper User Engagement with Altium 365

                   Continuous Engagement Through The Product Experience
                              Enhancing Value of Subscription
The Market Sees That The Future Of PCB Design Is Altium

      Industry Leading Financial Performance        Market Share Leader in PCB Design Software


        EBITDA/ EBITDA Margin

        Revenue growth

Companies Also See Altium As The Future of PCB Design

                                    Based on Open Job Postings On LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster as of 11/29/19   38
Users See Altium As The Future of PCB Design

“Everybody that I’ve worked for – and I’ve worked in the
automotive industry, I’ve worked for Fortune 500 companies,
I’ve worked for startups - everybody has wanted Altium.”
              -Mark Ross, PCB Designer at Progressive Dynamics

 “This is the tool that a lot of people are using, and it’s
 becoming more and more a standard in the industry.”
          -Dugan Karnazes, Founder & CEO at Velocity Research                  39
Altium Designer Has Now Passed The Competition

R&D Focus on User Experience

     Competitor’s “Experience”

                                 Altium Experience

R&D Focus on User Experience

     Competitor’s “Experience”

                                 Altium Experience

A Long History of Innovation In Productivity & User Friendliness

                                                        First integrated 3D PCB design
                                                        First with 3D STEP model

                 First integration of SCH and
                 PCB tools within single
                                                                                                        First with eCAD centric
                                                                                                        cloud platform

One of the first
affordable PCB layout
tools on PC

                                                                                 First unified application with
                                                                                 single data model for PCB
                                                First PCB layout tool
                                                on Microsoft                                                                      43
Keys to Continuous Innovation

                                  Leveraging the Power of AND

      Diverse, Global R&D Organization

                                                                Cloud AND CAD   44
Keys to Continuous Innovation

                           Measure Everything

Innovation Through Partnership

Key Takeaways – Why Customers Choose Altium

     1   Deep User Centricity At The Core Of Altium’s Brand

     2   Altium Is Now The Obvious Choice – For Users, For Companies, For The Market

     3   Altium’s Products Are The Best In The Industry

     4   Altium Has A Proven Ability to “Out-Innovate” The Competition

Financial Strength Powering a
Transformative Journey
Investing for Transformational Growth
Joe Bedewi – Chief Financial Officer
Altium’s Track Record of Strong Financial Performance…

                                                                                                               23%                  $35
                 Revenue                                                                                                $171.8m
                 EBITDA/ EBITDA Margin                                                       26%
                 Revenue growth                                                                                                     $25
                                           13%                     $93.6m
$90M                     15%                                                                                   $62.7m
         12%                                     $80.2m                                                        36.5%                $15
$60M                                                                                         32.0%
                                                                            $33.3m                                                  $10
                                          $22.7m          29.3%                                                                                                                                 ALU Share Price
                        $18.3m            28.3%
$30M     $5.9m          25.9%                                                                                                       $05

        2013            2014          2015                2016              2017         2018                 2019                         2012       2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018    2019        2020

                                                                                               $100M                                       $200M                                                        $500M
                                                                                                   Revenue                                    Revenue                                                     Revenue

                                                                                                  35,000                                      50,000                                                    100,000
                                                                                                Subscribers                                 Subscribers                                                 Subscribers

                 2012 - 2014                                            2015 – 2017                                          2018 - 2020                                   2021 - 2025                                49
Financial Strength is a Hallmark of Altium …

   • A history of setting and over-achieving aggressive long-term financial targets

   • Eight consecutive years of double-digit revenue growth & expanding margin

   • Focused execution with the “ingenuity of and” delivering strong operating leverage

   • Transparency for stakeholders and all-in reporting (no capitalization of R&D expenses)

   • Value creation at every stage from leadership to dominance to industry transformation

                                          $100M                       $200M                       $500M
                                            Revenue                     Revenue                     Revenue

                                            35,000                      50,000                    100,000
                                          Subscribers                 Subscribers                 Subscribers

       2012 - 2014          2015 – 2017                 2018 - 2020                 2021 - 2025                 50
Investing for Transformational Growth

   On-going Investments:

     •   Developing our new cloud platform Altium 365

     •   Building Octopart Parts Data platform to be industry’s single source of truth for all parts data

     •   Scaling and bringing efficiency to transactional sales (Cyberpods, business intelligence,
         analytics & automation)

     •   Introducing in-app engagement for our growing customer base to accelerate adoption

     •   Expanding market reach

   Future Investments:

     •   Driving adoption of Altium 365

     •   Brand advertising for extreme reach
                                                 $100M                       $200M                               $500M
                                                   Revenue                     Revenue                             Revenue

                                                   35,000                      50,000                            100,000
                                                 Subscribers                 Subscribers                         Subscribers

         2012 - 2014               2015 – 2017                 2018 - 2020                         2021 - 2025                 51
Guidance & Outlook…

   •   The proliferation of electronics through the rise of smart connected devices continues to drive growth for
       our business for the foreseeable future
   •   Altium is confident of exceeding its 2020 target of US$200 million revenue and is committed to an
       EBITDA margin floor of 37% (excluding the positive impact of the new leasing standard)
   •   Altium is committed to achieving 100,000 subscribers by 2025 for market dominance & to a revenue
       goal of US$500 million in 2025 and expects to reach the halfway mark of 50,000 as early as 2020
   •   As a long-term commitment, Altium will be adhering to the Rule of 50 (% Revenue growth + EBITDA
       margin % ≥ 50) in every year from FY2021 to FY2025
   •   Altium comments on full year FY20:
        •   Altium’s revenue is historically skewed to the second half, whilst costs are approximately equally
            split between the halves
        •   Due to the global manufacturing downturn and the temporary effects of changes in Google Search
            Algorithm Octopart’s growth in the first half is being impacted
        •   Revenue in the range of US$205 million to US$215 million
        •   EBITDA margin in the range of 37% to 38% (excluding the positive impact of the new leasing

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