TECHMinutes February 2021 - White Mountain IT Services

Page created by Lee Sandoval
TECHMinutes February 2021 - White Mountain IT Services
                                                                                                        February 2021
                                           All services are backed by the White Mountain Satisfaction Guarantee!
This Issue:                             VoIP Is a Solid Tool for Business
VoIP Is a Solid Tool for Business                                      Nothing changes the fortunes of a business more than clear
What Should We Expect the                                              lines of communication and with nearly every organization
Workplace to Look Like After                                           looking to reduce redundancies, a lot of businesses are
COVID-19?                                                              starting to take advantage of Voice over Internet Protocol
                                                                       (VoIP) solutions, using the resources they already have in
How Employees Can Cause a                                              place to avoid paying twice over.
Threat, and How to Avoid Them
Backup Is a Critical IT Function                                       With today’s ISPs delivering faster and faster speeds to busi-
                                                                       nesses, much of the bandwidth a business uses is lost. By
A Solid Disaster Recovery Strategy
                                                                       choosing to utilize a cloud-hosted VoIP solution, your compa-
Can Save Your Business
                                        ny gets more for less. Your organization is paying for access to massive amounts of band-
Are Your Employees’ Smartwatches        width anyway, why not use that bandwidth to slash your communications costs? Let’s take a
Security Risks?                         look at the various types of VoIP that are available and why the switch may be just the thing
                                        your organization needs.
How Employees Can Cause a
Threat, and How to Avoid Them           What is VoIP?
               What would you           Voice over Internet Protocol is just that. The ability to make calls, and have a feature-rich
               consider to be the       platform that provides all the services that your traditional phone system offers, for a frac-
               biggest threat to        tion of the cost per user. If this seems too good to be true, consider that the VoIP market is
               your business and                                                                                     (Continued on page 3)
               its continued oper-
ations? Cybercrime? A natural           What Should We Expect the Workplace to Look Like After
disaster? What if I told you that it
was the team members that you
have employed—whether they                                            With numerous vaccines now being deployed, it finally seems
meant to be or not? This is the                                       that there is an end to the COVID-19 pandemic at some point
hard truth that you need to pre-                                      in the future. While we still have some ways to go, it would be
pare your business to resist.                                         helpful to look ahead and plan for how we can implement
                                                                      some of the lessons this period has taught us—especially in
The Threats Your Employees Can                                        the workplace.
When it comes to exposing your                                         Our Status
business to threats, there are...                                      With over 25 million doses of vaccine administered around the
                                                                       world (as of this writing), it seems to be an appropriate time to
            Read the Rest Online!       look ahead to what the average work environment will likely look like once the virus has lost
        its teeth and we can safely return to some semblance of normalcy.

                                        It would be dishonest to say that work and employment remained unaffected by the pan-
About White Mountain                    demic, especially considering how many industries had to shut down or greatly restrict their
                                        operations to help preserve the health of the public. Of course, other industries simultane-
We are a technology consulting          ously became more important than they ever were before, their workers being given the
firm specializing in technology         title “essential.” These shifts ultimately resulted in a dip in the employment rate that, as
implementation and management           compared to the economic recessions we’ve had in the past, was three times as severe.
for businesses. We're known for
providing big-business, Enterprise-     Today’s technology has since enabled quite a few of these jobs to be replaced by automated
Level IT services to small and medium   alternatives or picked back up via remote solutions. These remote capabilities and their on-
-sized businesses.                      going improvements are responsible for sustaining many businesses, as well as encouraging
                                        people to apply to start their own, online businesses for themselves.
Visit us online at:                                                                                                         (Continued on page 2)
TECHMinutes February 2021 - White Mountain IT Services
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay                     Page 2

Backup Is a Critical IT Function
                         Businesses gen-           weather event. Some deal with hurri-           site backup copy of your data, while
                         erate and collect         canes, some deal with high winds and           keeping another copy offsite for redun-
                         a huge amount             tornadoes, others with earthquakes and         dant protections and simplified migra-
                         of data and some          floods… you get the picture. Unfortu-          tions. This keeps you safe from a variety
                         of it is practically      nately, whichever one impacts your busi-       of threats, including ransomware and
                         useless. Other            ness, there isn’t very much you can do at      many other forms of malware.
                         files, however,           the moment, which is why it is important
                         are critical to           to prepare now, so you can reopen again        User Error
your business and operations. The im-              after the fact. Many don’t prepare, and        The BDR is supremely useful in that it
portant files require redundancy. This is          therefore, don’t reopen.                       gives you an on-demand resource to pull
why it is important to back up your data.                                                         your data from, on demand, as it is
                                                   Acting proactively and maintaining a           needed. This is particularly handy if a
Data loss is a negative situation, regard-         backup allows you to more quickly              team is collaborating on a project, and
less of the importance of the files. This is       bounce back after a disaster has struck,       somebody accidentally deletes some-
precisely why White Mountain IT Ser-               allowing your business a second chance.        thing absolutely critical to the project.
vices offers comprehensive data backup                                                            With a backup, your progress won’t be
and disaster recovery solutions.                   Data Corruption or Theft                       lost to bad luck.
                                                   Cybersecurity is a huge topic today, as
Backing up your data allows you to side-           there are many, many threats out there         A BDR allows you to breathe a little easi-
step the potential catastrophes that               designed to target businesses. Take ran-       er about your files and their security. To
would come with the loss of your most              somware, for example: all it takes for you     find out about adopting one for your
critical information. Here, we’ll review a         to lose access to your files is for an em-     business, reach out to White Mountain
few situations that could put this data at         ployee to click on the wrong thing. Not        IT Services today. Call 603-889-0800 to
risk to demonstrate how crucial having a           good.                                          get started.
backup really is.
                                                   Using a BDR (in conjunction with a com-                    Share this Article!
Actual Disaster Event                              prehensive business continuity plan) to          
Just about every business on Earth could           keep your files safely backed up enables
potentially be impacted by some kind of            you to quickly restore data from an on-

What Should We Expect the Workplace to Look Like After COVID-19?
(Continued from page 1)                               maintain their operations enough to         With remote functionality a clear and
Of course, most people hope that things               support themselves.                         essential need for today’s businesses, it
will at some point return to what was              2. Increased demand for remote tools           would be irresponsible to carry on as
once known as normal. It must be said,                and technologies has led to more be-        though the past year had never hap-
though, that to simply drop all the ad-               ing developed.                              pened. White Mountain IT Services can
vancements that businesses have since              3. More businesses will likely see remote      help you avoid that by assisting you in
adopted to survive isn’t a good outcome,              work as a viable component of their         adopting the right technologies and in-
either. Considering this, we can make a               business strategies and cost optimiza-      corporating them into your processes.
few predictions as to how normal busi-                tion.                                       Find out how else we can assist you by
ness operations may undergo a funda-                                                              calling 603-889-0800.
mental change with many.                           It must be said, however, that all this will
                                                   require some commitment to the
What Will Become of Remote Work?                   technology, both in terms of practically
Putting it simply, we fully expect a great-        implementing it and in inspiring a work-
er utilization of remote work and                  force to take advantage of it.
operations, with the proportion of com-            Adapting your workplace culture and
panies that put it to use rising. We see           processes to incorporate these new ca-
this as likely for a few reasons:                  pabilities will help with training your
                                                   team to utilize them more securely and                     Share this Article!
1. Those businesses that elected not to            more consistently. As a result, your busi-       
   take advantage of remote capabilities           ness’ success becomes more likely.
   will have largely closed, unable to
TECHMinutes February 2021 - White Mountain IT Services
Page 3

VoIP Is a Solid Tool for Business
(Continued from page 1)                       Benefits of Hosted VoIP                        features like Voicemail-to-email tran-
growing rapidly (over 15 percent per          We’ve already outlined the cost reduc-         scription, interactive voice recogni-
year). It works through your organiza-        tion that’s possible with VoIP, but there      tion, and integrated chat.
tion’s Internet connection rather than        are some other benefits as well. They        • Scalability: When you onboard new
through dedicated phone lines. So, in-        include:                                       users and need to add a line to your
stead of having to pay for a separate                                                        business, it’s as simple as a couple of
system or add expensive hardware, VoIP        • Easier to Manage: Switching to VoIP          clicks.
provides an organization the immediate          eliminates your relationship with the
cost reduction without a discernible shift      phone company. More than that
in functionality.                               though, VoIP doesn’t need special
                                                hardware, it can use the same wiring
Hosted VoIP technology can be hosted            and switches as your LAN.
either onsite or in the cloud, but since      • Unified Communications: Installing a
you won’t have to pay for and maintain          VoIP platform likely means that you
hardware with the cloud-based                   are able to unify your organization’s
platform, the cloud-hosted version will         communications platform, giving your       VoIP makes a lot of sense for the grow-
save you money. It is still a completely        staff the option to communicate mul-       ing business and the established enter-
managed and maintained PBX server,              tiple ways at the click of a button.       prise, alike. If you would like more infor-
but instead of having the system in your      • Functionality: A VoIP platform can         mation, contact our professional con-
office, your organization can access it         integrate with all types of business-      sultants today at 603-889-0800.
through web-based applications typically        management software to provide
available on both desktops and mobile           easy access to the communication                       Share this Article!
devices.                                        capabilities that often make business        
                                                run better. VoIP also has innovative

A Solid Disaster Recovery Strategy Can Save Your Business
                          Not all business-   • Natural disaster - Flood, hurricane,       The Importance of DR
                          es will look at       tornado, wildfire, electrical storm,       The first thing you need to know about
                          disaster recovery     worldwide pandemic; the list goes on       your disaster recovery policy, is that it
                          the same way,         and on.                                    has to be created with the notion that
                          but if you want     • Human error - Accidental, negligent,       it’s a matter of when, not if, you will
                          your business to      or deliberate situation an employee        need to use it. The statistics reinforce
                          have the kind of      puts the business in which causes a        this idea. Three-out-of-five businesses
                          continuity that       disaster-like result.                      that experience a prolonged system out-
will allow it to get through tough situa-     • Cyberattack - Data breaches can be         age will be out of business within two
tions, doing your best to formally create       some of the worst, especially when         years of the event. So, even if you are
a disaster recovery policy will put you in      people’s sensitive information is in-      able to get back up and running again,
the position to weather any storm you           volved.                                    the lost revenue may eventually catch
encounter.                                    • Failing Hardware - If the right compo-     up and ruin your business.
                                                nent goes out at the right time it can
A Brief Explanation of Disaster Recovery        have devastating effects on your busi-     With that knowledge, the first sugges-
Every business has some type of busi-           ness.                                      tion we’d make is to stay calm. A busi-
ness continuity plan, and if they don’t,                                                   ness owner—who has toiled and taken
they should. It outlines the actions that     No matter what problems your business        his/her business from a one or two-man
need to be taken to ensure that your          has to deal with, getting your resources     operation to an organization that people
business isn’t mortally affected by nega-     back up and running as fast as possible      and their families depend on—needs to
tive situations. Within this plan is disas-   should be one of the core priorities of      make calculated decisions to get their
ter recovery, which is a specific plan to     any negative situation. The reality of the   business back up and running properly...
get your operations up and running after      situation is that every minute your busi-
a “disaster”. Here are a few examples of      ness breaks continuity is a massive prob-                Read the Rest Online!
disasters that could affect your business’    lem, and can lead to some very unpleas-        
continuity:                                   ant results.
TECHMinutes February 2021 - White Mountain IT Services
Page 4
                                                                                                           Stuck in a relationship
                                                                                                           with a service provider
                                                                                                           that just isn't working
Are Your Employees’ Smartwatches Security Risks?                                                           for you? We are
                       The smart-   computing infrastructure if           shouldn’t jailbreak your         experts at providing
                       watch is     they aren’t kept updated.             phone either, but especially     discreet and
                       one of the                                         don’t use a smartwatch with      confidential advice on
                                                                                                           how to protect your
                       most pop-    Many of the noted security            a jailbroken phone.              business and avoid
                       ular gifts   shortcoming of these devices        • Don’t connect devices di-        problems and
                       given to     may not mean anything for             rectly to your watch - Avoid     disruptions when
                       technolo-    your business, but should be a        hooking up things directly to    replacing your IT
gy lovers; and, they have quite     consideration. It’s a best prac-      the watch. If your plan was      support provider.
a bit of utility. They can help     tice to create, implement, and        to use your watch as a cool
improve communication,              enforce a BYOD policy that                                             If you feel that you are
                                                                          controller for all of your
                                                                                                           caught in a never
health, and of course give          extends to smartwatches and           smart devices, you should        ending cycle of
them a sleek accessory. One         other wearable technology             immediately reconsider.          problems and
problem that people don’t           and IoT devices. Here are a           Since there are built-in vul-    frustrations give us a
often consider is how their         few tips that you can pass onto       nerabilities for many watch-     call for a private
employer has to handle the          your employees to avoid prob-         es, it’s important to choose     consultation and let us
influx of smartwatches and          lems with vulnerabilities             options that prioritize secu-    help you make things
other IoT devices that are          brought onto your network                                              right.
brought to work after the holi-     through wearable technology:        • Keep your smartwatch OS
days. Today, we’ll briefly dis-                                           and other apps updated -
cuss how Internet of Things         • Users shouldn’t use unoffi-         Software vulnerabilities can
devices could be security risks       cial apps - Users need to           cause major problems re-
and what a business should do         avoid “jailbreaking” a device       gardless of what platform
about it.                             to give them access to appli-       they come on. Smart devic-
                                      cations that they wouldn’t          es like smartwatches are no      In a typical month,
                                                                                                           White Mountain....
Personal Data Needs to Be             typically have. Jailbreaking        different. Keep their OS up
Protected                             is essentially installing a non     to date for the best security.   • Blocks 1.5 million
The first thing we are going to       -authorized version of an                                              SPAM messages
touch on really doesn’t have to       application or operating          Build an IoT Security Strategy
do with businesses, it has to         system on a device. It voids      With the popularity of smart       • Backs up 160
do with smartwatch users. The         the warranty and can exac-        devices, there is probably a         Terabytes of client
smartwatch is a cool gadget           erbate the questionable           pretty good chance that you          data
and can do a lot of really neat       security surrounding smart        have plenty of them already at
things as long as you remem-          devices. If the Google Play       your place of business. In or-     • Stops 14,000 Viruses
ber to charge it. Unfortunately,      Store and the Apple App           der to get the control you
there is some risk involved in        Store can’t always catch          need, you will likely need a       • Performs 46 million
allowing these devices access                                                                                network checks
                                      malicious apps, importing         BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
to your business’ network.            apps from an unsupported          strategy that also considers       • Stops over 80,000
Some models don’t have com-           platform is a risky proposi-      the IoT endpoints that are...        attacks from China
pletely fleshed out operating         tion.
systems and could provide           • Don’t jailbreak your phone                    Read the Rest Online!
hackers an avenue of access to        - This should be common             
the rest of your business’            knowledge, but you really

White Mountain
33 Main Street
Suite 302
Nashua, NH 03064
Voice: 603-889-0800

Visit us online at:
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