Tears for Coligny "sunflower" teen - FREE COPY - North West Provincial Government

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Tears for Coligny "sunflower" teen - FREE COPY - North West Provincial Government

                                                                                                                  JUNE 8 2018

THE OFFICIAL BOKONE BOPHIRIMA GOVERNMENT NEWSPAPER   www.semphetenews.co.za          @semphetenews   Semphete Bokone Bophirima

Tears for Coligny “sunflower” teen

                           MPLs happy
                                                                   PPC e tsenya                              All the
                           with Health
                                                                   seatla go                                 SAMA24
                                                                   tshegetsa thuto                           glam

                           Page 6                                  Page 7                                    Page 8 and 9

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2                        June 8 2018

        @semphetenews                           Semphete Bokone Bophirima                       www.semphetenews.co.za

Witness in Coligny “sunflower”
trial breaks down in court

The state’s key witness Bonakele Pakisi couldn’t hold tears back when
                                                                                                The two murder accused Phillip Schutte and Pieter Doorewaard are
he told the court what he saw on the day teenager Matlhomola
                                                                                                standing trial at the North West High court in Mahikeng
Moshoweu was killed
                                                                                                Photo by Mpho Bilwane
Photo by Mpho Bilwane

Nthusang Lefafa                                    in his possession. There was a child in      me inside the water. The third man then       to rest. When I woke up, I went to the
                                                   the bakkie with Accused 2 (Schutte) and      instructed Doorewaard not to shoot be-        police station. The female officer did not

                                                   another man who is not appearing before      cause people would hear the gunshots.         want to take my case as she said I was
           key witness in the Coligny              the court. Schutte then came towards me      We went out of the water and Schutte          drunk. On Saturday morning at about
           “sunflower” murder trial broke          and repeatedly asked what I had seen.        forced me to drink a beer at gun point,”      3:50am, the suspects visited me at my
           into tears while testifying at the      I told them that I did not see anything,”    the witness said.                             home. Doorewaard was in possession of
           North West High Court in Ma-            Pakisi told the court.                         The suspects then proceeded with Paki-      a firearm. They asked me who I had told
hikeng this week.                                    The witness said he was pointed with       si on a gravel road in the Putfontein area.   about the events which had transpired
  Bonakele Pakisi (28) gave a detailed ac-         a firearm by Doorewaard and forced to        He was forced to jump off the bakkie near     and I said nobody.
count of the events that led to the death          climb on a quad bike. He was taken to the    some gum trees. The suspects forced             “The suspects said we should meet be-
of 16-year-old Matlhomola Moshoeu on               bakkie and forced to climb in the back.      him to run while both of them were firing     hind FNB in Coligny on Sunday. Because
20 April last year.                                This is when he found Moshoeu lying on       shots behind him.                             I was scared I then went to the police sta-
  Employees of Rietvlei Farm in Coligny,           his stomach.                                   “I vomited because of the excessive         tion where I met the same female officer.
Peter Doorewaard and Phillip Schutte,                “Moshoue was lying on his stomach and      alcohol intake. When I told the suspects      She sent me to Warrant Officer (W/O)
are currently on trial for the murder of           he was bleeding through his mouth, nose      that I am dizzy as a result of the vomiting   Sponkane who took a statement,” said
Moshoeu, who was allegedly killed after            and ears. I was instructed by the accused    they instructed me to eat my vomit,” he       Pakisi.
he was caught stealing sunflower pits on           to lie on his feet and not to move. I was    said.                                           The witness said at the police station he
their employer’s farm.                             taken to another area where I was again        Pakisi explained that the suspects then     was taken to Warrant Officer Sponkane’s
  Judge Ronnie Hendricks had to post-              asked what I had seen and I told them        told him to climb onto the bakkie and         office where he was instructed to sign a
pone the proceedings for a few minutes             that I saw nothing. This is where both the   they stopped near a sheep farm. He            blank police document next to a state-
so that the witness could calm down and            accused assaulted me with their fists and    was instructed to clean Moshoeu’s blood       ment he had not read. They then went to
compose himself.                                   I was also slapped”.                         from the bakkie with a jersey and check       the scene of Moshoeu’s death and there
  During his testimony, Pakisi said he was           Pakisi explained that he was taken to a    whether he is alive.                          was still blood that was visible.
coming from town on his way to visit a             remote area by the two accused where           Pakisi said he was instructed to get off      “Warrant Officer Sponkane said he will
Constable Molete at Scotland Informal              he was forced to drink a bottle of rum. He   the bakkie and face down. At this point       contact me on Monday after forensics
Settlement. He then heard gunshots                 was then forced to jump a fence and get      one of the accused hit him with some-         had visited the scene. When I checked
while he was on his way.                           into a dam where the water reached up        thing on the neck and he passed out.          with him on Monday, he said he forgot to
  “I saw Accused 1 (Peter Doorewaard)              to his knees.                                  “I woke up in the afternoon and did not     call and the evidence had disappeared.”
running towards a bakkie with a firearm              “I pleaded with Doorewaard not to kill     know where I was. I went straight home          The trial continues.

                                   would like to hear from you. Send us your views on the stories we have covered or make a
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                                          editor@semphetenews.co.za                   www.semphetenews.co.za                 @semphetenews             Semphete Bokone Bophirima
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June 8 2018              3

                                                                      @semphetenews                   Semphete Bokone Bophirima                     www.semphetenews.co.za

Security officer chasing the teaching dream
Kagiso Metswamere                                                                                                                       Primary School during the day and work-
                                                                                                                                        ing night shifts as a security officer.
                                                                                                                                          “It is not easy doing this because I rest

           ecurity Officer, Caroline Tshilo’s                                                                                           less, but it is worth it as I know that God
           dissatisfaction with just secur-                                                                                             will one day help me to get a permanent
           ing a job has seen her taking                                                                                                job so that I can be able to take care of
           a drastic action to better devel-                                                                                            my family,” she said.
op herself and improve her life. She’s a                                                                                                  She said with the little money she
teacher by day and a security guard while                                                                                               makes as a security officer, she still takes
fellow trainee teachers are enjoying a                                                                                                  care of her family, including a sister who
rest.                                                                                                                                   is at college in Gauteng.
  The 33-year-old resident of Setlagole                                                                                                   “I am a bread winner at home and im-
village, about 70 kilometres from Ma-                                                                                                   agine with a little salary of less than
hikeng in the Ratlou Local Municipality,                                                                                                R4000 from work I do pay for my educa-
told Semphete this week that her poor-                                                                                                  tions fees, take care of my family and my
er background would not discourage her                                                                                                  sister who is schooling in Gauteng now,”
from becoming a professional teacher as                                                                                                 she explained.
she will soon be completing studies to-                                                                                                   Tshilo said her motivation comes from
wards her Bachelor of Arts in Education                                                                                                 the understanding that God always helps
degree through University of South Afri-                                                                                                people who work hard to fulfil their own
ca (UNISA).                                                                                                                             destinies, no matter how difficult things
  Tshilo is passionate about education                                                                                                  can be in life.
and helping people, particularly the youth                                                                                                “I could have been like many other
in her community.                                                                                                                       young people in my community who are
  She could not fulfil her dream of study-      Security officer Caroline Tshilo is on his way to achieving her dream of                unemployed and doing nothing, but I re-
ing immediately after passing Grade 12          becoming a teacher                                                                      fused and decided to do something about
because her unemployed parents could                                                                                                    my life, hence all the efforts you see me
not afford to finance her tertiary educa-       her community.                              attempt to achieve her plans while at the   taking to enhance my skills.
tion fees.                                        She also completed a certificate with     same time taking care of her family of        “I do have faith and believe that after all
  Instead of complaining and giving up          UNISA in ABET education in 2015.            nine that includes her parents.             the hard work and the compromises I put
on her dreams, she did short computer             Sharing her journey and future plans       “I am currently working on completing      towards my studies and my life, one day
courses, trained as a security guard in         with Semphete, Tshilo said she has gone     my BA in Education, which I started in      things will work out better for me,” she
Mahikeng and looked for employment in           through some rough patches in life, in an   2016, doing practical work at Thutlwana     said.
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4                       June 8 2018

       @semphetenews                          Semphete Bokone Bophirima                        www.semphetenews.co.za

State’s massive programme to intensify liquor
                                                                                                                                            children in their area.
                                                                                                                                              The initiative is aimed at reducing so-
                                                                                                                                            cio-economic factors related to alcohol
                                                                                                                                            abuse as well as expressing govern-
                                                                                                                                            ment’s unwavering support to vulnerable
                                                                                                                                              The week-long programme was con-
                                                                                                                                            cluded with a compliance inspection
                                                                                                                                            where a total of 29 liquor outlets were
                                                                                                                                            visited. Approximately 10 outlets were
                                                                                                                                            found to be in contravention of the Liq-
                                                                                                                                            uor Act (Act 29, of 1989) with offenses
                                                                                                                                            ranging from managing liquor outlet with-
                                                                                                                                            out proper documentation, selling liquor
                                                                                                                                            beyond trading hours and several bottle
                                                                                                                                            stores were selling liquor on Sundays.
                                                                                                                                            One tavern and two bottle stores were
 Inspectors from the Department of Economy and Enterprise Development, accompanied by members of the                                        closed down for selling takeaways and
 SAPS, inspecting one of the liquor outlets in Khuma Township                                                                               operating on Sundays.
                                                                                                                                              “We have observed continuous trans-
                                                                                                                                            gression of regulations where liquor trad-
Keorapetse Mosipidi                                                                                                                         ers were found operating two outlets in
                                                 ships and small dorpies.                      lation Chief Director, Onnica Sithole.

                                                                                                                                            different areas using the same license.
                                                   “We are concerned about the rate in           The department, in partnership with
           outh Africa is rated the high-                                                                                                   We strongly condemn this kind of a thing
                                                 which our young people are abusing al-        the South African Police Service (SAPS)      and will take tough actions against those
           est in terms of alcohol abuse
                                                 cohol, hence we have developed a joint        and local liquor traders recently brought    affected. A report has been prepared for
           according to the World Health
           Organization (WHO), especially        liquor programme with relevant stake-         hope and smile to vulnerable families        affected parties to appear before the Pro-
among the youth. It states the main rea-         holders to create awareness of harmful        through one of their social responsibility   vincial Liquor Board before a final deci-
sons for this being peer pressure, bore-         effects of alcohol abuse through social       programme in Khuma in Matlosana Local        sion on action to be taken,” said Sithole.
dom and ignorance of alcohol harms.              responsibility programme, roadshows,          Municipality.                                  Liquor traders were urged to follow
  In trying to minimize the impact, Bokone       educational school lectures and compli-         Donations that include chairs, children    procedures as outlined in the Liquor Act
Bophirima’s Department of Economy                ance inspections.                             safety kids, groceries and toiletries were   if they intend to make changes in their
and Enterprise Development is reaching             “We hope through these kind of inter-       given to Siyakha Isizwe Multipurpose         lisences to avoid penalties. The depart-
out to the citizens of the province, creat-      ventions we will be able to minimize al-      Centre, a non-profit organization found-     ment is expected to continue with the
ing awareness and enforcing liquor laws          cohol consumption and change people’s         ed by Bright Mndaka in 2009, with the        programme in all the four districts of the
with the main focus on villages, town-           drinking behavior,” said Business Regu-       primary purpose of assisting vulnerable      province.

Legislature demands answers on Sarafina Stadium millions
Namhla Luhabe and                                meeting that questions ought to be asked      lion. There has always been a confusion      the municipality has got a high wage bill,
Obakeng Maje                                     about the incomplete Sarafina Stadium         among some members of the commu-             faced reduction of Municipal Infrastruc-
                                                 project.                                      nity regarding the naming of the project     ture Grant (MIG) due to under spending

                                                   Members of the Portfolio Committee          ‘The upgrading of Sarafina Stadium’          on projects, limited service delivery vehi-
          he North West Provincial Leg-          had paid an oversight visit to the stadium    which should have been ‘The upgrading        cles and machinery, slow rollout of elec-
          islature’s Portfolio Committee         two days before the meeting with the mu-      of Sarafina Sports Facilities’,” explained   tricity smart meters in Ventersdorp due to
          on Local Government and Hu-            nicipal leadership.                           Zungu.                                       community resistance and lack of com-
          man Settlements instructed the           The municipality’s Technical Director,        Committee Chairperson, Motlalepula         mitment from staff members after the
JB Marks Local Municipality’s Municipal          Benji Zungu, said the multi-year tender       Rosho, said the committee discovered         merger of Ventersdorp and Tlokwe local
Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) to              was for the upgrading of Sarafina Sta-        that the project was far from being com-     municipalities.
conduct an investigation into the con-           dium, which included the construction         plete and facilities mentioned on the mu-      Mayor Khumalo said most of the senior
struction project of the Sarafina Stadium        of a guard house, gym, courts (tennis,        nicipal report were not available except     management positions - including that of
in Ikageng near Potchefstroom.                   basketball, netball and volleyball), an ab-   for just one toilet.                         a municipal manager - were vacant.
  A construction project for this stadi-         lution block, a pedestrian lane, swimming       “The sports facility is completely van-      “After the merger, our organogram
um was approved for R45,5 million and            pool, caretaker accommodation and irri-       dalized and there is no value for money,     showed double positions and the situa-
R30,2 million of that has already been           gation system.                                hence we want MPAC to urgently conduct       tion affected staff morale. There were de-
paid to service providers, but the stadium         “In the 2016/17 financial year and after    an investigation into this project. Monies   lays on certain projects such as Ikageng
remains incomplete.                              several engagements with the initial ser-     were paid to service providers for shod-     Extension 11 water reticulation and oth-
  The Legislature committee held an              vice provider, Dolly Construction/Kemi-       dy work, especially Dolly Construction.      er roads and storm water projects,” said
oversight meeting with the municipality          setso (J/V), the contract was terminated      The investigation must reveal the exact      Khumalo.
on governance, service delivery, financial       following a slow progress and non-per-        amount paid for the project and wheth-         He said the municipality faced litigation
management, institutional capacity, bulk         formance, and the companies were paid         er there is value for money. We need         worth over R150 million and some were
infrastructure, corruption and successes         R9,9m.                                        to know which procurement processes          from the former Ventersdorp Local Mu-
and challenges.                                    “Khoisan Roads CC was appointed to          were followed when appointing these          nicipality where certain service providers
  JB Marks Local Municipality Mayor,             finish the project and was completed in       service providers,” said Rosho.              claimed to have entered into long-term
Kgotso Khumalo, admitted during the              September 2017 and paid R17,2 mil-              The committee also discovered that         contracts with the former municipality.
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June 8 2018            5

                                                                      @semphetenews                    Semphete Bokone Bophirima                    www.semphetenews.co.za

SASSA pay points remain open
to the public
Nthusang Lefafa

           ocial grant recipients can still
           visit any South African Social
           Security Agency (SASSA) pay
           point to collect their monthly so-
cial assistance.
  A fake SMS urging grant recipients to
re-register their social grants because
all pay points would be closed by August
2018 has been doing the rounds recently
and the Department of Social Develop-
ment has reacted harshly against that.
  Social Development Minister, Susan
Shabangu, has assured grant beneficiar-
ies that no pay point in the country will be
closed without the department ensuring
that an alternative has been offered.
  While addressing the media in Tshwane
on Monday, the minister said the depart-
ment has not started closing any pay
  “If that happens, it will be done in con-
sultation with the various stakeholders,”
Shabangu said.
  The fake SMS reads as follows: “All
Sassa recipients please you have to
re-register yourself for Sassa payments.         Social Development Minister Susan Shabangu has dismissed as fake an SMS that claims SASSA pay points
From 1st of June. There is will be no pay-       would be closed down
points anymore. Each 1 has to apply by
post office or a bank of your choice. So
please collect application forms by of-
fice from the 1st of June to take to bank
or post office your choice. If you do not
                                                       “We have a policy that states that our beneficiaries must
re-register you will not get paid in August
or thereafter. Please share with all state           have access to their pay points within a five-kilometre radius
pensioners. Thank you”.
  It is estimated that about 30% of the               so it would be impossible to close any pay points without
South African population receives social
grants. The misleading SMS confused                   recognising that as a critical point”. – Social Development
pensioners, mostly in rural areas. This
led to Minister Shabangu meeting with
the National House of Traditional Lead-
                                                                      Minister Susan Shabangu
ers on developments surrounding the
payment of social grants.
  She explained: “We have a policy              ership and therefore there needs to be a     experience as the entity transitions from   ma, Fannie Sethokga, told Semphete
that states that our beneficiaries must         seamless flow of information on how the      Cash Paymaster Services (CPS) to the        that the number of people collecting their
have access to their pay points within a        grants are administered and the partner-     Post Office.                                social grants at pay points is gradually
five-kilometre radius so it would be im-        ships that need to develop,” said Mkhize.      “This month, we will be going out, mak-   declining.
possible to close any pay points without          Meanwhile, a new South African Post        ing sure that we meet the Constitutional
                                                                                                                                           “We have noticed that more people are
recognising that as a critical point. Ben-      Office (SAPO) card has been introduced       Court requirements and that there is no
eficiaries must be able to access their         to work alongside a SASSA card and will      confusion amongst our people. We are        collecting their money through electron-
money very close to their place of resi-        eventually replace it and be used for pay-   working with traditional leaders to make    ic means such as ATMs and at various
dence”.                                         ment and withdrawal of social grants. It     sure that where there is confusion, they    stores. Some people are not necessarily
  Minister of Cooperative Governance            has already been used for this purpose       work with us to clarify matters,” Shaban-   coming to pay points to collect their mon-
and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Dr Zwe-        since last month (May 2018).                 gu said.                                    ey, but to socialise or purchase some ne-
li Mkhize, said it is important to engage         The SAPO card was distributed nation-        It is expected that SASSA, in collabo-    cessities such as food stuffs,” Sethokga
traditional leaders on grant payments so        wide from 17 April to all beneficiaries of   ration with SAPO, will distribute the new   said.
that those who live in rural areas are able     social grants receiving cash payments at     cards to an estimated nine million ben-
                                                                                                                                           He explained that SASSA could pro-
to access this important information.           pay points and merchants (e.g. Shoprite,     eficiaries. Approximately 2.5 million of
  “In some provinces, such as the East-         Boxer Supermarket, etc.)                     these beneficiaries receive their social    cess up to 1000 payments per day at one
ern Cape and Limpopo, it’s about 42%.             SASSA will also visit provinces, local     grants at pay points around the country.    specific pay point. This is done to avoid
The challenge is that the bulk of those         municipalities and districts to discuss        Provincial Acting Regional Executive      congestion and tragedies such as stam-
are in rural areas under traditional lead-      any challenges that beneficiaries might      Manager at SASSA in Bokone Bophiri-         pedes, which can lead to loss of life.
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6                      June 8 2018

       @semphetenews                         Semphete Bokone Bophirima                         www.semphetenews.co.za

Lawmakers welcome health department
turnaround strategy
Namhla Luhabe and                                 “We will also develop a strategy for pro-    lise the labour environment, restore sus-
Nthusang Lefafa                                 active maintenance of hospital equip-          tainable service delivery, ensure safety of
                                                ment and improve pharmaceutical servic-        staff and improve financial management.

                                                es to ensure direct delivery of medicine         Administrator Hunter said some of the
           he Provincial Legislature’s          to healthcare centres,” said Hunter.           current challenges in the department
           Portfolio Committee on Health          The intervention team also aims to           include high accruals in operation budg-
           and Social Development has           establish a stable labour environment,         eting running out as early as September
           welcomed a turnaround strat-         implement an improved organisational           2017, discontinuation of certain health-
egy aimed at addressing challenges              structure for service delivery and investi-    care services due to lack of budget, staff
at Bokone Bophirima’s Department of             gate all the contracts in order to address     shortages including high vacancy rate
Health.                                         irregularities.                                in critical clinical, management and op-
  The strategy and status report on Sec-          “The team will develop and implement         erational posts in hospitals and clinics
tion 100 (1)(b) intervention were present-      an accrual management strategy, debt           and poor building maintenance in public
ed by the Administrator of Health in the        management strategy and complete               healthcare facilities.                          Chairperson of the North West
province, Jeannette Hunter. The Health          costing of public healthcare and hospital        “In the Finance Directorate, there is poor    Provincial Legislature’s Portfolio
department was put under full adminis-          package of service,” said Hunter.              financial controls and non-payment of           Committee on Health and Social
tration following Cabinet’s approval after        Chairperson of the Portfolio Commit-         suppliers and frequent violation of supply      Development, Madoda Sambatha
strike action led by the National Health        tee on Health and Social Development,          chain regulations. There is non-payment
and Allied Workers Union (NEHAWU)               Madoda Sambatha, welcomed the turna-           of performance incentives for staff and
brought healthcare services in the prov-        round strategy and said it was important       the departmental organisational struc-         said only 39 percent of public healthcare
ince to a standstill.                           to relook some outsourced services.            ture is not in line with the service deliv-    facilities in the province were fully func-
  Invoking Section 100 (1)(b) means that          “It is important that the department         ery package resulting in unaccountable         tional in terms of the Ideal Clinic Frame-
the department now reports directly to          moves away from privatization of es-           organisation,” said Hunter.                    work and there was poor management of
the Minister of Health through the Admin-       sential services because this nearly col-        Regarding facility based services, she       patient records in facilities.
istrator for a period of 18 months, pend-       lapsed the entire department. We urge
ing approval of extension of the time           the administrator to ‘de-tenderise’ the
frame by the National Council of Provinc-       department because not only did these
es (NCOP).                                      contracts compromise the functions of
  An inter-ministerial task team led by Dr      the department’s head office, but affect-
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is overseeing            ed district and tertiary hospitals and clin-
the work of Administrators in different         ics through transversal contracts on coal,
government departments in the province.         catering, laundry and emergency servic-
  Some of the remedies Hunter came up           es,” said Sambatha.
with for the Health department include            He said the administrator should find
the establishment of a strong executive         permanent solutions to ensure that the
and senior management team that will            healthcare system in the province is re-
lead in full implementation of the depart-      stored.
                                                                                               Department of Health Administrator, Jeannette Hunter (Left) with Health
ment’s mandate in healthcare facilities           Amongst others, the task team was
                                                                                               MEC, Dr Magome Masike, at the time when they appeared before the
and revive all internal and external com-       mandated to restore trust and confidence
                                                                                               Porfolio Committee
munication structures.                          between labour and government to stabi-

Government trying to assist embattled Thari Bus Services
Rebaone Moeng                                                                                                                                 transported in safe and reliable transport.
                                                                                                                                                The department’s MEC, Dr Mokgant-

                                                                                                                                              shang Mpho Motlhabane, has apolo-
          ommunities around the Bojana-                                                                                                       gized for the inconvenience caused to
          la District Municipality who use                                                                                                    commuters and assured them that the
          Thari Bus Services for their                                                                                                        department is working towards a speedy
          daily transport have been ad-                                                                                                       solution.
vised to make alternative arrangements                                                                                                          “Officials from my department will be
as temporary disruptions in the provision                                                                                                     meeting with directors of Thari with the
of the bus service is affecting them.                                                                                                         intention to bring back services.
  The bus company is currently facing                                                                                                           “It is our duty as the department to en-
internal challenges that have resulted                                                                                                        sure that our people are transported in
in thousands of commuters being left                                                                                                          a safe, secured and reliable transport on
stranded because these buses could not                                                                                                        daily basis,” said Motlhabane, who ap-
transport them to their different desti-                                                                                                      pealed to commuters to use other means
nations. Some of these commuters use                                                                                                          of transport while the department was
monthly bus tickets.                                                                                                                          engaging in intervention talks with Thari
  Thari Bus Services is a subsidized                                                                                                          Bus Services.
commuter transport operator, contracted                                                                                                         The bus services have been disrupted
by the Department of Community Safety           Thari Bus Services is not operating because of internal challenges that                       since the beginning of this month and it’s
and Transport Management in Bokone              government is trying to help resolve                                                          not yet known when the issues would be
Bophirima, to ensure communities are                                                                                                          resolved.
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June 8 2018             7

                                                                    @semphetenews                      Semphete Bokone Bophirima                      www.semphetenews.co.za

Setlamo sa PPC se abela sekolo sa
Mochudi laboratori

Mokaedimogolo wa setlamo sa PPC, Njobo Lekula, o rotloetsa baithuti go                      Eno ke laboratori ya saense e e abetsweng sekolo sa Mochudi ke
tsaya dithuto tsa bona tsia gore ba tle ba nne batho setšhabeng.                            setlamo sa PPC
Setshwantsho ka Boitshepo Botlhoko                                                          Setshwantsho ka Boitshepo Botlhoko

Lillian Sebolao                              ya saense ya mabonomantle, e e tlileng         se se sa rutegang gongwe se se se nang        ong sa Brainwave, Tyrol Venturini, o rot-
                                             go thusa baithuti mo dirutweng tsa bona.       kitso, ke setšhaba se se latlhegileng.        loeditse baithuti go ithuta ka natla gonne
                                               Porojeke eno e akaretsa dikhomputa             O tsweletse ka go re baagi le bona ba       a re setlamo sa gagwe se tlile go boela
                                             tsa di-laptops di le pedi, tablets di le 24,   tshwanetse go nna le seabe mo thutong         kwa sekolong sa bona mo nakong e e

                                             printer e le nngwe, projector le smart-        ya bana ba bona, gonne setlamo sa gag-        tlang, go lekola ka moo baithuti ba dirang
             aikaelelo a puso a go tlhabo-
             lola le go aga mafaratlhatlha   board. Dikhomputa tseno di na le mana-         we ga se thuse setšhaba se se sa rotloet-     ka gona mo dithutong tsa bona.
             a thekenoloji mo dikolong,      neo a baithuti ba tlileng go ithuta ka ona.    segeng le go tlhokomela dithoto tsa sona.       “Re tlile go lekola bokgoni le bokoa jwa
             segolo tsa kwa metsemagae-      Sengwe gape se se fitlhelwang mo labo-         A re baagi ba tshwanetse go tlhokomela        lona mo dirutweng, maikaelelo e le go lo
ng, a rotloeditse ditlamo tsa poraefete di   ratoring eno ke dipampiri tsa ditlhatlhobo     sengwe le sengwe se ba thusiwang ka
                                                                                                                                          baakanyetsa isagwe. Go le gantsi, jaaka
tshwana le sa Pretoria Potland Cement        tse di fetileng, tse go solofetsweng fa di     sona gore se tswele bana ba bona mo-
                                                                                                                                          baithuti, lo rata go ithutela dirutwa tsa go
(PPC) go nna le seabe mo morerong            tla thusa baithuti mo dithutong tsa bona,      sola mo isagweng.
                                                                                                                                          tshwana le tsa bongaka, boruni le go nna
ono.                                         le go bona ka mokgwa o dipotso tsa ditl-         Fa a ne a rotloetsa baithuti, Lekula o
                                             hatlhobo di bodiwang ka ona.                                                                 baenjeneri. Elang tlhoko gore diatla tsa
  Sekolo sa Mochudi, se se fitlhelwang                                                      rile ba lemoge gore ba mo leetong le ba
                                               Fa a ne a neelana ka mpho eno, Mo-           tshwanetseng go le tlhokomela, gonne          lona di ka le thusa thata mo botshelong.
kwa motseng wa Mokgalwaneng kwa
                                             kaedimogolo wa setlamo sa PPC, Njobo           ba tlile go kopana le batho ba ba farolo-     Dirutwa di tshwana le tsa go ithutela go
sedikeng sa Bojanala, ke sengwe sa tse
di amogetseng thuso go tswa kwa set-         Lekula, a re ke maikaelelo a setlamo sa        ganeng. Bangwe ba tla tla ka dithuso, fa      nna artisans le tsa boilermaking ke tso-
lamong seno.                                 gagwe go bona gore baithuti ba rotloedi-       bangwe e le ba ba tla tlang ka go ba fa-      na di tlhokegang thata mo nageng,” Ven-
  Setlamo as PPC, ka tshwaragano le dit-     wa go tsaya thuto ya bona tsia le gore ba      posa mo maikaelelong a bona. Fela a re        turini o gakolotse baithuti jalo.
lamo tse di akaretsang Diebold, Barlow-      nne batho setšhabeng. A re setlamo sa          fa ba itshwareletse ka thuto, ga ba kitla       Barloworld yona e solofeditse go tsaya
orld Logistics, Brainwave le Smartlab, se    gagwe se tlile go ela tlhoko gore baithuti     ba latlhega.                                  baithuti ba sekolo sa Mochudi ba le 10 go
thusitse ka go aga phaposi ya laboratori     ba fiwa thuto e e maleba gonne setšhaba          Mongwe wa baetleetsi go tswa setlam-        ba ruta dirutwa tsa go kgweetsa.

102-year-old Koko Sekhakhu still going strong
Thato Kepu                                   about this elderly woman is that she           be part of the celebrations of the late an-
                                             doesn’t take any medication for any dis-       ti-apartheid struggle icon.

                                             ease. She managed to sustain a healthy           When asked how she managed to get
           n average South African is
                                             lifestyle through the long walks she took      to such an unbelievable age, she said it
           expected to live to around the
                                             as a young girl and doing chores such as       is only God who protected her throughout
           age of 53, according to Statis-
                                             fetching wood from the forest, fetching        her life.
           tics SA, because of numerous
                                             water from far away places and actively          “It was much better in the olden days
diseases and unhealthy lifestyles. This
                                             playing with her peers.                        when children listened to their parents
makes it hard for an average South Afri-
                                                She said these kept her fit and she’s       and there was no such things as rights.
can to reach 80 years or live beyond that
                                             never been bothered by illhealth through-      Nowadays children are unruly as they
age.                                         out the years. Her only challenge is that      hide behind the guise of rights. We no
 But Koko Akara Mashama Sekhakhu             she is blind and cannot walk because           longer know what is happening and this
has defied the odds and is now 102 years     of old age, so Koko Sekhakhu uses a            is affecting future generations negative-
old.                                         wheelchair to get around.                      ly,” said Koko Sekhakhu.
 This remarkable woman lives in Tshi-           Sekhakhu is one of the several elderly        Koko Akara, as she is affectionately
dilamolomo, one of the remote villages       people in the country who will be cele-        known, has been a member of the A.M.E
about 100 kilometres west of Mahikeng.       brating the centenary of the late struggle     Church for many years and she went on         Koko Akara Mashama Sekhakhu
Koko Sekhakhu stays with her grand-          icon, Nelson Mandela, and the govern-          to sing some of the hymns she loves the       has reached 102 years of life,
daughter and a great-granddaughter.          ment will keep looking for more cente-         most. She has outlived even her children      the age that many would only
 One of the most interesting things          narians so they can tell their stories and     who have both passed on.                      dream of
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8                      June 8 2018

       @semphetenews                         Semphete Bokone Bophirima                         www.semphetenews.co.za

Shekhinah shines the brightest at SAMA24
                                                                                               Best Engineered Album (by Howard                Vuma Zion’s Samson Aphi Amandla
                                                                                               Gomba and Themba Sekowe) win, Ma-               Akho bagged the Best African Indige-
                                                                                               fikizolo walked away with three awards.         nous Gospel Album.
                                                                                                 Joyous Celebration’s Joyous Celebra-            Jo Black’s “Skepe” emerged victori-
                                                                                               tion Volume 21, “Heal Our Land” won the         ous in the Beste Kontemporere Musiek
                                                                                               Best Selling Digital Artist Award, adding       Album category and Fokofpolisiekar’s
                                                                                               to the two Best Selling DVD and Best            “Selfmedikasie” was announced the Best
                                                                                               Selling Album they won the previous             Rock Album.
                                                                                               night, bringing their haul to three in total.     The glittering celebrity event hosted
                                                                                                 The anthemic “Akanamali” by Sun-El            by TV and radio stars Somizi Mhlongo
                                                                                               Musician featuring “Samthing Soweto”            and Dineo Ranaka joined by comedian,
                                                                                               was honoured with Sampra Highest Air-           Mpho Popps, performances by Distruc-
                                                                                               play of the Year and Samro Highest Air-         tion Boyz, Lady Zamar, Shwi noMtekha-
                                                                                               play of the Year Composer’s Award. The
                                                                                                                                               la, Shekhinah, Die Heuwels Fantasties,
                                                                                               previous night they won Best Collabora-
                                                                                                                                               Bongeziwe Mabandla and Riky Rick.
                                                                                               tion Award, also making their total num-
Sun El Musician (left) and Samthing Soweto (right) won SAMRO Highest                                                                             President Cyril Ramaphosa and Arts
                                                                                               ber of awards three.
Airplay of the Year composer’s award                                                                                                           and Culture Minister, Nathi Mthethwa,
                                                                                                 House DJ, Prince Kaybee, took home
                                                                                                                                               were among the dignitaries gracing the
                                                                                               Male Artist of the Year award for his hits
                                                                                               laden album “I Am Music”.                       night.
Vusumzi Kama                                      Shekhinah swept the boards taking the
                                                                                                 New blood made their presence felt              RiSA CEO, Nhlanhla Sibisi, said the re-
                                                Newcomer of the Year, Album of the Year                                                        markable event celebrated “the best our

                                                                                               with rapper Shane Eagle taking the Best
                                                and Female Artist of the Year awards for                                                       country has to offer. We salute all win-
     t was a good night for newcomer                                                           Hip Hop Album Award and Lady Zam-
                                                the sterling work on her debut album,          ar winning Best Dance Music Award. In           ners and the nominees, and we thank the
     Shekhinah at the 24th edition of the
     SA Music Awards (SAMA) held in             Rose Gold.                                     the Best Kwaito Album category, Busis-          public for their undying support for local
     Sun City, last weekend.                      Distruction Boyz whipped the Super-          wa beat the competition for her album           music. We applaud everyone who made
                                                bowl into frenzy when they were declared       “Highly Flavoured”. Tresor’s “The Beau-         SAMA24 such a successful project.”
  The annual music awards are organ-
                                                winners of the public-voted Record of the      tiful Madness” earned him the Best Pop            “The winners were all worthy of their
ized by the Recording Industry of South
                                                Year for their monster hit, “Omunye”.          Album.                                          medals in such a competitive and pres-
Africa (RiSA) in partnership with Bokone          Veteran Afro Pop band, Mafikizolo,                                                           tigious event. We are proud to be asso-
                                                                                                 In gospel, Andile ka Majola was de-
Bophirima’s Department of Culture, Arts         proved their staying power when they           clared the winner in the Best Traditional       ciated with the SAMAs,” said MEC for
and Traditional Affairs. SABC is the offi-      took Duo/Group of the Year and Best            Faith Music Album category for “Andile          Culture, Arts and Traditional Affairs, Ont-
cial broadcast partner.                         Afro Pop Album awards. Adding to their         kaMajola Chapter 8 Sekwanele” while             lametse Mochware.

Young music industry
practitioners get lessons
from experts
Vusi Kama                                       resentatives of the South African Music
                                                Performance Rights Association (Sam-           Successful producer, artist and music label owner, Arthur Mafokate,

          cores of budding music indus-         pra), the South African Music Rights           addressing the audience in Rustenburg
          try practitioners from across         Organisation (Samro), as well as the           Photo by Kabelo Selebogo
          Bokone Bophirima province last        Composers, Authors and Publishers As-
          week gathered at Rustenburg’s         sociation (Capasso).
                                                  The workshop was attended by artists,        duces your music and includes it in their       new to me. I was hoping they would tell
Olympia Stadium to learn tricks of the
                                                producers and various other music prac-        CD, then we collect royalties due to the        us about how to produce music that can
trade from industry experts across the
                                                titioners from the province and the dis-       composer, author and producer on their          win a South African Music Award (Sama).
value chain of the music business.
                                                cussions covered copyright, performance        behalf. Same with iTunes, whenever a            I believe that the music we produce is
  The day-long workshop was part of a                                                          song is downloaded, we collect the royal-
community plough-back programme of              law and digital publishing.                                                                    good enough to be a national winner,”
                                                                                               ities from the seller,” he explained.           said the disc spinner.
the South African Music Awards, organ-            Mafokate shared with the audience his
                                                                                                 Sampra’s Palesa Kgomo said they                 But a Joubertina choir conductor, Lese-
ised by the Department of Culture, Arts         rags-to-riches life story in the music in-
                                                                                               collected royalties whenever music was          go Rachoene was raving about the event.
and Traditional Affairs (Cata) and the Re-      dustry, “to show you how many of us got
                                                                                               played in the public space, including             “I learnt so much at the workshop,” he
cording Industry of South Africa (Risa).        to be where we are today”. Sharing some
                                                                                               shopping malls, concerts and festivals.         said. “For us as Clap and Tap outfits it is
The two-day music extravaganza, sup-            of his business tips, he told his story in     Beneficiaries include record companies,
ported by Cata, took place at Sun City          a light-mannered fashion that helped the                                                       great to know that we can derive benefits
                                                                                               producers, arrangers, singers and instru-
last weekend.                                   audience identify with his struggles.                                                          from the music we play. Organisations
                                                                                               mentalists, including session musicians.
  Among those imparting knowledge                 Capasso Business Affairs Manager,                                                            such as Samro, Capasso and Sampra
                                                                                                 Samro’s Karabo Senna explained that
at the workshop was artist and record           Wiseman Ngubo, said his organisation           his organisation was responsible for col-       have shown us the way, so we will now
company mogul, Arthur Mafokate of 999           was pleased to be part of the event as it      lecting royalities for composers, authors       register with them so we can benefit.
Music Record label, which has produced          helped them meet and engage with their         and publishers whenever the music is              “Another highlight for me was the pres-
many a truly successful Kwaito/pop art-         members in Bokone Bophirima.                   played on television, radio and commer-         entation by Arthur Mafokate which high-
ists in the industry. The ultimate idea of        Capasso’s business is to licence and         cials.                                          lighted the value of hard work. He mo-
the workshop was to make sure that art-         distribute mechanical royalities to artists.     Mogwase producer and DJ, Soul Havok,          tivated us to appreciate that one would
ists and producers, as well as other prac-      Such royalties accrue when a song is re-       however felt that the workshop did not dig      have to go through hard challenges be-
titioners, knew how to derive maximum           produced, downloaded or copied by any          deep enough into issues that many would         fore becoming a success. You don’t just
revenue from their work.                        entity, artist or any member of the public.    like to know about.                             wake up one day and be a star,” Rach-
   Also sharing their knowledge were rep-         “An example is where somebody repro-           “A lot of things they presented were not      oene said.
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June 8 2018             9

                                                                  @semphetenews                     Semphete Bokone Bophirima                        www.semphetenews.co.za

Bokone Bophirima remains SAMA’s
favourite host

                                                                                         Bokone Bophirima’s own musician KB Motsilenyane and her son arriving
Cata MEC Ontlametse Mochware was hands-on at the SAMAs in Sun City
                                                                                         for the SAMAs
Photo by Mpho Bilwane
                                                                                         Photo by Mpho Bilwane

Kagiso Metswamere                           Bowl in Sun City, with the exception of      es before, but they lost the spark and            “This is the home of the SAMAs. Please
                                            three years, and they’re broadcast live on   became better once again when they’re           guys let’s continue hosting and support-

                                            national broadcaster, the SABC.              back in our province”.                          ing this event and we will give other prov-
            usicians and community            This big annual ceremony featured live       Another talented Bokone Bophirima             inces an opportunity to host other events
            members of Bokone Bophiri-      performances as once-off collaborations      born musician and television personali-         in this country,” she said.
            ma have commended the           by a selection of nominees and is consid-    ty, Keabetswe “KB” Motsilanyane said: “I          Sebuti Rasumanyane from Tlhatlaga-
            Provincial Government for       ered equivalent of the American Grammy       hope our artists are using all these op-        nyane village also emphasized that the
continued support and ensuring that Sun     Awards.                                      portunities for their benefit, for example to   SAMAs must not go anywhere in the
City Resorts in Moses Kotane Local Mu-        Speaking to several artists and com-       network with developed artists here who         country, but remain in Sun City to give a
nicipality successfully and consistently    munity members on the sidelines of the       they always wanted to see but could not         person from a rural village like himself an
hosts the South African Music Awards        24th SAMAs last weekend, many said the       because of the distance. I also want to         opportunity to see their music stars.
(SAMA).                                     ceremony should still be held in Bokone      encourage others who are not artists but          “I am from the rural village and normally
  Sun City, which the provincial govern-    Bophirima province.                          in businesses to use the advantage next         do not get an opportunity to attend glam-
ment continues to use to rebrand, reposi-     David Molelekeng, an upcoming young        year, be it as a designer or hair dresser.”     orous music events in Gauteng. But be-
tion and renew the province is located in   musician from Mogwase, who was al-             Motsweding FM presenter, Refilwe              cause the SAMAs are nearer to me here,
Pilanesberg, about two hours’ drive from    ready walking at the red carpet said: “Sun   Modiselle, also said other provinces have       I always attend. They have been in our
Johannesburg, near the city of Rusten-      City is the home of the SAMAs and it         plenty of events to host and Bokone Bo-         province and must always be because
burg.                                       must continue to be for many other years     phirima must be left alone to continue          we will continue to support them as com-
  The SAMAs were established in 1995        to come. Organizers tried to take them       hosting the SAMAs successfully like it          munity members like we have done in the
and have mostly been held at the Super      to Kwazulu-Natal and Gauteng provinc-        has done in the past.                           past,” he said.

Gospel musicians Nqubeko Mbatha and wife Ntokozo Mbambo were also
                                                                                         Papa Penny also walked the red carpet in style
                                                                                         Photo by Mpho Bilwane
Photo by Mpho Bilwane
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10                       June 8 2018

        @semphetenews                          Semphete Bokone Bophirima                        www.semphetenews.co.za

MEC tackles illegal taxi operations
and hiking spots head-on
Palesa Ntshotsho                                  encouraged to avoid hiking at illegal hik-
                                                  ing spots and warned about the danger
                                                  of using illegal taxis and hiking.

           ommunity Safety and Transport            During the operations 26 taxis and four
           Management MEC, Dr Mpho                other cars were impounded, one person
           Motlhabane accompanied by              was arrested for drunken driving and an-
           law enforcement officers, woke         other one for using a fraudulent permit
up in the early hours of Friday last week         to operate scholar transport. A fine was
to tackle head-on the problem of illegal          also issued to the driver for operating
                                                  without a valid permit.
hiking spots and illegal taxi operations on
                                                     MEC Motlhabane used the opportu-
the N12 Wolmaransstad, R504 Ottosdal,
                                                  nity to visit taxi ranks and engaged the
R503 Lichtenburg and N18 Mahikeng
                                                  leadership of different taxi associations.

                                                  Members of the associations’ leadership
  The operation entered its third phase
                                                  raised concerns and complaints that in-
since it was launched in Mahikeng last
                                                  clude illegal public taxi operations, ille-
year, followed by a Huhudi one last               gal hiking spots, illegal permits, drivers
month. The purpose of these operations            operating without licenses and potential
is to ensure that those providing trans-          conflicts as well as simmering tensions in
port services abide by the laws of the            the industry.

country for that industry.                          The MEC said he was pleased by the          A traffic officer checking one of the taxis during the illegal taxi
  Operators of public transport are all           outcome of the operation. “Hiking spots       operation checkpoint
expected to have made necessary ap-               are a sore sight, a source of tensions
plications, registered their vehicles ac-         and a cause for concern. Members of
cordingly, received relevant permits and                                                        tions would continue in all districts of the   pirating,” he said.

                                                  the public need to cooperate and work
operating legally and lawfully. This is a                                                       province.                                       The Jaws unit, the police, taxi associ-
                                                  together with taxi operators in order to
non-negotiable process.                           minimise conflict and save lives. It’s only      “From here we are going to the last Dis-    ations and officials of the department
  Commuters using public transport have           safe to use official taxi ranks and legal     trict of Bojanala. We will not hesitate to     started the day’s operation at dawn in
been urged to refrain from hitch hiking           taxi operators, not pirate taxis,” he said.   enforce the law. We will close down all        Wolmaransstad and ended at dusk in
and using pirate vehicles. They were also           

Motlhabane said these kind of opera-      illegal taxi ranks and we will be tough on     Montshiwa Stad in Mahikeng.

More South Africans receive
basic services
SAnews.gov.za                                     supply side information. In general, when     en free basic solid waste management           2017, while those powering their homes
                                                  compared to 2016, more consumer units         services, while 2.5 million households         with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) went
                                                  received services. A few households are       benefited from indigent support on solid       up from 55 to 104.
                                                  classified as indigents. The bucket toilets   waste management.

                                                                                                                                                 The census found that just over 13 000
           tatistics South Africa (Stats SA)      decreased from just over 68 000 to just         The increase in the number of consum-        households used candles in 2017, while
           says more consumers received           over 62 000,” he said.                        er units that received water and electric-     over 86 000 used paraffin.
           free basic services such as              De Beer said the highest percentage in-     ity was the same, with both going up by          De Beer said 12.9 million consumer
           electricity, water and sanitation      crease was in the number of consumer          2.1%.                                          units received water last year compared
in 2017 - as compared with 2016.                  units that received sewerage and sanita-        About 11.6 million consumer units re-
                                                                                                                                               to the 12.7 million units provided with
  Deputy Director-General of Economic             tion, which went up by 3.8% - from 11.1       ceived electricity in 2017, compared to
                                                                                                                                               water in 2016. Out of these, 4.7 million
                                                  million in 2016 to 11.5 million in 2017.      11.3 million in 2016. Some 2.6 million
Statistics, Joe de Beer, on Monday re-                                                                                                         consumer units received free basic water
                                                  Out of these, 3.6 million consumer units      consumer units received free basic elec-
leased the Non-financial Census of Mu-                                                                                                         services.
                                                  received free basic sewerage services         tricity, while 2.1 million were indigent
nicipalities (NFCM) 2017.                                                                                                                        He also said out of the 13 million con-
                                                  and sanitation, while 2.2 million were in-    households that benefitted from the indi-
  Addressing a media briefing in Cape             digent households.                            gent support on electricity.                   sumer units that received water in 2017,
Town, de Beer said the findings of the              Solid waste management went up by             There was also an increase in the num-       nine million of those had access to water
census were based on data gathered                2.6% - from 9.5 million consumer units        ber of households that received electrici-     inside their yard while 2.7 million had wa-
from 257 municipalities in 2017, com-             receiving this service in 2016, to 9.8 mil-   ty from alternative sources. Those receiv-     ter within 200 meters from their yard. The
pared to 278 municipalities in 2016.              lion consumer units in 2017.                  ing power from solar home system went          remaining 800 000 had access to water
  “It is important to remember that this is         About 2.8 million households were giv-      up from 98 160 in 2016 to 113 197 in           more than 200 meters away.
June 8 2018    11

@semphetenews   Semphete Bokone Bophirima   www.semphetenews.co.za
12                     June 8 2018

       @semphetenews                         Semphete Bokone Bophirima                        www.semphetenews.co.za

Gaolaolwe undertakes to fix Madibogopan
housing problems
                                                                                              Boitumelo Seleka                               the contract of the service provider ap-
                                                                                                                                             pointed to build 50 housing units due to
                                                                                                                                             poor service delivery.

                                                                                                                                               “The department pays a contractor per
                                                                                                       ocal Government and Human
                                                                                                                                             milestone and the company only man-
                                                                                                       Settlements MEC, Galaletsang
                                                                                                       Gaolaolwe, was one of Bokone          aged to build 17 houses out of 50. A new
                                                                                                       Bophirima MECs that met res-          contractor has been appointed to build
                                                                                              idents of Madibogopan in Ratlou Local          the remaining 33 houses and complete
                                                                                              Municipality in a bid to quell down the        the remaining 17.
                                                                                              spate of service delivery protests.              She said the department has already
                                                                                                Her visit comes after residents of Madi-     started a process to recoup the money
                                                                                              bogopan complained about an aban-              paid to the previous contractor.
                                                                                              doned and incomplete housing project.            The MEC assured community members
                                                                                                Residents also complained about the
                                                                                                                                             that all pending housing projects would
                                                                                              state of roads in the area. According to
                                                                                                                                             be investigated as pronounced during the
                                                                                              one community leader, Thabo Makhoa-
                                                                                              na, residents have not received feedback       State of the Province Address by former
                                                                                              from the municipality despite numerous         Premier Supra Mahumapelo in February
                                                                                              complaints.                                    this year. She added that the department
MEC Galaletsang Gaolaolwe during the meeting with community
                                                                                                MEC Gaolaolwe responded by explain-          was working on a strategy to fast-track
representatives of Madibogopan
                                                                                              ing that the department had to terminate       housing backlogs in the entire province.

Report recommends that History
becomes compulsory
SAnews.gov.za                                   curriculum and to investigate the impli-        “Africa centeredness should become a         writing of History for the sole purpose of
                                                cations of making History a compulsory        principle in revising the History content.     achieving a short-term political expedien-
                                                subject.                                      The six to seven years towards the phas-       cy. All we are doing is to reclaim our histo-

                                                  Handing over the report, Ndlovu said        ing out of LO in the FET band be used to       ry as Africans. Historians rightly conclude
             Ministerial Task Team (MTT)        during provincial consultations with var-     prepare the system for compulsory Histo-       that, ‘from a legacy perspective, we tell
             report has recommended that        ious stakeholders, four scenarios were        ry in the FET band. The notional time of       our stories ourselves and for ourselves,
             History becomes a complulso-
                                                highlighted, which led to the final recom-    four hours per week for teaching History       and as a gift, to future generations’.”
             ry school subject and that it
                                                mendations.                                   in the FET band must be maintained,” the         No policy changes yet
should be phased in incrementally from
                                                  Among the scenarios was that if Histo-      task team recommended.                           The Minister emphasised that the ac-
the year 2023 in Grade 10 to 2025 in
                                                ry becomes compulsory from Grades 10            Ndlovu also noted that teaching and          ceptance of the report by the department
Grade 12.
                                                to 12, it will become the fifth fundamental   training should not be the sole responsi-      did not constitute any policy changes just
  The report was presented to Basic Ed-
                                                subject regardless of the stream they are     bility of Basic Education but the respon-      yet.
ucation Minister, Angie Motshekga, last
                                                registered for.                               sibility should be carried out in partner-       “The report will be presented at the
                                                  Another scenario was that if History        ships with universities.                       Heads of Education Departments Com-
  Led by Chairperson, Professor Sifiso
Ndlovu, the Task Team was established           and Life Orientation (LO) are combined,         “We call on all heads of Archaeology,        mittee meeting, Council of Education
in 2015 and was given terms of refer-           History content should be transferred to      History and the Department of Basic Ed-        Ministers, the Basic Education Portfolio
ence to conduct a comparative interna-          LO to reinforce the teaching of citizen-      ucation to set the ball rolling. It is up to   Committee of the National Assembly
tional study on how best to implement the       ship and human rights, amongst others.        the Minister to reject or accept the rec-      and the Select Committee for Education
introduction of History as a compulsory           However, Ndlovu said most people re-        ommendation. If she does, then we can          and Recreation in the National Council
subject in Further Education and Training       jected outright the transfer of content       start developing guidelines,” Professor        of Provinces for further consultation and
(FET) colleges.                                 from History to reinforce the LO content      Ndlovu said.                                   input.
  This follows a commitment made by the         and syllabus at FET phase.                      Motshekga extended sincere gratitude           “In addition, public consultations will be
department during the 2015/16 Budget              “They dismissed the idea of five funda-     to task team members for the excellent         held and comments sought from socie-
Speech, to conduct research on the de-          mentals at the FET phase,” Ndlovu said.       work done so far, adding that the report       ty at large, to guide us towards a History
sirability of making History a compulsory         The report recommended, amongst             had been long awaited by members of            that reflects on all of us. Furthermore, the
subject for all learners.                       others, that the LO should be phased out      the public, academia and interest groups       report should ignite rich, constructive de-
  The Task Team was given a mandate to          incrementally from the FET curriculum         involved in the History Education land-        bates and robust discussions in society
advise on the feasibility of making Histo-      from 2023 in Grade 10 to 2025 in Grade        scape.                                         on the place and importance of History in
ry compulsory during the FET phase, ad-         12.                                             Reclaiming our history                       the school curriculum,” Motshekga said.
vise on where History should be located           It further recommended that the Curric-       She emphasised that government was             The report will be available on the de-
in the curriculum, review the content and       ulum and Policy Statement (CAPS), due         in no way attempting to rewrite History for    partment’s website. Citizens are invited
pedagogy of the History curriculum with         to its serious limitations, be completely     the benefit of the new ruling elites.          to join the debate and make their voices
a view to strengthening History in the          overhauled.                                     “As a principle, we are against the re-      heard.
June 8 2018           13

                                                                       @semphetenews                      Semphete Bokone Bophirima                        www.semphetenews.co.za

Dr KK dominates Schools Choral Championships
Karabo Haoka                                     Showing their dominance in choral

                                               music, the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District
           he Department of Education          scooped five first prize positions in vari-
           and Sport Development hosted        ous categories in the Foundation Phase.
           the annual Provincial Schools         The district continued their dominance
           Choral Eisteddfod Champion-         in the Secondary Schools category,
ships in Mahikeng from May 31st to June        scooping a total of 20 first prize positions
2nd. Winners of the championships will         and will proceed to compete at national
represent the province at the national         level.
championships scheduled for 26 to 29             Other schools from the Dr KK district
June 2018 at the Rhema Bible Church in         that are going to compete at national fi-
Randburg.                                      nals are Mampho, Mothotlung and Temo-
  Though learners from primary schools         go Secondary Schools.
(Grades 3 to 6) only compete provin-             The school Choral Eisteddfod was              Organisers of the Schools Choral Eisteddfod Championships (Standing
cially, learners from secondary schools        launched in 2001 by the National Depart-        from left) Dineo Mosidi and Jackie Maila with some winners who will
(Grades 7 to 12) proceed to compete at         ment of Basic Education under the then          represent the province at the national competitions in Randburg
the national level.                            Minister Prof Kader Asmal. The objective
  In a staggering showcase of vocal            was to do away with fragmented struc-
abilities, learners representing various       tures that used to organise school choral
schools across the province left the au-       music competitions at that time, such as
dience in awe as they competed in differ-      SASMO, the South African Democratic
ent categories of choral melodies.             Teachers Union
  Speaking on behalf of the Department           (SADTU) and the National Professional
of Education and Sport Development,            Teacher’s Organisation of South Africa
Acting Deputy Director General, Dr Shad-       (NAPTOSA).
rack Mvula, expressed gratitude to learn-        The original objective of unifying the
ers, parents and teachers for the great        fragmented structures has since been            One of the Dr KK choral music groups that won first prize at the
work and dedication they have shown at         achieved. Currently, the objective is to        provincial competition.
the competition.                               address social ills, parity, exclusivity, so-
  “About 120 children will be trained on       cial cohesion, multilingualism and other        to discover and showcase their talents.         activities. Their memories retention be-
orchestra in Mahikeng. In five years’ time     government goals.                               This platform also creates the strong           comes higher and sharper because they
we will rule this country in music,” said        Organising Committee member, Jackie           possibility of making a career out of the       perform many repertoires without music
Dr Mvula, adding that schools that were        Maila, said the competition was neces-          Arts following a particular genre.              score and their choreographic permuta-
participating in choral music were also        sary for the growing minds.                       “Learners will learn to manage time ef-       tions in indigenous music and dance are
performing well academically.                    “We give the choristers an opportunity        fectively if they are involved in extra mural   so amazing and yet so mathematical.”

Girl child exposed to work environment
Amogelang Motlhabane

            s part of the Cell C’s annual
            initiative of “Take a Girl Child
            to Work”, the Department of
            Finance, hosted 13 girls from
various schools around Mahikeng to ex-
pose them to a real workplace environ-
  The learners spent the day in different
units of the department and interacted
with employees who enlightened them
about different career paths and also the
mandate of the Finance Department in
the province.
  Head of Department, Ndlela Kunene,
welcomed the learners and encouraged           Finance Head of Department Ndlela Kunene and some officials of the department welcome girl learners to the
them to use the day to their benefit and       annual of Take a Girl Child to Work campaign.
learn as much as possible as the depart-
ment was dedicated to training and build-      partment to ensure that one day you             financial management. The mandate of            of the Transformation Programme, Mom-
ing future leaders.                            become part of the corporate world and          the Provincial Treasury convinced her           pati Ngakantsi, urged learners to study
  As part of the 2018 activities, the de-      build a bright future for yourselves. You       that she had made a right choice by as-         hard in order to have a better future.
partment took a different approach and         will be introduced to different career          piring to study towards a qualification in        “I am certain that today has exposed
hosted learners whose parents were             paths that you choose according to your         Accounting.                                     you to the real workplace environment
employed in the department, particular-        interest,” Kunene said.                           “I am so fortunate and thankful because       and various services of the department.
ly at lower levels such as cleaners and          A Grade 11 learner from Golf View             I have met and was mentored by the de-          You are better informed about your future
general workers. Besides being exposed         Combined School, Thero Makhura,                 partment’s CFO, Riaad Soofie, who told          career choices. You have gained infor-
to the workplace, the rationale was to en-     said she would like to pursue a career          me about his journey to becoming a CFO          mation that will assist you to build a bright
courage girls to aspire to greatness in fu-    in Chartered Accountancy. Makhura               and that I should believe in myself be-         future for yourselves,” Ngakantsi said.
ture and help them understand that they        was afforded an opportunity by the de-          cause I can become what I put my mind             The girl learners were given certificates
could do anything they set their mind to.      partment to shadow the Chief Financial          to,” Makhura said.                              of participation and gift packs containing
  “Your parents are employed in the de-        Officer (CFO) where she learned about             At the end of the day, Deputy Director        pens and a Casio scientific calculators.
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