2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges

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2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges


Everything you need to
know about studying in
Australia and New Zealand
2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
Welcome         1

     Have you ever thought about              at first, but just think: It could be the
     studying in Australia or New             perfect opportunity to gain the skills
Zealand? We’re here to tell you more about    Australia and New Zealand are looking for,
the amazing opportunities available.          improve your CV, learn a new skill or trade
                                              or to simply enjoy the famous Antipodean
“Australian and New Zealand colleges          lifestyle – all at the same time as getting a
pride themselves on offering courses that     valuable, practical, useful qualification.
give students up-to-the-minute, real-world,
practical skills and knowledge. There’s a     “Why not give us a call, drop us an email,
huge range of courses and subjects            or make an appointment to come in and
available and, with colleges in every major   see us to find out more? We’re looking
city and many smaller towns, you are sure     forward to hearing from you.
to find a course and a location that suits.
                                              All the best,
“In this magazine you’ll find profiles of
some of the best Australian and New
Zealand colleges; plus answers to a few of
the questions we get asked most often.
                                              Stefan Watts, director, Study Options
“My name is Stefan and I’m from Study
Options. Study Options is a completely        All details in Colleges Australia and New Zealand
free service for anyone looking to study      are correct at the time of going to press. Call 020
in Australia or New Zealand. We provide       7353 7200 or email mail@studyoptions.com for
information on what courses are available     confirmation or clarification on any information.
and the colleges that offer them as well as
advice on what course and college might
suit you best, plus practical help with
making and submitting your application,
and then your student visa application.
                                                 Are you already living
“We are a UK company with offices in
Bristol and London, but everyone on our
                                               Down Under? No worries….
team has lived, worked or studied in           If you’re already living in Australia or New Zealand and would like
Australia or New Zealand. Over the last ten    some help or advice please get in touch – all the information in this
years we’ve helped hundreds of students        booklet applies regardless of whether you’re contacting us from
study in Australia and New Zealand.            Bristol or from Bondi Beach. So if you are coming to the end of your
                                               Working Holiday Visa and are thinking of doing a course so you get
“So, what are you waiting for? Going to the    to stay in Australia or New Zealand a while longer, get in touch via
other side of the world to do a certificate    www.studyoptionscolleges.com/contact-us
or diploma course might sound a big step

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
2 Why go?

There are lots of different reasons for wanting to study
Down Under. Does one of the following apply to you?

                               The traveller                             the resulting excellence of their workforce.
                             Perhaps you have already spent time         Doing a course in hospitality or tourism in
                             in Australia and/or New Zealand and         Australia or New Zealand will give you the
                       would like to go back? You love discovering       opportunity to soak up some of those skills
                       different cultures and lifestyles and meeting     and expert knowledge and benefit from the
                       new people and would probably put                 world-class contacts behind the reputations.
                       travelling at the top of your list of favourite

                       things, but, like most of us, you don’t have            The life-changer
                       the time or the money to be on holiday all               Feeling fed up at work? Life getting
                       year round. But what if you could spend six              a little same-old same-old? If you are
                       months, or a year, or even three years living     feeling in need of a change, retraining can
                       in New Zealand or Australia studying toward       open up a whole new world of opportunities.
                       a valuable, recognised qualification? It’s a      And you’re not alone – lots of people are
                       chance to indulge your love of Antipodean         currently looking to learn a new skill and get
                       lifestyle and culture, while at the same time     a qualification that will put them on track to
                       working on improving your CV, or learning         work in an exciting new industry. The added
                       new skills – it’s time well spent in every way!   bonus of doing it in Australia or New
                                                                         Zealand is that you get to live, study and
                             You could spend six months, a year          train somewhere new… in the sunshine!
                             or more in Australia or New Zealand

                       getting a valuable, world-class qualification           The forward-thinker
                                                                                You’ve decided you’d like to live and

                                The specialist                                  work Down Under. Maybe just for a
                              New Zealand and Australia are              few years, maybe you’re hoping to make the
                              considered to be among the world’s         move permanent. Either way, bear in mind
                       best in some industries and professions           that Australian and New Zealand colleges
                       and, if you are looking to establish a career     offer courses that train students in the
                       in one of these areas, there simply isn’t a       trades and professions in demand in New
                       better place to do your training. One great       Zealand, Australia and worldwide. So doing
                       example is hospitality and tourism. Both          a course in the right area could be a great
                       countries have earned stellar reputations in      way for you to gain the skills these countries
                       these booming global industries, based in no      are looking for – to turn yourself into what
                       small part on the quality of their training and   they want!

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
Why go? 3

      The returning Working Holiday Visa maker   Zealand authorities want? Please get in
       Maybe you’ve been in Australia or         touch – we can recommend the course that
       New Zealand on a Working Holiday          will lead to the qualification you need, or we
Visa for a year; maybe you’ve gone the           can arrange to have your current skills and
whole nine yards and done two years. But         work competencies formally assessed by the
either way you’re settled and happy in Bondi,    relevant professional body. In some cases,
or Fremantle, or Christchurch, or Nelson,        RPL (skills assessments) can lead to people
and you’re keen to find out what the options     being awarded an Australian or New Zealand
might be for staying on just that bit longer.    qualification immediately, which means you
Look no further – we can help! Please get in     might not need to do any further study at all!
touch via the website (below) to tell us all

about yourself and what you want to do at              And all the rest…
www.studyoptionscolleges.com/contact-us                Do none of the above categories fit
PS. The more information you can give us               you? Please get in touch and tell us
the better – we pride ourselves on being         all about yourself anyway. We have been
able to meet most wish lists…!                   helping students study in Australia and New
                                                 Zealand for over ten years. We’ve heard an

      The professionals                          awful lot of stories and circumstances, from
       You’ve got a long-standing skill or a     an awful lot of people, and pride ourselves
       trade – years of hard-won experience      on finding a solution for everyone. We’re
and practical know-how in your business –        looking forward to hearing from you!
but you’re lacking that all-important official
qualification that the Australian or New         www.studyoptionscolleges.com/contact-us

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
4 All about us

Who are we and what do we do? Study Options is a free, expert, independent
service for anyone looking to study in Australia or New Zealand

                       We’re the organisation that handle student              SO, HOW CAN WE HELP?
                       applications to Australian and New Zealand              Clear, accurate, free information
                       colleges and we’re here to make the whole               Making sure you know what courses are
                       process as stress-free as possible for you.             available and which might suit you best is a
                       Study Options is the official UK and Irish              key part of what we do – we’re here to help.
                       representative of Australian and New                    First, we have course lists for lots of different
                       Zealand colleges and each year hundreds of              subjects. Each lists all the courses available
                       students apply through Study Options to                 in a particular area – business, for example,
                       study in Australia and New Zealand. Have                or beauty therapy – and gives the key details
                       a look at our website to find out what some             for each. These include exactly what the
                       of them have to say about their new lives as            course includes, what each one will qualify
                       students in Australia or New Zealand, at                you to do, how much it costs per year, when
                       www.studyoptionscolleges.com/articles/                  it starts, and so on.
                                                                               Helpful, friendly advice
                                                                               Once you’ve got the list, please get in touch
                                                                               with one of the Study Options team if you
                                                                               need any help deciding or would like to
                                                                               discuss the options. We offer free, expert,
                                                                               impartial advice to help you choose which
                                                                               college and course is right for you.

                                                                               Sorting out the paperwork
                                                                               Once you’ve decided what to apply for, we
                         Why apply through                                     will send you the relevant application form
                                                                               and a list of what else you need to send in.
                       Study Options?                                          This is likely to include a copy of your
                                                                               passport or birth certificate, a CV and
                       1. We are a totally free service for students! We are   copies of your school exam results as well
                       funded by the New Zealand and Australian colleges       as any professional qualifications you hold.
                       that we represent to help students on their behalf.
                       2. We are knowledgeable, helpful, and easy to get       Making an application
                       hold of. We never use automated emails or call          Once you are ready, send your application
                       centres, so whenever you contact Study Options          to our office in Bristol. We will check to
                       to ask questions or to talk about an application you    make sure that everything is complete and
                       will get a personal answer from one of the team.        correct before uploading it to the college for

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
All about us 5

assessment. We will make certified copies
of any original qualifications provided as
                                                        Want to talk to us directly?
part of this process and will return the           Please make an appointment to come in and see us at one of our offices
originals to you by recorded delivery.

Getting an answer
We submit your applications electronically,
so applying via Study Options is quicker
than doing it any other way. As we are the
official UK and Irish representative for
Australian and New Zealand colleges,
applications sent by our office are given
priority, and you will get an answer more
quickly than if you apply directly.

Helping with the practicalities                    STUDY OPTIONS BRISTOL                 STUDY OPTIONS LONDON
Study Options is your point of contact for
the whole application process. You don’t           83 Alma Road,                        19 Eastbourne Terrace,
need to worry about calling Australia or           Clifton, Bristol, BS8 2DP            Platform 1, Paddington Station,
New Zealand to find out what’s going on;           Nearest train station: Clifton       London, W2 6LG
just call us in Bristol and we’ll sort whatever    Down (there are regular services     Telephone: 020 7353 7200
it is out for you. This service is useful if you   to Clifton Down from Bristol
have an issue further along the process – for      Temple Meads in the city centre)
example, you need to change the start date         By road: There are frequent buses
of your course, or you’ve changed your mind        to Clifton from Bristol Temple
about what you want to study. We will get in       Meads and the city centre. There
touch with the college for you to sort it out.     is parking available nearby.
                                                   Telephone: 0117 911 5610
Friendly, expert guidance throughout each and
every step of the process
From deciding where and what to apply for
and making applications to accepting a place,
couriering key documents to Australia or
New Zealand, help with student visas,
accommodation or school places for your
children, we’re always here to help.

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
6 What can you study?

Certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas and degrees are available in
the following subjects at different colleges in Australia and New Zealand

                               Aeronautics                               Building, construction & engineering
                              Private pilots licence; commercial          Building studies; building design;
                       pilots licence; airport management;          mechanical engineering; electrical
                       aviation studies                             engineering; electrical technology;
                                                                    construction management; quantity
                               Animal studies                       surveying; architectural drawing;
                              Veterinary nursing; animal studies;   electro technology; mining; oil and gas;
                       equine studies; thoroughbred horse           electrotechnology. Also see TRADES
                       training; horse industry management
                               Art & design                             Accounting; administration; banking;
                             Animation; clothing production;        marketing; property; business development;
                       digital media; fashion design; graphic       human resource management; advertising
                       design; interior design; photography;
                       jewellery design; product design and              Horticulture & land management
                       development; furniture design; ceramics;            Environmental studies; floristry;
                       photo imaging; fine arts; costume design     agriculture; conservation and land
                       and production; stage management;            management; horticulture; viticulture;
                       footwear production; digital creativity;     irrigation; garden design; wine
                       advanced 3D design; visual arts; ceramics    grape-growing; fruit production;
                                                                    sports turf management; aquaculture
                           Beauty therapy; hairdressing;                 Health & community
                       make-up; nail technology                           Aged care; alcohol and drugs work;
                                                                    children’s services; welfare work; nursing;
                                                                    youth work; dental technology; dental
                                                                    hygiene; teaching assistance; disability
                                                                    work; early childhood education

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
What can you study?            7

        Information technology                                             Sport & recreation
      Website design; networking;                                        Sport development; outdoor
software development; database design                              recreation; massage; athlete support;
and development; programming; systems                              fitness; outdoor leadership and
analysis and design; computer forensics;                           management; snowsports instructing;
telecommunications; game development;                              avalanche studies
interactive gaming
                                                                           Tourism & hospitality
        Media & music                                                    Baking; cookery; hospitality
      Journalism; film, radio and TV studies                       management; pâtisserie; tour guiding;
(including production); PR; production;                            hotel management; marketing and product
music business; screen studies; music                              development; event management; resort
production; video and electronic media                             management (dive, spa, marine); food
                                                                   science and technology; confectionary
        Natural therapies                                          manufacturing; butchery
      Aromatherapy; nutritional medicine;
naturopathy; herbal medicine; massage;                                     Trades
reflexology; kinesiology; stress                                         Cabinet-making; bricklaying; air
management and spa therapies                                       conditioning; automotive; locksmithing;
                                                                   painting and decorating; plastering; wall
        Science & environment                                      and ceiling lining; wall and floor tiling;
     Pathology testing; engineering;                               welding; fitting; stonemasonry; glazing.
marine studies; aquaculture; laboratory
technology; geoscience

Please note: Not all courses are available in each State or Territory of Australia, or in every location in New Zealand. This list is not complete
and changes frequently. For up to date information on the courses available, free advice on which qualifications and colleges might suit you,
or to request prospectuses or make an application, please contact Study Options. Call us on 020 7353 7200 or email mail@studyoptions.com

2016 HOW, WHAT, WHERE Everything you need to know about studying in Australia and New Zealand - Study Options Colleges
8 What can you study?

Which course will take you toward the career
you want? Let's look at a few examples

        Possible careers: Farmer, park ranger, horse breeder
or trainer, pet shop owner, veterinary nurse, animal welfare
worker, fisheries worker
Do you love animals? Australia and New Zealand are
great places to train in a wide range of specialist
animal related fields and professions. A wide range of
hands-on, practical courses are available throughout
the country, so whether you’re eventually hoping to
farm fish or cattle, train horses or work in a pet shop,
there are plenty of options available.

Possible careers: Youth worker, welfare worker, community
services officer, outreach officer, family support worker,
child care worker, nanny
Do you want to work with children or the elderly? The
care industry is one of the fastest growing in Australia
and New Zealand, and one of the most diverse.
Job prospects are currently very good and with an
ageing population worldwide together with a growing
demand for improved health and welfare services,
the high levels of demand for workers in the industry
are set to continue. Whatever area you decide to
pursue you will be involved in a challenging but
extremely rewarding career.

       Possible careers: Chef, baker, hotel manager,
café manager
The hospitality industry is huge in Australia and New
Zealand and both countries take it very seriously!
With strong employment opportunities all over the
world it’s a great profession to be involved in. Courses
in Australia and New Zealand are strongly industry
focused and will set you on the right path for your
career in the hospitality industry, whether you are
hoping to open a cosy coffee shop, work for a global
hotel chain or aspire to your own Michelin star.

What can you study? 9

       Possible careers: Wine maker; vineyard supervisor
Do you want to learn more about wine; or would you
like to work in the wine industry? Australia and New
Zealand are two of the world’s top wine-producing
countries. Australia alone creates over one billion
litres of the stuff each year! So where better to go to
learn more about how it gets from vine to bottle to
shop? These courses will teach you how to operate a
vineyard – studying soil conditions, pruning the vines
and picking the grapes. As part of the courses you will
spend time working on vineyards, giving you vital
practical training and great exposure to all areas of
the wine industry. During the holidays you could get a
job picking and processing grapes, as workers in the
grape-growing industry are always in high demand.
So all you need to do is decide whether you want
spend your holidays working in Margaret River,
Hawke's Bay, Marlborough or the Hunter Valley…

      Do you want to learn more about wine, or would
      you like to work in the wine industry? You could
study in Margaret River, Hawke's Bay or Hunter Valley...

       A NEW TRADE
Possible careers: Bricklayer, cabinet maker, mechanic,
locksmith, painter and decorator, plasterer, floor and wall
tiler, wall and ceiling liner, welder, fitter
Would you like to retrain in an internationally
recognised trade, and gain a new, sought-after skill?
Skilled tradespeople are always in high demand all
over the world, including in Australia and New
Zealand. These courses provide the practical and
theoretical training that will enable their graduates
to work in their chosen trade. You need to be
physically fit for these courses, and be prepared
for spending a lot of time on your feet – but it’ll all
be worth it when you think of the job prospects
available when you qualify.

10 The big questions


The idea of going to the other side of the world to study always raises lots
of questions. Here, we answer a few that we get asked most often
                       When do courses start?                             fill up quickly, so get your application to
                       Semester 1 begins in February and                  Study Options in plenty of time to make
                       semester 2 in July. Some courses do have           sure you don’t miss out. If you are travelling
                       more regular intakes – please contact              with a family, it’s definitely better to allow
                       Study Options to check what’s available.           lots of time to everything organised –
                                                                          including school places for your kids -
                       What qualifications will I need?                   rather than leaving it to the last minute.
                       Each college sets its own course entry             Having said that, however, if you do not
                       requirements so they vary depending on             have many ties and can get yourself ready
                       what and where you want to study. For              to go at short notice – or if you are already
                       certificate and diploma courses you will           living in Australia or New Zealand – we
                       generally need GCSEs or the equivalent.            can turn paperwork around very quickly,
                       It’s also possible to qualify for mature age       so can accept applications right up until
                       entry on the basis of work experience.             a few weeks before the course starts.

                       How long will it take to find out whether or not   Will I need a visa to study?
                       I’ve got a place?                                  Yes, you’ll need to get a student visa. For
                       It will take anywhere from one to four             more information about visas, please see
                       weeks to find out if you have an offer.            http://www.studyoptions.com/visas

                       When should I apply?                               When do I apply for my student visa?
                       We always recommend applying sooner                You can only apply for your visa once you
                       rather than later. Places on popular courses       have received a Confirmation of Enrolment

The big questions 11

                                                       Are there additional costs
                                                   if I take my family with me?
                                                   Yes. As an international student on a student (temporary) visa you’ll
                                                   have to pay fees for your children to go to any Australian or New
                                                   Zealand school (whether state or private). Fees vary according to the
                                                   age of your children and the state or territory you live in, but expect fees
                                                   of around A$4,000 to A$17,000 per year, per child in Australia and
                                                   around NZ$9,000 to NZ$15,000 per year, per child in New Zealand.

                                                   What other costs do I need to know about?
                                                   On top of tuition fees you need to budget
                                                   for the cost of living. Depending on where
                                                   you want to live this will vary considerably.

                                                   Is there any help available to pay for my
                                                   study costs?
                                                   Not really. As an international student
                                                   in Australia or New Zealand you will be
                                                   paying international student fees and
                                                   will generally need to be self-financed
                                                   to pay for these and for your living costs.
                                                   In Australia there are a few scholarships
(CoE) from an Australian college, or a fees        available from the Australian Government
receipt from a New Zealand college. In             Endeavour VET Awards. For more details
order to obtain a CoE or a fees receipt,           please see https://internationaleducation.
you must have been given a formal offer of         gov.au/endeavour%20program/pages/
place by the college, accepted it in writing       endeavour-programs-landing.aspx. It’s
and paid a deposit toward your tuition fees,       also worth checking to see if your chosen
so the student visa actually one of the last       college offers scholarships of any kind.
things in the overall process to organise.
                                                   Where can I find help on schools?
How much do courses cost?                          Please contact Study Options for advice
Each college sets its own tuition fees, so         if you are intending to travel as a family.
the cost of a course will vary depending           School costs can very enormously
on what subject, qualification and college         depending on the level of your study, the
you go for, but you can usually expect to          subject you do and where you are – the
pay somewhere between A$7,500 and                  Study Options team can guide you through
A$15,000 per year in Australia and                 all of that information. For example, in
NZ$12,000 to NZ$20,000 per year in                 New Zealand if you study a qualification
New Zealand for your tuition.                      in an area of long term skill shortage (as
                                                   specified on New Zealand’s long term skill
                                                   shortage list) you will not have to pay
                                                   international school fees for your children
      The student visa actually one of the last    at all. For more information please see
       things in the overall process to organise   www.studyoptionscolleges.com/schools
– you must have been given a formal offer of
place by the college, accepted it in writing and   Can I work while I’m studying?
paid a deposit toward your tuition fees first.     Yes. On a student visa you will be allowed

12 The big questions

to work up to 40 hours per fortnight during
term-time, and full time in the holidays, in
Australia. In New Zealand you can work 20
hours per week during term and full time
in the holidays, provided your course is
more than a year long.

I want to go with my partner. Can they work
while I study?
On the Australian subclass 572 student
visa your partner can work up to a
maximum of 20 hours per week during
                                                          Can I buy a house?
your study. For New Zealand, your partner            You can buy property in Australia on a student visa, but you must
will need to apply for their own visa to be          first seek approval from the Foreign Investment Review Board
in the country, though they will be able to          (www.firb.gov.au). Some useful websites are www.domain.com.au
apply for a work visa as a partner of a              and www.realestate.com.au. New Zealand places no restrictions on
student who is studying for a qualification          buying property as a student visa holder. A good website with which
in an area of absolute skill shortage.               to start your search is www.realestate.co.nz

Will I need medical insurance?
Yes. In Australia it is a visa requirement for       change regularly, so no one can guarantee
you (and your family, if applicable) to have         you such an outcome. Immigration policy
Overseas Student Health Cover throughout             can also change over the time you’re
your time in the country as a student. A             studying. We’d strongly recommend that
12 month OSHC policy for someone on                  you study something you enjoy, rather
their own will cost around A$450, family             than picking a course because you think
cover will vary depending on the size of the         it will prove your ticket into either country.
family. In New Zealand it’s a requirement            If you are hoping to stay permanently
of the NZ Ministry of Education that all             after your course, we recommend you
international students have appropriate              get professional advice from a registered
health and travel insurance for the duration         migration agent.
of their studies – prices vary depending
on your circumstances but a basic policy             I’m not sure what – or where – I want to study.
will cost around NZ$500 a year for single            Who can I go to for advice?
cover. For more see www.uni-care.org                 Study Options. We’re here to help people
                                                     go and study Down Under – that’s all we
I’ve been told if I study a certain course I’ll be   do, so we know the countries and their
able to get permanent residency of Australia or      education systems very, very well. If you’d
New Zealand afterward. Is this true?                 like some advice on what course to study,
Study Options is not a migration agency              or what college or location might suit you,
and so cannot advise on migration issues,            give us a call or make an appointment to
but please note that the immigration                 come in for a chat. We can also send you
policies of both Australia and New Zealand           prospectuses or lists of all the courses
                                                     available in a subject area to help you
       If you would like some advice on what         make an informed decision. We’ve helped
       course to study or which college might        hundreds of people go to Australia and
suit you best, please give us a call or make an      New Zealand to study, so get in touch
appointment to come in and see us for a chat         and we can help you too!

How to apply 13

Follow this simple, step-by-step guide to make your application

      Get in touch                                            Make your application
      Please get in touch with Study
                                                             Send your application to Study
Options – call 020 7353 7200 or email                   Options. We check to make sure everything
mail@studyoptions.com – to discuss                      is correct and complete. If you have asked
your situation. It’s important for us to                us to certify documents, we will do that at
understand what you’re about and what                   this point as well and return the originals
your priorities are before we give any                  to you by recorded delivery. Once
course advice. So give us a ring, send an               everything is ready to go, we send your
email, or make an appointment to come in                application to the college to be assessed.
for a chat. We will then give you a list of
courses and colleges to choose from.                          First of all, get in touch with Study Options to discuss
                                                              your situation. It's important that we understand what
      Do your research                                  you are all about before we start giving you course advice
     The course list we give you will
include full details of each course as well                   Get a decision
as practicalities – what it costs, when it
                                                              It usually takes between one and four
starts, etc. Go through the list carefully;             weeks for the college to decide whether
give one of the team at Study Options a                 to offer you a place. If you have been
ring to ask questions whenever you need                 offered a place, we will send through your
to. We offer free, expert advice to help                letter of offer and a guide to what
you decide where to apply.                              happens next.

      Get an application form                                 Get ready to go
     Once you’ve decided which course
                                                             Once you have accepted your place
and college to apply to, we will send you               and the college application process is
the application form and a step-by-step                 complete, we will then help you to apply
guide to making an application.                         for a student visa, to open a bank account
                                                        in New Zealand or Australia, organise
                                                        suitable accommodation and anything
   Already living                                       else you need before you start the course.
 Down Under?                                                  Finish the final preparations
 No worries….                                                 Follow the instructions in the
                                                        college’s pre-departure pack carefully to
 If you’re already living in Australia or New Zealand
                                                        make sure you arrive on time (again, feel
 and would like help or advice please get in touch
                                                        free to contact us with any questions here);
 – all the information in this booklet applies
                                                        practice throwing things on the ‘barbie’;
 whether you’re contacting us from Bristol or
                                                        start referring to flip-flops as ‘thongs’
 from Bondi. So if you are coming to the end of a       (if you’re going to Australia) or ‘jandals’
 Working Holiday Visa and are thinking of doing         (if you’re heading to New Zealand) and
 a course so you get to stay in Australia or New        organise your big farewell party…
 Zealand a bit longer, let us know. We can help!
                                                         Start studying at your chosen college
                                                          in Australia or New Zealand!

14 New Zealand

We take a closer look at the Land of the Long White Cloud and the opportunities it offers
New Zealand has been a favourite destination of
holidaymakers and travellers for decades, thanks to its
spectacular scenery, welcoming people, modern lively
cities and rich, diverse culture. It regularly features in
newspaper and magazine lists of the world’s best places
to visit, including those compiled by travel experts
like Lonely Planet.
   What isn’t so widely known, however, is that
New Zealand is also a fantastic place to study or train.                                 Auckland
New Zealand has a world-class education system,
based on the system that we use here in the UK, so
many of its features and qualifications will seem familiar.                   Hamilton
New Zealand’s schools, colleges and universities have
world-class facilities, great resources and dedicated,
approachable teaching staff.
   There is also an enormous choice of subjects to study,
from aquaculture to trades, business to wine-making, and
at a range of different study levels.
   New Zealand’s laidback outdoor lifestyle and
deserved reputation as a safe, welcoming society has
long made it a popular destination for families
travelling with children, and its family-friendly
reputation also holds true for students with                                             Wellington
families. Depending on the subject and length
of your qualification, it may be possible for
your partner to get a work visa tied to your
student visa, and for your children to only
be charged domestic tuition fees to
attend school in New Zealand.
Please contact a
Study Options advisor at
com/contact-us to find
out more.


New Zealand 15

      Christchurch: Building a city for the future
Following the earthquake of 2011, the               art utilities, digital networks and                    Christchurch has well-established,
rebuild of the South Island’s largest city          services; huge commercial design                    innovative colleges and universities that
is creating a wealth of opportunities.              and development opportunities as                    offer training and teaching in the areas
The Christchurch rebuild is estimated to            the city’s existing commercial space                that the city needs, both now and in the
be a NZ$40 billion opportunity that will            is set to triple; and massive residential           future. Please see the Christchurch
drive decades of growth and development             development as more than 130,000                    Polytechnic profile on pages 18-19 for
for the city and the wider region.                  homes are repaired or replaced. The                 more, or contact Study Options for
    The rebuild means approximately                 Christchurch rebuild requires an influx             details of the courses taught by the
NZ$4 billion of infrastructure repair in            of skilled people from a wide range of              University of Canterbury and Lincoln
the city, which will result in state of the         sectors and trades into the city.                   University. www.ccdu.govt.nz

A DATA SNAPSHOT OF CANTERBURY... Very low unemployment and positive net migration means Christchurch needs qualified
people to rebuild and develop the city. These five sectors had the greatest growth in advertised skilled vacancies in Canterbury (Jan 2014 - Jan 2015)

      
       12%                            15%                            14%                            14%                             18%
      Information                Construction and                  Sales, retail,                  Accounting,                   Education and
       technology                  engineering                    marketing and                     HR, legal                       training
                                                                   advertising                     and admin

                                            ECONOMIC GROWTH*
                                            With the lowest unemployment rate
                                            in Australasia, unprecedented growth
                                            and employment opportunities, the
                                            Christchurch economy is booming and
                                            is expected to continue growing over
                                            the next 20 years

 2.7%                   7.6%                  2.4%                  2.7%                   7.3%                  3.2%                  4.2%
      U.K.                  India                 U.S.                Australia               China                   NZ               Christchurch
Data above sourced from the OECD and Informetrics Ltd. Figures current as at March 2015. See www.cdc.org.nz for latest information and figures

16 New Zealand

Anyone enrolling as an international student on a course of three months
or more in New Zealand will need a student visa. Here are the key things to know

                       What visa will I need to study?                       The application should be lodged at the
                       If the course you want to study is no more            New Zealand Visa Application Centre in
                       than three months long, and you hold an               London. You can make your application via
                       NZ visitor’s visa or permit, then you do              Study Options, by post, or in person at the
                       not need to get a student visa or permit              New Zealand Visa Application Centre,
                       to study. If your course is due to take three         Burwood House, 14-16 Caxton Street,
                       months or longer to complete, you will                London, SW1H 0QY.
                       need a student visa.
                                                                             Will I need to provide any character documents?
                       Is there an age limit?                                All applicants for New Zealand visas need
                       There are no age limits to getting a student          to be of ‘good character’, which generally
                       visa in New Zealand.                                  means you have no criminal convictions.
                                                                             If you have convictions or if you intend on
                       Can I still get a student visa if I’ve already used   remaining in New Zealand for more than
                       my working holiday visa?                              24 months you will need to provide police
                       Yes. The student visa and working holiday             clearances from each country for which
                       visa schemes are completely separate.                 you have citizenship. You will also need to
                                                                             provide police clearances for every country
      A New Zealand student visa is valid immediately upon                   you have lived in for five years or more
       issuing, so once you have been granted your student                   since you turned 17.
visa you can use it to enter New Zealand straightaway
                                                                             Will I need to provide health documents?
                       Can I work on a student visa?                         As an international fee-paying student
                       Yes, up to 20 hours a week during term                you do not need to provide any medical
                       time and full time in the holidays (as long           documents at the point of application
                       as your course is one year or longer).                unless the student visa application form
                                                                             (INZ 1012) or the student visa guide (INZ
                       How much does it cost to apply for a student visa?    1013) specifically indicates that you should.
                       Student visa applications from the UK                 If INZ requires a medical or chest x-ray
                       currently cost £140, plus a processing fee            during assessment, a visa officer will be
                       of £24. Fees are subject to change, so                in touch to request this from you directly.
                       please check www.immigration.govt.nz
                       before making your application.                       How long does it take to get?
                                                                             INZ recommends you allow between four
                       How do I apply?                                       and six weeks for student visa processing.
                       You can submit an application online, or
                       complete the Application To Study In New              How soon can I travel, once I get my student visa?
                       Zealand form, which is available from the             The visa is valid immediately upon issuing,
                       INZ website or from Study Options (please             so once you have your student visa you can
                       request a copy at mail@studyoptions.com).             use it to enter New Zealand.

New Zealand 17

How long will my visa last?                       If your course does not fall into either of            All information
The visa is valid for the duration of your        these categories, your partner will need to            is correct at the
course if it is up to 12 months long, or for                                                             time of going to
                                                  apply to be in New Zealand of their own
                                                                                                         press but is
the academic year for courses that are            accord, for example under the Working                  subject to
longer than a year.                               Holiday Scheme, the Essential Skills Visa              change. Please
                                                  or the Skilled Migrant Category.                       check INZ’s
Can I take my partner with me?                                                                           website for the
                                                                                                         most up-to-date
It is not possible to add your partner to         What are my obligations?                               information
your student visa as a dependant. Your                You must hold comprehensive health
partner will need to apply for their own visa         insurance for the duration of your stay, as
to be in New Zealand if he or she wishes to           only NZ residents and holders of two year
work or study. They can apply for a work              or longer work permits are eligible for
visa as the partner of a                                               publicly funded health
student who is:                                                        and disability services.
                                   What will I                         You also have a legal
i) Studying for a
qualification in an area of      need to apply?                        obligation to be in New
                                                                       Zealand on a valid permit
absolute skill shortage, as      See www.studyoptionscolleges.         at all times. If you fail to
specified in the Long Term       com/student-visas/                    remain in New Zealand
Skill Shortage List, or          student-visas-new-zealand for a       lawfully you may be
                                 full list of the documents needed     declined a permit to remain
ii) studying for a               to apply for a student visa for NZ.   in or a visa to travel to the
postgraduate qualification.                                            country in the future.

18 New Zealand

                       With more than 100 years’ experience            lS
                                                                         ocial   work
                       and over 2,000 staff, CPIT is one of            lN
                       New Zealand’s largest tertiary institutions.    lM
                                                                         edical   imaging
                       We are a government owned institution           lM
                       with a reputation for providing high quality    lM
                                                                         ental    health support
                       degree, diploma and certificate and English     lA
                                                                         rt   and design
                       language programmes.                            lV  et nursing
                          Our programmes are all New Zealand           lP  hotography
                       Qualifications Authority (NZQA) quality         lF  ashion technology and design
                       assured and our degrees are equal in status     lP  erforming arts
                       to university degrees. Our students graduate    lM  usical arts
                       with work-ready professional skills. Most       lD  igital video post-production
                       of our degree courses include cooperative       lF  itness training
                       education projects in industry, leading to      lA  nimal science
                       great employment opportunities.                 lA  pplied science
                          You can trust CPIT to offer you a            lB  roadcasting
                       successful learning experience. Over            lE  lectronic engineering,
                       25,000 students each year can’t be wrong!       lC  omputer aided design
                                                                       lC  ivil and mechanical engineering

                              Our courses                             lP  roject management
                             CPIT offers a range of applied learning   lO  peration and production management
                       opportunities and qualifications from           l I nformation design
                       graduate diplomas to bachelor degrees,          lB  usiness transformation and change
                       diplomas, and certificates. Programme           l I nnovation and entrepreneurship
                       and subject options at CPIT include:            lS  ustainability
                                                                       lS  ystems administration
                         rchitectural   studies                       lJ  apanese and Chinese languages
                         ccounting                                    lM  aori studies
                         usiness    management
                         usiness    administration                           Facilities and student support
                       lP  rofessional cookery                               CPIT has more than 1,500
                       lH  ospitality management                      computers with 24 hour access for students.
                       lC  omputing and ICT                           The very modern campus centre features
                       lE  vent management                            cafes, a recreation centre, modern library,
                       lR  estaurant/wine and bar service             healthcare centre, and other facilities.
                       lB  akery                                         At CPIT, we have a team of dedicated
                       l I nformation design                          international student advisors and
                       lE  nglish teacher training (TESOL)            admissions staff to help international
                       lT  ravel and tourism                          students with their welfare and enrolments.
                       lO  utdoor education and adventure tourism     We’re committed to keeping our resources
                       l I nterior design                             at the cutting edge with the latest business
                       lC  onstruction management and quantity        software systems and technologies, as well
                         surveying                                     as purpose-built training resources.

New Zealand 19

     Start dates and tuition fees              the world for travellers to visit.
       Academic programmes start in                Christchurch International Airport has
February and July. Each year we have two        completed a striking redevelopment,
semesters. Semester one runs from late          winning the Oceania Routes Airport
January or early February to June and           Marketing Award twice. The airport is
semester two from July through to late          only 20 minutes by car from CPIT.
November or December. Tuition fees                 Many arts, music and cultural festivals
range from NZ$18,000 to $27,000 per             are held each year throughout our region
year, depending on the programme.               and international artists regularly feature at
                                                the CBS Arena. Hagley Park is spectacular
     Living in Christchurch                    all year round and is the main venue for
       Christchurch is the educational,         outdoor concerts, expos, and events.
horticultural, commercial, and tourism hub         Dance and live theatre is very popular
for New Zealand’s South Island. With the        in our city with stage shows to entertain
Pacific Ocean to the east and the Southern      and numerous studios to teaching steps
Alps to the west, our environment is one of     as varied as ballroom, salsa and hip hop.
extraordinary natural beauty.                      Specialist food and craft markets are
   Christchurch offers its almost 360,000       held every weekend and diverse ethnicities
inhabitants a unique lifestyle in a city that   are well represented in the city’s shopping
is vibrant, cosmopolitan, clean, friendly,      districts and restaurants.
and safe. Situated in the heart of the South       In short, Christchurch is a great place to
Island, arguably the most spectacular           study, live and play!
region in New Zealand, Christchurch’s
beautiful gardens, clean parks, and rivers      For more information on Christchurch see
have seen it voted ‘The Best Garden City’ in    www.christchurchnz.com or
the world. In 2012, Lonely Planet ranked        www.christchurch.org.nz
Christchurch as one of the top ten cities in    www.cpit.ac.nz

20 New Zealand

                       The College of Natural Health and                delivery format of all full-time courses
                       Homeopathy is focused on just one                comprises ten weekends per year of
                       subject: Natural health. New Zealand is          intensive tutor and peer contact
                       the best place in the world to study it.        lW
                                                                         eekend intensives which are
                          We offer courses in complementary             augmented by continual assessments
                       medicine, natural health and wellness.           and supported by directed study (20
                       For international students who want to           hours a week needed to successfully
                       study with us in New Zealand we offer            complete the programme).
                       an in-depth, fully accredited Diploma in
                       Homeopathic Medicine. International                   What is homeopathy and natural health?
                       students can come to New Zealand and                    Homeopathy is at the heart of
                       take advantage of its brilliant lifestyle       natural medicine. It is a system of medicine
                       while studying one of the fastest growing       that works with the best of nature to treat
                       professions worldwide, or stay at home          a full array of acute and chronic health
                       and study via e-learning.                       conditions. It is used by millions worldwide;
                          CNHH has been providing quality              has strong green credentials due to the
                       homeopathic education since 1989. We            cost effectiveness of manufacturing
                       are boutique, passionate and dedicated.         homeopathic medicines; is effective for
                       We specialise in natural medicine clinical      numerous acute and chronic conditions,
                       training, the crucial bridge between the        plus there is a growing strong and robust
                       underpinning foundational knowledge             body of research to validate its therapeutic
                       and the application of that knowledge.          effectiveness.
                          The College was the first educational           Natural health is concerned with
                       institution in New Zealand to be accredited     maintaining good health naturally through
                       to provide homeopathy to Level 7 on the         the quality of the food and drink we take
                       NZQA framework and is the first and only        in, the air we breathe, our daily physical
                       accredited provider for a Diploma of            activities, quality of sleep and interactions
                       Homeopathy (Animal Health).                     with other people. In other words, how we
                          The College of Natural Health and            live our lives on a daily basis.
                       Homeopathy offers flexible learning options        Natural practices that help us to do this
                       and is unique in having campuses all over       when we are in a state of reduced health
                       New Zealand. Studying with us provides:         are those that are non-invasive and support
                                                                       our intrinsic self-healing processes, including
                          friendly, supportive, integrated learning   homeopathy, naturopathic practices and
                        environment                                    herbalism, iridology, bioenergetic methods,
                         range of flexible learning options           massage, Reiki, acupuncture, yoga,
                         ighly qualified, professional and            biofeedback and hypnotherapy.
                        experienced tutors
                                                                             Why study natural medicine?
                         overnment approved courses
                         he best learning technologies and
                                                                             In addition to the individual
                        e-learning                                     self-learning and growth opportunities
                         ull-time attending and distance delivery     that study affords, the complementary
                        options designed to cater for the needs        medicine industry is growing rapidly.
                        of learners wishing to study homeopathy        lC omplementary medicine is taught in
                        to professional registration level. The          more than 50% of US medical schools

New Zealand 21

 and 60 percent of US medical student
 participants want more education related
 to CAM during their time in medical
  he US public spent an estimated
 $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on CAM
 therapies in 2007 and the amount has
 been increasing steadily ever since
  omplementary and alternative medicine
 is used by more than 100 million EU
 citizens, 9 million of whom live in the UK
  he percentage of Japanese respondents
 who had used at least one CAM therapy
 in the past 12 months was greater than
 those who had used orthodox Western
 medicine (76% vs 65.6%)
  4% of New Zealand adults had visited
 a CAM practitioner over the 12 month
 study period. Massage therapists,
 homeopaths and naturopaths were
 among the most commonly consulted
 CAM practitioners.
                                                Please refer to the admission requirements
     Online study with CNHH                    section of our website for further details.
       We appreciate that it is not always
possible for students to travel all the way          Graduate destinations
to New Zealand to study, so we also offer              The College of Natural Health
our homeopathy courses in an online             and Homeopathy has become the largest
study mode.                                     and the leading training institution in
   CNHH offers the Diploma of Homeopathy        New Zealand for homeopathy courses.
and the Diploma of Homeopathy (Animal              To date, the College has trained over
Health) fully online. Assessments for the       1,000 homeopaths. Our graduates end up
clinical portion of the diploma can also be     in the most diverse areas. Ninety-one per
completed in your home country.                 cent of our graduates find work in the field.
   Studying online from home offers you         Most graduates go into private practice
the flexibility to fit your study around work   and multi modality clinics, while many
and family commitments. The lectures are        find their way to research, education,
available via the College Moodle site to        blogging, manufacturing and retail.
view any time; you can also pause and
return to them later. Assignments are
also completed and submitted online.            www.cnhh.ac.nz/international-
   The enrolment criteria for our online        students#international-welcome
courses is the same as for on campus
enrolments except you will not need to
arrange student visas or medical insurance.

22 New Zealand


                       ACG (Academic Colleges Group) is New
                       Zealand’s largest quality provider of private
                       school education, university pathways and
                       tertiary skills-focused programmes.
                          ACG comprises 11 schools and 4 tertiary
                       colleges in three countries and offers a
                       comprehensive range of programmes for:

                       l U
                           niversity Foundation Studies for
                         University of Auckland and AUT University
                       l D
                           iploma and certificate programmes
                       l K
                           indergarten, primary, middle and senior    Category 1 providers – the highest possible
                          school education                             ranking from NZQA (New Zealand
                       l E
                           nglish language courses                    Qualifications Authority). Together,
                                                                       they train over 6,000 students each year,
                         ACG school education
                          ACG has five co-educational day
                                                                       delivering real skills for today’s professions.
                                                                       Programmes are industry-relevant, practical
                       schools in Auckland and Tauranga. All ACG       and flexible, ranging from two days to two
                       Schools offer the University of Cambridge       years in duration.
                       International Examinations: IGCSE, AS and
                       A Levels. ACG Senior College also offers the    l A
                                                                           CG Yoobee School Of Design
                       International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.       The largest specialised design and
                                                                       multimedia school in the country, ACG
                         University pathways
                          University Foundation Studies
                                                                       Yoobee School of Design has been training
                                                                       students for the creative industries since
                       prepares international students for entry       1997. ACG Yoobee produces work-ready,
                       into a university’s degree programmes.          technically skilled graduates for the creative
                       ACG offers the University of Auckland           industries. Diploma programmes are
                       Certificate in Foundation Studies and AUT       offered in graphic design; digital media;
                       University Certificate in Foundation Studies.   web development; game art; filmmaking;
                       Both certificates are recognised by all New     animation and 3D graphics.
                       Zealand universities and top universities in
                       Australia, including ANU, the University of     l N
                                                                           ew Zealand School Of Tourism
                       Adelaide and Monash University. Successful      The largest specialised tourism and travel
                       completion of the Foundation Studies            school in the country, New Zealand School
                       certificates to prescribed standards            of Tourism has been training students for
                       guarantees entry to an appropriate              the airline, travel and tourism industry
                       university’s undergraduate degree.              since 1985. The school has nine campuses
                                                                       throughout New Zealand, including a
                               Tertiary career focused programmes      campus at Auckland Airport. Its tourism
                            ACG’s Career Division is made up of       and travel courses prepare students for
                       four quality tertiary colleges which all are    a range of careers in the industry, from

New Zealand 23

hotels to tourist information offices, travel    business professionals in the country.
agencies, airlines, duty free, rental cars       Students gain relevant industry experience
and lots of other tourism companies. The         in our authentic training environments and
international flight attendant course can        we have a dedicated employment team,
be completed on its own or as part of a          NZMA Careers, to support them into
two-year management programme and                employment. This team makes sure that
graduates have been employed with airlines       our students graduate ready for work, and
all around the world, from Air New Zealand       helps them find part-time work, internships
to Emirates, Qatar, ANA, Garuda Indonesia        and full-time employment. NZMA Careers
and many more. NZ School of Tourism              has strong relationships with many of
offers certificate and diplomas in tourism       New Zealand’s biggest employers and for
and travel management.                           many organisations looking for skilled staff,
                                                 NZMA is their first port of call. NZMA won
     (New Zealand Career College)              Training Establishment of the Year 2015.
NZCC provides quality vocational training in     NZMA offers diplomas in hospitality,
the fields of business and early childhood       cookery and business.
education. With a strong emphasis on
practical skills, our goal is to help students   With ACG, you gain valuable practical skills
not only gain qualifications, but also           and highly respected qualifications. A
develop fulfilling careers. Currently we train   dedicated careers team is on hand to help
and transition almost 1,000 students each        graduates launch their careers, ensuring
year, from New Zealand and around the            their journey at ACG is not only a pathway
world. NZCC offers Level 7 Diplomas in           to further education, but also a pathway to
applied management in professional               a rewarding career.
retailing, project management and                ww.acgedu.com
procurement supply chain management.

     (New Zealand Management Academies)
NZMA has been teaching skills for today’s
workplace for over 30 years, producing
some of the best hospitality, cookery and

Australia 25


                                                            Adelaide                                            Sydney

AUSTRALIA                                                                                       Hobart
The colleges and where to find them

Australian College of Sport   Browns Professional           Melbourne Polytechnic    The Western Australian
& Fitness                     Brisbane                      Melbourne                Institute of Further Studies
Sydney, Perth, Melbourne      p36                           p44                      (WAIFS)
and Brisbane                                                                         Perth
p28                           Holmesglen                    TAFE South Australia     p52
                              Four campuses in Melbourne    47 campuses throughout
TAFE Western Australia        p38                           South Australia          MEGT Australia
36 campuses throughout                                      p46                      Sydney, Melbourne
Western Australia             TAFE Queensland Gold                                   p54
p30                           Coast & TAFE Queensland       Taylorweir
                              East Coast                    Perth                    William Angliss Institute
Australian Professional       Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast,   p48                      Melbourne, Sydney
Skills Institute (APSI)       Wide Bay                                               p56
Perth                         p42                           Box Hill Institute
p34                                                         Melbourne

26 Australia

Anyone enrolling as an international student on a course lasting three months
or more in Australia will need a student visa. Here are the key things to know
                       What type of visa will I need to study in Australia?   Once I’ve got my student visa, when can I travel
                       Anyone wanting to undertake ‘vocational                to Australia?
                       education and training’, which includes                You can enter Australia on your student visa
                       diplomas, certificates and advanced                    up to 90 days before your course starts.
                       diplomas, will be applying for a subclass
                       572 student visa. Those going to study a               Does a student visa allow me to work?
                       degree would apply for a subclass 573 visa.            Yes, up to 40 hours per fortnight during term
                                                                              and unlimited hours in the holidays. When
                       When should I apply for my visa?                       your visa is granted you will receive
                       You can only apply once you have had a                 permission to work, though please note you
                       Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from an                are not allowed to begin working until you
                       Australian college. In order to get a CoE,             have enrolled and started your course. Any
                       you must have been given a formal offer of             work that is a formal, registered part of a
                       place by the college, accepted it in writing           course is not included in the limit of 40
                       and paid a deposit toward your tuition fees.           hours per fortnight, but unpaid or voluntary
                       The deposit is typically one semester’s                work, DOES count toward your work hours.
                       tuition fees plus Overseas Student Health
                       Cover (OSHC).                                          Can I take my partner with me?
                                                                              Yes, he or she can accompany you to
                       What is OSHC?                                          Australia as a dependent on your student
                       It is an Australian student visa requirement           visa provided you can prove you have been
                       for you (and your family, if they will be              in a ‘genuine and exclusive’ relationship with
                       travelling with you on your student visa) to           them for at least 12 months. This usually
                       have OSHC cover throughout your time in                requires you to have been living together
                       Australia as a student. Single 12 month                for at least 12 months.
                       OSHC cover will cost around A$450; family
                       cover will vary according to the size of the           If my partner is a dependent on my visa, can they
                       family unit.                                           work while I study?
                                                                              Partners of students on 572 visas are able
                       Is there an age limit?                                 to work up to 40 hours per fortnight, the
                       No. There is no age limit on student visas             same allowance as the student. Unlike the
                       for Australia.                                         student, however, partners are not entitled
                                                                              to work longer hours in holidays – the
                       I have already used my Working Holiday visa for        restriction of 40 hours applies throughout.
                       Australia. Am I still eligible for a student visa?
                       Yes. The two visa schemes are completely               How do I apply?
                       separate from one another.                             You can make your application online
                                                                              at www.border.gov.au, or by post using
                       How long does it take?                                 a paper application (Form 157a –
                       Visa processing times vary, but allow at               Application For A Student Visa).
                       least two weeks for the visa to be approved.           If applying via the paper application,

You can also read