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What is the TALIS-PISA Link? T he OECD study “Teaching Strategies for In TALIS 2013, participating countries and economies Instructional Quality” is based on the analysis of had the option of applying TALIS questionnaires the TALIS-PISA Link database. to a PISA 2012 subsample with the purpose of linking The Teaching and Learning International Student data on schools, teachers and students. Survey (TALIS) is an international survey that examines This option is called the “TALIS-PISA Link” database. teaching and learning environments in schools The TALIS-PISA Link provides us with valuable in countries and economies around the world, information about teaching strategies and their while the Programme for International Student relationship with the characteristics of the school, Assessment (PISA) assesses the extent to which the classroom and students’ outcomes. A better children near the end of compulsory education have understanding of these relationships can help acquired the knowledge and skills needed for full teachers, schools and education policy makers participation in modern societies. to design more effective policies with the aim of improving the learning achievements of all students. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 3
What are the key features of the study, “Teaching Strategies for Instructional Quality”? 8 Participating countries The survey Australia, Finland, Latvia, Mexico, The TALIS-PISA Link database Portugal, Romania, Singapore and consists of two surveys: Spain. •T ALIS questionnaires for teachers and school principals, Who are the teachers? with a special, additional •T eachers who were working in questionnaire for mathematics the school at the time of the teachers (i.e. the mathematics PISA 2012 study: for at least module), were available on a year in the surveyed school paper and online. in the southern hemisphere •P ISA questionnaires, in countries and for at least particular, student and school two years in the northern questionnaires, as well as hemisphere countries. student assessments in •T eachers instructing mathematics, reading and mathematics to 15-year-old science. As mathematics is the students. main domain of the PISA 2012 assessment – measures for •T eachers whose target class mathematics are more accurate falls into mathematics. and reliable than for other •T eachers who answered the domains – this report on the TALIS mathematics module1. TALIS-PISA Link data focuses on •T eachers who responded to teachers teaching mathematics. the 24 items about classroom It is important to take into account practices considered for this that this study was based on the study. findings of only eight countries Across the eight participating and, thus, inferences regarding countries, the resulting sample frequencies and associations to comprises 3 390 teachers from other national contexts should 1 111 schools. be made carefully. These findings should be considered as tentative correlations that should be explored further in larger scale studies. 1. The goal of the mathematics module is gathering more detailed information on teaching practices from those countries that participated in the TALIS-PISA Link option. 4 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
T eachers are the most important ingredient Research and policy questions of quality education. Although this is deeply For the eight countries that participated in the TALIS- ingrained in the policy debate, policy makers PISA Link option, the study first identifies mathematics need to identify what goes into high-quality teaching teachers’ main instructional strategies based on their in order to take action to improve policies, teacher self-reported classroom practices. It then measures training and professional development programmes the frequency with which teachers adopt each of for teachers with the aim of improving the the teaching strategies and analyses the relationships achievement of all students. between each strategy and key student outcomes. This research aims to provide insight into the Cross-country differences in the relationships between strategies that lead to better student outcomes and teaching strategies and student outcomes, as well as the characteristics of teachers, students and schools school socio-economic composition, are also looked associated with the regular use of good teaching at, as they are likely to affect these associations. practices. This brochure highlights the main The report goes on to examine several factors that findings of this research, which is developed may enable the use of teaching strategies found to be further in the paper by Le Donné, Fraser and positively linked with student learning. Bousquet (2016). Questions guiding our research • W hat are the most common teaching strategies used by mathematics teachers? To what extent do these strategies vary within and between schools? • H ow do teachers’ instructional strategies contribute to students’ mathematics performance and their attitudes towards learning? • H ow do characteristics of the school, the classroom and the teacher affect the implementation of teaching strategies? © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 5
What are the most common teaching strategies used today? T he analysis of mathematics teachers’ classroom practices has highlighted the existence of three underlying teaching strategies: these are referred to as active learning, cognitive activation and teacher-directed instruction. Active Cognitive Teacher-directed learning activation instruction • C onsists of promoting the • R efers to the use of practices • R efers to teaching practices engagement of students in capable of challenging that rely, to a great extent, on their own learning. students in order to motivate a teacher’s ability to deliver them and stimulate higher- orderly and clear lessons. • U nder this strategy, students’ order skills, such as critical discussions, group work, • M aking explicit the learning thinking, problem solving co‑operation, reflection and goals, providing a summary and decision making. the necessary support to of previous lessons or asking foster these activities play a • T his strategy not only short, fact-based questions central role. encourages students to find are examples of practices creative and alternative that help to structure • F urthermore, the inclusion ways to solve problems, lessons. and use of information and but enables them to communication technologies communicate their thinking (ICT) in the classroom can processes and results with help to foster an interactive their peers and teachers. and individual learning environment. It is important to keep in mind that these teaching Analysis of the TALIS-PISA Link data: Which strategies are not mutually exclusive; a teacher can teaching strategies are teachers using? present a summary of recently learned content It is generally recognised that teaching strategies are (teacher directed-strategies), encourage students to multidimensional – how well they work depends on work in small groups to come up with a joint solution the context in which they are applied. There is no to a problem or task (active learning strategies) and single strategy that can guarantee better student expect students to explain their thinking on complex outcomes. However, research has highlighted a problems (cognitive-activation strategies) with number of practices that enable learning among different frequencies. students (Hattie, 2009; Marzano et al., 2001; 6 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Wayne and Young, 2003). These include techniques The study classified practices into strategies through a such as strong classroom management, clear statistical empirical approach by using an exploratory instructions, helping students engage meaningfully factor analysis (EFA). Box 1 lists the practices that best with the learning content, applying formative characterise each teaching strategy. assessment and providing constructive, supportive feedback. Box 1. TALIS-PISA Link: three teaching strategies2 The active learning strategy • I connect mathematics concepts I teach to • S tudents work on projects that require at uses of those concepts outside of school. least one week to complete. • I go over homework problems that students • S tudents use ICT (information and were not able to solve. communication technology) for projects or The teacher-directed instruction strategy class work. • I explicitly state learning goals. • I require students to work on mathematics projects that take more than a single class • I let students practice similar tasks until I period to complete. know that every student has understood the subject matter. • I let students evaluate their own progress. • I observe students when working on • S tudents work in small groups to come up particular tasks and provide immediate with a joint solution to a problem or task. feedback. The cognitive activation strategy • I ask short, fact-based questions. • I expect students to explain their thinking • I present a summary of recently learned on complex problems. content. • I encourage students to solve problems in • I give different work to the students who more than one way. have difficulties learning and/or to those • I require students to provide written who can advance faster. explanations of how they solve problems. • I refer to a problem from everyday life or • I encourage students to work together to work to demonstrate why new knowledge is solve problems. useful. 2. For more information about the teaching strategies in the eight countries participating in the TALIS-PISA Link study, please see the country profiles at the end of this brochure. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 7
Figure 1 graphs the frequency with which the frequently used in Portugal, Mexico and Romania. mathematics teachers employ, on average, each Teacher-directed instruction is also a widespread strategy. The figure shows that, in every country, the teaching strategy among teachers in every country, and active learning strategy is used less often than the particularly strong in Australia, Latvia and Romania. other two teaching strategies (cognitive activation Teachers from top performing countries, such as and teacher-directed instruction). Indeed, while Finland and Singapore, engage in each of these most mathematics teachers report that they use types of strategies less often than teachers from active learning practices only occasionally (which other countries participating in the study. This may corresponds to a value of 2 on the circular axis), they be explained by the self-reporting nature of the TALIS usually report using cognitive activation and teacher- survey, where teachers may tend to over- or understate directed practices frequently (which corresponds to a their engagement in particular teaching practices value of 3 [see Figure 1 note]). based on a notion of social desirability. In other words, The cognitive activation strategy is widely used by teachers may tend to answer following cultural teachers in all participating countries, and is more patterns of what is desirable or expected of them. Figure 1. Frequency with which teachers use active learning, cognitive activation and teacher-directed instruction strategies Finland 4 Mexico 3 Spain 2 Active learning Cognitive activation 1 Teacher-directed 0 Singapore Romania Note: The axis represents the frequency with which teachers engage in each teaching strategy where 1 = “Never or almost never”, 2 = “Occasionally”, 3 = “Frequently “and 4 = “In all or nearly all lessons”. Australia Portugal Latvia Source: OECD (2012), Programme for International Survey Assessment (PISA): 2012 complete database, www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2012database-downloadabledata.htm; OECD (2013a), Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS): 2013 complete database, http://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?datasetcode=talis_2013%20. The teaching culture in schools Teachers who work in the same schools tend to adopt more similar teaching approaches than teachers from different schools and this “teaching culture” is observed for each teaching strategy. However, there are important cross-country differences regarding the size and significance of this school teaching culture. Of the eight participating countries, Latvia and Mexico show the strongest school “teaching culture”, while Singapore is the only country where there is no clearly observable school teaching culture for any strategy. Singapore’s results seem to indicate that the school does not exert a great influence on teaching strategies. In this case, individual teacher attributes, such as certification or years of experience, could explain the differences in teaching strategies. For more information, see Le Donné, Fraser and Bousquet (2016). 8 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Does the link between teaching strategies Figure 3 shows the relationship between teaching and students’ achievement vary according strategies and teacher practices in advantaged to the background of the students? and in disadvantaged schools.3 The contributions Figure 2 shows the association between teachers’ of the three teaching strategies to students’ instructional strategies and students’ mathematics mathematics performance seem more pronounced performance. The findings show that, overall, a in socio-economically advantaged schools than frequent use of the cognitive activation strategy, in disadvantaged ones. For example, the positive which stimulates students’ critical thinking, problem- association found between the cognitive activation solving and decision-making skills, is linked with strategy and student achievement in mathematics is higher mathematics performance. The association is stronger in socio-economically advantaged schools particularly strong in Australia, Latvia, Portugal and than in disadvantaged ones. A possible explanation Romania. for this is that teachers working in schools with a The relationship between the use of an active learning higher proportion of disadvantaged students usually strategy and student mathematics performance have less training and are operating under more presents a mixed pattern across countries. In addition, difficult circumstances; for example, they may have it is not possible to observe an overall positive fewer resources, more second-language learners association between teacher-directed strategies and and more disruptive behaviour. Consequently they students’ maths outcomes. Evidence from previous do not reap as many benefits from implementing studies using PISA data has shown these types of cognitive activation practices as teachers working in strategies are mostly used with students who score advantaged schools (OECD, 2014). at the lowest level of proficiency. These situations Similar conclusions are reached regarding teacher- may be playing a role in some national contexts, but directed instruction. While no positive relationship more research is needed to understand how these between the use of teacher-directed instruction and strategies take place in the classroom. In sum, the students’ mathematics performance was previously results showed that, depending on the country, each found, the bottom part of Figure 3 also shows that teaching strategy presents mixed results regarding this relationship is negative at a significant level their association with students’ maths achievement. only for students enrolled in advantaged schools. A preliminary explanation concerns the limitations of It is, however, non-significant for students in a self-reporting survey. Although teachers attest to disadvantaged schools. This finding could imply that the frequency with which they engage in a particular a too-frequent use of teacher-directed strategies is practice, the TALIS-PISA Link study does not have data only detrimental to the performance of advantaged on “how” teachers engage in these practices. This students, while it does not negatively affect skills study is lacking the data that only capturing practices acquisition among disadvantaged students. The main through classroom observations would allow and this message from this result is that different strategies could explain why, depending on the context, the help different student groups and facilitate the same type of practices have different outcomes. learning of different types of tasks. See Box 2 for a more in-depth discussion. 3. Advantaged schools are those located in the superior 50% of the distribution of the PISA school index of economic, social and cultural status. Disadvantaged schools are those located in the inferior 50% of the distribution of the of PISA school index of economic, social and cultural status. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 9
Figure 2. Associations between teachers’ teaching strategies and students’ mathematics performance Active learning Cognitive activation Teacher-directed instruction 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 -0.04 -0.08 -0.12 Australia Portugal Latvia Finland Singapore Spain Romania Mexico 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 -0.04 -0.08 -0.12 Mexico Spain Singapore Finland Portugal Australia Romania Latvia 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 -0.04 -0.08 -0.12 Portugal Romania Australia Spain Latvia Mexico Finland Singapore Note: The bars represent the regression coefficients associated with the school index of a given teaching strategy. The darker bars indicate regression coefficients that are significant at the 5% threshold, while controlling for a number of other teacher and school characteristics that might influence this relationship. For more information, see Le Donné, Fraser and Bousquet (2016). Countries are ranked in ascending order of the standardised regression coefficient associated with the teaching strategy of interest. Source: OECD (2012), Programme for International Survey Assessment (PISA): 2012 complete database, www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2012database-downloadabledata.htm; OECD (2013), Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS): 2013 complete database, http://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?datasetcode=talis_2013%20. 10 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Figure 3. Associations between teachers’ instructional strategies and students’ performance in mathematics by school socio-economic composition Disadvantaged Advantaged Active learning 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Latvia Australia Finland Romania Portugal Spain Singapore Mexico Cognitive activation 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Mexico Spain Finland Latvia Singapore Portugal Romania Australia Teacher-directed instruction 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 Australia Mexico Romania Portugal Singapore Latvia Spain Finland Note: The bars represent the regression coefficients associated with the school index of a given teaching strategy. The darker bars indicate regression coefficients that are significant at the 5% threshold, while controlling for a number of other teacher and school characteristics that might influence this relationship. For more information, see Le Donné, Fraser and Bousquet (2016). Countries are ranked in ascending order of the standardised regression coefficient associated with the teaching strategy of interest, estimated on the data of students enrolled in the most socio-economically advantaged half of schools. Source: OECD (2012), Programme for International Survey Assessment (PISA): 2012 complete database, www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2012database-downloadabledata.htm; OECD (2013), Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS): 2013 complete database, http://stats.oecd.org/index.aspx?datasetcode=talis_2013%20. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 11
Box 2. Understanding the role of teaching-directed practices on students’ learning: a dialogue between PISA and TALIS The recent PISA publication, Ten Questions for The report also looks at the overall association Mathematics Teachers ... and How PISA Can between cognitive activation practices, Help Answer Them (OECD, 2016a), explores as identified by student accounts, and the association of “teacher-directed” practices, mathematics achievement. Similarly to the as identified by student accounts, with the results presented in this brochure, the results likelihood of correctly answering mathematics showed that cognitive activation practices items of differing ranges of difficulty. The are positively associated with student results show that students exposed to teacher- performance. directed instruction are slightly more likely to Thus, teacher-directed strategies can help solve the easiest mathematics problems in PISA. students succeed on easier tasks, but they may However as the difficulty of the item increases, not be the best strategy in the long run to this association becomes non-significant. prepare students for more complex tasks. Although the overall association is moderate, the evidence suggests that teacher-directed strategies seem to be more conducive to solving easier tasks than more complex ones. How to better support the teacher instruction managing their classroom. Results from TALIS 2013 strategies that lead to improved student showed that the level of self-efficacy among teachers outcomes? in a country is highly correlated with teachers’ Now that it is known that cognitive activation participation rate in professional development. strategies and, to a lesser extent, active learning Teachers who have confidence in their own abilities strategies, showed the strongest association with are more likely to engage in active teaching strategies. raising students’ achievement, it is important to Also, for both strategies and in almost all participating understand the factors that determine the adoption countries, the results show that the more a teacher of these strategies. co-operates with other teachers in the school, the Tables 1 and 2 show the association of a range of more he or she tends to regularly use cognitive school and teacher factors with cognitive activation activation and active learning strategies. This suggests and active learning strategies, respectively. Teacher that exchanging ideas and experience about teaching self-efficacy is the only factor that is associated with other teachers in the school, observing each with a more frequent use of both strategies in all other’s classrooms and providing mutual support participating countries. Teacher self-efficacy refers increases the likelihood of implementing of good to the confidence teachers have in teaching and teaching strategies. 12 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Table 1. Factors most significantly related to teachers’ use of cognitive activation Block Factor Australia Finland Latvia Mexico Portugal Romania Singapore Spain Teacher Constructivist ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ perceptions of beliefs work and work Teacher ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ environment self-efficacy Teacher relations Co-operation with ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ with other school other teachers stakeholders Classroom Classroom ++ ++ ++ ++ composition disciplinary climate and climate School socio- Heterogeneity ++ - -- ++ demographic of students with composition and respect to their mathematics mathematics achievement performances Proportion of ++ -- ++ ++ immigrant students in the school School climate Heterogeneity -- -- ++ -- ++ and student of students with attitudes towards respect to their mathematics attitudes towards learning activities Note: “++” and “--” indicate a significant association at the 5% threshold; “+” and “-” indicate a significant association at the 10% threshold, while controlling for a number of other teacher and school characteristics that might influence this relationship. For more information, see Le Donné, Fraser and Bousquet (2016). Source: OECD (2012), Programme for International Survey Assessment (PISA): 2012 complete database, www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2012database-downloadabledata.htm; OECD (2013), Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS): 2013 complete database, http://stats.oecd.org/index. aspx?datasetcode=talis_2013%20. Table 2. Factors most significantly related to teachers’ use of active learning Block Factor Australia Finland Latvia Mexico Portugal Romania Singapore Spain Teacher Teacher ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ perception of self-efficacy work and work enivronment Teacher relations Co-operation with ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ with other school other teachers stakeholders Classroom Proportion of low ++ - - -- -- composition academic achievers and climate Proportion of ++ ++ ++ + academically gifted students Classroom + ++ + ++ disciplinary climate School climate Heterogeneity - + -- - and student of students attitudes toward with respect to mathematics their confidence towards mathematics Note: “++” and “--” indicate a significant association at the 5% threshold; “+” and “-” indicate a significant association at the 10% threshold, while controlling for a number of other teacher and school characteristics that might influence this relationship. For more information, see Le Donné, Fraser and Bousquet (2016). Source: OECD (2012), Programme for International Survey Assessment (PISA): 2012 complete database, www.oecd.org/pisa/pisaproducts/pisa2012database-downloadabledata.htm; OECD (2013), Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS): 2013 complete database, http://stats.oecd.org/index. aspx?datasetcode=talis_2013%20. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 13
What can schools do to promote good teaching practices? 1) Allow teachers time to develop teaching 2) Support teachers’ efforts to find the best strategies teaching strategy A possible explanation for teacher-directed instruction On the other hand, in most countries in this study, being so common across participating countries is no positive association was found between teacher- that this type of strategy is less time-consuming than directed instruction and student achievement in active learning and cognitive activation strategies, mathematics in four out of the eight countries. and requires less commitment from disengaged A possible explanation for this lack of association students. Both active learning and cognitive activation is that teacher-directed strategies are more often instruction strategies necessitate more planning and used with low-performer students (Echazarra student dedication than teacher-directed instruction. et al., 2016). However, it is important to note that Teachers who need to cover a lengthy curriculum the implementation of teacher-directed strategies or focus on preparing for standardised tests may should not necessarily be interpreted as negative. not have sufficient time to prepare for these lessons Presenting clear instructions, or providing a summary (Boardman and Woodruff, 2004). It is, thus, likely that of previous lessons, are an important component of a not many teachers have been adequately trained to successful learning climate. Indeed, a previous study manage and implement the practices related to both conducted by the OECD has shown that teacher- of these strategies. directed practices are positively associated with the Therefore, increasing the number of planning hours likelihood of answering easy items on the PISA 2012 for teachers can provide them with more time to mathematics test (Echazarra et al., 2016). Since this develop more complex teaching strategies. Providing study shows that, when teacher-directed instruction support and advice on dealing with disruptive becomes the most frequently used type of instruction classrooms would lead to fewer interruptions, better it may have unfavourable consequences on student time management and potential innovation in the learning, the issue may be for the teacher to find the lessons. Likewise, professional development activities right balance: when, in what way, and with whom is that focus on the implementation of active learning or it appropriate to use this type of practice? cognitive activation can be helpful to introduce these Teacher training programmes seeking to foster good strategies to teachers. teaching practices must, therefore, take into account the social context in which the teacher performs and provide support in managing challenging classroom environments. Box 3 briefly describes how this takes place in the Finnish system. 14 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Box 3. Finland: Identifying student needs Finland’s special teachers fulfil a role of early has a “pupils’ multi-professional care group” diagnosis and support, working closely with that meets at least twice a month for two the class teachers to identify students in need hours and which consists of the principal, the of extra help and to work individually or in special education teacher, the school nurse, small groups to give them the support they the school psychologist, a social worker, need to keep up with their classmates. It is not and the teachers whose students are being left solely to the discretion of the regular class discussed. The parents of any child being teacher to identify a problem and alert the discussed are contacted prior to the meeting special teacher; every comprehensive school and are sometimes asked to be present. Source: OECD (2011), “Finland: Slow and Steady Reform for Consistently High Results”, in Lessons from PISA for the United States, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264096660-6-en. 3) Support school-embedded professional a school-embedded approach to professional development and professional learning development is recommended. This would include communities for example participating in professional networks, As the results show, it is essential for teaching undertaking collaborative research, and engaging strategies to be in tune with the context in which they in peer observation in their school. Attempts to are applied. Teachers have reported that professional inculcate good teaching strategies in one teacher in development involving the participation in learning a single school are less likely to be successful unless communities, co-operation and peer observation has his or her school colleagues also engage in these a positive impact on their practices (Opfer, 2016). strategies. Teachers who have participated in training Teachers collaborate and discuss their teaching in classroom practices could work as mentors to practices with each other, so it is not uncommon other teachers and share their experience. Box 4 to observe that teachers from the same school shows an interesting example from New South Wales, “share” the same practices. Since strategies seem where professional development is used to promote to be more similar among teachers within the same professional learning communities. school than with teachers from different schools, © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 15
Box 4. Australia: New South Wales – Great Teaching, Inspired Learning The Great Teaching, Inspired Learning release time for them to participate in a range education reforms underway in New South of development activities, such as formal Wales (NSW) span the whole career cycle of mentoring from an experienced teaching a teacher from initial teacher education and colleague. induction for all beginning teachers, through Another element of the reforms aims to to recognising and valuing experienced support teachers to build their professional teachers and supporting aspiring school capabilities through building communities leaders. This series of initiatives aims to set a of practice. The NSW Department of new direction for improving teacher quality Education has partnered with the University and student learning outcomes in NSW schools. of Newcastle to conduct research on the A new model of support for beginning impact of teacher professional learning on teachers is also being implemented, including teacher quality and student outcomes, using strengthening the support for permanent, a Quality Teaching Rounds model. This model temporary and casual beginning teachers is based on objective observations of school through improved induction models, and classroom practice by a Professional online professional learning resources and Learning Community, comprised of four or streamlined probation and accreditation more teaching staff, to facilitate a common processes. There is also increased support for understanding and language of productive beginning teachers in their first two years of teaching and learning practices across school teaching by resourcing schools to increase contexts. Source: NSW Government (2016), Great Teaching Inspired Learning, www.dec.nsw.gov.au/our-services/schools/great-teaching-inspired-learning. These types of initiatives require a supporting (OECD, 2016b). As such, within this structure of structure from the school. A recent OECD report support, the principal or school leader role is a crucial has shown that instructional leadership can foster component. Box 5 presents some advice for teachers professional networks and teacher co-operation that and school leaders based on results from TALIS 2013 enable teachers to share and discuss their practice on how to build professional learning communities. 16 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Box 5. Fostering opportunities for teachers to expand their teaching practices What can teachers do? them available. These activities do not have • B e open to working together with to be costly or involve external experts. For colleagues and school leaders. If formal example, collaboration among teachers collaborative activities aren’t already within a school can result in effective established, take the initiative to create mentoring systems. them. • P rovide opportunities and support to build • W ork with other teachers to develop a relationships within the school. This support system of peer feedback on all aspects could be in the form of a physical space of teaching, from lesson planning and where teachers can meet or by setting classroom practice to student evaluation. aside time away from administrative work to allow teachers to meet and develop • P articipate in induction programmes, relationships with students or colleagues. mentoring programmes and other professional development activities when • E ncourage collaboration among teachers. they’re offered. While collaboration may require adjustments to teachers’ schedules, the What can school leaders do? benefits to teachers’ practices – and to teachers’ morale – are likely to outweigh • If professional development programmes any administrative inconveniences. are not available at school, try to make Source: OECD (2014b), A Teachers’ Guide to TALIS 2013: Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264216075-en. Final thoughts4 of techniques to meet the needs Teachers everywhere are committed of students with varying abilities, to helping their students achieve the motivation and interests. Meanwhile, best they can. The TALIS-PISA Link the insights provided here can inspire data show that teaching and learning education policy makers to design is a complex process involving a wide teaching policies that are well suited variety of behaviours, attitudes and to teachers’ teaching environments practices. The study findings can so that all students, whatever their inspire teachers and school leaders background, can flourish. to co-operate using a wider palette 4. In order to access more detailed analysis and conclusions, please see Le Donné, Fraser and Bousquet (2016). © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 17
Teaching strategies profiles Australia Active learning 120 110 Australia 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Australian teachers report engaging less often (around half a standard deviation less) in cognitive strategies than the average international teacher. Finland Active learning 120 110 Finland 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Finnish teachers report engaging less often (almost two standard deviation less) in active learning strategies than the average international teacher. 18 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Latvia Active learning 120 110 Latvia 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Latvian teachers report engaging more often (almost one standard deviation more) in teacher directed strategies than the average international teacher. Mexico Active learning 120 110 Mexico 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Mexican teachers report engaging more often (almost two standard deviation more) in active learning strategies than the average international teacher. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 19
Portugal Active learning 120 110 Portugal 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Portuguese teachers report engaging more often (above one standard deviation more) in cognitive activation strategies than the average international teacher. Romania Active learning 120 110 Romania 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Romanian teachers report engaging more often (almost one standard deviation more) in teacher directed strategies than the average international teacher. 20 © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY
Singapore Active learning 120 110 Singapore 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Singaporean teachers report engaging less often (above one standard deviation less) in teacher directed strategies than the average international teacher. Spain Active learning 120 110 Spain 100 International average fixed at 100 90 80 Teacher-directed Cognitive activation Note: The international average for teaching strategies was fixed at 100. All values above 100 are above the international average and all values below 100 are below the international average. Every 10 units represent a standard deviation away from the average. How to interpret the graph: Spanish teachers report engaging less often (almost one standard deviation less) in active learning strategies than the average international teacher. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 21
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Acknowledgements This research was prepared by Noémie Le Donné, Pablo Fraser and Guillaume Bousquet. Katarzyna Kubacka was involved in early analysis discussions. Editorial and administrative support for the brochure was provided by Christine Pizziol-Grière, Sandrine Peterson, Emily Groves and Rachel Linden. The authors would like to thank Andreas Schleicher, Montserrat Gomendio, Yuri Belfali, Karine Tremblay, Hannah Von Ahlefeld, Marco Paccagnella, Yoon Young Lee, Fabian Barrera-Pedemonte, Alfonso Echazarra, the representatives of the TALIS Governing Board and the European Commission for valuable feedback on earlier drafts of this paper. We would also like to express our appreciation for the comments made by a select group of researchers and representatives of international organisations during a series of webinar discussions in the first half of 2016. © OECD 2016 INSIGHTS FROM THE TALIS-PISA LINK DATA: TEACHING STRATEGIES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL QUALITY 23
For further information please visit our website: www.oecd.org/talis or contact us at: talis@oecd.org
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