Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017

Page created by Gail Hall
Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017
                   High School
     October 2017


Stratford High School:   Vol17 Issue 10
Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017
Around the School:                                                                                                           From the Principal’s Desk
                                                                                                                              Dear students, parents and caregivers, Ngā mihi o te wa ki Our senior prizegiving is on Tuesday 7th November at
                                 head boy gets honour                                                                         a koe me te whanau.                                            12.30pm and I encourage you to attend. It is a fantastic
                                                                                                                                                                                             celebration of student success and your support adds
                                 Recently one of our Year 13 Accounting students,                                             Welcome to term 4. Well life is moving at quite a pace,        much to the day. Juniors are not required to attend school
                                 Jake Vincent, was awarded a PwC Scholarship.                                                 both for the school and all the activities going on at this    on Tuesday and should report to the hall at the beginning
                                 Each year winners are chosen from hundreds                                                   time of the year. Last Friday we recognised students’          of Wednesday 8th November for an assembly which will
                                 of applicants around the country. Jake was the                                               sporting successes in 2017 and it is always pleasing to        outline the programme for the remainder of the year.
                                 recipient of one of 19 scholarships awarded                                                  celebrate our students’ sporting achievements. Over the        School for the juniors does not finish until the junior
                                 throughout New Zealand and the only student                                                  term break our basketball teams had success with the boys’ prizegiving on Tuesday 12th December.
                                 in Taranaki to receive one in 2017. To mark this                                             team winning the National A tournament and the girls’
                                 achievement, Jake, along with his Mum, Dad and                                               team finishing 6th. This was a national tournament and         Finally, as the seniors leave and prepare for their
                                 Mrs Lightoller, were invited to the PwC office in                                            our congratulations go to both teams and also to those         examinations, I would like to acknowledge our leaders
                                 New Plymouth for a prize giving celebration. He                                              players who made the tournament teams.                         and all the year 13 students. They have, I believe done a
                                 received a framed certificate to acknowledge this                                                                                                           very good job in supporting the staff and role modelling
                                 well-deserved achievement. Besides a monetary                                                Next Tuesday 31st October we will recognise students’          behaviour, leadership and pride in our school. I wish
                                 contribution towards his university fees, Jake will                                          academic success (excellence grades in NCEA internal           them all the very best in their future studies, jobs and
                                 have a PwC staff member to mentor                                                            assessments) and parents are very welcome to attend this. endeavours and eagerly await the contribution they will
                                 him during his studies. He will also                                                         For senior students time is limited before study leave for     undoubtedly make to our society.
Mr Franklyn congratulates the    benefit from a paid summer internship.                                                       external NCEA exams begins. We hope that they made
McAllister House leaders for     We know that Jake will make the most                                                         good use of the holiday to do some study.                      I take this opportunity to extend sincere thanks to all
winning the SHS OPA House        of this opportunity and we wish him                                                                                                                         parents, community supporters and sponsors who have
Trophy for term 3.                                                                                                            The external NCEA examinations begin on Thursday 9th given so much to our school and the students over the
                                              every success in his chosen
                                                                                                                              November and I reinforce the need for students to be well year. Your support has made it possible for our students
                                                                                                                              prepared. The NZQA examinations timetable is available to achieve highly in academic, sporting and cultural
                                              Raewyn Lightoller, CC
                                                                                                                              on our Facebook page and our website. Students should be dimensions of the school.
                                                                                                                              fully focused now on their exam study. The most effective No reira tena koutou katoa. Thank you very much.
                                                                                                                              study they can do is answer exam questions under exam          Mr Keenan, Principal
                                                                                                                              conditions, i.e. with a time limit. In the time left at school
                                                                         Jake with his parents Ina and Stuart at the recent   and during their study leave, students should be putting in                                                    2017-2018
                                                                         scholarship presentation.                            every effort to work towards gaining the credits available                                                     Board of
                                                                                                                              to them in the external exams. For many students this is                                                       Trustees.
                                                                                                                              half of the credits for each subject. We cannot emphasise
                                                                                                                              enough how important the next few weeks will be for
                                                                                                                              your child’s achievement and we encourage you to make
                                                                                                                              every effort you can to support your child’s learning at
                                                                                                                              this time.
                                                                                                                              Some students who have the potential to achieve very well
                                                                                                                              are not working hard enough to do themselves justice.
                                                                                                                              Some students who already have enough credits for their
                                                                                                                              level certificate think that they should not sit or study
                                                                                                                              hard for their external exams. The external exams provide      Jackson Taylor, outgoing
                                                                                                                              students with the opportunity to have their certificates       BOT Student Rep
                                                                                                                              endorsed with merit or excellence. In 2018, credits from       congratulates Finn
                                                                                                                              some 2017 external standards will be prerequisites for         Booker on his election to
                                                                                                                              some courses at school and at tertiary institutions. Sitting   the Board.
                                                                                                                              the external exams is part of completing the course for the
                                                                                                                              year. All students must sit their external NCEA exams.
                                                                                                                              Your input as parents at home can have a huge effect. See      CONTACT DETAILS UPDATE:
                                                                                                                              our website for a parent guide to examinations. Please         A reminder that in order to assist with the
                                                                                                                              support your child’s efforts to study and ensure that your     smooth running of the school I would ask
                                                                                                                              child attends all of the NCEA exams. It is the aim of all of
Annual Kapa Haka competition was won by Tyrer House after a fierce
                                                                                                                              us to have our students achieve their potential and give
                                                                                                                                                                                             parents to ensure contact details we hold
battle with Amess house. Thanks to our judges and all house leaders                                                                                                                          are current and correct, this includes email
                                                                                                                              their best performance in the coming exams.
who encouraged participation from their house members.
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Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017
edge parent portal                                                                                              hospitality Competition
A reminder to parents that our caregiver/parent portal       update your details. A Musac EDGE                   After completing a treasure hunt around the school, where students had
is now available on Musac EDGE. The parent portal            app is available for parents and                    to find and identify herbs and vegetables, students then created a dish
enables authorised caregivers to see core information        students to download onto phones.                   which consisted of three plants found around the school plus three other
about their child including up-to-date attendance,           This will give students access to                   ingredients. Our students then battled it out on Friday the 20th to compete
school reports, NCEA summary timetables, etc. Later          their timetables. Students must use                 for Best Dish.
in the year there will be the facility to make online        their school email to access the app.
payments for school donations and other charges.                                                                 The winners of Best Taste were Zane Jupp, Maljan Hardy-Pearce and
                                                             Absences                                            Ezekiel O’Leary creating rosemary lamb chops with a side dish of garlic
                                                                                                                 mash and parsley they were closely followed by Alba Mikkelsen, Rebekah
Access the Musac EDGE parent portal from this link:    Parents are reminded that when a student is absent or click on the parent  it is the parent or caregiver that needs to call the      Vogt and Sharaya Pick who created a chicken and potato salad.
portal link on our website. You must use the email     school. We are concerned that in a few instances the
address the school has on file for you. Set or reset                                                             The winners of Best Presentation were Hinewhaiora Toopi and Joesph
                                                       student themself, has rung in. Absences do need to        Chandler. Their dish was a creative, deconstructed shepard’s pie. David
your Musac EDGE password via “forgot password?”        be verified by a parent. This also needs to be followed   Whareaitu, Marcus O’Hanlon-Taputoro and Jamalh Hardy-Pearce followed after
If we do not have your email address or if you wish to up by a note on the day the student returns to school.    rustling up a pork chop with smashed garlic potatoes, all done within a 60 minute
update your email address please contact the school to Barbara Gall, Deputy Principal                            lesson. A big congratulations to all the students involved. Mrs van Eikenhorst,
                                                                                                                 our judge was really impressed with not only the dishes produced but also the
NEW PE/Sports                                                                                                    high level of food safety, team work and attitudes of the students. Well done, you
                                                                                                                 represented our school with pride.
Tops                                                                                                             Mrs Campbell, Hospitality Teacher
                                                                                                                             Top: Students with their final dish.
A new PE top will be introduced for 2018.
This top will be compulsory for our new Year 9                                                                      Middle right: WinnerBest Presentation Dish
students and any Year 10 students who do not                                                                                   Bottom right: 2nd Best Taste dish
have one of the existing PE tops. It is optional for                                                                David, Marcus and Jamalh with the second
any other students to purchase as it will become                                                                                  placed Best Presentation dish..
our sports uniform for school outings such as
TSSSA events. We have a sample set of t-shirts
for the students to try on for sizing. We will be
placing our order at the end of November for
delivery by the commencement of Term 1, 2018.
                                                                                                                 Careers News
10D heads off to Avon SChool                                                                           
                                                                                                                 YOUR TERTIARY, TRAINING & JOB SUPER
                                                                                                                                                                          results or have locked down all their study plans. Their
                                                                                                                                                                          application can be updated as things are confirmed. By
Early in term 3, 10D completed a rubbish audit of learned a lot about organising
three days’ worth of the school waste and the results and running an activity.                                   PORTAL Check out the guidelines for tertiary education, applying early, students will allow enough time for all the
                                                                                                                 gap year, apprenticeships, scholarships, accommodation   steps in the application process to be completed before
were quite shocking. Our group decided to inform the Jodie Sullivan
                                                                                                                 and much more!                                           their course starts.
                           younger generation about
                                                                                                                                                                          This allows us to manage the volume of applications so
                           the harm we are causing
                           the environment. We chose                                                             FMG 2018 Ag scholarships                                 we can help students get organised for the start of the
                                                                                                                 The scholarship offers a promising school leaver $5000   new study year.
                           to educate Avon School
                                                                                                                 towards each year of their undergraduate agricultural    Viv Milner, Careers Department
                           students and established
                           that we could visit on                                                                degree at Lincoln, Massey or Waikato Universities. FMG
                           the 27th of September.                                                                believe that agriculture presents so many opportunities  Stratford High School Aussie
                                                                                                                 for young Kiwis, and wish to encourage any student to
                             We arrived early and the                                                            consider a career in the industry. Applications and more rugby team 2018
nerves kicked in, but there was no turning back. Kala                                                            information can be found on our website https://www.     Sheep manure
and Dannielle introduced themselves and started with                                                   
the video as Trint and Hayden went to set up the games.                                                          scholarships/
                                                                                                                                                                          fundraiser. $5.00
Once the video was finished we handed out the quiz for                                                                                                                      Bag – delivered.
them and it turns out they had learnt a bit about rubbish!                                                       Studylink                                                  Contact Mrs
We went on to play our games and the students all                                                                Studylink applications close on 16 December, 2017. Our
enjoyed themselves, applying their knowledge and asking                                                          call to action campaign encouraging students to apply      Walker
good questions. It was a success! They said they had fun                                                         for their 2018 student finance is now underway. This       067656039 ext 707
and that waste is a big issue in New Zealand. We really                                                          year we’re encouraging students to Just Start - apply by
enjoyed our time interacting with these students, and                                                            16 December. Students don’t need to have their NCEA
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Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017
NZQA & NCEA News                                                                                                           Basketball nationals
                                                                                                                           Following on from their success at the BBNZ                                In the second half however Cameron
        1. Exam Candidates have received their personal        learner login. If passwords have been forgotten, students   Schick North Island Premiership qualifying                                 and Morgan both got into foul trouble
Examination Admission Slip. These slips state the              must contact NZQA themselves.                               tournament, both our boys and girls senior                                 and eventually fouled out of the game
students exam identification code, NSN, exam dates and                6. There are a number of families yet to pay their   A teams travelled to Palmerston North in                                   which led to a Hillmorton comeback.
times, and the standards they will be sitting. Students        2017 NCEA fee. This must now be done directly through       the October holidays to attend the National                                Through the guidance of our star point
must NOT lose this form as they are required to present        NZQA before December 1st, after which NZQA adds             A Secondary Schools tournament for schools                                 guard Willem Ratu they managed to hold
it to the supervisors at the beginning of each of their        a $50.00 late fee. Financial Assistance applications are    with a roll of less than 600 students (Co-ed).                             on until the end to win 77-72 and take
examination sessions. The students have been asked to          made through school and these can still be made until                                                                    the National Championship. The teams’ efforts were
check their slip for accuracy and any mistakes need to be      December 1st. I have the forms which you must complete      Our girls team had a great start to the tournament with      rewarded with Captain Cameron Trethewey, Morgan
notified to myself or Mrs Broadmore as soon as possible.       for both of these situations. For further information,      wins over South Island teams Ellesmere and Hillmorton.       Trott and Willem Ratu all making the NZSS National
Please ask to look at this so that you are familiar with the   please contact me at school.                                On day two however they came up against two strong           Tournament team. Willem was also named the Most
days and times applicable to your son/daughter. Please                7. Monday, December 11th, is the day set for         teams in Manukura and Kokiri. They lost both those           Valuable Player (MVP) for the tournament.
note that these exams are run and managed by NZQA              senior students to return any outstanding textbooks         games to finish 3rd in their pool and set up a crossover
and NOT by Stratford High School.                              and materials to the school. On this day, Peak magazine     with our local rivals Opunake. The girls started this        We are extremely lucky to have the services of coach
        2. On Monday, November 6th, the Exam Centre            and other documents such as End of Year reports and         game well and had the lead at half time. The Opunake         Willie Banks who devotes hours of his personal time
Manager and I will be briefing the students about how          testimonials for Yr13 students should be available.         team applied a lot of pressure in the second half and        to help the boys improve their game. Thank you Willie
the examinations will be run. An “Instructions and             If you have any queries about any of these matters,         came back into the game to take the win. This meant          for this and to Lee and family for sharing him with us.
Information for Candidates” leaflet with the rules and         please contact us at school – 067656039 extn.706.           our Stratford girls had to playoff for 5th and 6th against   Thankyou also to both the teams’ families and friends for
guidelines for the exams has been issued to all exam           Wayne Smith / Christel Broadmore, (Principal’s              Buller High School. Buller built up a 12point lead           your support in fundraising and also to the many people
candidates.                                                    Nominees)                                                   before our girls scored which made it a difficult task but   who travelled to Palmerston North to support the teams.
        3. The examinations involving our students run                                                                     Stratford managed to make up this difference and take        Thanks must also go to the many Stratford businesses,
from Thursday 9th November until Thursday 30th                                                                             the lead before Katie and Rhiannon got fouled out of the                                                 to the school,
November in the Stratford High School hall. All students                                                                   game. In a hard fought game, the Buller team finished                                                    and our
are to wear school uniform to the exams and those                                                                          stronger and took the win, leaving us in 6th place                                                       community for
students sitting Scholarship examinations must bring                                                                       nationally. Congratulations to all the team on the way                                                   your generous
photo I.D. to these examinations.                                                                                          you played the games and for                                                                             donations
        4. If any student will not be able to sit any of                                                                   your attitude both off and on                                                                            and support
their examinations at Stratford High School, I need to                                                                     the court. Congratulations                                                                               of our
be contacted immediately to try and arrange for the                                                                        also to Katie Jones on                                                                                   fundraising
alternative location – students can not just turn up to any                                                                making the NZSS National                                                                                 events.
exam venue without prior arrangements being made.                                                                          Tournament team.
        4. During the examination period most senior                                                                                                                                    winter sports Prizegiving
                                                                                                                           The boys carried on their                                    Last Friday we held our Winter Sports Prizegiving,
students will have study leave to enable them to study for
                                                                                                                           great form under the                                         where the following trophies and awards were presented.
their examinations at home. However, some year 11,12
                                                                                                                           guidance of Coach Willie
and 13 students who we have identified as potentially
                                                                                                                           Banks. They went through pool play unbeaten and
                                                                                                                                                                                        CROSS COUNTRY
ending up just short of gaining their NCEA will be                                                                                                                                      Miss H C Thompson Cup: Junior boys individual –
                                                                                                                           earned the tag as favourites for the tournament. With
required to attend school during the examination                                                                                                                                           Matthew Harrison
                                                                                                                           wins over Te Kuiti, Greymouth, Nga Taiatea, Onewhero
period to provide opportunities for them to successfully                                                                                                                                Herbert Smith Turst Cup: Junior boys team – Matthew
                                                                                                                           and Manukura they were to meet Te Aroha in the semi-
complete Level 1-3. Letters informing these students will                                                                                                                                  Edser – Amess
                                                                                                                           final. They won this game and headed into the grand-
be issued soon. School will still be open for other senior                                                                                                                              Chapman Cup: Junior girls individual – Emma Baldock
                                                                                                                           final against Hillmorton High School from Christchurch.
students to come in and work with their teachers (by                                                                                                                                    H C Thompson Cup: Junior girls team – Emma Baldock
                                                                                                                           The final was played in front of a near capacity crowd
arrangement) on preparation for exams or to complete                                                                                                                                       – McAllister
                                                                                                                           and the team got off to a great start with plenty of
work.                                                                                                                                                                                   D S Butcher Cup: Intermediate boys individual –
                                                                                                                           scoring and rebounding opportunities for forwards
        5. In mid-January 2018 the provisional results                                                                                                                                     Morgan Trott
                                                                                                                           Cameron Trethewey and Morgan Trott. They built a
from this year’s NCEA will be available online to                                                                                                                                       Mrs R E Carryer Cup: Intermediate boys team – Jordan
                                                                                                                           strong lead of 41-28 going into the half time break.
students under their personal student learner login (there                                                                                                                                 Anderson - Trimble
is NO automatic posting of these results). Students can                                                                                                                                 Student Council Cup: Intermediate girls individual –
order a posted copy through the “order documents” link                                                                                                                                     Heather Clothier
in their personal learner login but this needs to be done                                                                                                                               Pugh Cup: Intermediate girls team – Lauree Collins
between now and December 31st this year. Any student                                                                                                                                    Moore Cup: Senior boys individual – Eekiel O’Leary
who does not have access to a home computer should                                                                                                                                      R Masters Cup: Senior boys team – Cameron
see me. Towards the end of January, students will start                                                                                                                                    Trethewey – Trimble
receiving their exam papers in the mail. ALL Year 11-13                                                                                                                                 Student Council Cup: Senior girls individual – Jasmine
students should have already created their own personal                                                                                                                                    Baker
                                                                                                                                                                                        SHS Snr Girls Cross Country: Senior girls team –
Stratford High School:                                     Page 6                                                                                  Jasmine Baker – Amess
Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017
VOLLEYBALL                                                   Lachlan Drummond, Aimee Hare
SHS Snr Volleyball Trophy for senior girls diligence &       For basketball: Katie Jones, Holly Ratu, Cameron
attainment: Estella van der Lee                              Trethewey, Latrell Teka-Wall, Morgan Trott, Fletcher
Smith Trophy for the most improved girls football            Hockey: Woollaston Trophy secondary school’s hockey
   player: Angelina Cullen                                   tournament the team MVP was awarded to Joshua Smart
Comrie Trophy for girls’ football player of the year:
   Estella van der Lee                                       8 Ball Pool: Crystalee Jane and Jaylen Hamilton travelled
C Alsop Trophy for most improved boy football player:        to Christchurch as part of the Taranaki Team that won
   Orion McGeoch                                             the NZ Secondary Schools Tournament. They were
HOCKEY                                                       runners-up in the pairs competition and Crystalee won
Lawrence Trophy for the most improved girls’ hockey          the singles flight competition.
   player: Emma Baldock                                      SHS senior girls A basketball team for placing 2nd at
Margaret Tilley Trophy for best all-round girl hockey        North Island Secondary Schools qualifying tournament
   player: Janika Hey                                        and 6th and National Secondary Schools championship
SHS Hockey Cup for most improved boys’ player:               tournament: Katie Jones, Rhiannon Utton, Briar
   Ezekiel O’Leary                                           Armstrong, Adele O’Byrne, Bailee Drummond, Kyrin
H.V. McKay Trophy for best boy hockey player: Ricky          Nicholls, Brierly Joblin, Lara Almazan, Holly Ratu and
   Howells                                                   Lydia Barber. Selection for girls basketball tournament
NETBALL                                                      team at nationals: Katie Jones
Mellow Family Trophy for most improved netball
    player SHS A: Brooke Millar                        SHS senior boys A basketball team
Janet Henry Netball Trophy for best team member SHS 2017:
    A: Katie Jones                                     Winners Stratford Basketball Association Senior Winter
N.A. Chadwick Trophy for dedication to netball: Brooke League with Cameron Trethewey named MVP for the
    Millar                                             league
RUGBY                                                  Winners Taranaki Secondary School League. Morgan
1981 Rugby Trophy for most improved player SHS 1st Trott and Cameron Trethewey named in All Star Five
    XV: Jordan Dean                                    and Cameron named MVP
Graeme Adams Memorial Trophy for most worthy           Winners North Island Secondary School Qualifying
    member SHS 1st XV: Ethan Martin                    Tournament; Winners and National Champions at NZ
Rowe Family Cup for best team man 1st XV: Ryan Kirk Secondary School National Championships: Cameron
BASKETBALL                                             Trethewey, Dylan Moore, Morgan Trott, Willem Ratu,
Marchant Trophy for Snr Boys Basketball Most Valuable Ryan Dodunski, Alex Baker, Phillip Anderson, Latrell
Player: Cameron Trethewey                              Teka, Fletcher Jennings, Campbell Moore, Joshua
Jeremiah Truman Trophy for boys Most Improved          Gilbert, Daniel Gibbons
    Player: Ryan Dodunski                              National Tournament Team: Morgan Trott, Cameron
The Gavin Family Trophy for girls Most Improved        Trethewey and Willem Ratu. Willem Ratu MVP
    Player: Lara Almazan                               tournament team.
The West Family Trophy for girls Most Valuable
   Player: Katie Jones/Rhiannon Utton                        Term 4
                                                           Last week we had 11 students attend TSSSA
SQUASH                                                     Orienteering in and around Brooklands and Pukekura
Rakesh Rai Trophy Boys Open Squash: Jehu Brogden
                                                           Park. We also had a junior boys and a junior girls team
Rakesh Rai Trophy Girls Open Squash: Madisyn Makara
                                                           in the TSSSA Junior Volleyball. Whilst the school term
TSSSA                                                      is nearly over for our senior students there are still a few
Small Bore Rifle Shooting: Kendin O’Byrne 1=               TSSSA and other events left to finish off the year.
    Ungraded Individual Shooter                            Monday 30 October        TSSSA Road Relays
Gymnastics: Samara Ryan Harrop – 3rd Gymnastics            8-10 November TSSSA Jnr Modified Sports Week
    Steps 2-5                                              Wednesday 22 November             TSSSA Jnr Rugby
Certificates were also presented to the following students League
to acknowledge representative honours and achievement Thursday 23 November Junior Sports Exchange with
For netball: Rhiannon Utton, Phoenix Fox, Hannah           Inglewood High School
Patterson, Nerissa Craike                                  Wednesday 29 November             TSSSA Showjumping
For hockey: Demi Ward, Isaac Hancock, Janika Hey
For rugby: Dawson Austin, Bailey Bocock, Jaleel Acero,
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Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017 Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017 Stratford High School - around our school - October 2017
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