Te Kura o T ūpaki Our Lady of the Assumption School

Page created by Lynn Mclaughlin
Te Kura o T ūpaki Our Lady of the Assumption School
Our Lady of the Assumption School
                              Te Kura o Tūpaki

                           2021 – 2023 Charter
                         Seeking Knowledge - Living Our Faith
89A Sparks Rd
Hoon Hay
School No: 3461
                                  Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                           1
                                                                         2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
1. Strategic Vision

2. Cultural Diversity

3. Strategic Plan

4. Annual Plan:
   Current Years Goals
   Action Plans for Goals
   2021 Targets and Action Plans for Raising Student Achievement
   Action Plans for Student Targets

5. 2021 Organisational Plan
   Professional & Curriculum Development Plan
   Self-Review Plan
   Timelines for Consultation
   Meeting Dates

                                 Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                           2
                                                                        2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Our Lady of the Assumption
                                                               Our School’s Vision
                        We are developing respectful, responsible, life-long learners who live their faith every day.
             Living a life of faith means our students will:
                  • be respectful                                                      •     be self–managers
                  • be responsible                                                     •     be thinkers
                  • be effective communicators                                         •     be actively involved
                                                                                       •     have a can-do attitude

                                                           Learner Qualities
               “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind, with all your soul and love your neighbour as yourself.”

Living a life of faith means we are called to love God above all things and love our neighbours as ourselves. This means we have a responsibility to
think about our options, be honest, make appropriate choices and be prepared to be accountable for our actions. We can be trusted to meet set
expectations and display attributes of good citizenship.

Living a life of faith means we are called to love God above all things and love our neighbours as ourselves. This means that we will value our own
and others’ opinions and show a willingness and ability to use common courtesies, take care of our own and others’ property and to be aware of the
rights of others.

Can-Do Attitude
Students with a Can-Do Attitude have the courage and confidence to challenge themselves. They are curious, resourceful, resilient and self-motivated.
They recognise an opportunity, set goals and use a range of strategies to succeed.

Actively Involved
Actively involved learners work collaboratively to contribute to and participate in the communities to which they belong. They are environmentally and
globally aware.

                                                      Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                              3
                                                                                                2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Our School Values
Appendix 1: Our School Values
       At Our Lady of the Assumption School the values of the New Zealand Curriculum are viewed through a “Catholic lens” and presented from a Catholic perspective. These
       values of Jesus Christ are expressed in Scripture and in living Catholic Tradition. The precept, “to love God above all things and one’s neighbour as oneself”,
       succinctly summarises the values of Jesus Christ. (3.1.4 Handbook for BOT, NZ Catholic Integrated Schools)
                                 “And now faith, hope and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.” - (1 Corinthians 13:13)

                  At Our Lady of the Assumption                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NZ Curriculum Values
                School our values are based on the
                     three theological virtues:
                     FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EXCELLENCE: aiming high but aware of the needs of others, aiming high and persevering in the face of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  above all other things, and to serve our neighbour, who is made

                                                                 presence in our lives, to trust in God’ s will, and to follow the direction

                                                                                                                                               HOPE assures us that by relying on God’ s grace we will see

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RESPECT: for themselves, others and human rights
                                                                                                                                               our way through life’ s challenges - it is a source for strength

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LOVE enables us to fix our minds and hearts on God, who is
FAITH encourages us to respond with gratitude to God’ s loving

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We value       INTEGRITY: honest, responsible, accountable and acting ethically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our Faith      EQUITY: through fairness and social justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY: care of the environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY AND PARTICIPATION: for the common good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DIVERSITY: valuing different cultures, languages and heritages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     INNOVATION, INQUIRY AND CURIOSITY: by thinking critically, creatively and reflectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RESPECT: for themselves, others and human rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       We value      DIVERSITY: valuing different cultures, languages and heritages
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Respect       EQUITY: through fairness and social justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY: care of the environment, respect for God’s creations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     INNOVATION, INQUIRY AND CURIOSITY: by thinking critically, creatively and reflectively, respect for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in God’ s image and likeness.
                                                                                                                                               and action in demanding times

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     INTEGRITY: honest, responsible, accountable and acting ethically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITY AND PARTICIPATION: for the common good
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We value       EXCELLENCE: aiming high but aware of the needs of others, aiming high and persevering in the face of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Responsibility   difficulties
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY: care of the environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EQUITY: through fairness and social justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     INNOVATION, INQUIRY AND CURIOSITY: by thinking critically, creatively and reflectively
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EXCELLENCE: aiming high but aware of the needs of others, aiming high and persevering in the face of
                                                                 God gives us.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We value       difficulties
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Life Long      ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY: care of the environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Learning       EQUITY: through fairness and social justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RESPECT: for themselves, others and human rights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DIVERSITY: valuing different cultures, languages and heritages

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                              4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Recognising New Zealand’s Cultural Diversity
New Zealand’s Cultural Diversity
Our school shall reflect New Zealand’s cultural diversity. Our Lady of the Assumption will develop procedures and practices that reflect New
Zealand’s cultural diversity and the unique position of the Māori culture.

2021 – Kāhui Ako within school teacher to develop further aspects of Cultural Responsiveness at our School

Incorporating Tikanga Māori and Te Reo Māori
Our Lady of the Assumption School takes the following steps to incorporate Tikanga Maori into the school’s curriculum:
• Integrate our cultural narrative into programmes as appropriate
• Integrating Tikanga Māori into the Religious Education Programme
• Weekly Te Reo Māori support for all classroom
• Take part in annual Te Wiki o te Māori
• Sing waiata in assembly, prayers and at Masses and use more Māori prayers within the Mass
• Use elements of Māori protocol as part of any official ceremony
• Developing bilingual signage across the school, on our website and our formal documents
• Annual consultation with Māori community
• Kapahaka Group led by one of our staff and in class time
• Take part in the 2021 South West Cultural Festival
• Staff take care to ensure that Māori place names and personal names are pronounced accurately
• Create a cultural responsiveness plan for 2021

Provision for Instruction in Te Reo Māori
If a whanau requests a higher level of Tikanga and/or Te Reo than is at present evident in our school’s Māori programme, the staff and family will
discuss and explore the following options:
• Further explanation of existing programmes
• Further extend the existing programmes if and as appropriate
• Consider dual enrolment with correspondence school
• Combine with a neighbouring school for parts of the day/programme
• Provide in-school support and resources to further enhance inclusion of Te Reo and Tikanga Māori within the child’s classroom
• Explore other schools which may offer programmes closer to their expectations

• Annual consultation with Pasifika community
• Have Pasifika prayers as part of our Mass – Prayers of the Faithful
• Celebrate different Pasifika cultures language weeks

                                                    Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                            5
                                                                                            2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Our Lady of the Assumption School
                     Strategic Plan 2021-2023
         The School has established the following main areas of strategic development

Strategic Aims:

                          Seeking Knowledge
             "OLA students are collaborative self-directed learners"

                             Living Our Faith
     "OLA students are engaged in a connected Catholic community with a
                            social conscience”

                              Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                           6
                                                                     2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Strategic Aim 1: Seeking knowledge:
                                           "OLA students are collaborative self-directed learners"
     Goals                                                                Strategies
                                    2021                                       2022                                    2022
Students are    • Student and parent voice gathered          •   Students continue to be involved    •   Students continue to be involved
developed as        on self-directed learning                    in assessing their individual           in assessing their individual
self-directed   • Students are aware of goals and                goals/progress                          goals/progress
learners            involved in assessing their individual   •   Students continue to develop        •   Students continue to develop
                    progress In appropriate ways to age          awareness and actions related to        awareness and actions related to
                    level                                        their own wellbeing                     their own wellbeing
                • To consider introducing Y6 students        •   Y6 students to be introduced to     •   Y6 students to be introduced to
                    to goal setting on Hero                      goal setting and achievement on         goal setting and achievement on
                • Y7 & 8 set up learning pages on Hero           Hero                                    Hero
                • Students continue to develop               •   Y7 set up learning pages on Hero    •   Y7 set up learning pages on Hero
                    awareness and actions related to         •   Embed ‘Pause Breathe Smile’         •   Student and teachers voice on
                    their own wellbeing                      •   Student and teachers voice on           wellbeing gathered
                • Pause, breathe, smile introduced               wellbeing gathered
Delivering a    Teach, embed and review our                  •   Teach, embed and review our         •   Teach, embed and review our
school          Conceptual Curriculum – 2021 Concept:            Conceptual Curriculum - 2022            Conceptual Curriculum - 2023
curriculum      Identity and belonging can be shaped             Concept: TBC                            Concept: TBC
based the needs by characteristics and environment.          •   Integrate Digital Technology and    •   Integrate Digital Technology and
of our students • OLA Conceptual Curriculum                      history curriculums into concept        history curriculums into concept
& the NZ            documented
Curriculum      • Integrate Digital Technology into
                    Identity and Belonging
                • Tracking document for OLA
                    Conceptual Curriculum for 2020 &
                    2021 developed and updated
                • PDL on new NZ History curriculum
                • PDL – NE, Y1 & 2 staff - new PM
Kahui Ako Goal • Within school teacher and across            • Within school teacher and across      • Within school teacher and across
Local              school teachers support local               school teachers support local           school teachers support local
Curriculum and     curriculum design and delivery              curriculum design and delivery          curriculum design and delivery and
design and      • Work with our school to plan a             • Continue to support learner           • Continue to support learner
delivery           process for improvement around              outcomes for wellbeing                  outcomes for wellbeing
supported by       learner outcomes for wellbeing            • Complete Wellbeing@School             • Complete Wellbeing@School
Hauora                                                         Survery and analyse and form            Survery and analyse and form
                                                               actions from these                      actions from these
                                              Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                           7
                                                                                     2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
• Students and Staff complete             • Implement any action from                 Implement any action from
                   Wellbeing@School Surverys -               previous survey                           previous survey
                   anaylsed and actions taken
Healthy Active   • Lead teacher and HAL facilitators       • Lead teacher and HAL facilitators     • Lead teacher and HAL facilitators
Learning           develop annual PE and Health plan         develop annual PE and Health plan       develop PE and Health annual plan
                   that integrates with our curriculum       that integrates with our curriculum     that integrates with our curriculum
                   concept                                   concept                                 concept
                 • Whole staff PDL as required to          • Whole staff PDL as required to        • Whole staff PDL as required to
                   support the implemtation of the PE        support the implemtation of the PE      support the implemtation of the PE
                   and Health Plan                           and Health Plan                         and Health Plan
Cultural         • Within school leads develop annual      • Within school leads develop annual    • Within school leads develop annual
Responsivness      plan to support the school to grow in     plan to support the school to grow      plan to support the school to grow
                   this area                                 in this area                            in this area
                 • Kapahaka is held in school time           Kapahaka is held in school time       • Kapahaka is held in school time
                 • PDL as needed for within school leads   • PDL as needed for within school       • PDL as needed for within school
                                                             leads                                   leads

                                            Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                           8
                                                                                   2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Strategic Aim 2: Living Our Faith:
                         "OLA students are engaged in a connected Catholic community with a social conscience"

      Goals                                                                 Strategies
                                       2021                                    2022                                    2023
Develop a social     •   Respond to needs as they arise      •   Respond to needs as they arise      •   Respond to needs as they arise
conscience in our        “See Judge Act”                         “See Judge Act”                         “See Judge Act”
students             •   Student service on Feast Day        •   Student service on Feast Day        •   Student service on Feast Day
Students             •   Take part in Jubilate Catholic      •   Take part in Jubilate Catholic      •   Take part in Jubilate Catholic
connections with         Choir 2021                              Choir 2023                              Choir 2024
parish and wider     •   DRS and principal work with DRS     •   Our students form a connection      •   Continue to deepen relationship
Chch catholic            and principals of other two             with the Carmelites, who are part       with Carmelites
community                schools in our parish to enchance       of our parish                       •   DRS and principal work with DRS
                         one parish community                •   DRS and principal work with DRS         and principals of other two
                     •   Support parish priests to be            and principals of other two             schools in our parish to enchance
                         regular visitors to our school          schools in our parish to enchance       one parish community
                                                                 one parish community                •   Support parish priests to be
                                                             •   Support parish priests to be            regular visitors to our school
                                                                 regular visitors to our school      •
Further develop      • As our school is reconfigured         • As our school is reconfigured         •   Continue – to develop our
the ‘Good Life’        carefully plan for our future           carefully plan for our future             reconfigured school environment in
and our students’      environment in sustainable ways         environment in sustainable ways           sustainable ways
understanding of     • Connect with Trees for Canterbury     • Continue conncetion with Trees        •   Continue conncetion with Trees
sustainability       • Take part in local council               for Canterbury                           for Canterbury
                       environmental projects                • Take part in local council            •   Take part in local council
                     • Take part in the 2020 healthy-           environmental projects                   environmental projects
                     • Enviroschool – be an active ES
Organizing           • BoT to review pastoral care in line   •   Continuing to support members of    •   Continuing to support members of
Pastoral care in a     with Special Character Review             our community who have various          our community who have various
way which is           Recommendation                            needs                                   needs
evident to all       • Embed the use of Linc-Ed for          •   Use leading lights across the       •   Use leading lights across the
members of our         Pastoral Care                             school                                  school
school community     • Leading lights PLD                    •   Action any recommendatiosn from     •   Use Hoatu fund to support
(Pastoral Care)      • Use Hoatu fund to support                 Pastoral care review                    students and families
                       students and families                 •   Use Hoatu fund to support
                                                                 students and families

                                              Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                           9
                                                                                     2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Ensuring teaching       •     Support any staff who need to     •            Support staff, who need to, to             •   Support staff, who need to, to
 and learning of               complete RE papers                             complete their next RE paper                   complete their next RE paper
 Religious               •     Implement recommendations         •            Implement recommendations                  •   Implement recommendations
 Education across              from 2020 Internal Encounter with              2022 Internal Review Christian                 2022 Internal Review Christain
 the school is                 Christ Review                                  Witness                                        Wtiness
 creative,                    - Supporting new families
 deliberate and          •     2021 Internal Review Growth in
 based on effective            Knowledge
 pedagogy                •     Continue to implement
                               recommendations from Special
                               Character Review 2018
                         •     Complete implementation of
                               recommendations from Catholic
                               Special Character Review 2018

*Definitions of wellbeing - “a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” -
WHO constitution, signed on 22 July 1946 and entered into force 7 April. “The concept of well-being encompasses the physical, mental and emotional, social, and
spiritual dimensions of health” - http://health.tki.org.nz/Teaching-in-HPE/Health-and-PE-in-the-NZC/Health-and-PE-in-the-NZC-1999/Underlying-concepts/Well-being-hauora

                                                        Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                                 10
                                                                                                      2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Strategic Goals Action Plans 2021
                        Strategic Aim 1: Seeking Knowledge: "OLA students are collaborative self-directed learners"
        Goals                                    2021 Actions                                      When       Responsible            Resources
Students are            •   Student and parent voice gathered on self-directed learning       T2             DP/Principal          Survey, time
developed as self-
directed learners       •   Students are aware of goals and involved in assessing their       All year       All staff             Goal posters
                            individual progress In appropriate ways to age level
                        •   To consider introducing Y6 students to goal setting on Hero       T2
                        •   Y7 & 8 set up learning pages on Hero                              T1             Hillary Hub staff
                        •   Students continue to develop awareness and actions related                                             Kāhui Ako Acros
                                                                                              T1-4           All staff
                            to their own wellbeing                                                                                 Schools Lead
                                                                                              T2             All staff
                        • Pause, breathe, smile introduced
Delivering a school     • Teach, embed and review our Conceptual Curriculum – 2021            All year       Unit holders and      External
curriculum based the      Concept: Identity and belonging can be shaped by                                   all staff             facilitator
needs of our students     characteristics and environment.                                                                         Staff meeting
and the NZ                                                                                                                         time
Curriculum              •   OLA Conceptual Curriculum documented                              T1 onward      Unit holders          External
                        •   Integrate Digital Technology into Identity and Belonging          T2             All staff
                        •   Tracking document for OLA Conceptual Curriculum for 2020 &        T3             Kāhui Ako within
                            2021 developed and updated                                                       school teacher
                        •   PDL on new NZ History curriculum                                  T2/3
                                                                                                             All staff
                        • PDL – NE, Y1 & 2 staff - new PM reading                             T2/3                                 Ministry funding
                                                                                                             Rutherford Team
Kāhui Ako Goal          • Within school teacher and across school teachers support            All year       Kāhui Ako within
Local Curriculum and      local curriculum design and delivery                                               teacher/across
design and delivery                                                                                          school teachers
                        • Work with our school to plan a process for improvement              T1 & all
supported by Hauora                                                                                          Kāhui Ako across      NCER Survey
                          around learner outcomes for wellbeing                               year
                                                                                                             schools lead
                                                                                              T1             Across schools
                        • Students and Staff complete Wellbeing@School Surverys -                            lead/Principal
                          anaylsed and actions taken

                                                 Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                            11
                                                                                          2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Healthy Active   • Lead teacher and HAL facilitators develop annual PE and          T4 2020 &     HAL facilitators &
Learning           Health plan that integrates with our curriculum concept          T1 2021       Sport unit holder
                                                                                                  HAL facilitators &
                 • Whole staff PDL as required to support the implemtation of the   T1            Sport unit holder
                   PE and Health Plan
Cultural         • Within school leads develop annual plan to support the school    T4 2020       Kāhui Ako within
Responsiveness     to grow in this area                                             & action in   school leads
                 • Kapahaka is held in school time                                  All year
                 • PDL as needed for within school leads                            As needed

                                        Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                          12
                                                                               2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Strategic Aim 2: Living Our Faith:
                         "OLA students are engaged in a connected Catholic community with a social conscience"
        Goals                                     2021 Actions                                      When         Responsible          Resources
Develop as school        •   Respond to needs as they arise “See Judge Act”                     All year       DRS/Staff/ Yng        Unknown
conscience in our                                                                                              Vinnies
students                 •   Student service on Feast Day                                       All year       As above
Students connections     •   Take part in Jubilate Catholic Choir 2021                          T3             Choir Staff           Time/buses
with parish and wider                                                                                          CEO
Chch catholic            •   DRS and principal work with DRS and principals of other two        All year       DRS/ Principal        Meeting time
community                    schools in our parish to enchance one parish community
                                                                                                               DRS, Staff,
                         • Support parish priests to be regular visitors to our school          All year       DRS                   Time
Further develop the      • As our school is reconfigured carefully plan for our future          All year       Principal, staff &
‘Good Life’ - Te Māra      environment in sustainable ways                                                     Eco Warriors
Hauora and our
students’                • Connect with Trees for Canterbury                                    T1             Eco Warriors &
understanding of                                                                                               Eco staff
sustainability           • Take part in local council environmental projects as available       As nec.
                         • Take part in the 2021 healthy-ōpāwho-river-project                   2 staff        Batten Team
                                                                                                               leader & selected
                         • Principal is involved with community board/principal meetings                       students
                         • Enviroschool - be an active Enviroschool                             Termly                               Time
Organizing Pastoral      •   BoT to review pastoral care in line with Special Character         T2             BoT                   Time
care in a way which is       Review Recommendation
evident to all
members of our           • Embed the use of Linc-Ed for Pastoral Care                           All year       SENCo/                Time
school community                                                                                               Principal & Staff
(Pastoral Care)          • Leading Lights PLD                                                   T1             Principal &
                         • Use Hoatu fund to support students and families                      All Year       Principal
Ensuring teaching and    • Support any staff who need to complete RE papers                     T3             DRS/Principal         RE Office
learning of Religious
Education across the     •    Implement recommendations from 2020 Internal Encounter            T1             DRS/Principal
school is creative,           with Christ Review: Supporting new families
deliberate and based
on effective pedagogy    •    2021 Internal Review Growth in Knowledge                          T3             DRS/Principal

                                                  Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                             13
                                                                                            2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
•     Complete implementation of recommendations - Catholic
                                    Special Character Review 2018
                                                            2021 Annual Organisation Plan
Nag         Item         Responsible     Ref. to     Feb.           Mar.       April        May            June       July        Aug.       Sept.         Oct          Nov.        Dec.

1     Curriculum
      Planning,         Principal/BoT/   Strategic   Targets set     2021      Maths PaT                   Report     Y1-4                   Maths –       Writing      Report      SC
      Reporting and     Staff            Plan and    Assmt.         Six-year                               on         Reading                Y1-4                       on          annual
      Reviews                            Charter     Schedule-        nets     PaT                         targets                                                      Targets     review
                                                     2021 (DP)                 reading                                                                                              report
                                         BOT                        AoV &                   Annual                                RE         Statistics                 Report
                                         minutes                    Charter                 Report                                Curriucl   Report                     on Te
                                         Arch file                  to MoE                  to MoE                                um                                    Reo and
                                                                                                                                  Report                                Tikanga
                                                                                                                                  TBC                                   Māori
      Ongoing Assessment and evidence gathering
      Asttle testing ongoing to needs.      Science, Listening, Reading, Maths PaT, STAR – Mar.
      Special Needs & SENCO                        Progrs.                     Review &                               Review                               Review &                 Review
      Abilities Prog.,                             planned                     Report                                 & Report                             Report                   & Report
      Target Gps,          Team Leaders            SENCo                       SENCo                                  SENCo                                SENCo                    SENCo
      Responsibilities     Principal
      Classes              Teachers                Conceptual      Teams                   Team                                   Team                                  Team
                                                   understadni     Dscrptns                Dscrptns                               Dscrptns                              Dscrptns
                                                   ng              .                       reviwd                                 reviwd                                reviwd

2     Consultation & Community Meetings
      Maori/Pasifika    Principal        BOT         Cultural                  Māori &      Cultural       Responsiveness
                                         Arch file   Responsivn                Pasifika                    Plan reviewed
                                                     ess plan                  families
      Community         Chairperson      BOT         Team                                   Y6                                               Y4 parent
                        Principal        Minutes     Meetings                               Parent &                                         meeting
                                         Arch file                                          student
3     Personnel
      Principal         Chairperson/B    Principal   Performance                            Self-                                            Principal                  Principal
      Appraisal         OT               ’s file     Agrmnt                                 appraisa                                         Appraisal                  Appraisa
                                                                                            l                                                                           lcompltd
      Professional      Principal, TLs   Digital     T1 Mtg    & Observation                  T2 mtg                     T3 Mtg                             T4 Mtg
      Growth Cycle      Teachers         Records     Professional Practice Evidence ongoing……….

      Teacher Aides     SENCO            Personel                                                                                            Support staff appraisals
      Other Support     Principal, DP    files
      Staff             Office Mngr
      Salary            Principal        Personel    Increments assessed and discussed, as they are due.
      Increments                         files
      EEO Plan          Principal        Prncpl’s’                  EEO
                        DP               file                       Plan

                                                              Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                                          14
                                                                                                                     2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Professional        Principal             Charter     Fortnightly Staff Meetings, Review Policies.
      Learning                                              RE Papers, Curriculum Review, Healthy Active Learning, Cultural Responsivness, NZ History
      Board               Chairperson           BOT         Courses as needed –
      Development                               minutes
4 Financial
      Budget              Principal             Budget                                                                                                                       Budget 2022
                          Finance               & Fin.                                                                                                                             accpeted
                          Assistants            Files       Monthly Reports on all Board income and expenditure
                          Principal             SUE &       Fortnightly review of SUE and bank staffing reports
                          BoT chair             Bank
      Annual financial    Geoff Gillman         Annual      Completed
      statement           Principal, BOT        Report

4 Property
      Property            Caretaker &           Property    Property Report for every BoT meeting, monitoring, maintenance and Hazard report
                          Principal             File
      10 Year             Principal             Prncpl’s’   Monitor     Monitor                      Monitor     Monitor                  Monitor    Monitor          Monitor      Review
      Property Plan                             file        budget &    budget &                     budget &    budget &                 budget &   budget &         budget &     10 yr
                                                            Prpty       Prpty Plan                   Prpty       Prpty                    Prpty      Prpty            Prpty        Prpty
                                                            Plan                                     Plan        Plan                     Plan       Plan             Plan         plan
      Evacuation Drills   DP                    Evac.       Evacuation drill                           Evacuation drill                      Evacuation drill               Evacuation drill
                                                files       and procedure                              and procedure                         and procedure                  and procedure
      Assets                                                                                                                Asset audit

5     Health, Safety & Welfare
      Hazard              Principal,            Health &    Health and                                Health and                             Health and                    Health and
      identification      Caretaker,            Safety      safety checks                             safety checks                          safety checks                 safety checks
                          Staff & BoT           File        Wellbeing
                                                            @school survey
6     Board Admin
      Documents           Board                 Sick bay     Planning      EEO info.                                                                                               Draft
                                                register     & Rprtng      Updated as                                                                                              Strategic
                          Staff &               Files        Vetting Spprt necc.                                                                                                   plan
                                                             stff & Tchr
                          Principal             Prncpl’s’    Reg., Camp                                                                                                            2022
                                                office       Volunteers
      Policies            BOT, Stff,            Policies reviewed on cycle as listed in SchoolDocs
                          Principal & parents
                          as app

                                                                        Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                                          15
                                                                                                                               2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Our Lady of the Assumption Professional and Curriculum Learning Plan
            Feb.      March      April     May         June      July     August       Sept.     Oct.                 Nov.         Dec.
Curriculum OLA Curriculum revision : implementing, reviewing and adapting will be ongoing througout year
             Hero: Digital reporting through year – digital evidence of learning
             Continue develop and implement self-directed learning across the school
             T1 Curric. Planning    T2 Curric. Planning T3 Curric.Planning T4 Curric. Planning
             Appropriate induction and PLD for new staff as needed
Parents      Open Door Policy         School Newsletters        Class Newsletters/       Website              Blogs             App

             Meet the Teacher         Y6 parent mtg              Mid-Year Interviews Y4 parent mtg
             Digital Reports on going
Staff        Individual - Aumiri Pounamu (1 staff), RE 502 (3 staff), Mentoring Programme (2 Team Leaders)
             OLA Curriculum revision: implementing, reviewing and adapting will be ongoing througout year

             Integrate Digital Curr. Into curriculum teaching
             Helathy Active Learning Plan

             Cultural Responsiveness Plan

             Wellbeing Student Plan

             Support staff: PLD as outlined in appraisals
Board of     Review Policies as per school docs programme
             Professional Development for Board members as needed
             Charter 2022-2024
             Business as usual
             Receive and discuss reports on students’ progress and achievement

                                             Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                          16
                                                                                    2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Sheppard Student Achievement Target 2021
Strategic Target in
Strengthening our Learning Community - We will raise achievement for all our learners to ensure their success
and having them reading at, or close to, Gold by the end of 2021.
Annual Aim:
To target students who need to make accelerated progress against their expected NZ Curriculum Level
Baseline data
Based on our 2020 end of year data 40% (15/37) of our 2020 Year 2 students were achieving below
Turquoise for Reading.

Target Group 1 in Reading: Sheppard Team
Of these 15 students 8 are receiving another type of support that meets their needs.
Target 1:
The target group for 2020 will be made up of 7 children, of which are 3 are girls and 4 are boys. Six of the
children are identified as New Zealand/European, one child, a boy, is identified as Pacific.
                                               Target Group
        Students          2020           Rm.           Reading Level         Mid-year          End of Year
                          Year                             2020              Progress           Progress
           1.              Yr 2           10            Orange (16)
           2.              Yr 2            9            Orange (16)
           3.              Yr 2            9            Orange (15)
           4.              Yr 2            9            Orange (16)
           5.              Yr 2            9            Green (14)
           6.              Yr 2            8            Orange (16)
           7.              Yr 2            8            Orange (15)

                                                Action Plan

What the School Will do to Meet     When Will it       Who will be Involved/          What Resources will
          the Target?                  be                Responsible?                 be Allocated to Meet
                                    Achieved?                                                  the Target?
Gather data on individual          Feb/March         Class Teacher, Team
students’ needs using STAR,                          Leader, Reading Recovery
Running Records                                      Teacher

Target students will have an       Start T1 Wk 2                                      Release staffing
extra 30 mins a day 4 days a       and groups        Team Leaders and class
week for group/individual          ongoing (5        teachers Reading Recovery
targeted reading                   weeks per         Teacher
                                   term for the
                                   first 3 terms)
Target students will be
and their progress will be         All year
reported to the Board at the                         Principal/DP
middle and the end of the          Mid and end of
year.                              year

                                   Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                      17
                                                      2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Batten Team Student Achievement Target 2021
Strategic Target in
Strengthening our Learning Community - We will raise achievement for all our learners to ensure their
Annual Aim:
To target students who need to make greater progress against their expected NZ Curriculum Level
Baseline data from
    ● In the Batten Team we are targeting students who are achieving below their expected curriculum
       level in maths. We have identified 8 students who would benefit from extra assistance. 2 (25%) are
       Year 5 students and 6 (75%) are Year 6 students. For the Year 6’s, this is evident from their end of
       year 2020 curriculum level, Hero Goals / Stage achieved and their AsTTle data. For Year 5’s, it
       only includes their end of year 2020 curriculum level and Hero Goals / Stage achieved. An AsTTle
       maths assessment is not done at their previous year level - Year 4.

Batten Team Target Group 1 in Mathematics:
Our target group is made up of 2 Year 5 students and 6 Year 6 students. 5 of these students are female
and 3 of them are male.
Target 1:
In maths, these students will move one or two stages through a curriculum level or on to the next
curriculum level by the end of the year (e.g. from early L2 to L2 or end of L2.)
                                        Batten Team Target Group
     Students    2021    EOY 2020        EOY       AsTTle    Mid year      EOY          EOY         AsTTle
                 Year    Curriculu       2020      Maths     progress      2021         2020        Maths
                 Level   m Level         Hero       EOY        Hero        Curricu      Hero         EOY
                                         Goal/      2020     Goal/Stag     lum          Goal/        2021
                                         Stage                  e          Level        Stage
                   6          L2         Stage       2a
1.                                         5
                   6       early L2      Stage        -
2.                                         4
                   6       early L3      early       3b
3.                                         6
                   6       early L3      early       3b
4.                                         6
                   6       early L3      early       2p
5.                                         6
                   6          L2         Stage       2b
6.                                         5
                   5       early L2      early        -
7.                                         5
                   5       early L2      early        -
8.                                         5

                                   Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                      18
                                                      2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
What the School Will      When Will       Who will be          What Resources will be Allocated to Meet
do to Meet the            it be           Involved/            the Target?
Target?                   Achieved?       Responsible?
Gather, data on
individual students’      EOY 2021        Class Teacher,
needs on the Hero                         Team Leader
Goals / Stage
assessment and
AsTTle maths

These students will be    Start T1        Team Leaders         Release staffing
part of the Batten        Wk 7 and        and class
Team target groups -      groups          teachers
extra 30 mins per day     ongoing
x 4 days per week.        throughout
Taught by a teacher       the year

Students will be mixed    Ongoing
ability grouped along                     Team Leaders
with the rest of the                      and class
team. They will be                        teachers
placed in a lower
mixed ability group.

Number of the Day &       All year
Basic Facts practice                      Team Leaders
10 mins per day                           and class
Mathletics - activities   All year
set and targeted to       Mid and
their needs               end of year
                                          Team Leaders
Target students will be   As Above        and class
monitored and their                       teachers
progress will be
reported to the Board
at the middle and the                     As Above
end of the year.

                                     Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                      19
                                                        2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Hillary Hub Student Achievement Target 2021
Strategic Target in Strengthening our Learning Community - We will raise achievement for all our
learners to ensure their success.
Annual Aim:
Target students who need to make accelerated progress against their expected NZ Curriculum Level
Baseline data
    ● In the Hillary Hub we have identified that ( 24%) of Year 8 students are working under the
       expected curriculum levels we would expect of a Year 8 student.

     ●   The identified students have received scores in AsTTle Writing and identified goals achieved in
         Hero (SMS) that are below or well below expected curriculum levels expected of Year 8 students.

Target Group in Writing - Hillary Hub

The target group is made up of six students. All of these students are in Year 8. Four of the identified
students are male. Three of the target students are female.

Target 1:
For the students to progress in writing across three specific aspects; ideas, vocab and sentence structure;
we want these students to move 2 sublevels in each area towards their expected curriculum level.

1. Target students will share their writing ideas via a plan before beginning writing
2. Students will be encouraged to use a wider vocab in order to engage an audience.
3. Through regular punctuation and grammar maintenance, target students’ sentence structure will show
varied lengths and beginnings, using basic, compound and complex sentences.

                                               Target Group
         Students          2020     Writing E-       Writing E-        Writing E-AsTTle        End of Year
                           Year   AsTTle Level     AsTTle Level           Level 2020 -          Progress
                                   2020 - Ideas    2020 - Vocab            Sentence
1.                      Yr 8      2P                 2P                2A
2.                      Yr 8      2P                 3B                2A
3.                      Yr 8      2P                 2P                4B
4.                      Yr 8      2P                 3B                2A
5.                      Yr 8      2P                 2P                2A
6.                      Yr 8      2P                 2P                1P

                                                ACTION PLAN

What the School Will do to             When Will it be        Who will be           What resources will be
    Meet the Target?                    Achieved?              Involved/           allocated to achieve this
                                                             Responsible?                   target?

Gather data on individual         February/March          Team Leader
students’ needs (E AsTTle
and OTJ)

Target students will be                                                            Release staffing
included in our in-class
                                   Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                      20
                                                      2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
target groups where they will     Start T1 Wk 2 - Wk 6     In Term 1 - A teacher
have an extra 30 mins a day       and groups ongoing       will teach the target
4 days a week for                 throughout the year      children
group/individual targeted
writing .

Identified needs group will
have workshops planned
and taught, target children       T1/2/3/4                 Hillary Hub teachers
will be required to attend
identified needs workshops.

Target students will be
and their progress will be        All year                 Hillary Hub teachers
reported to the Board at the
middle and the end of the
year.                             Mid and end of year

                Special Character Student Achievement Target 2021
Strategic Target in Special Character
Living our Faith - OLA students are engaged in a connected Catholic community with a social
Annual Aim: To focus on and strengthen one aspect of Catholic Special Character that needs further
Baseline information: In 2020 we completed an internal review; Dimension 1: Te Tutaki ki a te Karaiti –
Encounter with Christ. From this review in response to this question “How effectively does the school,
through its practices and communications, f acilitate encounter with Christ and spread the Good
News to both churched and unchurched members of the community?” it was found that we could do
more to assist new families to be supported and become part of our school community.
Target Group: Families new to Our Lady of the Assumption School
Target: To ensure that our families feel welcomed and are supported to become part of our school
                                              Action Plan
  What the School Will do to        When Will it be   Who will be Involved/    What Resources will
        Meet the Target?               Achieved?          Responsible?         be Allocated to Meet
                                                                                    the Target?
New families are buddied up         T1              DRS & Principal           Time
with existing families – this is so
the new families have a contact
within the school who can
support, who they can ask
questions of etc.

Coffee mornings will be held         Once a term         DRS, Principal & AP         Time, meeting room,
once a term for new families to      First one at the                                morning tea
meet each other, socialise and       end of T1
ask any questions at

                                    Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                      21
                                                       2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Our Lady of the Assumption School Programme of Self-Review 2021-2023

                            Term 1                    Term 2                          Term 3                             Term 4
 2021           Charter                                                     Growth in Knowledge Review       School Achievement Targets

                Embed new OLA Curriculum   Ongoing – teaching conceptual    OLA Curriculum documentation     completed

                                           BoT community pastoral care      survey

                                           Self-Directed Learning
                Policy Reviews

 2022           Charter                    OLA Key Competencies             Christian Witness Review         School Achievement Targets

                Teaching of Reading

                Policy Reviews
 2023           Charter                    OLA Values                       Encounter with Christ Review     School Achievement Targets

                Teaching of Maths.

                Policy Reviews

Green = minor review
Blue = Major review
Black = business as usual

                                            Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                            22
                                                                                     2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                                          23
                                       2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
                                                                            See Implementation Audits and Reports and Policy Reviews on your SchoolDocs site for more information.

                                                                                     WHO TO CONSULT?                TERM 1           TERM 2          TERM 3          TERM 4
NAG 1:            Curriculum and Student Achievement Policy                       Board / staff
CURRICULUM AND    Education Outside the Classroom                                 Board / staff / parents
STUDENT           Health Education/Curriculum consultation                        Board / staff / parents                            Consult
ACHIEVEMENT       Home Learning                                                   Board / staff / parents           REVIEW
                  Māori Educational Success                                       Board / staff / parents                                                            REVIEW
                  Learning Support                                                Board / staff / parents
                  Reading Recovery/Literacy Support                                                                                                                 Assurance
                  Recognition of Cultural Diversity                               Board / staff / parents
                  Religious Instruction/Religious Education                       Board / staff / parents                                                            REVIEW
NAG 2:            Documentation and Self-Review Policy                            Board
DOCUMENTATION     Reporting to Parents                                            Board / staff / parents                            REVIEW
AND SELF-REVIEW   School Planning and Reporting                                                                      Submit
NAG 3:            Appointment Procedure                                           Board                                                                             Assurance
EMPLOYER          Appraisal of Staff / Professional Growth Cycle                                                                                                    Assurance
RESPONSIBILITY    Appraisal of the Principal                                                                                                       Assurance
                  Attestation                                                                                                                                       Assurance
                  Classroom Release Time/Timetable                                Board / staff
                  Concerns and Complaints                                         Board / staff / parents                                            REVIEW
                  Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)                                                             Assurance
                  Employer Responsibility Policy                                  Board / staff
                  Performance Management                                          Board / staff
                  Police Vetting for Non-Teachers                                                                  Assurance
                  Protected Disclosure                                            Board / staff                                      REVIEW
                  Provisionally Certificated Teachers (PCTs)                                                                                                        Assurance
                  Salary Units/Management Allowances                              Board / staff
                  Staff Leave                                                     Board / staff
                  Teacher Registration, Certification, and Police Vetting                                                                                           Assurance
NAG 4:            10 Year Property Plan (10 YPP)                                                                   Assurance
FINANCE AND       Computer Security and Cybersafety                                                                                Assurance
PROPERTY          Finance and Property Management Policy                          Board                             REVIEW         Assurance
MANAGEMENT        SUE (Staff Usage and Expenditure) Reports                                                                        Assurance                        Assurance
NAG 5:            Abuse Recognition and Reporting                                                                                  Assurance
HEALTH, SAFETY,   Alcohol, Drugs, and Other Harmful Substances                    Board / staff / parents
AND WELFARE       Behaviour Management                                            Board / staff / parents                                            REVIEW
                  Child Protection                                                Board / staff
                  Digital Technology and Cybersafety, Cyberbullying                                                                Assurance
                  Emergency Planning and Procedures                               Board / staff
                  Emergency Evacuation/Emergency Kit                                                                               Assurance                        Assurance
                  Harassment                                                      Board / staff                                                                      REVIEW
                  Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy                              Board / staff
                  Monitoring and Auditing School Bus                                                                               Assurance                        Assurance
                  Physical Restraint                                                                                                               Assurance
                  Reporting and Recording Accidents, Medicines,                                                    Assurance
                      Managing Minor/Moderate Injury, Illness
                  Risk Management                                                                                  Assurance       Assurance       Assurance        Assurance
                  Safety Management System                                                                                                         Assurance
                  Separated Parents, Day-to-Day Care, & Guardianship              Board / staff
                  Sun Protection                                                  Board / staff / parents
                  Surrender & Retention of Property and Searches                                                                                   Assurance
                  Swimming Pool                                                   Board / staff / parents                                          Assurance
                  Visitors                                                        Board / staff                                      REVIEW
NAG 6:            International Students                                                                                                           Assurance       Attestation
LEGISLATION AND   Legislation and Adminstration Policy                            Board / staff
ADMINISTRATION    Length of School Year                                                                                                                             Assurance
                  Privacy                                                         Board / staff
                  Student Attendance                                                                                               Assurance

     REVIEW       Review the policy / procedure and share with relevant stakeholders so they can also provide feedback.
    Assurance     Assure the board that proper steps/actions have been taken regarding the policy/procedure, and that they are up to date.
     Consult      Consult with the school community and adopt a statement about the consultation process/results.
     Submit       Update your charter & forward to the Ministry. Prepare your annual report for auditors.
   Attestation    Submit Code of Practice self-review attestation to NZQA by the due date.
                  No actions required this year. Check the 3-year schedule.

                                Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith                                     24
                                                  2021-2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
Meeting dates for 2021
               BoT                                                             PTA
Tuesdays Wk 3 and Wk 8 of each term
         7 p.m. Hillary Hub                                          1st Monday of each month
                                                                          7 p.m. Staffroom

          16th February                                              No Meeting in February

           23rd March                                                 1st March and AGM

            18th May                                                        12th April

            22nd June                                                        3rd May

           10th August                                                      14th June

         14th September                                                       5th July

          2nd November                                                     2nd August

          7th December                                                   6th September

                                                                          18th October

                                                                         1st November

                              Seeking Knowledge – Living our Faith
                                                                       2021 - 2023 Charter Our Lady of the Assumption School (3461)
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