Page created by Neil Mcbride
TE ARA 2018
                 HURUNUI COLLEGE
PRINCIPAL'S REPORT ·······················································································5
DEPUTY PRINCIPAL’S REPORT ·············································································6
2018 STAFF ································································································7
ENTER TO LEARN, LEAVE TO SERVE - PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE ·········································8
STUDENTWORK ····························································································10
SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS ····················································································38
PRIZE LIST ··································································································47

Principal’s Report
                                                                                               Stephen Beck

As always it has been another busy year for the education sector. 2018 kicked off with
the removal of National Standards and the implementation of numerous working
groups focusing on everything from NCEA to Tomorrow’s Schools, from property
funding to school transport. No matter the progress made by these working groups
the year will be defined by the industrial action being undertaken by our NZEI
colleagues in primary schools and more recently by the discussions being had by our
PPTA comrades in secondary schools across the country. Personally, I am not a big
fan of industrial action but in the current circumstance, there have seemed little
alternative options available. What has frustrated me about the current debate is our
tendency to minimise the issues down to the hours that teachers work. I do not deny that many teachers and
principals work long hours but we also know that many in other occupations also put in the hard yards.
Working 50 to 60 hour weeks is sadly the reality for many workers and for those in the rural sector this would
sometimes be a quiet week. What we should not do is value teachers simply on the hours they work or on how
late they stay up at night sending and replying to emails. We need to value the profession as being more than
this and what this debate often neglects is that over the past 30 years we have eroded away at the status of the
profession in a time when the job has become exponentially more complicated.
The profession itself needs to take some of the blame for this, parents have played a part and consecutive
governments have certainly not helped. Add in increased anxiety in our youth, the effects of increased drug
and alcohol abuse, our plummeting mental health statistics and the 24/7 influence of social media and the
profession has become a very complex and a mentally exhausting job. Very few teachers are trained counselors
or social workers and none that I know of have completed any formal training in criminal online forensic
investigation, but on a daily basis schools and teachers across the country are on the frontline of dealing with
complex and challenging behaviours that are more often than not outside of their influence and skill set.
We need to be attracting our country’s finest into the profession and with the job now being so complex, this
is getting much harder. Increased pay will help a little, but without improved conditions and support in the
classroom, it won’t be enough. We need to allow teachers the space to get back to what they are trained for
and that’s teaching. We can all start in the simplest of ways by supporting our children’s teachers. Yes, teachers
don't always get it right, but in my experience, they are not out there trying to get it wrong. Your children need
to know that you have their teachers’ back. Talk positively about the work they do and don’t get dragged into
simplistic arguments around, “yeah but what about all the holidays”, which is often ironically followed by
“yeah, but I could never do their job”. The reality now is that many schools are getting zero applicants for
jobs and I quote a fellow principal who recently joked, “What makes a good maths teacher; a live one.”
Seriously, it’s not a joke! There is no looming teacher shortage, it is already here and the sector is in crisis.
The recent task force report on Tomorrow’s Schools embraces a collaborative approach with children, equity
and access at the centre and is initially supported by the education sector but what I am concerned about is the
potential of simply recreating a top-down model that will not address the current issues in the classroom and
the crisis in teacher recruitment.
However, we are in a privileged position at Hurunui College for the fact that we will have teachers in front of
all our classes at the beginning of next year. We are able to manage our class sizes below the national averages
and we have a strong collegial group of motivated, passionate and competent staff who day in and out hold
the best interest of our children at heart. We have an open school, in relaxed surrounds with strong
community support. We might not always see eye to eye, but generally, we work together and manage a
collective way forward. And lastly, we have a fantastic and diverse group of students who we can all be very
proud of.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday period and we can all look forward to a successful 2019.
Nāku noa, nā

Deputy Principal’s Report
                                                                                                 Jane Marsh

In 2018, whilst we still continued to have a key focus of consistency and
collaboration across the Year 1-7 classes and the Learning Communities, we also
had a refocus on using SOLO - a framework that structures learning outcomes
for learners into 3 main levels of complexity and understanding, surface, deep
and conceptual. SOLO is a very useful tool to make the learning expectations
clear for the learners. This year as a team and as our Teacher as Inquiry, the
Discovery Learning Community used SOLO to assess different aspects in
Writing, which also continued to be a key focus across the school. Exploring
Learning Community used SOLO to assess Growth Mindset in Mathematics.
This Growth Mindset approach in Mathematics means that mindset is more
important than initial ability in determining the progress made by individuals understanding in Mathematics,
and that learners with a growth mindset make better progress than those with a fixed mindset. In other words,
if the learners can have an “I can always improve, I will keep trying” attitude, they are more likely to succeed
than having an attitude of “it is too hard, I am not good at this and I give up”. Year 1-7 hope to continue the
work with Growth Mindset in 2019.
In 2018 we also saw an end to National Standards which meant that schools were no longer required to use
National Standards for assessing and reporting on progress and achievement in literacy and numeracy. For
teachers at Hurunui College it has meant we can now refocus on the progress and achievement of our learners
across the wider New Zealand Curriculum, ensuring we provide broad learning experiences and opportunities
based on what our learners know and can do.
Year 1-7 teachers have continued to work collaboratively this year within and across the Learning
Communities, with the result being that our learners have been provided with some interesting and fun
learning experiences. In Term 2 and Term 3 the Year 1-6 teachers ran an Arts and Technology Rotation,
where all learners had an opportunity to sing, dance, play the ukulele, learn percussion, and participate in
drama and digital technology activities. Term 4, teachers ran a rotation that gave the Year 1-6 classes the
opportunity to experience practical and hands on science investigations within different contexts, on our
theme of ‘Change’. We were also fortunate enough to have our Science teachers, Mr Thompson and Mrs
Walker help out which meant all children were able to experience science learning in the Science Laboratory.
In 2018, there have been many learning, cultural and sporting opportunities provided for all to succeed.
Highlights have included WaiSwim Lessons, the Wainui camp for the Exploring Learning Community,
Debating and Speech contests, Matariki celebrations, visit from Stig Wemyss a performer and actor,
Canterbury School’s Music Festival, Market Day which was the culminating activity for our Year 1-7 learning
focus on ‘Money Matters’, Circotica Show, and the Discovery Learning Community trip to Christchurch to
visit the museum and Margaret Mahy Playground.
In Term 3, Miss Jasmin Findlay resigned from her position as Kikorangi Year 5/6 classroom teacher in the
Exploring Learning Community, and we are thrilled to have made the permanent appointment of Miss Lauren
Brinsford, who was already employed as fixed term in this position. Miss Brinsford is an excellent classroom
teacher, and is vibrant, energetic and fun. She provides interesting and engaging learning opportunities for her
students. Miss Brinsford has been a key instigator to the development of the Arts and Science Rotation, and
we are looking forward to her continuing to be part of our Year 1-7 team.
Finally, to you all, I would like to thank you for your wonderful support throughout the year. I wish you all a
very Happy Christmas and a safe, restful and relaxing family holiday.
Jane Marsh
Deputy Principal

2018 STAFF
                                                                       Senior Management Team
Principal             Mr Stephen Beck, BEd PE, Grad Dip Tchg & Lning
Deputy Principal      Mrs Jane Marsh, DipTchg, SENCO
Deputy Principal      Mr Iain Thompson, MSc, BSc Hons, PGCE, Bus Controller.

Primary               Miss Jenny Banks, Dip Tchg
                      Miss Lauren Brinsford (long term reliever)
                      Ms Jasmine Findlay, Grad Dip Prim Teacher, Ed (Vic), Catechetical Stud, BA English
                      (Maternity leave)
                      Miss Jenny Jackson, B Com (Ec), Grad Dip Ed
                      Miss Jenni McQuillan, B Ed, M Ed Cert Couns, Dip Tchg
                      Miss Sonia Talivai, BEd (Primary), Dip Maori (Tohu Matauranga Maori), TIC Maori
                      Mrs Janet Tilson, B Tchg and Lning, Senior Leadership
                      Mr Chris Toki, B Tchg and Lning
                      Mrs Keri Zino, Dip Tchg
Music                 Mr Philip Biddlecombe, PGCE Music, BA Hons Mus, TIC Music, TIC NetNZ,
                      Senior Leadership
Social Sciences       Mrs Anne Costello, Dip Tchg; Dean, TIC Social Sciences
Science               Mr Tim Kelly, MSc, PGCE, TIC Science, NZQA Principals Nominee
Technology            Mr Thomas King
                      Ms Vivienne McIntosh, B Home Sci, Grad Dip Tchg, TIC Technology, Careers
Mathematics           Mr Stuart McNaughton BSc (Hons) Mathematics Grad Dip Tchg TIC Mathematic
Physical Education    Mr Brendon Ferguson, B Ed (Physical Education) Grad Dip Tchg and Lning
                      (Secondary) TIC Sport
                      Miss Haley Ross, B Tchg and Lning TIC Physical Education
English               Mr John Valentine, BA, Dip Tchg, TIC English, Specialist Teacher
Visual Art            Mrs Bernadette van Dalen
Learning Support      Miss Nicci Heywood, accredited STEPS tutor

                                                                                     Support Staff
Executive Officer     Mrs Judith Topp
School Secretary      Ms Melissa Brown
School Librarian      Mr Paul Munnerley, Adv Dip Tchg, Dip. Web Design, TIC Computing
Caretaker             Mr Russell McCallum
Cleaning Staff        Ms Rachelle Ross, Mrs Beryl Wildman, Ms Joanne Wildman, Miss Rachiel Purvis
Teacher Aides         Mrs Beryl Wildman, Mrs Vicky Black, Mrs Belinda Olorenshaw,
                      Mrs Beth Bailey, Mrs Bronwyn Gunn, Mrs Gaylene Crouchly, Miss Danielle
Sports Assistant      Mrs Jenny Keeble
Lab Technician        Mrs Beryl Wildman
Publicity Officer     Mrs Jenny Keeble
Gateway Co-ord        Mrs Jenny Keeble
ICT Technician        Mrs Beth Bailey

                                                                                  Board of Trustees
Chair                  Mr Bernie Dobbs
Secretary              Mrs Judith Topp
Members                Mr Ben Cassidy, Mr Greg Costello, Mr Robin McKinlay, Miss Rachiel Purvis, Ms
Christina Jemmett (Whanau Rep), Mr John Valentine ( Staff Rep), Mr Bradley White (2018 Student Rep),
Mr Stephen Beck (Principal)

Each year we like to look back at what was happening in our school community five years ago and catch up
with the students who left Hurunui College as Year 13 students.

•     A year of starts and finishes: Miss Talivai started teaching at Hurunui College first in Year 8, then Year
      7. Mrs Keeble started as Sports Assistant and Gateway coordinator. Ron Ballantyne started his 14th
      and last year as Principal. At the end of 2013 Mrs Cooper left Kowhai class and Ms Rollason left Year
•     The first school van was purchased, and the new blue lockers were installed. A group of Year 11-13
      students went to Taikahanga marae in Kaikoura. Sara Sterne was selected for the 2013 Youth
      Parliament. In the cultural sphere, Shadowgraph made it to the Rockquest Canterbury finals, and two
      major school productions were performed: the senior school’s High School Musical and the junior
      school’s Bumblesnouts.
•     Hurunui College hosted CASAfest in September and featured on The Erin Simpson Show. Former
      student John Marr donated two ramps for junior school skaters and boarders.
      We farewelled our German volunteer Micha Scheiffele and welcomed Moritz ‘Mo’ Krause.
•     24 students from the 3rd Form (Year 9) class of 1950 had a reunion - the only building still here from
      their day was the old dental clinic!

                                                                                          Year 13 of 2013
SHARDIA ELLEN-JOHNSON (now Mackintosh) went to Invercargill from Hurunui College and worked towards
a Diploma of Business. While doing that she worked part-time for SBS Bank, but they offered her a full-time
position which she accepted. After a year, Shardia was transferred to Christchurch, initially as a teller, but she
has since been promoted and is now handling lending and investment. Shardia got married in 2017 and lives in
Leithfield Beach with her husband and new baby girl.

STEPHEN HOLLAND moved with his parents to Rangiora in 2015. Steven has pursued his interests in nature
photography and real estate, becoming very adept at drawing house plans by hand. Steven has developed a
passion for travel, having been to Australia twice and is going on a cruise from London to Norway to view the
Northern Lights in 2019. Travel on a less glamorous scale, is also possible with a licence and a Renault Clio!
Stephen has been described as “a natural on a horse” from his time at Riding for the Disabled in Rangiora.
He has a particular skill at dressage, which is an event in the Special Olympics… watch this space!

ANNA JOLI studied Business Administration at Avonmore College in Christchurch, and is currently a client
communication advisor for Work and Income at their base near Christchurch Airport. Anna and her partner
have just bought a house in Rangiora. They two of them are aiming to keep some adventure in their lives -
Anna has recently completed bungy jumps at Hanmer Springs and has been skydiving over Ashburton! They
are hoping to be able to travel to Europe when circumstances permit.

BEN KEEBLE went straight to work with North Canterbury Ag & Silage driving tractors. Ben did a 3-4
month season of tractor work in Western Australia, before returning to New Zealand to work in
Methven. Ben manages the baling and chopping side of May Brothers Contracting. He is living on a dairy
farm with his partner, and is the proud dad of a 3-month old son.

JAMES KIRKLAND had a gap year in 2014, working as a lifeguard at the Hanmer Springs thermal pools. He
then went to S.I.T. in Christchurch to study electrical engineering. James is currently working for David Moot
Electrical based in Riccarton doing domestic and commercial jobs, including some in his old home town
area! He is completing his pre-trade studies and work experience. He has the electrical regulations exams
under his belt and is working towards the theory exam to become a fully qualified electrician. His busy work
and study life means James was an accomplished swimmer at Hurunui College, but has not had much time
that now, but he has taken up Muay Thai (Thai Kickboxing).

ELIZABETH SANDERS moved to Christchurch after leaving Hurunui College and was one of the
‘trendsetters’ taking up residence in the redeveloping Inner City! Elizabeth had a gap year before enrolling in
a Media and Communication course at Canterbury University. She enjoys the vibrancy of inner city living,
especially observing the rebuilding of swathes of the city centre. So much so she has only been back to
Hawarden about three times in the last five years!

CHRIS WARREN went straight from school to work in the kitchen at The Nor’Wester in Amberley. He
started as a kitchen hand, and worked his way up to trainee chef and is now the main chef. Chris has stayed
fairly close to home, currently living in Leithfield. Although he hasn’t travelled too far, he has the potential to
do so as he has a ‘collection’ of vehicles, including his favourite (a Subaru). Chris enjoys 4WD driving and is
planning to get his HT licence, for even bigger thrills!

HARLEY WELLER was working part-time at the Star & Garter in Waikari when he finished school and carried
on there for a further 6 months. He went on a family holiday to Brisbane and ended up staying 8 months,
working at the Ship Inn pub and the Shore restaurant & bar in Southbank. Back to New Zealand Harley
worked at The Nor’Wester in Amberley and studied at CPIT. He worked at Harlequin Public House in
Christchurch, and had a stint at Pegasus Bay winery. He is currently sous-chef at JDV café restaurant & bar in
Merivale. Harley is off to Canada next year on a 2-year work visa.

At the publication deadline we have not made contact with, Hayden Smith, Eileen Stark or Alana Waterman.

                                                                                          Year 13 of 2018
SARAH ALLINGTON started at Hurunui College as a year 8 student in 2013. She has always been a bright,
bubbly and hardworking student with her own special sense of humour. She has shown considerable ability in
Science and English and has always contributed positively to all aspects of the school. We wish Sarah all the
best next year as she plans to undertake a gap year before making a clear decision on her chosen course of
study or career pathway.

JACKSON BAU started at Hurunui College as a year 6 student in 2011. He has always been a keen sportsman
and has excelled in the areas of football and athletics. Jackson has worked to be a leader both inside and
outside of school. He has been a Sheppard house leader for the past two years, our schools SADD
representative and has worked within the Hurunui Youth Programme. He can also be congratulated for being
a recipient of the Hurunui District Council Secondary School Achievers Award in 2018. We wish Jackson all
the best next year as he heads off to Ara to pursue a career as an electrician.

JOSH COLLINS started at Hurunui College in 2006 and can be bestowed the title of Hurunui College survivor,
completing all of his education at our school. Josh has proven himself as being a diligent and hardworking
student. He is always obliging and committed to achieving his best. He shows true talent in the areas of Visual
Arts, design and architecture. This has resulted in him designing and manufacturing one of our school
trophies as well as manufacturing shelving for the library. Josh is a proud member of Sheppard house and has
always been involved in house events. We wish him all the best as he takes a gap year next year before
pursuing a career in architecture and design.

ASRA GINDERS started at Hurunui College in 2005 and can be bestowed the title of Hurunui College
survivor, completing all of her education at our school. Our Head Student for 2018, Asra has always proven
herself as being a hardworking and caring student. The commitment and passion she has shown in her Music
over the years has been exceptional. This has led to her gaining regional and national recognition and winning
numerous awards including most recently placing 2nd in both the solo and country rock section of the Star
Awards in Tauranga. She was also awarded the U18 Ivan Lea Memorial Trophy and Encouragement Award.
We wish Asra all the best next year as she continues to pursue her passion for music taking up a scholarship to
the Junior Academy of Country Music in Tamworth Australia.

ASHLEIGH LINTOTT started at Hurunui College as a year 7 student in 2012. Ashleigh has proven herself as
being an outgoing, and stubbornly determined student. She has shown an ability and passion in the areas of
tourism and hospitality. She has contributed to the school by being a Sumner house captain, bus prefect and
member of the student council. She also represented our school at the South Island Secondary Schools

Netball tournament in both 2016 and 2017. We wish Ashleigh all the best as she heads off to the NZ School
of Tourism next year with the hope of pursuing hotel management in the future.

JOHNNY MURCHISON started at Hurunui College as a year 8 student in 2013. He has proven himself as being
a persistent, hardworking, caring and polite student. He has excelled in the areas of hospitality, always
completing tasks to a high standard and being more than willing to share his culinary skills with his classmates.
This has made him a very popular potential flatmate in the years to come. We wish Johnny all the best as he
heads off to Ara next year to complete the New Zealand certificate in Baking.

ETHAN PURVIS started at Hurunui College as a year 9 student in 2014. He has always displayed a quietly
confident, unique, polite and always quirky persona. Whatever Ethan doesn’t know he will work hard to
improvise. He has a passion for music and has proven himself as being computer savvy, combining these skills
to contribute behind the scenes of many school productions over the years. We wish him all the best next year
as he looks to pursue a career as a driver in the New Zealand Army. We wish Ethan the best of luck.

GRACE SPENCER started at Hurunui College as a year 2 student in 2007. She has always been a hardworking
and diligent student who has always shown a strong commitment to her faith. In year 10, Grace represented
Hurunui College at the New Zealand Secondary Schools National Spelling Bee competition in Wellington and
has gone on to be rewarded with strong academic success achieving both NCEA level one and two with
excellence endorsement. She is on track to repeat this at level three this year. We wish Grace all the best next
year as she takes a gap year and looks to travel overseas to take part in various mission trips including heading
to Guatemala for two months to assist in completing maintenance work around a children's campsite. When
she returns Grace plans to train as a Radiation Therapist.

GEORGE WILKINS started at Hurunui College as a year 8 student in 2014. He has proven himself as being a
curious and hardworking student who has an unwavering positive attitude and is just an all-around good fella.
George has contributed extensively in his home community of Greta Valley through his contribution to the
Rural Fire Brigade and as an instructor on the Youth and Emergency Services camp. We wish George all the
best next year as he heads off to the Southern Institute of Technology to complete his pre-apprenticeship
training in electrical theory, as well as hoping to remain an active member of Fire Brigade.

                               STUDENT WORK

Have any of you ever heard of Nelson Mandela? He was one of the great presidents of South Africa, the first
black one, and most people have great respect for him and the big change he made in South Africa’s history.
At the time in South Africa, there was quite a division between white and black people. Mandela dreamed that
he could help to stop this, the way he tried to do this though, was understood to be a “coup” or in other
words a government takeover. He was then put in jail for twenty seven years on Robben Island. During his
time in jail, he worked towards his law degree via a London University, and to help him communicate with the
guards he even studied the Afrikaans language. Various people that he talked with, acted positively to his
dreams and lobbied for his release.
After his released from jail and some time, but through democracy and a general election, his political party,
the ANC which is short for African National Congress, won and he became the first black president in power
in 1994. My parents was part of all these changes in South Africa.
He had his challenges, highs, and his lows while he ruled. He was president for one 5 year term. Mandela
continued to work hard focussing on helping to fight poverty and racism. He had a charity that focussed on
fighting HIV and AIDS. These are deadly diseases that about 35 million people all over the world have died
from, and back then there was no cure.
Growing up, Nelson Mandela, would have found it quite a challenge. Back in the, so called, apartheid years in
South Africa, many black children did not attend regular schools. Nowadays it is very different. I visited a local
school where my grandparents live in South Africa. My Aunty is the principal and all the children attending
are black. A lot of the children I talked with had no comprehension that there was a bigger world outside of
their local town.

In a country where the population is just under 56 million people currently, it is hard to imagine the task
Mandela had on his shoulders. This is about 12 times the number of people in New Zealand. He lived for
many years doing great work and standing for great causes. He was always kind in his speech with a smile on
his face. He died at the age of 95 in 2013.

Nelson Mandela had many quotes however this one stood out for me, “It always seems impossible until it’s
done.” He was a man that never gave up fighting for what he believed in and I think that is what makes a
person strong. I still have lots of family living in South Africa and hope that Nelson Mandela’s positive
change, influence and legacy will continue to help the country build to a brighter future for all those living

Bailee’s story was placed 3rd in the Year 3/4 age group of the Hurunui Writing Competition.
It all started off like a normal day at dog school in Dog City, but after school it wasn't as it normally smelt
like ...I took another sniff ….it smelt like cats, oh I'm probably just smelling things.
As soon as I walked in the door it was like a hurricane, Mum was running up and down the house yelping
“Cats are invading our town and Super Cat is leading the cats”.
I ran up stairs and got changed into my superhero dog suit and when I came back downstairs Mum was in her
Super Dog suit too. We were the family which was chosen to be the Super Dog family because we showed
how brave we were.
“K9 hurry up and get into your Super Dog suit,” Odour yelled.
“Why?” my sister K9 asked.
“Because Super Cat is invading with his army” I explained. “Noooooooooooooooo” my sister K9
“I’ll ring our army, you and Mum try attacking”.
“Ok let's make a plan, Mum you will sneak up behind the buildings and attack Super Cat from the back”
“So I’ll attack from the front”
A few punches were thrown pew! pew! pew! and Super Cat was knocked down but he won't be for long.
“ K9 you go attack SuperCats army from the back and I’ll attack his
army from the front, quick go”.
A few cats down and then I felt something on my back and it was a Tiger from the neighbouring city. It isn’t
just any city, it is a peacekeeping city and he was a super Peacekeeper Tiger.
He tried his magical flute but it wasn’t strong enough to make everyone to go to sleep.
“I’m going to have to go and get my peace keeping crew” super Tiger said.
When his crew got back, everyone was fighting again. The Peacekeeper Tiger then put us to sleep which
would erase the memory of each other but we had to stay down for half an hour, but we woke up before 10
minutes so he had to get a stronger potion.
Then finally he got us to sleep for half an hour and our memories of each other were erased so no one ever
fought again.


                                               Cross Country

Tough Kid   Sports Prize giving
                                     7 aside

                                  Exploring Sport
                   Athletics  We love getting outside and
                             being active with our friends.
                              Whether it is friendly games
                              or competing against other
                             schools we always give it our
                  HPSSA Athletics
Sport Reports
Another year of sports done and dusted. We would like to take this opportunity again to thank all our students
who participate in sport at Hurunui College throughout the year. It is not always easy to step up and take part,
with nerves sometimes taking over, or generally not having the confidence to take part. It is always a great feel-
ing having a go which is what our policy is about. Also thank you to all the parents/caregivers who willingly
give up there precious time, whether it be transporting, supporting, coaching, timing or yelling on the side-
lines. This year saw a change to Year groups not age groups for the Primary events. Thank you from all the
Staff at Hurunui College, without you we would not be able to offer the numerous opportunities available.
Sport is a great tool which can be used in many ways some of which include developing social skills,
 building relationships, skill development, self-confidence, giving participants a sense of belonging
                  and pride, and has the potential to engage students in competition.

Friday 2 February:Tabloids
Wednesday 14 February: Senior swimmingYear 7-13
Senior Girl Champion: (Clarkson Cup): Charlotte Cassidy
Senior Boy Champion: Eli Bullmore
Yr 7-10 Girl Champion (Hawarden Swimming Cup): Olivia Frame
Yr 7-10 Boy Champion (Taruna Cup): Josh Gunn
Wednesday 21 February: Junior swimmingYear 1-6
Champion Boy Yr 5/6 (Rutherford Challenge Cup): Riley Abbott
Champion Girl Yr 5/6 (Rutherford Challenge Cup): Bridie Dench
Champion Boy Yr 4 and under (Ron Pierce Memorial Cup):
Kohatu Cottrell, Angus Dench, Hamish Thompson
Champion Girl Yr 4 and under (Ron Pierce Memorial Cup): Sinead Chisnall
Tuesday 27 February: Hurunui Primary swimming, Cheviot
A large group of students were selected from our school after their outstanding results from our swimming
Year 4: Sinead Chisnall, Bailee Cattermole, Charlie Carthy, Dustin Wright, Connor Earl, Angus Dench, Kohatu Cottrell
Year 5: Grace McKnight, Annie-May McKay, Tai Haira, Sophie Thompson, Libby Ginders, Riley Abbott, Blake Earl
Year 6: Millie Sidey, Brooke Dunn, Andrew Fincham, Tom Barnes, Bridie Dench, Miane Grove, Flynn Ginders, Davey Tali-
vai, Katie Spencer
Year 7: Hannah Sidey, Sophie Wright, Luke Chisnall, Angus Hodgen, Neve Cassidy, Ollie Zino, Hunter Cattermole, Regan
Year 8: Georgie Bethell, Olivia Frame, Josh Gunn, Sam Earl, Mackenzie Dench, Geordie Hassall
Thursday 1 March: CCHS swimming, Dudley Pool, Rangiora
A group of Year -8-13 students were selected to go to the CCHS swimming event in Rangiora, following a
great performance at our swimming sports.
They were: Charlotte Cassidy, Briar Sparks, Georgia Costello, Jade Northover, Liam Cassidy, Jake Topp, Nathan Kay, Sam
Earl, Josh Gunn, Geordie Hassall, Georgie Bethell, Olivia Frame, Mackenzie Dench, Bri Hodgen, Regan Kay and Zahra Pen-
A great effort by Josh Gunn for breaking a record in the Under 12 & half 50m Boys Breaststroke and to the
U12.5 relay team of Josh Gunn, Sam Earl, Georgie Bethell and Geordie Hassall.
Friday 2 March:Year 5-8 Friday night Basketball
The philosophy of Friday Night Basketball is that this tournament is aimed at developing players, coaches and
officials at age-appropriate levels, encouraging fair play and enjoyment of the game. In many instances this is a
participant’s first, and potentially only, experience with the sport of basketball. These leagues are about getting

as many of our community, especially young people, involved in, and enjoying sport. Term one season is a
round-robin type of competition, of which the intention is for our students to try basketball and for coaches/
teachers, to assess the abilities/development of the players in advance of preparing for the competition
rounds at the end of the year. The competition started on Friday 2 March though to Friday 13 April (last day
of Term 1). Four teams were entered this year.
The teams were
Hurunui Hotshots: Riley Abbott, Katie Keeble, Blake Earl, Andrew Fincham, Bridie Dench, Max Bonny, Flynn Ginders,
Libby Ginders (Reserves: Sophie Thompson and Davey Talivai): Coach Tara Abbott, Manager: Jenny Keeble
Hurunui Hurricanes: Emily Harris, Gus Hodgen, Hunter Cattermole, Maddie Brinsdon, Bri Hodgen, Josh Gunn, Daniel
Topp, Harper Pugh. Coach: Andy Harris, Manager: Nicci Heywood.
Hurunui Hustlers: Sophie Wright, Ollie Zino, Hannah Sidey, Mackenzie Dench, Jakob Pascoe, Neihana Hoeta-Smith,
Ella Ferguson. Coach: Iain & Jac Wright, Manager: Keri Zino.
Hurunui Hoopsters: Neve Cassidy, Regan Kay, Luke Chisnall, Olivia Frame, Cody McMullan, Sam Earl, Mateo Bonny,
Matthew Petrie (Waikari). Coach: Lauren Brinsford/Sarah Cassidy, Manager:Sue Earl.
Wednesday 7 March: CCHS Athletics at Rawhiti Domain Christchurch
We took a team of keen athletic students to town. This is always hard on our students, who have been select-
ed from our athletics day back in November, they get no practice or fitness. Considering this they all do very
well. Well Done.
The team was as follows:
Tessa Allan, Jackson Bau, Tahlia Beck, Mitch Berry, Georgia Costello, Olivia Frame, Katie Gunn, Nathan Kay, Liam
Marsh, Wyatt McKay, Jacob Paton, Daniel Purvis, Douglas Quigley, Adain Redshaw, Amber Sowden, Briar Sparks, Luke
Sterne, Jake Topp, Lenix Trembath, Zoe Watson.
Tuesday 13 March: School Triathlon
This was held in ideal conditions with a number of students competing for the first time, as individuals or in a
team. This is great to see, especially to see the house points you collect by competing. House results were:
Sheppard and Taylor sharing 14 points, Sumner 12 and Mason 11.
The individuals Year 5-8: run 2kms, cycle 5km, and swim lengths were:
Davey Talivai, Sophie Thompson, Gemma Ralph, Bridie Dench, Brooke Dunn, Regan Kay, Riley Abbott, Ella Ferguson,
Neve Cassidy, Bri Hodgen, Mackenzie Dench, Olivia Frame, Caleb Spencer
Year 9-13: run 2kms, cycle 11km, swim 10 lengths:
Tessa Allan, Douglas Quigley, Nathan Kay, Jacob Paton, Mackenzie Hinde, Beau McKay
The Year 5-8 teams were:
Hayley Earl, Lauren B, Cameron Berry; Millie Sidey, Katie Keeble, Miane Grove; Angel Dagcutan, Hannah Buckland, Katie
Spencer; Blake Earl, Ben Spencer; Khalani Tuinawaivuvu, Harry Woods, Libby Ginders; Ollie Zino, Luke Chisnall, Sophie
Wright; Blake MacDonald, William Munsey
The Year 9-13 teams were:
Mitch Berry, Zahra Pengelly; Lily Paton, Amber Sowden; Tahlia Beck, Dean Cottrell, Jade Northover; Jackson Bau, Luke
Sterne, Caleb Norton.
Year 9-13 individual: Nathan Kay 1st, Jacob Paton 2nd, Tessa Allan 3rd
Year 5-8 individual: Regan Kay 1st, Ella Ferguson 2nd, Olivia Frame 3rd
Team 9-13: Tahlia Beck, Dean Cottrell, Jade Northover 1st
Team 5-8: Mateo Bonny, Geordie Hassall, Josh Gunn 1st
Tuesday 20 March: Hurunui Primary T-Ball, Scargill Domain
It was a very hot day by the time all the teams had congregated at the Scargill Domain for the start of the Hu-
runui T-Ball day. With a great deal of parent support on board we managed to field three teams. It didn’t take
long for the children to get into their stride and we soon saw some huge hits, great running between the plates
and well coordinated fielding. There was a great feeling of camaraderie within the teams as the players showed
lots of support towards each other. However, there was no love lost when two Hurunui teams got together
and the competitive streak came out in this game. It was all played in good spirit though. Highlight of the day
for Hurunui came when Kohatu Cottrell got singled out for his support of an understrength opposition. This
was a great demonstration of sportsmanship and one the whole school can be proud of. Special thanks to all
the parent supporters and helpers. This is what really makes the day such a success.
Thursday 22 March: North Canty Swimming Champs, Dudley Pool, Rangiora
This competition for us, is always a great run-up for the Canty swim champs. The students competing are se-
lected from the Hurunui Primary swimming champs, if they have become first or possibly second if someone
else cannot attend. They are as follows:
Sophie Thompson, Riley Abbott, Bridie Dench, Josh Gunn, Sam Earl, Blake Earl, Regan Kay, Olivia Frame and Geordie
Thursday 5 April: Canty Primary swimming champs, Selwyn Aquatic Pool, Rolleston
A team of eight swimmers attended this event having qualified from Hurunui Primary School
swimming at Cheviot.They were Riley Abbott, Bridie Dench, Josh Gunn, Sam Earl, Blake Earl, Regan Kay, Olivia
Frame and Geordie Hassall.
Congratulations to you all for attending this event and how well you all performed and to the parents who
helped out, especially Bronwyn Gunn.
Wednesday 11, 12 and 13 April: CASAfest, Akaroa
What a way to end Term 1, with a team of 38 students and 4 staff in Akaroa. Once again Akaroa were fantastic
hosts, perhaps not turning the weather on but the food and hospitality was awesome. No complaints there,
other than we were all told to eat more. The weather when we left Hawarden was not the greatest with heavy
flakes of snow, but this did not deter the enthusiasm of the students. We bought some rubbish bags for the
girls to wear in the bitterly cold wind and a few showers that they had when playing soccer on the first day.
Thursday saw an improvement in the weather and Friday was slightly rearranged due to showers of rain again.
The fair play awards to our students this year were truly deserved, William Costello (Boy) and Ella Ferguson
(Girl), overall school was won by Amuri. We are hosting this event again next year here in Hawarden
The students following attended:
Senior Boys: Caleb Norton, Beau McKay, Luke Sterne, Bradley White, Douglas Quigley, Eli Bullmore, Morgan Bailey, Jack-
son Bau, George Wilkins, Josh Collins.
Senior Girls: Jade Northover, Georgia Costello, Ashleigh Brown, Briar Sparks, Tessa Allan, Charlotte Cassidy, Zoe Watson,
Storme Smith, Ashleigh Lintott
Junior Boys: William Costello, Shae Ford, Jack Tweed, Wyatt McKay, Nathan Kay, Bill Bailey, Liam Cassidy, Jake Topp,
Damien Durand
Junior Girls: Ruth Buckland, Ella Ferguson, Bri Hodgen, Lili Paton, Stacey Jack, Katie Gunn, Tahlia Beck, Yasmin Sparks,
Bailey Carr, Amber Sowden
Term 1:Year 8-13 tennis competition
This competition was played during lunchtimes in Term 1: Students who entered were:
Olivia Frame, Georgie Bethell, Ella Ferguson, Mackenzie Dench, Tessa Allan, Ruth Buckland, Josh Gunn, Jakob Pascoe,
Geordie Hassall.
Results as follows;
Senior Girl: 1st:Tessa Allan, runner-up Olivia Frame.
Senior Boy: 1st:Geordie Hassall, runner-up Jakob Pascoe
House points: Taylor 5, Sheppard and Sumner 2, Mason 0.

New Zealand Area Schools********* BF to write up
Sunday/Monday 14th & 15th May at Amuri Area School.
Sunday-Thursday 8th-12th July in Christchurch.
Charlee Barrett - Tessa Allan - Tahlia Beck - Luke Sterne

Year 9-13 Basketball
This competition started on Friday 11 May through to end of August.
We entered three teams as follows:
Hurunui Hotshots: Jade Northover, Tahlia Beck, Ebony Varnam, Liam Carson, Shae Ford, Jack Tweed,
Flynn Moore, George Hicks. Coach: Stephen Beck
Hurunui Hoopsters: Ben Harris, Jake Topp, Bailey Carr, Crystal Reed, Beth Hicks, Dylan Curtis, Liam Cas-
sidy, Alexis Stagg, Coach: Nicci Heywood
Hurunui Wildcats: Caleb Norton, Bill Bailey, Lili Paton, Katie Gunn, Amber Sowden, Roddy Murchison,
Martin Quigley, Coach: Katrina Quigley/Jackson Bau
Many thanks to all the coaches and managers. As always we can not enter these teams without the support
from parents.
Wednesday 23 May Cross Country
This year we held our annual school Cross Country on Wednesday 23 May. We had an ideal day, even though
it was a bit wet underneath.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank every student who competed. Results are as follows:
Year 4-13 (4km’s): 1st: Joseph Clark, 2nd: Andrew Fincham, 3rd: Josh Gunn
Year 3: (1.7km’s): 1st: Hamish Thompson, 2nd: Joshua Spencer, 3rd:Harry Sidey
Year 1-2 (1.3km’s) 1st: Jake Abbott, 2nd: Quinn Anderson, 3rd: Elizabeth Murray
Champion Girl (Year 4-6) (Forster Cup): Sophie Thompson (13th overall)
Runner Up: Grace McKnight
Champion Boy (Year 4-6) (Forster Cup): Andrew Fincham (2nd overall)
Runner Up: Samuel Dobbs
Champion Girl Year 7-13:(Senior) (Mitchell Family Cup): Georgie Bethell (5th overall)
Champion Boy Year 7-13: (Senior) (R Hibbard cup): Joseph Clark (1st overall)
Thank you to Rich & Mez Power, Bede & Neroli Crean, and the Hawarden Golf Club for allowing us the use
of your property to run this event.
Thursday 31 May Hurunui Primary Cross Country
This was again held in Waikari on Thursday 31 May, having been postponed due to the wet. We are very for-
tunate to have a great property to run this at (Thank you to the Barton’s). The following students were select-
ed from doing well at our school event. Well done.
Year 4: Sinead Chisnall, Ashlee Murray, Emma Kinzett, Sophie Frost, Dustin Wright, Riley MacDonald, Will
Zino, Kohatu Cottrell
Year 5: Sophie Thompson, Grace McKnight, Libby Ginders, Samuel Dobbs, Riley Abbott, Blake Earl, Khala-
ni Tuinawaivuvu
Year 6: Bridie Dench, Katie Spencer, Ella McKnight, Andrew Fincham, Flynn Ginders, Davey Talivai
Year 7: Emily Harris, Sophie Wright, Ollie Zino, Luke Chisnall, William McNaughton, Angus Hodgen
Year 8: Georgie Bethell, Ella Ferguson, Jessica Fincham, Ruth Buckland, Josh Gunn, Caleb Spencer, Karaitia-
na Haira
Wednesday 27 June Canterbury Primary Schools Cross Country
This annual event is held at the Halswell Quarry, and was another event that needed to be postponed due to
the wet. However we congratulate the following students who were selected from the Hurunui Primary event.
Year 5: Samuel Dobbs, Riley Abbott.
Year 6: Andrew Fincham
Year 8: Georgie Bethell, Jessica Fincham, Ella Ferguson, Caleb Spencer, Joshua Gunn.
Congratulations on your efforts, you all did extremely well. Thanks to Bronwyn Gunn for managing this team.

Thursday 9 August CCHS Indoor
We took a bus down with a team of keen basketballers, to play at Cowles Stadium and Celebration Centre. We
entered 2 mixed year 8 teams and 1 mixed Year 9-10 team. Many thanks to Bronwyn Gunn for coming as
manager and helping out with the scoring etc.
Year 8: Olivia Frame, Mackenzie Dench, Maggie Ferguson, Ella Ferguson, Bri Hodgen, Mateo Bonny, Geordie Hassall, Nei-
hana Hoeta-Smith, Jakob Pascoe, Harper Pugh, Josh Gunn, Caleb Spencer
Year 9: Flynn Moore, Tahlia Beck, Zoe Wiltshire, Katie Gunn.
Year 10: Roddy Murchison, Jake Topp, Amber Sowden, Ben Harris
Badminton: Competition started in term 3, for Year 8-13 students. Winners were:
Senior Girl (Palele Cup): Tessa Allan Senior Boy: Charlee Barrett
Tuesday 28 August, Hurunui Zone Seven-A-Side          was hosted again by Hurunui College.We had fantastic
weather to run this, which is very fortunate when you have approx 480 children to host and keep busy. Many
thanks to Brendon Ferguson again for spending many hours marking and preparing the fields over in the do-
main. Thank you to all our Year 10 students who prepare our students for this day in the three sports involved
(Netball/Touch Rugby/Soccer) and to all the staff for your input in various ways. A huge thanks to the P.T.A.
for organising the shop/bbq, it is always very well supported. Also to the parents for your support on the day.
We entered three Year 4-5 teams, three Year 5-6 teams and five Year 7-8 teams. Congratulations to all our stu-
dents who represented Hurunui College in a positive (R.I.S.E.) way.
Friday night North Canterbury Basketball competition: (Year 5-8)
Started 14 September with three weeks of grading (play two 18 minute games a night) then competition started
19 October.
We were fortunate to enter 4 teams this year, and would like to thank all the parents who step up and help
with coaching and managing teams. Also all the travelling that is involved with this competition.
The teams were as follows:

    Hurunui Hotshots            Hurunui Hurricanes               Hurunui Hustlers         Hurunui High Flyers

  Coach: Tara Abbott           Coach: Johannes                 Coach: Andy Harris        Coach: Bronwyn Gunn

  Manager: Jess Dench          Manager: Sandy Fincham          Manager: Keri Zino        Manager: Sue Earl

  Riley Abbott                 Kyle Searle                     Sophie Wright             Mackenzie Dench

  Blake Earl                   Andrew Fincham                  Ollie Zino                Briana Hodgen

  Libby Ginders                Blake MacDonald                 Angus Hodgen              Sam Earl

  Katie Keeble                 Max Bonny                       Emily Harris              Mateo Bonny

  Bridie Dench                 Ella McKnight                   Luke Chisnall             Mikyla Stagg

  Flynn Ginders                Rory Stagg                      Neve Cassidy              Josh Gunn

                               Davey Talivai                   Hunter Cattermole         Harper Pugh

                                                                                         Daniel Topp

                                                                                         Geordie Hassall

                                                                                         Olivia Frame

                                                                                         Neihana Hoeta-Smith

TennisYear 4-7    competition was started in Term 4 with only four students competing. They were: Sophie
Wright, Neve Cassidy, Ollie Zino, Blake Earl, Riley Abbott.
Winner: Girl: Sophie Wright Boy:(Adam Atkinson Memorial Trophy): Ollie Zino
House Points: Taylor 2, Mason 1, Sheppard 2, Sumner 0.
Wednesday 17 October, Hurunui Zone Duathlon
This Duathlon was changed by Hanmer Springs from the annual Triathlon. It is always such a hard event to
organise due to Health & Safety requirements. This year the venue was changed to Dawson Reserve Grounds,
which meant the cycling leg included a track through the forest.
Year 5 & 6: Run 1km, bike 6km, run 1km
Year 7 & 8: Run 2km, bike 9km, run 1km
The following students entered:
Year 5: Riley Abbott, Samuel Dobbs, Blake Earl, Libby Ginders, Sophie Thompson
Year 6: Kyle Searle, Andrew Fincham, Bridie Dench
Year 7: Nil
Year 8: Ella Ferguson
Students absolutely loved the new course and even wanted to know if they went any further. Sorry no they
don’t. Thanks to Hanmer Springs School for organising such a wonderful event.
Friday 26 October, Hurunui School Athletics
We had a great day again for our own school athletics. It was great to see so many participating and gaining
their personal bests. Quite a few events were held leading up to the day, so we can manage to hold more
events for parents to attend. Congratulations to the following students who received these cups at our annual
Sports Prize giving held on Friday 2 November.
Athletic Cups
Most Outstanding Junior Boy (Yr4): Hassall Cup: Riley MacDonald
Runner Up (Yr 4) Boy: Will Zino
Most Outstanding Junior Girl (Yr 4): Hassall Cup: Sophie Frost
Runner Up (Yr 4) Girl: Sinead Chisnall
Champion Junior Boy (Yr 5-6): McCort Cup: Andrew Fincham
Runner Up Boy:(Yr 5-6): Riley Abbott
Champion Junior Girl (Yr 5-6): School Council Cup: Sophie Thompson
Runner Up Girl (Yr 5-6): Brooke Dunn
Champion Boy Athlete (Yr 7-8): Geordie Hassall
Runner Up (Yr 7-8) Boy: Josh Gunn
Champion Girl Athlete (Yr 7-8): Georgie Bethell
Runner Up (Yr 7-8) Boy: Josh Gunn
Champion Girl Athlete (Yr 9-10) Waipara County Lions: Amber Sowden
Runner Up Girl (Yr 9-10): Beth Hicks
Champion Boy Athlete: (Yr 9-10) Hurunui College: Damien Durand
Runner Up Boy (Yr 9-10): Jake Topp
Champion Senior Girl (Yr 11-13): HAS: Tessa Allan
Runner Up Girl (Yr 11-13): Georgia Costello
Champion Senior Boy (Yr 11-13): HAS: Jackson Bau
Runner Up Boy (Yr 11-13): Charlee Barrett
Tuesday 13 November Hurunui Primary Athletic Champs
We would also like to acknowledge the following students who were selected for the Hurunui Primary
Champs held at Amuri Area School. It was a great day with heaps of students participating and gaining per-
sonal bests. A big thanks to the parents who attend and support your child/ren. The students that were select-
ed are as follows:
Year 4: Sophie Frost, Sinead Chisnall, Emma Kinzett, Riley MacDonald, Will Zino, Leon Thomas
Year 5: Sophie Thompson, Katelyn Burnett, Hannah Sutherland, Samuel Dobbs, Riley Abbott, Blake Earl
Year 6: Bridie Dench, Brooke Dunn, Angel Dagcutan, Miane Grove, Andrew Fincham, Kyle Searle, Flynn Ginders, Max

Year 7: Hannah Sidey, Neve Cassidy, Sophie Wright, Maddie Brinsdon, Ollie Zino, Luke Chisnall, Angus Hodgen
Year 8: Jessica Fincham, Georgie Bethell, Geordie Hassall, Olivia Frame, Briana Hodgen, Josh Gunn, Ella Ferguson, Cody
McMullan, Jakob Pascoe, Harper Pugh.
A big congratulations to you all for being selected any many events.
Wednesday 5 December, Canterbury Primary Schools Athletic Champs
Congratulations to the ten students who were selected from the Hurunui Primary Athletic champs, from com-
ing 1st at their event. This is always a great achievement to see so many going on to the next level of competi-
tion. Well done everyone and good luck.
Cody McMullan, Geordie Hassall, Harper Pugh, Georgie Bethell, Ella Ferguson, Briana Hodgen, Olivia Frame, Ollie Zino,
Andrew Fincham, Samuel Dobbs.
This year for the first time it is being held at the new venue Nga Puna Wai in Christchurch.
Wednesday 28 November, Canterbury Primary Schools Triathlon
A group of keen students (Year 5-8) are attending this event, held annually at Pegasus Town.
Swim: 75 metres for Year 5 and 6 students, 100 metres Year 7 and 8 students
Cycle: 5.4km for Year 5 and 6 students, 10.8km Year 7 and 8 students
Run: 3.5km
Neve Cassidy, Matthew Paton, Riley Abbott, Sophie Thompson
Unfortunately Year 8 were unable to attend as they were away in Wellington.


Exploring Camp
         Wainui 2018
During Term 2 we went to Wainui Camp for
three days. We had fun doing team building
activities, high and low ropes, raft building,
 flying fox, making huts, orienteering, ar-
      chery, campfire and wide games.

Year 1-6 Science
   During term 4 we investigated the
    concept of change in science. We
 experimented with static electricity, air
pressure, density, chemical reactions and
dissolving. We even got to go the science

   25th-29th November

  Whero Class

                                 Back Row: Rawiri Haira, Jens Grove,
                                 Mason Rogers, Nico Svensson
                                 Front Row: Miss J Banks, Patrick Frame,
                                 Tina Tuinawaivuvu, Stanley Savage, Katie
                                 Devine, Frank Anderson, Asher Buckland,
                                 Ms R Purvis
   Kakariki Class

                                 Back Row: Caitlyn Ferguson, Darcy
                                 Ramsay, Quinn Anderson, Jake Kirkland-
                                 Manderson, Beth Earl
                                 Middle Row: Miss J Jackson, Hunter
                                 McKinlay, Noa Cory, Jake Abbott,
                                 Hezekiah Buckland, Charlotte Thompson,
                                 Lena Rae, Mrs G Crouchley
                                 Front Row: Lily Frost, Jody Kelland,
                                 Elizabeth Murray, Pippa Ginders, Kyana
                                 Absent: Eva Kelly
Waiporoporo Class

                                 Back Row: Hamish Thompson, Joshua
                                 Spencer, Te Whero Donohue-Braas, Ian
                                 McNaughton, Angus Dench
                                 Middle Row: Mr C Toki, Liam Clausen,
                                 Dustin Wright, Will Zino, Kohatu Cottrell,
                                 Charlie Donohue-Braas, Jack Savage, Miss
                                 D Thomspon
                                 Front Row: Alexa Velmonte, Gemma
                                 Costello, Nicola Upritchard, Samantha
                                 Jackson, Khaliah Robins, Mrs A McKnight
                                 Absent: Harper MacDonald, Harry Sidey,
                                 Aurora Smith

Kowhai Class
Back Row: Mrs K Zino, Ben Spencer,
Charlie Carthy, Riley Abbott, Blake Earl,
Henri Morgan, Leon Thomas
Middle Row: Mrs B Wildman, Connor
Earl, Katelyn Burnett, Grace Dagcutan,
Zac Shennan, Annie May McKay, Riley
MacDonald, Khalani Tuinawaivuvu, Miss J
Front Row: Samuel Dobbs, Sophie Frost,
Bailee Cattermole, Ashlee Murray, Emma
Kinzett, Sinead Chisnall, Josie Earl, Libby
Ginders, Shea Kelly

                                                    Kikorangi Class
Back Row: Miss L Brinsford, Max Bonny,
Ella McKnight, Taylor Upritchard, Jayde
McLean, Thomas Barnes, Blake
Middle Row: Millie Sidey, Flynn Ginders,
Hayley Earl, Brooke Dunn, William
Munsey, Andrew Fincham, Davey Talivai,
Mrs B Gunn
Front Row: Harry Giller, Hannah
Buckland, Sophie Thompson, Katie
Keeble, Grace McKnight, Bridie Dench,
Katie Spencer, Cameron Berry, Tai Haira
Absent: Angel Dagcutan, Pieta Sidey,
Miane Grove, Gemma Ralph

                                                   Karaka Class

Back Row: Chloe Win, Shane Marie
Gannaban, Sophie Wright, Hannah Sidey,
Clara Giller, Maddie Brinsdon
Middle Row: Luke Chisnall, Hunter
Cattermole, Rowan Morgan, Angus
Hodgen, Mrs J Tilson
Front Row: William McNaughton, Rowan
Clausen, Neve Cassidy, Emily Harris, Seth
Smith, Ollie Zino
Absent: Abbie Baguley, Rory Stagg, Regan

Back Row: Willow Wildermoth, Jakob
  Year 8

                Pascoe, Josh Gunn, Sam Earl, Mateo
                Bonny, Harper Pugh, Geordie Hassall,
                Mackenzie Dench, Miss S Talivai
                Middle Row: Brandon Johnson, Cody
                McMullan, Horton McKay, Caleb Spencer,
                Brooke McLean, David Dagcutan,
                Karaitiana Haira, Daniel Topp, Cody
                Front Row: Jessica Fincham, Georgie
                Bethell, Maggie Ferguson, Briana Hodgen,
                Olivia Frame, Rachael Burnett, Ella
                Ferguson, Ruth Buckland
                Absent: Mikyla Stagg, Neihana Hoeta

                Back Row: Miss H Ross, Ebony Varnam,
Year 9

                Alexei Nichol, Flynn Moore, Campbell
                Shepherd, William Costello, Wyatt McKay,
                Chevannah Smith, Miss H Kobel
                Middle Row: Martin Quigley, Kathryn
                Gunn, Ariki Haira, Lilijana Paton, Lily
                Cowie-Smith, Jack Tweed, Bradley Devine,
                Catelyn Berry
                Front Row: Monique O’Neill, Shae Ford,
                Liam Carson, Stacey Jack, Tahlia Beck,
                Joseph Clark, Ethan Trethowen, George
                Absent: Nathan Kay, Dylan Case

                Back Row: Quentin Williams, Daniel
Year 10

                Purvis, Aidan McLean, Roddy Murchison,
                Jake Topp
                Third Row: Bill Bailey, Dylan Curtis,
                Damien Durand, Dean Cottrell, Jacob
                Ward, Liam Cassidy
                Second Row: Mr B Ferguson, Alexis Stagg,
                Crystal Reed, Amber Sowden, Emily
                McNaughton, Shakira Cameron, Sakoya
                Johnstone, Yasmin Sparks, Mr N Klein
                Front Row: Roan Sullivan, Callum
                Clausen, Bailey Carr, Beth Hicks, Taleia
                MacMillan, Lenix Trembath, Destiny
                McDonald, Logan Dunn, Ben Harris
                Absent: Adain Redshaw
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