Tax Messenger Tax Edition - EY

Tax Messenger Tax Edition - EY
14 March 2022

                                                                            Tax Messenger
                                                                            Tax Edition

                                                                   Expansion of sanctions against
                                                                   Russia. Trade restrictions

    International Tax Review
    ranked EY Russia Tax & Law                    On 3 March 2022 the US Bureau of Industry and Security
    practice as a leading tax firm                published new export administration rules1. In particular, the
    (Tier 1) in Russia in its annual              new rules concern the following aspects of export
    World Tax guide for 2018.                     administration:
                                                        Expansion of the list of items for export, reexport, or
                                                         transfer to or within Russia for which a permit (licence)
                                                         must be obtained. The licensing requirements now cover
                                                         microelectronics, telecommunication equipment and
                                                         parts, sensors, navigation equipment, avionics, marine
                                                         equipment and aircraft components and other items with
                                                         ECCNs (export control classification numbers) in
                                                         categories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 of the Commerce Control
                                                         List (CCL).
                                                        A full prohibition on supplies of military goods to end
                                                         users in Russia, except for food and medicines.

    Rule by the US Industry and Security Bureau on 3 March 2022
Tax Messenger Tax Edition - EY
     Restrictions on supplies to Russia of goods                 Previously, the ban only affected supplies
      made in third countries (not the USA) in                     of dual-use goods to specified defence
      which America technology is used.                            sector entities and end users. Exceptions
                                                                   continue to apply to supplies of goods
     Expansion of the list of items required for
                                                                   intended for humanitarian or medical
      oil refining that are subject to restrictions
                                                                   purposes and the temporary export of
      on export or reexport to Russia. This
                                                                   items for use by news media or items used
      extends the scope of the sanctions
                                                                   as consumer communication devices.4
      imposed in 2014.
                                                                  Goods and technology for use in oil
The rules took effect from 24 February 2022.
                                                                   refining. The purpose of these measures is
On 8 March 2022 the US Bureau of Industry and                      to limit Russia’s capacities to upgrade oil
Security published a rule approving a policy of                    refineries to meet Euro-6 standards,
denial in considering applications to export,                      thereby limiting the access of Russian
reexport or transfer to or within Russia items                     refined oil to the EU market. The
that are subject to the above-mentioned export                     performance of contracts concluded
administration restrictions. The rule came into                    before 26 February 2022 must be
force on 3 March 2022. Exceptions remain for                       completed by 27 May 2022.
the consideration of licence applications for
                                                                  Goods and technology suited for use in
consumer communications devices (portable
                                                                   aviation or the space industry, which are
devices, mobile applications and other consumer
                                                                   mainly covered by Chapter 88 of the EU’s
goods, including those using encryption) if the
                                                                   Combined Nomenclature. The ban on the
end user of the items is an individual or a legal
                                                                   export of goods and technology applies
entity in the private sector. The rule takes effect
                                                                   regardless of whether or not the goods
from 3 March 2022.2
                                                                   originate in the EU.
According to official information from the US
                                                                   These measures also include a ban on the
White House, on 8 March 2022 the President of
                                                                   overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement,
the USA signed an order banning imports of
                                                                   modification or defect rectification of an
Russian energy products into the USA and
                                                                   aircraft or component. The performance of
banning US persons from providing any
                                                                   contracts concluded before 26 February
investment, financing or assistance for such
                                                                   2022 must be completed by 28 March
transactions. The document has not been
officially published. 3
                                                                  Maritime navigation goods and radio-
European Union
                                                                   communications equipment. In particular,
The Council of the European Union (EU) has                         the ban applies to the sale, supply, transfer
imposed restrictions on exports of the following                   or export, directly or indirectly, of
products and related services:                                     maritime navigation goods and technology
                                                                   to any natural or legal person, entity or
     Dual-use goods, regardless of the end
                                                                   body in Russia for use in Russia or for the
      users, and goods and technology which
                                                                   placing on board of a Russian-flagged
      might contribute to Russia’s military and
                                                                   vessel. 6
      technological enhancement or the
      development of the defence sector.                  In addition, the EU has imposed restrictions on
                                                          Russian aircraft landing in, taking off from or
                                                          overflying EU territory. Exceptions are made for

2                                                         4
 Rule by the US Industry and Security Bureau on 8 March       Council Regulation (EU) 2022/328 of 25 February 2022
2022                                                      5
                                                           EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/327 of 25 February
 Fact Sheet issued by the White House on 8 March 2022,    2022
White House Press Briefing on 8 March 2022                6
                                                              Council Regulation (EU) 2022/394 of 9 March 2022

an emergency landing or overflight, and                  the previously existing prohibition on the export
authorisations may be received for flights for           of dual-use goods to Russia now applies to all
humanitarian purposes or for any other                   dual-use goods, i.e., goods imported for both
purposes consistent with the objectives of the           military and civilian use. 12
EU’s sectoral sanctions against Russia.7
                                                         The UK has imposed export bans/restrictions
The European Commission has announced a plan             covering an extensive range of goods. The
of measures (REPowerEU) aimed at diversifying            restrictions mainly target technology, computer
gas supplies to Europe and cutting the EU’s              and telecommunications equipment, sensors,
reliance on Russian gas by two thirds by the end         lasers, navigation equipment, and marine and
of 2022. 8                                               aerospace technology. Exceptions are made for
                                                         consumer goods and goods for personal use.
                                                         With effect from 1 March 2022, access/entry to
The Canadian Government has suspended the
                                                         British ports will be denied to any ship that is
issue of new permits for the export of controlled
                                                         owned, controlled, chartered or operated by any
goods and technology to Russia and cancelled
                                                         person connected with Russia, flies the Russian
permits issued before 24 February 2022. These
                                                         flag or is registered in Russia.13, 14
measures do not apply to permits and
applications related to supplies of goods for            There is a ban on the export of aviation and
medical and humanitarian needs. Decisions                space goods and technology, including technical
regarding such supplies will be made on a case-          assistance. British companies are also prohibited
by-case basis. 9                                         from providing insurance services in relation to
                                                         such goods and technology. 14
Canada has imposed a ban on imports of crude
oil from Russia. Canada has not imported crude           The UK is planning to phase out imports of
oil from Russia since 2019. The new ban is               Russian oil by the end of 2022 and may also
intended to ensure that this remains the case            phase out imports of Russian gas, which make
going forward. 10                                        up only 4% of the UK’s supplies. 15
In addition, the Canada Border Services Agency           More details about sanctions previously imposed
has withdrawn entitlement to Canada’s Most-              on Russia may be found in our previous alert.
Favoured-Nation Tariff from goods originating in
                                                         What does it mean?
Russia. This means that goods originating in
Russia that are imported into Canada will be             In the current environment it is important for
subject to the standard import duty rate of 35           importers and exporter to understand and take
per cent. 11                                             into account the following aspects in planning
                                                         supplies and carrying on foreign trade activities:
The UK Government has passed legislation,
effective from 1 March 2022, to the effect that

 EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2022/335 of 28 February      13
                                                            Amendment No. 3 of 1 March 2022 to the Russia
                                                         Sanctions Regulations of the Foreign, Commonwealth and
    European Commission Press Release of 8 March 2022    Development Office
9                                                        14
    Official website of the Government of Canada           Amendment No. 6 of 8 March 2022 to the Russia
10                                                       Sanctions Regulations of the Foreign, Commonwealth and
     Official website of the Government of Canada
                                                         Development Office от 8 марта 2022 № 6
  Customs Notice 22-02 of the Canada Border Services     15
                                                           Press Release of 9 March 2022 published on the official
Agency of 3 March 2022
                                                         website of the UK Parliament
  Amendment No. 3 of 1 March 2022 to the Russia
Sanctions Regulations of the Foreign, Commonwealth and
Development Office

     The range of technology prohibited for                    Updating of due diligence procedures in
      export to Russia has been significantly                    relation to parties to foreign transactions
      expanded                                                   to check their compliance with current
     Licence applications are highly likely to be
      rejected in accordance with the policy of                 Monitoring of new sanctions and changes
      denial                                                     to current sanctions and restrictive
     Exceptions to export control and licensing
      measures in place since 2014 and the                 It should be noted that sanctions may change
      specific situations in which they apply have         (be added/removed) in response to changes in
      been narrowed                                        the international situation. We are continuing to
                                                           monitor events and will keep you informed of
     Logistical processes for transporting goods
                                                           any developments in trade restrictions.
      from/to foreign ports are becoming more
      challenging. Both importers and exporters            Authors:
      will need to review their supply chains              Wilhelmina Shavshina
                                                           Vladislava Gritskova
     Potential risk of redirection of exports to
                                                           Alina Rodionova

For more information, please contact the author of this publication:

Wilhelmina Shavshina
+7 (921) 940 2261

Inquiries may be directed to one of the following executives:


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