Tax Messenger Tax Edition

Page created by Greg Lawrence
Tax Messenger Tax Edition
31 May 2021

                                                            Tax Messenger
                                                            Tax Edition

                                                  Development of EDM in Russia:
                                                  State Duma presented with bill on
                                                  conversion of paper documents to
                                                  electronic form

                                   The development of electronic document management under
International Tax Review           the “Digital economy of the Russian Federation” national
ranked EY Russia Tax & Law         programme is gradually gathering pace. On 17 May 2021, the
practice as a leading tax firm     State Duma was presented with a bill of amendments to Federal
(Tier 1) in Russia in its annual   Law No. 149-FZ “On Information, Information Technology and
World Tax guide for 2018.
                                   Information Protection” and a number of other legislative acts,
                                   setting out rules for converting electronic documents as well as
                                   for storing them and creating electronic and physical
                                   The bill is intended to establish at a legislative level rules that
                                   would allow paper documents to be converted to electronic
                                   form while retaining their legal value and would allow
                                   documents to be stored in electronic form without the need for
                                   paper copies to be kept for long periods, which in the long term
                                   should greatly reduce costs incurred by businesses and the
                                   state for those purposes.
Tax Messenger Tax Edition
Main changes                                         The bill also makes amendments to a number of
                                                     federal laws that are necessary for the
The bill proposes introducing in Federal Law No.
                                                     implementation of the above amendments to
149-FZ a definition of the concept of
                                                     Federal Law No. 149-FZ. This includes, in
“conversion” of an electronic document,
                                                     particular, making direct references in certain
meaning a process by which an electronic
                                                     laws to entities that may carry on activities
document undergoes a change of format while
                                                     involving the conversion, storage and creation of
retaining its structure and content. The bill also
                                                     duplicates of electronic documents without
defines the conditions governing the
                                                     obtaining a licence.
equivalence of a converted electronic document
to an original electronic document signed with       What next?
an electronic signature.
                                                     If the bill is passed, the amendments would
Under the bill, requirements relating to the
                                                     enter into force 180 days after their publication.
process of converting electronic documents
                                                     At the moment, however, this is a long way off.
would be established by the Russian
                                                     The bill has so far only been recommended for
government. The requirements for entities
                                                     consideration by the State Duma, but it has
whose activities are regulated by the Bank of
                                                     already attracted comments and criticisms from
Russia would be established in consultation with
                                                     the business world. Business representatives
the Bank of Russia.
                                                     have expressed concern, in particular, that the
In addition, the bill sets forth:                    bill does not take account of recommendations
                                                     from the business community and creates new
     rules for making electronic and physical
                                                     barriers to the introduction of EDM. The bill is
      duplicates of documents, including a list of
                                                     almost certain to undergo a number of changes
      exceptions, i.e., documents for which
                                                     and modifications.
      duplicates are not allowed to be made
      (these include, for example, identity          We will continue to monitor developments and
      documents or those containing state            keep you informed of any further changes in
      secrets)                                       Russian legislation concerning electronic
                                                     document management.
     the procedure and time periods for the
      retention of electronic documents and          Nonetheless, recent legislative trends clearly
      documents for which electronic duplicates      signal the government’s firm commitment to
      have been made or that have been               introducing electronic document management in
      converted                                      Russia as soon as possible. We therefore advise
                                                     companies to think sooner rather than later
     the conditions for the preservation of the
                                                     about converting their internal and external
      legal value of electronic documents during
                                                     documents into electronic form and would be
      their retention period
                                                     happy to offer you our assistance in this matter.
     requirements relating to entities that carry   This could include conducting an in-depth
      on activities involving the conversion,        analysis of the EDM transition process, advising
      storage and creation of duplicates of          on the use of different kinds of electronic
      electronic documents and the rules             signatures, preparing a roadmap for transition
      governing their activities                     to EDM, assisting in the configuration of internal
     the procedure for licensing activities         systems and advising on other related legal, tax,
      involving the conversion, storage and          accounting and technical matters.
      creation of duplicates of electronic           Authors:
      documents                                      Alexey Markov
                                                     Ivan Rodionov
                                                     Ksenia Tacheeva

For more information, please contact the authors of this publication:

Alexey Markov                                           Ivan Rodionov
+7 (495) 641 2965                                       +7 (495) 755 9719                       

Ksenia Tacheeva
+7 (495) 755 9723

Inquiries may be directed to one of the following executives:

                                                                           International Tax and Transaction Services
CIS Tax & Law Leader
                                                                             Yuri Nechuyatov              +7 (495) 664 7884
  Irina Bykhovskaya                 +7 (495) 755 9886
                                                                             Vladimir Zheltonogov         +7 (495) 705 9737
Oil & Gas, Power & Utilities
                                                                           Transfer Pricing and Operating Model Effectiveness
 Alexei Ryabov                      +7 (495) 641 2913
                                                                             Evgenia Veter                +7 (495) 660 4880
 Marina Belyakova                   +7 (495) 755 9948
                                                                             Maxim Maximov                +7 (495) 662 9317
Financial Services
                                                                           Tax Policy & Controversy
  Irina Bykhovskaya                 +7 (495) 755 9886
                                                                            Alexandra Lobova                   +7 (495) 705 9730
  Alexei Kuznetsov                  +7 (495) 755 9687
                                                                            Alexei Nesterenko                  +7 (495) 622 9319
  Maria Frolova                     +7 (495) 641 2997
  Ivan Sychev                       +7 (495) 755 9795
                                                                           Global Compliance and Reporting
                                                                             Yulia Timonina              +7 (495) 755 9838
Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility
                                                                             Alexei Malenkin             +7 (495) 755 9898
 Andrei Sulin               +7 (495) 755 9743
Consumer Products & Retail, Life Sciences & Healthcare
                                                                            Georgy Kovalenko                   +7 (495) 287 6511
 Dmitry Khalilov              +7 (495) 755 9757
                                                                            Alexey Markov                      +7 (495) 641 2965
                                                                            Pavel Koutovoi                     +7 (495) 664 7899
Real Estate, Hospitality & Construction, Infrastructure,
  Anna Strelnichenko            +7 (495) 705 9744                          St. Petersburg
                                                                             Dmitri Babiner                    +7 (812) 703 7839
Technology, Telecommunications, Media &
Entertainment; Tax Performance Advisory
 Ivan Rodionov               +7 (495) 755 9719
                                                                             Alexey Erokhin                    +7 (914) 727 1174
Tax Technology
 Andrei Ignatov                     +7 (495) 755 9694                      Ekaterinburg
                                                                             Irina Borodina                    +7 (343) 378 4900
People Advisory Services
 Ekaterina Ukhova                   +7 (495) 641 2932
 Gueladjo Dicko                     +7 (495) 755 9961
                                                                             Alexei Malenkin                   +7 (495) 755 9898
 Sergei Makeev                      +7 (495) 755 9707
                                                                             Alexei Nesterenko                 +7 (495) 622 9319
Private Client Services
 Anton Ionov                        +7 (495) 755 9747
 Dmitri Babiner                     +7 (812) 703 7839
                                                                           For information about Foreign Countries Business
                                                                           centers in EY Moscow office please follow the link.
Customs & Indirect Tax
 Vadim Ilyin                        +7 (495) 648 9670

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