Tax Instant News - HBN Law

Page created by Timothy Wood
Tax Instant News - HBN Law
Instant   Curaçao:
          Update - Government
News      takes measures related
          to COVID-19
          (Corona virus)
          Phase 1 and 2

          On March 23, 2020 the government of Curaçao
          published a solidarity package (phase 1) due to the
          worldwide outbreak of the Coronavirus with the
          primary goal to safeguard jobs. In our previous TIN,
          we generally outlined the tax measures. In this TIN,
          we will further elaborate on the Instruction Solidarity
          Package of support measures on COVID-19 and the
          emergency support package (phase 2) announced
          on 3 April 2020.

          Curaçao, April 2020

Tax Instant News - HBN Law
Background and purpose                    Payment arrangements and

Tax       Taking into account the health care
          system and the socio-economic
                                                    On request, existing payment
          impact that COVID-19 has on               arrangements for outstanding tax

Instant   society, the government introduced
          support measures with the aim to
                                                    and premium debts can be
                                                    suspended (deferred payment).
          enable employers to continue to pay

News      their staff and to bridge the burden
          via eased tax provisions in order for
          businesses to have liquidity in order
                                                    The recovery measures will be
                                                    immediately suspended upon receipt
                                                    of the aforementioned request(s).
          to meet their obligations.                Subsequently, the Receivers Office
                                                    will assess whether the taxpayer is
          The Solidarity Package (phase 1)          eligible for suspension, adjustment
          has its legal basis in two notices        of the current payment arrangement
          called Instruction Solidarity Package     or the agreement of a payment
          of support measures for COVID-19,         arrangement.
          which are discussed below. We will
          then pay attention to the announced       The declaration obligation is not
          emergency support package (phase          suspended for any type of tax.
          2) and briefly discuss some               Furthermore, the monthly tax returns
          measures taken by the Central Bank        up to and including the period
          of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.              February 2020 must be submitted
                                                    and paid. Note: suspended taxes
          Solidarity package (phase 1)              must still be paid at a later date.
          The affected sectors have been
          further defined and concern the           The foregoing also applies to new
          hospitality sector, beauty salons,        requests for deferral of payment
          travel industry, car rentals, car wash,   arrangements for all taxes and non-
          tour buses, taxis, bus transport (both    taxes collected by the Tax Collector.
          small buses and buses of the
          Curaçao       bus    company)      and    In addition, during the period from
          transport for school-aged children.       April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020:
          These facilities apply for the months     - The recovery interest is set at 0%;
          of April to June 2020, unless
                                                    - The collection costs are not
          otherwise indicated. If necessary,          charged;
          these facilities can be extended for 3
                                                    - A default penalty for non-payment,
          months at a time.
                                                      partial or late payment of tax is
Tax Instant News - HBN Law
Social premiums: Exemption               Other
from employer's contributions to         Some other measures announced
AOV / AWW                                in phase 1 are:
With regard to social contributions,     - Establishing maximum wholesale
employers in the affected sectors will      margin and retail margin for
be exempted from having to                  essential products to limit the
                                            spread of COVID-19 (already
compensate and pay the employer's
                                            entered into force);
contribution of AOV / AWW premium
(9.5%) for the periods of April, May
                                         - Various support and advice
                                           programs for companies;
and June 2020, provided that the
employer :                               - A credit and financing program
                                           that will be expanded in phase 2.
- Continues to pay the wages to
    its employees;                       Emergency support package
-   Does not apply for dismissal         (phase 2)
    during the allowance period.         On April 3, 2020, the government
Sales tax                                announced measures regarding the
With regard to the entrepreneurs in      emergency support package. First of
the affected sectors, it should be       all, it must be stated that the Curaçao
noted that these entrepreneurs still     government does not have its own
have to charge the sales tax and file    resources to finance these phase 2
the monthly tax return. However, the     measures. In other words, these
turnover tax charged does not have       measures can only be implemented
to be paid to the Tax Collector for      if financial support is provided from
liquidity   purposes      of     the     the      Netherlands.     A     decision
entrepreneur.                            regarding financial support by the
                                         Netherlands is expected to be taken
Import duties and sales tax on           on Thursday 9 April 2020. These
import                                   measures are discussed below.
The rates on the following essential
goods are temporarily reduced to 0%      Emergency measure Bridging
for import duties and 0% for import      Employment (“EME”)
sales tax:                               To maintain as many workplaces as
                                         possible, financial support is offered
- Latex and silicone gloves;
                                         to the employer with an estimated
- Hand disinfectants;
                                         loss of income of at least 25%. This
- Disinfection wipes and sprays;         can be used to offset a minimum of
- Cleaning alcohol (70% or more);        20% to a maximum of 80% of
- Thermometers;                          monthly wage costs.
                                         Example: The financial support
- Face masks/mouth masks.
                                         amounts to NAf. 4,000 with a
turnover loss of 100% against a           - The self-employed entrepreneur
financial contribution of 80% with a        must be registered, resident and
gross monthly wage of NAf. 5,000.           primarily working in Curaçao;
The following conditions apply for        - The self-employed person must
the application of the EME:                 be registered with the Chamber of
                                            Commerce before March 17,
- The allowance applies to a                2020 (an exception applies to the
   maximum gross monthly wage
                                            taxi industry and bus drivers);
   equal to the Social Insurance
   Bank wage limit of NAf. 5,781;         - The sales tax return must be
                                            submitted monthly and the
- Taxes and social security charges         returns from January 2020 up to
  must be paid to prevent loss of
                                            and including the month prior to
  income of the government, taking
                                            the request for assistance must
  into account the measures
                                            have been submitted.
  mentioned in phase 1;
- The employee may not be fired.          Job loss allowance
The sectors to which this measure         It is foreseen that mainly flex workers
will apply will be announced in more      will lose their job first during this
detail.                                   period. However, this measure also
                                          applies to redundant permanent
Temporary (personal) assistance           workers, although dismissal of
for independent entrepreneurs             permanent workers is discouraged
Self-employed entrepreneurs can           as much as possible. Anyone who
qualify for financial support for a       has become unemployed from
period of 3 months with retroactive       March 15, 2020 is eligible for a
effect from April 1, 2020. A request      compensation of up to NAf.1,000 per
thereto must be submitted ultimately      month.
by June 30. This temporary                This benefit amounts to 60% of the
maintenance                  assistance   minimum wage, but will not exceed
supplements the income up to a            the average of the income earned in
maximum amount of NAf. 1,335 per          the last 2 months.
month (80% of the minimum wage).          Furthermore, the benefit applies for
It should be noted that this measure      a period of 3 months with the
also applies to legal entities of which   possibility of an extension of three
the director of the major shareholder     months.
is the only employee.
The conditions for eligibility are:       Credit facility small and medium-
- The self-employed person must           sized companies / self-employed
   declare that the income in the         entrepreneurs
   next 3 months will be less than        The financing option already
   the minimum wage;                      introduced in phase 1 is expanded in
                                          phase 2. It will be possible for
entrepreneurs with micro, small or        - Reports are provided during the
medium-sized companies in the               loan maturity.
affected sectors to take out a one-       In addition, free training and advice
time loan of a maximum of NAf             will be provided based on the
100,000 to cover fixed costs. This        specific needs of each company to
loan has a maximum maturity of 3          increase the expertise and capacity
years, of which the first 6 months are    of the entrepreneurs.
redemption free at 2% interest and
thereafter at 6% interest.                Care compensation
                                          Finally, a compensation will be
                                          granted to organizations and
The conditions for companies to
                                          persons who provide support and
qualify for the above credit facilities
                                          care (including care for the elderly,
are as follows:
                                          the disabled and families with
- Companies should meet the size
  criteria for micro, small and           children). More details on this will
  medium-sized companies                  be announced later.
              Revenue (mio   Emplo
              NAf )          yees.        Other measures Central Bank of
   Micro      < 0,5          1-4          Curaçao      and      Sint    Maarten
   Small      < 0,5          5-9          ("CBCS")
   sized      > 0,5 < 5      10-49        CBCS also indicated, by means of a
                                          publication in the local newspapers
- Activities have been discontinued       of 23 March 2020, that it is taking the
  completely or partially due to
  government measures;                    following measures in connection
                                          with the Corona crisis:
- The company must be
  established in Curaçao and the          - Lowering the interest rate on
  owner / director must have a valid         loans between CBCS and banks,
  ID / residence document;                   the lending rate, to 1.00%. The
                                             surcharge on the loan interest on
- The company is registered with             loans of more than 20 million is
  the Chamber of Commerce or                 temporarily suspended;
  must still register;
                                          - The reintroduction of the
- There must be at least 6 months           possibility for banks to be
  of operational activities (since 1        overdrawn at CBCS;
  October 2019);
                                          - Lowering the interest on
- Financial data must be submitted          Certificates of Deposit (CD's);
  showing the need for help with
  future forecast and the purpose of      - Suspending the provision of a
  the loan;                                 foreign exchange license for
                                            transferring funds abroad,
- An adjustment to the business             including applications that have
  model has taken place in                  already been submitted and that
  connection with Covid-19 (where           have not yet been processed;
  necessary) or is prepared for this;
- Redemption and interest-free
  period of 3 to 6 months for banks
  and credit institutions, for which
  no provision must be formed;
- Temporary exceed the debt-
  service ratio (currently: 37%) to
  50% for banks;
- Deferral of policy premiums by
  policyholders for 3 to 6 months
  from life insurers and pension
  institutions, for which no provision
  must be formed.
We will keep you informed if new
developments occur and / or further
detailed conditions are announced.

Should           you          require
more       information, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Joris Mulder

Rejauna Rojer

Nicole Echobardo
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