Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School - Year 8 Curriculum Booklet 2021-2022 - TIBHS

Page created by Alfred Swanson
Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School - Year 8 Curriculum Booklet 2021-2022 - TIBHS
Tauheedul Islam Boys’ High School
Year 8 Curriculum Booklet 2021-2022
Tauheedul Islam Boys' High School - Year 8 Curriculum Booklet 2021-2022 - TIBHS
  ❖ Introduction from the staff at TIBHS
    ❖ English
    ❖ Mathematics
    ❖ Science
    ❖ Geography
    ❖ History
    ❖ Religious Education
    ❖ Arabic
    ❖ French
    ❖ Urdu
    ❖ Computing
    ❖ Art
    ❖ Drama
    ❖ Engineering Design
    ❖ PE

                                           •   Please note the long term plans are subject to change
Our aim at Tauheedul is simple – we want to provide the best possible education for you in the most
secure Islamic environment.

We will help you to achieve your goals, dreams and ambitions. In return we want you to turn up every day,
on time and with the right attitude to aim for the best possible standards in your studies; both at home
and in school, as well as work to your full potential in all your subjects.

STAR targets require all students to make at least one level of progress from KS2 to KS4 above the
national average. STAR expected progress means you will make more progress than 90% of students at
other schools; pupils achieving a score of 95 or above in reading and 102 or above in maths by the end of
KS2 (year 6) are expected to achieve at least a grade 6 at GCSE (year 10 or year 11). This Curriculum
Guidance section shows how you will make this progress through the learning journey you will
undertake in each of your subjects. It will also be used to record your results and targets for improvement
after every assessment. If, for any reason, you fall behind in your studies, we will ensure you catch up
through intervention and revision sessions; you simply need to turn up on time, ready to learn.
                                Autumn one (8)                 Autumn two (7)               Spring one (6)                 Spring two (5)                  Summer one (7)                  Summer two (6)

     KEY CONCEPTS              Survival – overcoming         Survival – overcoming      Power, Conflict and Identity       Power, Conflict and                   Journeys                       Shakespeare
                                     obstacles                     obstacles                                                   Identity
                                                                                                 Reading:                                                     Fiction Reading:            Drama / Fiction Reading:
                                     Holocaust                      Writing:                  Poetry Anthology                 Reading:                 19th Century Fiction Reading –    Shakespeare’s Merchant of
                                 Fiction Reading:            Creative Prose Writing            (Comparison)                 Poetry Anthology                     Oliver Twist                      Venice
                           The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas    STRUCTURE & PLOT                                                                                   (Longer text)                (Plot and Themes)
                                    (Longer text)                                          Non Fiction Reading
                                                                                           Language choices &                     Writing
                                                                Fiction Reading:             authorial intent                   Transactional               PLANNED RECALL                          Writing
                                      Writing                    21st Century and                                      Writing inc Writer’s Viewpoint            Writing                   Response to Shakespeare
                                 Descriptive Writing               19th Century                    S&L:                                                       Creative Writing                including language
                                                                                           Speaking & Listening -                                           COMMUNICATION &
                                                                                                Speeches                          S&L:                       WRITER’S CRAFT
                             S&L: Speaking & Listening -    S&L: Speaking & Listening             Writing              Speaking & Listening – Oliver                                     S&L: Speaking and Listening -
                                    Monologue                  – Seerah Poetry                Transactional                       Twist                                                         Discussion on
                                                                                            Writing inc Writer’s          (Expressive reading)                      S&L:                  Shakespeare & Debating
                                                                                            Viewpoint through                                           Speaking & Listening – Oliver
                                                                                                                                                                   Twist                      Assessment- S&L-
                            Assessment- Reading- Fiction-                                                                Assessment- Writing-              (Socratic questioning)               Shakespeare-
                                  AO1+ AO2+AO3                                          Assessment- Reading- Fiction-    NF Fiction- AO5+AO6                                                   AO7+AO8+AO9
                                                              Assessment - Writing-             AO1+AO2               (Greater independence than Assessment- Reading- Fiction-
                                                               Fiction- AO5+AO6                                                   Au2)                 AO1+AO2+AO3

        THEMES                        Fiction                    First person                  Non-fiction                    Non-fiction                 Reading and writing                   Oliver Twist
                                                                   Narrative                    Reading                        Writing                     Non- fiction texts
     SPEAKING AND                       Use of Standard English                                                  Discussion                                                   Presentation
 LISTENING whole school
SPIRITUAL, MORAL, SOCIAL        Values, perspectives- explored through                                    Helping others                                    Social and cultural context in Oliver Twist
  AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                        Short stories

                                  Inference skills            Imaginative writing           Writer’s viewpoint          Developing arguments                   Cumulative –
KEY ASSESSMENT FOCUSES,                                                                                                                                        Autumn 1 to
SUGGESTED ASSESSMENTS                                                                                                                                            Spring 2
              Use of glossary and spelling tests (key words on medium term plans) for teaching spelling and vocabulary. Bedrock vocabulary.

      Websites that can help my learning: : http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks3bitesize/english/, http://www.englishbiz.co.uk/, www.bbc.co.uk/news
         http://www.channel4learning.com/support/websites/english.html, http://www.channel4learning.com/sites/waywithwords/index.html,

                           Visits to places that can help my learning: Plays – theatre, sports games, local events, poetry performances

                           Autumn one (8)         Autumn two (7)       Spring one (6)           Spring two (5)        Summer one (7)      Summer two (6)

  KEY CONCEPTS                 Number                Algebra              Geometry                   Ratio and           Geometry                 Statistics

     THEMES/                   Indices                Algebraic         Constructions             Percentages            3D shapes              Probability
      TOPICS             Prime factorisation        manipulation           Angles                     Ratio            Area of a circle       Averages and
                        Rounding & Estimating      Expanding and     Area of composite           Proportionality        Surface area         frequency table
                              Fractions              factorizing           shapes              Speed, distance, and       Volume                  Charts
                                                  Linear equations   Circumference of a                             Pythagoras Theorem
                            Percentages                                                                time
                                                     Sequences              circle
  SPEAKING AND                      Group Discussion                                      In Role                                  Presentation
 whole school focus

      (SMSC) AND                 My Duty To Help Others                           Muslim Scholars                             Islamic Art and Culture

  KEY ASSESSMENT         Each of the end of term Assessments will assess the Higher level topics taught from         MOCK END OF YEAR EXAM and END OF
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED                                                                                                                 YEAR EXAM
                         September. The demand and scope of the end of term Assessments will increase as
 ASSESSMENTS AND                                                                                                    Structure: Paper 1 Non-calculator Paper 2-
  FEEDBACK WEEK                       the course progresses. Structure: Paper 1 Non-calculator.                     Calculator Pupil Self-Assessment Feedback
                                                                                                                     and targets during post-half term week.
                          Paper 2 Calculator Pupil Self-Assessment. Feedback and targets during post-half
  Websites that can help my learning: www. studymaths.co.uk,term    week.
                                                                 www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths, www.nrich.maths.org.uk, www.uk.ixl.com,
                                               www.ricksmath.com, www.aamath.com, www.mathsisfun.com
                                                  www.hegartymaths.com and https://corbettmaths.com/
   Visits to places that can help my learning: Churches and Mosques, Mathematics exhibitions in Museums, Mathematics Conferences, Bletchley Park,
                                                 National Space Centre, Manchester School of Architecture.
                              Autumn one (8)                 Autumn two (7)    Spring one (6)       Spring two (5)                                    Summer one (7)                 Summer two (6)
    KEY CONCEPTS                Scientific thinking            Scientific thinking           Scientific thinking           Scientific thinking           Scientific thinking           Scientific thinking
                         Applications and Implications of      Applications and        Applications and Implications Applications and Implications Applications and Implications Applications and Implications
                                     Science                 Implications of Science             of Science                    of Science                    of Science                    of Science
       THEMES                      Enquiry
                          Plants and         skills
                                        reproduction               Enquiry
                                                                      Lightskills               Enquiry
                                                                                              Plant       skills
                                                                                                      growth                  Enquiry
                                                                                                                           Earth        skills
                                                                                                                                   & Space         Genetics Enquiry
                                                                                                                                                               and skills
                                                                                                                                                                      Evolution     MakingEnquiry   skills

                         Combustion and Periodic                Breathing &                Energy transfers                  Reactivity               Force and Motion            EOY EXAMS REVISION
                                 Table                          Respiration
                                                                                       Unicellular Organisms                    Rocks                  Forces fields and                STEM Project
                                     Fluids                 Metals and their uses                                                                      Electromagnets
                                                                                          Making materials

    SPEAKING AND                           Group discussion                                                     In Role                                                  Presentation
LISTENING whole school

 SPIRITUAL, MORAL,                                                 Allah’s Creation: Small and Big                                                                    Muslim Scientists
                            Focus: Chemistry                  Focus: Physics                 Focus: Biology             Focus: Biology and                Focus: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
  KEY ASSESSMENT                                                                                                             Physics
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED         Assessed Classwork               Assessed Classwork            Assessed Classwork                                                        Assessed Classwork
 ASSESSMENTS AND                                                                            Assessed Classwork
                         End of unit summative End of unit summative End of unit summative                                                                      End of unit summative test
                                 tests                 tests                 tests         End of unit summative
                                                                                                    test                                               Presentation: animal or plant adaptations.

                                                                                                                                                                     End of Year exam.

                   Websites that can help my learning: www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/, http://links4science.blogspot.co.uk/, www.s-cool.co.uk/
                    Visits to places that can help my learning: MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry), Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre
GEOGRAPHY: LONG TERM PLAN - YEAR 8 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1

                              Autumn one (8)           Autumn two (7)      Spring one (6)         Spring two (5)         Summer one (7)         Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS                   1.1 Place                   1.1               1.1 Place              1.1 Place               1.1 Place              1.1 Place
                                   1.2 Space                  Place             1.2 Space              1.2 Space               1.2 Space              1.2 Space
                                   1.3 Scale               1.2 Space             1.3 Scale              1.3 Scale               1.3 Scale              1.3 Scale
                              1.6 Environmental                1.3                  1.4                    1.4                     1.4                    1.4
                                interaction and               Scale         Interdependence        Interdependence         Interdependence        Interdependence
                           sustainable development             1.4           1.5 Physical and       1.5 Physical and        1.5 Physical and       1.5 Physical and
                                  1.7 Cultural         Interdependence      human processes        human processes         human processes        human processes
                              understanding and         1.5 Physical and   1.6 Environmental      1.6 Environmental       1.6 Environmental          1.7 Cultural
                                    diversity                                interaction and        interaction and         interaction and      understanding and
                                                       human processes
                                                      1.6 Environmental        sustainable            sustainable             sustainable              diversity
                                                        interaction and       development            development             development
                                                          sustainable          1.7 Cultural           1.7 Cultural            1.7 Cultural
                                                         development       understanding and      understanding and       understanding and
                                                          1.7 Cultural           diversity              diversity               diversity
                                                      understanding and

       THEMES                   Population             Weather and              Coasts            Restless Planet        Nigeria - A Newly      Nigeria – A newly
                                                        Climate                                                         emerging economy       emerging economy.

      SPEAKING AND                 Use of Standard English                                Discussion                                    Presentation
    whole school focus
SPIRITUAL, MORAL, SOCIAL               People on Earth,                    Power of the natural, Life in extreme       Sustainability, Different cultures, Ethics and
  AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                                                                 environments.                                         trade
   AND FUNDAMENTAL                   Power of the Natural
                            End of unit test on      End of unit test on End of unit test on End of unit test on End of Year exam on     Project based
   KEY ASSESSMENT              Population             Population and Population, Weather   Population, Weather        all topics     assessment with clear
 FOCUSES, SUGGESTED                                    Weather and        and Climate and   and Climate, Coasts                         success criteria.
                                                          Climate             Coasts        and Restless Planet
   FEEDBACK WEEK                                                                                                                           Enquiry.
                       Use of glossary and spelling tests (key words on medium term plans) for teaching spelling and vocabulary.
                Websites that can help my learning: www.geography.learnontheinternet.co.uk/ks3/index.html; www.georesources.co.uk;
                           Visits to places that can help my learning: The Local area (settlement), Any sporting venue (sport)
                               Autumn one (8)           Autumn two (7)  Spring one (6)    Spring two (5)                    Summer one (7)         Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS           -Knowledge of cultural, -Knowledge of              -Interpretation         -Interpretation         -Change and             -Knowledge of
                             ethnic and religious  cultural, ethnic             -Cause and              -Cause and             continuity          cultural, ethnic and
                                   diversity        and religious              consequence             consequence          -Knowledge and          religious diversity
                               -Interpretation        diversity                                                              understanding             -Significance
       THEMES              -Transatlantic slave trade -Transatlantic slave Industrial Revolution:     World War One:         World War One:      World War 2:
                                 -British Empire-              trade       Agricultural Revolution         -causes         Battle of the Somme
                            -how slavery began and -British Empire- Evil Transport Revolution             -trenches        -Treaty of Versailles Hitler’s rise to power
                             why is was Profitable? empire or Jewel of Changes in industry           -volunteer soldiers     -Muslim soldiers
                              -life on a plantation        the crown?           Child labour                                                     Appeasement
                                  -how it ended          -British empire
                                                              origin                                                                             Molotov–Ribbentrop
                                                       -How it expanded                                                                          Pact
                                                      -East India company
                                                                                                                                                 End of the war

     SPEAKING AND                    Use of Standard English                                Discussion                                          -Punishment for Nazis
 LISTENING whole school
SPIRITUAL, MORAL, SOCIAL      Links with how we came to England                  Muslim support in World War I                          Religious conflict
                    Questions – regarding the   Questions –  Presentation based Questions – regarding End of year exam (all     Project based
   KEY ASSESSMENT         British role in      regarding the     assessment        World War 1               topics)        assessment with clear
 FOCUSES, SUGGESTED transatlantic slave trade British empire  Feedback spring 2 Feedback summer 1 Feedback summer 2            success criteria
  ASSESSMENTS AND Feedback autumn 2 week Feedback spring 1         week 1              week 1                week 1            Success criteria
   FEEDBACK WEEK                                  week 1                                                                          provided
                     Success/levelled criteria
                       given to all students

                        Use of glossary and spelling tests (key words on medium term plans) for teaching spelling and vocabulary.
        Websites that can help my learning: Websites that can help my learning: www.bbc.co.uk/history, britishempire.co.uk, www.tudorhistory.org,
                                         www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/history, www.schoolhistory.co.uk
                                             Visits to places that can help my learning: British History Museum
R.E. LONG TERM PLAN - YEAR 8 2020-2021

                             Autumn one (8)            Autumn two (7)             Spring one (6)            Spring two (5)           Summer one (7)         Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS           Believing: Religious        Believing: Religious Expressing (Religious Expressing (Religious               Living (Religious      Living (Religious
                           beliefs, teachings,         beliefs, teachings, and spiritual forms of and spiritual forms of             practices and ways     practices and ways
                           sources, questions          sources, questions expression; questions        expression;                   of living; questions   of living; questions
                            about meaning,              about meaning,       about identity and     questions   about                 about values and       about values and
                                                                                 diversity)           identity and
                            purpose & truth             purpose & truth                                                                commitments)           commitments)

       THEMES                                          War - What is war        The Problem of Evil        Whose world is it         What Does it Mean        Introduction to
                           Does it Make Sense
                                                         Good For?                and Suffering               Anyway?                  to be a British          fundamental
                           to Believe in God?
                                                                                                                                          Muslim?            Religious Studies
    SPEAKING AND                             In Role                                    Group discussion In Role                                    Presentation
LISTENING whole school         Group & individual presentations                   Explaining giving developed reasons                 Reflection exercises, group work, mind
        focus                Evaluative writing Market Place Kagan                                Kagan                                       maps, booklets, leaflets
SPIRITUAL, MORAL, SOCIAL           Rights and responsibilities                         Identity as a British citizen                            Spiritual discipline
      VALUES (FBV)
                              A. Know about and        End of Unit assessment    A. Know about and           Pupils will be given      End of Year EXAM       End of topic test
  KEY ASSESSMENT             understand a range of       on Religious Beliefs   understand a range of        specific assessment
                                 religions and                                      religions and          question which will be
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED            worldviews. Express                                    worldviews.           in line with EOY target
 ASSESSMENTS AND           ideas and insights about                                                             level or above.
  FEEDBACK WEEK             the nature, significance                             B. Express ideas and
                            and impact of religions                                insights about the
                               and worldviews.                                  nature, significance and
                                                                                impact of religions and
                           C. Gain and deploy the                                     worldviews.
                           skills needed to engage
                           seriously with religions                             C. Gain and deploy the
                                and worldviews                                  skills needed to engage
                                                                                seriously with religions
                                                                                     and worldviews

                                                                                Focus on familiarisation
                                                                                   with GCSE exam
                             Use of glossary and spelling tests (key words on medium     term plans) for teaching spelling and vocabulary
                                                                                 APP feedback
                      Websites that can help my learning: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11_16/site/re.shtml www.reonline.org.uk/
                                                    Visits to places that can help my
                                                                                          1      Places of worship

                             Autumn one (8)      Autumn two (7)       Spring one (6)        Spring two (5)   Summer one (7)       Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS           Mental Health and         Rights &           Rights &             Relationships      Being Safe             First Aid
                              wellbeing           Responsibilities   Responsibilities

       THEMES              Life after and during    How has the law      What are the         Managing      Recognising consent    Performing basic
                                 lockdown           developed over      universal human       emotions      Communicating with          first aid
                                Dealing with     time, and how does rights and how do we Interfaith harmony        others           Lifesaving skills
                            attitudes towards     the  law protect the   protect  them?     Gender  based   Faith view on being            CPR
                               mental health     citizen and deal with - How do citizens       violence             safe           How to find help
                                  Anxiety               criminals?     play a part to bring
                                                                       about change in the
                                                                          legal system?

LISTENING whole school              Use of Standard English                        Discussion                        Presentation / Activity
  AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                                                                                            Keeping myself healthy & safe
   AND FUNDAMENTAL            Healthy relationships & aspirations          Diversity in British society

   FEEDBACK WEEK                                      Websites that can help my learning:
         http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/11_16/site/pshe.shtml                    https://www.pshe-association.org.uk/default.aspx
       www.equalityhumanrights.com                                                       www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights
                 www.judiciary.gov.uk                                                                          www.cps.gov.uk
                        Autumn one (8)         Autumn two (7)        Spring one (6)        Spring two (5)       Summer one (7)       Summer two (6)

   KEY CONCEPTS         Understanding         Use knowledge of      Use reference              Produce        Produce sustained       Communicating
                          spoken and            grammar and          materials to             sustained          sequences of         and interacting
                       written language,       syntax to work      support accurate         sequences of        language that          with others.
                           linguistic         out the meaning       understanding.         language that          effectively
                         competency.            of unfamiliar                                effectively        communicate
                                                  language.                                communicate             meaning.
      THEMES               Family &            Types of Media          My Town.             The Arabic           Work & Jobs        At the restaurant
                         relationships                                                   speaking world:
                                                                                           Arabic cities

   SPEAKING AND         Use of Standard English & using the TL     Use of Standard English & using the TL      Use of Standard English & using the TL
  LISTENING whole         accurately, Q & A, presentations           accurately, Q & A, presentations            accurately, Q & A, presentations
     school focus
 SPIRITUAL, MORAL,      Importance of Salat-u-Rahim (Family         Personal and collective responsibility   Healthy living, valuing the opportunity of
       SOCIAL                          Ties)                         for looking after your environment.     having an education and being
   AND CULTURAL                                                                                              appreciative of what we have.
     (SMSC) AND
                       Writing - week 6       Speaking - week    Reading and             Writing - week 4Reading and                 Speaking - week 4
  KEY ASSESSMENT                              6                  understanding /                         understanding /
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED                                               listening and                           listening and
 ASSESSMENTS AND                                                 responding-                             responding /
  FEEDBACK WEEK                                                          week 5                          writing
                                                                                                              END OF YEAR
                       Use of Quizlet App, Loom videos and reading passages to support application, synthesis and literacy

                                         www.ChildrensLibrary.org https://sites.uni.edu/becker/arabic.html

                        Autumn one (8)      Autumn two (7)        Spring one (6)       Spring two (5)       Summer one (7)        Summer two (6)

   KEY CONCEPTS         Understanding      Use knowledge of       Use reference             Produce        Produce sustained     Communicating
                          spoken and          grammar and          materials to            sustained          sequences of       and interacting
                       written language,   syntax to work out    support accurate        sequences of        language that       with others.
                           linguistic        the meaning of       understanding.        language that          effectively
                         competency.            unfamiliar                                effectively        communicate
                                                language.                               communicate             meaning.
      THEMES               Holidays           Celebrations          Free Time            The World is     The World is small/         Live Sports
                                                                                             small            Live Sports

   SPEAKING AND        Use of Standard English & using the TL   Use of Standard English & using the TL      Use of Standard English & using the TL
  LISTENING whole        accurately, Q & A, presentations         accurately, Q & A, presentations            accurately, Q & A, presentations
     school focus
 SPIRITUAL, MORAL,     Importance of Salat-u-Rahim (Family       Personal and collective responsibility   Healthy living, valuing the opportunity of
       SOCIAL                         Ties)                       for looking after your environment.     having an education and being
   AND CULTURAL                                                                                           appreciative of what we have.
     (SMSC) AND
                       Writing - week 6    Speaking - week 6   Reading and          Writing - week 4 Reading and                  Speaking - week 4
  KEY ASSESSMENT                                               understanding /                           understanding /
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED                                             listening and                             listening and
 ASSESSMENTS AND                                               responding-                               responding / writing
  FEEDBACK WEEK                                                       week 5                              END OF YEAR EXAM
                       Use of Quizlet App, Loom videos and reading passages to support application, synthesis and literacy

                           https://www.lepointdufle.net/p/learnfrench.htm http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/french/

                           Autumn one (8)         Autumn two (7)        Spring one (6)         Spring two (5)        Summer one (7)        Summer two (6)

   KEY CONCEPTS             Understanding        Use knowledge of      Use reference         Produce sustained      Produce sustained    Communicating and
                          spoken and written        grammar and         materials to            sequences of           sequences of        interacting with
                          language, linguistic   syntax to work out   support accurate         language that          language that             others.
                             competency.           the meaning of      understanding.            effectively            effectively
                                                      unfamiliar                               communicate            communicate
                                                      language.                                   meaning.               meaning.

      THEMES                   Food &               Where I live          Free Time               Holidays           Holidays/Sports            Sports

   SPEAKING AND            Use of Standard English & using the TL      Use of Standard English & using the TL         Use of Standard English & using the TL
  LISTENING whole            accurately, Q & A, presentations            accurately, Q & A, presentations               accurately, Q & A, presentations
     school focus
 SPIRITUAL, MORAL,        Importance of Salat-u-Rahim (Family Ties)   Personal and collective responsibility for   Healthy living, valuing the opportunity of
       SOCIAL                                                             looking after your environment.          having an education and being appreciative
AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                                                                                                of what we have.
                           Writing - week 6     Speaking - week 6 Reading and               Writing - week 4 Reading and                   Speaking - week 4
  KEY ASSESSMENT                                                    understanding /                             understanding /
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED                                                  listening and                               listening and
 ASSESSMENTS AND                                                    responding-                                 responding / writing
  FEEDBACK WEEK                                                             week 5                                END OF YEAR EXAM
                            Use of Quizlet App, Loom videos and reading passages to support application, synthesis and literacy

                       https://www.mondly.com/blog/2020/03/03/learn-urdu-online/ https://www.lingohut.com/en/l128/learn-urdu

                            Autumn one (8)       Autumn two (7)         Spring one (6)       Spring two (5)      Summer one (7)       Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS          Data representation      Algorithms            Programming       Spreadsheet skills   Data, manipulation,     System security
                                                                          techniques                              presentation &        User interfaces

       THEMES               Binary denary,      Computational     Variables, constants,        Features,         Data collection      Network security,
                           binary addition,         thinking,          data types,            formatting,      methods, importing malware, identifying
                             binary shifts,      pseudocode,           arithmetic            formula. Sum     and transposing data, and preventing
                              characters          flowcharts,     operators, selection, function, relative count functions, rank
                          hexadecimal, check  algorithms & trace    iteration, string        and absolute           functions,
                              digit, image           tables          manipulation,       referencing, named        conditional           Types of user
                            representation                          arrays, records,        ranges, linking    formatting & data
                                                                                                                                      interfaces, user’s
                                                                   validation and file    sheets, macros &      summary sheet.
                                      Presentation                      handling,          customizing
                                                                                   Discussion           user    Graphs,  charts
                                                                                                                        Use     &
                                                                                                                            of Standardaccessibility
                                                                                                                                          English and
LISTENING whole school Effective use of language using algorithms subprograms,
                                                                    Why there is aand
                                                                                    need to useinterface,
                                                                                                  coding for       dashboard. use ofskills,
                                                                                                                   Appropriate              demographics
                                                                                                                                      key computing
          focus                                                          testing. computer
                                                                        developing        validation, lookup
                                                                                                software                             & design principles,
   SPIRITUAL, MORAL,    To use technology that will help develop                               functions
                                                                    Investment in the skills for the future      Learner will learn about
                                                                                                                                                 world &
         SOCIAL              knowledge and understanding.             understand the contribution that       applications and consequently    a motivation
                                                                                                                                     alternative  designs.
AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                                                      computing makes to society                  to lead and improve society
                                  Topic 1 –               Topic 2:              Topic 3:           Topic 4:          Topic 5: EOY            Topic 6:
   KEY ASSESSMENT          Data representation Data Representation Data Representation Assessment on                Assessment on        Assessment on
 FOCUSES, SUGGESTED            – use of binary         & Algorithms         & Algorithms &   previous topics and previous topics and cyber security and
  ASSESSMENTS AND                                                            Programming       spreadsheet and    Data manipulation       user interfaces
   FEEDBACK WEEK                                                              Techniques      data manipulation
  Use of glossary and spelling tests (key words on medium term plans) for teaching spelling and vocabulary: Reading to develop fluency. Keywords around
               Websites that can help my learning: http://www.teachict.co.uk http://codeacademy.co.uk https://education.minecraft.net/
                             Visits to places that can help my learning: National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes. Jodrell
                           Bank, Cheshire
ART: LONG TERM PLAN - YEAR 8 2020-2021

                           Autumn one (8)        Autumn two (7)      Spring one (6)         Spring two (5)     Summer one (7)          Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS             Architecture            Sweets &         Architecture    Sweets & Chocolate        Architecture      Sweets & Chocolate
                                                    Chocolate                           Responding to                               Responding to
                    • Observation drawing         Responding to• observation drawing Michael Craig Martin       observation      Michael Craig Martin
                      focused skill-based         Michael Craig • focused skill-based     researching             drawing             researching
                      media                           Martin             media              analysis      • focused skill based         analysis
                      experimentation and          researching      experimentation • observation drawing          media       • observation drawing
                      exploration                    analysis       and exploration           pencil          experimentation            pencil
                                                   observation                            pencil crayon       and exploration        pencil crayon
                                                     drawing                            colour blending                             colour blending
                                                      pencil                             acrylic painting                           acrylic painting
                                                  pencil crayon
                                                 colour blending
                                                 acrylic painting
       THEMES                   Still life            Drawing            Still life         Drawing                Still life           Drawing
                             Architecture             Painting        Architecture          Painting            Architecture            Painting
                            Artist Stephen        Confectionary      Artist Stephen      Confectionary         Artist Stephen        Confectionary
                              Wiltshire                                Wiltshire                                 Wiltshire
    SPEAKING AND                 Use of standard English                    Use of standard English                    Use of standard English
LISTENING whole school          Subject specific vocabulary                Subject specific vocabulary                Subject specific vocabulary
 SPIRITUAL, MORAL,              Popular culture and society                Popular culture and society                Popular culture and society
       SOCIAL                    Value of famous buildings                  Value of famous buildings                  Value of famous buildings
AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                   Art movements                              Art movements                              Art movements
                          Media exploration            Scale         Media exploration            Scale         Media exploration             Scale
  KEY ASSESSMENT            Media skill &          Enlargement         Media skill &          Enlargement         Media skill &           Enlargement
FOCUSES, SUGGESTED            technique            Composition           technique            Composition           technique             Composition
 ASSESSMENTS AND               Drawing               Drawing              Drawing               Drawing              Drawing                Drawing
  FEEDBACK WEEK          Observational studies    Media skill and   Observational studies    Media skill and   Observational studies     Media skill and
                             Composition            technique           Composition            technique          Composition              technique
                          Websites to help my learning: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/teachers/keystage_3/topics/art.shtml
                                                         Books : Art Matters 11-14 Student Book
                                           Visits to places that can help my learning: Art galleries, museums.

                          Autumn one (8)         Autumn two (7)       Spring one (6)      Spring two (5)       Summer one (7) Summer two (6)

    KEY CONCEPTS            Performance              Speech              Speech                Speech              Speech               Speech
                             Physicality             Diction             Diction               Diction             Diction              Diction

       THEMES           Create a teaser for a   The British Empire     Child labour          Child labour       Robin Hood            Robin Hood
                                                 A Picture of the
                            Craft A Story           Holocaust

                         Contrasting scenes     British in America

                                                Innocence versus

                       Speech, diction, confidence, short term       Speech, diction, confidence, short term   Speech, diction, confidence, short term
LISTENING whole school
                             memory and imagination                        memory and imagination                    memory and imagination
AND CULTURAL (SMSC) Empathy towards the poor and destitute           Empathy towards the poor and destitute              Concept of charity
                       Enhancement in speech, diction, confidence, short term memory and imagination
                                        Autumn one (8)                       Autumn two (7)  Spring one (6)     Spring two (5)     Summer one (7)                                                                 Summer two (6)

       KEY CONCEPTS                 In this term, students will learn      Students will learn and   In this term, students will learn      Students will learn and      In this term, students will learn the Students will learn and apply design
                                       the importance of design             apply design thinking       the importance of design             apply design thinking        importance of design engineering          thinking methodology to reverse
                                    engineering in the context of a       methodology to reverse     engineering in the context of a       methodology to reverse            in the context of a changing        engineer components (VEX CLAW) and
                                     changing industry landscape            engineer components        changing industry landscape        engineer components (VEX industry landscape ('Industry 4.0'). ultimately designing and 3D printing.
                                   ('Industry 4.0'). Students will use        (VEX CLAW) and           ('Industry 4.0'). Students will      CLAW) and ultimately            Students will use basic direct            They will produce a reverse
                                   basic direct modelling techniques ultimately designing and           use basic direct modelling        designing and 3D printing.     modelling techniques (TinkerCAD)         engineered parts for the VEX CLAW
                                    (TinkerCAD) to mastering more           3D printing. They will      techniques (TinkerCAD) to         They will produce a reverse       to mastering more advanced             and a phone stand for their desks
                                  advanced parametric tools (Fusion          produce a reverse          mastering more advanced             engineered part for the         parametric tools (Fusion 360).
                                                 360).                     engineered part for the    parametric tools (Fusion 360).        VEX CLAW and a phone
                                                                           VEX CLAW and a phone                                              stand for their desks
            THEM                     To understand Industry 4.0,          Tostand forengineer
                                                                             reverse  their desks
                                                                                               and    To understand Industry 4.0,          To reverse engineer and          To understand Industry 4.0,          To reverse engineer and design simple
             ES                    including key technologies, and        design simple machines including key technologies, and           design simple machines         including key technologies, and         machines from specifications, using
                                  explain its impact on the world of from specifications, using explain its impact on the world of from specifications, using            explain its impact on the world of             design documentation
                                 work. Learn the basic skills in Fusion design documentation         work. Learn the basic skills in        design documentation        work. Learn the basic skills in Fusion    To understand the Design Thinking
                                                 360                     To understand the Design              Fusion 360                 To understand the Design                       360                                      Process
                                    Work on Direct Modelling and              Thinking Process       Work on Direct Modelling and             Thinking Process             Work on Direct Modelling and           To understand the impact of Design
                                    Parametric Modelling in CAD          To understand the impact     Parametric Modelling in CAD To understand the impact of              Parametric Modelling in CAD                          Thinking
                                 software. To understand and apply           of Design Thinking      software. To understand and               Design Thinking          software. To understand and apply
      SPEAKING AND               sketching to build simple
                                                      Use ofmachines
                                                             standard English                        apply sketching to build
                                                                                                                        Use ofsimple
                                                                                                                                standard English                        sketching to build simple machines
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Use of standard English
  LISTENING whole school                    in Fusion 360 specific vocabulary
                                                    Subject                                             machines in Fusion
                                                                                                                             specific vocabulary                                    in Fusion 360 Subject specific vocabulary
          focus                     Additive Manufacturing              3D Printing           CAD     Additive Manufacturing              3D Printing            CAD             Additive Manufacturing             3D Printing              CAD
                                   Parametric Modelling             Direct Modelling         Sketch Parametric Modelling                 Direct Modelling     Sketch            Parametric Modelling               Direct Modelling         Sketch
                                   Reverse Engineering Industry 4.0               Modular Design          Reverse Engineering Industry 4.0              Modular                      Reverse Engineering Industry 4.0               Modular
                                  Primitive Design Thinking         Prototype
SPIRITUAL, MORAL, SOCIAL Team work;  Independence and individual liberty; Understand the contribution that engineering makes to society and the economy and have the opportunity to make informed decisions about further
  AND CULTURAL (SMSC)        learning opportunities and career choices; Rule of law – patent law; Personalised and individual work projects; Mutual respect – different views and design ideas; Nourishing and encouraging
   AND FUNDAMENTAL          investment in the skills for the future; Understanding that successful high-added value businesses and manufacturing industries are needed to build and maintain the wealth creating products,
  BRITISH VALUES (FBV)       infrastructure and services of the future; Link this with enterprises that can allow pupils to build on strengths and address challenges that underpin social progress at all levels; Draw upon the
                                                                 expertise of the professional engineering community to make a difference to local area; Recognise and celebrate local business success
                                    Written paper to demonstrate understanding of key concepts; Key terminology; The impact of robotics within society; Reverse engineering practical CAD designs and skills; Solving design problems;
KEY ASSESSMENT FOCUSES, Students must apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts, developing systems that contribute to effective functional products that they build and test; Through the contextual information related
SUGGESTED ASSESSMENTS                                                                                       real life engineering projects

P.E.: LONG TERM PLAN - YEAR 8 2020-2021
                                   Autumn one (8)                Autumn two (7)     Spring one (6)            Spring two (5)                                          Summer one (7)              Summer two (6)

                                     Learn to Outwit                Learn to Outwit                  Learn to be Healthy
         KEY CONCEPTS                                                                                                                              Creativity             Performance                  Competence
                                       Competence                     Competence                   Healthy, active lifestyles

                                 Rugby       Basketball           Rugby        Basketball         Football             Badminton
                                     Back to Fitness –              Back to Fitness –                                                   Football        Badminton     Athletics       Cricket     Cricket      Athletics
                                                                                            Back to Fitness –Different principles of
                                Different Components of        Different Training Methods
                                                                                                Training will be focused upon.
                               Fitness will be focused upon.     will be focused upon.

      SPEAKING AND                   Competitive Team               Competitive Team                    Exercise for Living                        Aesthetic                 Learn to Excel          Striking & Fielding

         LISTENING                    Sports (Invasion)              Sports (Invasion)                                                         Performance

     whole school focus

    SPIRITUAL, MORAL,                          Use of Standard English                                              Discussion Teamwork                                                 Presentation
                                                     Teamwork                                                              Respect                                                Individual Performance
SOCIAL AND CULTURAL (SMSC)                             Respect                                                     Healthy Active Lifestyles                                      Individual Competence
 AND FUNDAMENTAL BRITISH                       Healthy Active Lifestyles                                                                                                          Healthy Active Lifestyles
        VALUES (FBV)

     KEY ASSESSMENT                      Developing a sense of enjoyment and                                 The ability to recognise the difference                 Understanding the consequences of your actions.

   FOCUSES, SUGGESTED             fascination in learning about themselves, others and            between right and wrong and your readiness to apply this
ASSESSMENTS AND FEEDBACK                          the world around them.                                     understanding in your own lives.

                                    Keeping possession              Outwitting your         Plan a Health & Fitness programme for           Balance in pairs and       Show a measured                 Sending and
                                                                      opponent                           personal use                     individuals using points     (time or distance)          receiving skills using
         KEY CONCEPTS                                                                                                                           and patches            event and refer to            implements and
                                                                                                                                                                        schools athletics                without.

                                               Use of glossary and spelling tests (key words on medium term plans) for teaching spelling and vocabulary.
              Websites that can help my learning: www.bbc.co.uk/sportacademy , www.skysports.com , www.sportengland.org , www.thefa.com , www.ecb.co.uk, www.london2012.com.
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