Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours

Page created by Jared Joseph
Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours
                           9 Day Tour

Itinerary                  Sunday 10 – Monday 18 October 2021

DAY 1: Sunday 10 October 		Spirit of Tasmania

                           Welcome fellow travellers, soon to be friends. Early afternoon, meet your
                           transfer to Station Pier and board the Spirit of Tasmania. With our overnight
                           bags in tow, we check into our comfortable Cabins before re-joining for dinner.
                           Afterwards, we are then free to enjoy the many facilities of the vessel, from
                           lounges and shops to viewing areas.

                           ACCOMMODATION      Spirit of Tasmania – Porthole Cabins

                           MEALS              Dinner on the Spirit of Tasmania
Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours
                          9 Day Tour

DAY 2: Monday 11 October Devonport to Launceston

                          After a good night’s sleep, we are ready to begin our Tasmanian touring. On
                          arrival in Devonport this morning, our coach is unloaded and we head to our
                          breakfast stop at the Argosy Motor Inn. After breakfast we make our way to
                          Wynyard, and the Tulip Festival. The festival celebrates the flush of spring
                          colour in the small coastal town of Wynyard on the north west coast. The event
                          is themed the Colours of Wynyard to celebrate the spring flowering of the tulips
                          at Van Diemen Quality Bulb Farm on the magnificent Table Cape.
                          After being in awe of the colours of the tulips we head in to Burnie for some
                          lunch and sometime to explore the township. From here we make our way to
                          Deloraine where we have arranged a visit to Yarns: Artwork in Silk. Keep a
                          look out for the bronze sculptures atop of old gas bottles. We start making our
                          way to Launceston where upon arrival in we settle in to our hotel and meet
                          again for dinner.

                          ACCOMMODATION       Best Western Plus Launceston

                          MEALS               Breakfast at Argosy Motor Inn, lunch at Tulip farm,
                                              dinner at Hotel

DAY 3: Tuesday 12 October The Tamar River, Bridport and Beaconsfield

                          We have planned to join Tamar River Cruises aboard the Lady Launceston
                          this morning as we explore the Old Launceston Seaport before cruising to
                          Kings Wharf viewing historic vessels and Launceston’s delightful riverfront
                          precinct. The highlight of the experience is then cruising into the spectacular
                          Cataract Gorge as we engage the Lady Launceston’s unique and silent electric
                          drive. View the sheer cliffs and cascades from our seats on this 1890’s style
                          vessel. We’ll enjoy the skippers captivating commentary on the history of this
                          fascinating area.
                          Back on dry land, we make our way to the north east coastal town of Bridport
                          and stop for lunch at the Barnbougle Golf Course. Rated as one of Australia’s
                          best golf courses, you don’t need to be a golfer to appreciate the stunning
                          views across the dunes and out to sea. This afternoon we return to Launceston
                          via Beaconsfield. Beaconsfield is the site of Tasmania’s largest gold
                          discoveries and of course more recently the incredible rescue in 2006 of two
                          miners trapped underground. Here we visit the Beaconsfield Gold Mine and
                          Heritage Museum, home to Australia’s only waterwheel-driven stamp battery
                          and features an extensive collection of memorabilia and artifacts.

                          ACCOMMODATION       Best Western Plus Launceston

                          MEALS               Breakfast and dinner at Hotel, lunch at Barnbougle,
                                              Lost Farm Restaurant
Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours
                         9 Day Tour

DAY 4: Wed 13 October    Launceston to Hobart

                         Following breakfast we depart Launceston and journey down what was the
                         finest highway in Australia in its day. It was first known at the Main Road linking
                         Launceston & Hobart, then for some 55 years became the Midland Highway &
                         now Highway One or the Heritage Highway. Our first stop is at Longford at the
                         historic Woolmers Estate where we enjoy a guided tour. Woolmers Estate was
                         settled by Thomas Archer in 1816, it is the oldest property in Australia to have
                         been owned by the one family.
                         From here it’s off to the township of Campbell Town which started out as a
                         staging town on the Elizabeth River. We will have time to wander the township
                         and get some lunch (at own expense). Following lunch we continue on to Ross,
                         originally a garrison town with a Government Stock Run, a race course & the 4
                         corners – Temptation, Salvation, Damnation & Recreation. It also has the most
                         beautiful of the remaining old bridges in Australia, with over 100 old buildings
                         from last century. From here we make a slight detour from the highway and visit
                         the township of Oatlands with all its magnificent sandstone buildings before
                         reaching Hobart and the next part of our tour.

                         ACCOMMODATION       Best Western Hobart

                         MEALS               Breakfast and dinner at Hotel, lunch at own expense

DAY 5: Thurs 14 October 		Exploring Hobart

                         Meeting our guide this morning, we unearth the heart of Hobart, finding that
                         where everywhere we go the past steps out to meet us. Discover Sullivans
                         Cove and the tiny cottages of Battery Point with architecture that whispers
                         stories of a bygone era and behold the expansive from the vantage points of
                         Mount Nelson, and Rosney Point Lookout.
                         On completion of our sightseeing tour, we make our way to the historic town
                         of Richmond, where the streets are paved with history, we stop to capture the
                         oldest bridge in Australia, the convict-built Richmond Bridge. We have time
                         to stroll the pretty nineteenth century lanes and get some lunch (own expense)
                         before travelling back towards Hobart and visiting the The Cascades Female
                         Factory. The Factory was a self-contained, purpose-built institution intended
                         to reform female convicts, where the inmates did laundry and needlework
                         services, offsetting some of the colony’s penal costs.

                         ACCOMMODATION       Best Western Hobart

                         MEALS               Breakfast and dinner at Hotel, lunch at own expense
Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours
                           9 Day Tour

DAY 6: Friday 15 October   Port Arthur

                           This morning we head for Port Arthur and visit the Port Arthur Historic Site,
                           a stark reminder of the harsh conditions endured by the earliest European
                           inhabitants. Our tour begins at the Visitor Interpretative Centre where we are
                           taken on a fascinating journey, retracing the life of a convict from the time of his
                           petty crime, to his transportation to Port Arthur. Following lunch in the café we
                           are taken on a guided walking tour through the Penal Settlement. Afterwards,
                           we can enjoy a 25-minute cruise around the Harbour. On our journey back to
                           Hobart, we stop along the Tasman Peninsula to view such natural sights as
                           the Tasman Arch and the Devils Kitchen.

                           ACCOMMODATION        Best Western Hobart

                           MEALS                Breakfast and dinner at Hotel, lunch at Port Arthur Cafe

DAY 7: Saturday 16 October Salamanca Markets & gardens

                           We have a relaxed start to our day with breakfast in the hotel before making our
                           way to the famous Salamanca Markets. Tasmania’s own market is located on
                           Salamanca Place, close to Hobart’s historic waterfront. This gracious tree-lined
                           avenue dates to Hobart’s earliest days as a far flung British settlement, the
                           gracious Georgian buildings lining Salamanca Place were originally used for
                           warehousing whale oil, grain, timber and imported goods.
                           After time to wander the market, have some lunch (at own expense) we will
                           re-board the coach for the short trip to the highly acclaimed Royal Tasmanian
                           Botanical Gardens, where we will be given a fully escorted and guided tour
                           through these magnificent gardens.

                           ACCOMMODATION        Best Western Hobart

                           MEALS                Breakfast and dinner at Hotel, lunch at own expense,

DAY 8: Sunday 17 October   Hobart to Devonport

                           Departing Hobart our first stop today is The Tasmanian Gourmet Sauce
                           Company including a guided tour of Ericvale Gardens, the gardens have
                           been rather like the phoenix over the last three decades rising from wind swept
                           treeless paddocks to what they are today. Our lunch today will be in
                           the Elizabeth Town Bakery Cafe, also known as ‘ETC’ is an iconic licensed
                           gourmet bakery cafe at Elizabeth Town, on the highway half way between
                           Devonport and Launceston.
                           Following our lunch we make our way to Sheffield, a delightful village near Lake
                           Barrington. Sheffield (named after the famous town in Yorkshire) has put itself
                           on the “tourist map” through murals – huge and fascinating ones, most of which
                           depict the early history of the area. They are on every available blank wall in
                           town! Next we are off to the House of Anvers Chocolate Factory just outside
                           Devonport. The “House of Anvers” is a real chocolate sensation. It is located in
                           the property formerly known as “Wyndarra Lodge” – a stylish 1931 Californian
                           Bungalow which is set on 1.12 hectares of gardens with mature trees and
                           plants from all over the world. We can spend some time in the tasting centre
                           and stock up before leaving.
Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours
                                                     9 Day Tour
                                                    Finally, we arrive in Devonport and boarding the Spirit of Tasmania for our
                                                    overnight crossing back to Melbourne and once checked into our cabins we
                                                    enjoy dinner before the remainder of the evening is free.

                                                    ACCOMMODATION            Spirit of Tasmania – Porthole Cabins

                                                    MEALS                    Breakfast at Hotel, lunch at own expense, dinner on
                                                                             Spirit of Tasmania

DAY 9: Monday 18 October                              Return to Melbourne

                                                     This morning we arrive back into Port Melbourne and have a short transfer to
                                                     Albert Park for our final breakfast together. From here we are transferred home
                                                     to complete a wonderful time away in Tasmania.

                                                     MEALS                    Breakfast included

                                                     All of our Tours are fully escorted with driver and hostess.
   Tour cost (per person)
                                                     Southern Star Tours provides a chauffeured “door to door” pick up service
   $2,839 (twin share)                               from your place of residence to meet the coach and return for passengers
   $660 single supplement                            residing in the Melbourne metropolitan area*. We provide a chauffeured
                                                     pick up from Melbourne airport to your hotel, and return service for
   Deposit required by: 20 Aug 2021
                                                     passengers travelling from interstate, and we provide a V/line credit for
                                                     Victorian regional passengers.
Further information                                  Tour costs are based on a minimum 30 people travelling, should there be less
To enquire about this tour                           than 30 people travelling per tour passengers will be offered the opportunity to
please contact our office on                         pay a revised costing, or cancel their booking.
(03) 9598 1354 or email                              Southern Star Tours reserves the right to cancel any tour due to insufficient
info@southernstartours.com.au                        numbers.
                                                     All itineraries are subject to change due to occasional restrictions in opening
                                                     times/days of some attractions, e.g. churches, wineries etc. We cannot be held
                                                     responsible for any changes due to closures, inclement weather etc.
                                                     This complete itinerary is to be read in conjunction with the Southern Star Tours
                                                     ‘Booking Form’ together with the ‘Terms & Conditions’.

                                                                                          As a proud supporter, a portion of every Southern
                                                                                          Star Tours booking is donated to Dolly’s Dream:
                                                                                          Working to prevent and address bullying and
                                                                                          cyber-bullying issues in the community.

                                                     Southern Star Tours
                                                     ABN 2761 654 6868
                                                     P.O Box 347 Sandringham Vic 3191
                                                     Telephone: 03 9598 1354

* Chauffeured pick-up and drop-off service applies for transfers within a 20 kilometre radius of the departure point, pick-ups/drop-offs outside this
  radius may incur an additional cost.
Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours Tasmania 9 Day Tour - Southern Star Tours
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