T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show

Page created by Jane Jensen
T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
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T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
  CattleCon22 provides an invaluable forum where cattlemen and women from across the country can gather to
                     network, learn, share innovative ideas and set policy for the industry.

       Position your company at the forefront of the beef industry! Take advantage of the opportunity to
         showcase your solutions and services to more than 8,000 influential cattlemen and women.

Who should
                                                                       Mark your calendar
                                                                        NCBA Trade Show
exhibit?                                                                DAtes & Location
                                                                                     NCBA Trade Show • February 1-3, 2022
The NCBA Trade Show attracts over 350 companies providing all                         George R. Brown Convention Center
types of products, services and the latest in technology to the                          1001 Avenida de las Americas
                                                                                             Houston, Texas 77010
cattle industry. Some of the products and services displayed at
the NCBA Trade Show include:
         Animal Health Products
         Animal Identification
                                                                                               SHOW HOURS
                                                                                            Tuesday, February 1
   •     Associations/Organizations/Government                                      4:30pm – 8:30pm – Welcome Reception
   •     Breeders/Ranches/Feedlots/Marketers
                                                                                           Wednesday, February 2
   •     Computer/Software Packages                                                          9:00am – 6:00pm
   •     Consulting Services
                                                                                             Thursday, February 3
   •     Equipment/Trailers/Watering
                                                                                               9:00am – 4:00pm
   •     Feed/Feed Additives & Accessories
   •     Fencing Equipment & Accessories                                                          MOVE-IN
   •     Hay Equipment & Accessories                                                       Saturday, January 29
   •     Herd Management/Chutes/Scales                                       8:00am – 2:00pm – Oversized Equipment/Trailers ONLY
   •     Information/Education                                                               Sunday, January 30
   •     Publications/Media/Broadcast Media                             12:00pm – 8:00pm – General Exhibitors (including squeeze chutes)
   •     Retail/Art/Furniture/Accessories
                                                                                            Monday, January 31
   •     Seed Products/Weed/Pest Control/Herbicide                                   8:00am – 7:00pm – General Exhibitors
   •     Structures/Buildings
                                                                                            Tuesday, February 1
   •     Veterinary/Breeding
                                                                                    8:00am – 1:00pm – Last Minute Move-in
   •     Genetics/DNA
   •     Processor/Packer                                                                        MOVE-OUT
For a complete list of current exhibitors visit convention.ncba.org.                         Thursday, February 3
                                                                                               4:00pm – 10:00pm
                                                                                              Friday, February 4
                                                                                              8:00am – 12:00pm

                        Your customers will be here.
                          Make sure you are too!
T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
Exhibit                                                          YOUR BOOTH SPACE INCLUDES
                                                                   • Three complimentary registrations per 10’ X 10’ space
                                                                   •       Access to food and networking events in the Exhibit Hall
 Booth                                                             •       Access to the General Sessions & CattleFax Outlook Session
 information                                                       •
                                                                           Online Directory listing
                                                                           Exclusive exhibitor benefit to rent pre or post-convention attendee mailing list
                                                                           (upon acceptance of terms of agreement)
                                                                   •       Exposure on Convention Mobile App featuring floor plan and exhibitor directory
                                                                   •       Exclusive access to Exhibitor Lounge with refreshments each day
                                                                   •       Exhibitor benefit to be a convention sponsor
                                                                   •       Draped 8’ back and 3’ side walls (in-line booths only)
                                                                   •       7” X 44” sign identifying your company’s name and booth number (in-line booths only)
                                                                   •       Professional floor management and daily security in Exhibit Hall
                                                                   •       Invitation to the complimentary Exhibitor Summit, the Official Site Inspection Tour
                                                                   •       Access to meeting room rentals in the host hotels
                                                                   •       Access to our Exhibitor Marketing Toolkit including promotional text, logos, banner
                                                                           ads and more
                                                                   •       Access to our online Exhibitor ROI & Success Center

PAYMENT        DEADLINES                                          CONSTRUCTION
Full booth rental amount is due October 1, 2021.
Booth space reservations and contracts will be accepted           Exhibit booths are constructed of pipe and drape and are not equipped with tables or chairs.
after the October 1 deadline; however, a full payment must        Hard wall exhibit booths and furnishings can be rented at your expense from the official service
accompany the space contract.                                     contractor. Booth carpet is NOT included in your rental fee. Floor covering in your booth space is
                                                                  required. Carpeting can be ordered from Freeman.

HOW TO RESERVE                                                    EXHIBIT  SPACE RATES
 • The booth contract is online at convention.ncba.org             •  One booth (10x10)
  •     Email the completed contract to:                               •    $26 per square foot or $2,600 per 10x10 space
        showmgmt@ncbatradeshow.org                                     •    Corner booth locations are an additional $250/corner (corner fees are added after
                                                                            discounts have been applied)

CANCELLATION            & REFUND POLICY                           ISLAND      SPACE
NCBA reserves the right to cancel exhibit space if full payment   Island exhibit space locations will pay an island premium fee in addition to the booth
on a contract has not been received by October 1, 2021, or        space price.
within 30 days of invoice, whichever comes last. Written
                                                                  Island Exhibit Space (includes corner and island fees):
notice of space cancellation must be submitted to NCBA prior
to November 1, 2021 for a 50% refund of the monies paid. No       20x20..........................$11,200 20x50........................$26,500    40x40.........................$41,800
refunds will be made for cancellations after November 1.          20x30.........................$16,300  30x40.........................$31,600   40x50........................$52,000
                                                                  20x40.........................$21,400  30x50........................$39,250    50x50........................$64,750

INSIDE     THE EXHIBIT HALL:                                      WHY EXHIBIT?
  • 20 exhibit hall hours
  •    Exhibit hall opening reception                                  •    It’s the leading, most prestigious trade show in the cattle industry!
  •    Live cattle handling demonstrations                             •    Provide solutions to and develop long-term mutually beneficial relationships with
  •    Classroom style learning sessions in the Learning Lounge             cattle producers.
  •    Round-table discussions                                         •    Establish hundreds of highly qualified sales leads in just 2.5 days!
  •    Chutes and Scales Showdown with side-by-side 		                 •    Increase your brand awareness and public awareness. Attendees are actively
       equipment comparisons
                                                                            seeking new products that will improve efficiencies and solve problems.
  •    Live music in lounge areas
                                                                       •    Put your product or service in front of the cattle industry’s most influential leaders
  •    Daily receptions
                                                                            and decision makers to maximize your marketing dollars and ROI.
  •    Booth traffic driver programs
  •    Retail therapy                                                  •    Analyze the competition.
  •    Lunch for all attendees each day                                •    Strengthen your business relationships with valuable customer feedback.
T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
Facts & Figures
*Source 2020 Attendee Survey                                                          AVERAGE AGE:
                                                                     Cow-Calf 41%
                                                                                                     UNDER 40:
                       Feedlot Owner/Manager 12%                                                       32%
                     Stocker/Backgrounder 11%
            Farmer/Feeder 6%
                                                                                     61% Male
          Seedstock 5%                                                               39% Female

      Retail/Packer 3%

          Vet/Consultant 5%

  Dairy Producer 1%

                               Other 16%

                                                          1-49 HEAD: 18%
                                                          50-99 HEAD: 12%
                                                          100-499 HEAD: 40%
                                                          500-999 HEAD: 12%
                                                          1,000-4,999 HEAD: 14%
                                                          5,000 + HEAD: 5%

                                   FARMER/FEEDER/                                        BACKGROUNDER
                                          FEEDLOT                                             < 1,000 HEAD: 38%
                                                                                              1,000-3,999 HEAD: 26%
                                           < 1,000 HEAD: 22%
                                                                                              4,000-14,999 HEAD: 16%
                                           1,000-3,999 HEAD: 15%
                                                                                              15,000-31,999 HEAD: 11%
                                           4,000-14,999 HEAD: 17%
                                                                                              32,000 + HEAD: 10%
                                           15,000-31,999 HEAD: 16%
                                           32,000 + HEAD: 30%
T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show

                         2016                                                                                                            NASHVILLE
                       SAN DIEGO                2018 PHOENIX                                                                                  Total:
                           Total:                     Total:                                                                                  9,335
                           6,665                       7,578
                                                                                                                        2019 NEW
                                                                                           2020                         ORLEANS
                                                                                        SAN ANTONIO                        Total:
                                                                                             Total:                         8,513

            First time attending
                                                                            of attendees play a role in their
                                                                           company’s purchasing decisions
                                                                                                                                                                  of attendees rated the overall
                                                                                                                                                                     value as excellent/good

                                                                                                                                                                                             Average number
                                                                                                                                                                                              of hours spent
                                                                                                                                                                                              on show floor

AI Equipment................................................. 6%       Genetics, tracking tools.......................... 6%                           Pickup truck....................................................5%
ATV/utility vehicle.......................................5%           Hay baling equipment..............................5%                            Property insurance.....................................2%
Chutes or scales.........................................12%           Health insurance...........................................1%                   Satellite Dish....................................................1%
Computer..........................................................2%   Life insurance................................................2%                Seed.....................................................................5%
Computer software/                                                     Livestock handling                                                              Steel farm building.....................................4%
technology.......................................................9%    equipment......................................................14%              Swather/Mowing equipment...............2%
Dewormer.......................................................19%     Livestock insurance...................................4%                        Tractor.................................................................5%
Electronic ID tags......................................13%            Livestock trailer............................................5%                 Vaccines.........................................................23%
Feed or forage..............................................11%        Livestock watering                                                              Western Apparel.........................................17%
Feed supplements/additives.............16%                             tanks/system......................................................7%            Wheel loader/Payloader.........................3%
Fencing supplies........................................13%            Mixers/Feeders.............................................4%
Financial or consulting services........4%                             Pest control.....................................................9%

7              IN               10                       attendees are more likely to purchase from exhibiting companies in the NCBA Trade Show
T o r - to - HOUSTON FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022 - Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show
Expand                                                                                           Maximize
your brand                                                                                      your impact!
Increase your exposure and make the most out of your exhibiting
experience at the 2022 NCBA Trade Show. Take advantage of these exclusive
opportunities to reach over 8,000 cattle industry attendees available only to
NCBA Trade Show Exhibitors.                                                              SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                         Make an impact on the 2022 Cattle Industry Convention &
                        SPOTLIGHT        PACKAGE                                         NCBA Trade Show attendees with your sponsorship. Your
                                                                                         company can be one of the first to interact with future
                        Want to feature or debut a product in Houston? The
                       Spotlight Package is the perfect way to promote a                 customers before, during and after the show!
                       new, rebranded or existing product. Sponsorship
                       includes promotion in the mobile app, mentions in the             By committing to one of our sponsorship opportunities
                       Beef Resource Guide, a floor sticker with the Product             today, you can join this group of exhibitors who have
Spotlight logo and listing in the National Cattlemen.                                    chosen to take their brand presence to the next level.
  • INVESTMENT: $2,000
  • AUDIENCE: 8,000+ CONVENTION PARTICIPANTS                                             We have multiple sponsorship packages to choose from
                                                                                         for every price range — put your brand on a unique and
                                                                                         unforgettable marketing component/event at the 2022
                    AISLE     SIGN                                                       Cattle Industry Convention & NCBA Trade Show.
                    Drive traffic to your booth by sponsoring an aisle sign. Your
                    company name and logo will hang from the directional aisle           Contact us for a customized sponsorship package:
                    signs in the trade show. This is an excellent way to get your        corporaterelations@ncba.org
                    brand name high above the show floor and in front of the             303.694.0305
                    participants you want to see!                                        convention.ncba.org/trade-show/sponsorships
                    • INVESTMENT: $2,000
                    • AUDIENCE: 8,000+ CONVENTION PARTICIPANTS

                                                                                         MEMBERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
                         CATTLEMEN TO CATTLEMEN                                          ALLIED INDUSTRY PARTNER
                         PRODUCT FEATURE                                                 MEMBER BENEFITS
                                                                                           •    Priority sign-up for prime location
The Product Feature is a 2-4 minute segment filmed onsite in Houston by a                       at NCBA’s annual trade show and discounted
Cattlemen to Cattlemen reporter. Your segment can include interviews and                        exhibit space (excluding island booth space)
product highlights. The feature will air in one episode, for a total of three airings.     •    Access & assistance with key issues by leadership
  • INVESTMENT: $2,500 - $3,500                                                                 in D.C.
  • AUDIENCE: 1.5 Million Cattlemen to Cattlemen viewers                                   •    Special listing in the Beef Resource Guide
                                                                                           •    Listing in every issue of the National Cattlemen

COUNTDOWN          TO THE SHOW                                                             •    A complimentary link on NCBA.org, representing
                                                                                                the entire beef industry
The only e-mail based sponsorship available. Reach attendees with a                        •    Opportunity to utilize the Allied Industry logo
banner ad and 50 word description in the weekly countdown e-mail sent to                   •    Fifteen subscriptions to the National Cattlemen
registered attendees.                                                                      •    Special Convention & Summer Business Meeting
  • INVESTMENT: $1,000/one e-mail, $1,750/two e-mails                                           recognition
  • AUDIENCE: 8,000+ CONVENTION PARTICIPANTS                                               •    Partner annual investment $3,000

              from the crowd with this affordable add on. Add your show logo
                                                                                           Stand out on
and company description to the onsite printed guide and make it easy
for attendees to find you. Advertising opportunities also available visit
convention.ncba.org for all the details.
                                                                                          the show floor!
   • INVESTMENT: $250
to                                                 Don’t get lost
                                                    in the crowd!
                                              MAKE SURE YOUR BUSINESS STANDS OUT WITH AN
                                      ENHANCED EXHIBITOR LISTING!

           STANDARD LISTING:               FREE
                                                                         ENHANCED LISTING:                  $250
                                                                                                   44 FARMS
            44 FARMS ........... BOOTH #2443                                                       BOOTH #2443
                                                                                                  At 44 Farms, we strive to
                                                                                                  produce reproductively sound
                                                                                                  bulls whose progeny calve easy,
                                                                            grow fast, are efficient in the feedlot and produce a
Stand out in the Beef Resource Guide!                                       premium on the rail. These traits coupled with our
                                                                            breed leading bull guarantee make 44 Farms an
      Check the enhanced listing                                            ideal place to select your next herd sire.

       on the booth application!

 •   VALUE – Your NCBA booth fee includes access to general sessions, lunch each day for booth staff, access to receptions allowing you to
     network with attendees both on and off the show floor.
 •   CONNECTIONS – The NCBA Trade Show draws qualified attendees from all over the country. Many describe it as the must-attend
     conference each year.
 •   SERVICE – Exhibitors describe the NCBA Trade Show and show management as the industry standard for agriculture shows, due to our
     communication, organization, and customer service.
 •   SUPPORT – Held several months before Cattlecon, this event provides exhibitor training and vendor presentations to help exhibitors have
     the best exhibiting experience at our event and become more successful overall with all of their exhibiting programs.
 •   TOOLS – NCBA provides access to the Exhibitor Success and ROI Center which include educational articles, webinars and other tools to
     help exhibitors maximize their time and measure success.

                      “A show like no other! Education,
                     entertainment and fellowship, NCBA
                       Trade Show is second to none!”
                                                                                            -NCBA TRADE SHOW EXHIBITOR
The NCBA Trade Show has been recognized by the Trade Show industry for the fastest growing show in Net
Square Feet of Exhibit Space, Number of Exhibiting Companies and Total Attendance.


   CATTLE INDUSTRY CONVENTION                                                                            NCBA
   & NCBA TRADE SHOW                                                                                     9110 E. Nichols Ave. Suite 300
                                                                                                         Centennial, CO 80112

   HOUSTON  FEBRUARY 1-3, 2022
                                                                                                         Phone: 303-694-0305
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