SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight

Page created by Jeff Flynn
SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight
OCTOBER 2021 (ISSUE 117)

     Swift Catering Equipment’s father and son team, Bill and Ashley Munro,
         reveal how the distributor has reached four decades in business
                           via birds, bombs and Brexit

     MAPPING HOST                        LABEL FABLES                     MATERIALS ISSUE
At a glance guide to Milan show   Refrigerator efficiency rule-breaking   Fabricators battle perfect storm
SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight
SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight


FRONT                                                                                         5
     4    Foreword
          Headless chicken time.
     5    Front news

          FEA moots safe project delivery standard.

     11   Voice of the industry
          Unox lauds sustainability in the supply chain.


    12    Swift at 40
          Essex dealer reaches milestone via birds, bombs and Brexit.

    16    Mapping Host                                                                                              20
          Your at a glance guide to the Milan trade show.

    20    FEA Conference review
          First event for 18 months highlights recovery and efficiency.

    22    Label fables
          Are refrigerator suppliers swerving MEPS requirements?

    26    Bracing for waste
          Food waste regulations under the microscope.
    30    The materials issue
          Fabricators battle cost and demand increases.


    34    Good deed feed
          Acts of kindness from the UK catering equipment supply chain.

                                                       www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT           3
SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight

                                         alternative suppliers, and yet more       PROMEDIA DIGITAL LTD

                                         are trying to bolster their workforce     16-25 Bastwick Street, London, EC1V 3PS, UK
                                                                                   Tel: +44 (0) 20 31 764228
                                         to enable them to complete projects
                                                                                   Fax: +44 (0) 20 31 764231
                                         in a reasonable timeframe.
                                            If we think back to this time          EDITORIAL
                                         last year when redundancies were          EDITOR Clare Nicholls
                                         abound, revenue and profits had           Tel: +44 (0)20 3176 5657
                                         taken a good kicking, and many
                                                                                   EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Andrew Seymour
                                         were wondering if their businesses        Tel: +44 (0)20 3176 4234
                                         would survive at all, then today’s        andrew.seymour@itppromedia.com
                                         problems would seem like paradise.        EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Sam Lewis

Well, from prominent                     But the stress that many people in        Tel: +44(0)20 3176 4238
restaurant chains running out            the industry are under, just trying to
of chicken, to every person              get back to something approaching         COMMERCIAL
I’ve recently spoken to in the           normal, cannot be underestimated.         GROUP COMMERCIAL MANAGER
UK catering equipment supply                Consistently long working hours        Mark Harris
chain saying they are rushed             with an ‘all hands to the pumps’          Tel: +44 (0)20 3176 4231
off their feet, I would like to          mentality is not sustainable, and
christen this period ‘headless           it will inevitably result in burnout.     DIGITAL
chicken time’.                           ‘Headless chicken time’ is relatively     DATABASE MANAGEMENT
   In some ways, dealers and             manageable if it is for a short period,   Vinod Alath, vinod.alath@itp.com
manufacturers have never had it so       but it can’t last indefinitely.
                                                                                   PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION
good, with orders flooding in from
                                                                                   GROUP PRODUCTION & DISTRIBUTION
operators keen to serve pent-up
                                         “Consistently long working                DIRECTOR
consumer demand from lockdown, or                                                  Kyle Smith, kyle.smith@itp.com
wanting to transform their offerings     hours with an ‘all hands                  PRODUCTION & SYSTEMS MANAGER

to keep pace with the changes            to the pumps’ mentality                   Danny Corder, danny.corder@itppromedia.com
                                                                                   OUTSOURCING MANAGER
prompted by the pandemic.                is not sustainable, and it                Aamar Shawwa, aamar.shawwa@ itp.com
   But conversely, the supply chain      will inevitably result in
is cracking under the pressure.          burnout.”                                 SUBSCRIPTION CUSTOMER SERVICE
Shortages of HGV drivers mean
                                                                                   +44 (0)20 3176 4228
that deliveries are scarce, staffing        As it is so difficult to disentangle   subscriptions@itppromedia.com
shortfalls are present in most           whether these issues are caused by
sectors, and insufficient availability   Brexit or Covid, it is impossible to      Web: www.cateringinsight.com
of components has hamstrung              tell whether they will fade or lessen
suppliers including Rational, which      with time, or whether this is the new     The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for
shocked dealers when it recently         baseline level. Think about what that     error or omissions in this publication, however caused. The
                                                                                   opinions and views contained in this publication are not nec-
informed them no new combi oven          would mean for your business – do         essarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to seek
orders could be fulfilled for the rest   you need to stockpile more? Should        specialist advice before acting on information contained in
of the year. And as the German-          you be specifying only local British      this publication, which is provided for general use and may
                                                                                   not be appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances.
headquartered company cited              brands to minimise disruption? And
Q1 of 2022 as the next available         how entirely British are these brands’    The ownership of trademarks is acknowledged. No part of
guaranteed delivery, this could mean     own supply chains anyway?                 this publication or any part of the contents thereof may be re-
                                                                                   produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
anything up to the end of March.            These are the questions that UK
                                                                                   form without the permission of the publishers in writing. An
   It is by no means the only            catering equipment executives are         exception is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose
company trying to battle its way         having to ponder at the moment, and       of fair review.

through supply chain issues though,      I do not envy them. I would only urge
and accordingly, commercial kitchen      that making time for downtime is vital,
project lead times have skyrocketed.     and if a complete restructuring is the
You have to feel sorry for the           only way to enable a business’ entire
operators trying to get a foodservice    workforce to have that, then it might
scheme nailed down at the moment         be time to consider some big issues.                         Published by and copyright 2021
– some dealers are so overburdened                                                                    Promedia Digital Ltd, incorporated and
                                                                                                      registered in the United Kingdom under
they are not accepting new orders for    CLARE NICHOLLS
                                                                                                      company number 10982417.
months, others are trying to source      EDITOR

4                   CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com
SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight

                                                                                                    INDUSTRY NEWS                              6

                                                                                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                              9

                                                                                                    WEB HITS                                 10

CATERING EQUIPMENT HEADLINE NEWS                                                                    VOICE OF THE INDUSTRY                     11


            he FEA is to establish    ie, unreliable, unhealthy, and      the management of design,               The guide will direct the
            a standard for the safe   expensive to run and maintain.”     specification, integration,          user to primary resources
            delivery of catering         He revealed: “If we can point    delivery and maintenance of          for legislation, standards,
            and foodservice           to individual elements that are     foodservice systems in buildings,    certification, foodservice
systems. This principle for           demonstrably failing to meet        structures and services.             sector guides, associations,
kitchen projects was revealed         best practice with health and          Shine underlined: “If we          local authorities and the FEA
by Shine Catering Systems’ MD         safety, environmental, quality or   can establish a best in class        itself, including professional
Julian Shine at FEA’s Conference,     cost implications, quickly they     characteristic of the types of       development training. It
held on 16 September at the           should disappear.”                  equipment that are on offer we       will also be broken down
Chesford Grange hotel in                 As part of the initiative,       can hound out of the industry        into four sections, running
Warwickshire.                         FEA is producing a provision        some of these time bombs             chronologically through the
   Shine said: “This initiative       and process map and a               that we see popping up on            process: project brief, scope of
could be the shield that protects     resource guide to reinforce         importers’ websites without          construction, business objectives
us from the corner-cutting            the complexity of foodservice       any associated certification or      and the envisaged demand and
culture that’s endemic within the     systems and the experts that        CE marking.”                         staffing requirements.
construction industry.                should be engaged. It will             Digitised with hyperlinks for        Shine added: “Beyond being
   “It only takes one                 also be a signpost to current       ease of navigation, the guide        an invaluable open resource to
misconception in an aspect            legislation and standards and       is envisaged by FEA as a go-to       our industry, we would like to see
of design, build, or facilities       professional resources, bodies      industry resource to find best       this develop towards the basis of
management, to have a                 and associations that can           practice and protect the interests   a recognised qualification of the
kitchen considered a failure,         ensure compliance throughout        of all who work within the sector.   various competencies.”

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Rational unable to fulfil new iCombi                                                        Salix maintains positive earnings
orders until next year                                                                      despite Covid
                                                    Rational has notified dealers that      Kitchen design house and fabricator
                                                    it is now unable to fulfil new orders   Salix Stainless Steel Fabrications has
                                                    for its iCombi Pro combi ovens          brought its financial reporting up to
                                                    for the rest of the year. In a letter   date with its latest annual report. The
 New orders of Rational’s iCombi Pro range will now sent to the cooking equipment           document, now publicly available on
 not be delivered until the first quarter of 2022.                                                                                       Salix is headquartered in Basildon, Essex.
                                                    manufacturer’s distributor              Companies House, shows for the first
network, seen by Catering Insight, Rational UK’s representative wrote:                      time how the Essex-based firm fared during part of the coronavirus-
“At the moment, despite great efforts in all areas, we cannot give                          impacted period.
an exact delivery date for existing orders. For new orders, we are                             In the 12 months to 30 November 2020, the company generated £5.3m
currently anticipating that the iCombi will be delivered in Q1/2022.”                       in turnover, which represents a 29% decrease on 2019’s £7.4m. Likewise,
   However, they emphasised: “There will be no restrictions                                 operating profit slid by 54%, from £225k to 2020’s figure of £104k.
for deliveries of service parts and accessories. For repairs and                               However, MD Jayson Ball elaborated: “Despite a fall in turnover
maintenance, all important service parts, accessories and care                              due to the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, Salix is
products are in stock. Minor delivery bottlenecks may occur only in                         pleased to announce that the company was still able to maintain a
exceptional cases, such as for special components.”                                         positive EBITDA and a post-tax profit.
   They detailed the current challenges facing the cooking equipment                           “The company was quick to react to the impact of the pandemic,
manufacturer and the rest of the supply chain, stating: “As reported                        maintaining margin and implementing several cost-cutting
in the media every day, the global market is experiencing constant                          programs. The company has gone into 2021 with a strong order book
supply bottlenecks for processors. This means that our suppliers are                        reflecting the strength and quality of our products and the skill of
also experiencing delays, which has a major impact on Rational’s                            our employees – this is despite the ongoing effects of the pandemic
usual short delivery times.”                                                                and a global shortage of materials.”
   Finance and administration director Michael Keeley told Catering
Insight: “It is an extremely fluid situation with the global shortage of
processors, and Rational is in constant contact with our suppliers to
                                                                                            Host unveils 2021 Smart Label
continuously maintain the supply chain where possible.”                                     award winners
                                                                                            Milan-based trade show Host has            Host will showcase Smart Label award winners
New Lakes MD vows to continue                                                               revealed the winners of its 2021
                                                                                            Smart Label innovation awards.
                                                                                                                                      in a dedicated area within its exhibition halls on
                                                                                                                                                     22-26 October at the Fieramilano.
Leigh Howard’s legacy                                                                          After having been awarded
                                          Mike Heslop, the new MD of                        to more than 70 companies and
                                          Cumbria-based distributor                         products in previous editions, the
                                          Lakes Catering Maintenance                        Smart Label recognised just 25
                                          (LCM), has underlined the firm’s                  winners this year. Four products won the Innovation Smart Label
                                          appreciation for the industry’s                   accolade: the Heylo espresso machine from Carimali; aeralab by
  Leigh Howard’s legacy will be continued support in the wake of the tragic                 Iberital, a smart milk type recognition system; T&S WaterWatch, a
  at family company LCM.
                                          loss of former MD Leigh Howard.                   water consumption monitor by T&S Brass and Bronze Works and the
    Heslop said: “To the clients, people, friends and colleagues who                        Multi.Day hot vacuum packer from Unox.
have demonstrated their support, admiration, compassion towards                                There were six winners in the Green Smart Label category:
the family and LCM over the past few months during a tremendously                           the Smart and Green Ice Maker from Castel Mac, the Twin Star
difficult period for both the business and more importantly the loved                       Double Face washing machine by Ali Group brand Dihr; the
ones and true friends left behind, on behalf of the family and LCM,                         Visualis Eurocryor refrigerated service cabinet from Epta; the DB-
may I express my heartfelt appreciation and thanks.”                                        10 potato peeler from Metalúrgica Skymsen; the S series S50E Icon
    Heslop is closely connected to the Howard family, as he is the uncle                    counter oven from Moretti Forni; and the Remind recycled grey
of Leigh’s wife Elaine. He detailed: “I came in as MD as a temporary                        chair by Pedrali.
measure after the tragic passing of Leigh, just to keep the business                           While 15 further products won the Smart Label award: Hydrogate
ticking until a decision could be made on the best way forward. I                           Interaction from Blupura; Zero by Dalla Corte; Mychef iCook 6gn 1/1
took on the role as I have a lot of experience in my current Centrex                        from Distform/Mychef; Prometheus Interaction by Conti Valerio;
IT businesses, providing nationwide maintenance services. I decided                         EV3 200 Web Interaction from Evco; Gaggia Milano La Solare by
after discussions with Elaine to invest in LCM through Centrex and                          Evoca; AllGround from Fiorenzato Mc; e-Q electronic pot-filler
take on the role of MD permanently, continuing the family tradition.”                       by Gebr. Echtermann; TheProbe from Italynnova; i.ScoopShower
    He emphasised he will be continuing Leigh’s legacy, saying: “I have                     Unlimited Silver Waterstop Spray rinsing device for ice cream scoops
to say it is a very tough act to follow for anyone, but a challenge both                    (add-on version) by Loelsberg - Inh. Bernd Lölsberg; Bottle washing
myself, Sal and the team within LCM takes very seriously and of                             system from Meiko; iQ 640 Fes Carrousel Model from QualityFry;
course the team have shown me their dedication and commitment                               iCombi Pro by Rational Italia; Tattoo Mule from Rcr Cristalleria
to continuing Leigh’s legacy with a great deal of pride and loyalty.”                       Italiana; and VitoConnect by Vito.

6                          CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com
SWIFT AT 40 - Catering Insight

Millers’ new sales director tasked                                                                    Weaker Pound impacts
with expanding London presence                                                                        Meiko UK margins
London-based distributor                                                                                                                           Meiko UK has reported its
                                      Millers Catering Equipment sales director Jim Wyatt (left) is     Meiko UK took mitigating measures to reduce the
Millers Catering Equipment             focusing on expanding the distributor’s London presence.         coronavirus impact on the company.         financial results for the year
is making moves as part                                                                                                                            ended 31 December 2020,
of an ambitious growth                                                                                                                             which show the extent of
strategy. This year the firm                                                                                                                       the coronavirus impact
appointed Jim Wyatt as                                                                                                                             on the firm. In the annual
sales director, with a remit                                                                                                                       report, now publicly available
to expand the company’s                                                                                                                            on Companies House, the
presence in the capital.                                                                              warewashing supplier posted a turnover of £12.2m for last year, a cut
   Wyatt is experienced in similar business to business sales roles,                                  of 37% compared to 2019’s £19.4m. Operating profit tumbled to a loss
starting his career as a salesman for a photocopier business where,                                   too, with the previous year’s £823k falling by 219% to £-979k.
over time, he progressed to become a sales director and part owner.                                      The company’s finance director Peter Barry wrote in the report:
In selling this business to a PLC he continued to build the business                                  “During the year under review, the company continued to develop
under the new ownership structure with fellow directors.                                              its core activities. The company had a reasonable year given the
   During the 90s, Wyatt took a new position within a very small                                      economic climate. Sterling remained volatile against the Euro
vending business, and his primary role was to develop a sales force                                   for the year but a late Sterling weakness in December resulted in
to achieve a national coverage. His skill set has always been face-                                   a foreign exchange dip in position. The decrease in sales was in
to-face sales, reacting to customer needs and providing the best                                      part attributable to a fall in small machine sales, resulting in the
service possible.                                                                                     company showing a loss before tax for the year.”
   Millers MD Dean Broadbent revealed: “Jim will focus on extending                                      Barry summed up: “The weaker Pound continues to impact on the
the Millers sales presence throughout London and starting to build                                    margins on sale of machines during the year as any movement cannot
a bigger sales team. The Millers Group is looking to grow by 20% per                                  be reflected in the selling price which is set at the beginning of the year.
annum following the pandemic, which we navigated very well, and                                       The directors attempt to minimise any adverse effect by the timing of
we are confident that Jim can help deliver this.”                                                     payments using judgement when the rates are most favourable.”

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Phoenix relocates to larger                                                                    Jestic surpasses 2019
premises in Warwickshire                                                                       trading levels
                                                          Phoenix Commercial Catering          Jestic Foodservice Solutions is now
                                                                                                                                         Jestic is bouncing back from the
                                                          Equipment is relocating its base     exceeding its trading levels of pre-      coronavirus impact.
                                                          of operations from Kitts Green in    Covid times, according to MD Ben
                                                          Birmingham to Chantry House in       Dale. But like most in the foodservice
                                                          the nearby town of Coleshill. The    industry, the pandemic sapped
                                                          Warwickshire stately building        business from Jestic Ltd’s coffers,
  Phoenix Commercial Catering Equipment will be           is close to the M42 corridor and     as evidenced by the company’s
  moving to office space within Chantry House, Coleshill.
                                                          includes 2 acres of grounds, while   latest financial results, now publicly
Phoenix’s space itself now features a meeting room, a facility not                             available on Companies House.
available at the company’s previous premises.                                                     In the 12 months to 31 December 2020, Jestic Ltd generated
    The dealer’s accounts manager, Carolyne Meadows, told Catering                             £15.6m in turnover. However, as its previous financial reporting
Insight: “We are very much looking forward to this move as we have                             period was the 15 months ending 31 December 2019, it’s a little
outgrown where we are. It is still local for our staff and also a slightly                     difficult to make a direct comparison. Sales in that period totalled
shorter journey for me and Wayne [her husband and company director].                           £27.4m, but averaging that out to a year’s figures would suggest
    “We have a lovely meeting room where we are looking forward                                Covid impacted turnover by around 29%.
to welcoming our customers and suppliers and we can promote                                       Likewise, 2020’s operating profit was £775k as against 2019’s
manufacturers’ equipment within the space available. We will                                   £2.7m, but averaging out the 15 month period’s sum total indicates
also be encouraging health and wellbeing as we have a rest room                                that earnings were hit by 64%.
available that has various facilities available to all.”                                          Dale analysed for Catering Insight: “2020 turnover was clearly
    Prior to this, Phoenix has been in rented offices since 2007, which                        decimated by lockdown 1.0, sales fell off a cliff at the end of March
Meadows reported had served the company well, as the directors                                 and the pace of recovery was gradual through the summer, then
and administrative staff live locally. The dealer may use the current                          slowed again in the final quarter. Keeping our teams intact,
move as a stepping stone to bigger things, as the company still aims                           alongside a policy of increasing stock levels in Q4 of 2020 and into
to grow further.                                                                               2021 has enabled us to recover really strongly this year and business
                                                                                               at Jestic is now exceeding 2019 levels.”

Dean Moore strikes out on his
own in servicing                                                                               CSR pushes on with apprentice
                                                Experienced catering equipment
                                                engineer Dean Moore has
                                                launched his own company                       Falkirk-based distributor Catering
                                                to offer repair, servicing and                 Supplies and Repairs (CSR) has
                                                installation. His new business,                welcomed another engineering
                                                MD Catering Solutions Ltd, is                  apprentice to its team. 16 year-old
                                                based near Wolverhampton, and                  Connor Stowe started with the                CSR’s current and recently-qualified engineering
                                                                                                                                             apprentices: Connor Stowe, Adam Davidson and
                                                he is intending to cover work                  company over the summer as a first                                          Mark Cardenduff.
                                                across the Midlands.                           year apprentice straight from school.
                                                   Moore is already partnering                    He will be gaining experience assisting the firm’s engineers in
                                                with Nova Catering Repairs,                    their daily jobs, building up his portfolio, along with attending
                                                and can offer both servicing                   college over the next 4 years to gain his qualifications to allow him to
                                                contracts and one-off repairs.                 work on commercial catering equipment. He will qualify in domestic
  Dean Moore has now launched his own servicing
  firm, MD Catering Solutions Ltd.              He has much experience in the                  gas appliance installation initially, then changeover to commercial
                                                industry, having manufacturer                  appliances in the fourth year.
training on major brands including Hobart and Rational. Moore                                     Stowe said: “CSR has changed my career for the better. In the
has had stints at Hobart Service, Sprint Group, McFT and CKS                                   current circumstances I feel very privileged to have been given
(National) during his career.                                                                  an apprenticeship within this industry at such a young age.
     Commenting on the launch of MD Catering Solutions Ltd, Moore                              Since joining CSR I have done many different jobs, from installs,
told Catering Insight: “I’ve been in this great industry for more than                         assisting breakdowns and helping in maintaining our workshop.
20 years now. After being made redundant from the company I                                    I feel in such a short time I have already learned a vast amount of
always wanted to work for, as I thought I was there until retirement,                          knowledge and experience.”
I thought ‘it’s now or never’ but Covid put this on hold. But with                                CSR has a strong track record of bringing new trainees through
everything starting to open up, now seems the time to do it.”                                  the company, including Adam Davidson and 20-year-old Mark
     He believes his time at Hobart means he is a specialist on the                            Cardenduff. CSR’s general manager Lynn Stewart commented: “I
brand, which he said he loves working on, and is particularly expert                           know that they are all very appreciative to be given the opportunity
at maintaining dishwashers and combi ovens.                                                    and look forward to rewarding careers.”

8                           CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com
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                          IN BRIEF

• Chester-based kitchen design house C&C Catering
   Equipment has celebrated its 40th anniversary.

• Hendi has picked up Nevilles as its local supplier, after
   moving its UK distribution back to its Netherlands
   headquarters in January last year.

• Chris Jones has been promoted into the role of group
   president at Middleby Worldwide – Europe, adding to his
   current responsibilities as MD of Middleby UK and the
   Lincat Group.

• Unox UK has signed up as a member of the FEA, which
   has represented foodservice equipment suppliers for
   over 80 years.

• Warewasher manufacturer Granuldisk is launching a
  new financing concept for the purchase of its products
  and will be offering incentives to dealers to sign operator
  customers up to the scheme.

• Falcon Foodservice Equipment has added two new
   members to its sales team: Melanie D’Aubney and
   Adam Wilkinson.

• Creative Retail Display has signed a deal with Culimat to
   stock, promote and supply Rosseto serving solutions to
   the UK and Irish foodservice markets..

• Gamble Foodservice Solutions has appointed Chris
   Byng as business development manager.

• A group of foodservice consultants have banded
   together to form the Independent Foodservice &
   Hospitality Consultants (IFHC) consortium.

• Swanwick Foodservice Equipment (SFE) has become
   one of only two exclusive dealerships worldwide
   providing Italian cooking equipment manufacturer Icos
   Professional’s products.

                                                               www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT       9
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     MOST READ ONLINE                                                          EDITOR’S CHOICE

1    Catering Insight Awards roars
     back with in-person event
                                           PROFILE                                             FEATURE

                                           Lincat celebrates its 50th                          What’s the latest pure
2    JLA reveals more details of
                                           Group MD Chris Jones looks back on the
                                                                                               Catering Insight takes a look at the latest
                                           British catering equipment manufacturer’s           commercial kitchen water fi ltration

3    Millers new sales director to
     expand London presence
                                           progress over the last five decades.                technology on the market.

4    New Middleby UK appointment
     doubles southern sales activity

5    ITW UK’s food equipment
     division reports 30% revenue cut

6    DC Products confirms extent of
     Covid impact

7    General Catering pushes
     forward with new logistics brand

                                           FEATURE                                             FEATURE
8    Williams’ employees tot up over
     250 years
                                           Blocking blazes in the                              The importance of parts
                                           kitchen                                             importation
9    Market Talk, episode 53: Adam
     Mason and Matthew Kitchin             How can catering equipment distributors
                                           ensure that the kitchen designs and
                                                                                               Logistics issues have been cropping up
                                                                                               across the industry, and the situation could
                                           equipment specified are as safe as possible         impact spares specialists, so we investigated
10 Middleby  bounces back with
   strong second quarter                   for operators?                                      the lie of the land with major sector names.

                                                          YOUR ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO CATERINGINSIGHT.COM

                                                           CateringInsight.com is an                  partners. The best way to stay informed
                                                         indispensable source of news,                is to sign up to our electronic Daily News
                                                         information, advice and interaction for      Alerts. Simply fill in your email address in
                                                         the UK catering equipment community.         the red box on the right hand side of the
                                                         Thousands of people have already             home page and you will start receiving a
                                                         discovered new products, trends and          daily fix of equipment news, analysis and
                                                         contact details for future business          picture galleries straight to your inbox.

10              CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com

                                                                             VOICE OF THE INDUSTRY

                                              Sustainability in the supply chain is
                                                    key to achieving targets
                                               SCOTT DUNCAN, MD OF UNOX UK, EXPLORES THE IMPORTANCE
                                                OF SUSTAINABILITY IN THE FOODSERVICE EQUIPMENT INDUSTRY
                                                 AND SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH THE COOKING EQUIPMENT
                                                  MANUFACTURER IS REDUCING ITS OWN CARBON FOOTPRINT.

                   e’ve all seen the
                   headlines. From
                                            “If we are to collectively achieve the
                   fires in Australia and   ambitious targets being set, it is vital for
                   Greece, to deadly        organisations to demonstrate sustainability
floods in central Europe and record
                                            throughout their supply chain too.”
temperatures in the Mediterranean,
human activity is changing the
climate in unprecedented ways. It’s         attributed to catering. Whatever the          However, sustainable performance
time for change.                            exact numbers today, it’s clear that       in 2021 goes beyond purchasing energy
   COP26, the UN Climate Change             commercial kitchens are profligate         efficient products or switching the
Conference set to be held in Glasgow in     users of gas, electricity and water.       paper straws. If we are to collectively
November, will shine the spotlight on          All of this means that sustainability   achieve the ambitious targets being
sustainability, bringing parties together   is now front of mind for any catering      set, it is vital for organisations to
to accelerate action. The emphasis now      organisation. As awareness of              demonstrate sustainability throughout
is on governments, businesses and           environmental issues continues to          their supply chain too, by working
consumers worldwide to all play their       grow, operators and caterers are faced     with suppliers who are committed to
part in driving sustainability to help      with greater scrutiny from consumers       reducing their own emissions across
keep global temperature rises below         and the government to reduce their         the business.
1.5˚C. Here in the UK, of course, we        waste, improve resource efficiency and        That’s why Unox has launched
have a target to bring all greenhouse       deliver a more sustainable service.        EmiXion 2030, a new multi-million-
gas emissions to net zero by 2050.             Improvements can be made across         pound plan to achieve net zero carbon
   Our industry has a large part to play    every organisation, from lighting          emissions across the global business by
in this. The food industry as a whole       and heating to single-use plastic and      2030. Our strategy includes a series of
consumes around 30% of the world’s          lower energy kitchen equipment.            initiatives including the introduction of
available energy, while one study by        Manufacturers have responded of course,    electric vehicles, biogas trucks and on-
The University of Reading back in           and Unox is among those offering more      site renewable energy generation.
2013 showed that 63% of an average          sustainable solutions, including Energy       Plans are underway to extend the
pub’s electricity consumption was           Star-certified appliances.                 existing Unox factory in Padova, Italy,
                                                                                       with a state-of-the-art facility run on
                                                                                       clean energy, including the installation
                                                                                       of geothermic heat pumps and solar
                                                                                       panels. By 2030 the business is hoping
                                                                                       to produce 3.75MWh of electricity per
                                                                                       year with solar panels. We are also
                                                                                       moving to a new green office facility in
                                                                                       the UK in early 2022.
                                                                                          We are recognising the steps we
                                                                                       need to take to deliver significant         1
                                                                                       change – and in doing so, helping           Unox’s EmiXion
                                                                                       to deliver more a sustainable supply        2030 sustainability
                                                                                       chain for those who invest in and           strategy includes the
                                                                                       use foodservice equipment. Because          cooking equipment
                                                                                       sustainability isn’t something that can     manufacturer using
 1                                                                                     be ignored.                                 electric vehicles.

                                                                   www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT                            11

                           SWIFT AT 40
                                    COMPANY HAS MANAGED THROUGH THE UPS AND DOWNS OF THE UK
                                                                                                                    The distributor now numbers 17
                                                                                                                 employees, including five engineers,
                                                                                                                 but it was very different for Bill in
                                                                                                                 1981, starting as a one-man band.
                                                                                                                 Quipping that it was unusual to see
                                                                                                                 him in a suit, as Catering Insight
                                                                                                                 did when we spoke to him, he
                                                                                                                 recalled: “I’m an engineer by trade.
                                                                                                                 My colleague Alan Palmer and I
                                                                                                                 had worked for a company called
                                                                                                                 Catermart and he had taken me on as
                                                                                                                 the engineering service manager.
                                                                                                                    “He left and started up Maidaid
                                                                                                                 (Eastern) and I offered to come with
                                                                                                                 him and run a service department for
                                                                                                                 him. He said he wasn’t getting involved
                                                                                                                 in that but if I wanted to start my own
                                                                                                                 business, he’d give me some work.”
                                                                                                                    And therefore Swift Catering
                                                                                                                 Services, as it was then, was born. Bill
                                                                                                                 took inspiration for the name from
                                                                                                                 the birds he had seen in his locale. “I’d
                                                                                                            1    got all these swifts flying around and

                                                                                                                 they were catching flies on the wing.
                                   ndustry milestones can’t be         the company for 35 years. While           I thought, well they are fast, efficient
                                   celebrated as usual in these        at the other end of the scale, the        and reliable – they come back every
                                   chaotic Covid times, but it’s       Essex distributor is keen to foster       year. So fast, efficient and reliable
                                   worth pausing for a moment          young talent such as service desk         became our motto.”
                           when your company has reached its 40th      administrator Sian Vinent, who has           Focusing initially on catering
                           anniversary. That’s exactly the situation   spent 5 years at the business after       equipment maintenance, Swift’s first
                           for Basildon, Essex-based Swift Catering    being taken on as an apprentice at 16.    base of operations was Bill’s house,
                           Equipment, which in September passed           Apprenticeships are something          starting in his children’s nursery and
                           four decades in business.                   the dealer has wanted to maintain,        then switching into the dining room
                              Directors Bill and Ashley Munro,         including taking on older apprentices     area. Just a few years later, the firm
                           a father and son management team,           and those who want to change              branched into sales in 1984, when
                           believe that in the current climate, the    careers. However, staff shortages         one fish bar client in Cressing, Essex,
                           most responsible thing to do is to have     at the local educational authority,       asked Bill to quote for a replacement
                           an in-house office celebration. They        forcing the abandonment of a              fryer. “I’d never been in sales and I
                           are hoping to mark the occasion with        refrigeration engineer course, mean       didn’t know anything about it. My
                       1   larger festivities later down the line.     that currently Swift is unable to train   client explained the process: that I
      Swift invited its       Bill commented: “It’s a family           the technicians it would like to.         go to a manufacturer, get a discount,
first customer, Alan       business – I’ve always regarded my
 Palmer of Maidaid         employees as my second family.” And
                           many have shown familial loyalty
     (Eastern) (left) to
 its Basildon base to      to Swift, with several long-serving
                                                                       “We’ve been through so many recessions as
 celebrate 40 years        employees, including office manager         a company, that we know you’ve just got to
          in business.     Sylvia Marks, who has been with             put your nose to the grindstone.”
12                         CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com

give him a little bit, keep the bulk for
myself, and the deal was done. Then
we progressed from there.”
    By 1988, the company was gaining
enough success to move to a small
office warehouse in Billericay, later
moving into a bigger warehouse and
premises nearby.
    Then in the early 90s, full project
work came calling, courtesy of Anglia
Taverns, which was a subsidiary of the
Scottish & Newcastle pub group – now
known as Star Pubs & Bars. Bill detailed:
“I was doing maintenance work for
them and they had been let down              2
by a supplier who’d gone bust. They
asked on a Monday whether I could           blueprints and tracing paper, and onto    know you’ve just got to put your nose
put a project together for them by the      CAD systems in 1994.                      to the grindstone.”                      2
Friday. Fortunately I was given all the        It hasn’t all been smooth sailing          Another tough time, the banking      Director Ashley
drawings – by Tuesday I’d got most of       throughout the years though, with         crisis in 2008, inspired the firm        Munro reported
the equipment organised to come in and      the recession in the 90s proving a        to branch out into fabrications,         a spike in work
I installed it on Friday morning, ready     particular pinch point. “We just had      with Ashley converting the then-         for the distributor
for opening on Friday night!”               to put our heads down and keep            showroom into a workshop. With           since the prime
    Describing projects as a “steep         going, same as everybody’s done           the current abundance of fabrication     minister announced
learning curve”, Bill persevered with       for this last 18 months,” said Bill. “I   work post-hospitality-reopening,         the roadmap for
adding design to Swift’s offerings,         think we’ve been through so many          it’s a decision that has served the      reopening the
throughout the era of printed               recessions as a company, that we          distributor well.                        hospitality industry.

                                                                   www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT                         13

                                                                                                                  digging it all up and finding WW2
                              FIRST SERVED                                                                        bombs from the Blitz!”
                                                                                                                      Typically, most of Swift’s work has
                             To mark Swift Catering                                                               come about through word of mouth,
                             Equipment’s 40th anniversary, the                                                    and while the firm has usually stuck
                             company’s first customer, Alan                                                       close to its Essex location, it has also
                             Palmer of Maidaid (Eastern), was
                                                                                                                  ventured across the country with one
                             given a tour of the firm’s Basildon-
                                                                                                                  particular repeat customer having
                             based workshop.
                                Swift’s founder Bill Munro showed
                                                                                                                  sites in Leeds, Glasgow, Birmingham,
                             Palmer around his company’s                                                          Southampton and Eastbourne.
                             factory, and Palmer commented:                                                       The mix of end user sectors has
                             “Although it was 40 years ago when                                                   developed throughout the years too,
                             we first dealt with Swift Catering, I                                                with cafes and fish and chip shops
                             recall our staff were always happy                                                   dominating in the early days, while
                             dealing with them as they were                                                       pubs, restaurants and schools were
                             professional, reliable and paid a                                                    latterly added into the portfolio to
                             great deal of attention to detail.                                                   create a broad remit of capabilities.
                                “Bill Munro seemed to be                                                          Nowadays, sales and project work
                             everywhere, making sure we and
                                                                                                                  are around 80% of the distributor’s
                             our customers received a top rate
                                                                                                                  undertakings, with the remaining
                             service. I highly recommend this
                                                                                                                  20% as servicing and maintenance.
                             company and a huge congratulations
                                                                                                          3           Back up the supply chain, Swift
                             on 40 years of trading.”
                                                                                                                  regularly works with big names
                                                                                                                  including Rational, Falcon, Liebherr
                              So how did Swift cope through the           Ashley has grown up with the            and Maidaid. However, Brexit has
                           coronavirus-impacted period? Bill           business being an integral part of         definitely affected the decisions the
                           revealed: “When everything kicked off,      his family. In 2002 he first joined        distributor is making, with Ashley
                           I furloughed most of the staff, but kept    the company, but took a 6 month            commenting: “I think Brexit has
                           some in maintenance and one in sales,       sabbatical to then return in April         impacted our industry a lot. The
                           just to keep things ticking over.” He       2003. While he started off in the          majority of the manufacturers are
                           gradually brought staff back from June      engineering side of things, enrolling      coming from the mainland continent,
                           2020 onwards and was back up to a           in a national diploma, halfway             so it was always going to affect us, but
                           full complement by February 2021.           through the course: “I got thrown the      it’s been a lot more than we thought.
                              It was at this point that demand         AutoCAD manual and was told to                 “When we got past the red tape of
                           started to spike, according to Ashley:      learn it! I moved on to designing and      importation, it made life a bit easier
                           “Once Boris Johnson laid out the            sales from then on.”                       until Covid struck and the container
                           roadmap for reopening, the phones              It’s a domain that he still oversees,   prices went through the roof.”
                           just went ballistic. Since then, it’s not   with Bill focusing on the fabrication          While Bill underlined: “The
                           slowed down.” While Bill added: “Like       factory alongside office manager           shipping costs now outweigh
                           everybody’s saying in the industry,         Marks. Ashley’s first design and sales     everything so we are back to
                           we have more work than we can               project was at Leatherhead Leisure         effectively trying to buy British. We
                           cope with – we can’t get the staff.” He     Centre, but there’s another scheme         have always tried to stick close to
                           further revealed that Swift is looking      that particularly stands out for him:      home for purchasing though.”
                           for new employees in its sales, service     DP World port at Stanford-le-Hope.             In terms of what attributes the
                           and fabrications departments. “We           “It was a nicely put together project      company looks for with regards to
                           have been working all hours and             but it was a challenging install,” he      suppliers in general, he said: “Reliable
                           have even sub-contracted some               said. And one of the reasons for the       service, stable and quality. A lot of
                           manufacturing out.”                         challenge was explosive: “When we          cheaper manufacturers are cheap for
                      3       Ashley additionally noted: “Last         had our induction on site, we had to       a reason! Our suppliers have to not
       Swift’s founder,    year we were down on turnover,              be wary of bombs, because they were        just uphold their name but ours too,
     Bill Munro (right),   but 2021 is probably close to being                                                    because we are the ones that have
           showed the      our best year ever. I think with the                                                   recommended them.”
       company’s first     crisis last year, we had orders lined       “Last year we were                             Swift is now looking to make a bit
       customer, Alan      up and they got delayed. All of that
                                                                       down on turnover,                          more noise about its own capabilities,
 Palmer of Maidaid         was spread out over 6 months, but                                                      taking on a dedicated marketing
     (Eastern), around     as soon as business came back,
                                                                       but 2021 is probably                       manager in the form of Debbie Denton.
      the distributor’s    operators all wanted everything in          close to being our                         According to Bill: “We are raising our
 premises in Essex.        that first month.”                          best year ever.”                           profile and making people more aware

14                         CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com

of us. It’s something I’ve never done –    but when anything goes wrong, we fix            Bill is making gradual moves to
I’m an engineer and I’m not that way       it quickly.” Other recent investments        retire in the not so distant future
inclined. But we have been here 40         including taking on the experienced          though, cutting down to a 4-day week
years and it’s an achievement.”            Ian Foster to expand Swift’s CAD             for the past couple of years. While
   So what does he think is the secret     capabilities, as well as using the Specifi   Bill is transitioning to more of a
to the company’s longevity? “Attention     configure, price, quote platform to gain     supporting role, Ashley teased: “Swift
to detail. We don’t always get it right,   easier access to 3D design.                  is another one of his babies. He is
                                                                                        never going to walk away completely.
                                                                                        Even in his 80s I bet I could call him
                                                                                        up for advice and he’d be at the office
                                                                                        door within 10 minutes!”
                                                                                           For when the baton is officially
                                                                                        passed to Ashley though, he would
                                                                                        like to expand the fabrications side
                                                                                        further, and create own-branded and
                                                                                        bespoke products to sell onto others,
                                                                                        not just for Swift’s projects.
                                                                                           The distributor is once again
                                                                                        looking for new local premises
                                                                                        to purchase too, as it finds it is
                                                                                        outgrowing its current Basildon base.
                                                                                        Bill also hinted that there is another    4
                                                                                        big development coming down the           Swift’s founder, Bill
                                                                                        track, but was tight-lipped about         Munro, is making
                                                                                        what it could be. So for the next 40      moves towards
                                                                                        years of Swift, the message is: watch     retirement in the
                                                                                        this space.                               next few years.

                                                                    www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT                         15


     HALL 24
     Ceado, stand G60 K51
     Franke Coffee Systems, stand F68 G63
     Gruppo Cimbali, stand L52 L60 N51 N61
     La Pavoni, stand D50 E39
     La San Marco, stand B60 C51
     Scotsman Ice Systems, stand A60
     Santos, stand L66 M63
     Scotsman Ice, stand A60 B61

     HALL 22
     Marco Beverage Systems, stand B38 C37
     Schaerer, stand E38
     WMF, stand E28 G27

16                CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com

                                            HALL 15
                        Eversys, stand F53 G50

                                            HALL 13
                        Brita, stand B35 C34
                        Blupura, stand L23 M22
                        Zerica, stand H15
                        Zumex, stand H23 L22

                                            HALL 9
                        Churchill, stand M05 M09
                        Contacto, stand V20 V24
                        Pinti Inox, stand A11 A17 B10 B18
                        Rak Porcelain, stand F19 G20 G26
                        Revol Porcelaine, stand M18
                        Steelite, stand H17 L18
                        Tablecraft, stand M12
                        Villeroy & Boch, stand D11 E12

www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT               17

     HALL 7
     Alto-Shaam, stand F40 G48
     Amerex, stand A59
     Ansul (Johnson Controls), stand E54
     Atosa, stand E30 E38
     Blanco Professional, stand C39 D40
     Cambro, stand H37 L38
     Flexeserve, stand H48
     Hatco Corporation, stand B49 C50
     Lainox, stand F29 H30
     Meiko, stand A29 B30
     Mibrasa, stand N49 P50
     MKN, stand A37 B38
     Precision Refrigeration, stand E39 F40
     Retigo, stand C49 C57 D50 D58
     Viessmann, stand E47
     YesOvens, stand P39

     HALL 5
     Adventys, stand N03 P04
     Ali Group, stand H17 H25 M20 M26
     Ambach, stand M26
     Capic, stand C09 D10
     Charvet, stand S20 R17
     Comenda, stand M17 N20
     Fri-Jado, stand B17 C20
     Granuldisk, stand A01 C02
     Hamilton Beach Commercial, stand H12
     Hobart, stand A19 B20
     Krupps, stand C17-D20
     MEC2 (livecookintable), stand F03 F09 G04 G10
     Tournus Equipement, stand P17 Q20
     Winterhalter, stand D15
     Unox, stand E17 F20

18                 CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com

                                              HALL 2
                        Elmeco, stand G24 H23
                        Epta, stand A12 C11
                        Frigomat, stand C24 D23
                        ISA, stand A28 A34 B27 B33
                        Jordao, stand H18 H24 K17 K23
                        Nemox, stand M24 N23

                                              HALL 3
                        Afinox, stand B33 C40
                        Antunes, stand G42
                        Berto’s, stand G33 G41 H34 H40
                        Cuppone, stand S51 T30
                        Duke Manufacturing, stand G42
                        Fama Industrie, stand M42
                        Henny Penny, stand G52
                        Italforni, stand D33 E40
                        Sirman, stand A43 A51
                        Specifi, stand D53
                        True Refrigeration, stand F43 G50

                                              HALL 1
                        Araven, stand P04
                        Arris Catering Equipment, stand A17 B18
                        Doregrill, stand R15 R19
                        Hallde, stand B03
                        Ilsa, stand F29 G30
                        Novameta, stand Q21 R30
                        Oxford Hardware, stand U01
                        Piron, stand G11 G17
                        QualityFry, stand F09 G10
                        Roller Grill, stand N09 P10
                        Sammic, stand C19
                        Vollrath, stand A09 B08
                        Zanolli, stand D29 E30

www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT            19

                         REVIEWING RECOVERY AND
                          RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
                                              AND EMERGING FROM THE PANDEMIC.

                                                                                                                  many more people working from home,
                                                                                                                  Davies analysed: “Workplace catering is
                                                                                                                  undergoing profound change – there is
                                                                                                                  huge jeopardy, volumes are down, but
                                                                                                                  there is also huge opportunity.”
                                                                                                                     He further detailed: “We created
                                                                                                                  a strategy called ‘connected by food’,
                                                                                                                  bringing people together and giving
                                                                                                                  them great experiences”, but warning:
                                                                                                                  “Foodservice volumes will be volatile
                                                                                                                  into 2022, so we need to mitigate risks
                                                                                                                  and closely manage staffing and supply
                                                                                                                  chain challenges.”
                                                                                                            1        The final member of the panel trio,

                                                                                                                  Paul Dickinson, described how he was
                                   itting in the Chesford Grange     you also need to think about your people.”   put on furlough from his role as director
                                   hotel’s conference suite on 16       Coates put the company’s recovery         of food at the Fuller, Smith & Turner pub
                                   September was quite a surreal     down to what he called the ‘Advance          chain in March 2020. “I used the first
                                   experience. The return of the     triangle’, comprising team engagement,       lockdown to look back at my vision for
                         UK catering equipment industry’s events     customer experience and financial            food at Fullers, and I still believe in it. My
                         scene after 18 months of shutdown was       wellbeing considerations. “When we           mission at Fullers is to create consistent
                         led by the FEA Conference, and seeing       faced difficult decisions, it became our     perfect plates of seasonal food created
                         around 200 familiar faces in the same       guide,” he said.                             by talented chefs.”
                         room at the same time was both business        Fellow panel member Mark Davies,             However, he revealed: “We
                         as usual and yet highly exceptional in      MD of caterer ISS Foodservice, described     smashed up the infrastructure of the
                         these times.                                how his company was dealt a double           business, optimising the supply chain.
                            The event’s discussion day served up     blow in spring 2020, as 2 weeks before       We went to a model of ordering food
                         two distinct themes: recovery from the      Covid struck the UK, ISS fell victim to      3 days in advance.”
                         pandemic and meeting the challenge          a malware attack, and so entered the            Earlier in the day Future Foodservice’s
                         of climate change. Indeed, one of the       pandemic period without any of its IT        Simon Stenning analysed how far along
                         main sessions was a panel on business       systems being operational.                   the road to recovery the foodservice
                         recovery. This saw Advance Group               As the caterer had contracts in           industry currently is. Explaining that the
                     1   chairman, Steve Coates, describing          place with many customers who were           foodservice industry has lost £124bn of
     The BBC’s Chris     how he headed back to the coalface          forced to shut in lockdown, ISS had to       revenue throughout the Covid period,
      Mason quizzed      of the Dunstable-based distributor at       quickly renegotiate these agreements,        he analysed: “The foodservice sector will
  ISS Foodservice’s      the start of the pandemic, when sales       as well as looking at its own supply         be worth £65bn by the end of 2021, up
        Mark Davies,     had dropped 90%. “We had to grasp the       chain to see who it could partner with,      from 2020’s £51bn – the best performing
  Advance Group’s        situation we were facing and come to        aggregate or consolidate. And with           sector is fast food because of its ability
        Steve Coates     terms with its impact, but balance this
     and Fuller’s Paul   with hope,” he said.
 Dickinson on how           Advising how best to deal with crisis    “The temptation when your business is under
their companies are      situations, he continued: “The temptation
recovering from the      when your business is under pressure is     pressure is to think about your balance sheet,
pandemic’s impact.       to think about your balance sheet, but      but you also need to think about your people.”
20                       CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com

  FEA gave its Outstanding Service to                                                      Nicholls [UKHospitality’s CEO] has
  the Foodservice Equipment Industry                                                       been an incredible shining star for the
  Award 2021 to the UKHospitality trade                                                    hospitality sector. She just doesn’t give
  body as a whole, during the awards                                                       up and she has been an inspiration for
  dinner as part of its conference.                                                        the team, as well as further afield.”
     FEA chair Steve Hobbs told the                                                           Earlier in the evening, the FCSI
  assembled audience: “This award for                                                      Sustainable Equipment Award was
  the first time goes to an organisation                                                   won by Meiko’s BioMaster food waste
  and all its staff for the tireless work                                                  disposal system. FCSI UK and Ireland
  they have done to act as one                                                     3       chair, Julian Edwards, presented
  voice for the complete and diverse                                                       the trophy to Meiko’s specification
  business sector we are all in.             challenge as Covid.”                          director, Mick Jary.
     “The UKHospitality team has led            UKHospitality strategic affairs               Winterhalter’s CTR Energy
  at the highest levels of government        director Tony Sophoclides collected           conveyor warewasher was rated as
  at the same time as delivering what        the award, saying: “Thank you so              highly commended in the category,
  the independent pub, restaurant or         much for the recognition for the              with UK MD Stephen Kinkead taking
  nightclub needs in the face of such a      team. There is no doubt that Kate             to the stage to pick up the certificate.

to do drive-throughs and takeaways.”            Last July, BEIS issued a hospitality       of life usage. The department has also
   Stenning explained the growth of fast     strategy to help reopen foodservice           just introduced a foodservice equipment
food sites means they are now often          venues, though currently he                   category on the Energy Technology List,
replacing casual dining chains, though       acknowledged how much the HGV driver          which gives independent verification of a
Covid accelerated the polarisation of        shortage and the global materials scarcity    product’s efficiency.
restaurants, with fast food at one end and   are impacting the industry.                      Also during the day, the Zero
destination dining at the other.                In terms of regulations, BEIS is aiming    Carbon Forum’s CEO Mark Chapman
   Noting that dark kitchens are now         to help manufacturers by postponing           had detailed how his organisation is
transforming into warehouses with 10-20      the end of acceptance of CE markings          interacting with operators at board
brands operating within them, he said:       on products until 31 December 2023.           level so that over the last couple of
“Virtual brands and multiple use of dark     He reported that BEIS is balancing the        years even chief financial officers are
kitchens is here to stay.”                   fact that if they move product regulation     seeing the wisdom in cutting carbon.
   And so what of the future? “The           away from EU rules it may impact                 And with a typical restaurant using
foodservice industry’s overall revenue       the goods that can be sold in the EU          the energy of 28 houses, he believes:
forecast for 2022 is £91bn, which is still   market, with the possibility that differing   “We can get to net zero carbon
7.5% down on 2019,” he predicted.            UK regulation could be used to spur           quicker together rather than working
   Prior to Stenning’s presentation, Terry   development of new products that can          individually,” underlining: “We will
Boniface, assistant director, electronics    be exported.                                  give foodservice operators joining our
and machinery, advanced manufacturing           And on Northern Irish trade, he            forum guidance and a roadmap to
at the Department for Business, Energy       recognised: “The government’s view is         reduce emissions.”                          2
and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) revealed      the Northern Ireland protocol is currently       He told the assembled suppliers: “If     BEIS’s Sam Balch
how this government arm is engaging          unworkable, so we are looking to create a     manufacturers can create more energy        detailed that
with the electronics and machinery           trusted trader scheme.”                       efficient technologies for foodservice,     his government
sectors in the wake of Brexit and Covid.        Later in the day, Boniface’s BEIS          we can help get the sector engaged          department wants
                                             colleague Sam Balch, deputy director for      with them. We can help operators            to encourage
                                             home retrofit and energy-using products,      understand the total cost of ownership      product
                                             focused on the other main subject             of more efficient catering equipment.”      repairability.
                                             strand of efficiency and environmental           Subsequently, Julian Shine, MD of        3
                                             consideration. He claimed: “The UK has        Shine Catering Systems, discussed           UKHospitality’s
                                             decarbonised our economy faster than          establishing a standard for the safe        strategic affairs
                                             any other G7 country.”                        delivery of kitchen projects, focusing on   director Tony
                                                Citing that there is a strong economic     net zero carbon (see front news, page 5).   Sophoclides
                                             argument for reducing carbon, Balch              Conference host Chris Mason closed       collected FEA’s
                                             commented: “The hospitality sector has        the main proceedings, regaling delegates    Outstanding Service
                                             high energy use per square metre so           with reminiscences of his role as the       to the Foodservice
                                             there’s a lot of potential for reduction.”    BBC’s political correspondent, and          Equipment
                                                He relayed that BEIS also wanted to        the weight of responsibility he felt in     Industry Award on
                                             encourage product repairability and end       reporting on the coronavirus crisis.        behalf of his team.

                                                                      www.cateringinsight.com / OCTOBER 2021 / CATERING INSIGHT                            21

                                           LABEL FABLES     WITH WARNINGS OF SOME COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATOR
                                                            SUPPLIERS TRYING TO CIRCUMVENT THE ENERGY LABELLING
                                                            DIRECTIVE, CATERING INSIGHT INVESTIGATES WHETHER THIS
                                                            ISSUE IS WIDESPREAD AND HOW SECTOR MANUFACTURERS
                                                            HAVE DEVELOPED THEIR PRODUCTS TO ADHERE TO
                                                            MINIMUM ENERGY PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (MEPS).

                                      arlier this year, the FEA       financial penalty for misrepresentation     in July 2016 resulted in the catering
                                      warned the industry             relating to the Energy Labelling            market’s average energy index (EEI)
                                      that refrigeration energy       Directive, without recourse to the          dropping from 63% to 59% over the
                                      labelling misrepresentation     criminal courts. OPSS says it will          12 months to September 2017. “This
                         must end. The association was                determine the level of the fine based on    trend continues today, with ever more
                         concerned that some dealers and              what they consider to be ‘reasonable        products achieving higher energy
                         suppliers were displaying pre-2016           and proportionate.’ Failure to pay a fine   efficiency ratings,” reported Hobbs.
                         appliances for sale in showrooms             is likely to result in further action.         Turning to suppliers themselves,
                         or on websites from the pre-energy               So how does non-compliance              Hoshizaki UK’s national sales manager
                         labelling era, an illegal practice.          of refrigerators affect catering            Roz Scourfield notes that there is still an
                             The Energy Labelling Directive is EU     equipment dealers? “It has the              issue concerning refrigerators ducking
                         legislation but has been adopted by the      potential to confuse and mislead the        energy labelling requirements: “There
                         UK post-Brexit. Under the regulations,       buyer,” said Hobbs. “Consequently,          are still pre-2016 cabinets for sale,
                         manufacturers must design products           it could lead to reputable dealers          especially in the lower priced segments.
                         that meet the requirements for MEPS          losing business to those who are not        These are normally products imported
                         (Minimum Energy Performance                  complying with the regulations.             into EU/UK. A clear indication for this is
                         Standards), and they must provide an             “All dealers are responsible for        seen at the different tradeshows across
                         energy label showing how the product         displaying the correct label, wherever      Europe, where several suppliers are
                         performs in the standard tests. The          the product is displayed for sale on        showing cabinets without an energy
                         label shows its performance, with the        their website.”                             label, or energy data. The effect on
                         best being rated A and the worst G, and          However, the association does           business is there, and will continue to
                         the lowest ratings continually being         believe that refrigerator manufacturers     be there until this problem is addressed
                         knocked off the scale in an effort to        themselves are producing compliant,         through higher focus from the
                         consistently improve energy efficiency.      efficient cabinets, with Hobbs              authorities on cabinets being imported
                             So with the warnings of regulation       commenting: “On the one hand, it is         into the EU/UK.”
                         circumvention still ringing in the           mandatory to meet the requirements.            Hoshizaki prides itself on placing
                         sector’s ears, how widespread is the         At the same time, operators are             energy efficient performance and
                         problem? According to FEA chair,             increasingly interested in both             environmentally friendly products as
                         Steve Hobbs: “This is a known issue          sustainability and saving costs, so they    a core part of its DNA, even before
                         but, with so many routes to market,          are searching out the most energy           the Energy Labelling Directive, so
                         it’s impossible to supply an accurate        efficient models. Manufacturers are         Scourfield reported that the only
                         statistic. To be fair, with the challenges   responding by developing technologies       influence this set of regulations had
                         of the last 18 months, it has been           that meet the market’s needs and            on its design was to ensure cabinets
                     1   difficult for suppliers to keep their        surpass the regulation standards.”          were developed for a certain position
         Professional    websites fully up to date and refreshed          FEA detailed that MEPS’ arrival         on the energy scale. “Keeping up with
          refrigerator   with current information. What we
        energy labels    do know is that the enforcement
     shows a cabinet’s
 performance, with
                         authorities have been doing desk
                         research to look at compliance.”
                                                                      “All dealers are responsible for displaying
the best being rated         The Office for Produce Safety            the correct label, wherever the product is
 A and the worst G.      and Standards (OPSS) can impose a            displayed for sale on their website.”
22                       CATERING INSIGHT / OCTOBER 2021 / www.cateringinsight.com
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