Page created by Sally Campos

SURVEY  H2-2021

1                           3                 5
                                  PROFILE     CITY RESIDENTIAL
    Housing demand has
    shifted from compact
    homes in CBD & SBD
    areas to larger homes
    in the peripheries

2                           4                                    6
        SURVEY                 OVERALL                           EMERGING CONSUMER
     METHODOLOGY            SURVEY RESULTS                        TRENDS IN INDIAN
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021


Covid-19 has not merely caused a tectonic shift in     The notable findings of this survey focus on the
homebuyer preferences. It has reshaped the Indian      kinds of homes customers are looking for in key
residential real estate sector in just two years       cities - the prevailing property size demand, the
to an extent not witnessed in several decades.         hottest-selling budget ranges, and the uptick in
Homeownership is again at the top of Indians’
priority list, and housing demand has shifted
                                                       demand for residential plots. We also examine to
                                                       what extent consumers will be affected by the
                                                                                                            Housing demand has
from compact homes in CBD and SBD areas to
larger homes in the peripheries. The Great Indian
                                                       inflationary trends of essential raw materials and
                                                       overall increased costs being borne by developers.
                                                                                                            shifted from compact
Middle Class is zeroing in on second homes in the
mountains and on beaches - once the exclusive
                                                       More than 56% of the total respondents cite that
                                                       housing prices will rise in 2022.
                                                                                                            homes in CBD & SBD
prerogative of well-heeled HNIs. Also, the work-
from-home or hybrid work culture has emerged as        We also decipher the respondents’ outlook on how     areas to larger homes
                                                       and when they plan to make their investments
a much more resilient phenomenon than previously
anticipated.                                           and other pertinent trends based on investors’       in the peripheries
                                                       age and short and long term investment horizons.
While Indian housing has always been a highly          This timely and incisive survey provides a clear
debated topic, it has never been associated with       roadmap on what lies ahead for the Indian housing
change of such speed and magnitude.                    industry.

In many ways, the pandemic’s second wave was                                                                Anuj Puri
even more decisive for Indian real estate than the                                                          Chairman, ANAROCK Group
devastating first wave. The nationwide vaccination                                                          Chairman – 4th Edition of the
drive gained momentum in the second half of 2021,                                                           CII Real Estate Confluence 2022
coinciding with another significant development -
the real estate industry’s full and final acceptance
of the new realities now governing the market.
Thanks to focused demand generation efforts
from all industry stakeholders, the festive period
between October and December 2021 was one of
the most active quarters in several years. As per
ANAROCK Research, housing sales in the top 7
cities touched a new high of over 90,860 units in
Q4 2021. Such a high quarterly sales rate was last
seen in 2015.

To the backdrop of a visible revival in the Indian
economy, the time is apt to gauge how the
pandemic continues to impact homebuying
decisions. In this survey, ANAROCK examines the
most pertinent trends, providing granular insights
into the new consumer mindset, which can assist
developers in adapting to the new demand - and,
ultimately, introduce products that align with it.

4                                                                                                                                                                                        5
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

Survey                               5,210                   Demographic Profiling

                                     Age Group

                                     50% 50%                 Annual Family Income
This edition of the ANAROCK
Consumer Sentiment Survey
was conducted in the wake
                                     Male           Female
                                                                    23% 22% 25% 10% 10% 10%
of COVID-19. The survey is an
attempt to gauge homebuyers’

preferences during the
pandemic, which will invariably
lead to emergence of significant
trends in the Indian real estate
                                                                       Under     `11 Lakhs   ₹16 Lakhs   ₹21 Lakhs   ₹26 Lakhs     Above
The main aim of the survey is                                        `10 Lakhs       to          to          to          to      ₹35 Lakhs
to provide all stakeholders –                                                    `15 Lakhs   ₹20 Lakhs   ₹25 Lakhs   ₹35 Lakhs
consumers, developers, investors,
sellers, and owners including
local and expatriates – deeper
insights into the Indian property
market purely from a consumer
perspective. This survey was
conducted by ANAROCK
Research between July to
Dec (2021). The online survey
saw nearly 5,210 participants
responding to it via different
digital sources including
email campaign, web link and

The sample was carefully
selected so that it would give
a relatively fair representation
of the overall population
demographics in terms of
geographical distribution,
gender, and age. Thereafter, the
answers collected were analysed
in-house and data was correlated
to the present economic
conditions. The views expressed
in the report are completely

This is a baseline survey and will
be conducted again in 2022 in
order to understand the changes
in consumer behaviour due to
COVID-19, if any.

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ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                       Best Asset Class for                                                                              Best Assest class
                       Investment                                                        50%

      Which is the                                                                       40%

    best Asset Class                                                                                                                              34%
     for investment    Over 57% respondents voted for Real
                                                                                         20%              18%
    amidst Covid-19    Estate as the best Asset Class for
                       Investment                                                        10%
        outbreak                                                                                                              7%                  3%                    7%
                       Consumer sentiments remain quite buoyant for Real Estate.          0%
                       In fact, votes favouring Real Estate as an asset class went                      H1-2020            H2-2020              H1-2021              H2-2021
                       up by 3% in the present survey – from 54% votes for Real                        (1st Wave)        (Unlock-Post         (2nd Wave)
                       Estate in H1 2021 to 57% in H2 2021. Interestingly, despite the                                  Covid 1st Wave)
                       pandemic, homeownership has become a compelling reality
                       for many including millennials as it offers a sense of security          Real Estate           Stock Market             Gold             Fixed deposit
                       that physical assets provide. Moreover, the overall cost of
                       acquisition for properties went down amid the pandemic,
                       and affordability of homes is all-time best because of
                       developer discounts and offers, decadal-low interest rates,
                       stamp duty cuts etc. As seen during the second half of
                       2021, investors are also gradually beginning to return to the
                       real estate market once again.

                       Meanwhile, like the previous survey, at least, 34%
                       respondents think the Stock Market is the best option
                       amongst all asset class for investment despite the volatility
                       seen in recent times.
                                                                                                        Real Estate   Stock Market
                       On the other hand, consumer preferences for Gold and
                                                                                                                                       Fixed Deposit
                       Fixed deposit as an asset class remained quite muted. In
                       fact, as compared to previous surveys we continue to see a
                       dip in its preference. For instance, votes for Gold went down     Gold
                       from 18% in H1 2020 (first wave) to nearly 7% in H2 2021.
                       Fixed Deposit also saw its demand plunge further down to
                       just 2% in H2 2021 as compared to 9% back in H1 2020.

8                                                                                                                                                                               9
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                           Purpose of
   What are your           Investment
 future plans for
  investment (All
those respondents          Majority (31%) investing money into                             53% Millennials & 35% Generation-X respondents to use their
   who voted for           other asset classes or are saving to                            investment gains for buying a home in future
                           eventually buy a home in future
asset classes other                                                                        Predictably, Generation-Z seems more focused on taking a vacation (47%) or starting a business (26%)
                                                                                           from their capital gains. But interestingly, many of these Generation-Z youngsters (19%) will look to buy a
 than real estate)         Real Estate, directly or indirectly, forms an integral
                           part for most survey participants and is crucial in their
                                                                                           home from their investment after maturity.
                           future investment plans. Even while 43% of total survey         Meanwhile, older people – the baby boomers – are primarily aiming to save emergency funds and for
                           respondents presently preferred other asset classes (stock      their retirement. However, 15% of the baby boomers are also looking to invest their money into buying a
                           markets, gold and FDs) over real estate in the prevailing       home in the future.
                           scenario, it is interesting to note that 31% of these (43%
                           respondents) are aiming to buy a home in the future from
                           their capital gains. Presently, they are investing in other
                           asset classes so as to earn decent returns and after earning
                           enough through these investments they will buy a home in
                           the future. This shows that ultimately most end up into real                                                                         Baby Boomers
                           estate – be it immediately, in the short-term or in the long-                                                                         are primarily
                                                                                                Generation-Z is
                           term.                                                                                                                                aiming to save
                                                                                               looking to start a
                                                                                                                                                                Funds and for
                                                                                                                                                               their Retirement

                                                                                                                          Generational Gap in
                                                                                                                          Investors’ Priorities

                                                                                                      8%                     6%                                                          Buying a
                                                                                                     26%                                       25%                   35%

     31%       20%                 18%                 17%                  15%                                             20%

                                                                                                                                               22%                                       Starting a
                                                                                                                             9%                                                          Business

                                                                                                                                                11%                                      Emergency
                                                                                                     47%                                        7%                    3%
                                                                                                                                                                      8%                 Retirement
     Buying    Emergency                                                                                                                       35%
     A Home      Funds             Vacation                                Starting
                                                       Retirement                                     19%                                                            15%
                                                                          A Business
                                                                                                  Generation Z            Millennials       Generation X         Baby Boomers
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                    COVID Impact                                                                                    16%

                    on Home-Buying                                                     28%

  Did COVID-19

affect your home-   63% respondents changed their
 buying decision    home-buying decisions – were
                    previously undecided about buying a
                    home but now are looking to buy
                    Home buying became an important prerogative for many
                    people since the pandemic. Not only does it offer a sense of
                    security associated with physical assets, but it also seemed
                    far more lucrative for many amid the volatility of other asset                                                                    H2-2020
                    classes. In addition, the affordability of homes reached                   H1-2020 (1st Wave)                            (Unlock-Post Covi d 1stWave)
                    all-time best in most cities since the pandemic due to
                    developer discounts, low interest rates, stamp duty cuts etc.                           2%
                    Resultantly, over 63% respondents who were previously not
                    decided about buying a home are now willing to buy.

                                              Interestingly, for another 30%
                                              respondents, COVID-19 did
                                              not impact their home-buying
                                              decisions and they will continue
                                              to buy a property as per their old     30%
                                              plans. Only 5% postponed their
                                              property buying plans for later
                                              while meagre 2% respondents
                                              have put their decision on hold
                                              amid the ongoing pandemic.
                                              One key factor influencing
                                              their decisions could be that
                                              the pandemic had in some way
                                              impacted them economically.


                                                                                      I have put my home buying decision on hold

                                                                                      Previously not decided but now I will buy

                                                                                      I will buy property as permy old plan
                                                                                      (After 6 month to 1 year)

                                                                                      I will buy propertylater (> 1 Year)

12                                                                                                                                                                             13
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                                   End-use or                                                                                    Residential Market
                                   Investment                                                        In the current              for Investment
 Given an option,                                                                                   market scenario,             Opportunities
   will you buy                                                                                        how would
   property for                    Residential market dominated by end-                                you rate the              39% investors feel that the current
  end-use or an                    users. The End-User vs Investment                               Residential-market            scenario is somewhat better than the
                                   ratio is 68:32                                                                                pre-Covid levels
   investment                                                                                        for investment
                                   End-users continue to dominate the Indian residential
                                   market with 68% participants buying a property for self-           opportunities              Interestingly, long-tern investors had the most positive
                                                                                                                                 outlook for residential real estate currently. At least 50%
                                   use. In fact, in 2022 as well, we will see end-users lead the                                 investors with 8-10 years’ time horizon for investment said
                                   residential market. The fact is that homeownership in crisis                                  the current residential market was somewhat better than
                                   such as these has become most pertinent for many people                                       pre-COVID levels.
                                   and gives the utmost satisfaction and security.
                                                                                                                                 In contrast, at least one third (32%) respondent investors
                                                                      Simultaneously, COVID-19                                   stated that the market was about the same as pre-COVID
                                                                      is showing visible changes                                 levels and investment opportunities are still prevalent
                                                                      in people’s mood. In                                       in the market.
                                                                      comparison to previous
                                                                      survey - H1 2021 - the
                                                                      share of participants
                                                                      looking to invest in
                                                                      property has risen by 3%.
                                                                      Now, at least 32% want to
                                                                      purchase a property from
                                                                      an investment perspective.
                                                                                                     Significantly better     Somewhat better than               About the same as 
 Given An Option, Will You Buy Property                                                              than pre-Covid levels   pre-Covid levels                    pre-Covid levels

 For End-use Or An Investment                                                                        Somewhat worse t han    Significantly worse
                                                                                                     pre-Covid levels         than pre-Covid levels
 80%                                           74%
                67%                                               71%                 68%
 60%                         59%

                       41%                                                                                             39%                   32%
          33%                                               29%                 32%
 10%                                                                                               20%
     0%                                                                                                                                                              9%
          Pre-Covid    H1-2020
                      (1st Wave)
                                                          (2nd Wave)
                                       Post Covid
                                        1st Wave)
14                                                                  Investment        End-use                                                                                                  15
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                                    Investors Corner

 What will be the
 time horizon for                   Long-Term Vs Short-Term Investment
 your investment                    Horizon – 89% prefer to invest for
                                                                                                             SHORT TERM                     LONG TERM
                                                                                                             INVESTORS                      INVESTORS
                                                                                                             PREFERENCE                    PREFERENCE

                                 eye mid segment
                                                                                                  76% prefer to
                                                                                                invest in property
                                                                                                   which will be
                                                                                                                                                    58% prefer <
                                                                                                                                                    INR 45 lakh
                                 (INR 45 lakh - INR 90 lakh) property                              ready within                                       property
                                                                                                      a year        51% prefer INR 45                               37% prefer INR
                                                                                                                   lakh to INR 90 lakh                              45 lakh to INR

       83%                                                 75%
                                                                                                                         property                                  90 lakh property

       Investors are in                                    inclined towards                                                                            54% prefer to
       45-60 years age bracket                             smaller-size home                                                                           invest in new-
                                                                                                                                                    launched property,
                                                                                                   31% prefer < INR
                                                                                                                                                      followed by 31%
                                                                                                   45 lakh property
                                                                                                                                                       for properties
                                                                                                                                                       getting ready
                                                                                                                                                        within a year

     are from
                                                                               preferred 2BHK
     MMR & NCR                                                                 for investment

                                                                                                       11%                                              89%
                                                                                                       Short Term Investment                            Long Term Investment
                                                                                                       (< 5 Years)                                      (> 5 Years )

16                                                                                                                                                                                    17
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                                       Preferred                                                                                                  Ideal Budget-
                                       Construction Stage                                                                                         Range?
     At what                           of Property!
   construction-                                                                                        What is the ideal
 stage of property                     New launch properties gain traction                              budget range for                          63% respondents prefer homes in
 would you prefer                      - 24% currently prefer new launched                              your investment                           the Mid & Premium segments priced
                                       homes vs 18% in H1-2020 survey                                                                             within INR 45 lakh – INR 1.5 Cr
      to buy
                                       MMR and Bengaluru – Maximum buyers in these cities                                                         INR 45 lakh-INR 90 lakh emerged most favourable budget
                                       optimistic about new launched projects - over 31% preferred                                                range for 37% homebuyers, followed by 26% for INR 90
                                       them. This is somewhat signalling the return of investors                                                  lakh-INR 1.5 Cr homes. In last year and half, demand share in
                                       into these markets.                                                                                        premium category rose by 10%.

                                       NCR – 38% respondents inclined towards                                                                     Meanwhile, affordable housing demand dropped – from
                                       ready-to-move-in homes                                                                                     40% in H2 2020 to 27% in H1 2021 and 25% in H2 2021. The
                                                                                                                                                  impact of the pandemic on its target audience led them
                                       Overall, even while demand for new launch projects is on                                                   to go into wait-and-watch mode. Notably, amid WFH and
                                       the rise, more than 32% participants still prefer to buy ready                                             e-schooling realities, demand for bigger homes went up
                                       homes so that they can avoid the associated construction                                                   (often priced above INR 45 lakh).
                                       risks. Interestingly, this number was significantly high (at
                                       46%) in the 1st-wave (H1 2020) survey results due to the                                                   Following consumer demand, developers increased supply
                                       prevalent uncertainties among homebuyers then.                                                             share in these two categories. As per ANAROCK Research,
                                                                                                                                                  of total 2.37 lakh units launched in top 7 cities in 2021, over
      New Launch Property              Moreover, prospective buyers have umpteen new launched                                                     63% was in mid and premium segments while affordable
                                       options available today by branded players including                                                       supply share dropped to 26%. In pre-pandemic year (2019),
      Ready-To-Move-In                 listed and Grade A developers. Latest ANAROCK research                                                     its supply share was 40%.
                                       indicates that out of the total new launches of nearly 2.37
      To Be Ready Within 6 Months      lakh units across the top 7 cities in 2021, more than 58% or
                                       over 1.37 lakh units were by branded developers.                            3%                           4%                       4%                        4%
      To Be Ready Within A Year                                                                         100%
                                                                                                        90%        8%                           7%                       9%                        8%

                                                                                                        80%       16%                           20%
       16%                                                                                                                                                               25%                      26%
                         27%         23%             23%                                                70%
       20%                                                                                                        37%                           29%
                                                     21%                                                50%
                         18%        24%                                                                                                                                  35%                      37%
       46%               29%                        32%
                                    32%                                                                 20%       36%                           40%
                                                                                                                                                                         27%                      25%
                         26%         21%            24%                                                         H1-2020            H2-2020 (Unlock-Post         H1-2021 (2nd Wave)              H2-2021
                                                                                                               (1st Wave)            Covid 1st Wave)
      H1-2020     H2-2020(Unlock-   H1-2021        H2-2021                                                      INR 2.5 crore
18                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                      Property Type!
  Which property-                                                                     City-wise Property Type Preference
 type do you prefer   Residential plots are the 2nd most                                                                                                   78%

       to buy         preferred property-type among                                                   4%
                      property seekers after apartments; In                                NCR                  12%
                      Tier 2 & 3 cities, it is the 1st choice
                      Even while apartments continue to be the most preferred                                                                                      100%
                      property-type among urban homebuyers, residential plots
                      are surely gaining a strong footing. It emerged as the 2nd           MMR
                      most preferred property-type among the respondents. As
                      many as 17% home seekers preferred plotted developments
                      over other property types.                                                                                                   66%
                      If we deep-dive, in the Tier 2 & 3 cities, a whopping 51%                                    18%
                      respondents voted in favour of plotted developments,             BANGALORE      2%
                      followed by Chennai (21%), Bangalore (18%) and Kolkata
                      (16%). Amid this rising demand for plots post Covid, we saw
                      some of India’s top developers also venture into plotted                                                                       70%
                      developments across top cities.                                                       9%
                      Further, villas as a property-type are also popular in Tier 2                                      21%
                      & 3 cities - almost 27% voted for it as their 1st preference.      CHENNAI
                      Interestingly, in Hyderabad, the 2nd most preferred
                      property-type was villas with over 19% respondents voting                                                                    66%
                      in favour of it.
                      Meanwhile, respondents in NCR showed high preference for                                   15%
                      independent floors. It is the 2nd most preferred property-       HYDERABAD
                      type in the region with 12% voting in its favour.
      APARTMENTS                                                                                           7%
                                                       VILLAS/                                             8%
                                                     ROW-HOUSES/                                             11%
                                                      VILLAMENT                           PUNE
                                                                       INDEPENDENT                                         27%
                                                                                         TIER 2 &           10%
                                                                                         3 CITIES
                                                                           3%          APARTMENTS    VILLAS/VILLAMENT/           PLOTS         INDEPENDENT FLOORS
20                                                                                                                                                                         21
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                                    Preferred BHK Type!                                                                 Those Who Prefer
                                                                                                Were you planning       to Buy 0.5 BHK
                                                                                                to buy an extra half    extra
Which BHK-type                                                                                    BHK (0.5 BHK)
are you looking to                  2BHK continues to be the most                                pre-Covid also or      Demand for extra Half BHKs:
       buy                          preferred BHK-type but demand for                            did the pandemic       Pre-Covid vs Post-Covid trends
                                    extra space has grown
                                                                                                    change your
                                    2BHKs remain the most preferred BHK-type for at least 44%
                                    homebuyers, followed by 32% votes in favour of 3BHKs and         preference
                                    20% votes in favour of 1BHK. However, in order to gauge                                YES, the demand of .5BHK is due to COVID-19
                                    homebuyer preferences deeper, we considered one more
                                    essential parameter – those who want an additional half                                NO, I always want to buy .5BHK extra
                                    BHK amid the new pandemic realities. Interestingly, there
                                    was a stark difference in the space requirement of this

                                                                                                                       28%                72%
          20%                 44%                    32%                       4%
                                                                                                                                          Prefer To Buy
                                                                                                                                          An Extra Half
 1 BHK to 1.5 BHK      2 BHK to 2.5 BHK      3 BHK to 3.5 BHK         4 BHK and Above                                                     BHK Due To


          71%                68%                     77%

         29%                 32%                    23%

     FULL BHK                                              28% homebuyers prefer
     .5 BHK EXTRA (1.5BHK, 2.5 BHK & 3.5 BHK)              to buy Half BHK extra
22                                                                                                                                                                      23
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                                               City Centre Vs                                                                                   Pricing Outlook
                                               Others: Preferred
                                               location!                                                         Amid the rising
   Which part of
                                                                                                               input costs, what is
  the city do you
                                               43% respondents want to buy a home                             your pricing outlook              56% Respondents Feel that Property
intend to buy your                             in City’s Peripheral areas                                        for the housing                Prices will Increase in 2022
                                               Amid the work-from-home and e-schooling realities post
                                               COVID-19, the previous ‘gold standard’ of Indian housing -
                                                                                                                 market in 2022                 Property price rise is inevitable in the near future in the
                                                                                                                                                backdrop of rising inflationary trends of major construction
                                               the ‘walk-to-work’ or ‘short drive to work’ concepts in and                                      raw materials including cement, steel and even labour cost
                                               around the central business district (CBD) and secondary                                         etc. Moreover, the overall operating costs for developers has
                                               business district (SBD) areas – seems to have shed much of                                       also gone up in the last several months with many offering
                                               its popularity for many prospective homebuyers. This work-                                       safety protocols to their workers on site, taking care of their
                                               from-home concept has in many ways now become the                                                vaccinations and other medical needs etc. Additionally,
                                               fulcrum for home-buying decisions.                                                               in the last one year (amid offers and discounts) many

                                                                                                                                                developers saw their stock getting cleared post housing
                                                                      Resultantly, a whopping 43%                                               demand surge during the pandemic, thus giving them the
                                                                      respondents are looking to shift                                          leverage to increase prices.
                                                                      to the peripheral areas for bigger
Peripheral areas                                                      homes and a better lifestyle - at                                         In such a scenario, many homebuyers (56%) have taken a
                                                                      more affordable prices. Just 22%                                          rather realistic approach and feel that ultimately property
                                                                      are now looking to live within                                            prices will increase in 2022. Only 11% respondents feel that
                                                                      city limits – in proximity to office.                                     property prices may further decline.
                                                                      Rightly so, with future of work
                                                                      titling towards the hybrid model                                          That said, trends also suggest that the home loan interest
                                                                      amid the continued uncertainties,                                         rates, which have been the lowest-best in the last one year
                                                                      living far away from office space is                                      and more, are also likely to go up, most likely in the second
                                                                      hardly a concern. One of the major                                        half of 2022. It is only a matter of time when the RBI will
                                                                      positives of this trend (moving to                                        hike the key rates which have remained unchanged for a
                                                                      the peripheral areas) is that it is                                       very long time.
                                                                      helping the choked city centres to

                                                                      That said, all city peripheries
                                                                      must keep up with the growing
                                                                      demand and respective government
                                                                      authorities must provide for sound
                     City centre                                      infrastructure facilities and easy
                                                                      connectivity to the city centres and
                                                                      other key areas of cities.
                   Surburban areas
                                                                                                                  56%                       11%                          18%                       15%
                   Within city limits
                    (in proximity to office)

                    Peripheral areas

                                                                                                              Prices will increase   Prices will decrease       Prices will be stable            Can’t Say

24                                                                                                                                                                                                         25
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

                                     To check the quantum
                                     of impact of price
 If property prices                  hike, we did a deeper
   increase in the                   analysis!
below % range, how                   As per survey, the price rise of < 10%    Housing Price Rise will create a High Impact on buyers decisions,
deeper will it impact                will have moderate or low Impact but      feel 48% survey respondents
                                     >10% price rise will have a
    your decision                    High Impact on property seekers           While buyers realize that property price rise is inevitable in the current scenario, yet over 30% feel that
                                                                               it will either have a high-impact on their home-buying decisions. The rising inflation is impacting several
                                                                               middle-class buyers economically. Along with it, there are uncertainties related to jobs etc. amid the
                                                                               pandemic. Hence, many buyers may have no option but to wait or prolong their home-buying decisions if
                                                                               prices are hiked up.

  LOW         MODERATE       HIGH            LOW      MODERATE       HIGH         LOW           MODERATE               HIGH              LOW           MODERATE               HIGH
 IMPACT        IMPACT       IMPACT          IMPACT     IMPACT       IMPACT       IMPACT          IMPACT               IMPACT            IMPACT          IMPACT               IMPACT

           15% Price Increase

                  37%                                     69%                                         17%                                                     9%
     58%                        5%              18%                  13%               2%                             81%                     0%                             91%

26                                                                                                                                                                                     27
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

More about your city
                                                                                                 City                       Average Budget Range            Average Rate           2021 Sales
                                                                                                 (Zone)                              for 2 BHK (₹)                 (₹/sf)

                                                                                                 Central Pune                         1 Cr - 1.4 Cr               14,000
                                                                                                 East Pune                      45 Lakh - 60 Lakh                   5,210
                                                                                                 North Pune                     40 Lakh - 60 Lakh                  4,675
                                                                                                                                                                               Homes sold Up by 53%
                                                                                                 South Pune                     45 Lakh - 65 Lakh                  5,400       Compared to last year
                                                                                                                                                                                  same period
                                                                                                 West Pune                      50 Lakh - 70 Lakh                  6,450

MMR (Mumbai Metropolitan Region)                                                                 KOLKATA
City                         Average Budget Range        Average Rate       2021 Sales           City                       Average Budget Range            Average Rate           2021 Sales
(Zone)                                for 2 BHK (₹)             (₹/sf)                           (Zone)                              for 2 BHK (₹)                 (₹/sf)

Mumbai Central Suburbs                 1.5 Cr - 2.0 Cr          16,665                           Kolkata   Central              60 Lakh - 70 Lakh                 12,380
Mumbai Western Suburbs                1.6 Cr - 2.15 Cr         19,400                            Kolkata   East                 30 Lakh - 40 Lakh                  4,200
South Central Mumbai                  2.5 Cr - 3.5 Cr           31,750      76,400               Kolkata   North                20 Lakh - 30 Lakh                  3,600
                                                                         Homes soldUp by 72%                                                                                   Homes sold Up by 83%
Peripheral Central Suburbs        35 Lakh - 55 Lakh              4,740   Compared to last year   Kolkata   South                 31 Lakh - 40 Lakh                 4,100       Compared to last year
Peripheral Western Suburbs        40 Lakh - 55 Lakh              5,010      same period          Kolkata   West                 25 Lakh - 34 Lakh                   3,410         same period
Navi Mumbai                       65 Lakh - 95 Lakh              6,862
Thane                              90 Lakh - 1.10 Cr             8,785

NCR (National Capital Region)                                                                    CHENNAI
City                         Average Budget Range        Average Rate       2021 Sales           City                       Average Budget Range            Average Rate           2021 Sales
(Zone)                                for 2 BHK (₹)             (₹/sf)                           (Zone)                              for 2 BHK (₹)                 (₹/sf)

Gurugram                                1.5 Cr - 2 Cr           6,065                            Central Chennai                    1.6 Cr - 2.0 Cr               14,500
Noida                                1.6 Cr - 2.15 Cr           4,795                            North Chennai                  49 Lakh - 57 Lakh                  4,590
Greater Noida                        2.5 Cr - 3.5 Cr            3,340       40,000               South Chennai                  45 Lakh - 55 Lakh                  4,775
                                                                                                                                                                               Homes sold Up by 86%
                                                                         Homes sold Up by 73%
Ghaziabad                          35 lakh - 55 lakh            3,260    Compared to last year   West Chennai                   50 Lakh - 60 Lakh                  5,370       Compared to last year
                                                                                                                                                                                   same period
Faridabad                          40 lakh - 55 lakh            3,200       same period

BENGALURU                                                                                        HYDERABAD
City                         Average Budget Range        Average Rate       2021 Sales           City                       Average Budget Range            Average Rate           2021 Sales
(Zone)                                for 2 BHK (₹)             (₹/sf)                           (Zone)                              for 2 BHK (₹)                 (₹/sf)

Central Bangalore                       1 Cr - 1.4 Cr.          9,800                            Central Hyderabad              65 Lakh - 75 Lakh                  6,020
East Bangalore                     49 lakh - 58 lakh                                             East Hyderabad                 42 Lakh - 48 Lakh                  3,390
North Bangalore                    52 lakh - 60 lakh             5,217      33,000               North Hyderabad                40 Lakh - 50 Lakh                  3,560           25,400
                                                                         Homes sold Up by 33%                                                                                  Homes sold Up by 197%
South Bangalore                    48 lakh - 55 lakh                     Compared to last year   South Hyderabad                38 Lakh - 45 Lakh                  3,592        Compared to last year
West Bangalore                     50 lakh - 58 lakh                        same period          West Hyderabad                 50 Lakh - 60 Lakh                  4,560           same period

Source: ANAROCK Research
                                                                                                 Source: ANAROCK Research
28                                                                                                                                                                                                29
ANAROCK | Consumer Sentiment Survey – H2-2021

Key Emerging Trends

                                                                                                             NEW-LAUNCH PROPERTIES GAINING                                INVESTORS EYEING REAL ESTATE
                                                                                                             TRACTION, MMR & BENGALURU ON TOP                             FROM LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE
                                                                                                             Even while ready-to-move-in homes continue to be             At least 68% investors feel that 8-12 years
The rising inflationary trends of basic input      Over 28% survey respondents now prefer to buy an
                                                                                                             the most preferred (for 32% respondents), we saw             is the best time horizon to remain invested
costs, labour cost and overall operational         extra half BHK amid work-from-home and e-schooling
                                                                                                             a dip in its preference (of 14%) since the Covid-19          into real estate and get good ROI. Rightly
cost for developers amid the pandemic will         realities. Of these, whopping 72% changed their
                                                                                                             1st wave levels. Over 31% buyers in MMR and                  so, speculative real estate buying is now a
push developers to increase home prices in         preferences post Covid-19. Demand for bigger spaces
                                                                                                             Bengaluru optimistic about new launched projects.            thing of the past and if one intends to enter
2022. Input cost pressure and supply chain         went up post pandemic with all family members
                                                                                                             This could also signal the return of investors               real estate for investment then he must keep
issues could lead to at least an upward            confined to their homes day and night. There was
                                                                                                             into these markets. Alternately, a major factor              a long -term horizon for maximum gains.
revision of prices between 5-8% in 2022.           a growing need for an extra space - for parents to
                                                                                                             influencing this change could be that post-COVID,
Hardening interest rates (most likely in the       have a dedicated workspace or for children to attend
                                                                                                             the new supply is largely dominated by branded
second half of 2022) may also play a factor        online school. This has caused a change in consumer
                                                                                                             developers and buyers considered it safe to buy
and lead to increase in overall acquisition        preferences.
                                                                                                             from them. Also, there is limited inventory available
cost for homebuyers. But the new
                                                                                                             in the ready category. But one
pandemic-infused desire for homeownership
may remain strong throughout the year.

63% RESPONDENTS ALTER THEIR                                 PLOTS EMERGE 2ND PREFERRED
                                                            TIER 2 & 3 CITIES
Homeownership became an important prerogative
for many since the pandemic. It not only offers a           While apartments continue to be most
sense of security associated with physical assets           preferred property-type, residential plots
but seems far more lucrative amid the volatility of         are gaining a strong footing. It emerged as
other asset classes. In addition, the affordability         the 2nd most preferred option in Tier 1 cities
of homes reached all-time best in most cities               with 17% home seekers preferring it. In the
since the pandemic amid developer discounts, low            Tier 2 & 3 cities, over 51% respondents voted
interest rates, stamp duty cuts etc. Resultantly,           in its favour, followed by Chennai (21%),
over 63% respondents who were previously not                Bangalore (18%) and Kolkata (16%). Some
decided about buying a home are now willing to buy.         of the leading developers with plotted
                                                            developments include DLF Ltd., Raheja
Interestingly, for another 30% respondents,
                                                            Group, Godrej Properties, Century Real
COVID-19 did not impact their home-buying
                                                            Estate, Puravankara’s Provident Housing,
decisions and they will continue to buy a property
                                                            Shriram Properties, Goel Ganga, TVH and
as per their old plans. Overall, 93% respondents are
                                                            Alpha Corp, among others.
looking to buy a home in the near future.
30                                                                                                                                                                                                                   31
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Authors:            Prashant Thakur                           Sr. Director & Head of Research                                     For research services, please contact:
                    Sumeet Singh Negi                         Asst. Vice President, Research
                                                                                                                                  Prashant Thakur
Editor:             Priyanka Kapoor                           Vice President, Research                                            Sr. Director & Head of Research

Designer:           George D’Souza                            Asst. Manager, Corporate Marketing                        

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