Survey Results March, 2021

Page created by Kevin Sparks
Survey Results March, 2021
Survey Results
 March, 2021
Survey Results March, 2021
Survey Questionnaire
Survey Results March, 2021

Three Rivers. One Plan.

 Community Survey
    November 2020
Survey Results March, 2021
Section 1: Household Information
1. Are you:                                Male
                                           Prefer not to say

2. Please indicate your age range:         19 years and younger
                                           20-35 years
                                           36-50 years
                                           51-64 years
                                           65+ years

3. Including yourself, how many            1
people live in your household?             2

4. How many years have you lived in        Less than 2 years
Three Rivers?                              3-5 years
                                           5-11 years
                                           11+ years

5. Do you plan to live in Three Rivers 5   Yes
years from now?                            No
                                           Not sure

6. Do you rent or own your home?           Rent

7. What type of home do you live in?       Single-detached house
                                           Duplex / semi-detached / townhouse
                                           Mobile home / trailer
                                           Other (please specify) ____________________________

8. Are you a:                              Full-time resident
                                           Part-time resident (seasonal; fly-in fly-out)
                                           Other (please specify) ____________________________
Section 2: Housing
9. Please identify the area that best     Montague
describes where you live within Three     Lower Montague
Rivers:                                   Georgetown
                                          Lorne Valley
                                          Other area or community (please specify)

10. Do you anticipate a need to             Yes
change your housing needs in the            No
future?                                     If yes, why? (Please specify, e.g. bigger or smaller home,
                                        different location, better accessibility).

11. In your opinion, what are the most Please rank from 1 to 5:
significant housing-related issues in
Three Rivers?                           Ranking Factor
                                                 Lack of housing choice / diversity
                                                 Lack of rental housing
                                                 Housing for the elderly

12. What were the important             Please choose up to three responses:
considerations in selecting your
current accommodation?                    Proximity to work
                                          Proximity to natural amenities (e.g. beach, forest)
                                          Property inheritance / family legacy land
                                          Rural / quiet character of the area
                                          Proximity to family and friends
                                          Proximity to services
                                          Other (please specify):___________________________
13. Which approach to                       Priority given to develop within existing neighbourhoods
accommodating new growth do you         (infill)
prefer?                                     Priority given to developing rural areas
                                           Equal priority given to neighbourhoods and developing
                                        rural areas

14. If the Town of Three Rivers         Please specify a location or area:
decides to accommodate more
housing in rural areas, where would
you suggest this new housing be

15. What type of year-round housing       Duplex/triplex/townhouses
would you like to see more of in your     Mobile homes
community? Please check all that          Carriage / coach house (i.e. a smaller separate dwell-
apply:                                  ing unit, commonly known as an “in-law suite” or “granny
                                          Micro homes / tiny homes
                                          Single family dwellings
                                          Apartment buildings
                                          Other (please specfy):______________________________

16. In your opinion, is it acceptable     Yes
for homeowners to operate small-          No
scale, home-based businesses from
their home (e.g. hair salons, inter-
net-based businesses, artist studios,
Section 3. Growth
17. Please rank from 1 to 8 the        Please rank from 1 to 8:
challenges that concern you most
                                        Ranking Factor
                                                  Environmental Concerns (i.e. climate change,
                                                  shoreline erosion, protection of forests, water
                                                  quality, etc.)
                                                  Aging Infrastructure & Community Buildings

                                                  Protection of Traditional Fishing Industry

                                                  Protection of Agricultural Lands

                                                  Protecting the Quality of Life and Character of
                                                  Three Rivers
                                                  Housing, including Affordability/Availability
                                                  (ie. AirBnB) / suitability (ie. age in place)
                                                  Access to Jobs & Education Opportunities

                                                  Opportunities for Parks & Recreation,
                                                  including Access to Shoreline

18. Reflecting on your rankings above, Please specify:
what do you believe Three Rivers
needs to grow successfully into the

                     Section 4. Commercial & Community Uses
19. Does Three Rivers have enough         Small-scale retail (i.e. corner store)
of the following commercial and           Large-format retail (i.e. “big box” stores)
community uses? Please choose a           Tourist attractions
maximum of three uses that may be         Services (i.e. medical, financial, government)
needed.                                   Entertainment uses (i.e. restaurant / pub, cinemas, the-
                                       atres, galleries, etc.)
                                          Office spaces (i.e. professional services, administration,
                                       call centre, etc.)
                                          Flexible spaces for markets and community gathering
                                          Other (please specify): ____________________________
20. Where should these new                Please specify:
commercial uses be located?

21. If the Town of Three Rivers             Sidewalks
chooses to invest in infrastructure to      Walking trails and pathways
encourage active modes of                   Bicycle lanes on roads
transportation such as walking and
cycling, what form of infrastructure
do you think is needed most? (please
select all that apply)?

22. Besides recreation facilities, are    Please specify:
there other types of infrastructure
that are needed in Three Rivers?

                                  Section 5. Industrial Uses
23. In your experience, is it important     Yes
that industrial uses (i.e. manufactur-      No
ing, food processing, welding shops)        Not Applicable
be serviced with central water and
sewer services?

24. Does Three Rivers need new lands        No
for industrial uses?                        Yes (please specify where?): ________________________

25. Are there existing industrial           No
uses that should be relocated due           Yes (please specfiy where?): ________________________
to excessive noise, smells, runoff,
erosion, pollution, groundwater
contamination, etc.?

                                Section 6. Agricultural Uses
26. Does Three Rivers have a                Yes
sufficient amount of land being used        No
for agricultural use?                       Other (please specify): ____________________________

27. Do you agree that lands with good       Yes
capacity for agriculture and farming        No
should be reserved for those uses?
28. How do agricultural uses in Three    Positive Impact (ie. local products, open beautiful
Rivers impact your quality of life?   landscape)
                                         Negative Impacts (ie. unpleasant smells, noises,
                                      chemical use)
                                         Other (please specify): ____________________________

29. In your opinion, what are the        Please specify:
primary land-related challenges
for the agricultural sector in Three

                                Section 7. Recreational Uses
30. Please choose a maximum of             Municipal parks & beaches
five (5) of the following recreational     Provincial Parks
facilities and amenities that you use      Golf Course
the most?                                  Soccer Complex
                                           Forest and trail system
                                           Wellness Centre
                                           Marinas / wharfs
                                           Baseball complex
                                           Curling club
                                           King’s Playhouse

31. If Three Rivers could improve        Please specify:
(or add) any recreational uses, what
would it be?

32. In your opinion, is there a need       Yes
in Three Rivers for a designated dog       No
park or dog run?                           Not Sure

                              Section 8. Personal Comments
33. What is your favorite outdoor        Please specify:
place in the Town of Three Rivers?
34. What do you love most about          Please specify:
Three Rivers?

35. What do you dislike most about       Please specify:
Three Rivers?

36. What would you like to change        Please specify:
about Three Rivers?

37. In your view, what is the most         Maintaining the character of Three Rivers
important issue facing Three Rivers?       Housing Affordability/Availability
                                           Environmental Protection
                                           Protecting traditional economy (ie. farming, fishing)
                                           Other (please specify): __________________________

38. When the current public health         Social Media/Facebook page
situation is resolved, the Town of         Email
Three Rivers will host an in-person        Mail
public meeting for community               Three Rivers Website
members to provide feedback. In the        Other (please specify):___________________________
interim, what is the best way for you
to provide feedback and participate in
the Official Plan process?

39. Please provide any additional
comments you may have about your
community or regarding the planning
Survey Results
Question 1 (956 responses):
Are you:

   ⁄   Female: 60.04% (574)
   ⁄   Male: 36.92% (353)
   ⁄   Non-Binary: 0%
   ⁄   Prefer Not to Say: 3.03% (29)
Question 2 (961 responses):
Please indicate you age range:

   ⁄   19 years and younger: 0.21% (2)
   ⁄   20-35 years: 19.67% (189)
   ⁄   36-50 years: 31.95% (307)
   ⁄   51-64 years: 26.22% (252)
   ⁄   65+ years: 21.96% (211)
Question 3 (961 responses):
Including yourself, how many people live in your household:

   ⁄   1: 12.17% (117)
   ⁄   2: 40.37% (388)
   ⁄   3: 16.75% (161)
   ⁄   4+: 30.7% (295)
Question 4 (956 responses):
How many years have you lived in Three Rivers?:

   ⁄   Less than 2: 13.81% (132)
   ⁄   3-5 years: 14.44% (138)
   ⁄   6-10 years: 10.98% (105)
   ⁄   11+ years: 60.77% (581)
Question 5 (955 responses):
Do you plan to live in Three Rivers 5 years from now?:

   ⁄   Yes: 83.66% (799)
   ⁄   No: 3.35% (32)
   ⁄   Not Sure: 12.98% (124)
Question 6 (956 responses):
Do you rent or own your home?:

   ⁄   Rent: 10.98% (105)
   ⁄   Own: 89.02% (851)
Question 7 (957 responses):
What type of home do you live in?:

   ⁄   Single-detached house: 82.65% (791)
   ⁄   Duplex / Semi-detached / Townhome: 6.69% (64)
   ⁄   Apartment: 3.03% (29)
   ⁄   Mobile Home / Trailer: 5.02% (48)
   ⁄   Other: 2.61% (25)
“Other” responses include:

   ⁄   Landowner / vacant land
   ⁄   Cottage / Bungalow / House / Farm house / Tiny home (all typically considered a
       single-detached dwelling)
   ⁄   Room in a detached dwelling
Question 8 (960 responses):
Are you a:

   ⁄   Full-time resident: 93.33% (896)
   ⁄   Part-time resident: 4.27% (41)
   ⁄   Other: 2.4% (23)
“Other” responses include:

   ⁄   Not a resident / Visitor / Land owner / Soon to be Resident (not considered a resident)
   ⁄   Island seasonal / Stay with parents during summer months (considered part-time
   ⁄   Retired (considered full-time resident)
Question 9 (770 responses):
Please identify the area that best describes where you live within Three Rivers?:

   ⁄   Montague: 28.18% (217)
   ⁄   Lower Montague: 11.56% (89)
   ⁄   Georgetown: 10.26% (79)
   ⁄   Cardigan: 10% (77)
   ⁄   Lorne Valley: 1.43% (11)
   ⁄   Brudenell: 14.94% (115)
   ⁄   Valleyfield: 5.58% (43)
   ⁄   Other area or community: 20.26% (156)
“Other area or community” includes:
Charlottetown (not considered to be Three Rivers), Rural Cardigan, Panmure Island, New Perth,
Gaspereaux, Launching, Albion, Greenfield, Summerville, Baldwin Road, Whim Road, Cardigan
North, Victoria’s Cross, New Perth, Georgetown Royalty, Kilmuir, St. Georges, Sturgeon,
Elliotvale, Whim Road, Commercial Cross
Question 10 (770 responses):
Do you anticipate a need to change your housing needs in the future?:

   ⁄   Yes: 19.61% (151)
   ⁄   No: 64.68% (498)
   ⁄   If yes, why?: 15.71% (121)
“If yes, why?” responses include:
Aging; Retirement; Moving off-island due to cost of living; winter road access; too small / need
a bigger space; not sure; house too big; existing space does not meet the current and future
needs; bigger home and larger outdoor space; better location (i.e. access to shoreline, more
quiet); accessibility and senior friendly amenities; move to an apartment; renovation/ addition
to existing house; larger land holding; move to where there are central services; home with
better road access (i.e. snow removal); too much maintenance; ownership rather than renting.
Question 11 (742 responses):
In your opinion, what are the most significant housing related issues in Three Rivers? Please
rank from 1 to 5:

                                1          2           3        4        5          Total Score
 Lack of Housing Choice /       22.92%     15.38%      15.85%   18.15%   27.69%     650   2.88
 Diversity                      (149)      (100)       (103)    (118)    (160)
 Affordability                  33.38%     25.96%      18.1%    12.31%   10.24%     674    3.60
                                (225)      (175)       (122)    (83)     (69)
 Availability                   15.99%     29.11%      28.21%   17.65%   9.05%      663    3.25
                                (106)      (193)       (187)    (117)    (60)
 Lack of Rental Housing         10.27%     14.8%       20.09%   30.82%   24.02%     662    2.56
                                (68)       (98)        (133)    (204)    (159)
 Housing for the Elderly        17.83%     13.12%      18.12%   19.69%   31.24%     701    2.67
                                (125)      (92)        (127)    (138)    (219)

Question 12 (767 responses):
What were the important considerations in selecting your current accommodation? Please
choose up to three responses.

 Rural / Quiet character of the area                                55.54% (426)
 Affordability                                                      38.33% (294)
 Proximity to family and friends                                    32.07% (246)
 Proximity to services                                              30.38% (233)
 Proximity to natural amenities (i.e. beach, forest)                26.6% (204)
 Safety                                                             19.99% (138)
 Property inheritance / family legacy land                          15.12% (116)
 Other (please specify)                                             9.13% (70)

“Other” responses include:
Specific features of a particular dwelling; grew up in Three Rivers; good community; historic
buildings; Quaint fishing community; close to monastery; history of the area (i.e. Brudenell);
proximity to recreational activities; proximity to schools; Lower taxes than in other areas within
PEI; sustainable lifestyle; ability to farm lands; downsize for future development.
Question 13 (757 responses):
Which approach to accommodating new growth do you prefer?

   ⁄   Equal priority given to neighbourhoods and developing areas: 61.82% (468)
   ⁄   Priority given to develop within existing neighbourhoods (infill): 26.16% (198)
   ⁄   Priority given to developing rural areas: 12.02% (91)
Question 14 (622 responses):
If the Town of Three Rivers decides to accommodate more housing in rural areas, where would
you suggest this new housing be located (please specify a location or area)?
⁄   Montague: (142)
   ⁄   Georgetown: (124)
   ⁄   Brudenell: (84)
   ⁄   Lower Montague: (66)
   ⁄   Cardigan: (64)
   ⁄   Poole’s Corner: (58)
   ⁄   Valleyfield: (33)
   ⁄   Not in rural areas or on Agricultural lands: (15)
   ⁄   Anywhere: (15)
   ⁄   Lorne Valley: (7)
   ⁄   Victoria Cross: (7)
   ⁄   Roseneath: (5)
   ⁄   Union Road: (3)
   ⁄   Kilmuir: (3)
   ⁄   No expansion: (2)
   ⁄   Sturgeon, Commercial Cross, Dundas, Vernon River, St. Georges: (1)
Question 15 (757 responses):
What type of year-round housing would you like to see more of in your community? Please
check all that apply:

   ⁄   Single family dwellings: 68.69% (520)
   ⁄   Duplex / triplex / townhomes: 36.2% (274)
   ⁄   Carriage / coach house (i.e. smaller separate dwelling unit such as and in-law suite or
       granny suite): 22.46% (170)
   ⁄   Micro homes / tiny homes: 21.53% (163)
   ⁄   Apartment buildings: 18.1% (137)
   ⁄   None: 8.59% (65)
   ⁄   Mobile Homes: 7.66% (59)
   ⁄   Other (please specify): 6.34% (48)
“Other” responses include:
More housing density is key; private construction that does not respect existing zoning and
does not require government incentives; variety of housing options; seniors housing and long-
term care for seniors; mobile homes should be restricted in location (i.e. rural); mobile home
park in Georgetown Royalty; garden homes; condominium; buildings within a 3-storey limit;
Senior units (duplexes, fourplexes) with assisted living (i.e. cleaning, lawn maintenance) and
smaller accommodations offering more advanced in-home care to keep folks out of LT care
facilities for as long as possible; retirement complex; affordable housing; co-operative housing.
Question 16 (767 responses):
In your opinion, is it acceptable for homeowners to operate small-scale, home-based
businesses from their home (i.e. hair salons, internet-based businesses, artists studios)?:

   ⁄   Yes: 94.13% (722)
   ⁄   No: 5.87% (45)
Question 17 (690 responses):
Please rank from 1 to 8 the challenges that concern you the most:
                       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8      Total   Score
 Environmental       29.08%   17.57%   10.73%   8.86%    10.26%   7.31%    7.31%    8.86%    643     5.51
 concerns (i.e.       (187)    (113)     (69)    (57)      (66)    (47)     (47)     (57)
 protection of
 forests, water
 Protecting the      17.13%   12.39%   12.84%   12.69%   17.13%   10.4%    8.56%    8.87%    654     4.9
 Quality of Life      (112)     (81)     (84)     (83)    (112)    (68)     (56)     (58)
 and Character
 of Three
 Access to Job       16.68%   16.39%   11.03%   12.56%   8.42%    11.03%   16.39%   7.5 %    653     4.84
 and Education        (109)    (107)     (72)     (82)    (55)      (72)    (107)    (49)
 Aging               11.76%   14.24%   15.94%   12.38%   11.46%   11.76%   12.07%   10.37%   646     4.67
 Infrastructure        (76)     (92)    (103)     (80)     (74)     (76)     (78)     (67)
 Protection of       7.22%    11.67%   14.13%   20.12%   15.21%   11.21%   14.75%   5.68%    651     4.55
 Agricultural         (47)      (76)     (92)    (131)     (99)     (73)     (96)    (37)
 Housing,            12.02%   14.02%   12.79%   10.32%   11.86%   17.41%   8.94%    12.63%   649     4.53
 including             (78)     (91)     (83)     (67)     (77)    (113)    (58)      (82)
 affordability /
 (i.e. AirBnB) /
 suitability (i.e.
 age in place)
 Protection of       3.73%    6.83%    13.82%   10.87%   11.34%   15.69%   16.3%    21.43%   644     3.61
 Traditional          (24)     (44)      (89)     (70)     (73)    (101)    (105)    (138)
 Opportunities       3.02%    6.94%    8.6%     12.52%   14.18%   13.88%   14.93%   25.94%   663     3.41
 for Parks and        (20)     (46)     (57)      (83)     (94)     (92)     (99)    (172)
 Access to

Question 18 (543 responses):
Reflecting on your ranking above, what do you believe Three Rivers needs to grow successfully
into the future?

    ⁄    Housing (affordable, senior, variety of options): (121)
    ⁄    Jobs, economic development and new businesses: (120)
    ⁄    Retain youth + amenities to attract young families: (62)
⁄   Services (i.e. restaurants, shopping), cultural events (i.e. markets), recreation: (32)
   ⁄   Investments in green economy / infrastructure, sustainable development: (38)
   ⁄   Protect and promote agricultural sector (i.e. organic farming): (30)
   ⁄   Educational opportunities: (23)
   ⁄   Maintain quality of life: (18)
   ⁄   Health care and medical services: (16)
   ⁄   Fibre optic / high speed internet: (16)
   ⁄   Invest in IT / manufacturing / industrial sector: (13)
   ⁄   Tourism: (12)
   ⁄   Public transit / shared transportation services: (12)
   ⁄   Extend water and sewer services: (9)
   ⁄   Promote active modes of transportation: (3)
   ⁄   Protect traditional fishing industry: (3)
Question 19 (633 responses):
Does Three Rivers have enough of the following commercial and community uses? Please
choose a maximum of three uses that may be needed:

   ⁄   Entertainment uses (i.e. restaurants/pubs, cinemas, theatres etc.): 53.87% (341)
   ⁄   Flexible spaces for markets and community gathering spaces: 49.45% (313)
   ⁄   Services (i.e. medical, financial, government): 44.08% (279)
   ⁄   Small-scale retail (i.e. corner store): 36.18% (229)
   ⁄   Tourist attractions: 32.7% (207)
   ⁄   Large-format retail (i.e. big box stores): 25.59% (162)
   ⁄   Office Spaces (i.e. professional services, administration, etc.): 15.8% (100)
   ⁄   Other (please specify): 12.64% (80)
“Other” responses include:
Temporary offices and business start ups; transportation for disabled and seniors; equestrian
facilities; meditation facilities; hospital facilities; new elementary school; bowling alley / games
rooms / darts / pool tables / dances; outdoor skating rink; bring back bingo; business park;
more sports and/or spaces for youth to attend; public transportation; central Town Hall (Pooles
corner); dog park; water access; foot bridge on Montague waterfront; children activities
indoor/outdoor; academic and learning facilities; community gardens.
Question 20 (549 responses):
Where should these new commercial uses be located? (please specify):

   ⁄   Montague: (331)
   ⁄   Georgetown: (115)
   ⁄   Poole’s Corner: (66)
   ⁄   Cardigan: (52)
   ⁄   Brudenell: (43)
   ⁄   Anywhere and everywhere (de-centralize): (35)
   ⁄   AA MacDonald Highway: (21)
   ⁄   Rural Areas: (4)
⁄   Not in Rural Areas: (2)
   ⁄   Lorne Valley, New Perth: (1)
Question 21 (627 responses):
If the Town of three Rivers chooses to invest in infrastructure to encourage active modes of
transportation such as walking and cycling, what form of infrastructure do you think is needed
the most (please select all that apply)?:

   ⁄   Walking trails and pathways: 64.11% (402)
   ⁄   Sidewalks: 50.88% (319)
   ⁄   Bicycle lanes on roads: 42.11% (264)
Question 22 (440 responses):
Besides recreation facilities, are there other types of infrastructure that are needed in Three
Many of the responses received related to recreational activities and infrastructure.
Approximately 45 responses indicated that no new infrastructure is needed within the Town of
Three Rivers. Below is a list of infrastructure and facilities that were noted in the responses:

   ⁄   Fibre optic / better wifi to rural areas: (55)
   ⁄   Medical infrastructure (medical hubs, walk-in clinics, hospital upgrades, professional
       medical services, etc.): (41)
   ⁄   Public and para transit, taxis services, shuttle buses, etc.: (21)
   ⁄   Water and sewer extension and/or upgrades beyond Montague / Brudenell /
       Georgetown: (20)
   ⁄   Improvements to the existing roads and re-paving: (18)
   ⁄   Shoreline infrastructure / marine facilities (walking bridges, improvements to Queens
       wharf, boardwalks, etc.): (17)
   ⁄   Upgrades to commercial malls, better spaces to accommodate new retail and business
       opportunities: (17)
   ⁄   Flex spaces to accommodate gatherings, etc.: (11)
   ⁄   New and/or consolidated school sites (i.e. elementary school): (8)
   ⁄   New and improved community centre (7)
   ⁄   Daycare facilities: (6)
   ⁄   Lighting on trails: (4)
   ⁄   Replace and/or improve existing community serving infrastructure (i.e. pool): (4)
   ⁄   Electric vehicle charging stations: (4)
   ⁄   Arts facilities: (3)
   ⁄   Electrical power upgrades to infrastructure: (2)
   ⁄   Renewable energy infrastructure: (2)
   ⁄   Others include: public washrooms, industrial park, new library, cruise ship terminal,
       erosion control measures, cycling and backpacker facilities.
Question 23 (627 responses):
In your experience, is it important that industrial uses (i.e. manufacturing, food processing,
welding shops) be serviced with central water and sewer services?:

   ⁄   Yes: 56.46% (354)
   ⁄   No: 18.98% (119)
   ⁄   Not applicable: 24.56% (154)
Question 24 (595 responses):
Does Three Rivers need new lands for industrial uses?:
No: 73.28% (436)
Yes, please specify where: 26.72% (159)
Responses include: Poole’s corner: (34); Georgetown and outside Georgetown near current
Industrial Park: (32); Brudenell: (24); Not sure and/or depends: (22); Montague: (13); Cardigan:
(6); Wherever and everywhere: (4); Commercial Cross / road: (3); Not in Rural areas: (3); Belles
Hill; New Perth; Victoria Cross; Roseneath; Nortenside.
Question 25 (571 responses):
Are there existing industrial uses that should be re-located due to excessive noise, smells,
runoff / erosion, pollution, groundwater contamination, etc.?:

   ⁄   No: 82.84% (473)
   ⁄   Yes, please specify where: 17.16% (98)
Many respondents were unsure (19) on where intrusive industrial uses should be located.
Responses to this question did not always identify a more appropriate location for re-location,
rather identifying some of the problem industrial land uses including: The pit (Kayes Road,
Georgtown) and trucking route for gravel from the wharf; Montague sewage (7); Montague Fish
plant (8); old Langley plant dumping effluent into Montague River (5); Mowi fish hatchery in
Cardigan (5); King’s County Construction (3); recycling / industrial waste in Poole’s corner
MacDonald Road (3)poor drainage at the car wash in Montague (2); Georgetown shipyard (2);
Cardigan feed mill (2); New Perth Farms (2); cold storage in Montague; asphalt plant on
Sheppard Road; Nabuurs drying facility, Brudenell Industrial Park
Responses include: outside of Georgetown (3); outside of areas characterized with housing (3)
Question 26 (610):
Does Three Rivers have a sufficient amount of land being used for agricultural use?:

   ⁄   Yes: 70% (427)
   ⁄   No: 13.61% (83)
   ⁄   Other, please specify: 16.39% (100)
“Other” responses include: Not sure or do not have enough information to weigh in (61);
preserve existing agricultural lands (no new housing) (13); absentee landowners / non-islander
ownership a problem (9); lots of existing agricultural lands, however it is not being used to its
full potential or not being farmed (6).
Question 27 (615 responses):
Do you agree that lands with good capacity for agriculture and farming should be preserved for
those uses?:

   ⁄   Yes: 84.23% (518)
   ⁄   No: 15.77% (97)
Question 28 (616):
How do agricultural uses in Three Rivers impact your quality of life?:

   ⁄   Positive impacts (i.e. local products, open beautiful landscapes): 78.57% (484)
   ⁄   Negative impacts (i.e. unpleasant smell, noises, chemical use): 7.63% (47)
   ⁄   Other (please specify): 13.8% (85)
Many of the “other” responses could have been categorized to either the ‘positive’ or
‘negative’ impacts responses. Generally written responses indicated that organic farming was
viewed positively, whereas the use of chemicals and pesticides were not. Residents would
agree that there needs to be a shift to more sustainable methods of agriculture to preserve the
lands/industry and also to improve health and safety. Maintaining appropriate separation
between farm operations and residential areas / housing is also a concern.
“Other” responses include: Both positive and negative impacts (23); Not applicable (3)
Question 29 (414 responses):
In your opinion, what are the primary land-related challenges for the agricultural sector in Three
Rivers (please specify)?:
Many of the responses, though different in how opinions were expressed, are intrinsically
linked. For example, corporate / foreign ownership is driving up the costs of land, exacerbating
the affordability issue. As such, the responses were required to be categorized into distinct
groupings. Responses include:

   ⁄   Environmental impacts and concerns such as poor/dry soil, soil erosion, use of
       pesticides (spraying) and run-off, groundwater and impacts on streams / rivers, etc.:
⁄   Foreign ownership / GWBI & GEBIS / vacant farms and underutilized lands: (92)
⁄   Unknown and/or N/A: (60)
⁄   Loss of agricultural lands due to estate lot residential development: (44)
⁄   Affordability of agricultural lands: (30)
⁄   Land use conflicts and adjacent uses / ability to expand operation, etc.: (15)
⁄   Government support / legislation / lack of regulations: (10)
⁄   Lack of youth and/or workforce to farm lands: (12)
⁄   Corporate ownership: (15)
⁄   Taxes: (2)
Question 30 (607 responses):
Please choose a maximum of five (5) of the following recreational facilities and amenities that
you use the most?:

   ⁄   Forest and Trail system: 67.05% (407)
   ⁄   Municipal parks and beaches: 64.91% (394)
   ⁄   Provincial Parks: 51.07% (310)
   ⁄   Libraries: 42.34% (257)
   ⁄   Wellness Centre: 41.85% (254)
   ⁄   Marinas / Wharf: 34.93% (212)
   ⁄   King’s Playhouse: 31.3% (190)
   ⁄   Splash pad: 19.77% (120)
   ⁄   Golf course: 19.11% (116)
   ⁄   Sportsplex: 14% (85)
   ⁄   Curling Club: 12.36% (75)
   ⁄   Baseball complex: 9.72% (59)
   ⁄   Soccer complex: 7.91% (48)
Question 31 (428 responses):
If Three Rivers could improve (or add) any recreational uses, what would it be (Please specify)?:

   ⁄   More trails and / or winter trails (i.e. walking, X-country skiing): (55)
   ⁄   Bowling Alley: (31)
   ⁄   Outdoor rink: (25)
   ⁄   Dog park/run: (24)
   ⁄   Indoor turf / bubble for sports (i.e. rock climbing, trampoline, fields for sports): (24)
   ⁄   Tourist infrastructure (i.e. parking) and rental equipment for leisure (i.e. boats, bikes):
   ⁄   More programming for children: (18)
   ⁄   Expand / improve TCAP: (16)
   ⁄   Cycling lanes (on road): (16)
   ⁄   Upgrades to and / or outdoor swimming pool: (14)
   ⁄   More playgrounds: (14)
   ⁄   Outdoor gathering space for yoga, fitness, framers market, etc.: (14)
   ⁄   Lighting on the trails: (12)
   ⁄   Tennis courts: (11)
   ⁄   More splash pads: (9)
   ⁄   Benches and picnic areas: (9)
   ⁄   ATV trails: (8)
   ⁄   Improve or add new skate park: (7)
   ⁄   Fitness centre: (7)
   ⁄   Basketball courts: (5)
⁄   Other recreational uses include: baseball fields (with lights), frisbee golf, equestrian
       establishment, more campgrounds, mini golf, ball hockey, boat launch
Question 32 (618 responses):
In your opinion, is there a need in Three Rivers for a designated dog park or dig run?:

   ⁄   Yes: 43.53% (269)
   ⁄   No: 32.52% (201)
   ⁄   Not sure: 23.95% (148)
Question 33 (539 responses):
What is your favorite outdoor place within the Town of Three Rivers?:

   ⁄   Confederation Trail and trail network: (145)
   ⁄   Harbour, Marinas (Montague, Cardigan): (104)
   ⁄   Waterfront (all waterfronts including Georgetown. Exclude Montague waterfront): (69)
   ⁄   Beaches (Pannier, West Beach, Panmure Island/Beach, Launching Beach): (67)
   ⁄   Roma: (35)
   ⁄   Splashpad: (26)
   ⁄   A.A. MacDonald Gardens (Georgetown): (25)
   ⁄   Brudenell Golf Course: (16)
   ⁄   Brudenell Park: (11)
   ⁄   South Lotus Hall: (7)
   ⁄   Harvey Moore Wildlife Sanctuary: (6)
   ⁄   Knox’s Dam: (5)
   ⁄   Route 319: (5)
   ⁄   Other notable places include: Rural areas (4); McPhee orchard; Cardigan baseball field
       (3); Boughton Island; soccer complex; hockey rink; Mooney’s Pond (2); Veteran’s
       Landing; Wightman’s Point.
Question 34 (510):
What do you love most about Three Rivers?
Responses include:

   ⁄   People and the sense of community “small town feel”: (149)
   ⁄   Scenic beauty of natural areas and physical environment (i.e. beaches, water, rivers,
       woods): (109)
   ⁄   Rural lifestyle (i.e. quiet, quaint, safe): (90)
   ⁄   Charm of Montague, Georgetown, Cardigan, Brudenell: (32)
   ⁄   Proximity of services and amenities: (30)
   ⁄   Everything: (12)
   ⁄   History and heritage: (9)
   ⁄   Trail system: (8)
Question 35 (496 responses):
What do you dislike the most about Three Rivers?
The majority of responses were not planning related. However, the following responses were

   ⁄   Lack of restaurants, entertainment, and family oriented activities: (27)
   ⁄   Traffic and impacts of truck traffic / routes: (21)
   ⁄   Lack of retail and services: (19)
   ⁄   No sidewalks on streets (Montague, Georgetown): (16)
⁄   Vacant and dilapidated buildings within built up areas: (15)
   ⁄   Lack of services, especially medical facilities: (11)
   ⁄   Lack of affordable housing options: (10)
   ⁄   Lack of activities for children and teens: (9)
   ⁄   Lack of public transit options (i.e. within Three Rivers and connections to
       Charlottetown): (7)
   ⁄   Tim Horton’s drive-through and associated traffic: (4)
   ⁄   Road maintenance: (6)
   ⁄   Impacts of development: (5)
   ⁄   Lack of high-speed internet: (5)
   ⁄   Curb appeal on Main Streets: (5)
   ⁄   Lack of streetlights and stop signs: (3)
   ⁄   Loss of rural and agricultural land: (3)
   ⁄   Lack of dog park: (2)
Question 36 (455 responses):
What would you like to change about Three Rivers?
The majority of responses were not planning related (i.e. undo amalgamation, the name of
Three Rivers, welcome diversity). The following responses were provided:

   ⁄   Attract / keep young families / employment and growth: (35)
   ⁄   More community amenities (i.e. medical services, stores, schools, markets): (29)
   ⁄   Better internet / fibre optic: (27)
   ⁄   Improve traffic / sidewalks / roads: (20)
   ⁄   Beautification of the core areas (i.e. celebrate heritage) / new Town Hall / improve
       waterfront: (17)
   ⁄   Tourism / arts and culture / community events: (15)
   ⁄   More affordable housing and seniors housing: (9)
   ⁄   Better transportation links: (6)
   ⁄   Reduce foreign ownership of lands: (4)
   ⁄   More physical activities (i.e. kayak, paddle boarding, hiking): (5)
   ⁄   Lighting on trails: (3)
   ⁄   Dog park / run: (3)
Question 37 (573 responses):
In your view, what is the most important issue facing Three Rivers?:

   ⁄   Housing affordability / availability: 27.57% (158)
   ⁄   Maintaining the character of Three Rivers: 25.65% (147)
   ⁄   Other (please specify): 20.59% (118)
   ⁄   Protecting the traditional economy (i.e. fishing farming): 13.44% (77)
   ⁄   Environmental protection: 12.74% (73)
“Other” responses include: medical service (i.e. hospital); lack of opportunity and growth;
attracting new residents and retaining youth; economic diversity (non traditional sectors); better
planning and a new Official Plan; educational opportunities; better infrastructure; more diversity
/ inclusivity; caring for the elderly; traffic; housing; environment; better transit.
Question 38 (578):
When the current health situation is resolved, the Town of Three Rivers will host an in-person
public meeting for community members to provide feedback. In the interim, what is the best
way for you to provide feedback and participate in the Official Plan process?:

   ⁄   Social media / Facebook page: 43.77% (253)
   ⁄   Email: 24.57% (142)
   ⁄   Three Rivers Website: 20.93% (121)
   ⁄   Other (please specify): 6.75% (39)
   ⁄   Mail: 3.98% (23)
“Other” responses include: virtual public meetings; radio; surveys; newspaper; all of the above.
Question 39 (302 responses):
Please provide any additional comments you may have about your community or regarding the
planning process.
Planning-related responses include: No overdevelopment; maintain the woodlots and beaches;
greater transparency in decision-making; preserve heritage buildings and areas; adaptive-
reuse of buildings; utilize existing infrastructure; utilize existing industrial building/areas; de-
centralize from Montague; invest in renewable energy and green energy; support and create
new local businesses; more parking at the waterfront; create gateway at Poole’s corner; Town
Hall should be located in Poole’s corner; need to have regard for the environment in decision-
making; better health resources are needed; vacant buildings can be used for new businesses;
better tourist attractions and opportunities; better internet; transit opportunities; daycare
spaces; maintain identities of the different areas;
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