Page created by John Ferguson
                                                                                                                                                                       AND BUSINESS IN SUMMIT

Published by Renna Media                                                                                                                                    Issue 74 • November 2021

                                                                  SUPPORT THE FIRST AID SQUAD IN ITS 2021 ANNUAL APPEAL
                                                                     The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad is asking area             Emergency Medical Services (EMS) units, Summit remains
                                                                  residents to support the vital, life-saving services it provides   one of the exceptions with its team of full-time, dedicated
                                                                  for the Summit community in its 2021 annual fundraising            Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) volunteers, many of
                                                                  appeal. Requests for tax-deductible donations to directly fund     whom are Summit residents. Founded in 1962, the Summit
                                                                  its operations were mailed to homeowners and businesses in         Volunteer First Aid Squad responds to more than 1,700 calls
                                                                  Summit during the week of September 27.                            a year. All of its services are provided free of charge and
                                                                     The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad is not a city agency       funded entirely through private donations.
                                                                  and receives no funding from the municipality; it relies solely       In addition to its 65 adult members, the Summit Volunteer
                                                                  on private donations to fund the purchase of medical               First Aid Squad includes 20 junior members, high school
                                                                  supplies, equipment, and for professional training of its          students ages 16 and older that assist in emergency calls.
                                                                  members. The First Aid Squad has no paid staff and provides           To donate online, visit the Summit Volunteer First Aid
                                                                  all of its services for free.                                      Squad website at or call 908-277-9479. To
                                                                     “A fundraising appeal was recently mailed by the First Aid      send a donation by mail, make check payable to Summit
                                                                  Squad to all homes and businesses in Summit,” explains             Volunteer First Aid Squad, and mail to 1000 Summit Ave.,
                                                                  Squad President Bob Flanagan. “While the pandemic remains          Summit, NJ 07901.
                                                                  a challenge for our volunteers, we continue to provide                The Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad, Inc. is an
                                                                  emergency medical services to our patients at no cost to them      independent non-profit corporation dedicated to providing
                                                                  or the city. We need your support in order to carry on our         emergency medical services (EMS), non-emergency
                                                                  essential work. Please help us with a donation today.”             ambulance transportation, and safety training to the Summit
                                                                     While many towns have been forced to hire paid                  community.


                                      SUMMIT, NJ 07901
                                      POSTAL PATRON
Summit Times • Page 2          • November 2021

                                                                          2021 POLICE UNITY TOUR
                                                 "WE RIDE FOR THOSE WHO DIED"                          make it safer for those who serve.
                                                    The Summit Police Department sent a team to           In May 2020, the Police Unity Tour was proud
    Renna Media LLC, Publishers
                                                 ride in the 2021 Police Unity Tour. The riders,       to donate more than $2.0 million to the National
 202 Walnut Ave., Cranford, NJ 07016             Officers Keith Kwiatek, Jeff Deets and Sean           Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund,
   Summit Times is published by Renna            Thompson, ended their 4-day, 320-mile bicycle         bringing the total donations to more than $30
Media. 9,600 newspapers are printed              ride on Thursday, October 14th by riding through      million since their inception in 1997.
monthly and mailed to every business and         the National Law Enforcement Officers                    For more information, and to donate, visit
resident in Summit.                              Memorial.                                   
   Although great care has been taken to            According to The National Law Enforcement
ensure the information contained within is       Memorial and Museum website,,
accurate, Renna Media assumes no liability       between 1,200 and 1,300 riders were expected to
for errors or omissions.                         ride into the Memorial to remember and honor
©2021 Contents of this newspaper cannot be       the fallen. The ride begins in New Jersey with a
reproduced without written consent from          45 to 50 mile ride. The next day, the riders travel
Renna Media LLC.                                 to Wilmington, DE. From Wilmington, they will
  SEND US YOUR NEWS                              ride about 100 miles to Annapolis, MD. The last
   Do you have a community service that you      leg of the trip riders travel 60 miles to the
need help publicizing? Did you or someone        Memorial in Washington, DC.
you know accomplish something amazing?              A Candlelight Vigil ends the 2021 Police Unity
We are interested in hearing about your latest   Tour. During the vigil the names of 701 law
achievement (accomplishment, honor, award,       enforcement officers who have died in the line of
etc.). Then send us your news!                   duty – including 434 who died in 2019 and 2020
    Email:                 – are formally dedicated on the evening of
       Online at              October 14, during the 33rd Annual Candlelight
           like us on              Vigil, held on the National Mall and produced by
                 Summit Times                    the National Law Enforcement Officers
         Tina Renna: 908-418-5586                Memorial Fund.                     The mission of the National Law Enforcement
          Joe Renna: 908447-1295                 Memorial and Museum is to honor the fallen, tell      (above) Summit Police Officers Keith Kwiatek,                  the story of American law enforcement, and                    Jeff Deets and Sean Thompson
                                                                                                                                      Photo by City of Summit
Summit Times • Page 3     • November 2021


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Summit Times • Page 4            • November 2021

   Thanksgiving will be here soon, which means                   Small Business Saturday                               Carriages & Carolers
the holiday season is right around the corner!                        November 27                                            1-4 p.m.
Summit Downtown, Inc. (SDI) is excited to              Small Business Saturday offers a meaningful           November 27, December 4, 11 and 18
announce the downtown holiday events and            alternative to shopping at the mall or on Route 22      Take a break from your downtown shopping to
initiatives for 2021: Small Business Saturday,      for Black Friday. Never more important than          enjoy holiday music, strolling carolers and brass,
Celebrate in Summit, Carriages & Carolers, and      now, start your holiday shopping and support         and free Horse and Carriage rides from 1-4 p.m.
returning this year by popular demand, The          local businesses while enjoying live music           Saturdays November 27, December 4, 11 and 18.
HillTop Elf Scavenger Hunt. The Summit VISA         throughout downtown and free Horse and               The boarding location will be Lyric Park, located
Gift Cards, accepted at over 100 Summit             Carriage rides from 1-4pm at Lyric Park (corner      at the corner of Bank Street and Beechwood
businesses city-wide, are also available this       of Beechwood Road and Bank Street). The              Road. Use 17 Beechwood Road for GPS. Masks
holiday season so people can support Summit         HillTop Elf Scavenger Hunt will begin on Small       and social distancing will be required.
businesses by giving the gift of local!             Business Saturday too! Many downtown                          FREE Holiday Shopper Parking
   More information on holiday events and           businesses will also feature special promotions         Courtesy of the City of Summit and Summit
Summit VISA Gift Cards can be found on              and sales for the day.                               Downtown, Inc., there will be FREE holiday                                                Celebrate in Summit                   shopper parking December 11-26 at 90-minute
         The HillTop Elf Scavenger Hunt                   Saturday, December 18 - 1-4 p.m.               meters, in the Bank St. Lot, and on the 1st floor
          November 27 – December 18                    Shop, dine, and celebrate right in downtown       of the Tier Garage on Springfield Ave.
   A great event for adults and kids alike! The     Summit this holiday season! There will be music                   Summit VISA Gift Cards
HillTop Elves are hidden within more than 50        throughout the downtown and Horse and                   Looking for a new way to support local
different downtown Summit businesses or in the      Carriage rides from 1-4 p.m. at Lyric Park (corner   Summit businesses while giving a great gift to
storefront windows; shoppers and their families     of Beechwood Road and Bank Street). At the           that special someone? Accepted at over 100
are urged to wander downtown in search of the       Promenade at 426 Springfield Ave, an ice carver      Summit businesses, both in and outside the
HillTop Elf! The more elves you find, the better    will be making holiday sculptures out of ice!        downtown, Summit VISA Gift Cards are
chance to win! No purchase is necessary.            Come see him in the act from 1-3pm; the              available for purchase at
Scavenger Hunt Forms are available at all           sculptures will be at the Promenade for as long      Don’t know what to get? Get Summit Gift Cards!
participating businesses or can be downloaded off   as weather allows. All activities are free to the       Summit Downtown, Inc. is a nonprofit
the SDI website. The participating businesses are   public. Special thanks to Major Sponsor              organization dedicated to the on-going
listed on the form where shoppers identify where    Christie’s International Real Estate, Summit         development and promotion of the business
they saw the elf at each business. Completed        Office for making this event possible!               community in downtown Summit, NJ.
forms must be turned in by 4PM on Saturday,
December 18 to be entered to win $500 Summit
VISA Gift Card. 10 runners up will also each win
$100 gift cards. Summit VISA Gift Cards are
accepted by over 100 Summit businesses and
make great holiday gifts! The winning completed
forms will be drawn on Monday, December 20;
winners will be notified by email.
Summit Times • Page 5   • November 2021
Summit Times            • Page    6 • November 2021

         Submitted by Marylou Motto               back to the 1930’s. Most importantly, the event     area who have been selected for their academic
   “We originally scheduled our centennial gala   included pleasure all round as SCC members          record and leadership qualities. In 2021, Summit
for the first quarter of 2020. The pandemic       greeted friends they hadn’t seen in months.         College Club gave away $24,000: $4,000 to each
happened, and so we rescheduled. And                 Dr. Karen Gevirtz, a member and professor of     of six impressive young women.
rescheduled. Now, at one hundred and one-and-     English at Seton Hall University, spoke about the      Other SCC activities addressing gender equity
a-half years old, the Summit College Club (SCC)   18th century origins of the pharmaceutical          have included a workshop for working women in
has at last had its well-earned celebration.” So  industry as it developed alternatives to women’s    how to negotiate for a raise, and grants for local
said Lynne Rogerson, newly elected president of   “home” remedies for illness. This, from her         teenage girls to attend a summer STEM
the Summit College Club.                          forthcoming book, The Apothecary’s Wife.            workshop.
   The gala was held at the Summit Grand Hotel       Summit College Club, which was formed by a          For the past 18 months, the Club’s programs
on Sunday, September 12. It included a festive,   Summit High School French teacher in 1920—          have been online, but current programming
plentiful brunch; a socially distanced dining     six months before the Nineteenth Amendment          includes a mixture of online and in-person events.
room; and a display of the club’s scrapbooks,     passed Congress—is now a branch of the              In April 2022, SCC’s popular annual Book Sale
newspaper clippings, and yearbooks stretching     American Association of University Women            will return. Planning for that annual event has
                                                  (AAUW) and still devoted to advancing gender        already begun.
                                                  equity through “research, education, and               In other words, the 100th birthday celebration
HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS                              advocacy.”
                                                     Perhaps Summit College Club’s longest-
                                                                                                      was a fine success, and members have started
                                                                                                      working on the next 100.
  ROMEO AND JULIET                                standing issue is women’s education: for more          For a membership application and other
   Summit High School Theatre Arts Department than a century, it has granted scholarships             information, see the newly rebuilt website at
presents William Shakespeare’s timeless annually to graduating high school students in the  
masterpiece of love and conflict, ROMEO AND
JULIET, November 11, 12, and 13 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Summit High School Auditorium.
   In this classic tale of star crossed lovers,
Verona’s Montague and Capulet families have
been feuding for ages, inciting violence whenever
they meet.
   But when Romeo Montague glimpses Juliet
Capulet across a crowded dance floor, something
different happens.
   It is no wonder this timeless love story of
rivalry and rage featuring sleeping positions,
swirling sword-play and soaring poetry has
remained a favorite for hundreds of years.
   Tickets will be $13 for students and seniors;
$15 for adults can be purchased at beginning
October 25 at 9 a.m.

                               Julia DeMilio
                        DOG WALKER & PET SITTER

                     Experience with dogs and cats
                 of all ages, breeds, and special needs,
                          as well as all types of
                        medication administration
Summit Times   • Page   7 • November 2021
Summit Times                     • Page      8 • November 2021        SANTA CLAUS SHOP PREPARES TO HELP DELIVER
                                                                          A JOYOUS HOLIDAY TO LOCALS IN NEED
    t a r L e s s o n s
                                            BFA. The New School-NYC
                                            MFA, Rutgers-Newark
                                                                         The Santa Claus Shop will open its doors once
                                                                      again to area families, providing its 55th
                                                                                                                           residents, Elaine Chong, Nev DiPetrillo, Celia
                                                                                                                           O’Rourke and Teal Rodriguez and co-chaired by
      60 MINUTE INSTRUCTION $45                                       consecutive year of complimentary holiday            Sarah Fitzsimmons, Kristen Goldman, Kiera
Learn at your own pace with customized                                shopping. The shop serves more than 400 low-         Mathey and Katie Mucci. The Santa Claus Shop
sessions. Private, virtual lessons conducted via                      income families and senior citizens from Summit      exists solely on donations and volunteers. With
Skype, Facetime and Zoom. Other platforms
available upon request. For information, contact:
                                                                      and other local communities, including New           the monetary donations from area residents, local
PJ Cotroneo 908-380-8438                                              Providence and Berkeley Heights, who are             organizations and businesses, the Santa Claus                                          referred by local social services agents..           Shop can purchase the gifts that allow less
                                                                         This year’s Santa Claus Shop will be held at      fortunate neighbors to experience the joy of
                                                                      St. John’s Lutheran Church, 587 Springfield          holiday giving without financial burden.
     Language Tutor                                                   Avenue in Summit. Families will be offered              To keep the holiday spirit alive for local
                                                                      shopping hours by invitation only during the first   residents in need, the Santa Claus Shop
Spanish / Italian / French                                            week of December.                                    chairwomen ask for members of the community
    ESL / SAT / ACT                                                      Last year, The Santa Claus Shop had to rethink    to consider giving. Checks can be made payable
Specializing in Middle School & High School levels                    how the event was run due to the pandemic. The       to SHIP, with Santa Claus Shop noted on the
  Achieve A’s and A+’s and Highest Test Scores                        same format will be followed once again this         check’s memo line, and mailed to the Santa Claus
  Using proven, unique, and home-grown methods
   of teaching language, ensuring perfection on all                   year. Although families cannot shop the way they     Shop, P.O. Box 119, Summit, NJ 07901. The
  homework, projects, and advanced test-taking!!!                     have in the past, we are still committed to making   ability to make an online donation is also
 Call William, Guillermo, Guglielmo, Guillaume                        this experience enjoyable. Gift cards and gifts      available at
                    (908) 391-9251                                    will be distributed to help families celebrate the      If you would like to find out more information,
      for a Free consultation and references                          holidays. Additionally, holiday baskets will be      or get involved, please visit our website or follow
       Former teacher at The Adult School of the Chathams,
       Madison and Florham Westfield High School              delivered to local seniors.                          us on Facebook at Santa Claus Shop - Summit,
                                                                         The Santa Claus Shop is chaired by Summit         NJ and Instagram - @santa_claus_shop_summit.

             Stop your child’s suffering now!
           Struggling students love and excel in class and
  actually speak the language fluently with no accent, as a result.

International Master
Yaacov Norowitz
• Group or private lessons
• Live or virtual options                                                       (above l-r) Nev DiPetrillo, Teal Rodriguez, Elaine Chong and Celia O’Rourke

• Classes for all Levels                                                                                             Are you or your child
  from beginners on up                                                                                               Struggling with school work,
                                                                                                                     work performance or
                                                                                                                     everyday tasks?
                                                                                                                           If you or your child are struggling due to problems
                                                                                                                           with attention, reading or other problems learning
                                                                                                                           as seen with ADHD, autism, dyslexia, auditory processing
                                                                                                                           disorder or other specific learning disability

                                                                                                                                       BRAIN TRAINING
                                                                                                                                  To raise your IQ and improve your school work,
                                                                                                                                           homework, work performance
       Call or email Joe Renna:                                                                                                               or everyday functioning
    For more info about lessons and
Summit Times   • Page   9 • November 2021
Summit Times          • Page   10 • November 2021

    Why This Former NFL Legend was
   Forced to Hire a QB Coach for his Son
    Retired San Francisco 49ers QB Joe                Further...Our Grit Athlete Founder has        bed each morning on their own because they
 Montana, is arguably one of the greatest          over 20 years experience with training           learned that making their bed in the morning
 NFL players that has ever played                  athletes himself...and certainly knows a LOT     helps them have a better day.
 football...when his son started playing           more about getting stronger and faster than         Before, parents struggled with getting
 football it would have made sense for him to      the average parent...But has all 3 of his        their kids to do even one good
 help his son learn how to play Quarterback.       children(9,8 and 6) enrolled in Grit year        they catch them in their room practicing on
    But that’s not how it went. Joe Montana        round....because he knows the power of that      their own.
 had to hire a quarterback coach to help his       second voice.                                       Before, parents wanted their kids to have
 son be a better football player. Here’s              And after they come through our program,      more determination and grit when training
 possibly the greatest NFL QB of all time,         parents tell how it’s turbocharging their        new they are staying calm under
 needing to hire someone else to help his son.     parenting. Here are some real-life examples      pressure and seeking out challenges instead
 It was not that Joe Montana was not               that have been reported...                       of avoiding them.
 equipped for the was that his son           Before, parents struggled with getting kids      Many times it’s not about telling your kid
 needed a second voice to help him get to the      to eat their kids are asking    to eat more vegetables or stop watching
 next level.                                       for more.                                        TV...but rather finding the right environment
    Many parents who have much less                   Before, parents struggled with getting        for them to be more successful.
 knowledge, experience, and skills than Joe        their kids to get enough sleep….now their           Right in your backyard, there’s a team of
 Montana are in the same boat in regards to        kids are getting to bed earlier on their own.    great coaches waiting to be second voices for
 helping their kids get stronger, faster, and         Before, parents struggled with getting        your that all the things you’re
 more confident.                                   their kids to watch less TV or play video        teaching as parents will be reinforced. But
    Most parents we’ve come across want   they are limiting these activities   most importantly, the results you’re after for
 their kids to eat healthier, be more active,      because they’ve learned they don’t really        your kids will actually become a reality. The
 and have a stronger mindset. But many have        help them become better athletes.                Grit Athlete winter Sports Performance
 told us they need help.                              Before, parents struggled with helping        session starts on December 13th in Berkeley
    Even with the constant reminders of            their kids have more their      Heights NJ, visit to
 telling their kids to eat more vegetables, get    kids are doing things out of their comfort       fill out an application for your child.
 outside instead of watching TV, practice their    zone more often which is helping them               Grit Athlete Performance is a Sports
 sport more, get to bed earlier...they find that   believe in themselves which further              Performance Training Company located in
 sometimes the message falls on deaf               improves self-esteem.                            Berkeley Heights that helps kids ages 6-18
 ears...and some backup would be helpful              Before, parents had no clue how to help       get strong, fast, and confident so they can
 toward their vision of helping their kid be the   their kid get they are faster       have a bigger and better future. They have
 best they can be.                                 because they’ve learned that speed is a skill,   just released the dates for their winter
    Parents have told us that having us(the        and a few simple tweaks can make a kid           program that starts on December 3rd. Visit
 Grit Athlete Performance Coaches) as a            faster immediately.                     to register for their
 second voice to help reinforce the habits they       Before, parents could not get their kids to   winter session...or see below for more
 want for their changing the game.       make their their kid makes their      details...

                   Want The Grit Athlete Performance Coaches to be your Second Voice?
                                                                               (Located inside Gabriele Fitness in Berkeley Heights)

                      STEP 1                                     STEP 2                                       STEP 3

                      Scan This QR Code               Enter Your Info When You Get To This Page     Coach Mike will call you and set you up

       Warning: The Winter session is the most popular session of the year and always sells out before it starts. We strongly encourage
        you to scan the QR code today and enter your information to make sure your child doesn't get locked out of the winter session.
Summit Times              • Page   11 • November 2021

                         Attention Parents of Kids Ages 6-18
Huge Announcement...The Grit Athlete
Performance Winter Program\ is Now
  Accepting Accepting Applications
Give us 12 weeks with your kids and we’ll have them
  stronger, faster, and more confident...guaranteed.
This program is for your child if: Here’s what parents can expect to happen:
• They want to get better at sports but struggle   • They will get stronger which means when they show up to their sport they’ll be able to
  because of lack of speed, strength or stamina.     perform better than ever.
• They eat more junk food than healthy food and    • They will run faster and jump higher so they can show up to their next season and people will start
  you need another voice to help them understand     asking what the heck have they been doing.
  how important a healthy diet is during these     • They’ll become more coordinated and improve agility which means they’ll pick up new skills
  developmental years.                               their coaches teach them faster.
• They need to improve their confidence            • Your children will start to eat better because we’ll be educating them daily on what’s good and what
  and you want them to start to get better at        they should avoid…don’t be surprised if they start asking you to buy more vegetables.
  recovering from their mistakes.                  • Confidence will skyrocket. When kids get stronger, faster and more fit…their confidence will rise
• They’re doing pretty good right now but want       …so will their self-esteem which means their performance in every aspect of life will get better.
  to take their performance in their sport to      • Their mindset will improve. We’re going equip your child with very specific mindset skills that’ll help
  a higher level.                                    them learn how to transform how they think about mistakes and failures.

        • “When my son started Grit he was quiet, shy, and had some difficulty with
          movements...Now he is confident in himself, has become more vocal, and is
          mastering the exercise he struggled with in the past.”
                                                              - Jen O’Brien, Grit Athlete Parent
        • “My son is more disciplined and confident in himself”
                                                            - Steve Hughes, Grit Athlete Parent
        • “I have watched my children become more confident and vocal.”
                                                 - Christine Stramandinoli, Grit Athlete Parent
        • “His confidence has shot up in the last few months...and has carried forward to the
          way he approaches other activities like sports and schoolwork. My son is now
          making his bed daily and exercising every day.”
                                                       - Catherine Solfaro, Grit Athlete Parent

              APPLY NOW
                     STEP 1                                         STEP 2                                             STEP 3
                     Scan This QR Code                 Enter Your Info When You Get To This Page           Coach Mike will call you and set you up

     Warning: The Winter session is the most popular session of the year and always sells out before it starts. We strongly encourage
      you to scan the QR code today and enter your information to make sure your child doesn't get locked out of the winter session.
Summit Times            • Page   12 • November 2021

                                                      HELP US SAVE A VET!!!
            Michael D. Boll, Director                trauma run extremely high among our veterans             provide peer support sponsors for any veteran in
         New Jersey Veterans Network                 and their family members. There are countless            need. Our peer support sponsors will be trained
   For the last few years the New Jersey Veterans    lifesaving programs out there for veterans,              by the VA and Penn Med and our goal is to have
Network and its mobile outreach team has been        however it’s a difficult task to get veterans to trust   volunteers statewide to help veterans in need.
aggressively seeking out veterans in need and        others and go get the help they need to live a              To make this upcoming Uniformed Heroes
providing them resources to have a better way of     better life.                                             campaign successful, we are in desperate need of
life. This is only possible because of our              The New Jersey Veterans Network also has a            volunteers from both the veteran and civilian
volunteers’ commitment and dedication with           program called Operation Rebound that consists           communities. There are numerous events and daily
helping our veteran community. Donations are         of a mobile outreach team that helps to train            tasks that our charity could use assistance with and
wonderful and help us purchase food, clothing,       veterans for events like races, hiking, and other        we are always looking to have more volunteers
medical equipment and other life changing items,     athletic activities. The goal of Operation               willing to help us reach veterans in need.
however someone’s time is what makes an              Rebound is to do athletic events from 5k races to           Our goal is to provide all veterans in need with
enormous difference.                                 long distance Iron Man competitions in order to          a peer support sponsor that will do whatever they
   During our charity’s existence, we have           empower the veterans and show the public how             can to help veterans with obtaining the resources
provided meals for thousands of veterans and         people can do amazing things with the proper             needed to live a better life. This is not an easy
servicemen, dropped off PPE and clothing to          support. It is truly incredible to see the veterans      thing to do, but the New Jersey Veterans
veterans, provided medical equipment for             go from no physical activity to completing these         Network has already been able to make a huge
disabled veterans, had 30 cars donated to disabled   tremendous athletic challenges.                          difference because of the team’s volunteers and
veterans, and most importantly we successfully          Our charity has been able to work alongside           its strong partnerships with other charities.
saved the lives of veterans who were in some         other amazing charities that always put veterans            If you are interested in joining the team, please
type of a dangerous crisis.                          first and are capable of rapidly providing them          send us an email at and
   Every day we lose approximately 22 veterans       with essential resources. Recently, we formed a          provide your name, email, and phone number.
to suicide and unfortunately this number hasn’t      veteran anti-suicide and PTSD awareness                  Also, if you have any questions, and concerns
changed over the years. Depression, PTSD and         coalition, called Uniformed Heroes, that will            please feel free to contact us at 973-332-1556.

                                                           (above) Memorial Day Murph Event                                          Photos by New Jersey Veterans Network

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                                                                                                                 Investments should be tailored to the needs
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     LIFESTYLE + DOCUMENTARY                                                                                  risk tolerance, and goals. We help you plan so
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         CHILDREN & FAMILY                                                  Robert Competiello                partner throughout the entire process and are
 WWW.ERICASCHULTZPHOTOGRAPHY.COM                                            Financial Advisor                 constantly monitoring changing situations.
                                                                                                                 Having more than 30 years of industry
                                                                            (973) 377-2377                    experience, I joined Edward Jones in 2018 as a
                                                                                 financial advisor. My wife, Shari and I are
                                                                                                              Summit residents since 2001. We are raising
                                                                                                              our three children here and are active in this
                                                                                                              great community.
                                                                                                                 Give me a call or send me an email and let’s
                                                                                                              talk about how I can help you and your family
                                                                  achieve your financial goals.

                                                       Two Shunpike Road Suite 22, Madison, NJ 07940
Summit Times                  • Page     13 • November 2021

                City of Summit                                 University. He is a 2011 graduate of the New
   The New Jersey State Association of Chiefs                  Jersey State Chiefs of Police - Police Executive
of Police has awarded certification status for                 Institute. In 2013, Lieutenant Rabasca graduated
Accredited Command Executive to Summit                         the prestigious F.B.I. National Academy in
Police Lieutenant Michael J. Rabasca.                          Quantico, Virginia. Over the course of his
   Lieutenant Rabasca has been with the Summit                 career, he has received numerous awards and
Police Department for twenty six (26) years.                   commendations. These have included five (5)
During the course of his career he has steadily                Exceptional Duty Awards, six (6) Honorable
risen through the ranks. He has served as a                    Service Awards, six (6) Unit Citations, and two
Patrol Officer, Detective, Patrol Sergeant,                    (2) awards of special recognition from the
Detective Sergeant, and Patrol Lieutenant.                     Summit Chief of Police. Lieutenant Rabasca is a
Lieutenant Rabasca has held past special                       member of the FBI Law Enforcement Executive
assignments with the Union County Homicide                     Development Association, New Jersey State
Task Force and the Union County Narcotics                      Identification Officers Association, the Union
Strike Force. He presently serves as the                       County Municipal Investigators Association, the
Detective Lieutenant. Lieutenant Rabasca                       Morris County Investigators Association, the
received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political              New Jersey Homicide Investigators Association
Science and Government from East Stroudsburg                   and the FBI National Academy Associates.

                                                          HALLOWEEN SAFETY TIPS
   The Summit Police Department is issuing                      • Only accept candy that is in factory sealed             • Limit close contact with trick-or-treaters.
guidance received from the New Jersey                             packaging.                                              • Arrange treats so that children may grab and
Department of Health and Center for Disease                     • Wipe down wrapped candy before opening.                   go without accessing a shared bowl.
Control for safe Halloween 2021 celebrations.                   • Always be careful crossing the street, wear                As a reminder, no one should participate in
Recommendations are listed below.                                 reflective clothing and carry a flashlight.             Halloween activities if they or a household
FOR CHILDREN WHO WILL BE TRICK-OR-                              FOR HOUSEHOLDS:                                           member have a known exposure to COVID-19,
TREATING:                                                       • Turn off your porch light if you do not want            and are sick or symptomatic, or have been
• Consider wearing a mask that covers your                        trick-or-treaters.                                      diagnosed with COVID-19 and has not yet met
  mouth and nose when trick-or-treating.                        • Stay outdoors when giving out treats.                   the criteria for discontinuing isolation.
• Limit your group to close contacts.                           • Consider wearing a mask over your mouth                    For more information on the Summit Police
• Limit the number of homes on your route. Do                     and nose when passing out candy.                        Department, visit the City of Summit website.
  not go inside homes.

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Summit Times           • Page   14 • November 2021

             NJ Sharing Network                     Health and Pfizer and supported by dozens of            up a room. She had an incredible, dazzling charm
  On September 12, thousands of walkers,            other generous sponsors, honored those who gave         and a sweet, warm personality. She was a fervent
runners and volunteers participated in NJ Sharing   the gift of organ and tissue, paid tribute to those     supporter of organ donation and strongly
Network’s 5K Celebration of Life Walk and           who have received a transplant, offered hope to         encouraged her family and friends to sign up to
USATF Certified Race at the organization’s          those currently waiting for a transplant and            become organ donors. Caitlin gave the gift of life
headquarters in New Providence, NJ. The event,      remembered the lives lost while waiting for the         by donating her heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas,
which was presented by Hackensack Meridian          gift of life.                                           and liver. She also donated over 200 bone and
                                                       Family members and friends of the late Caitlin       tissue grafts. Her gifts have already helped 50
                                                    Nelson, 20, of Clark, NJ, gathered together to          people.
                                                    form the “Caitlin Gives” 5K team to honor her              Our angel baby accomplished so much and
                                                    memory and show their support for NJ Sharing            touched so many lives in her 20 years. As a
                                                    Network’s life-saving mission. Caitlin, who             daughter, sister, girlfriend, cousin, friend, and
                                                    tragically passed away in 2017, was an organ and        niece, Caitlin will be missed terribly but will live
                                                    tissue donor who saved and enhanced the lives of        on in our minds and hearts.
                                                    many others. Caitlin was a social work student          ABOUT NJ SHARING NETWORK
                                                    hoping to be a pediatric oncology social worker            Dedicated to saving lives through organ and
                                                    and she was also a huge proponent of organ              tissue donation, NJ Sharing Network is the non-
                                                    donation. At one time prior to her tragic accident,     profit organization responsible for the recovery
                                                    Caitlin told her mother to donate her organs if         and placement of donated organs and tissue for
                                                    anything ever happened to her because she said          the nearly 4,000 New Jersey residents waiting for
                                                    someone could use them. Members of “Caitlin             a life-saving transplant. With headquarters in
                                                    Gives” offered the following message during the         New Providence, NJ, the organization, selected
                                                    5K Celebration of Life:                                 by NJBIZ as one of the state’s “Best Places to
                                                       Caitlin was a selfless, loving, amazing, warm-       Work” for the fourth consecutive year, is also part
                                                    hearted girl who was one month shy of                   of the national recovery system, serving the
                                                    celebrating her 21st birthday when she tragically       110,000 people on the national waiting list.
                                                    passed away. Her passion for life and devotion to          To learn more, get involved and register as an
                                                    helping others was remarkable.                          organ       and       tissue      donor,       visit
                                                       Caitlin's brilliant smile had this way of lighting

(above) Caitlin Nelson gave the gift of life by
 donating her heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas,
and liver. She also donated over 200 bone and
  tissue grafts. Her gifts have already helped
                   50 people.

                                                        (above) Family members and friends of the late Caitlin Nelson, 20, of Clark, NJ, gathered
                                                      together to form the “Caitlin Gives” 5K team to honor her memory and show their support for
                                                                                 NJ Sharing Network’s life-saving mission
                                                                                                                                          Photos by NJ Sharing Network

                                                     JANET LEICHT, DPM                                       • Video Tape Transfers • DVD & FlashDuplication
                                                     Podiatrist specializing in foot and ankle, bunions,           • High Speed Photo & Slide Scanning
                                                     hammertoes, diabetic foot care, heel pain,
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                                                      Tue: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM    Fri: Surgery Day
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                                                     369 Springfield Avenue                                          email:
                                                     Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922                                   406 Chestnut St. • Union, NJ 07083
Summit Times            • Page   15 • November 2021
        Submitted by Kelly G. Vanasse                  Rosalind Kendellen, President of The Summit           EYEMOBILE FREE
   Morris Habitat for Humanity has collaborated
with Summit city officials to bring 12 units of
                                                    Civic Foundation said, “The foundation was
                                                    proud to give Morris Habitat this money because
                                                                                                           VISION SCREENINGS –
affordable housing to 146 Morris Avenue, the site   we believe in affordable housing and want to                 NOV. 6TH
of the Summit Italian-American Club. The            expand opportunities for more families in
                                                                                                            Helen Keller challenged the first Lions Clubs
project will feature 12 condos in an L-shaped       Summit.”
                                                                                                         to be “Knights of the Blind” in 1925. Lions
building consisting of six 3-bedroom and six 2-        For more information on the Summit Civic
                                                                                                         Clubs all over the US help thousands of people
bedroom units. The project is scheduled to break    Foundation               please              visit
                                                                                                         have access to vision screenings and care. In that
ground in the Spring of 2022.             
                                                                                                         tradition, the Lions Clubs of New Providence and
   On Monday, September 27, Morris Habitat          ABOUT MORRIS HABITAT FOR HUMANITY
                                                                                                         Summit are bringing free vision screenings for
hosted its annual volunteer luncheon at the            Morris Habitat for Humanity is part of a
                                                                                                         adults and children to the area on November 6th,
Wallace Church. At the luncheon, attended by        global, nonprofit housing organization committed
about 100 volunteers, board members from The        to building homes, communities, and hope.
                                                                                                            Vision screenings take about 5 minutes, and
Summit Civic Foundation presented a check for       Through volunteer labor and donations of money
                                                                                                         will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
$50,000 to be used for the project. The Summit      and materials, Morris Habitat builds affordable
                                                                                                         Recipients of screenings will get a written report
Civic Foundation is a private nonprofit             new homes and provides home repair services to
                                                                                                         with their results that can be taken to a vision
corporation, started in 1954, which offers          income-eligible families. Since 1985, Morris
                                                                                                         professional for follow-up, if needed. Potential
affordable housing to deserving families in         Habitat has served more than 660 families
                                                                                                         resources to help pay for glasses or further vision
Summit.                                             through building 120 local homes, preserving
                                                                                                         care will be shared with those attending the
   The Foundation property is located behind        200 homes for low-income and senior residents,
                                                                                                         screenings. There is no charge for the vision
Summit High School on Weaver Street and             and helping 280 families with housing solutions
                                                                                                         screening itself.
Dennis Place. The property consists of 24 duplex    worldwide. The organization has engaged more
                                                                                                            The EyeMobile will be in New Providence
two- and three-bedroom units. The Foundation's      than 130,000 volunteers for various programs.
                                                                                                         first, with screenings offered from 10 a.m. to
primary goal is to serve young families with        Morris Habitat also operates a successful ReStore
                                                                                                         Noon. It will be parked at Faith Lutheran Church,
children by providing them with affordable          home improvement outlet which has kept 11,000
                                                                                                         at the corner of South Street and Mountain
housing. This enables them to benefit from          tons of reusable materials out of landfills and
                                                                                                         Avenue. The EyeMobile will then move to
Summit's excellent schools and many other           funded 28 homes. For more information, visit
                                                                                                         Summit, and offer screenings from 1 - 3 p.m.,
services and organizations in town.        or call 973-891-1934.
                                                                                                         while parked at 12 Chestnut Avenue.
                                                                                                            The Lions Clubs are grateful for the
                                                                                                         community partnership of Faith Lutheran Church
                                                                                                         in New Providence and the Vito A. Gallo Senior
                                                                                                         Building in Summit for donating the use of their
                                                                                                         facilities for the comfort of residents waiting for
                                                                                                         vision screenings. There is ample free parking at
                                                                                                         both locations.

                                                                                                            LEAF COLLECTION
                                                                                                          SCHEDULED TIL DEC. 3
                                                                                                            The City of Summit is offering curbside leaf
                                                                                                         collection through Friday, December 3, or the
                                                                                                         first major snowstorm.
                                                                                                            The Division of Public Works will collect
                                                                                                         bagged leaves on regularly scheduled garbage
       (above, l-r) Pictured are Rosalind Kendellen, Lisa Meyers, Blair Schleicher Wilson,               pickup days. Leaves must be placed in
                               Victor Rosenberg and Chris Palazzi.                                       biodegradable brown bags and placed at the curb.
                                                                                                         Leaves left at the curb after the last scheduled
                                                                                                         collection day will not be picked up and must be
                                                                     Looking for a                       removed from the curb by the resident.
                                                                                                            Residents may also bring leaves to the Summit
                                                                     great place for                     Transfer Station at 40 New Providence Ave.
                                                                     Mom & Dad?                          Leaves are collected in the fall and made into
                                                                                                         compost that is available in the spring for use on
                                                    SHARED LIVING - AGES 62 & OLDER                      lawns and in gardens.
                                                                                                            Please contact the Department of Community
                                                                                                         Services at 908-273-6404 with any questions. For
                                                                                                         more information, visit

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Summit Times            • Page   16 • November 2021

                                  SUMMIT LIBRARY NOVEMBER PROGRAMS
         Phone: 908-273-0350, option 3 • • 75 Maple St, Summit, NJ 07901 • Curbside pick-up available

      PROGRAMS FOR ADULTS                                                Trivia Night                     SPECIAL PROGRAMS FOR KIDS
     On Tuesday, November 2nd from 9:30 -10:30            Friday, November 19th from 7-8:30 pm                              Celebrate Diwali
am, small business owners and entrepreneurs are          Mary Piekarski will be hosting her popular         Saturday, November 13th from 2-3:30 pm
invited to attend Using Reference Solutions to           Trivia Night! G-rated fun for adults. Zoom         learn about Diwali, a festival of lights that is
Start, Manage, and Grow Your Business. Learn                     only. Registration required.             celebrated in India and by many Indians living
how to use this database to create a business plan,              College Funding Workshop                   in the United States. Our program, Celebrate
discover new opportunities, and find new                   Tuesday, November 30th from 7-8 pm                    Diwali, will teach you the customs and
customers. Live only. Please wear face masks.            join Jodi Bloom from Cornerstone College             participants will learn how to make special
Registration required.                                   Solutions for a College Funding Workshop.             lanterns to celebrate this holiday. Open to
                      Volunteer Fair                    This workshop will teach you how to reduce                 students in grades 1-5. In person.
    Sunday, November 7th from 1:30-4:30 pm            your overall out-of-pocket expenses and figure                      Turkey Paint and Sip!
      Open to older teens and adults looking for      out how to pay for college without jeopardizing     Saturday, November 20th from 11 am-12 pm
  volunteer opportunities. No registration—just        retirement. You’ll learn the “ins and outs” of        join Ms. Lisa for a special Turkey Paint and
     come and talk with the many organizations         the financial aid system and how to maximize        Sip! We’ll enjoy special snacks and learn how
              looking to recruit volunteers!          what your student receives, identify myths and       to paint a festive turkey scene. Open to grades
         Career Transitions and Marketing Your           avoid common errors that can cause you to             K-5. In person. Please wear face masks.
             Background to a New Industry                 overpay for school, find out how to obtain         You can visit our website at
      Tuesday, November 9th from 7-8:30 pm             discounts from colleges & universities even if    and go to the Events tab at the top of the
  Learn from job search and career management           you won’t qualify for “need-based” financial     homepage or call the library at 908-273-0350,
   expert John Crant the secrets recruiters use to    aid, develop a comprehensive college plan with     option 3 to register directly with one of our
    showcase and spotlight their candidates. He          proven strategies & financial alternatives to   librarians. Note, since many of the library’s
        will demonstrate how you can use these            meet your family’s unique goals and cost       programs are currently being delivered via Zoom
   techniques in your job search and get results.       requirements, and determine how to find the      (or Zoom/Live). You’ll receive a Zoom link in
             Radiance Chamber Ensemble                 best college match for your children. Open to     your email, typically the day before and the day
         Sunday, November 14th from 2-3 pm              adults and interested students in high school.   of the start of the program. All live programs are
come listen to the classical and light music from             Via Zoom. Registration required.           subject to change based on Health Department
 the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries performed by                                                         guidance.
    the Radiance Chamber Ensemble. The group
consists of Herb Steiner and Michael Schneider
   on violins, Peggy Reynolds on viola, Charles
Sachs on cello, and Joan Baldwin on piano. The
     program is made possible, in part, by funds
    from the Union County Office of Cultural &
    Heritage Affairs, a partner of the New Jersey
                State Council on the Arts.
         Indigenous Music in the 21st Century
     Tuesday, November 16th from 7-8:15 pm
  celebrate the varied tapestry of today’s Native
American music by attending Indigenous Music
   in the 21st Century. This program, which will
  be delivered via Zoom, introduces Indigenous
America’s greatest musical artists. Presented by
       Craig Harris, a music historian, educator,
            storyteller, and radio show host.
                The End of Globalization?
  Wednesday, November 17th from 7-8:30 pm
     attend our final Great Decisions class of the
       year- The End of Globalization? With the
 passing of the Brexit vote and Donald Trump’s
    America First doctrine, protectionist policies
       have become more prevalent, challenging
    globalization. What is globalization and how
        will it be affected by protectionist trade
    policies? How will the United States and the
         world be affected by such policies? Is       (above) On Sunday, November 14th from 2-3 pm come listen to the classical and light music from
    globalization really at an end, or in need of a          the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries performed by the Radiance Chamber Ensemble.
       refresh? Live only. Registration required.
                 Book Talk with Debbie!                               I BUY OLD                                            KONANTIQUES
               Thursday, November 18th
                   from 11 am-12 pm                                   MOTORCYCLES                         WE BUY ANTIQUES
   get the inside scoop on what’s hot and what’s                                                           FREE HOUSE               CALLS
  not in new releases and attend Book Talk with
                                                       All Types - Running or Not                                          908-578-7593
  Debbie! Librarian and book aficionado Debbie        Call or text Glenn 732-556-7636                     WE BUY: Sterling Silver, Antique Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Coins,
                                                                                                          Art, Watches & Clocks, Porcelain, Modern Items (50’s, 60’s, 70’s),
 Abrams will present this popular program. Feel         email:                  Antique Toys, Asian Decorative Arts, Judaica, Lighting, Military Items
  free to share your own picks and pans—or just                                                            Over 20      Some Furniture, Hummel & Lladro Figurines
                                                            Let me know what you have.                       years of
 attend and come away with a list of new books                                                             Experience    Free on-site consultation at your home or business
      to read. Zoom only. Registration required.           I Pay Cash. Same day pick-up.                    Located
                                                                                                          in Summit
Summit Times                           • Page          17 • November 2021

   Imagine, A Center for Coping with Loss offers        as companions and loving listeners for those who
free peer grief support groups for grieving             are grieving and help create a space where

                                                                                                                       WIRED RITE
families that are facilitated by a wonderful group      participants can share tears and embrace the joys
of trained volunteers. Imagine’s volunteers are an      of life.
essential part of Imagine’s programs and they’re           "In order to continue to grow our English and                    ELECTRICAL SERVICE
looking to grow their community of facilitators.        Spanish speaking programs, we need to                          COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL
Are you interested in joining Imagine’s team of         constantly recruit and train new volunteer                 ALL PHASES OF ELECTRICAL WORK
volunteers? If so, we’d like to tell you more about     facilitators," said Veronica Ortiz, Imagine                • FIXTURES • OUTLETS • PANEL CHANGE
                                                                                                                   • SECURITY • HIGHHATS • CEILING FANS
Imagine’s programs.                                     Program Manager. "Our programs are growing                 Senior                           24 Hour                                Free
   Imagine offers free peer support groups for          because of the great need in this community,               Citizen
                                                                                                                                                Emergency Service                        Estimates
children ages 3-18 who have experienced the             especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
death of a parent, sibling or close family member.      Over 220 children and adults have been
Groups are also available for young adults ages         participating in our virtual support groups this
18-30, and for the parents and guardians of the         year. We have recently launched a new program                                      Contractor License # 13VH01784700

children in the program. Groups for Spanish             year, but there is more demand for our programs
speaking bereaved adults are also available. All        than we’re able to meet with our current number
groups are currently being held virtually, with         of facilitators. Doing this additional training will
some set to transition to in-person as soon as it is    ensure that no child will ever have to wait to get
safe to do so. Other groups will remain virtual.        the support they need."                                            Landscaping • Excavating
   Support groups are facilitated by trained adult         Are you interested in joining Imagine’s                  Tree Service • Brick Patios & Walkways
volunteers who attend a three-day training              incredible community of volunteers and help us                                  908-755-6839
totaling 24 hours, as well as regular continuing        eliminate a wait list for our groups? Imagine is                   Family owned and operated since 1986.
education. Volunteers come from all walks of life       planning to offer a virtual facilitator training from
and no special background is required other than        Friday, November 5 through Sunday, November
a willingness to listen, a heart inclined to serve,     7 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. each day. An interview is
and the ability to be with children and adults in       required prior to the training, so please contact                            WOOD FLOORS
grief without trying to fix, solve or give advice.      Imagine Training Manager, Jamie Saltamachia at          Sand • Stain • Refinish • Repairs • Installation
No prior experience is necessary. Volunteers must to arrange a convenient                               CARPET & RUGS
                                                                                                                   Clean • Stretch • Sanitize • Repairs • Bind
be 21 years or older. Bilingual (Spanish speaking)      interview time. If you have questions regarding
volunteers are needed as well. Volunteers serve         the training, please call 908-264-3100.
                                                                                                                                   A DIVISION OF CARPET DOCTOR LLC.
                                                                                                                           116 SUSSEX ST. WESTFIELD, NJ

                        BAND SEEKS NEW MEMBERS                                                                                   908-913-4650
                                                                                                                   Insured * References * Visa / MasterCard
   The Township of Union Municipal Band is              concerts throughout the year, including special         10% Discount Onbe combined
                                                                                                                                  labor only. Materials not included. Cannot
                                                                                                                                            with other offers. Exp. 11/30/21.
back and is seeking new members to join the             concerts at Ehrhart Gardens and Putnam
band! “Musicians of all ages are welcome,”              Manor.
                                                                                                                Fully Insured                                                 Free Estimates
says director Howard Toplansky. “If you are a              Mr. Toplansky believes the municipal band
high school musician looking for extra practice         contributes to the culture of the township,
or a retired professional who wants to get back         sharing that “the municipal band is one of
into music, the municipal band is a perfect fit.”       Union’s oldest traditions and is a great way to
                                                                                                                                                                                             Lic. #
The band is looking for new members who play            introduce members of the community to time-                                                                                      13VH06601300
any instrument. Out of towners are welcome.             honored musical styles and compositions.”                  Installation - Repair - Cleaning
   The Township of Union Municipal Band                    Musicians who are interested in joining the          TILE - ASPHALT - SLATE - SHINGLES
rehearses on Monday evenings at Hannah                  band should contact the Township of Union                                     (Slate Roof Hand-Washed)
Caldwell School. The band performs ten                  Recreation Department at 908-686-4200.
     DUMPSTER?                                           FOR TELEVISION PROGRAM
                                                               IN THIS AREA
Professional Delivery & Pickup             Affordable
                                                         We need 30 Ugly Homes with Ugly Kitchens,
 Call to Reserve One Today                               Bathrooms, Siding, Window, etc., Inside or Outside
 We take (but not limited to)...                         that need fixing or Remodeling. We will Repair and
                                     Logs & Stumps
 General Construction                                    Remodel them and shoot video for training film and
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 Household Waste                       Bulky Waste
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                                                         with compensation going back to the homeowner

                                                         for a signed release.
                                                                   Serious lnquiries Please!
         NJ DEP# S27236                                     CALL 1-800-281-1582                                                   License number: 13VH09897400

 908-234-2382                                            Ask for TV Project Department, for job evaluation
                                                             and estimate of cost and compensations!
                                                                                                                 10% DISCOUNT
 Fast, Friendly, Reliable Service                            Tri-State Creations LLC                            On labor only, materials not included. Cannot be combined with other offers. Exp. 11/30/21.
                                                                    Lic. #s: NJ-13VH04728900, PA-39104
Summit Times   • Page   18 • November 2021

  Marketing                                  RENNA MEDIA NEWSPAPER RATE SHEET
   Toolbox                                   WE MAIL 135,000 NEWSPAPERS MONTHLY!
                                             Tina Renna 908-418-5586 •
    Renna Media offers a full                 Joe Renna 908-447-1295 •
  range of marketing services,                      202 Walnut Avenue, Cranford, NJ 07016
   in print and online, hyper-
   local to regional, for every               Call today for FREE consult on marketing and business plans.
    budget and market size.
                                             Online at
NEWSPAPER ADVERTS                              and
  We mail 135,000 newspapers
 to every home and business in                                                            in 1 or all
   21 towns. You can advertise                                                             21 towns
    in any number of towns.
        Ads start at $60.

  We print flyers and menus,
     full color, two sided,
   on coated stock for only
      $35 per thousand.

   Insert your flyer into the
 newspapers and get it mailed
to every home and business for
$60 per thousand and as low as
 $30 per thousand for higher

Online ads and press releases
 designed and placed to drive
traffic to your website and get
      your phone ringing.

  We can design and/or manage
   your social media campaign
from passive to aggressive plans
   customized to work within
          your budget.

 Start with an audit/analysis
of your website giving you a
report and recommendations
          for $250.

It is highly recommended to
 have a marketing plan and
   budget before spending.

Summit Times   • Page     19 • November 2021

    SONS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR                                                                                 HOLIDAY SPECIAL
                                                                                                                          BUY 1 GET 1 FREE
       Submitted by Christopher D Sands                                                                                             Offer Expires 11/30/21
   The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War
is a fraternal organization dedicated to preserving                                                                        Only $25!                          Plus Tax $1.75
the history and legacy of those who fought and
worked to save the Union. Hereditary                                                                                      FREE SHIPPING
membership is available to a male descendant, 14
years of age, who directly descends from a
Soldier, Sailor, Marine or member of the
Revenue Cutter Service between April 12, 1861
and April 9, 1865.
   The General Phil Kearny Camp #20 meets four
times a year at the Abraham Clark House in
Roselle, NJ. The next scheduled Camp meetings
are September 11, and November 13, 2021, all
Saturdays at 1 p.m. We support over 20 high
schools and 2 universities with the SUVCW                         (above) Colonel Stephen Harlan is inducted
ROTC Medal. Our current program is to place                         into the General Phil Kearny Camp 320
signs where Grand Army of the Republic (GAR)                       membership. Chaplain James O,Halloran,
posts met in North Jersey.                                       Secretary Clark McCullough, and Commander
   For more information visit                              Peter Lindsey conduct the induction.

 Full Color Flyers and Menus Printed and Mailed
 to Every Home and Business in Town!      FLYERS
 Rate is for quantities of 25,000 or more.
 For quantities less than 25,000 cost is $68 per thousand.
                                                                     Joe Renna at 908-447-1295
                                                                                                         PER 1,000
 11"x17" / Full color /2 sided / 60lb gloss coated stock /
 Includes folding (quarter fold or tri-fold, with or without coupons tab)
                                                                                                         MENUS            Peterstown Book
 8.5" x 11" / Full color / 2 sided / 60lb gloss coated stock /
 Tri-fold add $10 per thousand
                                                                                                         PER 1,000
                                                                                                                                By Joe &Tina Renna

 $60 per thousand. (as low as $30 per thousand depending on quanttiy.)

  ONLINE ADS & PRESS RELEASES                                                                                             The 100 year history
                                                                                                    $10                    of an Italian-American
 • GET UNLIMITED CLICKS                                   Joe Renna at 908-447-1295          PER POST
 An alternative to expensive pay-per-click programs
 • FREE AD DESIGN AND COPYWRITING                        email:   Block of 20 for $200              neighborhood
 Advertising webpage includes many features                                                Single poay is $20
 including write-up, images, video, Google map, etc.                                                                                                               776
 • POSTS ARE SHARED THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                                                     Over sized
 Posts shared on multiple Facebook pages and twitter.
 Posts are promoted by industry, key words and location.
 • TRACKABLE RESULTS                                                                                                                                     Thousands
 All ads include a live view counter.
                                                                                                                                                          of Photos

 WEBSITE AUDIT/ANALYSIS                                                                         ONE TIME
                                                                                                                                                             of Recipes
 AND RECOMMENDATION PLAN                                                                        FLAT FEE
                                                                                                                                                              Great gift
 Know where your web traffic is coming from and why.
                                                                                                  $250                                                       to leave to
 • ELIMINATE / AVOID COSTLY SCHEMES                                              Call for a consultation                                                        the next
 Evaluate the return you are getting from your online marketing costs.
 • INCREASE ONLINE MARKETING RESULTS                                         if you do not have a website                                                    generation
 Recommendations include ways to increase traffic to your website                or if need a new one.
 This service is recommended even if you have an existing                       Joe Renna at 908-447-1295
 web management contract. Use it to tune up your marketing plan.             email:                  ORDER BY PHONE!
                                                                                                                                OR ONLINE
                                                                                                                            By phone 908-447-1295
 WEBSITE / SEO SERVICES                                                                   STARTER                         On line at
 Basic static site that can be developed further
                                                                                          WEBSITE                         - Mail Check and form to:
 Cost for average website: 12 pages, contact form, SEO friendly, responsive design          $500                            Renna Media
 Includes website hosting, software updates, monthly website content updates
                                                                                                                            202 Walnut Ave.,
 • SEO SERVICES: AVERAGE COST $1,000 - $2,000 PER MONTH                                                                     Cranford, NJ 07016
 Custom tailored solutions: Google Ranking, Local SEO, Social Marketing
 Call for free a consultation if you need                                            Joe Renna at 908-447-1295            - Email inquiries to:
 help developing an online marketing plan.                                            email:
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