Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...

Page created by Karen Moody
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
                 Summer 2016

Adam Marshall: “Suffolk
Chamber - a business of
– page 7

   Exclusive interview with Jo Churchill MP l Suffolk
Chamber expands its international trade offer l Chamber
         member wins prestigious contract l
Momentum builds over Suffolk Chamber’s A14 campaign
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
CEO welcome
Change is a constant in life.
This seems particularly relevant in today’s
                                                                                               President’s address
                                                                                               I always enjoy
                                                                                               reading Chamber
                                                                                               Voice, but this
                                                                                               issue in particular
fast-paced world, where disruption to                                                          fills me with a
well-laid business plans, strategies and                                                       huge sense of
ambitions is a given.                                                                          pride.
To properly prepare for change a business                                                      Pride as to the
needs good intelligence to consider all the                                                    ceaseless
possible outcomes and options open to it.                                                      dynamism and
I believe that Suffolk Chamber of Commerce                                                     can-do spirit of
is businesses’ key ally in this regard. We have                                                the Suffolk
the ability to call on the advice and ideas of                                                 business
others to help you keep ahead of major                                                         community, and
changes.                                                                                       especially our five
Our three EU debates (page 3) gave                                                             town chambers who really are the sure
speakers from both Business in Britain East                                                    foundations upon which the Suffolk Chamber
of England and Britain Stronger in Europe                                                      draws its strength.
the chance to put their case and the nearly                                                    Whether it be campaigning to improve vital local
150 businesspeople who attended the               attendance at our AGM of acting director     road networks, or being a consistently practical
opportunity to get straight to the facts.         general of the British Chambers of           and supportive voice within various town centre
Talking of change: I’m delighted to report that   Commerce, Dr. Adam Marshall (page 7).        improvement partnerships, my colleagues in Bury
our president, Sarah Howard MBE, has joined       Adam’s keynote speech referred on many       St Edmunds, Greater Ipswich, Haverhill & District,
the British Chamber of Commerce board             occasions to just how well regarded your     Lowestoft & Waveney and Newmarket & District
and will be chairing the UK Accreditation         Chamber is across our network!               Chambers are the very real voice of business in
board (page 5). This reflects her                                                              their areas.
extraordinary commitment to our                   John Dugmore                                 I’m also proud to live in a county where vision
organisation.                                     Chief Executive                              and hard work are rewarded by great success
Further evidence of that was provided by the      Suffolk Chamber of Commerce                  – most particularly in the imminent creation of
                                                                                               the University of Suffolk (page 3), which will both
                                                                                               boost our county’s skills base and the local
                                                                                               economy as a whole.

Contents                                                                                       I’m certainly proud to be able to work with some
                                                                                               of the most inspirational people around, including
                                                                                               Jo Churchill MP, whom we interview on pages 10

3         UCS university status
                                                  12       Case for A12 upgrade
                                                                                               and 11, about her pro-business credentials and
                                                                                               priorities for the future success of Suffolk PLC.
                                                                                               And finally I’m proud to be part of Suffolk

4         £1m investment in training                                                           Chamber of Commerce which is offering more
                                                                                               support than ever before to its members and the

5         Our role in contract win
                                                  13 A14 campaign gathers pace                 wider business community (pages 5, 6, 7 and 12).
                                                                                               I hope you enjoy this Chamber Voice as much as
                                                                                               I have!

6     	Chamber offers more for                                                                                             Sarah Howard MBE

        start-ups                                 14-15 New members                                                                  President
                                                                                                                 Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

7     	‘Blue flag’ for business
                                                  16-17 On your doorstep                     SUFFOLK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE

                                                  18 A room with a view
                                                                                             South Kiln, Felaw Maltings
                                                                                             42 Felaw Street, Ipswich IP2 8SQ

8 	Suffolk Show brunch                                                                      Tel: 01473 680600
                                                                                             Fax: 01473 603888

                                                  19 Growth for IT recruiter

9 Chamber AGM                                                                                Web:

                                                                                             Advertising: Alicia Garrad email: alicia.garrad@

10 -11	JoTheChurchill
                         MP                       20 New look for Chamber         
                                                                                             Design: Features Design, Archant
                                                                                             Printed by: Stephens & George

Chamber Patrons

2    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                   Tel. 01473 680600
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
EU Referendum 2016: businesses get
chance to hear some straight-talking
On June 23 the UK electorate                                                                                      questions and then vote again
voted to leave the European                                                                                       once each debate had concluded.
Union. The outcome of the ballot                                                                                  Each of the debates resulted in
is likely to have a profound                                                                                      different voting swings with the
long-term influence on the                                                                                        percentages to leave, remain or
direction in which the UK economy                                                                                 undecided (see table).
as a whole will take.                                                                                             “Suffolk Chamber of Commerce is
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, in                                                                                   all about giving its members and
line with the British Chambers of                                                                                 the indeed the wider business
Commerce, maintained a strictly
                                                                                                                  community a voice and I felt we
neutral stance, reflecting the
diversity of views held by our                                                                                    fulfilled our promise during all three
members on this important                                                                                         of these debates,” explained Suffolk
topic.                                                                                                            Chamber chief executive, John
But, in keeping with the                                                                                          Dugmore.
Chamber’s focus on supporting its                                                                                 “The businesses that attended
members and the wider business                                                                                    were given a chance to listen to
community in Suffolk, we were       The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and the EADT EU referendum                    the pros and cons of both sides of
keen to ensure that local firms     debate at UCS in Ipswich. L-R: Ben Gummer MP and Terry Baxter and             the debate and ask searching and
were able to hear clear and         John May (chair - East of England Business for Britain).                      well-informed questions of the
coherent arguments from both                                                                                      speakers. I hope in this way we
sides of the debate, in order to       Bury:                                                                      were able to contribute to a more
allow them to make up their own                           Leave (%)      Remain (%)   Undecided (%)               informed and business-centred
minds on the issue based on facts      1st vote           17               70               13                    element during the campaigning
and not rhetoric.                      2nd vote            37              48               15                    period.”
Working with our partners the                                                                                     Looking ahead, John added:
East Anglian Daily Times and           Ipswich:                                                                   “Since the result came in, your
Parker Communications, we                                 Leave (%)      Remain (%)   Undecided (%)               Chamber has been active in
hosted three debates – one each in     1st vote            44              44               12                    representing its members’
Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich and           2nd vote            35              53               12
Lowestoft - with different speakers                                                                               views as to how we manage the
from both Business in Britain East                                                                                process of leaving the EU.
                                       Lowestoft:                                                                 “Businesses want to see a detailed
of England and Britain Stronger in                        Leave (%)      Remain (%)   Undecided (%)
Europe, the two respective                                                                                        plan to support the economy
                                       1st vote             32             30                38
business-focussed campaigning                                                                                     during the coming transition period
                                       2nd vote             43             49                8
groups.                                                                                                           - as confidence, investment, hiring
Nearly 150 businesses attended       vote ‘electronically’ as to whether    fully make up their mind both         and growth would all be deeply
this trio of meetings and each       they wanted to leave the EU,           before they had heard the speakers    affected by a prolonged period of
was invited to anonymously           remain in the EU or had yet to         and had a chance to ask               uncertainty.”

  New University of Suffolk “good news for business”
   Leading representatives of Suffolk Chamber                                                      An independent University of Suffolk will be
   of Commerce have welcomed the news that                                                         able to award its own degrees, shape its
   University Campus Suffolk (UCS) has been                                                        degree programme and further boost student
   awarded independent status and will                                                             numbers. The university eventually expects
   become the University of Suffolk later in the                                                   to boost the numbers studying with it by 50%
   summer.                                                                                         and it is anticipated that by 2020, the
   Founded in 2007, UCS was a unique                                                               University of Suffolk could boost Suffolk’s
   collaboration between the universities of East                                                  economy by £25 to £30million per year.
   Anglia and Essex, and a range of other                                                          Dave Muller, chair of Greater Ipswich
   partners, to establish a higher institution in                                                  Chamber of Commerce, part of the Suffolk
   Suffolk. Until news of its independence was                                                     Chamber, added his congratulations:: “As an
   confirmed, Suffolk was one of just four                                                         educationalist with a strong commitment to
   counties in England that did not have its own                                                   Ipswich and Suffolk, I was thrilled to hear the
   independent university.                          Sarah Howard being interviewed outside UCS     news that UCS had achieved its
   Sarah Howard MBE, president of Suffolk                                                          independence.”
   Chamber of Commerce, was clear as to what        by both securing new business-oriented         One of Suffolk Chamber’s four strategic
   this achievement means for the business          research funding and by deepening its          priorities is to contribute to improving the
   community: “Simply put: UCS is already good      collaboration with Suffolk Chamber of          skills and aptitudes of the county’s workforce.
   news for business.                               Commerce and the wider business                In addition to its support for UCS, the
   “Over its first eight years, it has been a       community.                                     Chamber delivers a number of other
   game-changer in increasing the local supply      “Independence will ensure that the new         initiatives aimed at bridging the gap between
   and retention of skilled and talented young      University of Suffolk can make an even         education and work, including the Employer
   people. It has also strengthened the bond        greater contribution to a more prosperous      Training Incentive Pilot (see page 4) and the
   between the worlds of education and work         Suffolk PLC.”                                  Young Chamber project (see page 6).
                            Tel. 01473 680600                                                                  ChamberVoice Summer 2016             3
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
Suffolk training funder
leverages £1m investment
        n innovative scheme that pays towards
        the costs of employee training has paid
        out its 1,000th grant to local businesses,
and reached £1m worth of additional
investment in training local employees.
The Employer Training Incentive Pilot (ETIP),
launched just over a year ago as part of the
Greater Ipswich City Deal, is a joint venture
between Norfolk and Suffolk Chambers of
Commerce, and is managed by Suffolk County
Council. Its remit is to help small and medium-
sized businesses across the counties train
employees aged 19 years and upwards on
accredited courses such as NVQs, and
non-accredited training.
Mick Biegel OBE, ETIP’s manager at Suffolk
Chamber of Commerce said: “Most local
businesses want to invest in skills and aptitudes
as a way of both improving their competitive
edge and retaining good staff. ETIP offers them
either 25% or 30% of the costs involved to do
“We are all about keeping the hassle factor to a
                                                      Mick Biegel of ETIP with David Dodd of Interex, trainer Alison Darrington and the course
minimum, so the grant application form is short
and to the point. We will make a decision about
any application within two working days and we        exporter of high performance engineering             now exceeded £250,000 – resulting in £1m
will pay the grant to the business as soon as the     automotive and motorsport parts based in             extra being spent on training up the Suffolk
training has been completed.”                         Needham Market. Interex contracted                   workforce.
Mick added: “We will consider virtually any           Darrington Training to deliver a negotiation and     Paul Winter, chief executive of Ipswich Building
non-mandatory training course, from non-              communication skills course to seven of their        Society and chair of the Greater Ipswich City
accredited training to training between levels        sales team, with £362.50 of the £1,450 costs         Deal Board said: “It is great to see that the
one to four, as long as it can be shown to            being provided by ETIP.                              funding secured for the local area through the
benefit the business applying for the grant.          David Dodd, Interex’s managing director said:        Greater Ipswich City Deal is continuing to have
“Furthermore, we let the employer choose              “This course was critical for us. The ETIP grant     such a positive impact on both local businesses
which trainer to use from an extensive UK list.”      meant we could train more people.”                   and their employees through the Employer
The 1,000th grant was awarded to Interex, an          The total value of grants awarded by ETIP has        Training Incentive Pilot.”

   Suffolk Chamber ups its support to exporters
   In response to the Government’s Exporting is                                                           need objective and supportive advice and
   Great campaign, aimed at increasing the                                                                intelligence, and based on our British
   amount of goods and services British firms                                                             Chamber of Commerce-accredited
   export abroad, Suffolk Chamber of                                                                      international services, this is a role we are
   Commerce is upping its package of support                                                              well-suited to fulfil.”
   and advice to help local existing and potential                                                        Once a company has received the results of
   exporters.                                                                                             its assessment, Suffolk Chamber International
   Suffolk Chamber International has launched a                                                           can offer a half-day follow-up session to
   free web-based export readiness assessment                                                             review the results and advise a structure to
   tool and is offering expert readiness follow-up                                                        help them develop their export strategy.
   sessions for companies needing more detailed        use: “If you are new to international trade this   “These intensive sessions will offer the
   guidance.                                           tool is a great way of focusing your efforts on    opportunity for us to set the co-ordinates for
   The online tool provides a quick, easy-to-          the areas of your business that really need it.”   a business to accurately plan its entry into a
   understand, basic assessment as to how well         Jim Fanshawe, Suffolk Chamber International’s      new market on the basis of comprehensive
   prepared a company is in exporting its goods        manager explained: “Suffolk is particularly        knowledge and preparation,” added Jim
   and services. It also gives prompts for some of     strong in some of the economy’s most               Fanshawe.
   the issues businesses need to consider as they      dynamic market sectors, and with thousands         Each session costs £250 to Suffolk Chamber
   start to plan their entry into overseas markets.    of businesses offering innovative goods and        of Commerce members (£350 to non-
   Despite being an experienced exporter, David        services, this county is well-placed to lead our   members). To find out more go to: www.
   Jackson, sales director of Ipswich-based MGC,       much-needed export boom.                  and go to the
   used the assessment tool and still found it of      “However, to do exporting well, companies          International Trade section

4    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                       Tel. 01473 680600
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
Suffolk Chamber duo selected for seats at top table
   Reflecting the Suffolk Chamber of                                                                   interests of the wealth generators across the
   Commerce’s growing national standing within                                                         land.”
   the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC)                                                              Sarah Howard MBE explained her reaction to
   network, two of the most experienced                                                                the news: “As the largest non-metropolitan
   members of its team have been elected to                                                            chamber in the country that also consistently
   senior positions within the parent                                                                  posts some of the best member retention
   organisation.                                                                                       rates and which was selected as 2014
   Suffolk Chamber president, Sarah Howard                                                             Chamber Campaign of the Year, I hope to
   MBE, is joining the BCC’s board and becomes                                                         show how ‘the Suffolk way’ can benefit other
   chair of the UK Accreditation Board. Suffolk                                                        chambers in the network.”
   Chamber’s chief executive John Dugmore                                                              The UK Accreditation Board is the ‘kite
   also joins the UK Accreditation Board.                                                              mark’ of best practice and standards both for
   “Sarah’s achievement is utterly well-deserved.                                                      existing affiliated chambers and for those
   From her involvement in our town Chamber          John Dugmore and Sarah Howard MBE at the          wishing to join the British Chambers of
   in Haverhill to her current leadership role in    Archant Suffolk Show Lunch 2016                   Commerce.
   the Suffolk Chamber, she has been an                                                                Sarah added: “I think our impressive track
   effective, loyal and determined advocate for      and her own record of business success have       record in maximising our offer and
   the local business community,” explained          been recognised by others across the country      relationships with our members gives us
   John Dugmore.                                     and I’m sure that she will lend her experience    some useful insights which we can now more
   “It’s great that these inspirational qualities    and knowledge to further promoting the            effectively share with others.”

Suffolk Chamber plays role
in exciting contract win
     amily-owned, multi award-winning Stoke by
     Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa has entered into
     an exciting new venture in association with
the US Airbase at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk,
having achieved the accolade of being the first
private company to secure a contract to run a
restaurant on the base.
The launch of the new Medana Mediterranean
Kitchen restaurant took place on June 8, building
on the excellent reputation created at its two
AA Rosette Lakes Restaurant at Stoke by
Nayland Hotel.
The venue will be serving top quality northern
Mediterranean style cuisine for lunch and dinner,
and will be accessible to up to 16,000 staff and
residents at both the RAF Lakenheath and RAF
Mildenhall bases.
All Suffolk Chamber members in the catering
sector were alerted to the tendering process by
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce’s B2B platform.
Chief executive John Dugmore, who holds an          The launch of Medana Mediterranean Kitchen.                        Photo: USAF/SSGT EMERSON NUNEZ
honorary position at the base, explained the
Chamber’s reaction to this news and its role:       Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa, said: “We really        the excellent team from Stoke by Nayland
“This is a great ‘win’ for a fantastic local        appreciated the initial introduction to this       Hotel, Golf & Spa.”
company. We are absolutely delighted for them.      opportunity by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce         Deputy director of the 48th Force Support
“Suffolk Chamber of Commerce is the voice           and we were delighted to win the contract in       Squadron, Debbie Southee, said: “Out of all the
and the key supporter of the county’s               the face of some very strong competition.          American Air Force, Army and Navy bases in
businesses, but especially the 1,400-plus           “We are looking forward to working with the        Europe that I have visited, the food at Medana is
organisations who make up our membership.           team at RAF Lakenheath and are pleased that        by far the best I have tasted. There is nowhere
One of the benefits of being a Chamber              the excellent menu, which has been instigated      else offering this extensive choice of dishes or
member is that we are able to effectively use       and prepared by our skilful executive head chef,   superior quality of ingredients.”
our market intelligence to alert them, as in this   Alan Paton, and enthusiastic and professional      Suffolk Chamber of Commerce is actively
case, to such opportunities.                        team from Stoke by Nayland, has been so well       supporting other local supply chains with the
“Obviously, Stoke by Nayland Hotel, Golf & Spa      received on the base.”                             aim of maximising the contracts won by
won this contract entirely on their own merits,     48th Force support commander, Major Sean           county-based companies. This includes working
but we are delighted to have been a facilitator     Brazel, said: “The Medana Restaurant offers our    with EDF Energy in building the Sizewell C
in getting them and our colleagues at RAF           airmen a unique dining experience and gives the    supply chain database (www.
Lakenheath together in the first place.”            48th Fighter Wing an opportunity to enjoy the so that it includes as
Susanna Rendall, managing director of Stoke by      very best in Mediterranean cuisine prepared by     many local firms as possible.
                            Tel. 01473 680600                                                                   ChamberVoice Summer 2016              5
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Young Chamber: key careers
put under the spotlight
            his was a practical and            students told us they specifically wanted
            interactive way to bridge the      more information on opportunities in the
            gap between school and work        sports, construction, gaming, NHS and
that was both exciting and honest.”            police sectors.
Ashleigh Seymour-Rutherford, assistant to      “Within a month of this, Young Chamber
the chief executive and the lead for Suffolk   had used its extensive contacts in the
Chamber’s Young Chamber project was            business community to bring together
commenting at the end of a recent              leading local industry experts to reveal
speaker event at Copleston High School in      more about the opportunities available in
Ipswich which saw hundreds of pupils seize     their organisations and beyond.”
the chance to learn about the real world       The event put a spotlight on careers in
of work – in sectors they themselves had       each of the sectors in question with
said they most wanted to hear about.           presentations from Terry Baxter (pictured)
Young Chamber is an initiative run by the      of Inspire Suffolk on sports, Peter Brady of
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce and has            Orbital Media about the gaming industry,
been working with Copleston High School        Nick Hulme, chief executive of Ipswich
since 2015 as a way for the school to tap      Hospital NHS Trust, Sam Mason about the
into the knowledge, skills and experiences     police and James Wilson, managing
that local businesses can provide students     director of RG Carter on the construction
for them to succeed when they leave            industry.
full-time education and start work.            “Information is power and this is what this
Shaun Common, Copleston High School’s          event and indeed Young Chamber as a
head teacher, said: “This partnership          whole is all about: empowering Suffolk’s
between the school, Young Chamber and          students to make the right decisions for
the wider business community is already        them as to their future careers and to
delivering real benefits for us.               ensure the wider prosperity of the whole
“Young Chamber organised a great ‘Your         of Suffolk,” added Ashleigh Seymour-         Terry Baxter speaking at the Young Chamber event at
Futures’ careers fair in March, at which the   Rutherford.                                  Copleston High School.              Photo: CONTRIBUTED

  Chamber offers more for start-ups
  Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has enhanced
  its membership offer for new or early stage
  businesses, reflecting some of the particular
  challenges start-ups face.
  All Chamber members enjoy a range of
  benefits, including free or discounted
  networking opportunities, free access to legal
  advice, a business-to-business promotional
  platform via the Chamber website and a direct
  say in the many campaigns run by the
  Now any businesses that have been trading
  for two years or less will secure additional
  benefits when they join up.

  These are:
  n Three year’s free business banking with
  Lloyds Bank (subject to approval)
  n One year’s free health and safety advice                                                                                        Photo: THINKSTOCK
  n One year’s free legal expenses insurance
                                                        important but not “core to the business’        More than 1,400 Suffolk businesses are
  Ashleigh Seymour-Rutherford, assistant to the         matters - allowing entrepreneurs to focus on    currently members of the Suffolk Chamber of
  chief executive at Suffolk Chamber of                 building up their companies.”                   Commerce, making it the seventh largest
  Commerce explains that: “Setting up a new             The costs of joining the Suffolk Chamber of     chamber in the country.
  business can be one of the most thrilling and         Commerce vary according to the number of
  challenging experiences in the world. The aim         staff employed by a company, starting from as   For further information about joining
  of this enhanced member package is to help            little as £3.50 per week (plus a first year     Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, please
  start-ups with some of the worry about                joining fee of £35).                            contact

6    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                      Tel. 01473 680600
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
‘Blue flag’ for Suffolk and Norfolk business advisers
 The New Anglia Growth Hub,                                                                                            always providing the best
 managed by Suffolk Chamber of                                                                                         approach to advising Suffolk
 Commerce on behalf of New                                                                                             businesses.”
 Anglia Local Enterprise                                                                                               Across both Suffolk and Norfolk,
 Partnership, has become the first,                                                                                    more than 1,200 businesses have
 and to date the only, organisation                                                                                    taken advantage of more than 12
 in the country to have secured a                                                                                      hours each of free professional
 coveted business adviser                                                                                              advice and thanks to the Growth
 accreditation – the equivalent of a                                                                                   Hub’s advisers nearly £13m in
 blue flag in this sector.                                                                                             grants has been successfully
 The Level 7 Diploma in                                                                                                secured.
 Professional Business and                                                                                             Charlie Dalton, managing director
 Enterprise Support is the                                                                                             of Thurston-based Smart Garden
 equivalent of a Master’s degree on                                                                                    Offices, who has used the advisory
 the qualification and credit                                                                                          services of the New Anglia
 framework scale. It means                                                                                             Growth Hub said: “The support
 business owners in the county                                                                                         we received was invaluable and
 can feel safe in the knowledge                                                                                        the Growth Hub has provided an
                                          The New Anglia Growth Hub team of advisers with their SFEDI                  objective view throughout and
 that the support they are receiving
                                          Level 7 certificates.                                                        pointed towards sources of
 has been rigorously examined
 and is of the highest quality            business support services and is      explained how the fact that every      support we were previously
 available.                               the exemplar standard for the         single one of his business advisers    unaware of.”
 The award is governed by the             Department for Business,              had achieved Level 7: “Was clear       A free appointment can be
 Small Firms Enterprise                   Innovation and Skills.                proof not only of their nine           booked by calling 0300 333
 Development Initiative (SFEDI),          John Stenhouse, who fronts the        months of study and dedication,        6536 or email: growthhub@
 which sets the standard for              New Anglia Growth Hub,                but their total commitment to

Acting director general
praises Suffolk Chamber
“J    ust as Suffolk Chamber is the voice of
      business in this county, so the British
      Chambers of Commerce is our voice
nationally. We’re especially delighted, therefore,
to be able to welcome Dr Adam Marshall,
acting director general of the British Chambers
of Commerce, to our AGM as our keynote
John Dugmore, chief executive of Suffolk
Chamber of Commerce, was speaking at the
organisation’s 132nd annual general meeting on
June 21st at Wherstead Park.
Dr Marshall outlined how the British Chambers
of Commerce (BCC) is currently influencing
policymakers across every part of Government
to ensure that Britain is as business-friendly as
In addition, with the EU Referendum date fast
approaching, he repeated his recent concerns          John Dugmore addresses the Suffolk Chamber AGM.                                  Photo: David Garrad
about both the impact on business sentiment
caused by the vote and frustrations with how          the region for well over a century. We strive to     12 months; increasing our turnover by 25%,
the Government was neglecting key business            maintain the highest of standards, reflecting the    maintaining our position as the country’s largest
decisions because of the Referendum.                  quality of businesses that we represent, and         non-metropolitan chamber and being at the
Dr Marshall said: “There’s a huge amount of           Suffolk Chamber’s success is borne out in its        forefront of a series of initiatives, ranging from
frustration from businesses that critical decisions   longevity and strength of membership.                our No More A14 Delays in Suffolk to
including airport expansion and major road, rail      “Suffolk Chamber is truly a business of              supporting the business improvement districts in
and digital infrastructure projects have been         purpose.”                                            Ipswich and Lowestoft and launching our
forgotten in the melee around the EU                  John Dugmore added: “Suffolk Chamber is a            enhanced international trade offer.”
Referendum.”                                          proud and active member of the British               Suffolk Chamber continues to deliver its
Ahead of the AGM, Adam Marshall praised               Chambers of Commerce, as well as being a             business plan by further improving how it retains
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce: “Like most               truly grassroots organisation locally through five   existing members, recruits new ones and builds
chambers of commerce, Suffolk Chamber has             key towns in the county.                             its reputation among the whole of Suffolk’s
championed and supported businesses across            “Looking back at 2015 we have had an excellent       growing business community.
                              Tel. 01473 680600                                                                     ChamberVoice Summer 2016              7
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
Suffolk Chamber and New Anglia Growth
Hub Business Brunch at the Suffolk Show
Trinity Park, Ipswich                                                                                     Photos: David Garrad

                                                          Left, David
                                                          Henley and
                                                          Tim Passmore,
                                                          right, Dr Peter
                                                          Chris Squires.

  Dayle Bayliss and Lina Hogg.              John Stenhouse and Dan Poulter MP.            Simon Hazelgrove and Alicia Garrad.

 Michelle Wootton, Sarah Howard MBE and John Stenhouse.      Geoff Rivers, Deborah Cadman OBE, Richard Lister and Therese Coffey MP.

  Chris Abbott and Amanda Ankin.            Mark Cordell and Carol Cordell.            Matthew Darroch-Thompson and Matt Moss.

8   ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                     Tel. 01473 680600
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
Annual General Meeting
Wherstead Park, Ipswich                                                                                       Photos: David Garrad

                                                                 Left, Dave
                                                                 Moran, Nicci
                                                                 Dunning and
                                                                 Right, Dr
                                                                 Sarah Howard
                                                                 MBE and John

                                                                                                        Paul Copsey and Ashleigh
   David Redhead and Roderick Sutherland.        Clare Whight, Adrian Sage and Leanne Carhart.          Seymour-Rutherford.

  Michelle Gardner, John Dugmore and Alicia Garrad.                 Daniel Poitras and David Vernay.        Ashley Vigor and Mike Ashby.

  Tom McGarry, Graham Abbey, Amanda Ankin               Carole Burman, Patrice Love and                Mick Biegel OBE, Paul Copsey and
  and Mark Parker.                                      Michelle Pollard.                              Darren Newman.
                           Tel. 01473 680600                                                              ChamberVoice Summer 2016       9
Chamber Voice - Suffolk Chamber of ...
The Chamber Voice inte
In the first of a series
where Suffolk Chamber
of Commerce’s chief
executive quizzes some
of the county’s most
influential people, John
Dugmore meets up
with Jo Churchill, MP for
Bury St. Edmunds.

        am a collaborator and a pragmatist.
        Therefore, I believe you have to be
        talking to those that you are trying to
Wise words from Jo Churchill MP, who for the
last year has been trying to influence everyone
from individual ministers to the likes of
Highways England on behalf of her constituents.
And when she speaks of ‘constituents’, it is clear
that the MP for Bury St Edmunds includes
businesses in that definition. With a career
spanning over 30 years – which includes running
her own contracting company specialising in
heritage and access work – Jo has an intuitive
understanding of what makes business work and
what gets in its way in creating wealth.
“There is too much rule making and regulation
and many of the rules are sclerotic. That said
business needs to engage more with the public
sector, although that is a problem for SMEs due
to their limited spare time and capacity. I would
like to see more collaboration and innovation
between businesses, local enterprise
partnerships and local authorities to bring new
and diverse ideas to the table. Suffolk is
brilliantly placed to deliver to and for the UK,

although I am not sure we always get that
message across successfully.”
So, aside from the need for a more
collaborative culture here in Suffolk,                Suffolk’s core
what is the county like as a place to
do business?                                       strengths    – and not
“It is excellent. In my view, it could        just those in Bury - across
be one of the true growth areas in            its length and breadth and
the country and my constituency
with its 20 miles of the A14 and its               within every type of
rail connectivity potentially being at          business sector is a real
the centre of it all!” she adds, laughing            can-do attitude.
at her own bravado.                                                                      hard, pay their         a Whitehall level has prompted Jo into the role
“Suffolk’s core strengths – and not just                                               taxes and look after      of a business relationship counsellor where she
those in Bury - across its length and                                               their staff, but they want   has raised many questions and issues from the
breadth and within every type of business                                      to feel in return that the        floor of the House on behalf of her business
sector is a real can-do attitude. I have been so                   system is fair and they are able to           community. But her focus on collaboration and
impressed with the diversity of our economy,           feel supported as they grow whatever trade                talking through challenges has meant she’s
from the smallest micro business making garden         area they trade in. Business is diverse and one           frequently gone further than this.
offices through to a medium business supplying         size doesn’t fit all, and both businesses                 “In my first year in Parliament, I have got our
equipment to hospitals and schools and onto            themselves and Government would do well to                chief executives in front of secretaries of state
large firms such as Century Logistics, Muntons         remember that.”                                           – including Sajid Javid – and ministers because I
and Sealey.                                            Her awareness of the needs and challenges of              feel it is important that they see the real world
“I get the sense that business owners here work local businesses not always being understood at                  as it actually is!”

10    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                             Tel. 01473 680600
erview: Jo Churchill MP

                                                                                                       I have taken on
                                                                                                     the mantle to fight
                                                                                                   for a better A14 both
                                                                                                                                          Jo Churchill has warm
                                                                                                                                            words for Suffolk
                                                                                                                                             Chamber of
                                                                                                                                              recognising its value
                                                                                                 for my own constituents                      both to its
                                                                                                                                              membership and
                                                                                                 but also for the broader                    the county’s business
                                                                                                         constituency                       community more
                                                                                                          of Suffolk.                      broadly.
                                                                                                                                        “I believe that one of
                                                                                                                                     the vital elements that the
                                                                                                                                 Chamber can perform is
                                                                                                                           acting as a conduit between
                                                                                                             Government local and national, and business.
                                                                                                             Having worked in a small business environment
                                                                                                             often one’s head is looking at the problems in
                                                                                                             front of you and you rarely get the chance to
                                                                                                             take on big issues with enough time and
                                                                                                             persistence to achieve success, the Chamber fills
                                                                                                             this gap.”
                                                                                                             And how does she view the Chamber’s lobbying
                                                                                                             “Your No More A14 Delays in Suffolk campaign
                                                                                                             is essential to making the Government
                                                                                                             understand why we need the connectivity. From
                                                                                                             the country’s busiest container port at
                                                                                                             Felixstowe, one of the busiest in Europe, the
  And that means unfailingly bringing to their       “On the skills front, I hear of employers’              A14 is the main artery for distributing the goods
  attention the challenges facing local businesses   frustrations at every single business I visit. I am     that flow in and out. I have taken on the mantle
  and lobbying to find solutions to them.            keen that we should become more self-                   to fight for a better A14 both for my own
  “I believe we are particularly challenged by       sufficient, particularly in areas such as health,       constituents but also for the broader
  both skills and infrastructure. I have spoken      construction and technology.”                           constituency of Suffolk. I am dismayed how little
  to the roads and rail ministers on several         “I’m pushing to improve the quality of education        Suffolk’s roads seem to feature in Highways
  occasions as I have the Secretary of State in      for all our children. In my constituency there is       England’s plans.”
  charge of broadband. My particular bugbear is      the excellent West Suffolk College that has a           But there can be no doubt that Jo Churchill will
  that we are a net contributor to the Treasury      can-do attitude in reaching out to understand           be one of the key voices alongside that of the
  and if we are given the support we deserve         the skills needs of business it has to fulfil. And of   Suffolk Chamber of Commerce in trying to
  we could truly show what this county can           course, a more skilled workforce is the key to          persuade a change of heart on both this and
  deliver!”                                          driving up wages!”                                      other business-critical issues.
                               Tel. 01473 680600                                                                      ChamberVoice Summer 2016                11
Become part of the
 nuclear supply chain
 ‘gang’ in Suffolk
  One of the roles of Suffolk Chamber of
  Commerce is to ensure that its members
  are in the best position possible to take
  advantage of major capital projects.
  John Dugmore, Chamber chief executive,
  said: “With Sizewell B located on the
  Suffolk coast and the possibility of a third
  station being given the go-ahead at some
  point in the future, the nuclear industry is
  an important one for local businesses.         Suffolk Saxons head coach Anthony Clarke (left) and Warren Smyth.                 Picture: Contributed
  Eighty per cent of all opportunities in the

                                                 Businesses launch
  nuclear industry are for non-nuclear
  services. That is why we are actively
  involved in promoting such opportunities
  to our members.”
  Suffolk Chamber runs the Sizewell C

                                                 badminton team
  supply chain website (www. where
  companies can register their interest in
  providing goods and services both during
  outage periods for Sizewell B and for the
  prospective Sizewell C site.
  Sizewell operator, EDF Energy is

  encouraging contractors to use the site               wo members of Suffolk Chamber of              Saxons’ new head coach, Anthony Clark and
  to identify companies who will be able to             Commerce came together last month to          our first two signings, Andy Ellis and Sarah
  help them meet their objectives in a                  help launch the county’s first professional   Walker. Anthony is one of badminton’s most
  consistent and reliable fashion.               badminton team.                                      highly regarded players and a true champion.
  In addition, Suffolk Chamber is also           Delivered by Abbeycroft Leisure, Suffolk Saxons      We are excited to take part in the National
  encouraging its members to sign up to          was launched in June at an event hosted by           Badminton League and put Suffolk on the map
  become Fit For Nuclear (F4N). This is a        Suffolk New College, a Suffolk Chamber patron.       for this increasingly popular sport.”
  unique service to help UK manufacturing        The new coach and initial players were               Abbeycroft chair and Suffolk Chamber of
  companies get ready to bid for work in         announced at this event in preparation for the       Commerce president, Sarah Howard MBE, said:
  the civil nuclear supply chain.                team to start competing in the National              “The launch of the county’s first professional
  It provides a benchmark against the            Badminton League this coming season.                 badminton team means yet another jigsaw piece
  standards demanded by the industry’s top       Warren Smyth, chief executive of Abbeycroft          in the emerging Suffolk PLC picture has been
  tiers and drives business improvements         Leisure and franchise director of Suffolk Saxons,    put in place. This shows that this county can
  through a tailored action plan.The             added: “We are proud to announce Suffolk             compete with the best in virtually any context.”
  process takes about six months to

                                                 Government receives outline
  F4N covers the core areas of high
  precision mechanical engineering and
  companies which can supply control and

                                                 business case for A12 upgrade
  instrumentation, electricals and other
  manufactured components for nuclear
  plant commissioning.
  F4N is designed for businesses with 10 or
  more employees or with a turnover of           The outline business case to improve the A12         The outline business case provides evidence of
  £1.6m and upwards, as the principles of        between Ipswich and Lowestoft has been               the economic benefits available should the A12
  the programme are more difficult to            received by the Government – prompting a             be upgraded to include additional dualling.
  apply to microenterprises.                     visit by the Transport Minister.                     Suffolk Chamber of Commerce was invited by
  Businesses interested in applying should       Robert Goodwill MP came to Suffolk at the            the councils to lead in canvassing local business
  submit their details through the F4N           invitation of Suffolk County and Suffolk Coastal     opinions through a series of consultation events
  online tool ( An              District Councils. With the assistance of            in order to provide evidence within this outline
  assessor will then contact them and will       Therese Coffey MP, he inspected the A12              case.
  assist in completing an initial capability     around the Suffolk Energy Gateway and met            Campaigners are now waiting to hear whether
  questionnaire. This will enable the            with a range of local organisations including        the Government wishes to proceed with a
  assessor to understand how best to             Suffolk County Council, New Anglia Local             more detailed business case before an
  support each applicant.                        Enterprise Partnership and Suffolk Chamber of        application can be made to the Local Majors
                                                 Commerce.                                            Fund, an initiative announced at the last Budget.

12    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                   Tel. 01473 680600
Suffolk Business
Women chair
praises predecessor
                                                                                                                 Peter Owen and Paul Copsey.

                                                                                                                 Suffolk Chamber
                                                                                                                 benefits mean
         inny Idehen, Suffolk
         Mind’s Quay Place
         manager, has recently
                                                                                                                 cheaper energy
been elected as the new chair                                                                                    Following the launch of Suffolk Chamber
of Suffolk Business Women                                                                                        Utilities in February, a number of
(SBW), the market leading                                                                                        companies are already looking at taking
organisation in the county and                                                                                   advantage of this member benefit by
part of Suffolk Chamber of                                                                                       working with an independent specialist to
Commerce.                                                                                                        identify the best energy solutions for
Ginny replaces Lina Hogg,                                                                                        them based on their current usage.
co-founder and director of                                                                                       Felixstowe-based cost management
Picasso HR, who has stepped                                                                                      specialists Auditel, a Suffolk Chamber
down after nearly six years in                                                                                   member, has discussed with these clients
the role. During Lina’s                                                                                          a range of supply contract options and
stewardship SBW grew from 49                                                                                     has helped them by handling the transfer
members to over 1,400. Lina                                                                                      process - at no cost to the members
was also instrumental in                                                                                         themselves.
incorporating SBW into Suffolk                                                                                   One such member, James Aldridge
                                      Ginny Idehen, Lina Hogg and Amanda Ankin.
Chamber of Commerce which,                                                                                       Chartered Surveyors based in Nacton,
as the leading voice of the                                                                                      Lowestoft and Colchester, has directly
business community in the            through its regular networking        has been built up during Lina’s
                                     events with inspirational             leadership.                           benefitted from a thorough review and
county, has been at the                                                                                          tender of its energy spends by Paul
forefront of promoting and           business speakers, the informal       “In many respects, the successes
                                     contacts it promotes and its          of SBW offers a template for          Copsey from Auditel. Paul identified
supporting women in business.                                                                                    savings of 26% for its electricity spend,
Reflecting on her time as chair      social media presence, Suffolk is     others to follow in order to
                                     a better place for women to be        more effectively contribute to        then a further 31% saving across its gas
of SBW, Lina said: “As someone                                                                                   supplies.
who is passionate about              in business now than it was in        the ongoing success story that is
                                     2010 when I first became chair.”      Suffolk PLC. A diverse business       Peter Owen, partner at James Aldridge,
ensuring that our society gives                                                                                  said: “We’re delighted with the savings
everyone an equal chance to          Ginny Idehen praised Lina for         community is always a stronger
                                     her contribution and efforts in       one.”                                 that Paul secured for us. We simply
realise their potential, I believe                                                                               didn’t have time and wouldn’t have had
that SBW has made a major            building up SBW into the              Free membership of the
                                     influential body it currently is.     award-winning SBW is open to          access to the range of suppliers they
contribution to informing and                                                                                    engage with to do this on our own.
inspiring Suffolk’s brilliant        She praised her: “Extraordinary       all business women based in
                                     achievements in breaking down         Suffolk, whether they have their      These savings are far greater than the
businesswomen to do just this.                                                                                   cost of our Suffolk Chamber
“We still have some way to go        barriers and inspiring others.        own business, are an employee,
                                     Lina is herself such an inspiration   or are currently on a career          membership, so for us that’s a terrific
to break down all the barriers                                                                                   result.”
that hold us back or                 and I feel very fortunate to be       break. For further information
                                     stepping up as SBW’s chair            and how to join contact Clare         If you’d like to learn more visit www.
unintentionally marginalise our                                                                         or call Paul
contributions to the prosperity      given the organisation’s strong       Harding by emailing clare@
                                     reputation and dynamism which               on 01473 350999.
of the county, but I believe that

   Chamber’s A14 campaign gathers pace
   After the success of the April No More A14          hoped to achieve and the best means of              Stephen Britt, chair of the Suffolk Chamber
   Delays in Suffolk breakfasts in both Bury St        co-ordinating its activities.                       Transport Infrastructure Group, welcomed the
   Edmunds and Ipswich, hosted by                                    The new board will meet               new board: “This is a positive step forward in
   Suffolk Chamber of Commerce,                                      quarterly, and will provide a         that it brings together all the interested parties
   plans are being advanced to place                                 focus for the campaign, ensuring      in a way that should maximise the impact of
   the campaign on a longer-term                                     that all necessary technical work     our lobbying work to ensure that the A14 is fit
   basis.                                                            is undertaken and that the            for purpose at the earliest opportunity.
   Therese Coffey MP has kindly                                      campaign profile is maintained        “A key part of that work is to build up
   agreed to chair a Strategic                                       so that enhancements to the           evidence now as to how the delays on the
   Overview Board for the campaign.                                  A14 in Suffolk feature                A14 are impacting upon how businesses in
   The board’s first meeting was held                                prominently in the next stage         Suffolk operate and indeed the influence this
   on July 1 at the Suffolk Chamber boardroom          (covering 2020 to 2025) of the Government’s         may be having on their future investment and
   in Ipswich and scoped out what the campaign         roads investment strategy.                          relocation decisions.”
                              Tel. 01473 680600                                                                      ChamberVoice Summer 2016             13
New members
l 032
                                                                                                                                                 l Mr Aziz Oztoprak
01473 228811                       l Blake Bryson
                                                                                                                                                 Manager - air and ocean        Publishing Ltd                                                                                                department                01787 246010                                                                                                  We are an independent private
Mrs Jacqui Gray                                                                                                 company offering customised
Business marketing director                                                                                          logistics and transport solutions
Branding and shopper marketing                                                                                                                   worldwide.
                                   Ms Joanne Greenhalgh
                                   Finance administrator
                                   We produce and publish high
                                                                                                                                                 l Haven Power Ltd
l Amazing Grazing Foods            quality lifestyle magazines for                                                                               01473 725943
Ltd                                our clients as well as Bury &                                                                       
01473 828996                       West Suffolk magazine.                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mr Ashley Vigor                                                                                                                             Marketing manager
Mr Gavin Bowie                     l Box-it East Limited                                                                                         Haven Power is a business
Sales and marketing director       01284 810311                                                                                                  electricity supplier offering
A chocolate manufacturer                                                                                                                         renewable power options from
producing bars, selection boxes,                                                                                                                 Biomass technology.
truffles, novelty shapes, walnut
whirls and chocolate teacakes.
                                   Mrs Claire Brooks                                                                                             l Home-Start Suffolk
                                   Managing director                                                                                             01473 621104
                                   Document management services:                                                                       
l Anglia (Civils) Limited
                                   storage and retrieval, confidential                                                                 
01473 652590
                                   disposal, indexing and scanning.                                       l Easy Price Pro                       uk                                                 l Calm For Change                                                   07795 311354                     03333 321502
Mr Daniel Westhorpe                                            
                                                                                                                                                 l Ms Ella Heeney
Marketing and project manager      l Business Doctors           
                                                                                                                                                 Fundraising co-ordinator
A civil engineering company                                              Ms Linda Barbour                 Mr Lewis Naulls
                                   (Norwich)                                                                                                     Charity supporting families
encompassing its own plant hire.                                         Sole trader                      Business development manager
                                   0845 163 1483                                                                                                 in Suffolk for whom the pressures
                                                                         Therapeutic coaching for         Providing the building and             of family life have become too
                                                                         individuals and groups.          construction industry with easy to     great to cope with alone.
                                                                                           use estimating and management
l B Chocolates (Suffolk)
                                   norwich                               l Culina Logistics                                                      l Integral Promotions Ltd
01394 459925       Mr Nicholas Eastaugh                  01223 395002                                                            0345 200 1020              Director                           l Emaline Weddings                     colin@integralpromotions.
Ms Anna McCreadie                  Business Doctors Norwich is a        07812 374384                 
Prospective owner                  business support service              Mr Steven Morris       
An artisan caramel and chocolate   dedicated to helping SMEs             General manager                         Mr Colin Kitchener
making business.                   achieve their vision.                 3PL provider - chilled sector.   Ms Emma Redmond                        Co-director
                                                                                                          Director                               Supplier of promotional
                                                                                                          Wedding co-ordinators.                 merchandise and work wear

                                                                                                          l GE Aviation Systems Ltd
                                                                                                                                                 l Jacobs Allen Chartered
                                                                                                          01638 663381
                                                                                                                                                 Accountants - Haverhill
                                                                                                                   01284 704260
                                                                                                          Mr Jeff Kennelly             
                                                                                                          Plant leader                           Mr Michael Ford
                                                                                                          Design and manufacture of              Client manager
                                                                                                          custom electronic modules and          Chartered accountants and
                                                                                                          ruggedised displays.                   chartered tax advisers

                                                                                                          l Grant Thornton UK LLP                l Kbeverage Ltd -
                                                                                                          01473 221491                           Lowestoft
                                                                                                                07909 361111
                                                                                                          Mr Rob Thomson               
                                                                                                          Director                               Mr Alok Yadav
                                                                                                          Independent assurance, tax and
                                                                                                                                                 Coffee shop.
                                                                                                          advisory firm.

                                                                                                                                                 l Lloyds Bank - Norwich
                                                                                                          l Greencarrier Freight                 07525 698045
                                                                                                          Services (UK) Ltd            
                                                                                                          01473 282600                 
                                                                                                          aziz.oztoprak@greencarrier.            Mr Sam Payne
                                                                                                          com                                    Manager

14    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                                         Tel. 01473 680600
For further information about Chamber membership contact
                                                                  01473 680600 or

 l M & A Plumbing &
 Heating (EA) Ltd
 01502 539223
 Mr Matthew Patnell
 Plumbing, heating and renewable
 services in Norfolk and Suffolk.

 l Marilyn Martin FCA
 07747 695808
 Ms Marilyn Martin
 Business mentoring, individual
 career counselling, providing
 financial direction. Non-exec

 l Mark Westley
 01638 720783
 Mr Mark Westley
 Photographer                              l Oulton Media Group Ltd           l Seed Environmental                                                        l Transfaction
 News, PR and sport                        01502 586049                                                           l STP Group                             01284 754412
 photographer.                                                             01440 703303                  
                                                                              0844 381 5650             
                                           Mr Fox Tucker                                                                                                  Mr Martin Robinson
                                                                              net                                 Mr David Barber                         Founder
 l MSM Consultancy                         Managing director
                                           Social media services, web site           Commercial director                     We provide dynamic time control
 Services                                                                     Mr Adrian Bhreathnach               Office supplies, furniture,
                                           development, social media                                                                                      reports to help companies reduce
 07805 267383                                                                                                     computers, janitorial supplies,         logistics and transport costs.
                                           management, social media           Director                marketing, content and set up.                                         education products, managed print
                                                                              Seed Environmental is a
 Ms Marie Martinalli                                                                                              machines: everything for your office.
                                                                              multi-disciplinary contracting
 Consultant                                                                                                                                               l Whites Catering
                                                                              company providing services to the
 Health and social care bid writing        l Parker Communications                                                                                        0844 826 3242
                                                                              domestic, commercial and            l Stuart Design               
 for tenders, training for care            01473 636983
                                                insurance markets.                  01206 588603                  
 certificate, moving and handling
                                                                                        Mr Paul Warner
 and first aid.
                                           Mr Michael Parker                                                             Manager
                                           Managing director                  l Southwold Pier Ltd                Mr Stuart Harris                        Hospitality and event catering in
                                           Conference and event organisers/   01502 722105                        Director                                any location. Corporate and private.
 l Nwes Property                           specialists.                                                           Website design, graphic design,         Bars, pop up restaurants, fine
 Services Ltd                                                                 admin@southwoldpier.
                                                                                                                  printing and web development.           dining, cocktail parties, street food.
 07779 880141                                                                        l Placesmith Marketing
                                                                                               (Placesmith Ltd)                   Mr Alex Paul                        l Swains Plc                            l Wilglen Limited
 Ms Anita Edwards                          07446 866687                       Director                            01485 524000                            07926 001027
                                                Britain’s only 21st century
 Business adviser
 Not for profit enterprise agency
                                           Mr Damon Smith                                                         Miss Julie McLaughlin                   Mr Graham Wilson
 - advice, training, finance, business                                                                            Director of HR and marketing            Company director
 premises, conferencing, meetings,         Effective, measurable and                                              Suppliers of voice and data             Management consultancy - change,
 co-working and virtual tenancy.                                              l St Edmundsbury                    solutions.
                                           profitable marketing strategies                                                                                projects, productivity improvements
                                           that make your business grow.      Cathedral                                                                   and performance coaching.
                                                                              01284 748720
 l Omnis Software                                                             commerce@steds                      l The Business Video
 01223 422099                              l Rural Broadband                               Portal Ltd                              l Zoological Society of                    01485 572253                         07941 074073                            East Anglia
                                          Mr Tony Kimber                                     01953 715317
 Ms Patricia Effendi                                                          Administrator and director of
                                           Mr Richard Dix                                                         Mrs Sandra Augusti                      Mr Martin Dupee
 Director                                  Director                           commerce                            Director                                Director of operations
 Integrated business management            Supplier of satellite broadband    Cathedral for the Church of         Unique online business video            Registered charity founded in 2013.
 software supplier and consultant          and mobile technologies from       England’s Diocese of St             directory that showcases a              The beneficiaries of all we do with your
 for SMEs.                                 home users to event organisers.    Edmundsbury and Ipswich.            business with a video.                  support are the animals in our care.
                                       Tel. 01473 680600                                                                                  ChamberVoice Summer 2016                          15
On your doorstep
                                                                      Turtle Trail set
                                                                      to return with
                                                                      international theme
                                                                             he much-loved Lowestoft            Over the past four months
                                                                             Turtle Trail returned for the      Lowestoft Vision has been working
                                                                             third time this month as part      behind the scenes to develop the
                                                                      of the Lowestoft Summer Festival.         trail. In February it contracted local
                                                                      The trail was first introduced to the     company Scenic Projects to
                                                                      town by Lowestoft Vision (part of         decorate the turtles which included
                                                                      Suffolk Chamber of Commerce in            providing the designs for 13 of
  John Dugmore with Matt Moss.                   Picture: ARCHANT    Lowestoft and Waveney) in July            them. The remaining five turtles
                                                                      2014 and following its success            were designed by local primary
                                                                      returned in 2015. The trail proved        schools.
 Suffolk Chamber in Bury St                                           extremely popular in attracting
                                                                      both the local community and
                                                                                                                Darren Newman, Lowestoft Vision
                                                                                                                Business Improvement District
 Edmunds at the heart of                                              visitors and, as a result, businesses
                                                                      and the local community requested
                                                                                                                manager, said: “We are really
                                                                                                                excited by the designs which Scenic
 influencing positive change                                          the turtles return for one final time.
                                                                      The trail involves finding 18 giant
                                                                                                                Projects and our local schools have
                                                                                                                provided and it is great to see the
  Suffolk Chamber of                Edmunds, met up with Ian          turtles hidden around the town            turtles on display.”
  Commerce in Bury St               Gallin, chief executive of        centre. This year there’s an              “We have been amazed with the
  Edmunds continues to be at        Forest Heath District and St      international theme, linking to           designs we’ve received.”
  the forefront in delivering its   Edmundsbury Borough               events such as the Olympic Games.         This year’s trail runs until
  manifesto commitments             Councils.                         Those taking part will need to            September 4 and is sponsored by
  aimed at building up the          “I raised with him our            identify which country each turtle        The Beach, Wyse Media (UK) Ltd,
  capacity of the borough’s         concerns about the lack of        represents, with completed trail          MR King & Sons, the International
  growing and diverse               readily available development     maps entered into a prize draw to         Boatbuilding Training College,
  economic base.                    land in and around Bury St        win a cash prize. In addition, there      Gunton Hall Coastal Resort and
  According to Suffolk              Edmunds – especially for firms    will be weekly prizes on offer.           Mitchells Renault.
  Chamber in Bury St Edmunds        needing additional
  chair Matt Moss, this means       warehousing capacity.”
  the organisation’s role is more
  of a collaborative one, rather
                                    “Ian suggested that, in part,
                                    this was due to the               Chamber in Haverhill continues
  than one which is directing       assumption made by firms
  specific campaigns for or
  against something.
                                    and planners about a decade
                                    ago that we were entering
                                                                      its push on A1307 improvements
  “Obviously we are fully           into an ‘Amazon era’ of a few     Suffolk Chamber of Commerce in            are confident that these two pieces
  behind the Suffolk Chamber        mega-warehouses supplying         Haverhill continues to lead the           of work will strengthen our case
  of Commerce’s No More             the whole country. Planners       campaign for improvements along           for dualling the A1307.”
  A14 Delays in Suffolk             accordingly reduced the           the A1307, where bottlenecks and          In late May, those campaigning for
  campaign. But the way we          allocation of smaller sites for   delays have for too long caused           improvements to this vital road,
  work locally – and who we         this use.”                        problems for local businesses, their      led by chamber representatives,
  work with locally – means         However, Suffolk Chamber in       customers and their staff.                had the pleasure of meeting with
  that our role is as a critical    Bury St Edmunds welcomed          According to Suffolk Chamber in           Lucy Frazer, MP for South East
  friend and as a facilitator       the forthcoming eastern relief    Haverhill chair, Paul Donno: “We          Cambridgeshire.
  through using our extensive       road, due to be completed in      are now seeing the results of our         The aim was to begin to build a
  network,” Matt said.              summer 2017, as it should         lobbying and campaigning.                 working relationship with the MP
  Suffolk Chamber‘s                 ease some of the pressure on      “A comprehensive traffic survey is        and start a dialogue aimed at
  representatives in Bury St        the A14 and unlock                being commissioned for the A1307          ensuring the various opinions
  Edmunds are active in             development land for the          corridor by Cambridgeshire                about the A1307 could be
  meeting with partner              building of 500 houses, a new     County Council with their local           discussed in an honest but
  organisations especially as       secondary school and the          authority partners on behalf of the       constructive manner.
  regards the availability of       new Suffolk Business Park         Greater Cambridge City Deal               According to Paul: “I hope that we
  suitable plots of land for        which will give fantastic         Board.                                    will have more of these meetings
  future business use.              opportunities for new and         “At the same time the growth              as we strive to work with all
  In late May, Matt on behalf of    existing businesses to grow       forecasts in the report for               interested parties in our efforts to
  Suffolk Chamber in Bury St        and develop.                      Haverhill will be reviewed and we         help businesses in Haverhill.”

16    ChamberVoice Summer 2016                                                                 Tel. 01473 680600
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