SUPPLY CHAIN HACK How cross border domesticated shipping could chop your shipping costs in half - Evolution Fulfillment

Page created by Raul Wallace
SUPPLY CHAIN HACK How cross border domesticated shipping could chop your shipping costs in half - Evolution Fulfillment
How cross border domesticated shipping
could chop your shipping costs in half.

Amidst trade wars and margin-killing       Bitter Headwinds                           It would improve your chances of
shipping costs, this supply chain hack                                                getting through the storm.
                                           Unfortunately, it’s getting worse.
could very well save your on line store                                               Supply Chain Hack
from failing. It’s a ·secret’ that every   For Canadian companies of all sizes,
                                           the trade winds have been blowing          Here’s the good news. There’s a
Canadian e-tailer should know.
                                           harsh Lately. Headwinds, in the form       ·supply chain hack’ that savvy e-tailers
Interesting Times                                                                     have been quietly sharing amongst
                                           of tariffs imposed by U.S. President
“May you Live in interesting times”        Trump against goods manufactured in        each other in the online forums and
goes the ancient Chinese curse.            China. have hit Canadian e-tailers hard,   at meet ups. It’s called by many
Interesting times, indeed, for the         increasing their shipping costs and        names: Cross border domesticated
thousands of Canadian companies            reducing their price competitiveness.      shipping. Consolidated shipping. USPS
who sell physical goods online to U.S.                                                wholesale. Basically, the idea is that
                                           With a simple Google search, U.S.
customers. The rise of social media                                                   many smaller parcels get bundled by
                                           customers naturally find a cheaper way
and turnkey ecommerce platforms Like                                                  a capable 3PL (third-party Logistics
                                           to get what they want.
Esty and Shopify have created new                                                     provider) and then shipped over a
                                           The end result is slower growth across     border as a single shipment under
opportunities for savvy entrepreneurs
                                           the Canadian retail Landscape in 2019.     one manifest. After the parcels clear
who spot a gap. However, the
                                           Arguably, there will be even greater       U.S. customs. they are then separated
economics of shipping one-off parcels,
                                           uncertainty in 2020 with a Canadian        and injected directly into the domestic
especially Low value items. has never
                                           election freshly completed and a U.S.      postal system (in this case, the United
been great, particularly in Canada. The
                                           elections due to take place. Between       States Postal Service). Innovative
second Largest country in the world
                                           trade wars and punishing Canada            and tech-enabled 3Pls Like Evolution
boosts some of the world’s highest
                                           Post rates, the intrepid e-tailer does     Fulfillment. a pick ‘n pack fulfillment
shipping costs. In the best case,
                                           their best to navigate the choppy seas     company in Vancouver, has been
these high shipping costs erode your
                                           towards success. Imagine if one had        offering this new type of service to
margins. In the worst case, your store
                                           the ability to simply inject parcels       established Western Canada e-tailers
shuts down.
                                           directly into the USPS: bypassing          who ship across the Canada-US border.
                                           Canada Post completely and accessing
                                           USPS wholesale rates?

          Evolution Group · Unit 216, 6901 - 72 Street, Delta, BC, V4G 0A2 · 1-888-656-2228 ·
SUPPLY CHAIN HACK How cross border domesticated shipping could chop your shipping costs in half - Evolution Fulfillment

Evolution Group · Unit 216, 6901 - 72 Street, Delta, BC, V4G 0A2 · 1-888-656-2228 ·
SUPPLY CHAIN HACK How cross border domesticated shipping could chop your shipping costs in half - Evolution Fulfillment
Let’s assume you’re a Canadian e-tailer with Light weight.      Canada Post vs USPS vs FedEx
Low value parcels (the economics of this supply chain hack
                                                                Let’s assume you need to ship a 5 Lb. parcel worth USD$300
greatly favour those who ship a Lot of small. Low value
                                                                from Evolution’s warehouse in Vancouver, BC, Canada to a
parcels whose individual value is $800 or Less) and Let’s
                                                                customer in Meridian, Idaho, USA Here’s a Look at actual
assume that you regularly ship to US customers. Here’s
                                                                quoted rates.
how you could ‘domesticate’ your shipments and get them
directly into the USPS at wholesale rates using Evolution        Option                                Cost (CAD$)* Delivery Time
Fulfillment as your 3PL partner.
                                                                 Domesticated Shipping                 $15.36                1 - 4 days
1. Collection: Evolution Fulfillment will collect your US-       (via Evolution)
   bound packaged parcels (or drop them off at their             FedEx                                 $23.88                2 - 7 days
   fulfillment warehouse in Vancouver).
                                                                 Canada Post                           $28.38                5 - 10 days
2. Consolidation: Your parcels are consolidated with other
   parcels into one cross-border shipment with a single         * Rates and delivery times quoted as of November 2019 and are subject to change.

   manifest. Evolution handles all the warehousing, freight.    Shipping a small parcel via Canada Post from a city in
   cross-border paperwork, systems integration and              Canada to a customer in America costs approximately
   Logistics.                                                   CAD$29 and it takes 5 to 10 days to deliver. That same
3. Injection: Your parcels - each one individually trackable    package, if sent directly through the United States Postal
   - are then injected into the domestic shipping service via   Service via Evolution Fulfillment. would only cost CAD$15
   USPS, triggering savings up to 46% or more compared          and would take just 1 to 4 days to get to your customer.
   to Canada Post as well as faster delivery to your            That’s 46% Lower cost on every single parcel compared to
   customers.                                                   Canada Post.
                                                                In this hyper competitive world, a difference that Large
                                                                completely hamstrings the growth ambitions of Canadian
                                                                These are actual quoted rates and delivery times. Half the
                                                                delivery time and half the cost? This is something that every
                                                                Canadian shipper with any significant volume should know.

          Evolution Group · Unit 216, 6901 - 72 Street, Delta, BC, V4G 0A2 · 1-888-656-2228 ·
SUPPLY CHAIN HACK How cross border domesticated shipping could chop your shipping costs in half - Evolution Fulfillment
Should You Consider Cross Border Domesticated                   About Evolution Fulfillment
Shipping?                                                       Evolution Fulfillment is a Canadian third party logistics (3PU
Cross border domesticated shipping works best for               provider with a main warehouse located in Vancouver, BC,
the Canadian e-tailer/ entrepreneur with the following          Canada. Evolution offers pick and pack order fulfillment
characteristics:                                                services as well as cross border domesticated shipping
•   Is well established with gross revenue of greater than      between Canada and the United States for brands,
    CAD$250K per year                                           particularly fashion, apparel. cosmetic and jewelry brands,
•   Sells physical goods to U.S. customers                      who target the North American customer. Evolution
•   Goods are Light weight and Low value                        pioneered the Brand Fulfillment Model; an alternative to
•   Values detailed tracking data                               the traditional distribution model that keeps control - and
•   Values fast delivery times                                  margins - in the brand’s hands.
•   Optional: Uses ecommerce platforms Like Shopify, Esty,      Learn more at
    etc.                                                        About Wizmo Solutions
E-Tailer Alert                                                  Wizmo offers wholesale services for Canadian parcel
If you fit the above profile, then this supply chain hack       distribution for businesses that ship from Canada to the
definitely deserves your attention. Right now, across Canada,   United States as well as to international destinations.
Canada Post shipping Labels are being printed and dollars       Wizmo’s clients include Evolution Fulfillment, a 3PL partner,
are going down the drain. The good news for e-tailers is that   3PL warehouses, enterprise retailers, transportation
something can be done about it.                                 companies and ecommerce marketplaces.

Consider connecting with a 3PL that provide cross border        Learn more at
domesticated shipping service and start slashing your
shipping costs. It could very well mean the difference
between skyrocketing success and fizzling out on the

        Evolution Fulfillment · Unit 216, 6901 - 72 Street, Delta, BC, V4G 0A2 · 1-888-656-2228 ·
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