Supplementary parenteral nutrition in patients with malignant disease
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Supplementary parenteral nutrition in patients with malignant disease Guidelines to patient selection Much of the morbidity and mortality of malig- nant disease is due to the profound nutritional depletion caused by the disease. This is particu- Ralph DeMatteis, M.D.* larly true of gastrointestinal related malignancies. Robert E. Hermann, M.D. Recentl? D u d r i c k , ; d e s c r i b e d . w e i S h t Sain\ in" J crease tn strength and activity, and positive Department of General Surgery nitrogen balance in patients with malignancies treated with supplementary parenteral nutrition. Schwartz et al2 have also shown parenteral nutri- tion to be of significant value when combined simultaneously with chemotherapy in the treat- ment of patients with disseminated carcinoma. However, serious complications can occur which preclude indiscriminate application of parenteral nutrition, especially in patients weakened by malignant disease. This paper reports results of a prospective clinical study undertaken specifi- cally to establish guidelines for the use of total or supplemental parenteral nutrition as an ad- junct to the treatment of cancer patients. Clinical material and methods Twenty-three patients are included in the study. All patients had malignant disease and * Fellow, Department of General received either supplemental or total parenteral Surgery. nutrition during hospitalization at the Cleveland 139 Downloaded from on December 19, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
140 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 40, No. 3 Table 1. Tumor site The 16 patients treated in the post- operative period were treated with Site No. patients total parenteral nutrition. Colon 7 The catabolic state induced by ma- Stomach 6 lignant tumors, particularly gastro- Pancreas 4 intestinal malignancies, is well known. Cervix 4 It is also well known that sepsis and Ovary 1 trauma produce significant, additional Lung 1 loss of nitrogen. The patients in this Total 23 study were divided into four groups based on the extent of the malignancy and the degree of sepsis: Group 1— Table 2. Indications for nutritional depletion secondary to the parenteral nutrition tumor manifested by severe weight loss, without disseminated disease or Indication No. patients sepsis; Group II—nutritional deple- Preoperative : weight loss, weak- 7 tion complicated by mild to moderate ness, hypoalbuminemia sepsis; Group III—patients with severe sepsis; and Group IV—patients with Postoperative complications 16 Ileus, sepsis, poor wound heal- 3 disseminated malignancy. ing Solutions for parenteral nutrition. " H i g h o u t p u t " fistula and 4 Positive nitrogen and calorie balance sepsis was achieved with hypertonic paren- Postoperative pancreatitis 2 " L o w output" fistula 2 teral solutions.3' 4 T o achieve this goal, Disseminated carcinoma with 4 large amounts of carbohydrate calories progressive weakness were given simultaneously with nitro- Gastric outlet obstruction 1 gen to spare amino acids for utiliza- tion in protein synthesis. A ratio of 100 to 150 carbohydrate calories to 1 g Clinic or at St. Vincent Charity Hos- nitrogen is required to achieve a posi- pital, Cleveland, Ohio. Table 1 lists tive nitrogen balance. In this study the the patients according to site of nitrogen source was protein hydro- tumor. As indications for parenteral lysate* or crystalline amino acid.-j- nutrition all patients had (1) a Dextrose was the sole source of carbo- 2 0 % weight loss from predisease hydrate calories. The parenteral solu- weight, with marked weakness or sig- tion formulas are listed in Table 3. nificant hypoalbuminemia; or (2) a The schedule for administration of prolonged postoperative course com- parenteral fluids is listed in Table 4. plicated by poor wound healing, Blood glucose, serum osmolality, and wound dehiscence, or fistula forma- electrolyte determinations were ob- tion ( T a b l e 2). An operative procedure tained daily; reductions of urine excre- confirmed the diagnosis of malignancy in all 23 patients. The seven patients * Hyprotigen 10%, McGaw Laboratories, selected for treatment preoperatively Glendale, California. were given supplemental parenteral \ FreAmine 8.5%, McGaw Laboratories, Glen- nutrition in addition to oral feedings. dale, California. Downloaded from on December 19, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Fall 1973 Supplementary parenteral nutrition 141 Table 3. Hyperalimentation solution shaved and prepared with an iodine compound. The patient is placed in a Basic solution slight Trendelenberg position to dis- 1. 500 c c 10% Hyprotigen (6.7 g N ) or tend the subclavian veins. A local anes- 8 . 5 % FreAmine (6.25 g N ) 2 . 300 cc 5 0 % dextrose in water thetic is injected into the area of the 3. 40 mEq NaCl middle third of the clavicle. A 14- 4. 25 mEq KC1 gauge needle is then directed toward 5. Sterile H 2 0 to 1,000 ml the suprasternal notch, hugging the Additives underneath border of the clavicle, and 1. Salt poor albumin 12.5 g to 25 g / l i t e r if serum albumin is less than 2.5 g / 1 0 0 ml slight negative pressure is kept on the 2. Calcium 5 m E q / l i t e r syringe. The needle is never moved 3. Magnesium 0.5 g to 1 g / l i t e r , added as haphazardly once it is beneath the indicated clavicle. If this approach fails, the 4. Dextroferon 3 mg to 6 m g / l i t e r as needle must then be removed from indicated 5. Vitamin B12 5 m E q / l i t e r added in cases beneath the clavicle, but this time it of prolonged hyperalimentation should be aimed between the two 6. Folic acid 4 mg to 5 m g / l i t e r heads of the sternocleidomastoid mus- 7. K 2 P O I 5 mEq to 10 mEq added only cle. when 8 . 5 % FreAmine is used When the needle is in the subclavian vein, the syringe is removed and a finger is placed over the hub of the Table 4. Ideal schedule for delivery of needle to prevent air embolus. An 18- parenteral solutions gauge polyethylene catheter is in- Carbo- serted. The catheter is then fixed to Day Nitrogen g hydrate calories Volume infused the skin with no. 4-0 nylon suture. A topical antibiotic, usually gentamicin, First to second S e c o n d to third 21 21 1,800 2,400 3 , 0 0 0 cc 3 , 0 0 0 cc is applied to the catheter, and the T h i r d to fourth 21 3,000 3 , 0 0 0 cc catheter is covered with a sterile dress- ing. A chest x-ray film should be ob- tained to check on placement of the tion were monitored every 6 hours. catheter in the superior vena cava and Most patients who had loss of protein to check for a pneumothorax. from fistulas or severe malnutrition The amount of fluid infused was causing low serum proteins and hypo- related to the patient's basic main- albuminemia were given, in addition, tenance requirements or cardiac status. serum albumin supplements intra- All solutions were administered by venously. The ability of some patients intravenous drip; millipore filters and to maintain serum albumin despite pump infusions were not used. The losses by fistulas will be discussed later. infusion was maintained at a constant Patients usually received from 12.5 to rate over a 24-hour period to insure 25 g salt-poor albumin added to each effective utilization. Blood transfusions liter of parenteral fluid for 3 to 5 days. were given only in accordance with Subclavian catheterization. An in- the patient's need for blood replace- fraclavicular, subclavian approach was ment. The intravenous tubing was used in all patients, with one excep- changed daily. The intravenous sys- tion. The infraclavicular region is tem was maintained as a closed system Downloaded from on December 19, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
142 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 40, No. 3 to reduce the possibility of outside con- result of a relative glucose intolerance. tamination. The three patients in Group III, all of whom had severe sepsis, progressively Results lost weight despite supplementary parenteral nutrition. Hyperosmolality The usefulness of parenteral nutri- and glucose intolerance developed in tion in patients with malignant dis- all patients despite the addition of ease was judged by: weight gain or moderate amounts of added regular loss, increase or decrease of serum insulin. Cultures of the catheters in albumin, glucose metabolism, healing these patients revealed staphylococcus of fistulas, improvement in general coagulase positive infections and Can- well-being, increased strength, and in- dida albicans septicemia. The Candida creased energy for activity. Nitrogen albicans septicemia was associated balance studies were not done in this with severe hyperosmolality and glu- study, but several investigators have cose intolerance. shown weight gain to reflect a positive Patients in Group IV tolerated glu- nitrogen balance, providing the blood cose loads well. However, despite this, urea nitrogen remains normal and these patients either lost weight or water retention is not present.5 gained weight which was complicated Weight gain and glucose metabo- by edema. Interestingly, patients with lism. The weight response in various large pancreatic tumors tolerated 3,000 groups is summarized in Table 5. calories in 24 hours. Weight gain was recorded in most of Serum albumin. Eighteen patients the patients in Groups I and II. This had hypoalbuminemia, a serum albu- indicates the ability of most patients min of 2.5 g or less. Four patients in Group II to overcome the increase were dropped from the study because in metabolic demand of mild to they received parenteral nutrition for moderate sepsis. Patients from both only 5 days. Of the 14 remaining pa- Group I and Group II showed less tients, 12 had extra-body losses of weight gain and less adequate glucose serum protein. Most patients with metabolism with advancing age. Other extra-body losses of serum protein investigators have noted similar limita- were given from 25 g to 75 g of salt- tions in parenteral nutrition with poor albumin per day for 3 to 5 days advancing age.1 The inability of older to try to bring the serum albumin level patients to regain weight is, in part, a into the normal range, Patients who could not maintain a serum albumin Table 5. Weight response of Groups between 2.5 g to 3.0 g/100 ml after I through IV 3 to 5 days of therapy were given addi- Change in weight (lb) tional supplements. Of the 14 patients with hypoalbuminemia, 8 required Aver- additional protein supplements to Group Range age maintain serum albumin levels. The I (7 patients) +20 to - 1 0 +5 mean age of these eight patients was II (6 patients) +20 to -7 +3 59.1 years; the mean length of paren- III (3 patients) -8 to -5 -6 teral nutrition was 12.1 days. Two of IV (6 patients) + 12 to - 1 2 0 the eight patients were in Group II, Downloaded from on December 19, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Fall 1973 Supplementary parenteral nutrition 143 three were in Group III, and the re- Table 6. Complications of parenteral maining three patients were in Group nutrition in 23 patients with IV. malignant disease Six patients improved or maintained their serum albumin levels between 2.5 Complications No. g and 3.0 g/100 ml without additional Hyperosmolality without c o m a 3 supplements. All but one of these six C a t h e t e r sepsis 1 patients had extra-body losses of pro- Candida albicans septicemia 1 tein. T h e mean age of this group of 1 0 % pneumothorax 1 Caval thrombosis 1 patients was 44.8 years; the mean dura- tion of parenteral nutrition was 22.5 days. Two of these six patients were in with fulminating sepsis prior to the Group I and the remaining four were start of parenteral nutrition. Candida in Group II. albicans septicemia developed in an- Fistula and wound healing. Eight other patient. Complications are listed patients had fistulas and one had a in Table 6. slowly granulating, open wound. In four of the eight patients who were Discussion receiving hyperalimentation the fis- The metabolic response of patients tulas closed promptly. Of these four with malignancy to supplemental in whom the fistulas closed, only one parenteral nutrition decreased progres- had irradiation previously; of the four sively with increasing age. Younger in whom the fistulas did not close, patients appeared to have a better three had had irradiation previously. glucose tolerance, more energy re- Wound healing problems were directly serve, and were better prepared to deal related to prior tissue irradiation and with stress. They were generally able not to an inability to handle paren- to gain weight, increase or maintain teral nutrition. their serum albumin levels above 2.5 All patients in Group I and Group g/100 ml, and increase their levels of II exhibited some increase in strength, activity. Older patients showed rela- activity, and sense of well-being while tive glucose intolerances, had less receiving parenteral nutrition. Group energy reserve, and were less prepared I I I patients with profound sepsis were to deal with their catabolic states. moderately to severely obtunded and The addition of sepsis to malignant difficult to evaluate. Group IV patients disease apparently represents a pro- noted little change in well-being and found metabolic expenditure. Mild to most patients continued to deteriorate moderate sepsis did not significantly gradually. increase this expenditure. Patients Complications. Sepsis and hyper- with fulminating sepsis, however, ap- osmolality were the most frequent pear to be limited by a significant complications of supplementary paren- degree of glucose intolerance, not teral nutrition. Catheters were cul- overcome by added insulin. T h e glu- tured at least once, and often up to cose intolerance was especially severe three times, in 19 of 23 patients. One in one patient with Candida albicans catheter tip was positive (staphylo- septicemia. Other observers have also coccus coagulase positive) in a patient noted the onset of glucose intolerance Downloaded from on December 19, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
144 Cleveland Clinic Quarterly Vol. 40, No. 3 with the development of Candida septi- thrombosis has also been reported as cemia.6 Some investigators have re- a complication of parenteral nutri- lated Candida septicemia to prolonged tion.4 One death in this series was use of intravenous catheterization.7 related to multiple, septic pulmonary We agree that patients with chronic emboli from a thrombosis in the sub- sepsis are more prone to complica- clavian vein extending into the supe- tions; adherence to strict aseptic con- rior vena cava. Even subclavian vein ditions should reduce the incidence of catheterization, which we prefer, does infection secondary to parenteral nu- not guarantee against subclavian or trition.8- 9 superior vena cava thrombosis. Patients with widespread, dissemi- nated malignancies did poorly on ad- Summary junctive parenteral nutrition. These A prospective study was undertaken patients continued to deteriorate and of 23 patients with malignant disease lose weight. With one exception, who were given supplementary paren- weight gain was associated with water teral nutrition while undergoing treat- retention. There was no increase in ment of malignancy. An effort was strength or level of activity. In some made to establish guidelines in select- instances, it appeared that the rate of ing patients for parenteraf nutrition. growth of metastases actually increased Results were based on the ability to with improved nutrition. Animal gain or sustain weight, to raise or studies have demonstrated an increase maintain serum albumin above 2.5 in the rate of growth of hepatic metas- g/100 ml, to heal wounds and fistulas; tases when protein intake is increased. and on an increase in the sense of well- Although some investigators have ob- being and the level of activity. served marked improvement in pa- The best results were obtained in tients with disseminated malignancy relatively young patients without when chemotherapy and adjunctive severe sepsis or disseminated disease. parenteral nutrition are given simulta- Older patients, particularly those over neously, we no longer have enthusiasm age 70, and patients with severe sepsis for supplementary parenteral nutri- had a limited metabolic response, were tion in this group of patients. We unable to handle large glucose loads, believe that adjunctive parenteral nu- and were more susceptible to serum trition has little advantage in patients hyperosmolality. Patients with widely with far advanced malignancy. disseminated carcinoma progressively Complications are an ever present lost weight and showed no increase in fact of parenteral nutrition. Proper the level of activity. We believe that sterile technique for catheter place- supplementary parenteral nutrition is ment, maintenance, and fluid prepara- of limited value in the elderly patient, tion is stressed. In our experience, the seems to be poorly tolerated by the elder-ly and the patient with sepsis are patient with severe sepsis, and is of no more prone to develop the problem of value in patients with disseminated hyperosmolality. By careful monitor- disease. Sterile technique, subclavian ing of serum osmolality, urine reduc- catheterization, careful monitoring, tions, and daily blood sugars, severe and appropriate patient selection are hyperosmolality can be avoided. Caval Downloaded from on December 19, 2021. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
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