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Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products 2011; 6(1): 16-23                   Jundishapur
                                                                                           Journal of

                               Panahi M1, Namjoyan F2, Shakerin Z3
             School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
      Medicinal Plant Research Center, School of Pharmacy, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical
                                          Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
             School of Medicine, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
                            Received: October 2010                    Accepted: May 2011

Maternal diabetes is responsible for many types of embryonic defects. Increased oxidative stress has
been suggested to play a role in the pathogenesis of disturbed embryogenesis in diabetic pregnancies.
The Nigella sativa seeds are used in folk medicine all over the world for treating many diseases.
Regarding to antioxidant properties of Nigella Sativa, it was of interest to determine whether Nigella
sativa extract has any effect on spinal cord neuroepithelium of diabetic rats' embryos. Rats were
distributed to 4 groups, two diabetic and two control groups. Diabetes was induced by intrapritoneal
injection of STZ. Rats were mated overnight and treatment with Nigella sativa extract or vehicle from
1 to day 17 of gestation at a dose of 1mg/kg body weight by gastric gavages. On the 17 th day of
gestation, rats were sacrificed. In offspring of vehicle-treated diabetic rats, a significantly decreased
means (CRL) observed, in comparison with offspring of nondiabetic rats. Treatment with Nigella
sativa slightly increased but did not normalize CRL compared with control group. No abnormal
changes in histology of neural tube were seen in evaluation of neural tube in all groups. Micrograph of
diabetic rats treated with vehicle showed some abnormal projection on the apical surface of
neuroepithelial cells. These changes were not seen in other groups. It seems Nigella sativa has a
protective effect against diabetic embryopathy and fetal loss.

Nigella sativa, Diabetic embryopathy, Oxidative stress, Neural tube defect.

Offspring of women with diabetes have a                          embryos (2). Diabetic embryopathy can
high incidence (6% to10%) of congenital                          affect any developing organ system,
Anomalies, which represent a twofold to                          although defects of the neural tube and
fivefold increase over rates observed in                         heart are among the most common defects
The non diabetic populations (1).                                (3). Similar anomalies were also found in
These malformations arise at the                                 animal with diabetes, rendering them a
beginning of organogenesis, during the 8                         valid experimental model for studying
weeks of gestation in human embryos and                          diabetic embryopathy (4).
during the first 7-10 days in mouse and rat                      A recently proposed mechanism for
                                                                 diabetes related embryonic maldevelop-
*Email: marpanahi@ajums.ac.ir.
Panahi M/ JJNPP 2011; 6(1): 16-23

ment is the increased production of                  lipid per oxidation in liposome (15). Using
reactive oxygen species (5). Increased               thin-layer chromatography (TLC), it has
glucose metabolism in embryo cells                   also been shown that compounds isolated
increases oxidative stress through a                 from      Nigella      sativa    (including
complex network of altered biochemical               thymoquinone, carvacol, t-anethole and 4-
pathways, which combine to increase                  terpinol) have appreciable free radical
reactive oxygen species production and to            scavenging properties (9). Thymoquinone
decrease availability of GSH(glutathione)            is reported to possess a strong antioxidant
for free radical scavenging. Oxidative               property (16). Thymoquinone protects
stress inhibits expression of pax3 in                organs against oxidative damage induced
neuroepithelial cells (6). Expression of             by a variety of free radical generating
Pax-3 regulates neural tube closure (7).             agents (17).
Nevertheless, with impaired pax3 gene                In regarding to antioxidant properties of
expression, there is insufficient pax3               Nigella sativa, it was of interest to
protein to prevent accumulation of P 53              determine whether Nigella sativa extract
protein. P53 then induces expression of              has any effect on spinal cord
genes which cause apoptotic cell death.              neuroepithelium of diabetic rats' embryos.
Apoptotic neuroepithelium fails to
proliferate, migrate, and form a closed              Materials and methods
neural tube, thereby leading to a NTD                The Nigella sativa seeds were powdered
(neural tube defect) (6).                            mechanically. The extract was obtained by
 There has been increasing interest                  cold extraction method forty gram
regarding the role and use of natural                portions of the seed powder were
antioxidants as a means of preventing                extracted with 200ml n-hexan with stiring
oxidative damage in diabetes due to high             at room temperature for 24hr to give
oxidative stress (8). The seeds of Nigella           hexan extract. These processes were
sativa L., an annual Ranunculaceae                   repeated three times and were added. The
herbaceous plant, have been used                     solvent was then completely removed
traditionally for centuries in the Middle            under reduced pressure. The obtained oily
East, Northern Africa and India for the              extract from Nigella sativa seeds has a
treatment of asthma, cough, bronchitis,              chestnut color and agreeable perfume.
headache, rheumatism, fever, influenza,              The 70 to 90 days of age Female Sprague-
eczema, as a diuretic, lactagogue and                Dawley rats, weighing 200 to 250g were
vermifuge (9). The black seed, Nigella               used in the study. They were subjected to
sativa is known to contain>30% of fixed              a cycle of 12 hours of light followed by 12
oil and 0/4-0/45% wt. /wt. of volatile oil.          hours of dark at an ambient temperature of
The volatile oil is known to contain 18.4-           220c, and they had free access to tap water
24% thymoquinone (TQ) and 46% of                     and laboratory standard commercial food.
monoterpenes such as p-cymene and α-                 The rats were distributed to 4 groups, 2
piene (10). Recently, clinical and animal            control groups (group1 and 2) and 2
studies have shown that the extracts of              diabetic groups (group3 and 4). Each
the black seeds have many therapeutic                group contained 5 female animals and 10
effects     such      as      bronchodilator,        embryos were observed.
immunomodilative (11), antibacterial (12),           Diabetes was induced in rats from group 3
hypotensive (13), hepatoprotective (14)              and 4 by a single intraperitoneal injection
and antidiabetic. It has been shown that             of freshly prepared streptozocin (45mg/kg,
both the fixed oil of Nigella sativa as well         dissolved in citrate buffer 0/1mol/l; pH
as thymoquinone (the main compound of                4.8). The induction of diabetes was
the essential oil), inhibit non-enzymatic

Evaluation of antioxidant effects of Sativa

confirmed        by       blood      glucose           formaldehyde solution, and histological
levels>300mg/dl measured 24 and 48h                    slides were prepared, followed by
after STZ injection. Blood was obtained                hematoxylin-eosin staining by standard
from the tail vein and analyzed for glucose            methods. Other pieces were fixed in
levels with the Glucometer Elit. Diabetic              glutaraldehiyde and osmium tetroxide and
female rats were mated overnight with non              were prepared for being considered by
diabetic males of the same strain, and                 transmission electron microscope. Images
vaginal smears were examined the next                  were examined for histopathological
day for the presence of coagulation                    changes by a clinical pathologist who was
plaque. The presence of spermatozoa was                masked to the treatment group from which
established as day zero of pregnancy. In               the neural tube was removed.
control group non diabetic female rats
were mated overnight with nondiabetic                  Results
male rats. The Nigella sativa treated rat              In vehicle-treated diabetic group the mean
groups (groups 2 and 4) received daily                 blood glucose level during the pregnancy
administrations of 1ml/kg body weight of               days (1 to 17) was significantly higher
Nigella sativa fixed oil by oral gavages               than nondiabetic animals. Daily gavages
from day 1 to day 17 of gestation. Other               of Nigella sativa 1mg/kg significantly
groups of animal (groups 3 and 4) were                 alter fed-state glucose levels, in diabetic
treated in an identical fashion with 1mg/kg            rats. The administration of Nigella sativa
body weight of water. Blood glucose level              to diabetic rats has made a significant
was measured on the 17th day of gestation              reduction on plasma glucose level (Fig. 1).
and rats were sacrificed with chloroform,              Pregnancy outcome: the number of
fetuses were released from yolk sacs and               implantation per litter was similar in all
surrounding deciduas. The offspring were               groups. However, the percentage of
transferred to a Petri dish. The CRL of                absorptions per litter was significantly
fetus was measured. A fetus was defined                elevated in vehicle-treated diabetic rats, in
as normal if examination revealed normal               comparison with vehicle treated no
body flexure and both anterior and                     diabetic rats and Nigella sativa treated
posterior neuropore closure. The spinal                diabetic rats. Treatment with Nigella
cord was separated and cut to small                    sativa     was     significantly     reduced
pieces. Some of these pieces were fixed in             absorption rates in diabetic rats (Fig. 2).

  Fig. 1: Glucose amount between group 3 and 4. The administration of Nigella sativa to diabetic rats
              has been produced a significant reduction on plasma glucose level p
Panahi M/ JJNPP 2011; 6(1): 16-23

To estimate embryonic development, we                  Neural tube defect: neural tube defect was
measured fetal crown-rump length                       significantly seen in embryos of vehicle
(Fig. 3). In offspring of vehicle-treated              treated diabetic rats. In control groups and
diabetic rats (group 3); a significantly               Nigella sativa treated diabetic rats were
decreased mean crown-rump length was                   not seen neural tube defects. In evaluation
observed, in comparison with offspring of              of neural tube in all groups with light
nondiabetic rats (group 1). Treatment with             microscope       and      hematoxylin-eosin
Nigella sativa slightly increased crown                staining, any abnormal changes in
rump-length but did not normalize CRL                  histology of neural tube weren't seen
compared with control group.                           (Fig. 4).

  Fig. 2: Rate of absorption between different groups. The percentage of absorption was significantly
                         reduced in Nigella sativa treated diabetic rats. P
Evaluation of antioxidant effects of Sativa

Micrograph of electronic microscope of              glucose was significantly reduced. And
neural tube in diabetic rats treated with           this finding show Nigella sativa was
vehicle showed some abnormal projection             affected on diabetes. etalutsop saw tI that
                                                    the basis of the beneficial effect of Nigella
on the apical surface of neuroepithelial
                                                    sativa in diabetes might be its antioxidant
cells (Fig 5, 6, 7). These changes weren't          property(21). Fetal size was significantly
seen in the control groups and the diabetic         reduced in diabetic rats, in this study the
group treated with Nigella sativa extract.          CRL of embryos was reduced in diabetic
Therefore it seems treatment with Nigella           rats but in Nigella sativa treated group
sativa extract has protective effects on            reduction of embryo's size or CRL was
neural tube defect and neuroepitelial cells         lesser but effect of Nigella sativa on CRL
                                                    in diabetic rats was small. Nigella sativa
and it can reduce neural tube defect in
                                                    caused small increase in CRL in Nigella
embryos of diabetic rats.                           sativa treated group. Some antioxidant
                                                    such as Nigella sativa and lipoic acid had
Discussion                                          effect on CRL in diabetic rats. Previous
In the present study we examined the                study had shown lipoic acid had efficient
therapeutic effect of Nigella sativa as an          effect in increase embryo's CRL in
antioxidant     agent      against     fetal        diabetic rats (22).
malformations in diabetic pregnancy by              Treatment with Nigella sativa slightly
using an animal model (streptozocin-                increased size of embryos in diabetic rats.
induced diabetes). Streptozocin caused              Other most important findings in this
hyperglycemia in rats and also caused               study were positive effects of Nigella
neural tube defect in embryos of diabetic           sativa on diabetes induced both embryonic
rats. The mechanisms behind free radicals           malformation and absorption.
and the possible role of oxidative stress in        In previous study had shown antioxidant
the pathogenesis of diabetes and diabetic           agents such as lipoic acid, vitamin E, folic
complications have been extensively                 acid and ergothionein cause reduction in
studied for years in patients and animal            embryo malformations and absorption.
models (14).                                        This study showed some abnormal
Numerous studies have found increased               projection on the surface of neuroepitelial
lipid peroxides or reactive oxygen species          cell in vehicle treated diabetic rats by
(ROS) and oxidative stress or both in               TEM. The structure of neural tube in
different animal models of diabetes (18).           Nigella sativa treated group was similar to
Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance             the control group. It seems Nigella sativa
between the intracellular production of             similar to other antioxidant agents causes
free radicals and the cellular defense              reduction in neural tube defect. Nigella
mechanism. Protein, lipids, and DNA are             sativa oil has many antioxidant agents and
sensitive target of ROS. An excess                  it’s most important component is
availability of free radicals accompanied           thymoquinone (15).
by a reduction in the capacity of the               thymoquinone can reduce reactive oxygen
natural antioxidant systems leads to                species production indirectly and inhibit
cellular dysfunction and death (19). Free           lipid peroxidation (23). Nigella sativa also
radical-induced DNA damage has been                 had positive effect on reduction of
shown to be increased in embryos from               embryo's absorption and causes increase
diabetic rats (20). In this study Nigella           in resorption in diabetic rats.
sativa treatment was efficient in reducing
blood glucose in diabetic rats. In Nigella
sativa treated diabetic rats the blood

Panahi M/ JJNPP 2011; 6(1): 16-23

                   B                                                B
  Fig. 4: light microscopic images of group3 (A) and 4(B). Wight matter ( ), gray matter ( ). (H&E

                   A                                            B
                 Fig. 5: semitin images of group3 (A) and 4(B). (tuloidiane blue x=100).

   Fig. 6: Transmission electron micrograph of neural tube in group 3(vehicle treated diabetic rats).
           Abnormal projection ( ) on the apical surface of neuroepithelial cells (x=3900).

Evaluation of antioxidant effects of Sativa

   Fig. 7: Transmission electron micrograph of neural tube in group 4 (Nigella Sativa treated diabetic
                                           rats) (x=1200).

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