Effect of Methylprednisolone on Bacterial Clearance and Endotoxin Liberation during Experimental Sepsis Induced by Gram-Negative Bacteria

Page created by Edna Olson
INFECTION AND IMMUNITY, Apr. 1986, p. 26-30                                                                                   Vol. 52, No. 1
Copyright C 1986, American Society for Microbiology

 Effect of Methylprednisolone on Bacterial Clearance and Endotoxin
  Liberation during Experimental Sepsis Induced by Gram-Negative
 Divisions of Infectious Diseases, Cardiopulmonary Diseases, and Comparative Medicine, St. Jude Children's Research
   Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee 38101, and Department of Pediatrics, University of Tennessee Center for the Health
                                           Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee 38104
                                    Received 21 November 1985/Accepted 18 December 1985

             To determine the effect of methylprednisolone administration on the clearance of bacteremia and the release
           and clearance of endotoxin during antibiotic therapy of gram-negative bacterial sepsis, Escherichia coli Kl
           sepsis was induced in paired rabbits. Moxalactam and either methylprednisolone or placebo were administered
           to infected rabbits 1.5 h after intraperitoneal administration of live bacteria. Serial blood samples were
           obtained for quantitation of bacteremia and endotoxemia, arterial blood gases, and complete blood count.
           Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and core body temperature were also monitored. There were no significant
           differences between the methylprednisolone-treated and placebo-treated groups in either the levels of
           bacteremia or endotoxemia or in the physiologic, metabolic, or hematologic parameters that were -measured.
           We conclude that methylprednisolone administration has no acute effect on bacterial clearance or on the
           kinetics of endotoxin release and clearance during antibiotic therapy of gram-negative bacterial sepsis in this
           experimental model.

   Although the role of corticosteroid administration in the               agar. Two grams of porcine mucin (Sigma Chemical Co., St.
therapy of gram-negative bacterial sepsis has been exten-                  Louis, Mo.) was added with vigorous stirring to 40 ml of the
sively investigated in experimental animal models and in                   overnight culture, and the resulting suspension was held on
clinical settings (2, 10, 11, 15), little is known about the effect        ice until used.
of corticosteroid administration on the clearance of bactere-                 Experimental infection of rabbits. Twelve New Zealand
mia and endotoxemia. Corticosteroid administration is                      White rabbits from a local rabbitry, weighing 2.7 to 3.9 kg,
known to decrease neutrophil phagocytosis (4) and to                       received antibiotic-free food and water ad libitum. Paired
acutely depress the ability of the lungs to clear gram-                    rabbits differed in weight by no more than 0.3 kg (
VOL. 52, 1986                                                       METHYLPREDNISOLONE AND BACTERIAL. CLEARANCE                           27

                      107   A   A                             B105C
                                                          105 ~~~~~~B

                      06                                       04


                      04         10""12                                      I,~~~~~~C


                      103                                  10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                       10~      ~      ~     '            1.I0                                         '10

                                    Time (hrs)                              Time ( hrs)                           Time (hrs)
  FIG. 1. Geometric mean levels of bacteremia (A), plasma free endotoxin (B), and plasma total endotoxin (C) for the methylprednisolone
(O) and placebo (0) treatment groups. Animals received E. coli intraperitoneally at 0 h and treatment with moxalactam and either
methylprednisolone or placebo at 1.5 h. Each bar represents one standard deviation of the mean of six paired trials.

catheter was flushed with 10 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride                         to that of the plasma sample. The validity and specificity of
after each' sampling period.                                                    this assay for endotoxin has been previously confirmed (13).
   After obtaining the blood sample at 1.5 h, each rabbit                          Physiologic measurements. Mean arterial pressure, core
received moxalactam (100 mg/kg; Eli Lilly & Co., Indianap-                      body temperature, and heart rate were continuously moni-
olis, Ind.) as an intra-arterial bolus. By random selection,                    tored (Seimens 404), and recorded on a strip chart recorder
one of the paired rabbits also received methylprednisolone                      (Western Graphtec).
sodium succinate (30 mg/kg; Abbott Laboratories, North                             Statistical analysis. Student's t test was used to perform
Chicago, Ill.), and the other received an equal volume of                       statistical analysis of data with a model HP41-CV program-
0.9% sodium chloride as an intra-arterial bolus infusion. All                   mable calculator (Hewlett-Packard Co., Corvalis, Oreg.).
laboratory and physiologic measurements were performed in                       Significance was determined at P < 0.05.
a blind fashion by an investigator. All surviving rabbits were
sacrificed 7.5 h after infection.                                                                           RESULTS
   Quantitation of bacteremia. Serial 10-fold dilutions of each                    Effect of methylprednisolone on bacteremia. Before the
blood sample were prepared with phosphate-buffered saline                       administration of moxalactam, the geometric mean bacterial
containing 1% albumin (pH 7); 0.1 ml of each dilution was                       counts were 8.5 x 103 and 3.1 x 104 CFU/ml of blood for the
cultured on tryptic soy agar, and CFU were counted after                        methylprednisolone and placebo treatment groups, respec-
overnight incubation at 37°C.                                                   tively (Fig. 1A). The geometric mean levels of bacteremia
   Endotoxin assay. Free endotoxin was separated from bac-                      peaked 1 h after moxalactam administration (2.5 h after
terial cell-bound endotoxin by filtration as previously de-                     infection) at 5.9 x 104 and 3.2 x 104 CFU/ml of blood for the
scribed (13). Levels were quantitated with the Pyrotell                         methylprednisolone and placebo treatment groups, respec-
Limulus lysate gelation assay (Associates of Cape Cod,                          tively. The geometric mean levels of bacteremia declined
Woods Hole, Mass.). Plasma inhibitors of the Limulus assay                      throughout the remaining observation period in both groups.
were inactivated by diluting the plasma sample 1:3 with                         Although the methylprednisolone-treated group exhibited a
pyrogen-free water and heating to 100°C for 10 min. Serial                      trend toward higher levels of bacteremia, at no time were the
twofold dilutions of plasma samples were assayed in parallel                    mean levels of bacteremia in the two groups significantly
with known concentrations of reference E. coli endotoxin                        different. Five animals, three in the placebo-treated group
(Associates of Cape Cod). Results were expressed as the                         and two in the methylprednisolone-treated group, com-
amount of U.S. standard endotoxin with activity equivalent                      pletely cleared bacteremia.
28    FLYNN ET AL.                                                                                                  INFECT. IMMUN.

   Effect of methylprednisolone on endotoxemia. Geometric
mean levels of total and free endotoxin were similar in both                         140
treatment groups before antibiotic administration. After an-
tibiotic administration and concomitant with declining levels
of bacteremia, levels of plasma total and free endotoxin                             120
increased rapidly (Fig. lB and C). The levels appeared to                                          j   -
peak 6 h after antibiotic administration. At no time were the
plasma levels of either total or free endotoxin significantly                  - 100
different for the methylprednisolone and placebo treatment                     0
groups (P > 0.05, each sample time).                                           of 80
   Effect of methylprednisolone on the physiologic, metabolic,
and hematologic status of septic rabbits. Just before infection                      60
the mean arterial pressure in the placebo treatment group
was 70 torr compared with 66 torr in the methylprednisolone
treatment group (Fig. 2). At the time of antibiotic adminis-                         40
tration and either placebo or methylprednisolone adminis-                            60
tration, the mean arterial pressure had decreased to 51 and
42 torr, respectively. The blood pressure in both groups                          0
continued to decline, stabilizing only near the end of the                     2 40
observation period. At no time was the difference between                       cm

the treatment groups statistically significant (P > 0.05, each                 " 20
sample time). Neither mean heart rates or mean core body
temperatures were significantly different between the two
treatment groups (P > 0.05, each sample time; Fig. 2).                            0 .          .
   Arterial blood gas findings are illustrated in Fig. 3. After                J 40
infection the mean PaO2 rose initially as the animals                          ,,

                  80                                                           0
                                                                                           0       2   4      6      8
               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ime (hrs)
                  60                               |                FIG. 3. Arterial blood gas determinations for methylpredniso-
              °   40                                              llone (0) and placebo (0) treatment groups. Each bar represents one
           2 o                     l                               standard deviation of the mean of six paired trials.
                                                                  hyperventilated in response to their metabolic acidosis and
                  180                                             then remained stable throughout the remainder of the obser-
                                                                  vation period. Although PaO2 levels in the methylpredniso-
                     160            I                             lone treatment group were lower than those in the placebo
                                                .                 treatment group after corticosteroid therapy, at no time was
              _ 10 ~                                .the difference significant (P > 0.05 each sample time). Serial
                   .'140           p ^, ,                         PaCO2 and serum bicarbonate concentrations were similar
                 -                        '              ,        forw both treatment groups (Fig. 3) throughout the observa-
               ,, 120 L       T 1'/l T B < I                      tion period, demonstrating progressive metabolic acidosis
                    IQ           T P/       |      with                  respiratory compensation. No significant difference was
                            T                I %                  noted between the two treatment groups (P > 0.05, each
               < 100                        li                    sample time).
                                                                      Sequential measurements of total leukocyte, platelet and
                                                                  hemoglobin     concentrations are presented in Table 1. Con-
                      80                                          centrations of leukocytes and platelets declined markedly
                                                                  after infection in both treatment groups, whereas hemoglo-
                     60                                           bin concentrations were relatively stable. There was no
                          r______                                 significant difference between the two treatment groups for
                      40                                          any of these parameters (P > 0.05, each sample time).
         U2;          30°.     X    j(          4              >      In the methylprednisolone-treated group, two rabbits ex-
                                                                  pired 6.5 h after infection and one rabbit expired 7.5 h after
                          1 .__.__.__.__.__,__.__|infection. In the placebo-treated group, two rabbits expired
                          0    2      4      6       8            6.5 h after infection.
                                 Time (hrs)                                                DISCUSSION
  FIG. 2. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and core body     The administration of corticosteroids in conjunction with
temperature for the methylprednisolone (0) and placebo (0) treat- antibiotics has clearly reduced mortality rates in some ex-
ment groups. Each bar represents one standard deviation of the    perimental models of gram-negative bacterial sepsis (2, 5, 6,
mean of six paired trials.                                        10). Although the mechanism of this protection is not under-
VOL. 52, 1986                                                             METHYLPREDNISOLONE AND BACTERIAL CLEARANCE                              29

 TABLE 1. Effect of methylprednisolone administration on the                     model. However, after infection, bacteria present in blood
mean blood levels of leukocytes, platelets, and hemoglobin during                are lysed by the action of antibiotics, liberating large
       antibiotic therapy of experimental E. coli sepsis"                        amounts of endotoxin (13). This relation between bacterial
 h after            Results with placebo group/methylprednisolone group
                                                                                 lysis and endotoxin liberation closely parallels observations
bacterial                                      103           Hemoglobin          of bacterial clearance and endotoxin liberation in patients
challenge          Leukocytes/Il          Platelets/t.l       (g/100 ml)         receiving antibiotics for gram-negative bacterial sepsis (J. L.
                                                                                 Shenep, F. F. Barrett, G. L. Stidham, D. F. Westen-
   0                 4,700/3,800             303/329              11.6/11.4      kirchner, and P. Flynn, Crit. Care Med. 13:298, 1985).
       1.5b         1,800c/2,300c            265/315              11.9/11.9         Although corticosteroids clearly mitigate some of the toxic
   3.5              1,060c/730c              149/7c               12.2/11.0
                                                                                 effects of endotoxin, their impact in the therapy of gram-
   5.5              1,000c/850c              38c/19c             9.4c/10.4
                                                                                 negative bacterial sepsis is less clear. Despite the fact that
  a None of the differences between treatment groups is statistically signifi-   bacterial clearance and endotoxin liberation are readily
cant.                                                                            influenced in this model (12), the results of the current study
  b Methylprednisolone or
                            placebo was administered with moxalactam.
  c Significantly different from the mean at time 0 as assessed by the           did not demonstrate an adverse effect of methylprednisolone
comparison of two means t test.                                                  administration on bacterial clearance during antibiotic ther-
                                                                                 apy for gram-negative bacterial sepsis. On the other hand,
                                                                                 this study revealed no beneficial effect of methylpredniso-
stood, proposed explanations include an intrinsic anti-                          lone administration on either the level of endotoxin or on
endotoxin activity of corticosteroids (1), the prevention of                     endotoxin-sensitive physiologic, metabolic, or hematologic
endotoxin-induced hypoglycemia (5), improved circulation                         parameters in the present model. To date, clinical studies of
and distribution of antibiotics (5), and the prevention of                       the effectiveness of corticosteroid administration in prevent-
complement-induced granulocyte aggregation (3). Enhanced                         ing mortality in gram-negative bacterial sepsis are collec-
clearance of bacteremia or endotoxemia could also be a                           tively inconclusive. However, in one distinct subset of
beneficial factor, but these potential effects have been the                     patients, those with typhoid fever, a clear benefit appears to
subject of few investigations. On the other hand, as                             result from corticosteroid administration (7). Further
corticosteroids are known to decrease neutrophil phagocytic                      progress in understanding both the pharmacologic and
function (4) and contribute to superinfection (15), corticoste-                  microbiologic effects of corticosteroid administration during
roid administration could potentially result in decreased                        therapy of gram-negative bacterial sepsis may eventually
clearance of bacteremia. Consistent with this idea Skornik                       permit delineation of other subsets of patients with gram-
and Dressler reported that administration of corticosteroids                     negative bacterial infections that may benefit from cortico-
to both normal and burned rats acutely depressed clearance                       steroid administration.
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the lung (14). In the
present model of gram-negative bacterial sepsis, levels of                                             ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
bacteremia were not significantly different between the                             This work was supported by Public Health Service grant
methylprednisolone and placebo treatment groups. Rather,                         RR-00584-20 from the Division of Research Resources, National
levels of bacteremia appeared to be influenced solely by                         Institutes of Health, by grant CF-6040 from the American Cancer
antibiotic administration (Fig. 1A).                                             Society, and by the American-Lebanese-Syrian Associated Chari-
   In a recent report, Johnston and Greisman (8) examined                        ties.
the effect of corticosteroid administration on endotoxin                                                LITERATURE CITED
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30       FLYNN ET AL.                                                                                                       INFECT. IMMUN.

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