Supersonic Collection - AKUART
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We create extraordinary acoustic solutions Content 01 Our Approach Akuart p. 02 Our values p. 03 Designed for disassembly p. 05 Material transparency p. 07 Ambitious climate goals p. 09 14 Product Collection SS50 Wall Panel p. 15 SS50 Floor Screen p. 19 SS50 Desk Screen p. 23 SS50 Vertical Suspended Screen p. 27 34 Design Options Design with colors p. 35 Decorate with art p. 37 Create visual meaning p. 39 Graphic production p. 41
Akuart The way we resonate AKUART was founded in 2006 with the ambition to create extraordinary acoustic solutions with a strong visual appeal. This is still the company’s main aspiration today. Through a strong dedication to functionality, aesthetics and taking responsibility for the future, Akuart strives to make good acoustic design available to the largest possible audience. What started out as acoustic wall art has now developed into a full range of acoustic products / solutions with a changeable canvas, strong sustainability profile and extensive design options including photography, art, graphics, colors, textures, signage and more. 1 2
Our Values Innovating for the Future At AKUART, we work with the values of sustainability and the principles of circularity to design acoustic solutions fit for the future! Our constant focus on innovation and functionality has always urged us to be curious, investigate new techniques, look to new materials and follow sustainable material development. We want to raise the bar within our industry and make the most of our creative and technical skills to take the lead in sustainable acoustic solutions. – not only because we believe this is the way to do business in the future, but because it makes us proud to know that we are doing our part in pushing for change. We: • Design for circularity • Choose “pure” materials, preferably re-used or upcycled • Design our products to be easily disassembled, sorted and re-used • Investigate and collaborate to develop take-back systems within our production We: • Value transparency • Ask critical questions of suppliers to further the sustainable focus • Have a clear understanding (and documentation) of the materials we use We: • Produce responsibly • Only use suppliers we know treat their workers properly • Choose suppliers in countries with human rights • Make sure our employees have a healthy work/life balance We: • Work to reduce our carbon footprint • Minimise transportation by chooing Nordic and European suppliers • work to design out waste in production 3 4
Designed for Disassembly Reduce, reuse, repair, recycle and remanufacture - Towards circularity Reaching the necessary carbon reduction scenarios takes a fundamental change to how we perceive and use materials. We need to consider materials, not as components in a product, but as resources that circulate from one purpose to the next - without losing value or quality. Designing for Disassembly is an integral concept in the circular economy, in which products are designed intentionally for end-of-life material recovery. This entails a shift in the way we approach the design process, considering the end-of-life possibilities of our products, already at the start of a design process. At AKUART we are proud to have integrated this concept in our design process. We see the challenge of designing for disassembly as a very meaningful way to nurture our curiosity, creativity and innovative skills, and to design our acoustic solutions, component for component, to be fit for the future - both in aesthetics, function and material composition. We have incorporated the concept of designing for disassembly as fundamental principles that inform decisions and material choices. - Guiding us towards circularity and designing out waste by examining the supply chain in reverse and choosing components with similar life span, ensuring that products can be maintained, that parts can be recycled and replaced - and finally making disassembly and sorting uncomplicated and worthwhile. 5 6
Material Transparency Frame - Circular aluminum At Akuart we only work with carefully selected suppliers, who provide materials of the highest quality. The Akuart frames are made with recycled We believe that a well-designed, aesthetic product of quality materials results in satisfied customers aluminum. While aluminum is known as and prolonged product life-span, which is a key issue when talking about sustainable production and a high emission material, it is also one of the most reusable materials available. Our consumption. frames consist of 75% upcycled aluminium scrap and can be fully recycled after use. We have an ongoing, good and constructive dialogue with all our suppliers - always working with them to push for the most sustainable materials and expanding our knowledge on new materials and production techniques. In these partnerships within the supply chain, we have managed to create a product range with a clean and functional design, made from the most sustainable components with the highest level Canvas - Recycled polyester of recycled material available in the market. The dialogue continues as we move towards full circularity of the Akuart products. The Akuart canvases are made from 100% recycled polyester fibres. The recycled polyester lives up to the same strict quality measures we have for our print quality, maintenance demands and product life- We already have exciting plans for internal recycling and take-back schemes that we look forward to span, while saving virgin ressources and minimising CO2-e emissions. developing with both current and future partners. Meanwhile we are working to eliminate waste in our production, finding new ways to minimise emissions and improving the product life-cycle with each decision we make. Absorber - Post consumer PET bottles The Akuart absorbers are made with 50% fibres from plastic bottles recycled in Europe, this production method significantly reduces the CO2-emissions compared to other absorbers, while maintaining the highest possible sound absorption as well as the possibility to reuse the plastic ressources. 7 8
Ambitious Climate Goals Working with the UN SDGs RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION Sustainable consumption and production is about doing more and better with less. We do this by continuously developing our products and designing both for long lifespans, possible maintenance and material recycling. “We work with recycled and upcycled materials throughout our product collection and continuously push for more sustainable material development and transparent resource consumption. This challenge fosters innovation, creativity and new knowledge - all values that we pride ourselves on at DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Akuart”. We value our people! Throughout our supply chain we make sure that those involved in the production of Akuart products are paid fair wages and have safe working conditions. We respect the work/life-balance of our employees and encourage an inclusive and tolerant culture, where diverse skills and personalities are respected and valued. CLIMATE ACTION “We follow the climate development in the world with great concern, and push to become part of the solution - both in the way we design and produce Akuart products, but also by aiming to inspire the rest of the industry to make the necessary changes. We measure the climate footprint of all our products using a INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE third party screening tool, allowing us to analyse and minimise the emissions of our products. And while we Innovation and technological progress are key to finding lasting solutions to the environmental challenges work to minimise our impact towards full circularity, we have chosen to compensate for all CO2-e emissions facing all production companies. At Akuart we love to be innovative and test new ideas. Testing new of The Supersonic Collection.“ sustainable components and production methods and challenging the use, re-use and upcycling of well- known materials is part of our creative approach to product design. We push to be on the cutting edge of sustainable development and increase resource and energy-efficiency through innovation and initiative. PARTNERSHIPS FOR THE GOALS From sub-supplier to end consumer - and beyond. The sustainable journey is one that we are on together and we can only succeed in partnerships. At Akuart we work closely with our partners throughout the value chain to encourage sustainable change and strengthen sustainable development. We continuously research possibilities of new networks and partnerships to foster green change, both within design, material development, usage and end-of-life opportunities. 9 10
Product Collection 13 14
SS50 Wall Panel Superior broad range wall absorption The A k uar t SS5 0 W all P anel is a f ir s t c las s wall abs o r ber wr apped in t im eles s , nordic design to match any aes t het ic nar r at ive. This wall abs o r ber is per f ec t f or lim it ing s ound r ef lec t ions for workstations c los e t o walls and es pec ially in c o r ner s . C om bined wit h ext ens ive des ig n opt io ns , the S S 50 Wall Panel pr o vides endles s po s s ibilit ies o f c r eat ing beaut if ul, s t ylis h and s ens o r ially s t im ulating interior designs. The panel c om es wit h a var iet y of s pec ial f eat ur es inc luding t he c har ac t er is t ic A k ua rt changeable canvas and a d e s ign e d for d is a s s e mb ly pr oduc t philo s o phy m ak ing it po s s ible t o r ec yc le each and every single c om po nent of t he panel. Frame colors / Finishes White Black Charcoal Grey Green Light brown Army Dark Blue Light Grey Red Brown Custom frame colors F r am es in c us t o m R A L o r NC S c o lo r s c an be o r der ed wit h dif f er ent s t r uc t u res. P r ic e and f inis h on r eques t . A KU A RT SS 5 0 Wa l l P a n el Sound absorption Meas ur em ent s per f o r m ed ac c or ding t o I SO 3 5 4 . So und abs or pt io n c las s : A A bs o r pt io n c o ef f ic ient (α w ): 0 .9 5 NR C : 0 .9 5 15 16
A K U A R T S S 5 0 W a l l P a n e l - c o r n e r r e i n fo r c e m e n t SS50 Wall Panel sizes Ve rt ic a l: Ho ri s o n t a l : S qu a r e : S ize: width x he i g ht Size: width x height S i ze : w i d t h x h e i g h t w:500 x h:1000 m m w : 1000 x h: 5 0 0 mm w : 5 0 0 x h: 5 0 0 mm w:600 x h:1200 m m w : 1200 x h: 6 0 0 mm w : 6 0 0 x h: 6 0 0 mm w:1200 x h:1500 m m w : 1500 x h: 1 2 0 0 mm w : 1 0 0 0 x h: 1 0 0 0 mm w:1200 x h:1800 m m w : 1800 x h: 1 2 0 0 mm w : 1 2 0 0 x h: 1 2 0 0 mm w:1200 x h:2400 m m w : 2400 x h: 1 2 0 0 mm w:1000 x h:1500 m m w : 1500 x h: 1 0 0 0 mm w:1000 x h:2000 m m w : 2000 x h: 1 0 0 0 mm w:1000 x h:2500 m m w : 2500 x h: 1 0 0 0 mm w:1000 x h:3000 m m w : 3000 x h: 1 0 0 0 mm Custom s izes The SS50 W a ll Pan e l can al so b e o r d e r e d i n c us t o m s i z e s : Min. he ight: 50 cm M ax. h e i g h t: 300 cm Min. length: 5 0 cm - M ax. l e n g th : N o l i m i tat i o ns ( Fra me p ro f i l e s c a n b e i nf i ni t e l y e x te nded in len g th w i th co n n e cto r fi tti n g s) A K U A R T S S 5 0 W a l l Panel - canvas pull off 17 18
SS 5 0 F l o o r S c reen Effective floor screen that guards you from noise T he Akua r t SS50 F l o o r Scr e e n p r o v i d e s e nd l e s s p o s s i b i l i t i e s o f c re a t i ng b e a ut i f ul s t a nd a l o ne ac o us t ic inter ior d e si g n s. Th e co r e m ate r i al an d d i me ns i o ns a re me t i c ul o us l y e ngi ne e re d t o i nt e rrup t s p e ec h f r om one wor k stati o n to an o th e r . Th e fl o or s c re e n o f f e rs s up e rb a c o us t i c f unc t i o na l i t y a nd a n e x cept ional a r r a y of de si g n o p ti o n s th at g i v e s y o u c o mp l e t e f re e d o m t o d e s i gn a nd re d e s i gn yo ur s p a c e t o s t im ulat e wellbe ing an d o p ti m i se d w o r ki n g co n d i t i o ns . Cho o s e f ro m a w i d e ra nge o f f ra me c o l o rs , f e e t d e s ig ns and ca nva s op ti o n s to m ake th i s aco u sti c s o l ut i o n f i t yo ur d i s t i nc t ne e d s . T he s c re e n c o me s w i t h a va r iet y o f s pe cia l fe atu r e s i n cl u d i n g th e ch ar act e ri s t i c A k ua rt c ha nge a b l e c a nva s a nd a d e s i g n e d fo r d i s a s s e mb ly pr oduct ph i l o so p h y m aki n g i t p o ssi b l e t o re c yc l e e a c h a nd e ve ry s i ngl e c o mp o ne nt o f t he s c re e n. Frame colors / Finishes White Black Charcoal Grey Green - b e t we e n w o r k s t a t i o n s Light brown Army Dark Blue Light Grey Red Brown Custom frame colors F r am e s i n cu sto m RAL o r N CS c o l o rs c a n b e o rd e re d w i t h d i f f e re nt s t ruc t ure s . Pr i ce an d fi n i sh o n r e q u e st. A K U AR T SS 5 0 Fl o or S c re e n Sound absorption (material) Me a s ur em e n ts p e r fo r m e d acco r d i n g t o IS O 3 5 4 . Sound a b so r p ti o n cl ass: A Abs or ptio n co e ffi ci e n t ( α w ) : 0. 95 NRC: 0. 95 19 20
A K U A R T S S 5 0 F l o o r S c r e e n - c a n v a s p u l l o ff SS50 Floor Screen sizes (Frame only) Ve rt ic a l: Ho ri s o nt a l : Size: width x he i g ht S i z e: w i d t h x h e i g h t w:800 x h:130 0 m m w : 14 0 0 x h: 1 3 0 0 mm w:800 x h:150 0 m m w : 16 0 0 x h: 1 3 0 0 mm w:800 x h:180 0 m m w : 18 0 0 x h: 1 3 0 0 mm w:800 x h:200 0 m m w : 20 0 0 x h: 1 3 0 0 mm w:1000 x h:20 00 m m w : 16 0 0 x h: 1 5 0 0 mm w:1200 x h:13 00 m m w : 18 0 0 x h: 1 5 0 0 mm w:1200 x h:15 00 m m w : 20 0 0 x h: 1 5 0 0 mm w:1200 x h:18 00 m m w:1200 x h:20 00 m m w:1500 x h:20 00 m m Custom sizes SS50 Floor Sc r e e n o ffe r s fo r m at fl e xi b i l i ty . Specia l s ize s c an b e o r d e r e d u p to : Le n g th : M a x . 2 7 0 0 mm x H e i ght : M a x . 2 0 0 0 mm F lat Base El e v a t ed B a se W heeled b a se A K U A R T S S 5 0 Floor Screen Flat Base 21 22
SS50 Desk Screen The perfect shield from noisy office life The A k uar t SS5 0 Des k Sc r een is t he nat ur al c hoic e f or pr ivac y and quiet c o m f o r t at your workstation. It is c ar ef ully des ig ned t o int er r upt s peec h f r om o ne wor k s t at io n t o anot her and has an ex tensive range o f des ig n opt io ns . The s c r een has 3 dif f er ent m o unt ing po s it io ns f or t he c lam p m ounts and comes with a var iet y o f s pec ial f eat ur es inc luding t he c har ac t er is t ic A k uar t c hang eable c anvas and a desi gned f or d is a s s e mb ly pr o duc t philo s o phy m ak ing it po s s ible t o r ec yc le eac h and ever y s ingle component of the s c r een. Frame colors / Finishes White Black Charcoal Grey Green Light brown Army Dark Blue Light Grey Red Brown D ar k B l u e Custom frame colors F r am es in c us t om R A L o r NC S c o lo r s c an be o r der ed wit h dif f er ent s t r uc tures. A K UA R T S S 5 0 D es k S cr e en P r ic e and f inis h o n r eques t . Sound absorption (material) Meas ur em ent s per f or m ed ac c or ding t o I SO 3 5 4 . Sound abs or pt io n c las s : A A bs or pt io n c o ef f ic ient (α w ): 0 .9 5 NR C : 0 .9 5 23 24
SS50 Desk Screen sizes (Frame only) L ow ve r sion : Hig h ve r sion : Size: widt h x height Size: widt h x heigh t w:6 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:6 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:8 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:8 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:1 0 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:1 0 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:1 2 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:1 2 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:1 4 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:1 4 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:1 6 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:1 6 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:1 8 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:1 8 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m w:2 0 0 0 x h:4 5 0 m m w:2 0 0 0 x h:6 5 0 m m Custom sizes SS5 0 Des k Sc r een o f f er s f or m at f lexibilit y. Spec ial s iz es c an be or der ed up t o : Leng t h: Max. 2 7 0 0 m m x Height: Max . 1000 mm AKUART SS50 Desk Screen - pinnable canvas pull off AKUART SS50 Desk Screen - 25 26
SS50 Vertical Suspended Screen The natural choice to create acoustic sanctuaries The A k uar t SS5 0 V er t ic al Sus pended Sc r een is per f ec t f or c r eat ing ac ous t ic and visual zones between c lus t er s of wor k s t at io ns , and des ig ning beaut if ul int er io r des ig ns . The wir e s us pended acoustic screen o f f er s c r eat ive f r eedom t o m at c h any aes t het ic nar r at ive, while never c o m pr o m is ing t h e superb functionality. The panels c om e wit h a var iet y of s pec ial f eat ur es inc luding t he c har ac t er is t ic A k ua rt changeable canvas and a d e s ign e d for d is a s s e mb ly pr oduc t philo s o phy m ak ing it po s s ible t o r ec yc le each and every single c om po nent of t he s c r een. Frame colors / Finishes White Black Charcoal Grey Green AKUART SS50 Vertical Suspended Panels - H:1950 mm Light brown Army Dark Blue Light Grey Red Brown Custom frame colors F r am es in c us t o m R A L o r NC S c o lo r s c an be o r der ed wit h dif f er ent s t r uc tures. P r ic e and f inis h on r eques t . Sound absorption (material) Meas ur em ent s per f or m ed ac c or ding t o I SO 3 5 4 . Sound abs or pt io n c las s : A A bs or pt io n c o ef f ic ient (α w ): 0 .9 5 NR C : 0 .9 5 27 28
AKUART SS50 Vertical Suspended Screen - adjustable wire mounting SS50 Vertical Suspended Screen sizes SS50 Vertical Suspended Sreen offers predefined patterns in three different heights: • Low: 1450 mm • Medium: 1950 mm • High: 2450 mm 1450 Pattern A 1450 Pattern B 1450 Pattern C AKUART SS50 Vertical Suspended Screen - changeable canvas 29 30
1950 2450 Pattern D Pattern G 1950 2450 Pattern E Pattern H 1950 Pattern F 2450 Pattern I 31 32
Design Options 33 34
Design with colors A unique and exclusive color collection The Akuart changeable printed canvas offers a unique opportunity when it comes to creating a colorful office interior. With the Akuart Sound & Color Collection you have 100+ colors to choose from with an additional choice to blend each and every color with one of three different textures for a more tactile look and feel. AKUART Sound & Colors collection AKUART Color collection - transformer texture AKUART Color collection - color index 35 36
Decorate with art AKUART x Paper Collective - Collaboration Unique artwork gallery In the exclusive Akuart gallery you will find curated artwork collections in a vast range of different categories e.g. art, photography, graphics, illustrations and more. This makes it possible for you to choose among thousands of unique pieces of artwork and get it printed on the changeable canvas of an Akuart sound absorbing panel. 37 38
A K U A R T S S 5 0 W a l l P a n e l s i n C a r l s b er g H Q - v i s u a l c o n c e p t b y e -T y p e s A K U A R T - S S 5 0 W a l l P a nel with wayfinding Create visual meaning Colors, signage, wayfinding & corporate identity We believe that visual design is a strategic tool that helps create a positive impact on people. Whether it is wayfinding, finding the right colors, corporate identity or securing that personal touch, our philosophy is to ensure that our customers get the exact acoustic solution that matches their needs and wants. We never compromise on that. 39 40
AKUART - in production Graphic production We help bring visual ideas to life The AKUART graphic production team helps you bring visual ideas to life and secure the highest print quality possible. They excel in guiding and facilitating graphic tasks and run entire visual design projects. Here is a little selection of graphic design tasks we typically perform for our clients: 01: Image work and retouching We process, edit and set up image files for securing optimal print results. We are experts in large scale printing and know the art of digital image file interpolation. This makes us able to produce large oversize formats without compromising the print quality. 02: Color proofing We are ISO certified in color proofing. This means that we have a certified test print setup that makes us able to validate complex color schemes in advance of production. This saves both time and money as we can significantly reduce the total production time as well as avoid the adverse consequences of misprints. 03: Graphic production assistance Our graphic production team can also assist you in overseeing more simple design tasks e.g. selecting artwork from our unique image gallery. They are accomplished artwork curators and love to find the right artwork securing a coherent visual design concept. 04: Graphic design conceptualization We offer to do partial or total graphic design concepts depending on the requirements. We are just as happy to handle complete graphic design processes as we are to handle more simple ones or collaborating on graphic design processes with architects, interior designers, project managers etc. A K U A R T S S 5 0 W a l l P a n e l - c u s t o m c o l o r in Rambøll HQ 41 42
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