Architecture - Undergraduate Degrees 2021
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The perfect environment for your Architecture degree Lancaster University Lancaster University is one of the top universities in the UK with an outstanding track record for graduate employability. This new course is fully up to date with the latest in architectural practice and is informed by our innovative design-led School of Architecture Building on our institutional reputation for research into the future of the profession. excellence, the new BA (Hons) Architecture You will find that working on live projects programme aims to be one of the UK’s leading with real clients is integral to the course. Our new School of Architecture will allow Home and Living: through examining you to explore the future of architectural historical and contemporary housing, we can destinations for aspiring architects. The Lancaster campus is an inspirational practice through experimentation and world- consider the role of future homes in relation Lancaster’s world-leading lecturers and setting for studying architecture. The School leading research. You will develop skills and to issues of greater density, intergenerational researchers are tackling some of the most of Architecture will be housed in the BREEAM knowledge that will enable you to be agile living, and mobility. and ethical in your practice, and ready to Community and Public Sector: examining pressing challenges in the built environment. award-winning Lancaster Institute for the meet the challenges posed by contemporary the social responsibility of the architect in the From reducing urban pollution to developing Contemporary Arts. You will have plenty of global problems such as climate emergency, context of community live-project briefs. ground-breaking building materials, we are workshop time, including your own individual work force automation, data security and the passionate about architecture and its role space in our purpose-built design studio. City and Urban: bringing together physical, ageing population. digital and social aspects of living in city in addressing major global issues such as Our design studios and surrounding and urban environments in order to address climate emergency. environment will provide space to reflect, complex challenges related to health and debate and create. Lancaster’s green campus wellbeing, sustainable behaviours, safety features woodland and ponds, and is situated Lancaster University and security. close to the Lake District World Heritage Population and Policy: we question how Site. It is a perfect location from which to #7 #8 #8 national and local authority (district, county investigate the global climate emergency, and unitary authorities) regulations address and to test alternate means of working and the challenge of building in the context of living using the apparatus of sustainable and over-population. lean construction. The School’s areas of interest are framed Our facilities The Guardian The Complete The Times & Sunday Times from this unique position on the edge - outside the post-industrial sprawl that As well as an individual working space in our University Guide 2020 University Guide 2021 Good University Guide 2020 characterises the modern city. We are also studios, you will access our workshops which uniquely positioned to use resources on provide facilities for model-making at various campus such as the Ruskin Library, the scales, encompassing hand tools and digital Lancaster Environmental Centre, and the new fabrication equipment including 3D printers Lancaster Health Innovation campus, as well and laser cutters. Digital facilities will include A world class university as the proposed second Eden Project due to open in Morecambe in 2023. laser scanning, visualisation equipment and large-scale printing. A new IT lab will give access to the full Adobe Creative Suite International University of the Year We are interested in: and other specialist software. In addition, The Times & Sunday Times Good you will be able to access the workshops Future Practice: discovering how emerging University Guide 2020 and specialist facilities used by the other digital technologies are radically changing disciplines that are based in the Lancaster the ways in which we design, make and work Institute for the Contemporary Arts (Film #2 in the future. Studies, Fine Art, Design and Theatre). for career after 6 months The Guardian University Guide 2020
Your degree The BA (Hons) Architecture programme is comprised of four main components: Design Studio, Architectural Technology, Architectural Humanities and Professional Practice. Year 1 Year 2 We will assume no prior knowledge of Architecture, but that you do share our enthusiasm and Now that you have grasped the foundations and the fundamentals of Architecture, we will build passion for the subject. Alongside lectures, seminars and workshops you will have one-to-one up your knowledge and practical skills. Throughout this year, you will learn about and analyse tutorials, plenty of opportunity for hands-on work in the studio and will get to know others on the contemporary architecture and emerging methods of construction and technologies. course through project work and group work. Design Skills Architectural Technology Architectural Design Studio 2A Advanced Technology One of the key skills of an architect is to be able In this introduction to structural principles, Competency in digital skills is essential for any The module will focus on contemporary to show clients their ideas for transforming materiality and tectonics, you will start to build practicing architect. In this module we will be construction technologies and provide an space. In this module, you will learn digital and up your knowledge of architectural technology, aiming to develop your skills in CAD, 3D modelling understanding of architectural technology and analogue techniques to represent architectural as well as wider infrastructure and technical and rendering towards a professional level. You will all the components associated with this. Active space and form, both measured and illustrative. elements. You will start to create building learn about site and survey capture techniques, systems, energy efficiency systems and eco- You will develop hand-drawn skills for visual technology models and studies, and we will look modelling, rendering and digital fabrication using technology will be some of the topics covered. communication, including orthogonal drawing, at sustainable materials, passive architecture industry standard software packages while also The module will also provide an overview of the and layout and annotation conventions. principles and lean construction. completing a design brief. This module includes regulatory framework, including construction law, a live project experience, where you will gain building regulation, contracts and administration. Architectural Design Studio 1 Architectural Humanities 1 awareness of the participation process through In addition to these professional contexts, you design approach and explore communication skills will learn about physical and material aspects of Architecture in its primary form is a mode Architectural history is fascinating and we will in relation to fine arts. building elements through detailed models, which of shelter. This Design Studio will develop explore the theory, culture, and design that has may include lighting and environment. analytical survey skills, site analysis and influenced architectural design past and present. Architectural Design Studio 2B observations, mapping the various dynamics Initially, we will look at architectural humanities Architectural Humanities 2 and people relationships of a place towards principles from the first civilizations to 19th Every architect needs a sound knowledge of the a design proposal. You will explore materials century. Later in the module, we will move on to building regulations for the country in which they Continuing from your first year module, we will and representative techniques to present both the age of industrialisation, modernism and post- are operating. Focusing on UK building regulations, explore a range of perspectives on contemporary cultural and social understanding of spaces, but modernism discussing key moments in the late in this module we introduce urban design architectural practice. You will be asked to think also their materiality and identity. 19th and 20th century. principles and planning frameworks. Your project about the role of the architect, for example in will be to create an urban masterplan, which relation to post-war urbanism, digitisation and should include consideration of social and cultural smart cities. This will be brought to life through impacts. You will then take this further and focus visits to sites of particular interest. on an urban building and specific building scheme. You will design a public building, part of which will be in sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with RIBA (the Royal Institute of British Architects) for your building, design and construction process.
Degree information and entry requirements Degree Award Duration UCAS code Typical offer AAB, plus portfolio and Architecture BA (Hons) 3 years K100 interview Prior to making an offer, we will invite you for an interview where you can share some of your ideas via a portfolio. This is a chance for you to visit campus and meet our team, and for us to get to know you. You will find information about what to expect Year 3 from the interview and how to prepare your portfolio on our website. For information on fees, scholarships and any additional costs you might need to consider, please see our website: Your final year is designed to expand and stretch your critical thinking through practical project work at an advanced level. You will be asked to explore the future of architectural practice and to consider new ways of designing and living. Gold standard teaching Architectural Design Studio 3A Professional Practice Lancaster University has been awarded the highest possible score in the UK government’s 2017 Teaching We will challenge you in this module! You will be Building on professional development in previous Excellence Framework. Our TEF gold rating is based asked to consider a site and a global problem and Design Studio and Architectural Technology on high quality teaching, our excellent facilities and to come up with a solution. The problem is likely to components, this module delivers a series of the good careers our graduates attain. be topical such as climate emergency, work force lectures and seminars designed to consolidate automation, data security or the ageing population. your understanding of professional practice, in the You will need to create a brief, present a feasibility context of the range of possibilities for architects. study, and use your problem solving skills and You will study RIBA professional publications, strategies to implement a responsive urban and aspects of building regulations, planning architectural solution. You will be using digital and applications, site appraisal, building control analogue media, as well as physical modelling. The application and architectural practice management. activity could include responding to a competition or call for tender, consultation with residents/ Architectural Humanities - users, as well as site visits where appropriate. Future Practice You will need to assess feasibility, using your The final Architectural Humanities module will design skills and contextual knowledge, and develop and explore a specialist topic in design consider a range of strategic, functional, legal cultures and futures. You will explore cases from and technological issues, as well as getting into historical and contemporary points in the built detailed technical aspects in your design. You will then present your project using a variety of media and appropriate techniques. environment, concerning your graduate portfolio and developing interests. This will be informed through lectures in research skills and research Inspiring the next Architectural Design Studio 3B methods, alongside 1:1 dissertation tutoring. generation of architects In the second half of the final year Architectural Design Studio module, you will complete a major project. This forms part of the graduate portfolio “I don’t think that any new course work, and digital fabrication will that demonstrates your readiness for practice could start, at this time in history, be fully integrated into the new and further postgraduate study on an MArch (Part without taking seriously the fact Lancaster architecture course.” II) qualification. This major project will present a that the climate is changing, comprehensive, fully detailed design project for Professor Ruth Dalton possibly irreversibly. a building with interior space up to 1500 sqm in Professional Architect size, and will cover aspects of communication, This urgent issue, along with others Professor of Spatial Design realisation and resolution with a fully integrated such as automation, the future of and Cognition, Lancaster University technology design report.
Your future career Professional accreditation The University is seeking course prescription from the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to be Architecture in the UK is a regulated profession followed by recognition by the Royal Institute of which means that you must be registered with British Architects (RIBA). the Architects Registration Board (ARB) to Work placements and professional practise using the title ‘architect’. experience There are three main routes to registration, but You will have the opportunity to take an optional typically, if you are studying in the UK, you will: work placement during your second year as part + t ake a three-year full time first degree in of the Architectural Design Studio 2B module. architecture (often referred to as ‘Part 1’) We will organise extra curricular activities during + followed by a year of appropriate professional the summer term that will provide opportunities experience to pursue areas of particular interest to you + then a two-year full time second degree or and develop your awareness and experience diploma in architecture (often referred to as of professional practice. These are likely to ‘Part 2’) include a summer school (potentially forest- based), competitions, exhibitions and placement + followed by a further year of professional opportunities. experience + then the Professional Practice Examination – Your career or ‘Part 3’ Many students continue to postgraduate study You would need to have all three qualifications in order to continue the route to becoming a in order to apply for registration together with fully qualified architect. However, a range of a minimum of 24 months appropriate practical professional careers are open to those who have training experience. completed part 1 and these include: ( + Architectural Technician/Assistant + Architectural Visualisation It is intended that the Lancaster’s BA (Hons) Architecture will be the first stage (Part 1) of the + Landscape Architecture three-stage process of professional qualification + Interior Architect / Spatial Design as an architect in the UK. Our Master of + Urban Designer Architecture will open for recruitment during 2020, for students starting in 2021. This will form the second stage (Part 2) of professional qualification. Get in touch Important information School of Architecture The information in this leaflet relates primarily to 2021/22 Lancaster Institute for the Contemporary Arts (LICA) entry to the University and every effort has been taken to Lancaster University ensure the information is correct at the time of printing in Lancaster LA1 4YW May 2020. The University will use all reasonable effort to E: deliver the course as described but the University reserves the right to make changes after going to print. You are T: +44 (0)1524 510898 advised to consult our website at study for up-to-date information before you submit your @LancsArc application. Further legal information may be found at @LancsArc © L ancaster University – LICAatLancaster Architecture Booklet 2021.
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