Infection protection concept of TU Ilmenau (as of 04 November 2020)

Page created by Casey Martin
This translation is only for general information and may not be used in connection with any legal proceedings. Only
the original German version is legally binding.

          Infection protection concept of TU Ilmenau (as of 04 November 2020)

In accordance with § 3 (2) nos. 1 and 2 of the Thuringian Special Containment Measures
Ordinance in conjunction with § 8 (2) sentence 1 no. 1 of the "Second Thuringian Ordi-
nance on Basic Infection Protection Rules to Contain the Spread of the Coronavirus
SARS-CoV-2" of 20 October 2020 (in future: CorVO), events, meetings and consultations
are permitted in the offices of public-law entities. As a state university according to §§ 1
para. 2, 2 para. 1 and § 5 ThürHG, the TU Ilmenau is subject to these regulations.

The general infection protection rules according to § 3 para. 2 and 3 CorVO, the hygiene
regulations according to the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the
specifications of the respective industrial safety authorities must be observed. This also
applies to the relevant general regulations of the Land and the Ilm district. The special re-
quirements for the design of workplaces in terms of SARS-CoV-2 are to be considered ad-
ditionally according to the SARS-CoV-2 occupational health and safety standard devel-
oped for this purpose and included in the risk assessment of workplaces for a limited pe-
riod of time.

Exclusion and reporting obligations

Employees or students with recognisable symptoms of COVID-19 disease (in particular
acute loss of the sense of taste or smell, shortness of breath or fever in connection with a
newly occurring cough) are to be excluded immediately from university employment or
classes (§ 3 para. 3 CorVO).

If a COVID-19 illness is confirmed, the employees concerned must inform the department
immediately (Supervisor and Department of Personnel and Legal Affairs/DPR: per- or tel. 03677-69-2542). In order to support the tracing of contact per-
sons, the department - primarily the superior - immediately arranges for the determination
of whether there are relevant contact persons in the work environment according to the
provisions of the RKI for the tracing of contact persons and, if necessary, initiates the re-
sulting infection prevention measures.

If a COVID-19 illness is confirmed for a student, he/she must immediately inform the Stu-
dents' Office at the Academic Service Centre/ASC ( or
Tel. 03677-69-2003 to 2005).

Persons who have had contact with a person infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
and are therefore considered to be suspected of infection within the meaning of the Infec-
tion Protection Act must report this immediately to the health authority responsible for their
place of residence or current whereabouts (cf. § 11 para. 1 CorVO). The health authority
decides about further protective measures.

Responsibility for the infection protection concept
The Presidential Board is responsible for the preparation, provision, and presentation of
the infection protection concept (§ 5 (1) and (2) CorVO). The members of the Presidential
Board are responsible for their respective operational areas (§ 29 (2) ThürHG, § 2 GeschO
This translation is only for general information and may not be used in connection with any legal proceedings. Only
the original German version is legally binding.

Präsidium). The respective superiors in the structural units of the service and administra-
tion area, the technology centres and the faculties of the university (hereinafter referred to
as "the heads of the organisational units") as well as the university management and the
staff commissioned by it to implement measures are responsible for implementation on

Information on the spatial scope of the infection protection concept

The campus of the TU Ilmenau has more than 60 buildings with over 100,000 square me-
tres of floor space. The individual buildings and the accessible outdoor areas can be seen
on the attached site plan. The ventilation and air conditioning equipment ranges from sim-
ple, non-air-conditioned but nevertheless ventilated (office) rooms to air-conditioned or
fully air-conditioned lecture halls, laboratories, and clean rooms etc. and can be seen in
the respective building documentation. The infection protection concept applies in all build-
ings of the TU Ilmenau and, where necessary, to the open spaces.

General organisational measures

1. Information and communication

        •     In accordance with § 3 (3) No. 3 CorVO), the university management shall inform
              employees and students on an ongoing basis about necessary infection preven-
              tion measures (distance, hand hygiene, etiquette for sneezing/coughing etc.) on
              the website specifically set up by the university for this purpose.
        •     All staff members and students are obliged to keep themselves regularly informed
              of the status on this website.

2. Distance regulations

    •        On the TU Ilmenau campus and in the buildings, a minimum distance of 1.5 m
            must be maintained between persons wherever possible and reasonable (§ 1 para.
            1 CorVO).
    •       Where experience shows that gatherings of people occur (e.g. counter areas, time
            & attendance recording terminals, lifts, etc.), the heads of the organisational unit to
            which the room is assigned are responsible for marking protective distances of the
            standing areas, e.g. with adhesive tape, in accordance with § 3 (2) CorVO. The Di-
            vision of Facilities and Operation is responsible in public areas, e.g. in front of lifts,
            in corridors or at time & attendance terminals.

3. General hygiene measures

    •       Members of the university are encouraged to regularly use the washing facilities
            with liquid soap. The recommendations of the RKI must be observed.
    •       Adequate room ventilation must always be ensured.
    •       Greater attention is to be paid to cleanliness in jointly used places such as sanitary
            facilities and kitchens. Personal utensils, in particular crockery, cutlery etc., should
            not be shared with others.
This translation is only for general information and may not be used in connection with any legal proceedings. Only
the original German version is legally binding.

4. Access to and conduct in buildings

      •    Access to the building by staff members and students of the university, service
           Access to buildings of the TU Ilmenau is generally limited to members of the uni-
           versity such as employees and students (§ 21 ThürHG) until 31 March 2021. The
           employee's ID card or student ID card (thoska+) is adequate proof of entitlement
           to access. This regulation is indicated at the entrances to buildings by appropriate
           signs posted by the Division of Facilities and Operation. The prohibition of access
           does not apply to service providers (operating company, building operator, exter-
           nal companies, etc.), representatives of contractual partners and tenants who are
           treated like members of the university (see above). They must adhere to the
           specifications of this infection protection concept and, if applicable, sector-specific
           infection protection specifications.

      •    Access to the building by external persons (" during opening hours"“):
           Access to buildings by external persons ("public access, opening hours") is ex-
           ceptionally authorised
           1.) in particularly indicated areas (e.g. University Library, Thuringia Patent Centre
           PATON) or
           2.) at special official occasions in agreement with or at the invitation of members
           of the university (e.g. examinations, defending doctorates, job interviews, advising
           prospective students). The head of the organisational unit according to above
           mentioned point 1 or the inviting party according to above mentioned point 2 is re-
           sponsible for compliance with the special infection protection regulations of
           CorVO. These regulations include in particular:
           - informing external parties about infection protection rules, compliance with dis-
           tance regulations, prevention of group formation in violation of distance regula-
           tions and imposing a ban on entering the house in case of violations (§ 4 CorVO),
          - the recording of contact data of external persons - i.e. surname and first name,
          residential address or telephone number, date of the visit and the beginning and
          end of the respective visit ( § 3 (4) sentence 2 CorVO) - as well as the storage of
          this data for a period of four weeks, the protection of the data against access by
          third parties, the transfer of data to the competent authorities in the event of a re-
          quest and the deletion or destruction in accordance with data protection regula-
          tions after the four-week period has expired (§ 3 (4) sentence 3 CorVO).

      •    Conduct in buildings:
           Wearing a mouth-nose cover (cf. § 6 (4) CorVO) is strongly recommended in
           buildings. This does not apply
           - for an employee's office or workplace (unless the wearing of a mouth-nose
               cover is required under No. 5, 3rd indent),
           - in lecture halls, seminar rooms and meeting rooms after taking a seat,
           - for lecturers during the course, provided that the minimum distance from other
               persons in accordance with no. 2, 1st indent can be maintained.
          The urgent recommendation to wear a mouth-nose cover shall be indicated at the
          entrances to the buildings by appropriate signs provided by the Division of Facili-
          ties and Operation.
This translation is only for general information and may not be used in connection with any legal proceedings. Only
the original German version is legally binding.

Measures for working safely at the TU Ilmenau

5. Workplace design and work organization

    •       A minimum distance of 1.5 m must be maintained between persons wherever possi-
            ble and reasonable (§ 1 para. 1 CorVO).
    •       Multiple occupancy of offices is generally possible.
    •       Where the minimum distance cannot be maintained, mouth-nose covers, or protec-
            tive screens should be used. Further protective equipment that may be required can
            be obtained decentrally by the respective organisational units and financed by their
            material resources budgets. Procurements should be reported by e-mail to
    •       The density of occupancy of work areas and shared facilities shall be reduced by
            measures for time equalisation (shift systems, preferably non-overlapping break
            times, etc.). For this purpose, teams with 2-3 employees are to be arranged being
            as small as possible and permanent (i.e. not subject to personnel fluctuation).
    •       Children must not accompany their parents to the workplace.

6. Mobile working

    •       Special regulations regarding the possibilities for mobile working (e.g. working from
            home) are described in the current service agreement for dealing with the Corona
            pandemic. The university management will inform about changes in a timely man-

7. Equipment / tools

    •       Tools and equipment are to be used on a personal basis wherever possible.
    •       When sharing objects/devices (e.g. microscope, keyboards, mouse etc.), hands
            must be carefully washed before and after use. In addition, the objects/equipment
            should be cleaned with disinfecting tissues before and after use if possible.

8. Business trips

        •    In general, domestic, and international business trips are permitted.
        •    Business trips to foreign countries for which a travel warning from the Federal
             Foreign Office or a classification as a risk area by the RKI is available are not per-
             mitted. The business traveller is obliged to continually inform himself/herself about
        •    High demands must also be met in terms of the necessity of business trips.
             Therefore, they are to be regularly replaced by telephone calls, telephone confer-
             encing, video conferencing, etc.

9. Committee meetings, conferences, etc.

        •    Meetings of the decision-making bodies and committees are generally held in per-
             son, in particular in compliance with the provisions of this infection protection con-
             cept (exclusion of sick or suspected sick participants and contact persons, mini-
             mum distance, room ventilation, etc.).
This translation is only for general information and may not be used in connection with any legal proceedings. Only
the original German version is legally binding.

      •    They can also take place as a telephone or video conference unless the majority
           of the voting members object within a period to be set by the chairperson (cf. § 5
      •    Conference/meeting participants have no right to individual online participation in
           face-to-face meetings (attendance events).

Measures for the security of studies and teaching, events and congresses at the TU

10. Classes, internships, etc.

      •    The winter semester 2020/21 starts on 01 October 2020 and ends on 31 March
           2021; the lecture period starts on 12 October 2020 and ends on 05 February
      •    In the winter semester 2020/21, classes are held as face-to-face courses as far
           as possible. This applies in particular to courses of the first three semesters of a
           Bachelor’s degree program and the first semester of a Master's degree program,
           and teaching in shifts, division of groups, etc. are to be used.
      •    Classroom teaching must be carried out in compliance with the regulations of this
           infection protection concept. In the lecture halls and seminar rooms, only the des-
           ignated seats may be used to guarantee the necessary distance. In exceptional
           cases, the number of marked seats in a room may be exceeded by up to 10%; in
           such cases, those participants who are unable to comply with the distance re-
           quirement must wear a mouth-nose cover. The instructor is responsible for meet-
           ing the requirements of the infection control concept and exercises the house-
           holder's rights during the event. Disinfectants are provided at the entrance to the
      •    Classes that cannot take place attendance classes are offered online, if possible.

11. Examinations/degree theses

      •    Exams can be held in classroom form, i.e. the parties involved attend the exam.
           The regulations of this infection protection concept must be met. The examiners
           are responsible for meeting the regulations of infection protection and exercise
           the householder's rights during the exam.
      •    In order to avoid problems in the examination process, the examination period of
           the winter semester will be extended to cover the entire lecture-free period (from
           08 February 2021 to 31 March 2021). Examinations are possible from Monday to
           Saturday from 7 am to 9 pm.

12. Guidelines for the allocation of lecture halls/seminar rooms in WS 2020/21

      •    When lecture halls/seminar rooms are occupied by attendance classes, these al-
           ways have priority over all other classes. The latter may have to be postponed to
           another period or - as the ultima ratio - cancelled.
      •    When lecture halls/seminar rooms are free after completion of the course plan-
           ning, they can also be used by university staff members and students within the
           lecture period. The following applies:
This translation is only for general information and may not be used in connection with any legal proceedings. Only
the original German version is legally binding.

           a) The use of the seminar/lecture rooms must be requested in the usual way (see
           website ASC: room offers and booking.
           b) Internal organisers (university staff members and students) may hold purely in-
           ternal events (e.g. colloquia at institutes); they may also grant access by invitation
           to external persons (e.g. to conduct appointment procedures), in which case the
           provisions of the infection control concept (cf. no. 4: in particular duty to inform,
           follow-up of contact data) must be complied with.
           c) Events organised by internal organisers, (1.) in which the proportion of external
           participants (non-members and students of the university) is predominant or (2.)
           which cannot be directly classified as research, teaching, study and further train-
           ing or knowledge and technology transfer, are generally prohibited. Events in the
           field of culture belong to this category.
           d) Events organised by external organisers (non-university members and stu-
           dents, associations etc.) are generally prohibited.
           e) Exceptions to the bans c) and d) require the prior approval of the Presiding
           Board and, if necessary, notification/authorisation by the responsible health au-
           thority (cf. § 7 CorVO).

13. University sports

      •    Organised sports activities attended by students and/or staff members do neither
           take place indoors nor in the open air. It is possible to participate in pure online
      •    The use of the sports areas of the University Sports Centre by participants is pro-
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