Superintendent Leadership Profile Survey (English) Easton School District - for the Easton, Washington February 2022 - Easton ...

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Superintendent Leadership Profile Survey (English) Easton School District - for the Easton, Washington February 2022 - Easton ...
Superintendent Leadership Profile Survey
                  for the

         Easton School District
            Easton, Washington

              February 2022
Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

Q1 Please rate the following organization characteristics in terms of the
 degree to which they are currently STRENGTHS OF THE EASTON
                         SCHOOL DISTRICT.
                               Answered: 45    Skipped: 1

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

   quality of...


  support for...

  support for...


  support staff

  central offi...


 leadership f...


Curriculum and



 buildings an...

    Provides a

                   0%      10%      20%     30%    40%     50%    60%      70%     80%     90%   100%

                        A significan…       Somewhat …        Somewhat …         A significan…

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

                                           A              SOMEWHAT      SOMEWHAT      A              TOTAL   WEIGHTED
                                           SIGNIFICANT    OF A          OF A          SIGNIFICANT            AVERAGE
                                           WEAKNESS       WEAKNESS      STRENGTH      STRENGTH
Overall quality of education for                 4.44%        28.89%        51.11%         15.56%
students                                             2             13            23             7       45        2.78

Student performance                             15.56%        26.67%        40.00%         17.78%
                                                     7             12            18             8       45        2.60

Community support for schools and               11.36%        34.09%        27.27%         27.27%
kids                                                 5             15            12             12      44        2.70

Community support for levies and                11.11%        13.33%        53.33%         22.22%
bond measures                                        5             6             24             10      45        2.87

Parent support and engagement                   17.78%        37.78%        40.00%          4.44%
                                                     8             17            18             2       45        2.31

Effective teachers                               4.44%        26.67%        42.22%         26.67%
                                                     2             12            19             12      45        2.91

Effective support staff                          2.22%        11.11%        31.11%         55.56%
                                                     1             5             14             25      45        3.40

Effective central office administration          6.67%        31.11%        31.11%         31.11%
                                                     3             14            14             14      45        2.87

Effective building principals                   11.36%        31.82%        34.09%         22.73%
                                                     5             14            15             10      44        2.68

Sound leadership from the Board of              25.00%        15.91%        38.64%         20.45%
Directors                                            11            7             17             9       44        2.55

High expectations for student                   18.18%        29.55%        36.36%         15.91%
achievement                                          8             13            16             7       44        2.50

Curriculum and academic programs                34.09%        36.36%        22.73%          6.82%
that meet a wide variety of student                  15            16            10             3       44        2.02
interests and needs

Student activities, including athletics,        53.33%        24.44%        17.78%          4.44%
that meet a wide variety of student                  24            11            8              2       45        1.73
interests and needs

Sound financial management                      36.36%        27.27%        31.82%          4.55%
                                                     16            12            14             2       44        2.05

School buildings and other facilities            4.44%        24.44%        51.11%         20.00%
                                                     2             11            23             9       45        2.87

Provides a diverse, inclusive culture            9.09%        22.73%        40.91%         27.27%
for all                                              4             10            18             12      44        2.86

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

    Q2 In addition to the above, what OTHER STRENGTHS of the district do
     you believe are important to the selection of the next superintendent?
                                                      Answered: 24       Skipped: 22

#         RESPONSES                                                                                              DATE
1         Knowing the latest modern tools for learning.                                                          2/4/2022 2:16 PM

2         I thought we just got a new principal superintendent are we getting another new one?                   2/4/2022 8:03 AM

3         Willingness to learn about the community and the culture of Easton.                                    2/3/2022 10:55 PM

4         Cooperation with other/all Easton based community groups to encourage and broaden interest             2/3/2022 10:02 PM
          and connections with the student body. Bring access about community interests to the
          students. Connect the dots.

5         The importance of keeping the children learning IN SCHOOL.                                             1/30/2022 12:17 PM

6         The supporting staff at Easton is amazing teachers office faculty. Is Easton low income yes,           1/29/2022 8:53 AM
          would it be amazing if they were sports at Easton yes, but it’s understood there’s not enough
          children. These are not full to the school. Does Easton need more government funding
          absolutely. Is that Easton‘s fault if the government is not properly funding the school? NO
          Easton is an amazing school and one other great strength is the small size unfortunately with
          that great strength also comes a weakness because of the small size. I love my kids and
          Easton I love all the teachers I love all the faculty. I do I sometimes look around and think
          should I move my kids to Cle Elum so they can get more sports more stuff in general? Of
          course I do because I’m a parent. But then I look at all that I lose with Easton the warmth,
          love, friendship and just got overwhelming feeling when you drop off the kids they are well
          cared for.

7         I refuse to answer the questions about divers and inclusive culture. I am actually very                1/29/2022 8:09 AM
          concerned that this question Is a part of survey.

8         I don’t know if it’s out of your hands but I want normalcy so bad for my children. Masks should        1/28/2022 10:08 PM
          be a choice, so someone who wants to fight for our rights would be a good choice.

9         Get the masks off the kids and the teachers!!!!!!!!!!!! The kids are growing up thinking that it’s     1/28/2022 4:41 PM
          normal. It’s not!!!!!!!!!

10        The new person needs to be ready and willing to work hard and support students, parents,               1/25/2022 10:12 AM
          community & staff by digging in, instead of delegating everything they don't want to do. They
          need to be willing to observe what systems are in place. After observing the systems, then
          make decisions on what things are working and which are not, instead of implementing new
          systems based on another district. This person needs to have an understanding of what each
          position in the district does and treat all positions fairly and equally. holding all of them to the
          same standards.

11        We currently have strong leadership with a CLEAR vision of how to make Easton current,                 1/19/2022 10:47 AM
          relevant and for our growth. It is important that our next superintendent continue this.

12        Someone that is well rounded, has their pulse in what is current in the public education system        1/18/2022 3:30 PM
          but relatable to their community they serve - - all areas - Easton, Snoqualmie Pass and
          surrounding townships.

13        good moral ethics communication to the entire staff Stop bullying of staff to staff                    12/10/2021 4:12 PM

14        Easton School District is a very small community. As a counselor, I have the opportunity to            11/16/2021 12:03 PM
          get to know students much better than in a larger school district.

15        Size, proximity to everything our State has to offer.                                                  11/9/2021 6:49 PM

16        We have an amazing advantage for outdoor education! Easton has a really close knit                     11/5/2021 3:29 PM
          community and if used the right way, the school has so much potential to be an impactful

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

     learning environment in more areas than just academic skills.

17   Someone that is both fair and engaging, that actually takes an active role in the school,           11/3/2021 1:45 PM
     teachers and children.

18   School has so much potential, but is routinely held back by some toxic practices within a           11/2/2021 9:15 AM
     minority of the staff that cause significant harm to other school community members. The
     Board is eager to address change, and signifcant change was initiated to spend less at the top
     administratively, by creating one position for Sup/Principal. Connecting with the community
     through sports and performance arts. This has been impacted by covid and staffing changes
     and we want it to resume. Sports are an essential pillar of the school too, but hampered by
     declining enrollment in past several years (and covid). Extremely supportive and involved staff
     in most areas.

19   Respect the teaching staff, their professionalism, and the combined years of knowledge.             10/26/2021 8:50 AM

20   We are a TINY, RURAL district - these two parameters ARE OUR GREATEST strengths. We                 10/19/2021 10:03 AM
     can move mountains because of them IF we have administration that understands what tiny,
     rural teachers and support staff have to do to have our school function. Asking staff and
     teachers to develop 'extra' and treating us as a large district will NOT work. Please find an
     administrator that understands small, rural districts and the challenges that are unique to those

21   We have a strong, passionate, dedicated teaching staff that long for a supportive,                  10/18/2021 8:26 AM
     understanding superintendent who has worked through the ranks (teacher, principal,

22   Cares about science, teacher training that is inclusive of all students and human experience        10/17/2021 11:59 AM

23   1) We are TINY. We need a superintendent who has great experience and understands both the          10/15/2021 4:37 PM
     strengths and unique challenges of teaching and learning in a such a small district. 2) When
     Cece Badda was here, we had an very cool niche point of differentiation - Archery. We need
     new one.

24   We need a sound leader. Somebody that will put students above all, somebody that cares              10/14/2021 3:02 PM
     more for our students wellbeing over appeasing teachers.

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

Q3 Please rate the following DISTRICT CHALLENGES in relationship to
     their importance for the selection of the next superintendent.
                                                  Answered: 45      Skipped: 1

        Improve the


     Student growth

         Be visible
      regularly in...

      Be visible and
          active in...


      n effective...

         n strong
    n a process ...

       facility nee...

      employ and...

      advocate for...

                     0%     10%     20%     30%      40%     50%       60%       70%     80%     90%   100%

                          Not import…       Somewhat I…          Very import…          Extremely i…

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

                                               NOT           SOMEWHAT      VERY         EXTREMELY     TOTAL   WEIGHTED
                                               IMPORTANT     IMPORTANT     IMPORTANT    IMPORTANT             AVERAGE
Improve the academic achievement of                  2.22%       13.33%       48.89%        35.56%
students                                                 1            6            22            16      45        3.18

Graduation rates/dropout rates                       2.22%       22.22%       37.78%        37.78%
                                                         1            10           17            17      45        3.11

Student growth rates                                 4.44%       15.56%       40.00%        40.00%
                                                         2            7            18            18      45        3.16

Be visible regularly in schools and                  0.00%       22.22%       35.56%        42.22%
classrooms                                               0            10           16            19      45        3.20

Be visible and active in community                   0.00%       22.22%       40.00%        37.78%
                                                         0            10           18            17      45        3.16

Provide responsible financial management             2.22%        8.89%       28.89%        60.00%
of district resources                                    1            4            13            27      45        3.47

Develop/maintain comprehensive and                   2.22%        6.67%       31.11%        60.00%
effective communications with the                        1            3            14            27      45        3.49
community, staff and Board

Develop/maintain community support for               0.00%       13.33%       31.11%        55.56%
schools, including the passage of special                0            6            14            25      45        3.42

Develop/maintain effective working                   0.00%       17.78%       24.44%        57.78%
relationship with the School Board                       0            8            11            26      45        3.40

Develop/maintain strong and effective                0.00%        8.89%       33.33%        57.78%
working relationships with district                      0            4            15            26      45        3.49

Develop/maintain a process for                       2.22%        4.44%       33.33%        60.00%
collaboration and shared decision-making                 1            2            15            27      45        3.51

Address facility needs, including the                0.00%       11.11%       40.00%        48.89%
passage of needed bond issues                            0            5            18            22      45        3.38

Recruit, employ and retain top quality staff         0.00%        0.00%       24.44%        75.56%
                                                         0            0            11            34      45        3.76

Effectively advocate for the district, its           2.22%       11.11%       31.11%        55.56%
students and public education with state                 1            5            14            25      45        3.40
and national policy makers

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

    Q4 In addition to the above, what OTHER CHALLENGES do you think are
        important to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?
                                                     Answered: 22       Skipped: 24

#         RESPONSES                                                                                             DATE
1         Location resources The snow!!! Keep them around longer than a year obviously                          2/4/2022 8:03 AM

2         None, the above covers the challenges.                                                                2/3/2022 10:55 PM

3         The addition of extracurricular activities, classes and or groups to offer the students. WE           1/30/2022 12:17 PM
          STUFEN BODY!!

4         I think this is a great survey. I think there’s also I need to get the community involved. A lot of   1/29/2022 8:53 AM
          this pressure seems to be just on the school. But another districts I’ve lived in it’s the parents
          to get things done it’s the community. A well written letter perhaps might help other parents in
          the community understand that we all need to get together and come together if we want better
          things for our amazing kids and staff at Easton. But if it’s just up to the school fighting a giant
          it’s gonna be hard to be heard. I have full support and faith in the school but the community
          needs to come together and not ask the school to act on its own .

5         We are living in such weird times, I will continue to push for the masks to go away, kids need        1/28/2022 10:08 PM
          to see expressions and other kids faces, this whole thing is insanity when you see other states
          and schools are back to normal, we need a superintendent that’s willing to fight for that and
          realize covid is another virus that’s not going away and by wearing masks and suppressing
          kids immune systems is just going to backfire and create more sick kids when they can finally
          take them off in school.

6         It is imperative that this person have an outstanding financial comprehension. This position is       1/25/2022 10:12 AM
          crucial to the sustainability of our district. Just applying for grants does not a good
          superintendent make. Managing grants and communicating their use to all staff is essential so
          that funds are spent appropriately. We need a person who can look at financial data and advise
          the district of proper disbursement of funds, including raises, hiring wages, and expenditures
          on items on a priority need basis.

7         Awareness of the issues surrounding current teacher's union approaches and navigate an                1/19/2022 10:47 AM
          effective partnership with the teacher's union.

8         We need to invest in our children. Provide them with MUSIC and ART classes, functioning               1/18/2022 3:30 PM
          LIBRARY and extracurricular ACTIVITIES for students.

9         The ability to lead staff meetings regularly (weekly).                                                11/16/2021 12:03 PM

10        Effectively raise money. Get fundable programs approved by the state, find donors and                 11/9/2021 6:49 PM
          education program sponsors, raise money. We are tired of being asked to not spend money on
          student programs and needs. 'No' to improved/competitive teacher compensation. 'No' to
          classroom budgets. 'No' to CTE program funding. 'No,' to modern curriculum or to any
          curriculum at all. 'No' to education programs tailored to high schoolers. 'Yes, but only if you'll
          work for free or for reduced compensation.' 'No' to targeted, quality professional development
          that's not free. 'No' to reasonable prep time to teach students better, 'No' to accomplishing non-
          prep work on paid non-prep and non-teaching time.

11        The challenge to hire a superintendent that does not succumb to the boards personal agenda            11/7/2021 8:05 PM

12        The group of staff currently hired at Easton are challenging (often toxic) to work with. As           11/5/2021 3:29 PM
          someone stepping into Easton in their first year its been challenging finding the spot to fit in
          and feel accepted. This school has so much potential to be amazing, but the staff, particularly
          a few, are holding it back.

13        Remember that your job is to teach our children, not indoctrinate our children in the current         11/3/2021 1:45 PM
          political environment. You work for us, not the other way around.

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

14   I believe it is important that the candidate understands how race, ethnicity, class, LGBTQ+,          11/3/2021 10:45 AM
     and various social justice issues affect the school. Likewise, I would like to see a candidate
     who understands the importance of mental health. Kids who pass tests are nice, but I'd rather
     see children become fully functioning, respectful, kind, compassionate, contributing members
     of society.

15   Community involvement.                                                                                11/3/2021 10:36 AM

16   The school board must take a pause to do a board retreat. We have had quite a bit of turn-            11/2/2021 9:15 AM
     over, and need to establish our goals and priorities. There has been very little opportunity for
     board to make these types of plans. The next superintendent should have sites on improving
     Easton throughout a 5-10yr min stay in the role. We must reduce churn. Must be able to
     address some of the toxic culture and end it. We have lost students and other staff members
     to this horrific behavior. Many people do not feel welcome in the school. SEM at the forefront
     of helping everyone be their best selves. Get families involved in this (ala Steilacoom School
     Disctrict) Celebrate!

17   Maintain unbiased and fair attitude toward all.                                                       10/26/2021 8:50 AM

18   The understanding of small, rural environments is imperative to the selection of the next             10/19/2021 10:03 AM
     superintendent. The next superintendent must refrain from bringing with them the 'list' of
     expectations that they had, from their previous sites - Easton is unique - the next
     superintendent must be able to see this uniqueness and work with it. We have so much to
     offer BUT it is impossible to emphasize what we can do when we spin our wheels doing the
     'busy' work that larger districts require.

19   Our previous superintendent /principals have allowed certain staff members to get away with           10/18/2021 9:53 AM
     unsatisfactory conduct without any repercussions. Because of this, many parents have lost
     faith in the school's leadership and feel their complaints are swept under the rug. We need a
     superintendent that will be a strong leader and advocate for all, with students being top priority.

20   Balancing the needs of a small and diverse population of students                                     10/17/2021 11:59 AM

21   Similar to the STRENGTHS statement above - there is a shadow side to those strengths: 1)              10/15/2021 4:37 PM
     We are TINY. We need a superintendent who has great experience and understands both the
     strengths and unique challenges of teaching and learning in a such a small district. 2) When
     Cece Badda was here, we had an very cool niche point of differentiation - Archery. We need
     new one. 3) Recruiting and retaining teachers in such a high-prep (6 distinctly different classes
     in secondary) is difficult. Leadership has historically, and even currently, been ambivalent to
     this unusual burden on teachers. Teachers need more support which includes a focus on
     current, easy to deploy, effective curriculum. Past and current leadership is more concerned
     about saving money than equipping teachers with the right tools and training. 4) The RIGHT
     PD for educators. Historically and currently, leadership is supportive of teachers getting as
     much free PD as they can and haven't worried much about what the training is focused on. For
     example, our school needs good math teachers beginning in early Elementary School. Our
     students are intelligent, yet their state testing math scores are shameful. Some of our teachers
     are afraid of math and actually need to LEARN MATH and get comfortable with it personally so
     they can model confidence and even pleasure with their own math experiences to their

22   Student safety.                                                                                       10/14/2021 3:02 PM

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

Q5 Please rate the following PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS in the
 level of their importance for the selection of the next superintendent.
                                                 Answered: 46       Skipped: 0

     experience a...

     experience a...

     experience a...

      experience i...

      of complex...

       experience i...

       experience i...


     A Washington

         A doctoral

                    0%     10%     20%     30%      40%      50%       60%       70%     80%     90%   100%

                         Not import…       Somewhat I…          Very import…           Extremely i…

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

                                               NOT           SOMEWHAT      VERY         EXTREMELY     TOTAL   WEIGHTED
                                               IMPORTANT     IMPORTANT     IMPORTANT    IMPORTANT             AVERAGE
Prior experience as a classroom teacher             2.17%        28.26%       39.13%        30.43%
                                                        1             13           18            14      46        2.98

Prior experience as a principal or building-        0.00%        10.87%       54.35%        34.78%
level administrator                                     0             5            25            16      46        3.24

Prior experience as a superintendent or             2.17%        28.26%       50.00%        19.57%
central-office administrator                            1             13           23            9       46        2.87

Prior experience in a district of similar           8.70%        21.74%       41.30%        28.26%
size and demographics                                   4             10           19            13      46        2.89

Understanding of complex organizations              6.52%        17.39%       43.48%        32.61%
                                                        3             8            20            15      46        3.02

Demonstrated experience in financial                2.22%         4.44%       55.56%        37.78%
management                                              1             2            25            17      45        3.29

Demonstrated experience in school                   0.00%         4.35%       56.52%        39.13%
district financial management                           0             2            26            18      46        3.35

Leadership experience outside the field of         17.39%        39.13%       30.43%        13.04%
education (e.g. military or business)                   8             18           14            6       46        2.39

A Washington State Superintendent's                30.43%        41.30%       23.91%         4.35%
Certificate (not required by state)                     14            19           11            2       46        2.02

A doctoral degree                                  36.96%        50.00%       10.87%         2.17%
                                                        17            23           5             1       46        1.78

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

         Q6 In addition to the above, what OTHER PROFESSIONAL
     QUALIFICATIONS do you think are important to consider in the selection
                          of the next superintendent?
                                                      Answered: 21     Skipped: 25

#          RESPONSES                                                                                            DATE
1          Someone that is good at getting grant money.                                                         2/4/2022 2:16 PM

2          Location. Have they lived in the area long enough to understand our winters. Help get our kids       2/4/2022 8:03 AM
           mask free(not opposed to face shields) but something kids can see mouths and faces. They
           are learning to talk and not being able to see someones mouth is extremely difficult

3          None                                                                                                 2/3/2022 10:55 PM

4          Lives in Kittitas county-understand the dynamics of a small town community                           2/3/2022 10:02 PM

5          as to the doctoral degree it should be relevant to high school education                             1/31/2022 9:22 AM

6          I hope the next superintendent understands all of the amazingness that Easton offers. The            1/29/2022 8:53 AM
           warms when you walk in the door, amazing teachers, amazing staff. What Easton lacks in
           resources they more than make up for with a feeling of pride community and love. My children
           I’ve been to three different schools and I have never experienced the warmth like I have
           experience in Easton. Do I worry about small class sizes, new friendship, after-school sports
           and lack of. Yes of course. But I have to weigh the pros and cons and pros are Everything
           Easton offers with its hug like atmosphere and the cons are a small school with a very small
           budget and unfortunately they’re not able to offer after school activities. I hope the next
           superintendent realizes the love and charm and amazing is that Easton is and doesn’t come in
           and try to change or disrespect that aspect because that is Easton‘s greatest gift. I hope the
           new superintendent respects the teachers and the staff and the openness of the school and
           love it offers. Easton has challenges because it’s a small school, small town, small budget.
           Easton does not have challenges because of its staff it’s teachers that is it saving grace. I
           hope the new superintendent comes in understands the value in the true gift of what a small
           town offers and what is teachers do. I hope that Richard rules or big town thinking doesn’t
           come in and destroy Easton’s true gift which is love.

7          Degrees and doctorates do not make an outstanding leader. The ability to observe, understand         1/25/2022 10:12 AM
           and support systems, in order to create a better school are what make a good leader. Working
           hard, demonstrating timeliness, respect and dedication to kids is essential. Leaders are
           followed because they demonstrate what they expect.

8          Awareness of CTE pathways and the growth and development of SMALL, rural schools.                    1/19/2022 10:47 AM

9          Experience and understanding with high school graduation requirements (grad pathways,                11/16/2021 12:03 PM
           CORE classes, testing, etc...).

10         Significant successful sales, marketing, and fundraising experience for non-profits and public       11/9/2021 6:49 PM
           educational organizations.

11         a good honest work ethic that does not choose one side over the other because of a fat               11/7/2021 8:05 PM

12         Having experience in turning a school around to raise enrollment rates/roll out new programs         11/5/2021 3:29 PM
           aligned with student interests. (Think farm to table type programs, outdoor education,
           community outreach, etc).

13         That parents are an important part of the education of their children and should be included in      11/3/2021 1:45 PM
           all decisions on what their children are learning and what is being taught.

14         Do they have social justice training? Are they committed to that?                                    11/3/2021 10:45 AM

15         Professional qualifications matter very little so long as the person demonstrates their ability to   11/3/2021 10:36 AM

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

     serve our children and school district well.

16   No interim retire rehire candidates.                                                                 10/26/2021 8:50 AM

17   If our next superintendent has background in teaching they must understand the difference            10/19/2021 10:03 AM
     between the teaching that they did (likely in larger districts, with teams of people in each
     subject area) compared to what the teachers at Easton do. We have no team to divide the
     work among, other than the elementary and secondary teams. At the secondary level we are
     teaching 6 DIFFERENT classes and several of these are being taught without a curriculum,
     other than what the teacher creates. Our next superintendent has to somehow understand the
     depth of what we do to teach and support here at Easton.

18   Our current superintendent has done a great job at trying to bring the community and school          10/18/2021 9:53 AM
     together. This is a refreshing change and I would like to see this continue. Easton doesn't have
     a lot to offer students and could really use some additional programs. Easton also has a
     history of losing students to other schools outside of our district, because their child wasn't
     being challenged academically.

19   Bilingual                                                                                            10/17/2021 11:59 AM

20   1) RE: "Prior experience in a district of similar size and demographics" - the experience in a       10/15/2021 4:37 PM
     tiny district needs to have been game-changing. 2) Excellent fundraising skills - not just levies,
     but grants and significant community/business donations and funding campaigns. This person
     needs to relish grant-writing and other unique fundraising ideas, and get a kick out of "winning"
     money for our school. 3) Ideally, they have had experience turning their prior tiny school's
     community into an asset. For instance, developing a (relationship with a) PTSA that
     contributes helpfully, significantly and positively when they see a need, rather than
     complaining, criticizing, being devisive, and being hard on staff morale. 4) Our school's
     families need more support from our school too. Experience developing supportive programs
     that are actually helpful to the families themselves - such as an after-school learning center
     that supports students and their families as well (open the library up to the adults in the family
     too); boys and girls club-type after school club/activities; community dodge-ball night every
     Monday, ideas like this.

21   Prior management of a small, diverse, family oriented district.                                      10/14/2021 3:02 PM

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

Q7 Please rate the following PERSONAL QUALITIES in the level of their
        importance in the selection of the next superintendent.
                                                     Answered: 46       Skipped: 0


     A good listener

       High energy

       Honesty and



      Willingness to
      identify and...

     Willingness to
     make and sta...

           A strong
        vision for...

      Creativity and
         ability to...


      Willingness to
      be an active...

       Empathy and

                        0%     10%     20%     30%      40%      50%       60%       70%     80%     90%   100%

                             Not import…       Somewhat i…          Very import…           Extremely i…

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

                                        NOT         SOMEWHAT         VERY         EXTREMELY      TOTAL   WEIGHTED
                                        IMPORTANT   IMPORTANT        IMPORTANT    IMPORTANT              AVERAGE
Strong communication skills                 0.00%           4.35%       28.26%         67.39%
                                                0               2            13             31      46        3.63

A good listener                             0.00%           4.35%       32.61%         63.04%
                                                0               2            15             29      46        3.59

High energy level                           8.70%          28.26%       36.96%         26.09%
                                                4               13           17             12      46        2.80

Honesty and integrity                       0.00%           0.00%       10.87%         89.13%
                                                0               0            5              41      46        3.89

Collaborative decision-making               0.00%           2.17%       32.61%         65.22%
process                                         0               1            15             30      46        3.63

Open, accessible leadership style           2.17%           2.17%       43.48%         52.17%
                                                1               1            20             24      46        3.46

Willingness to identify and tackle          0.00%           0.00%       28.26%         71.74%
problems                                        0               0            13             33      46        3.72

Willingness to make and stand               0.00%           4.35%       36.96%         58.70%
behind hard decisions                           0               2            17             27      46        3.54

A strong vision for educational             2.17%           2.17%       36.96%         58.70%
excellence                                      1               1            17             27      46        3.52

Creativity and ability to inspire and       0.00%          17.39%       34.78%         47.83%
"think outside the box"                         0               8            16             22      46        3.30

Team-building skills                        0.00%           4.35%       28.26%         67.39%
                                                0               2            13             31      46        3.63

Willingness to be an active, engaged        0.00%          19.57%       26.09%         54.35%
part of the community                           0               9            12             25      46        3.35

Empathy and compassion                      0.00%          10.87%       30.43%         58.70%
                                                0               5            14             27      46        3.48

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

Q8 In addition to the above, what OTHER PERSONAL QUALITIES do you
think are important to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?
                                                  Answered: 16      Skipped: 30

#      RESPONSES                                                                                             DATE
1      A woman leader would be nice.                                                                         2/4/2022 2:16 PM

2      None                                                                                                  2/3/2022 10:55 PM

3      Sense of humor                                                                                        2/3/2022 10:02 PM

4      This person needs to listen. Students, parents, community and staff don't want to be talked at        1/25/2022 10:12 AM
       or constantly told what someone who is constantly stroking their ego has done.

5      Our leader must be STRONG! Strong vision, strong pathway developer, strong to stand up for            1/19/2022 10:47 AM
       our students and school and to not bend to the press from the teacher's union.

6      Outgoing personality with the ability to connect with many different students and staff               11/16/2021 12:03 PM
       members throughout the week.

7      Smart. Discerning. Strategic. Attentive to the short term but with a vision for a big bright          11/9/2021 6:49 PM
       Easton School District future.

8      honesty and morals, the ability to tell the schoolboard no that's wrong                               11/7/2021 8:05 PM

9      Someone who is personable.                                                                            11/5/2021 3:29 PM

10     This person should not be related to, or a friend of another employee, board member, or family        11/3/2021 1:45 PM

11     A love for the town of Easton and it's community and a respect for it's rural character.              11/3/2021 10:36 AM

12     With the different, and strong, viewpoints that staff in this school have, it will be important for   11/2/2021 10:13 AM
       the next superintendent to be able to keep a positive and working relationship with everyone.
       That does not mean please everyone all the time, but it does mean listen to all viewpoints and
       do their best to work through difficult situations in a positive way.

13     Consistency, no favoritism.                                                                           10/26/2021 8:50 AM

14     Understanding, through experience, what it is to teach 5 or 6 preps. Understanding, through           10/19/2021 10:03 AM
       experience, that our single prep period, when divided by our 6 classes to prep means each day
       we are receiving only 10 minutes for each class. Understanding the work load of Easton
       teachers and support staff and finding ways to assist with that work load. Emphasis on
       implementing processes that will facilitate the teachers and support staff to be able to do their
       position efficiently. Openness to changes requested by the teachers and support staff. Be
       PRESENT and interact in our classes with our students.

15     A good leader with the ability to take appropriate action in tough situations. Someone who will       10/18/2021 9:53 AM
       put effort into relationships with students, parents and faculty.

16     I think the list above is comprehensive                                                               10/17/2021 11:59 AM

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

    Q9 In addition to the above, WHAT ELSE do you think is important for the
      School Board to consider in the selection of the next superintendent?
                                                     Answered: 17      Skipped: 29

#         RESPONSES                                                                                           DATE
1         None                                                                                                2/3/2022 10:55 PM

2         Resumes for all candidates put on Easton school website so community can learn mor about            2/3/2022 10:02 PM

3         Financially, we need someone who is going to keep our district up and running. Someone who          1/25/2022 10:12 AM
          understands the importance of running levies and that they require a lot of effort. Someone
          who is going to be a strong communicator with the ability to understand that it is not about
          them or their pocketbook, it's about kids and their education.

4         As a teacher with your district I would like to see our current superintendent be hired. He         1/19/2022 10:47 AM
          seems to have a clear understanding of our challenges AND he has a GREAT vision for our
          future - his vision is and has been shared by several of us for a few years.

5         Let's find someone who wants to stay long-term. This school needs some consistent                   11/16/2021 12:03 PM
          leadership and someone who will commit to years-long projects.

6         Someone who has several years left in their career, who has experience in visionary                 11/9/2021 6:49 PM
          organizations, who has worked under visionary leaders and adopted their best practices.

7         to leave their personal agendas out of it and do what is best for kids, school and teachers         11/7/2021 8:05 PM

8         Hire someone who actively wants to turn Easton around and be the school it has the potential        11/5/2021 3:29 PM
          to become! :)

9         Experience dealing with unions. The Easton School union leadership are aggressive, unethical,       11/3/2021 2:40 PM
          intimidating and need to be terminated and removed from the school as they are a bad
          influence creating hostility. Not all but leadership. If you want to analyze look back a couple
          years and see why teachers formerly in the union left the school or dropped out of the union.
          You have a BIG problem.

10        Our school is a wonderful place, and with the help of all people involved, children, parents, and   11/3/2021 1:45 PM
          teachers it can and will continue to be the center of our community.

11        The more local the candidate, the better. I also hope to see the principal and superintendent       11/3/2021 10:36 AM
          job continue to be combined into the future. There is no reason why a school so small should
          be spending two salaries worth for both a principal and superintendent.

12        We need someone who will be committed to longer than 5yrs. (5-10yrs min) Culture takes time         11/2/2021 9:15 AM
          to build up.

13        The superintendent does not just work for YOU, they work for everyone.                              10/26/2021 8:50 AM

14        Please attempt to find someone that understands the unique Easton parameters: teachers with         10/19/2021 10:03 AM
          6 preps and limited preparation time, support staff doing many jobs each, develop schedules
          that reduce the amount of time out of the classroom for testing. A previous teacher that has
          prepped more than one or two classes each year and/or who has prepped different classes
          each year. Familiarity with small, rural districts and the challenges.

15        To not fall into a current trend of polarizing schools along political lines abs to keep students   10/17/2021 11:59 AM
          needs a priority

16        Diversity - someone who is relatable to our families, students and staff. We have a fairly high     10/15/2021 4:37 PM
          number of Hispanic students/families. A Hispanic or non-white leader could make a positive
          difference for all of us.

17        I want a superintendent that will stand up to and not be bullied by the teachers union. They        10/14/2021 3:02 PM
          MUST put students first, above all else.

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

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Easton Superintendent Profile Survey

          Q10 Please indicate which group best represents your role and/or
                            relationship with the district.
                                                      Answered: 36        Skipped: 10

                         0%      10%     20%      30%     40%       50%      60%        70%     80%     90%   100%

                              Community…          Parent              Student                 District tea…
                              District sup…       District ad…        Other

ANSWER CHOICES                                                                     RESPONSES

Community member                                                                   13.89%                            5

Parent                                                                             52.78%                            19

Student                                                                            0.00%                             0

District teacher                                                                   22.22%                            8

District support staff                                                             5.56%                             2

District administrator                                                             2.78%                             1

Other                                                                              2.78%                             1

TOTAL                                                                                                                36

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