ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division

ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
École J.B. Mitchell School
           March 2020 Newsletter

Principal, Paulette Huggins Vice-Principal, Graça do Coto Moreira   Phone Number 204-488-4517       1720 John Brebeuf Place

                                    ADMINISTRATORS’ GREETING
 Dear J.B. Mitchell Families,                                   At the school level, we are working on enrolment
                                                                projections for next year. Our staffing is directly related to
 The school was buzzing with activity this month as all the     student numbers so we very much appreciate the student
 classes celebrated Festival du Voyageur. We we had a           intention forms you have completed and returned to your
 great time dressing as voyageurs, eating pancakes and          child's teacher. If you know you are moving or if your
 enjoying outdoor experiences during our Winter Fun Day.        child will be attending another school, we ask that you
 We learned new vocabulary in French and in English as          please inform the office as soon as possible. I would also
 well as some traditional songs and dances. The highlight       ask that if you or someone you know has a child(ren)
 of the week was baking bannock over an open fire. We           eligible to attend our Nursery or Kindergarten program
 opened Festival du Voyageur Week with a school wide            that you register early to ensure that a space is available
 assembly for our Nursery to Grade 6 students. Special          for them. If you have moved we will require your updated
 guests “La Troupe Jeunesse” taught us French traditional       address so we can ensure we have space for our catchment
 dance and songs. Thank you to these talented dancers and       students. Students from the École J.B. Mitchell School
 musicians. A huge thank you to the many parent and             catchment area have priority placement over students not
 community volunteers for your help throughout the week.        currently residing within other boundaries. The order of
 Your gift of time is very much appreciated and we could        priority is:
 not have had such a successful week without your support.               1. Students in our catchment
                                                                         2. Students outside of our catchment but within the
 The month of March brings us one step closer to warmer                     Winnipeg School Division
 weather and to the completion of our second term. Report                3. Students outside of the Winnipeg School
 Cards for all students will be sent home on Tuesday                        Division
 March 10. Tri-Conferences for students will be held on
 Thursday, March 12 (evening) and Friday, March 13           We are approaching the final term of the school year,
 (daytime). A letter will be sent home shortly asking you to there is still much learning to be done and many activities
 select your preferred date and time.                        yet to take place. Please save the date for the Intermediate
                                                             Spring Concert on April 23, 2020.
 As we approach the final term of the school year, we are
 already beginning to plan for the year ahead. Plans are
 being discussed that range from decisions regarding the     Paulette Huggins                Graça do Coto Moreira
 Winnipeg School Division's 2020-2021 Budget to              Principal                       Vice Principal
 decisions regarding program and placement options for
 your children. Now is the time for our grade 6 students
 and their parents/guardians to discuss which grade 7
 program is best for them. We hope you have had an
 opportunity to attend one of the many Open House
 Information Evenings that the neighbouring Middle
 Schools have hosted. Nursery and Kindergarten parents
 also need to consider which language program (English or
 French Immersion) is best for their child. A Program
 Information Evening was held at the end of January for
 Nursery and Kindergarten parents. If you still have
 questions regarding either of our language programs, I
 would be happy to speak with you.

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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News
              Fun Lunch                                                      Scholastic Book Fair
            Friday, March 6
                                                              We invite you to share in our celebration of books and
Join us at Fun Lunch!                                         literacy. Please visit our school library to view and
We invite parents, siblings and grandparents to join us on    purchase books for your family.
this day and enjoy lunch with their child(ren), All persons
participating in the Fun Lunch should include their order     Wednesday, March 11, 2020: Classroom walk through
with their child's online.                                    (teachers schedule times)
Healthy Hunger                                                Thursday, March 12, 2020: Families welcome to shop
We are using the Healthy Hunger website,                      4:00-8:00 p.m., for ordering of Fun Lunches this
year. All orders must be placed online through the            Friday, March 13, 2020: Families welcome to shop 9:00-
website.                                                      12:00 p.m.
Late orders cannot be accepted with this system! The
deadline for ordering will always be the Sunday before the
lunch is to occur. For March, that is Sunday, March 1.

Volunteers are needed and appreciated at every Fun
Lunch! You can sign up to volunteer for a specific Fun
Lunch at the top of your child’s order form on the Healthy
Hunger website.
If you are able to volunteer, please meet us at the gym
doors at 11:30am on the day of the lunch!

Any questions about Fun Lunch, please e-mail
                                                              Please label all your child’s belongings including scarves,
                                                              mitts, shoes, boots and clothing. A few times a month we
                                                              scatter all the lost and found articles on the hallway floor
                Home Information                              near the office and invite all our classrooms to come and
It is of the utmost importance for the school to have the     see the unclaimed articles. Please check the bin when you
correct address, home telephone number, e-mail address,       come to pick up your child.
parent’s business telephone number, cell phone number, a Clothing remaining unclaimed for a long period of time is
friend or relative’s number for each child in case of     sent to the Salvation Army and to the Canadian Diabetes
illness, emergency, etc.                                  Association.
Please notify the school of any changes as the situation

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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News
     Reminder - Bus Cancellation Due To                                      Daylight Savings Time
               Cold Weather
                                                            On Sunday, March 8, 2020. Move your clocks ahead
During the school year, there may be times when school one hour.
bus transportation is cancelled due to cold weather or poor
driving conditions, but schools will remain open. When
bus transportation is cancelled in the morning, it will
not resume later in the day even if weather conditions
improve. This means families are responsible for both
drop off and pickup, when buses are cancelled.

School bus transportation is cancelled when the wind chill               News from the Music Room
reaches - 45 C by 6:15 a.m. based on the Environment
Canada readings at the Forks. You may listen to early           As we MARCH towards spring we will be continuing our
morning broadcasts for cancellation information or visit        music learning experiences by discussing the difference
the Winnipeg School Division website                            between beat and rhythm and learning how to perform a                                              variety of grade-appropriate rhythmic patterns. Students
                                                                will then use these patterns to create their own songs.
                                                                The Winnipeg Music Festival begins shortly and the JB
                                                                Mitchell Honour Choir will be participating this year.
                                                                They have worked hard on their repertoire and we wish
                                                                them luck! During the month of March, Grade 4-6
                                                                students will also begin working on the spring concert.
                                                                This year we will be presenting music created from our
                   Windchill and Recess                         reading of the book “Smoot: A Rebellious Shadow” by
We will be checking on the Winnipeg School Division             Michelle Cuevas. The concert will take place on
website before each recess to check the windchill factor.       Thursday, April 23. We are excited to show off all of our
The wind chill reading used by the Winnipeg School              hard work!
Division will be that of Enviornment Canada - The Forks.
-17 to -27 we will be going outside.                     Mrs. Giesbrecht
-28 and colder we will have indoor recess. When this
happens, students remain in their classrooms.                  Global Kidizens:           The Bread Mold
Please remember to have your child dress appropriately                               Experiment
for all weather…, hats, mitts (insulated gloves),
scarves, face masks, ski pants, etc. and if they are            This month Global Kidizens took part in “The Great
attending school they will be expected to go outdoors for       Bread Mold Experiment”. We bought a bag of bread from
recess.                                                         the store and are seeing the impact of touching our food
                   Cold Weather News                            without washing our hands. Each student put a slice of
                                                                bread in a plastic bag. We chose places in the school that
        The decision to close the schools and the              we thought would have many germs. One slide of bread
         administration buildings is made by the chief          was untouched in a plastic bag and the rest of the bread
         superintendent in consultation with the other          was touched by students who had also touched, with
         superintendents in the metro area and with the chair   either washed or unwashed hand, different places in the
         of the board.                                          school. Over the next few weeks, we compared the mold
        The following media outlets will be asked to           that was growing on the different slices of bread. Students
         broadcast this message: CBC Radio, CJOB, 1290          noticed that the bread that had been touched with
         CFRW, 92 CITI FM, 99.9 BOB FM, CBC -                   unwashed hands had the most amount of mold growth
         French, QX 104 FM, 102.3 Clear FM, FAB 94.3,           compared to the slices of bread that we handled with
         Virgin 103 FM, CKJR Power 97, Energy 106,              clean hands or not touched at all. This experiment showed
         CTV News, Global TV, CityTV, the Winnipeg              how powerful bacteria can be!
         Free Press website, and the Winnipeg Sun
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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News
           Registration Information                             According to Winnipeg School Division policy parent
                                                                (s)/guardian(s) who want grade 1 French Immersion
                  Please Note                                      for their child(ren) and are presently in English
                                                               kindergarten may do so. Questions can be addressed at
If your child(ren) already attends J.B. Mitchell School in                             the office.
the nursery or kindergarten classes you do not have to re-
register them again for the following year.

They will automatically be pre-registered for the next
school year (2020-2021).
                                                                      Concours d’art oratoire 2020
Please notify the school office if you are leaving our    Concours d’art oratoire is an annual speaking contest
school the next school year.                              organized by Canadian Parents for French. It is a Pan
                                                          Canadian contest, where students from Grades 3 to 12 in
An Intention Form was sent home to all parents regarding French Immersion and Francophone schools participate at
your intentions for the 2020-2021 school year. If you did the school, divisional, Provincial and National levels.
not receive a form, please contact the office.            École JB Mitchell School has consistently produced
                                                          excellent concours participants. This year was no
                                                          exception. Congratulations to Isla M., in the 3e-4e année
                                                          immersion and Morgan P. in the 5e - 6e année immersion,
                2020-2021 Nursery/                        who are the runner up students this year.
          Kindergarten Registration
                                                           Congratulations to our school winners, Yasmin S. C. de
 Nursery (English Only) and Kindergarten (English or M. 3e-4e année immersion, Kristina Z. in the 5e - 6e année
        French Immersion) Program 2020-2021                immersion, Ian L.C. in the 5e - 6e année catégorie
                                                           Francophone. These students will represent École JB
We are accepting registrations for the nursery (English    Mitchell at the Divisional Concours on March 17 at
Only) and kindergarten (English or French Immersion)       Stanley Knowles School.
Program for the 2020—2021 school year. Registration
forms are available in our office.                         This year we had 110 students participate at the school
                                                           level. This is an incredible participation rate. Students
     Nursery students must be four years of age by         practise viewing, listening speaking reading and writing
            December 31, 2020 (born in 2016)               which are all aspects of our French Immersion curriculum.
  Kindergarten students must be five years of age by Un grand merci goes out the teachers Mme. Osadchuck,
            December 31, 2020 (born in 2015)               Mme. Desrochers, Mme. Constant, Mme. Carreiro, M.
                                                           Legge et Mme. Rossi. Our teachers work and commitment
To register your child, the parent/guardian is required to to helping our students’ succeed in this endeavour is
present a copy of the birth certificate, Manitoba health   admirable.
card, and property tax, current bill, or rental agreement.
To fully complete the application form, please have the    Thank you also to you, the parents, for listening and
name and phone number of an emergency contact in the       practicing with your children in order to prepare them for
event we are unable to contact the parent/guardian.        this important event.
Registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-serve
basis from the students who live within our catchment
area. If you are registering your child for kindergarten and
live outside our catchment area or school division you
will be put on a wait list and advised as soon as
possible if space is available. Nursery students living
outside the division must pay a fee and are only
accepted if there is space available. To r egister ear ly is
very important if you have a strong preference for either
the morning or the afternoon program.

Page 4                                                                                          MARCH 2020 NEWSLETTER
ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News
              News From The Gym                                                Ready, Set, Solo!
On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, the grades 4-6 Indoor         Ready, Set, Solo is a community event, taking place at the
Track Club participated in the Bison Elementary Relays at     South Winnipeg Family Information Centre. This program
the University of Manitoba. Congratulations to all of our     is for Students age 11 and up, along with a parent.
athletes! Félicitations! Results will be shared in or next    Together, you and your child create a plan for your child
newsletter. Thank you to our parent volunteers who            to stay home alone safely and confidently. Discuss
attended the Track and Field Meet!                            concerns as they relate to your family, create guidelines,
                                                              and increase communication between you and your child.
On Friday, February 21, 2020, students in grades 1-6          Topics include; home safety, family rules, emergencies,
participated in Winter Fun Day. It was a beautiful day
                                                              and strangers.
filled with fun and many traditions. In multi-age groups,
students enjoyed 12 stations, inside and outside, including
bannock, sleds, bingo, broomball, gaga ball, soccer and       Please note that in Manitoba children must not be left
games of skill. Thank you to the grade 6 students who         home alone until they are 12 years of age.
helped lead many of the stations! Thank you to all of the
volunteers who joined us. Your support was greatly        There are two dates available for this
appreciated.                                              program:
                                                          Sunday, March 15
                                                          Thursday, April 2 ***SPRING
In physical education, we continued to work on our        BREAK: This class is from 1:00 pm -
fundamental movement skills, Fair Play, fitness and being 4:00 pm
                                                          Time: 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
                                                          Fee: $35 per family
           Winter Fun Day Bannock
The students had a great time roasting bannock on a stick     I Love To Read Month: Al Simmons
over an open fire! Thanks to our parent volunteers from
making this a great event! Since many people have asked, JB Mitchell students were entertained by Juno Award
here is the recipe for our Winter Fun Day Bannock:        Winner, Al Simmons as part of I Love to Read month. He
                                                          had the entire gym roaring with laughter and amazed
1 box of Bisquick                                         students by teaching them how to make their thumbs
2 cups of water                                           disappear.

Mix together and knead for 2 minutes. Let dough rest for      Mr. Simmons shared some of his favourite books
a minimum of 5 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut into       including books he wrote. The messages on his « eye
strips. Wrap strips of dough around a foiled BBQ stick        charts », using letters were powerful and fun. Students
and roast over a fire until the dough starts to brown.        were enthralled and engaged by this octogenarian doing
                                                              the floss dance. In the end, he delivered a highly
                                                              entertaining message to the students about the importance
                                                              of reading.

                                                              Thank you to the JB
                                                              Mitchell Parent
                                                              Advisory Council who
                                                              made this performance

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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News
              La Troupe Jeunesse

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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News

              Winter Fun Day

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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News
         Whiteout at JB Mitchell Story                         It was amazing seeing the players read to my class and
                                                               me. I loved it. – Zander
On Monday, February 3rd, we had a whiteout at our              I thought it was nice for the Jets to go to
school. It had nothing to do with the weather outside but      will encourage more people to read books because they
rather because the students were welcoming three players       see the Jets reading. - Natalie
from the Winnipeg Jets with cheers of “GO JETS GO!”
The NHL players, Nikolaj Ehlers, Patrik Laine, and Sami        My favourite player was Nikolaj Ehlers. - Anna
Niku came to read to Mme Desrochers’ grade 3 class as
part of the Winnipeg Jets Reading Takes Flight contest.        Carys wrote the following report:
Her student, Ben entered the Reading Takes Flight contest      GO JETS GO!
with a letter that he had written earlier at school.           GO JETS GO! That was the sound we heard when the
                                                               Winnipeg Jets came to read to us. Then the Jets came. GO
To the Winnipeg Jets,                                          JETS GO! Again I heard it. GO JETS GO! It was a
I think that you should come to our classroom to read          magical moment.
because we love to read. We are BIG fans of the Jets and
we love hockey. Most importantly, we will be better            Soon the Jets were actually reading to us. It was
readers. To start with, it would be a dream come true and      AMAZING!!! And after, they read we actually got the
you’re famous! As you can see, it’ll be amazing if you         book. And after we got the book, we got autographs from
came. I’d be soooooooooo sad if you didn’t come. I’d           them. I got the book autographed by them as well.
probably be 20 times better at reading if you came to our      So this is the end of my story of when the Winnipeg Jets
class. I’d choose for you to come instead of being rich.       came to visit. And I’m going to finish the same way it
Ben                                                            started. GO JETS GO!!!
The players met the students in the library and they read a
book called, Whiteout: A Winnipeg Jets Story. All the
students in the class received a copy to follow along with.
Once they were done reading the story, the students were
given time to ask some questions of the players. Then,
Mlle Yozenko’s students joined them for a private
autograph session.

It was a fantastic, once-in-a-lifetime event that many of
the students and staff will never forget! Below are some
comments from Mme Desrochers’ students about this
memorable day.

I liked when the school lined up and said, “Go Jets Go!”
– Nathan

I was excited to see the Winnipeg Jets. It was my first time
seeing the Winnipeg Jets! – Edgar

It was fun listening to the Jets read. – Jamilla

All the students received a copy of Whiteout: A Winnipeg
Jets Story. After that, they autographed all the things that
I brought. – Ben

One of my favourite parts was when we took a picture
with the Jets and when I got autographs. – Athena
It was super cool because we got to see them up close! It
was soooo fun to celebrate them coming to our school! –
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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News

                                City of Winnipeg Leisure Guide

The City of Winnipeg is proud to provide a wide variety of recreation and leisure opportunities that
contribute to the overall well-being of our community. The Spring/Summer Leisure Guide is filled
with fun and exciting activities for everyone, featuring a number of camps to keep the kids busy this
summer, including a full-day format for our “L’il Critters” preschool camps and new sport camps.
The Spring/Summer Leisure Guide is available Thursday, March 5, online, at all civic pools,
libraries, and leisure centres, and will be available Saturday, March 7, at a number of retail locations
including Safeway, 7-Eleven and Circle K. View the Leisure Guide Skating and Swimming brochures
online at

Registration begins for all spring and summer activities, Tuesday, March 17 at 8:00 a.m. and will be

Register for any City of Winnipeg summer camp by May 1 and you could win your camp for

City of Winnipeg Priceless Fun

Winnipeggers now have easy access to information about free recreation, leisure and library
programs with the free programming guide, Priceless Fun.
The Spring/Summer edition of Priceless Fun, available at the end of March, provides information
about the free programs for children and youth being offered by the City of Winnipeg throughout the
city, all in one convenient guide.
Hard copies of Priceless Fun are available for pick up at all civic indoor pools, libraries and leisure
centres. You can view the current edition of Priceless Fun online at
Information about programs is also available by contacting 311.

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ADMINISTRATORS' GREETING - Winnipeg School Division
School News

Page 10       MARCH 2020 NEWSLETTER
Your PAC Executive Members:
                                                                        Chair Person: Natali Schuit
                                                                        Vice Chair Person: Sara Lopez
                                                                        Treasurer: Jennifer Peters
                                                                        Secretary: Jackie McMahon

From the Chair
I am finding it hard to believe that we are already heading into March and the beginning of spring!

As the school year speeds on, we recognize that it will be the last for a few of our PAC Members. Secession
planning plays an important role in every successful committee. One of the important rolls that effects all our
students is that of the Fun Lunch Coordinator. Erin Bueckert has successfully organized and facilitated the fun
lunches for a number of years. As her student moves on, so will she. We are so thankful to have had such a
wonderful organizer! In order for PAC to be able to continue facilitating this monthly event next year, we need
someone to fill this upcoming vacancy. The commitment is as little as 2-3 hours per month, which includes the
hour on the day of the lunch! Anyone who may be interested in this roll should contact parent council at your
earliest opportunity. We are able to offer the unique opportunity of being able to shadow the
coordinator this current year. If you would like more information, please contact

Our next PAC meeting is Mach 3rd at 6:00 in the staff lounge. Our meetings run approximately one and a half
hours in length. Meetings are a great opportunity to get school news first hand, meet other parents/guardians, and
have input in what is happening in our school community. New faces are always welcome! Child minding is
provided across the hall from the staff lounge, in the multipurpose room free of charge.

To all of our hard working administrators, students and families, have a fun and well deserved spring break!

                 Contact the school for more information
School News
          2019 - 2020 Important Dates                 June 25 - Recognition Assembly
                                                      June 29—1:30 p.m. Gr. 6 Farewell
                                                             -Nursery-Gr. 6 Report Cards Go Home
                                                      June 30—Last Day of School

Mar. 3—6:00 p.m. PAC Meeting
Mar. 6—Fun Lunch
       - Colour Day
Mar. 10—Nursery-Gr. 6 Report Cards Go Home
Mar. 12—4:00-8:00 p.m. Tri-Conferences
       - 4:00-8:00 p.m. Scholastic Book Fair
Mar. 13—Non Instructional Day (No School)
       - 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Tri-Conferences
       - 9:00 a.m.-12:00p.m. Scholastic Book Fair
Mar. 26—Heritage Fair / Invent an Alien
Mar. 27—SAM’s and Patrols Bowling
       -Crazy Hair / Hat Day
Mar. 30-Apr. 3—Spring Break (No School)

Apr. 6—Classes Resume
Apr. 7—6:00 p.m. PAC Meeting
Apr. 10—Good Friday (No School)
Apr. 17—Non Instructional Day (No School)
Apr. 23—1:30 p.m. Intermediate Spring Concert
       - 6:30 p.m. Intermediate Spring Concert
Apr. 24—Fun Lunch

May 4— Non Instructional Day (No School)
May 5—6:00 p.m. PAC Meeting
May 7— Regional Heritage Fair
May 8—Fun Lunch
May 12—Gr. 6 Immunizations
May 18—Victoria Day (No School)
May 21—12:00-1:30 p.m. Volunteer Appreciation Lunch
May 25-29—Vision Care Clinic

June 1-5—Vision Care Clinic
June 2—Fit Run
       -6:00 p.m. PAC Meeting
June 4—5:00-8:00 p.m. Family Fun Night
June 11—Lilac Resort
June 12—Fun Lunch
June 17-19—Gr. 6 Camp
June 22—Non Instructional Day (No School)
June 24—Kindergarten Farewell

Page 12                                                                                MARCH 2020 NEWSLETTER
Visit our website:
           Paulette Huggins                                                                           Graça do Coto Moreira
                                                     204-488-4517                                         Vice Principal

                                               March 2020                                    

          Mon                     Tue                          Wed                         Thu                           Fri

2                 Day 3   3                Day 4    4                    Day 5   5                  Day 6    6                  Day 1
                           6:00 p.m. PAC Meeting                                     Rm 129/136/139 to               Fun Lunch
                              in the Staff Room.                                     Manitoba Museum                 Colour Day
                             Childcare provided.                                     Rm 205/204 to Fort
 Deadline to order Fun                                                                    Whyte
  Lunch is March 1,

9                Day 2    10               Day 3    11                   Day 4   12                 Day 5    13                 Day 6
                              Gr. 1-6 MTYP                                                                          NO SCHOOL
      Gr. 3’s to WSO                                    Gr. 5/6 Music Festival        4:00-8:00 p.m. Tri-
                                Performance                                                                      9:00-12:00, 1:00-3:00
                                                        Classroom Book Fair            Conferences and
                          N-Gr. 6 Report Cards Go                                                                   Tri-Conferences
                                                               Preview               Scholastic Book Fair
                                   Home                                                                          9:00-12:00 Scholastic
                           4:30-6:30 p.m. Speed                                                                        Book Fair
                            Skating at Bell MTS

16               Day 1    17               Day 2    18                   Day 3   19                  Day 4   20                 Day 5
                                                                                 Rm 122/132 to Manitoba

23               Day 6    24               Day 1    25                   Day 2   26                  Day 3   27                 Day 4
                                                                                       Heritage Fair
                                                                                                              Patrols/SAMs Bowling
                                                                                     Rm 138 to Manitoba
                                                                                                               Crazy Hair/Hat Day

30                        31

                          SPRING BREAK MARCH 30—APRIL 3

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