Sunday, September 17, 2017 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Alpine Country Club - Cherish the Moments

Page created by Vincent Salazar
Sunday, September 17, 2017 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Alpine Country Club - Cherish the Moments
Sunday, September 17, 2017
   11:00 am - 4:00 pm
   Alpine Country Club
   251 Pippin Orchard Road
     Cranston, RI 02921
       Hosted by: Cherish the Moments, LLC
     For further information contact Teresa at:
   (401) 289-0819(Office) or (401) 935-4904(Cell)
       E-Mail Cherishthemoments@Cox.Net
Sunday, September 17, 2017 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Alpine Country Club - Cherish the Moments
Cherish the Moments
                                 Bridal Extravaganza 2017
                                          Sunday, September 17, 2017
                                              11:00 am-4:00 pm
                                              Information Bulletin
Where:                  Alpine Country Club, 251 Pippin Orchard Road, Cranston, RI

Set-up:                 830 a.m.-10:30 a.m. On Sunday, September 17, 2017
Parking:                Ample Parking for all Vendors at the Alpine Country Club parking lot, toward the back & sides of the
                        building. You will use the first front entrance doors of the venue. Each exhibitor & vendor will know where
                        they will go prior to unload their items. After unloading, please move your car immediately so that other
                        Exhibitors & Vendors have the opportunity to unload in the front as well. Please park your car toward the
                        back of the building in order to keep the front parking space for the guest.

Space:                  The space will be approximately a 10 x 6 space, 8 x 6 space, 6x4 space. We have space for approximately
                        30 -35 Exhibitors & Vendors. Your application will be accepted on a first- come, first serve basis. Special
                        requests are limited (i.e. Corner space, wall, etc.) So please ask in advance. We will make every effort to
                        have a wide variety of Vendors, so that there is a minimal amount of Vendors selling or displaying the
                        same items. Please describe your service/products on your applications, so we can be as fair as possible to
                        all Vendors. Once your exhibits are set-up, you will not be permitted to break down until the wedding event
                        has ended. Vendors who break down early risk the chance of forfeiting their acceptance to our future events
                        and the risk of receiving the final list of brides.

Entry Fee:              A fee of $595.00, for an 8ft skirted table, a fee of $495.00 for a 6ft skirted table and a few of $250.00 for a
                        4ft table with a table cloth. There are only a limited amount of 4ft tables. No booth sharing is allowed.
                        Company Reps. could spilt the cost on table fee. If additional space is required, then an extra fee of $350.00
                        for another 10x6 space or $250.00 for 8x6 space. Your application form must be received no-later than
                        August 1st,, 2017, or until all spaces are filled. We also ask that all Exhibitors & Vendors donate one item
                        (valued at $100 or more toward the Grand Prize Giveaway or two table raffles at $50.00 or more to
                        be held at your table of your choice) On the table raffles could be a Gift Certificate, Gift Basket, Gift
                        Card, or any product from your table. You will need to attach your business card to the prize that is being
                        offered. This will take place twice during the bridal show. We will ask any vendor who is participating in
                        the table raffles to come up on the stage and announce their company’s name and what is being offered for
                        that raffle. Each vendor will have each couple or bride enter into the raffle drawing in which you are
                        providing at your table. When the time comes, one person from your table will be asked to come forward
                        with that prize. We will call out one lucky couple or bride name for that raffle until all of the tables raffles
                        have been called out. Any vendor, who is participating in the Grand Prize Giveaway, must submit a gift
                        certificate. The grand prize needs to be submitted prior to the event, in order to have a list of each vendor
                        who is participating toward the grand prize. This will be a multiple of grand prizes being given to our
                        brides & couples. The more you offer the better chance you will have to secure a date; this will give you
                        more exposure for your business.

All Applications must be received by August 1st, 2017 and must include:
     The completed application form
     A check for the space fee, or extra space
     Photocopy of current Sales & Use Tax Permit for RI, if you are selling
     Food Vendor with a Food Safety Permit and Liability Insurance
     Temporary RI Permit could be issued on that day of the event for $10.00.
Cherish the Moments
                                            “Bridal Extravaganza 2017”
                                                            Vendors Exhibitor Agreement
                                                            Sunday, September 17, 2017
                                                                11:00am - 4:00pm
Space Includes: 10x6 space with an 8ft skirted table and two chairs. ................................................................ $595.00
8x6 space with a 6ft skirted table and two chairs........................................................................................................................$495.00
6x4 space with a 4ft table and two chairs (Limited amount of tables, on a first come basis)..................................................$250.00
Prize Drawings: __________Grand Prize Giveaway ____________ Two Table Raffles ____________Both
               Grand Prize Giveaway will be listed with company name in advertising. We encourage you to do both.

Electricity: _______Yes _______No (On A First Come Basis)                                                Box Lunch $10.00 ______Yes _____No
                                                                                                         (Must be prepaid 10 days prior to the bridal show)
Will you require a RI Sale Permit? _____Yes or ___No (Check made payable to the State of RI for $10.00. )
(Only if you are selling your products on that day of the Bridal Show)
Post Show: Complimentary lead system access in excel file format and any walk-in.
                                                                          Total                                                                  $_______
                                                                  Deposit Enclosed                                                               $_______
                                                                     Balance Due**                                                               $_______
Payment Terms:
A Non-Refundable 50% deposit is required with this application to insure your space.
**Remaining balance is due 30 days prior to each show. ** A copy of your RI Sale Permit is required with your application.

° I’ve enclosed a check made out to “Cherish the Moments, LLC”                  ° Please charge my credit card (circle one) Visa, MasterCard or Discover
Credit Card# _____________/______________/_____________/____________Exp. Date: __________Sec. Code: __________

Credit Card Holder: _____________________________________________________Dollar Amount_____________________

Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________Date:_____________

Please Print or Typed:          ° Business Address: _______Yes _______No                                             °Home Address: _______Yes ________No
(Company name will be listed on Web-Sites) Please check off if this is your business or home address.)

Company Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Street: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________________________________State:___________________ Zip:__________________

Phone: __________________________________________________Cell Phone: _________________________________________

Email Address:________________________________________________Website:_______________________________________

Products/Services to be exhibited _______________________________________________________________________________
I, as authorized representative for the exhibitor, agree to the above terms and condition as well as those conditions in the “Show Rules and Regulations” on the
reverse side. I agree that a registration transmitted by fax is as valid as an original.

Signature :_____________________________________________________________________________Date:_______________

                                                                 Checks payable to:
                                                            Cherish the Moments, LLC
                                                               Attn: Teresa Camacho
                                                          11 Broad Common Road, #137
                                                                  Bristol, RI 02809
                                         (401) 289-0819 (Office) (401) 935-4904 (Cell) (775) 923-4735 (Fax)
                                                       Email: Cherishthemoments@Cox.Net
Exhibitor & Vendor Agreement

Exhibitor/Vendor Must Provide: One gift certificate for the grand         person, arising out of any act or omission in any way related to
prize valve at $100.00 plus or two table raffles at $50.00 for each       Exhibitor/Vendor participation in the wedding expo whether
table raffle. I suggest doing all, to exposure for your business more.    negligent or not. Exhibitor/Vendor should take steps necessary to
Your table must be present professionally. Your business sign must        insure his/her against any such loss, and if requested,
be displayed at your table and your name badge on you. All tables         Exhibitors/Vendors will provide proof of business liability of
must be staff at all times.                                               insurance. Food Vendors must provide proof of liability insurance/
                                                                          Food Safety Permit with limits of not less then $300,000.
Space Placement and Rules: Consideration will be given to
Exhibitor and Vendor needs. Placing advertising materials or              Payment/Cancellation: All payment is non-refundable and non-
equipment, or soliciting in the aisles or any other then the space        transferable. All cancelations requests must be in writing prior to the
allotted is strictly forbidden. No Exhibitor/Vendor shall obstruct        Bridal Show. There will be a $350.00 processing fee charge if
aisles, common areas, neutral space between tables with his/her           cancellation is given prior to the Bridal Show date.
goods or in any other manner. All aisles must be kept clear within the
boundaries set up by Cherish the Moments, LLC & Alpine Country            Bridal Show Cancellation: In the event of adverse weather
Club Facility.                                                            conditions, fire, casualty, labor disputes, acts of God, or any other
                                                                          emergency situations beyond the control of Cherish the Moments,
Special Request: It’s on a first come basis and will be considered on     LLC, will reschedule date and relocation of the Bridal Show.
availability and needs of that Exhibitor or Vendor. Any                   Exhibitor/Vendor agrees that the terms and conditions set forth in it
Exhibitor/Vendor that requires electricity must state that on the         agreements shall apply to any rescheduled date and /or relocation,
application in order to place you with an outlet. All extension cords     and Cherish the Moments, LLC, shall not be liable to the
must be surge protected and waterproof.                                   Exhibitor/Vendor for any loss or damage suffered by reason of such
                                                                          rescheduling and/or relocation of the Bridal Show.
Set-up and Breakdown: Set-up begins at 8:30am-10:30am, on
Sunday, September 17, 2017. All Exhibitors/Vendors must use               Changes & Modifications: Any promotional and/or industrial
authorized loading area and remove theirs vehicles immediately after      information provides by Cherish the Moments, LLC, to
unloading. Should an Exhibitor/Vendor fail to occupy his/her space        Exhibitor/Vendor is accurate as of publication: however, Cherish the
during the scheduled period, then Cherish the Moments, LLC shall          Moments, LLC, reserve the rights to change or modify details of the
have the right to take procession of said space without liability or a    event without notice. Cherish the Moments, LLC, may issue
refund of the Exhibitor/Vendor fee Cherish the Moments, LLC               additional rules, as it deems necessary for the orderly presentation of
reserve the right to re-allocate exhibit space not occupied by this       the show. Any rules may be amended at any time by Cherish the
time. Exhibits must not dismantle or removed before the Bridal Show       Moments management provided that such amendment shall not
has closed. In the event this Exhibitor/Vendor violates this provision    substantially diminish the rights or increase the liability or
Exhibitor/Vendor shall forfeit his/her right from participation in        Exhibitor/Vendor. This agreement shall represent the entire
future Bridal Shows. All display must be free standing and not            agreement between Exhibitor/Vendor and fully integrated. Cherish
exceed the boundaries of another space. Exhibitor/Vendor is               the Moments, LLC, shall not be bound by any representation or
prohibited from hanging anything on walls/ceiling/columns, windows        misunderstanding not expressly set forth in this agreement. No
or fixtures without prior permission from Cherish the Moments, LLC        provision of this agreement shall be modified except by the written
or Alpine Country Club Facility. Exhibitor/Vendor shall leave the         mutual consent of the parties.
space occupied in the same condition as the time when first occupied.
                                                                          Faxed/E-Mailed Contracts: For the convenience of the Exhibitor/
Transfer of Space: Your space is solely for your use only and not be      Vendor will accept submission of this agreement by fax or email
subleased to any individual. No other literature or any other form of     copy shall be considered as an original document and shall be fully
display for another non-paying exhibitor and vendor may not be            enforce and effect without regard to the invalidated clause.
distributed or allowed.                                                   Fax: 1 (775) 923-4735.
                                                                          Mail application to:
Liability and Indemnification: Reasonable precautions will be             Cherish the Moments, LLC
taken by Cherish the Moments, LLC to protect person and property          Attn: Teresa Camacho
during the Bridal Show. Cherish the Moments, LLC, shall not be            11 Broad Common Road, #137
responsible for personal safety of the Exhibitor or Vendor or his/her     Bristol, RI 02809
representatives from injury, nor the safely of the property of the
Exhibitor or Vendor from theft or damage. Exhibitor/Vendor waives         Authority to enter into a Contract: The Exhibitor/Vendor in
all claims of every kind against Cherish the Moments, LLC, Alpine         signing this agreement or having same signed by a representative,
Country Club Faculty and representatives of the same including,           acknowledges his/her, or their authority to so and hereby assume
without limitation, all claims for damages based on personal property     liability for the terms, conditions and amount stated. Any vendor,
damage, destruction, loss or theft, personal injury or death, and other   who is selling, is required to have a RI sale permit. Please attach a
act or failure to act of Cherish the Moments, LLC. Cherish the            copy with your application. If you need to purchase one on that day,
Moments, LLC, is not responsible for any liability and hold of            please check off the box on this application. The fee will be $10.00,
Cherish the Moments, LLC, harmless from all claims injury                 payable to the State of RI. Any exhibitor or a vendor who are a
Including expense, damages, costs, and attorney’s fees, by exhibitor      service business is not required to have a permit. Any out of state
or vendor, exhibitors agent or employees, contractors, or any other       vendor or exhibitor is required to do the same as above.

________________________________________________             __________________________________________________
Exhibitor or Vendor Signature                                Date
Disclaimer: Cherish the Moments, LLC, “Bridal Extravaganza” in not responsible for any lost, stolen, damaged items or lack
of attendees or sales.
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