Sunday, March 12, 2023 - "No matter who you are, No matter where you are on life's journey, You are welcome here." - at St. Paul UCC
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Sunday, March 12, 2023 “No matter who you are, No matter where you are on life’s journey, You are welcome here.”
Welcome to Worship at St. Paul UCC March 12, 2023 9:00 am Third Sunday in Lent WELCOME Rev. Michelle Torigian PRELUDE Récit de tierce en taille by Nicolas de Grigny CALL TO WORSHIP One: God of sea and sky, you keep the earth flourishing. Many: We come before you weary from traveling through barren lands. One: Holy One, you give water that sustains body and spirit. Many: You hydrate us when we need, how we need. One: Miracle Worker, you caused a rock to crack and bring forth water. Many: Crack our hearts open and let your love flow from them like a spring. INVOCATION (UNISON) Holy One, we are thankful for who you are and all that you are. Your presence is desired here. We take joy in knowing that you are as close to us as our next breath. We thirst for you. May we be filled to overflowing with your love. Amen. TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS Senior Pastor………………………………………..…………………….Rev. Michelle Torigian Music Director ……………..…………….….....…………….…………….Dr. Tristan Frampton Guest Organist…………………………………………………………….……Andrzej Zahorski Liturgist ….……………..…………….….....……………..…………….………………..Fred Hotz 2
*PRAYER OF REFLECTION AND RECONCILIATION (UNISON) Enduring Presence, we confess that sometimes we question if you are among us or not. Sometimes we quarrel with you when we are tested. These are the moments when our outlook needs transformation. You are gracious in looking beyond our faults to see our needs and meet them. Thank you for your immeasurable grace. Amen. *ASSURANCE OF GRACE New mercies are granted daily and every day we have an opportunity to be changed forever and for good. Amen. A MESSAGE FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART Pastor Michelle ANTHEM As the Deer by Martin Nystrom arr. Lloyd Larson Sanctuary Choir SCRIPTURE John 4:5-42 & Exodus 17:1-7 SERMON Hydration Pastor Michelle PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. REFLECTION ON GIVING God gives of Godself freely, so let us give freely to God. Let us bring gifts that sustain the life of God’s Realm. May these resources be more than enough. Information about today’s service: All St. Paul United Church of Christ services may be recorded and/or streamed. Music is used with permission through License #A-715913, CCLI #1795791, St. James Press License #17755, or public domain. 4 Worship written by Rev. Teña T. Nock for the UCC Worship Ways. Commissioning a traditional Irish blessing. Benediction from the UCC Book of Worship.
*DOXOLOGY (Tune: Old Hundreth) Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ in whom God’s grace we know; Praise Spirit, with us evermore; One God, triune, whom we adore. Amen. *BLESSING OF THE GIFTS (UNISON) Fount of Blessing, receive our gifts in the joy that we give them. Be it time, treasure, or talent, it all comes from you. Thank you for blessing us to be a blessing to you and each other. Amen. *CLOSING HYMN Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (See page 6) *COMMISSIONING May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of God’s hand. *BENEDICTION May God bless you and keep you. May God’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May God look upon you with kindness and give you peace. Amen! POSTLUDE Fugue V by Jean-Henri d'Anglebert 5
Archives Artifacts ~ St. Paul trivia from the desk of Roger Henke For years, our church held two worship services on Sunday mornings. (1) Remember their times? (2) Which service was broadcast on WIBV radio? This Week For Your Prayers Sundays Lori Coleman Otto Christopher Carol Hotz Kennedy, great 9am Traditional Worship Shirley Martin nephew of Scott & 10am Coffee Hour & Marilyn Lana Gentry Culinaire’s breakfast Dinkelmann Laura Howie, daughter ———————–———— Debbie McIntyre, of Jeanette & Elgee Here is how to stay in touch with St. Paul daughter of Arline Phillips Worms Betty Rieso 1) Watch the services and check for Scott Schmidt, brother Tim Ritter event updates on FACBOOK - of Steve Schmidt Alec Zaber Like us at St. Paul United Church Christopher Mitchell Rev. Shana Johnson of Christ Belleville, IL Steve Schmidt Kurt Westerfield 2) Go to Mark Eckert Jim Blaies -and you will find: videos of services, Beverly Clark Ellen Keck sermons, archives, and much more!! 3) Listen to the radio! 690am 9am Live Sundays & repeat at 9pm Please call the church for prayer requests: 4) Sign up for the eNews (Newsletter)! 618-233-3303. Watch videos on YouTube: Like us on Facebook St Paul United Church of Christ, Belleville, Il ANSWER: (1) 9:10 & 10:30 (2) 10:30am 8
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