SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design

Page created by Sean Bennett
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design

          Universal Design

     Mathematics for parametric design

SUMs architects
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
SUMs is an architecture firm based in Bologna (Italy)
committed to increase the quality and liveability of spa-
ces and buildings while respecting the environment and
the diversity of people through the use of algorithms for
design optimization, modeling and simulation.                                 CONSULTING

Sustainability, Universal Design and Mathe-
matics for parametric design represent the                   3.
3 subject areas of SUMs that are combi-                     DESIGN
ned in consulting, research and knowled-
ge transfer activities, design and co-design
Since 2016 SUMs is part of the
creative hub of piazza dei Colori as                                 2.
one of the winners of the public tender                       KNOWLEDGE
published by Comune di Bologna,                                TRANSFER
Settore Marketing Urbano e Turismo
and by “IncrediBOL!”.
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
design flow management
  geometric optimization to                            and automation                            SCHOOL COMPLEX LUIGI PIRANDELLO - Isnello (PA), 2019-2021
reduce cost and increase the
                                    3D rendering and                          algorithm aided
                                     Virtual Reality                            design and
                                      simulations                              parametric 3D

      thermal and
     visual comfort

  LEED consulting                                 CONSULTING
                                                       for a
                                               quality-oriented and
                                                humans centered
  environmental design                                design
                                                                          functional analysis
                                                                         for complex systems
                                                                                                 project by AM3 architetti associati
                                                                                                 services: LEED certification, daylight, energy modeling, inclusive design

                                         task analysis to
                                       improve usability of        home automation for

               static and dynamic
                                      products and physical      individual autonomy and         ASE < 10%          -100%      water demand             compliant with Universal
                                          environments         safety of children, elderly and   sDA = 64%                     for irrigation           Design and LEED Pilot
                  body analysis                                people with severe disabilities                                                          credit requirements
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
CFG RETTIFICHE manufacturing building - Traghetto di Argenta (FE), 2018      G-FACTOR incubatore della Fondazione Golinelli - Bologna, 2017

project by SG/A Sedicigradi                                                  project by Diverserighestudio
services: LEED pre-assessment, daylight, energy modeling                     services: average daylight factor analysis

               OUTPUTS                                                                      OUTPUTS

-26%   cooling energy demand                  -80%     discomfort hours in   materials replacement for a                     daylightfactor values above
       (compared to baseline)                          summer (compared to   better daylight distribution                    the minimum required
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
LA TERRA DEI BAMBINI youth centre - Gaza Strip, 2011                            VIA PEDROTTI building renovation - Torino, 2015



project by ARCò Architettura & Cooperazione - MC A                              project by King Roselli Architetti
services: design optimization for improving comfort and resource efficiency     services: greenhouse design optimization

                                                OUTPUTS                                                                           OUTPUTS

-79%    of direct solar radiation over the                8   months of water   +16% of direct solar radiation over the greenhouses
        southern facades during hot months                    self-sufficient           and the facades in winter (compared to the
        (compared to the base case)                                                     base case model)
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
IL SUPERMERCATO DELL’ACCOGLIENZA - Bagno di Gavorrano (GR), 2005                “GIOCHIAMO TUTTI!” inclusive playground - Genova, Milano, L’Aquila, 2010-2015

 project by FISH - Unicoop Tirreno                                               project by FISH - Enel Cuore Onlus
 services: accessible design of the physical environment and furnitures          services: accessibility design solutions

                                                 OUTPUTS                                         OUTPUTS

winner of the Ethic Award               increased number of accessible retails    accessible and inclusive playgrounds,
2005                                    of Unicoop Tirreno in line with the       open to the public and free of charge
                                        Universal Design principles               for all
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
NUOVO CENTRO DIREZIONALE UNIPOL - Milano, 2015-2017                      ONE AIRPORT SQUARE mixed use building - Accra, Ghana, 2014

    project by Mario Cucinella Architects MC A                               project by Mario Cucinella Architects MC A
    services: architectural BIM Coordination; parametric facade design       services: parametric 3D modeling, facade optimization for construction

                   OUTPUTS                                                                                                  OUTPUTS

0    interferences/clashes between                130 consistent drawings     28   types of different nodes               -1   million euros of the
     architectural, structural and                      generated from the         instead of the 648 types                    cost of the facade
     MEP elements                                       BIM model                  of the initial project                      structure
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design

                          “learning by doing” and   courses and lectures on:
                          “learning through play”
                              expositions and       Universal Design
                                workshops           environmental design
                                                    parametric design
    writing public
dissemination articles
and scientific reviewed

           specialist curatorial
         services from exhibition                              2.
           curation to program
         chairs for conferences in
          our three subject areas                        TRANSFER
                                                                               client: Mario Cucinella Architects
                                                                               services: customized training courses on BIM approach and tools
                                                       for knowledge
      partecipate as lecturer                            exchange                                                            OUTPUTS
       to conferences and
                                                                               20   participants appreciated                40   hours / Continuing Profes-
                                                                                    the practice-based learning                  sional Education credits
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
GRASSHOPPER COURSES - Bologna, 2018                                             UNIVERSAL DESIGN WORKSHOP - Ramallah, West Bank, 2016

client: groups of private students                                              client: EDUCAID Onlus in partnership with GVC Onlus. Donor: AICS
services: course planning and accreditation, teaching                           services: 3 days workshop for practitioners of MoEHE, UNRWA and GVC

                                                OUTPUTS                                        OUTPUTS

100% of positive feedback re-                 16   hours / Continuing Profes-   15   participants per day, on               6   renovated schools
         sponses through anony-                    sional Education credits          average, involved in active                according to the Universal
         mous surveys                                                                learning activities                        Design principles
SUMs architects - Sustainability Universal Design Mathematics for parametric design
PLEA2015 Architecture in (R)Evolution - Bologna, 2015                              FESTIVAL DELLA SCIENZA DI GENOVA- Genova, 2006-2008

activity of Building Green Futures                                                 activity of Laboratorio Interdisciplinare FORMULAS
services: program chair of the scientific conference                               services: content development of exhibitions on applied mathematics

                                                 OUTPUTS                                                                           OUTPUTS

350    participants appreciated                3   days of debate between           thousands of visitors among elementary, middle and high
       the innovative meeting                      practitioners and researchers    school students, university students, families and professionals
       format                                      from different disciplines       involved in learning by playing and learning by doing activities
mapping key stakeholders                                          organize and facilitate
        and semi-structured                                              participatory design
                                                                                                     PARCO DELLA RESILIENZA - social housing “il Quadrilatero”, Bologna, 2018
            interviewing                                                      workshops

   foster stakeholders                       co-DESIGN                     project development
   engagement through                                                     based on input gathe-
    empathic listening                                                    red from participation
                                       which puts the                            workshop
                                   process first followed by
                                         the design

urban and territorial                                                       accessibility and
   regeneration              Universal Design                               usability testing
                             of physical space                              including people
                                and furniture                                with disabilities



               sustainable                                                                           client: ACER Bologna
                                                                                                     services: preliminary design for the regeneration of the outdoor areas
                inclusive                                 participate to design
               parametric                               competitions and tenders                                                                       OUTPUTS

                                                            on a national and
                                                           international level                     100% of rainwater                   accessible and                winner project of
                                                                                                           managed on site             inclusive park for all        Regional funding
                                             eco - design                                                  using LID and GI                                          tender
GANDUSIO VILLAGE - social housing “Gandusio”, Bologna, 2018              BUSSVEIEN new bus stops shelter - Norway, 2016

   client: Comune di Bologna                                                International design competition
   services: preliminary design for the regeneration of the outdoor areas

                                                    OUTPUTS                                                                  OUTPUTS

optimizazion of the themal                winner project of Carisbo         use of recyclable           energy                     accessible and inclusive
comfort index (PMV)                       funding tender                    materials                   self-sufficient            forniture for all
RENOVATION OF 3 UNRWA SCHOOLS- Shuafat Camp, East Jerusalem, 2017                  “A ZUGHÈR - gioco arte musica in strada” - Piazza dei Colori, Bologna, 2017

client: Studioazue for Educaid - Overseas. Donor: AICS                             activity developed by SUMs together with the Participatory Design
services: participatory design process and preliminary design project              Table of the District of San Donato - San Vitale of Bologna

               OUTPUTS                                                                                                               OUTPUTS

17   participants to the co-design lab                3   renovated schools by     10   economic and social entities           1   message: regeneration projects
     among the UNRWA technical staff,                     adopting the Universal        of the district involved in the            as a result of participatory
     parents, students and teachers                       Design approach               participatory process                      process
analysis and implementation                                   EXPO VILLAGE form-finding of high environmetal perfomance towers
                                       strategies for building resilience
                                        of territories and communities

                                                                        participation in
                                                                     technical committees
                                                                      and research teams
                            guidelines for environmental
                                and inclusive design

                                                                                     partner in
scripting and algorithms                                                         Por - Fesr, Horizon
implementation to apply                                                          and LIFE projects
  anthropometry in the

        algorithms generation for
       interoperability between 3D

        modeling and energy and
       structural analysis software


 generative design                                            for development and                      applied to a social housing project of MC A
 and computational                                                                                     services: generative algorithms development for form finding processes
    form finding            data analysis and
                           data visualization:
                        anamorphic maps, graph
                       theory, data flow diagram,                                                      increased amount of apartments               algorithms generation for intero-
                       matrices, Voronoi diagram,                                                      exposed to direct sun for at least           perability between 3D modeling
                          infographics, videos                                                         2 hours per day in winter                    and energy analysis software
MUSEO DELL’AUTOMOBILE - Torino, 2005                                                   EXPO GUIDELINES SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS - 2013

                                                        THE FOUNDATIONS


 project by RicciSpaini Architetti                                                      activity of Building Green Futures with FLA for EXPO Milano 2015
 services: 3D parametric modeling of the roof structure design                          services: guidelines development

                  OUTPUTS                                                                                                               OUTPUTS

reduced amount of metal roof                  VBScript to optimize the roof structure   85% of pavilions have integra-                 74%    of pavilions adopted
elements                                      design according to the environmental            ted shading devices                            water saving solutions
                                              targets and structural requirements

GIULIA PENTELLA                                                                                                              FABRIZIO BONATTI
Architect - LEED AP BD+C - Accredited Professional in                                                                        Architect, BIM Manager and CDE Manager - works on pa-     gneria (from 2006 to 2009) and at King Roselli Architetti
compliance with ISO/IEC 17024 - qualified technician for                                                                     rametric modeling and computational design; he is one     (from 2009 to 2011); he has been Senior Architect, BIM
energy certification by Emilia-Romagna Region - works                                                                        of the founding members of the Formulas Interdiscipli-    Manager, IT Manager and Manager of computer-aided
on sustainable planning and bioclimatic architecture.                                                                        nary Laboratory with which he manages to combine his      design/manufacturing technologies (parametric mo-
She worked at Reinberg ZT GmbH and FontanaAtelier                                                                            interests in mathematics and architecture participating   deling, BIM, 3D printing, design flow management and
and from 2009 to 2015 she was an advisor for sustaina-                                                                       in numerous teaching and training experiences as well     automation, generative algorithms, script-language and
bility within the R&D team at MCA Mario Cucinella Archi-                                                                     as numerous editions of the Festival della Scienza in     flow charts) as a member of the Research and Deve-
tects. From 2013 to 2015 she was the executive director                                                                      Genova and the Festival della Matematica in Rome. He      lopment team at MCA Mario Cucinella Architects (from
of the BGF Building Green Futures association to promo-                                                                      has been Lead Architect, computational designer and in-   2011). He participates as a lecturer in numerous confe-
te sustainable development in emergency contexts and                                                                         formation system manager at Insula Architettura e Inge-   rences on this topic.
in 2015 she was the Program Chair of the 31st edition
of the international conference on Passive Low Energy
Architecture (PLEA). She has been lecturer to numerous
conferences, juries and post-graduate courses in Italy
and abroad and the editor of several guidelines on su-
stainable and inclusive planning. She has published se-
veral articles on social and environmental responsability
of an architect with Franco Angeli Edizioni as a member
of the InCreaSe research group.

Architect - works on inclusive and Universal Design in        ca; Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco; UNI Ente Nazio-
the private and public sectors, and for community, reha-      nale Italiano di Unificazione. Architect and construction
bilitation and hospitality buildings. Since 1998 he is re-    work supervisor for home adaptation projects, home au-
sponsible for Accessible Design Service at “Centro per        tomation (domotics) system design for people with se-
l’Autonomia”, a publicly funded rehabilitation center, that   vere disabilities, rehabilitation and healthcare facilities,
delivers every year ninety adaptation projects of workpla-    care homes for elderly people, inclusive and accessible
ces and homes for people with disabilities who would like     urban playgrounds. As a cooperation expert of the Italian
to improve their autonomy. Author of different guidelines     Development Cooperation he participated in monitoring
and regulations for inclusive planning on behalf of asso-     field missions under the “Strengthening the Primary He-
ciations for people with disabilities and in collaboration    althcare System POSIT” programme. He is involved in
with: FISH; INRES-COOP; ARPA Lazio, Parco Appia Anti-         teaching activities on the specific subject.
perFORMance                                                                           AN UPSIDE-DOWN VIEW

                                          A MULTIDIMENSIONAL             BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE
                Shapes and material                                 VIEWED AS A TOOL , NOT ANYMORE ONLY      We observe reality
               selection are based on         APPROACH                            AS A GOAL
                                                                                                          from new and different
               their capacity to act as                                                                        perspectives
                “human’s third skin”         We use the same                   We “build”
                      [Karl Lotz]           approach and core                  sustainable
                                          values for every single               lifestyles
                                            project, despite its

                                                                                                             REGENERATE - REQUALIFY
       A MATHEMATICAL VIEW                                                                                         RENOVATE
          OF OUR WORLD
                                                                                                                We have four goals:
         We use algorithms                                                                                      - land consumption,
          for advanced data                                                                                            + safety,
         management, shape                                                                                         + quality of life,
           optimization and                                                                                           + comfort

A GLOCAL ARCHITECTURAL                                                                                             PRAISE DIVERSITY TO GO
       LANGUAGE                                                                                                     BEYOND STANDARDS

     We use a global                                                                                                 We design inclusive
     methodology to                                                                                                  environments to suit
   find local solutions                                                                                                 different users
piazza dei Colori 22/A,
           40138 Bologna, Italia
      Tel/Fax: +39 051 5876660
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