Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education

Page created by George Morris
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
Summer 2022
Activity Guide

                    Look For Us on
                   Thief River Falls
                 Community Education
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education

                                                                                                                                Defensive Driving
                                                                                                                                   Save 10% on your auto insurance by taking
                                                                                                                                this certified accident prevention course.
                                                                                                                                Some of the topics we will explore are: Top
                                                                                                                                Factors Leading to Crashes, Traffic Mix, Gen-
                                                                                                                                eral Driving Reminders, New Laws, New Li-
                                                                                                                                censing and Driving As We Age.

                                                                                                                                4-Hour Refresher For
                                                                                                                                People Who Have Taken The
                                                                                                                                Defensive Driving
                                                                                                                                Tues., July 19, 8 am-12 pm
                                                                                                                                Tues., July 19, 12-4 pm
                                                                                                                                District Service Center

                                                                                                                                8-Hour Class For People Who
                                                                                                                                Have Never Taken
                                                                                                                                The Defensive Driving
                                                                                                                                Tues., July 19, 8 am-4 pm

        JOIN US
                                                                                                                                District Service Center

        FOR A FREE                                                                                                              4-H Day Camp

                                                                                                                                   4-H Day Camp offers a fun day full of
                                                                                                                                games, hands-on learning activities and op-
                                                                                                                                portunities to meet and make new friends! 4-

        BIKE RIDE!
                                                                                                                                H Day Camp is for youth ages 6 - 10. Snacks
                                                                                                                                will be provided but each camper is asked to
                                                                                                                                bring their own sack lunch and beverages.
                                                                                                                                Each date of camp is the same so please pick
                                                                                                                                the day that fits best in your family's schedule!
                                                                                                                                Registration for camp is $5. Fee can be paid by
                                                                                                                                cash or check the day of camp.

                                                                                                                                9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Event                       Date & Time         Start Location         Destination                                              Monday, August 8 - Goodridge Senior Center
Bike to School              Wednesday, May 4    Greenwood Trail        Challenger and St. Bernard’s
                            7:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                                Tuesday, August 9 - Pioneer Village, Thief
Bike to work day            Friday, May 20
                                                                                                                                River Falls
Pub crawl                   Thursday, June 2    Black Cat Outdoor      Local bars and restaurants
                            5:30 p.m.           Space
                                                                                                                                Wednesday, August 10 - Pioneer Village, Thief
Annual Picnic in the Park   Thursday, June 23   Multi-Events Complex   Northrup Park – free will donation to the Kiwanis Club
                            5:30 p.m.           (MEC)                                                                           River Falls
Pub Crawl                   Thursday, July 7    Eagles Outdoor Space   Local bars and restaurants
                            5:30 p.m.                                                                                              Registration is required to attend. Registra-
Story Time                  Aug. 2-7            Greenwood Trail        Children’s book will be posted throughout the trail      tion will open June 1. Deadline to register is
Pub Crawl                   Thursday, Aug. 4    Legion Outdoor Space   Local bars and restaurants                               August 1.
                            5:30 p.m.
Bike to School              Wednesday, Oct. 5   Greenwood Trail        Challenger and St. Bernard’s                                ● Register for the program in 4HOnline,
                            7:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                      , under ‘Events’ select ‘Pen-
MEC ride                    TBA
                                                                                                                                nington County 4-H Day Camp [Choose Date]’
                                                                                                                                   ● Not enrolled in 4-H for 2021/2022? Visit
                                                                                                                                4HOnline,, to enroll. Select
Follow us on Facebook for more rides and updates!
                                                                                                                                a community club of your choice or ‘In Person
All children must be accompanied by an adult. Please practice safe riding and wear a helmet.
                                                                                                                                4-H Camp/Event’. Once approved, you can reg-
                                                                                                                                ister under ‘Events’ in 4HOnline. Select ‘Pen-
                                                                                                                                nington County 4-H Day Camp [Choose Date]’
                                                                                                                                   ● For assistance, refer to the event regis-
                                                                                                                                tration guide at or contact
                                                                                                                                Pennington County Extension Staff by phone
                                                                                                                                at 218-683-7030 or email Ashley at
582-337-182 Rev. 03/22
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
TRF Community Education                                                                                              PROWLER PRESCHOOL 3

                        !"#$%&'#($)&*+,,-&./0,#1&21"33,-                                                                      &
                       Prowler Preschool is an early learning program for children
                         ages 3 and up that will prepare them for Kindergarten.
                                          Follow us on Facebook/Prowler Preschool
   Classes are held at Challenger Elementary & Preschool,601 County Road 61, Thief River Falls, MN 56701 • 218-681-8670

ACADEMIC FREE-PLAY: Students choose the activities they enjoy most
while building friendships with peers. Teachers use this time to guide stu-
dents to develop the social skills needed for future school success.

CIRCLE TIME: This is time for stories, music, dancing, and learning con-
cepts such as letters and numbers. Children learn to take turns and build
confidence when speaking in a group.

CENTERS: Students rotate through centers that coincide with the Kinder-
garten routine. Centers include writing, art, sensory, early math, and more
(planned using the Early Childhood Indicators of Progress).

EXERCISE: Time in our indoor playland or outdoor playground.

S.M.A.R.T.: (Stimulating Maturity through Accelerated Readiness Training):
Activities that help their brains and bodies get ready to learn through fun
physical activities.

TECHNOLOGY: Students gain experience using a Smartboard.

KINDERGARTEN TRANSITION: In the spring, the 4-year old classes
have Kindergarten transition activities incorporated into lesson plans (visit-
ing other areas of Challenger Elementary such as music class, gym, media
center, and meeting other staff throughout the building).                             We will also offer the option of
                                                                                   3 half days for 4 year olds and 2
   Early Learning Scholarships are available. Priority for scholarships will       half days for 3 year olds both with
be given based on family income, child poverty, one of the special populations     a morning and afternoon option.
as noted previously, and geographic region.                                        We encourage families to apply
                                                                                   early to better your chances of get-
   Applications are now being accepted for the 2022-23 school year. We will        ting your first request for classes.
be offering an all-day option for 4 year old students on Tuesdays and Thurs-       For more information on Prowler
days. Students will become confident being in a school setting for a full day      Preschool or for an application,
before entering Kindergarten. There will be time for a wider variety of learn-     contact Lisa Simenson at 681-
ing experiences. Class size will be limited to 20 for this all-day class option.   8670.
A needs based selection criteria will be used if there is a large number of ap-
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
4 GENERAL INTEREST /HEALTH & FITNESS                                                         Thief River Falls Community Education
Yoga Flow in the Park                    DIY Mystery Craft Kits
   Meet me in the park by the water!     for Adults-Home
This amazing class will energize and     Delivery
give you a fresh new beginning for          Create a modern and fresh craft
spring and summer! Have fun              project that will enhance your home!
learning yoga postures, breathing        The art project for each month will
techniques and postural alignment.       have a seasonal or home décor theme.
Build strength and balance by            All materials are provided along with
creating a solid foundation that is      step-by-step     instructions!    Feel
rooted in body awareness. Bring your     creative on your own schedule and be
mat and water. Props will be             surprised at the quality and fun that
provided. To receive messages via        arrives at your door!!
text with class updates, text            WGE128-May Kit
@22yogaflow to 81010.                    Must register by May 1, ships around
Payment options: Register online         May 20
                                         SGE108-June Kit                           Instant Piano for                       included as well. The course is partly
(pay for the whole month-$4/class) or                                                                                      lecture/demonstration and partly
pay at class (pay instructor before      Must register by June 1, ships            Hopelessly Busy People
                                         around June 20                               In just a few hours, you can learn   hands on instruction.
class-$5/class). Please arrive 10                                                                                          Topics include:
minutes early. Students must sign a      SGE109-July Kit                           enough secrets of the trade to give
                                         Must register by July 1, ships around     you years of musical enjoyment.            How chords work in a song
waiver before participating.                                                                                                  How to get more out of sheet music
SHF100                                   July 20                                   Learn to play piano the way
                                         SGE110-August Kit                         professionals do-using chords. Since    by reading less of it
Wed., June 1-29, 5:30 pm-6:30 pm                                                                                              How to form the three main types
                                         Must register by Aug. 1, ships around     this class is being held online with
$20                                                                                                                        of chords
                                         Aug. 20                                   ZOOM you will be able to sit at your
SHF101                                                                                                                        How to handle different keys and
                                                                                   piano or keyboard at home and take
Wed., July 6-27, 5:30 pm-6:30 pm                                                                                           time signatures
                                         $45                                       this course with no pressure at all.
$16                                                                                                                           How to avoid “counting”
                                                                                   And since this course includes an
                                         Instant Guitar for                        online book and online follow up           How to simplify over 12,000
Elks Park (by the fountain)              Hopelessly Busy People                    video lessons, you will be able to      complex chords
Arnie Reilly                                Have you ever wanted to learn the      continue your practice and study on     SGE106
MS, CPT, RYT 200                         guitar but simply find it difficult to    your own. An optional periodic online   Tues., June 14, 6:30-9:30 pm
                                         find the time? In just a few hours you    question and answer session is also     $59
Pickleball                               can learn enough about playing the        included. A recording of the class is   On-line via Zoom
   Imagine a game that is a cross        guitar to give you years of musical
between tennis, ping pong and            enjoyment, and you won’t have to
badminton. Sound strange? It is          take private lessons to do it. This
pickleball and it is the fastest-        crash course will teach you some
growing sport in the world. In this      basic chords and get you playing
class, you will get the hang of          along with your favorite songs right
footwork, body positioning, balance,     away. Since this class is being held
scoring and all the fundamentals.        online with ZOOM, you will be able
Wear comfortable clothes and tennis      to sit at home with your guitar and
shoes. Bring your own paddle or use      take this class without any pressure

                                                                                      School-Age Childcare
a loaner paddle that will be provided.   at all. And since the class includes an
Limit 12.                                online book and online follow-up
SHF102                                   video lessons, you will be able to
Wed., June 22,29; 9:30-11:30 am          continue your practice and study on
SHF103                                   your own. An optional periodic online      What is Latchkey?
Wed., June 22,29; 6-8 pm                 question and answer session is also           Latchkey is a school age child care program designed to provide quality
                                         included. A recording of the class is      care and program activities for children in grades K-5. The program pro-
                                         included as well. Class limited to 15      vides educational, recreational, and social activities to promote learning
                                         students. For ages 13+.                    and development with a minimum of formal structure. We try to be as
FMS Pickleball Courts
                                         Topics include:                            flexible as possible with our programming to meet the needs of all children
Scarecrow Making Class                      How chords work in a song
   During this class, you will stain,       How to form the three main types
                                         of chords                                  What does Latchkey Offer?
staple, nail, and glue together your
                                            How to tune your guitar                   At Latchkey children may choose activities such as playing a variety of
very own scarecrow. We bring the                                                    board games, reading, simple art projects and/or sports activities and
boards that are cut and sanded. We          Basic strumming patterns
                                            How to buy a good guitar (things        gross motor activities, including basketball, soccer, parachute activities,
then show you how to stain your                                                     tag, jump rope, and many more. .
boards and then assemble your            to avoid)
scarecrow. Once your scarecrow is           How to play along with simple
                                         tunes                                      ● Summer Latchkey will be at Challenger Elementary School
assembled I will show you how to
hand paint his/her face and then we      SGE105                                     ● Summer Latchkey runs June 7-August 19
will add in the flowers and              Wed., June 15, 6:30-9 pm                   ● A new registration form MUST be filled out for Summer
ribbons of your choosing. This is one    $59                                          Latchkey
of my favorite classes because you do    On-line via Zoom                           ● Open Monday-Friday 6:30 am-6:00 pm
it all!                                                                             ● Latchkey will not be in session on the following days: June 6,
SGE104                                                                                July 4
Tues., Aug. 9; 6-8 pm
$5 registration fee ($55 due at class                                                             Register online at
to cover supplies)                                                                        For more information call the Latchkey office at 218-681-2362
TRF American Legion                                                                         or 218-681-8711x5243, email
Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
8 YOUTH & TEEN ENRICHMENT / AQUATICS                                                                           TRF Community Education                          Thief River Falls Community Education                                                 GENERAL INTEREST 5

Art Academy
                                         a relaxing morning of a blast from
                                         the past: basket weaving!                               Swimming Lessons                                                           Jay Grammond's
                                         Mon., June 27; 10 am-12 pm                                                                                                History/Travel/Photography Classes
Let's Sculpt a Pinch Pot!                $19                                      We offer American Red Cross Swim
Grades 4-6                               FMS #119                                                                                                                These classes are offered via Zoom . Information on how to access the class
                                                                                  Lessons:                                                                     will be emailed to you prior to class.
   Students will learn sculpting tech-   Amy Purcell                                 Each course involves water safety instruction.
niques to create their own pinch pot                                                                                                                             Instructor Bio: Jay is a Professional Photographer from Minnesota. He has
                                                                                  Our teachers evaluate their classes the first 2                              been published in several Newspapers and magazines. He is also an Amateur
from air dry clay. We will meet again    Let's Make a Fairy Garden                days of lessons to be sure that swimmers are
2 days later to paint them, and to add                                                                                                                         Historian, focusing on WWII; the U.S. - Dakota War of 1862; and The Plains
                                         Grades 3-5                               placed in the appropriate levels. They may move                              Wars. He also loves all things Americana. Jay was an Award Winning
an air plant!                               Students will create a magical        swimmers to other classes as necessary.
SYT150                                                                                                                                                         Community Educator in the Lifelong Learning industry for nearly 20 years,
                                         place for fairies to visit!              This is a summary of the skills to be mastered at                            before becoming a Full Time Professional Photographer in 2020.
Mon. & Wed., June 13 & 15;               Students will design, paint, and         each level.
1-2:30 pm                                plant, while using their creativity to
$29                                      bring their fairy garden to life.
FMS #119                                                                                           Swimming Level Descriptions
Amy Purcell
                                                                                   Level: Preschool: Skills are performed independently                        Building Your Vision:                    A Road Trip Around
                                         Mon., June 13; 3-5 pm
                                                                                   Our Preschool course is the Red Cross level 3 for preschoolers and will     Taking Your                              Minnesota: Lakes &
                                                                                   be taught with swimmers standing on a submerged platform in the             Photography From                         Waterfalls
Kick of Creativity                       FMS #119                                                                                                              Good To Great!                              Raise your hand if you are ready to
Grades 5-7                               Amy Purcell                               pool. They will begin to bob, open eyes underwater, float on front and
                                                                                   back and use arm and leg motions together. These skills are done in-           Are you a Photographer that           take a day or weekend Road Trip
   Let's spend some time outdoors                                                                                                                              wants to take your images to the next    around the State this Summer! We
while we kick our creativity into                                                  dependently. The class is recommended for 3 or 4 year olds. Parents
                                         Sketch and Paint                          are encouraged to observe.                                                  level; or maybe someone that is just     could almost feel the breeze from all
gear! Students will use their senses     Grades 4-6                                                                                                            getting started in photography? Do       the hands shooting up! Join
to help explore their creativity while                                             Level 1: Beginner: Introduction to water skills
                                            Drawing a blank? Not in this           This class is an introduction to swimming. Swimmers will learn to bob,      you want to be a photographer that       Professional Photographer, Jay
we do some poetry and art mixed to-      class! Students will be encouraged to                                                                                 TAKES snapshots; or one that             Grammond as he takes you on a
gether!                                                                            open eyes underwater, glide on their front and back, back float, and
                                         use their imaginations while we           begin to use alternating arm movements. It is recommended that swim-        CREATES Images? You’ll leave this        Virtual Road Trip around the state to
SYT151                                   sketch fun and zany ideas! We will                                                                                    class with ideas and concepts that       learn about some of Minnesota’s
Wed., June 15; 3-5 pm                                                              mers be at least 5 years old. The class is held in the shallow end of our
                                         also use watercolor or colored pencil     pool, which is 3 1⁄2 feet deep.                                             you can put into practice right away.    largest in-land lakes; and fantastic
$19                                      to complete our works of art! Our                                                                                     We will cover some compositional         Waterfalls - which were so vitally
FMS #119                                                                           Level 2: Beginner: Fundamental Aquatic Skills
                                         goal is to have amazing submissions       In this level, swimmers will master holding their breath underwater,        basics that will surely improve your     important to travel and trade in
Amy Purcell                              ready for the county fair!                continue bobbing and opening eyes underwater, learn front, jellyfish,       images if you are not using them; and    bygone days. In today’s world, these
                                         SYT154                                    tuck and back floats, tread water, begin rotary breathing, and move at      we will discuss concepts of building     same waterways are vital to the
Basket Weaving                           Mon. & Wed., June 27 & 29; 1-3 pm         least 5 body lengths.                                                       your Photographic Vision to take         State     and     local    community
Grades 4-5                               $29                                       Level 3: Intermediate: Stroke development                                   your images from good to great!          economies; as well as to the citizens
  We won't be under water but we         FMS #119                                  Swimmers who pass level 3 will be able to jump into water over their        SGE111                                   as a form of recreation and
will be weaving baskets! Join in for     Amy Purcell                               heads, as well as enter the water head first from seated and kneeling       Wed., June 15, 10-11 am                  relaxation. After participating in this
                                                                                   positions. They will bob, and use the survival float for 30 seconds. They   SGE112                                   class, you should come away with the
                                                                                   learn rotary breathing and float on both front and back for 1 minute.       Mon., June 20, 6:30-7:30 pm              seeds of your own road trip ideas
                                                                                   They must also swim the elementary backstroke and front crawl for 15                                                 planted for a fantastic summer road
                                                                                   yards. They learn the flutter, scissors, breaststroke and dolphin kicks.    $20                                      trip.
                                                                                   Level 4: Intermediate: Stroke improvement                                   On-line via Zoom                         SGE114
                                                                                   Skills at this level include diving, swimming underwater, treading                                                   Mon., June 13, 10-11 am
                                                                                   water and survival swimming for at least 1 minute. To pass this level,      Barnstorming: A Tour                     SGE115
                                                                                   swimmers must also swim the front crawl and elementary backstroke           of Minnesota Barns &                     Wed., June 22, 6:30-7:30 pm
                                                                                   (25 yards), as well as the breaststroke, back crawl, butterfly and side     Barn Quilts
                                                                                   stroke (15 yards).                                                             Minnesota is filled with countless    $20
                                                                                   Level 5: Advanced: Stroke refinement                                        numbers of Barns, most from a            On-line via Zoom
                                                                                   Level 5 mastery includes shallow angle dives, tuck surface dives and        bygone era. However, there are still a
                                                                                   pike surface dives as well as treading water (5 minutes), treading water    bunch in operation as well.              An American Love
                                                                                   using only legs, and sculling. To pass this course, a swimmer must          Professional Photographer and            Affair: Cars of the
                                                                                   swim the front crawl and elementary backstroke for 50 yards (2 pool         Amateur Historian, Jay Grammond          1950’s
                                                                                   lengths) and the breaststroke, butterfly, back crawl and sidestroke for     has travelled the state capturing           What is your favorite Classic Car?
                                                                                   25 yards. They will perform front and back flip turns.                      images of barns of all shapes, sizes,    Our instructor’s favorite is the 1957
                                                                                   Level 6: Advanced: Advanced Options                                         and conditions. There is just            Chevy Belair! Growing up watching
Summer Arts Safari                       Up Stages: Ages 7-14                      Advanced swimmers can dive into the pool and retrieve an object on
                                            Campers will learn about perform-                                                                                  something about a barn! There are        “Happy Days”, and having parents
                                                                                   the bottom of the pool (8 feet deep). They will swim the front crawl and    some areas of the State where the        take him and his siblings to car
                                         ance techniques and the magic of mu-      elementary backstroke 100 yards and the breaststroke, back crawl, but-
Beginning Stages: Grades 1-3                                                                                                                                   barns are adorned with something         shows started a lifelong love affair
                                         sical theater! Along with rehearsal,      terfly and sidestroke 50 yards, including swimming 500 yards contin-
   This exciting camp allows children                                                                                                                          called a Barn Quilt. Barn Quilts are     with cars and trucks, especially from
                                         campers will experience production        uously using any 3 strokes of their choice. They use open turns as well
to explore the performing arts                                                                                                                                 pieces of art on the side of a barn,     the 1950’s. World War II was over,
                                         workshops and opportunities for           as front and back flips.
through music, movement, and cre-                                                                                                                              shed, or house that usually tell some    manufacturing went back to normal;
                                         voice instruction. Matilda Jr. will be    Parent/Child
ative dramatics. Campers showcase                                                                                                                              sort of story. These places are all      and the economy was starting to
                                         performed this year!                      We will tailor the class based on the age of the students registered and
what they've learned at their end-of-
the-week performance.
                                         July 18-22; 10 am-3 pm
                                                                                   will assign staff based on registration. The class will be at the same
                                                                                                                                                               visible from the roadways, so once
                                                                                                                                                               you know about them, you can go
                                                                                                                                                                                                        blossom. Highways were becoming a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        thing that allowed people to travel         FOR MORE
SYT140                                                                             time but could be split based on skill/comfort level of the group
July 18-22; 10 am-3 pm
                                         $79 (Bring a sack lunch or enjoy a
                                         free meal from the summer meal pro-
                                                                                   ● Group A: 4-12 months of age, able to hold their head up, and par-
                                                                                                                                                               check them out!
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the country; and vehicle production
                                                                                                                                                                                                        really took an amazing turn in the         INFORMATION
$79 (Bring a sack lunch or enjoy a                                                 ticipate with a parent or caregiver. Babies and their caregivers work
                                                                                                                                                               Wed., June 22, 10-11 am                  1950’s. We’ll take a look at the details
free meal from the summer meal pro-
                                         LHS Auditorium
                                                                                   on getting wet, buoyancy and movement, front, back and vertical posi-
                                                                                                                                                               $20                                      that made these cars so special.            CONTACT
gram)                                                                              tion in the water, and shallow water entries and exits. Red Cross pre-
                                                                                                                                                               On-line via Zoom                         SGE116
LHS Auditorium
                                            Please register according to age.
                                                                                   school level 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mon., June 13, 6:30-7:30 pm                218-681-8711
                                                                                   ● Group B: 12-24 months of age, participating with a parent or care-
                                         To receive messages via text with
                                         class updates, text @22sumart to
                                                                                   giver. Babies and their caregivers work on rhythmic breathing, moving
                                                                                                                                                                                                        On-line via Zoom                              x5243
                                                                                   forward and backward, front and back float with recovery, and shallow
                                         81010.                                    water entries and exits. Red Cross preschool level 2.
                                            Performance is at 7:00 pm July 22
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
6 YOUTH & TEEN ENRICHMENT                                                                                          TRF Community Education                              Thief River Falls Community Education                                                                     YOUTH & TEEN ENRICHMENT 7
Babysitting Training                      Franklin        Middle        School      T-ball                                    Cupcake Wars                              Kids Sign Making Class                     Eureka Engineering                          Wrestling-Beginners Class                 SYT127 (limit of 15)
   In this class you will learn how to                                                 Introductory lessons on perform-           Join us for a fun friendly baking        During this class, a kit will be pro-                                               Ages 6-8                                  3 year olds
                                          Summer Strength Training                                                                                                                                                 Robotics Camp
provide care for children from infants                                              ing the skills of: throwing, catching,    competition where we make various         vided with all the pieces to make your                                                    This course is designed for those      June 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30;
on up. You will learn tips, tools and     Program                                   base running, batting, fielding and       kinds of cupcakes and learn some          very own 3D sign. You can choose be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grades 3-8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9:30-11:30 am
                                          Grades 6, 7, & 8                                                                                                                                                            Eureka introduces students to the        who want to learn the sport of
skills in areas such as the following;                                              the rules of the game. Children           baking tips and tricks while we are at    tween a sports themed kit or a                                                         wrestling and get a better idea of the
safety, first aid and emergency re-          The Franklin Middle School             should bring their own gloves and         it. Ages 7+. Limit 12.                    Prowler themed kit. You will paint         core skills of robotics and other                                                     SYT128 (limit of 20)
                                          strength training, plyometric, agility,                                                                                                                                  STEM areas through engaging,                technique involved in it. The class
sponse; basic food prep safety and                                                  wear tennis shoes. Games will be          SYT117                                    all your pieces and then glue them on                                                                                            4/5 year olds
                                          flexibility, and speed improvement                                                                                                                                       hands-on learning opportunities. Stu-       will be limited in numbers so more
skills; ages and stages of basic child                                              scheduled. Parents will also be a         Thurs., July 21; 1:30-3:30 pm             your sign wherever you decide. We                                                                                                June 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30;
                                          program is of most importance to our      part of practicing with their child.      $19 (includes all supplies)               will then add a hanger for your sign       dent groups will work with Lego             one-on-one coaching will be provided.
development and age appropriate ac-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12:30-2:30 pm
tivities; infant care, handling and di-   student athletes. We use the H.I.T.       Please indicate t-shirt size when reg-    CES 2/3 Activity Room                     and then you can take it home.             Mindstorm kits, which include both          This course is for first and second
apering; learning how to market           (High Intensity Training) strength-       istering. To receive messages via text                                              SYT133                                     electrical and mechanical compo-            year wrestlers and anyone wanting to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               give wrestling a try. Limit 15.           $20
yourself; babysitting do’s and don’t      training program because we feel this     with class updates, text @22sumtball      Fall Mason Jar Luminary                   Mon., July 11; 1-2:30 pm                   nents. The small groups will be men-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SYT125                                    CES Prowler Preschool
and etiquette. Limit 15.                  program meets the needs of our stu-       to 81010. Limit 40 each session.             The colors of                          $5 registration fee ($30 due at class      tored by experienced and passionate
SYT100                                    dent athletes. It’s total body program    4 year olds (must be 4 by June 1,         fall will be                              to cover supplies)                         instructors. Parents are welcome to         June 13, 20, July 11, 18, 25, Aug. 1;
Tues. and Thurs., May 10, 12;             that gives our student athletes a         2022)                                     making an ap-                             CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                                  8-9 am                                    Kiddie Kamp 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   watch their child’s robotic creations
3:30-5:30 pm                              chance to develop a better physical       SYT111                                    p e a r a n c e                           Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94                                                        $49                                          Each session will include age-ap-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   come to life in exciting and competi-
$49                                       and psychological body. The H.I.T. is     Tues., June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19,   shortly. Today                                                                                                                   DSC Gym                                   propriate learning and exploring ac-
                                                                                    with make-up day July 26;                                                                                                      tive challenges including drag racing,
FMS FACS #136                             also called the S.E.E. (Safe Effective                                              we will use                               Drone Photography                                                                                                                tivities in literacy, math, science and
                                                                                    5:30-6:30 pm                                                                                                                   fighting robots and more!. Limit 30.                                                  STEM! These hands-on classes will
Jenn Thompson                             Efficient) and for good reason be-                                                  those colors to                           Grades 3-8                                                                             Wrestling-Advanced Class
                                          cause it is Safe, Effective, and Effi-    $69                                                                                    Students will start off Drone Pho-      SYT120                                                                                offer take-home ready art projects
                                                                                                                              create a fall lu-                                                                                                                Ages 9-15
                                                                                    Annie Park                                minary out of a                           tography by learning how to fly an         August 1-3; 9 am-12 pm
Safe at Home                              cient. Limit 20 per session.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This course is designed for those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and will include plenty of movement
                                                                                    Ages 5 & 6 only (must be 5 by             jar.   We will                            entry level photography drone. Once        $99                                                                                   and music fun! Each week will have
   When to start leaving your child                                                                                                                                                                                                                            who want to learn new techniques
home by themselves is a big decision      Tues., Wed., Thurs.: June 8, 9, 14,       June 1, 2022)                             apply a vinyl                             they have mastered the basics, they        CES Media Center                                                                      a different exciting theme. This class
                                          15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30; July      SYT112                                    cut-out, chalk                            will be taught more advanced tech-         Ryan Swanson,                               and refine their base knowledge of
to make. Safe at Home is designed to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is a great way to introduce preschool
be a guide to not only helping your       12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28        Tues., June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19,   paint to a jar                            niques that will help them take            Founder of COR Robotics                     the sport. It is more geared to those
                                                                                    with make-up day July 26;                                                                                                                                                                                            to your child and practice being at
child develop some of the skills          SYT102                                                                              and give it some final embellish-         higher quality photos and videos with                                                  who have 3 or more years of experi-
                                                                                    6:30-7:30 pm                                                                                                                                                                                                         school without a parent/guardian.
needed to stay home alone, but to         8-9 am                                                                              ments that will make it an adorable       their drones. Photo and video editing      RC Wars Robotics Camp                       ence.
                                                                                    $69                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Must be potty trained to attend.
start a conversation between you and      SYT103                                                                              centerpiece all the way through           software tutorials will enable stu-                                                    SYT126
                                                                                    Annie Park                                                                          dents to create awesome media con-         Grades 3-8
your child. This class will help an-      9-10 am                                                                             Thanksgiving. Ages 7+. Limit 15.                                                                                                 June 13, 20, July 11, 18, 25, Aug. 1;
                                                                                                                              SYT116                                    tent that they can download and keep          In RC Wars, teams of students will                                                    Week 1: Farm Animals: Let’s talk
swer questions for you and your child     SYT104                                                                                                                                                                                                               9-10:15 am
                                                                                    Frayed Flag Plaque                        Tues., Aug. 16; 1-3 pm                    after the camp. Students are encour-       build their own remote control vehi-                                                  about farm animals and the different
in setting up your routine to be by       10-11 am                                                                                                                                                                                                             $49
                                                                                       We will be                             $5 registration fee ($15 due at class     aged to bring a flash drive to save        cles to race and battle against other                                                 jobs they do! This week we will talk
yourself when your parents are not                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DSC Gym
home. It will also cover common                                                     using        fabric                       to cover supplies)                        and share their creations! Limit 30.       teams. Students will need to design                                                   about all things farm animals
                                          $89                                                                                                                           SYT118                                     their vehicles to not only be faster                                                  through hands-on learning, books,
household emergencies, using the                                                    scraps as well as                         CES 2/3 Activity Room
                                          FMS Weight Room                           paint and a ham-                                                                    June 7-9; 9 am-12 pm                                                                   Kiddie Kamp 1                             songs, and dances.
telephone, basic first aid and more.                                                                                                                                                                               and stronger than other teams’ cre-
Please send a snack with your child.                                                mer to create a                           Hydro-Dipping Your Hat                    $99                                        ations but also better than purchased          Each session will include age-ap-
Limit 20.                                 Kids Sushi                                fun Patriotic art                            This is fun for all ages. When you     CES Media Center                           RC Cars and Drones! RC Wars will            propriate learning and exploring ac-         Week 2: School: It is almost time
SYT101                                       Learn how to make some kid             project. Feel free                        come to the class you will be shown a     Ryan Swanson, Founder of COR Ro-           feature land and air races, obstacle        tivities in literacy, math, science and   to go back to school! This week we
Wed., May 11, 3:15–5:15 pm                friendly 'sushi'. It's not really sushi   to bring a paint                          few examples of some colors and how       botics                                     courses and more as students learn          STEM! These hands-on classes will         will do some hands-on activities to
$29                                       but fun, bite size, healthy snacks for    shirt or wear a                           to hydro dip your hat. We will help                                                                                              offer take-home ready art projects        learn about the fun things we do at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mechanical and electrical building
CES 2/3 Activity Room                     kids. We will make banana sushi, pb       shirt you don’t                           you choose the colors you want, aid                                                                                              and will include plenty of movement       school. We will take a tour around
                                                                                    mind staining as                                                                                                               skills in an energetic and exciting en-
Jenn Thompson and Nicole Wienen           & strawberry sushi and cucumber                                                     you in adding them to the water to                                                                                               and music fun! Each week will have        our building and explore where we
                                          sushi. Ages 7+. Limit 15.                 there is always a                                                                                                              vironment. Limit 30.
                                                                                                                              get the desired color you want, and                                                                                              a different exciting theme. This class    load the buses, where we play, play-
                                          SYT105                                    chance of splat-                          then assist you with dipping your                                                    SYT121
Junior Golf                                                                         tering. What a                                                                                                                 August 1-3; 1-4 pm                          is a great way to introduce preschool     grounds, and more! A perfect time for
   Learn how to play golf. Golfers are    Thurs., June 30; 1:30-3:30 pm                                                       very own hydro-dipped hat. We will                                                                                               to your child and practice being at       kids to see the school and learn about
                                          $19 (includes all supplies)               great project to                          then hang them up for a few minutes                                                  $99
encouraged to bring clubs each week.                                                display at your                                                                                                                CES Media Center                            school without a parent/guardian.         what we do before they come back in
There will be some clubs for students     CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                               and you will be able to take them
                                                                                    4th of July festiv-                       home. They will be a little damp but                                                 Ryan Swanson,                               Must be potty trained to attend.          a few weeks!
to use. Includes lessons, range balls,                                              ities! Ages 7+. Limit 15.
mini tournament and picnic on June        Kids Yoga                                                                           the paints will not rub off.                                                         Founder of COR Robotics
                                                                                    SYT114                                    SYT131                                                                                                                              Week 1: Backyard Bug Bash:             SYT129 (limit of 15)
30. Limit of 20 per group. Please in-        This class is a modern form of yoga    Tues., June 28; 1-3 pm                                                                                                                                                     Let’s get together and explore the
                                                                                                                              Thurs., June 23; 1:30-2:30 pm             Drone Programming                                                                                                                3 year olds
dicate t-shirt size when registering.     designed for children. It includes        $5 registration fee ($20 due at class                                                                                          Intro to Esports                            creatures, BIG and small that creep,      August 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11;
                                                                                                                              $5 registration fee ($25 due at class     Grades 4-9
To receive messages via text with         poses to increase strength, flexibility   to cover supplies)                                                                                                             Grades 3-8
                                                                                                                              to cover supplies)                           Students will learn to program                                                      crawl, buzz and fly around our back-      9:30-11:30 am
schedule changes, text @22jgolf to        and coordination. Classes are in-         CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                                                                             Turn your passion for video games
                                                                                                                              CES 2/3 Activity Room                     and fly at the same time! Groups of                                                    yards! We will use some hands-on ac-
81010. Age groups are flexible to         tended to be a fun way to breathe,                                                                                                                                       into valuable life skills! We will intro-
                                                                                                                              Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94           students will use drones that can be                                                   tivities to learn about the many bugs     SYT130 (limit of 20)
help accommodate your child’s sched-      move and relax with age-appropriate                                                                                                                                      duce the world of Esports and teach
                                                                                    Mini Succulent Planter                                                              programmed to perform aerial ma-                                                       that live around us, as we read, sing,    4/5 year olds
ule.                                      music and games. Please bring a                                                                                                                                          students about the many opportuni-
                                                                                       Succulents are a hearty plant that     Pillow Painting Class                     neuvers with entry level, block based                                                  and create all things BUGS!               August 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11;
                                          yoga mat. Limit 15.                       are practically indestructible. We                                                  coding. The fun and excitement of fly-     ties available to them by getting in-
Mon.,Tues.,Thurs., June 13, 14, 16,                                                                                              During this class, you will be                                                                                                                                          12:30-2:30 pm
                                          SYT109                                    will be chalk painting a pint size jar                                              ing drones makes it easy to forget         volved. Students will get to play
20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30                                                                                                        shown how to place your pillow on                                                                                                   Week 2: Plants & Gardening:
                                          Ages 6-8                                  and distressing it, adding twine and      the table, add your stencil to the pil-   students will be learning valuable         some of the most popular Esports
7-8 year olds                             Tues., June 7, 14, 21, 28; July 5, 12,                                                                                                                                                                               Who doesn’t love some dirt? This          $15
                                                                                    “planting” an assortment of succu-        lowcase, and then shown how to            21st century programming skills in         games, compete with and against
SYT106                                    19, 26;                                                                                                                                                                                                              week we will be getting our hands         CES Prowler Preschool
                                                                                    lents. Colors of the succulents will      paint your pillow. This is a really fun   the process. The camp will consist of      each other in tournaments, and learn
8:00-8:45 am                              1-1:45 pm                                 vary from proj-                                                                     a variety of fun challenges where stu-                                                 dirty and talking about different
                                                                                                                              class as you won’t be able to see how                                                important lessons along the way.
                                                                                    ect to project.                           it turned out until you are finished.     dents will put the programming                                                         kinds of plants we see in the sweet
9-10 year olds                                                                                                                                                          skills that they learn to the test. Par-   Limit 30.                                   summer time through hands-on ac-
                                          SYT110                                    Ages 7+. Limit                            The paint dries very quickly and you
SYT107                                                                              15.                                                                                 ents are welcome to stop in at the end     SYT122                                      tivities, books and songs!
                                          Ages 9-12                                                                           will be able to take them home when
8:45-9:30 am                                                                        SYT115                                                                              of each day to see what their child        August 8-10; 9 am-12 pm
                                          Tues., June 7, 14, 21, 28; July 5, 12,                                              finished.
                                          19, 26;                                   Tues., July 19;                           SYT132                                    has learned. Limit 30.                     SYT123                                         Week 3: Bears: Hey everyone,
11-13 year olds                                                                     1-3 pm                                                                              SYT119                                     August 8-10; 1-4 pm
SYT108                                    2-2:45 pm                                                                           Tues., Aug. 9; 1:30-3 pm                                                                                                         we’re going on a bear hunt! Grab your
                                                                                    $5 registration                           $5 registration fee ($30 due at class     June 7-9; 1-4 pm                                                                       cameras, binoculars and running
9:30-10:15 am                                                                       fee ($20 due at                                                                     $99                                        $99
                                          $59                                                                                 to cover supplies)                                                                                                               shoes! We will be doing some explor-
                                          CES Preschool D107                        class to cover                            CES 2/3 Activity Room                     CES Media Center                           CES Media Center
$49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ing, creative playing, and singing to
                                          Arnie Reilly                              supplies)                                 Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94           Ryan Swanson,                              Ryan Swanson,
Thief River Falls Golf Course                                                       CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                               Founder of COR Robotics                                                                learn about our furry friends that live
Tim Magnusson and Lauren Johnson          MS, CPT, RYT 200                                                                                                                                                         Founder of COR Robotics                     in the forest!
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
6 YOUTH & TEEN ENRICHMENT                                                                                          TRF Community Education                              Thief River Falls Community Education                                                                     YOUTH & TEEN ENRICHMENT 7
Babysitting Training                      Franklin        Middle        School      T-ball                                    Cupcake Wars                              Kids Sign Making Class                     Eureka Engineering                          Wrestling-Beginners Class                 SYT127 (limit of 15)
   In this class you will learn how to                                                 Introductory lessons on perform-           Join us for a fun friendly baking        During this class, a kit will be pro-                                               Ages 6-8                                  3 year olds
                                          Summer Strength Training                                                                                                                                                 Robotics Camp
provide care for children from infants                                              ing the skills of: throwing, catching,    competition where we make various         vided with all the pieces to make your                                                    This course is designed for those      June 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30;
on up. You will learn tips, tools and     Program                                   base running, batting, fielding and       kinds of cupcakes and learn some          very own 3D sign. You can choose be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grades 3-8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         9:30-11:30 am
                                          Grades 6, 7, & 8                                                                                                                                                            Eureka introduces students to the        who want to learn the sport of
skills in areas such as the following;                                              the rules of the game. Children           baking tips and tricks while we are at    tween a sports themed kit or a                                                         wrestling and get a better idea of the
safety, first aid and emergency re-          The Franklin Middle School             should bring their own gloves and         it. Ages 7+. Limit 12.                    Prowler themed kit. You will paint         core skills of robotics and other                                                     SYT128 (limit of 20)
                                          strength training, plyometric, agility,                                                                                                                                  STEM areas through engaging,                technique involved in it. The class
sponse; basic food prep safety and                                                  wear tennis shoes. Games will be          SYT117                                    all your pieces and then glue them on                                                                                            4/5 year olds
                                          flexibility, and speed improvement                                                                                                                                       hands-on learning opportunities. Stu-       will be limited in numbers so more
skills; ages and stages of basic child                                              scheduled. Parents will also be a         Thurs., July 21; 1:30-3:30 pm             your sign wherever you decide. We                                                                                                June 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30;
                                          program is of most importance to our      part of practicing with their child.      $19 (includes all supplies)               will then add a hanger for your sign       dent groups will work with Lego             one-on-one coaching will be provided.
development and age appropriate ac-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12:30-2:30 pm
tivities; infant care, handling and di-   student athletes. We use the H.I.T.       Please indicate t-shirt size when reg-    CES 2/3 Activity Room                     and then you can take it home.             Mindstorm kits, which include both          This course is for first and second
apering; learning how to market           (High Intensity Training) strength-       istering. To receive messages via text                                              SYT133                                     electrical and mechanical compo-            year wrestlers and anyone wanting to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               give wrestling a try. Limit 15.           $20
yourself; babysitting do’s and don’t      training program because we feel this     with class updates, text @22sumtball      Fall Mason Jar Luminary                   Mon., July 11; 1-2:30 pm                   nents. The small groups will be men-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SYT125                                    CES Prowler Preschool
and etiquette. Limit 15.                  program meets the needs of our stu-       to 81010. Limit 40 each session.             The colors of                          $5 registration fee ($30 due at class      tored by experienced and passionate
SYT100                                    dent athletes. It’s total body program    4 year olds (must be 4 by June 1,         fall will be                              to cover supplies)                         instructors. Parents are welcome to         June 13, 20, July 11, 18, 25, Aug. 1;
Tues. and Thurs., May 10, 12;             that gives our student athletes a         2022)                                     making an ap-                             CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                                  8-9 am                                    Kiddie Kamp 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   watch their child’s robotic creations
3:30-5:30 pm                              chance to develop a better physical       SYT111                                    p e a r a n c e                           Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94                                                        $49                                          Each session will include age-ap-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   come to life in exciting and competi-
$49                                       and psychological body. The H.I.T. is     Tues., June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19,   shortly. Today                                                                                                                   DSC Gym                                   propriate learning and exploring ac-
                                                                                    with make-up day July 26;                                                                                                      tive challenges including drag racing,
FMS FACS #136                             also called the S.E.E. (Safe Effective                                              we will use                               Drone Photography                                                                                                                tivities in literacy, math, science and
                                                                                    5:30-6:30 pm                                                                                                                   fighting robots and more!. Limit 30.                                                  STEM! These hands-on classes will
Jenn Thompson                             Efficient) and for good reason be-                                                  those colors to                           Grades 3-8                                                                             Wrestling-Advanced Class
                                          cause it is Safe, Effective, and Effi-    $69                                                                                    Students will start off Drone Pho-      SYT120                                                                                offer take-home ready art projects
                                                                                                                              create a fall lu-                                                                                                                Ages 9-15
                                                                                    Annie Park                                minary out of a                           tography by learning how to fly an         August 1-3; 9 am-12 pm
Safe at Home                              cient. Limit 20 per session.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This course is designed for those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and will include plenty of movement
                                                                                    Ages 5 & 6 only (must be 5 by             jar.   We will                            entry level photography drone. Once        $99                                                                                   and music fun! Each week will have
   When to start leaving your child                                                                                                                                                                                                                            who want to learn new techniques
home by themselves is a big decision      Tues., Wed., Thurs.: June 8, 9, 14,       June 1, 2022)                             apply a vinyl                             they have mastered the basics, they        CES Media Center                                                                      a different exciting theme. This class
                                          15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30; July      SYT112                                    cut-out, chalk                            will be taught more advanced tech-         Ryan Swanson,                               and refine their base knowledge of
to make. Safe at Home is designed to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     is a great way to introduce preschool
be a guide to not only helping your       12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28        Tues., June 14, 21, 28, July 5, 12, 19,   paint to a jar                            niques that will help them take            Founder of COR Robotics                     the sport. It is more geared to those
                                                                                    with make-up day July 26;                                                                                                                                                                                            to your child and practice being at
child develop some of the skills          SYT102                                                                              and give it some final embellish-         higher quality photos and videos with                                                  who have 3 or more years of experi-
                                                                                    6:30-7:30 pm                                                                                                                                                                                                         school without a parent/guardian.
needed to stay home alone, but to         8-9 am                                                                              ments that will make it an adorable       their drones. Photo and video editing      RC Wars Robotics Camp                       ence.
                                                                                    $69                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Must be potty trained to attend.
start a conversation between you and      SYT103                                                                              centerpiece all the way through           software tutorials will enable stu-                                                    SYT126
                                                                                    Annie Park                                                                          dents to create awesome media con-         Grades 3-8
your child. This class will help an-      9-10 am                                                                             Thanksgiving. Ages 7+. Limit 15.                                                                                                 June 13, 20, July 11, 18, 25, Aug. 1;
                                                                                                                              SYT116                                    tent that they can download and keep          In RC Wars, teams of students will                                                    Week 1: Farm Animals: Let’s talk
swer questions for you and your child     SYT104                                                                                                                                                                                                               9-10:15 am
                                                                                    Frayed Flag Plaque                        Tues., Aug. 16; 1-3 pm                    after the camp. Students are encour-       build their own remote control vehi-                                                  about farm animals and the different
in setting up your routine to be by       10-11 am                                                                                                                                                                                                             $49
                                                                                       We will be                             $5 registration fee ($15 due at class     aged to bring a flash drive to save        cles to race and battle against other                                                 jobs they do! This week we will talk
yourself when your parents are not                                                                                                                                                                                                                             DSC Gym
home. It will also cover common                                                     using        fabric                       to cover supplies)                        and share their creations! Limit 30.       teams. Students will need to design                                                   about all things farm animals
                                          $89                                                                                                                           SYT118                                     their vehicles to not only be faster                                                  through hands-on learning, books,
household emergencies, using the                                                    scraps as well as                         CES 2/3 Activity Room
                                          FMS Weight Room                           paint and a ham-                                                                    June 7-9; 9 am-12 pm                                                                   Kiddie Kamp 1                             songs, and dances.
telephone, basic first aid and more.                                                                                                                                                                               and stronger than other teams’ cre-
Please send a snack with your child.                                                mer to create a                           Hydro-Dipping Your Hat                    $99                                        ations but also better than purchased          Each session will include age-ap-
Limit 20.                                 Kids Sushi                                fun Patriotic art                            This is fun for all ages. When you     CES Media Center                           RC Cars and Drones! RC Wars will            propriate learning and exploring ac-         Week 2: School: It is almost time
SYT101                                       Learn how to make some kid             project. Feel free                        come to the class you will be shown a     Ryan Swanson, Founder of COR Ro-           feature land and air races, obstacle        tivities in literacy, math, science and   to go back to school! This week we
Wed., May 11, 3:15–5:15 pm                friendly 'sushi'. It's not really sushi   to bring a paint                          few examples of some colors and how       botics                                     courses and more as students learn          STEM! These hands-on classes will         will do some hands-on activities to
$29                                       but fun, bite size, healthy snacks for    shirt or wear a                           to hydro dip your hat. We will help                                                                                              offer take-home ready art projects        learn about the fun things we do at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   mechanical and electrical building
CES 2/3 Activity Room                     kids. We will make banana sushi, pb       shirt you don’t                           you choose the colors you want, aid                                                                                              and will include plenty of movement       school. We will take a tour around
                                                                                    mind staining as                                                                                                               skills in an energetic and exciting en-
Jenn Thompson and Nicole Wienen           & strawberry sushi and cucumber                                                     you in adding them to the water to                                                                                               and music fun! Each week will have        our building and explore where we
                                          sushi. Ages 7+. Limit 15.                 there is always a                                                                                                              vironment. Limit 30.
                                                                                                                              get the desired color you want, and                                                                                              a different exciting theme. This class    load the buses, where we play, play-
                                          SYT105                                    chance of splat-                          then assist you with dipping your                                                    SYT121
Junior Golf                                                                         tering. What a                                                                                                                 August 1-3; 1-4 pm                          is a great way to introduce preschool     grounds, and more! A perfect time for
   Learn how to play golf. Golfers are    Thurs., June 30; 1:30-3:30 pm                                                       very own hydro-dipped hat. We will                                                                                               to your child and practice being at       kids to see the school and learn about
                                          $19 (includes all supplies)               great project to                          then hang them up for a few minutes                                                  $99
encouraged to bring clubs each week.                                                display at your                                                                                                                CES Media Center                            school without a parent/guardian.         what we do before they come back in
There will be some clubs for students     CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                               and you will be able to take them
                                                                                    4th of July festiv-                       home. They will be a little damp but                                                 Ryan Swanson,                               Must be potty trained to attend.          a few weeks!
to use. Includes lessons, range balls,                                              ities! Ages 7+. Limit 15.
mini tournament and picnic on June        Kids Yoga                                                                           the paints will not rub off.                                                         Founder of COR Robotics
                                                                                    SYT114                                    SYT131                                                                                                                              Week 1: Backyard Bug Bash:             SYT129 (limit of 15)
30. Limit of 20 per group. Please in-        This class is a modern form of yoga    Tues., June 28; 1-3 pm                                                                                                                                                     Let’s get together and explore the
                                                                                                                              Thurs., June 23; 1:30-2:30 pm             Drone Programming                                                                                                                3 year olds
dicate t-shirt size when registering.     designed for children. It includes        $5 registration fee ($20 due at class                                                                                          Intro to Esports                            creatures, BIG and small that creep,      August 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11;
                                                                                                                              $5 registration fee ($25 due at class     Grades 4-9
To receive messages via text with         poses to increase strength, flexibility   to cover supplies)                                                                                                             Grades 3-8
                                                                                                                              to cover supplies)                           Students will learn to program                                                      crawl, buzz and fly around our back-      9:30-11:30 am
schedule changes, text @22jgolf to        and coordination. Classes are in-         CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                                                                             Turn your passion for video games
                                                                                                                              CES 2/3 Activity Room                     and fly at the same time! Groups of                                                    yards! We will use some hands-on ac-
81010. Age groups are flexible to         tended to be a fun way to breathe,                                                                                                                                       into valuable life skills! We will intro-
                                                                                                                              Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94           students will use drones that can be                                                   tivities to learn about the many bugs     SYT130 (limit of 20)
help accommodate your child’s sched-      move and relax with age-appropriate                                                                                                                                      duce the world of Esports and teach
                                                                                    Mini Succulent Planter                                                              programmed to perform aerial ma-                                                       that live around us, as we read, sing,    4/5 year olds
ule.                                      music and games. Please bring a                                                                                                                                          students about the many opportuni-
                                                                                       Succulents are a hearty plant that     Pillow Painting Class                     neuvers with entry level, block based                                                  and create all things BUGS!               August 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11;
                                          yoga mat. Limit 15.                       are practically indestructible. We                                                  coding. The fun and excitement of fly-     ties available to them by getting in-
Mon.,Tues.,Thurs., June 13, 14, 16,                                                                                              During this class, you will be                                                                                                                                          12:30-2:30 pm
                                          SYT109                                    will be chalk painting a pint size jar                                              ing drones makes it easy to forget         volved. Students will get to play
20, 21, 23, 27, 28, 30                                                                                                        shown how to place your pillow on                                                                                                   Week 2: Plants & Gardening:
                                          Ages 6-8                                  and distressing it, adding twine and      the table, add your stencil to the pil-   students will be learning valuable         some of the most popular Esports
7-8 year olds                             Tues., June 7, 14, 21, 28; July 5, 12,                                                                                                                                                                               Who doesn’t love some dirt? This          $15
                                                                                    “planting” an assortment of succu-        lowcase, and then shown how to            21st century programming skills in         games, compete with and against
SYT106                                    19, 26;                                                                                                                                                                                                              week we will be getting our hands         CES Prowler Preschool
                                                                                    lents. Colors of the succulents will      paint your pillow. This is a really fun   the process. The camp will consist of      each other in tournaments, and learn
8:00-8:45 am                              1-1:45 pm                                 vary from proj-                                                                     a variety of fun challenges where stu-                                                 dirty and talking about different
                                                                                                                              class as you won’t be able to see how                                                important lessons along the way.
                                                                                    ect to project.                           it turned out until you are finished.     dents will put the programming                                                         kinds of plants we see in the sweet
9-10 year olds                                                                                                                                                          skills that they learn to the test. Par-   Limit 30.                                   summer time through hands-on ac-
                                          SYT110                                    Ages 7+. Limit                            The paint dries very quickly and you
SYT107                                                                              15.                                                                                 ents are welcome to stop in at the end     SYT122                                      tivities, books and songs!
                                          Ages 9-12                                                                           will be able to take them home when
8:45-9:30 am                                                                        SYT115                                                                              of each day to see what their child        August 8-10; 9 am-12 pm
                                          Tues., June 7, 14, 21, 28; July 5, 12,                                              finished.
                                          19, 26;                                   Tues., July 19;                           SYT132                                    has learned. Limit 30.                     SYT123                                         Week 3: Bears: Hey everyone,
11-13 year olds                                                                     1-3 pm                                                                              SYT119                                     August 8-10; 1-4 pm
SYT108                                    2-2:45 pm                                                                           Tues., Aug. 9; 1:30-3 pm                                                                                                         we’re going on a bear hunt! Grab your
                                                                                    $5 registration                           $5 registration fee ($30 due at class     June 7-9; 1-4 pm                                                                       cameras, binoculars and running
9:30-10:15 am                                                                       fee ($20 due at                                                                     $99                                        $99
                                          $59                                                                                 to cover supplies)                                                                                                               shoes! We will be doing some explor-
                                          CES Preschool D107                        class to cover                            CES 2/3 Activity Room                     CES Media Center                           CES Media Center
$49                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ing, creative playing, and singing to
                                          Arnie Reilly                              supplies)                                 Jarod & Wanda Olson-Red Barn 94           Ryan Swanson,                              Ryan Swanson,
Thief River Falls Golf Course                                                       CES 2/3 Activity Room                                                               Founder of COR Robotics                                                                learn about our furry friends that live
Tim Magnusson and Lauren Johnson          MS, CPT, RYT 200                                                                                                                                                         Founder of COR Robotics                     in the forest!
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
8 YOUTH & TEEN ENRICHMENT / AQUATICS                                                                           TRF Community Education                          Thief River Falls Community Education                                                 GENERAL INTEREST 5

Art Academy
                                         a relaxing morning of a blast from
                                         the past: basket weaving!                               Swimming Lessons                                                           Jay Grammond's
                                         Mon., June 27; 10 am-12 pm                                                                                                History/Travel/Photography Classes
Let's Sculpt a Pinch Pot!                $19                                      We offer American Red Cross Swim
Grades 4-6                               FMS #119                                                                                                                These classes are offered via Zoom . Information on how to access the class
                                                                                  Lessons:                                                                     will be emailed to you prior to class.
   Students will learn sculpting tech-   Amy Purcell                                 Each course involves water safety instruction.
niques to create their own pinch pot                                                                                                                             Instructor Bio: Jay is a Professional Photographer from Minnesota. He has
                                                                                  Our teachers evaluate their classes the first 2                              been published in several Newspapers and magazines. He is also an Amateur
from air dry clay. We will meet again    Let's Make a Fairy Garden                days of lessons to be sure that swimmers are
2 days later to paint them, and to add                                                                                                                         Historian, focusing on WWII; the U.S. - Dakota War of 1862; and The Plains
                                         Grades 3-5                               placed in the appropriate levels. They may move                              Wars. He also loves all things Americana. Jay was an Award Winning
an air plant!                               Students will create a magical        swimmers to other classes as necessary.
SYT150                                                                                                                                                         Community Educator in the Lifelong Learning industry for nearly 20 years,
                                         place for fairies to visit!              This is a summary of the skills to be mastered at                            before becoming a Full Time Professional Photographer in 2020.
Mon. & Wed., June 13 & 15;               Students will design, paint, and         each level.
1-2:30 pm                                plant, while using their creativity to
$29                                      bring their fairy garden to life.
FMS #119                                                                                           Swimming Level Descriptions
Amy Purcell
                                                                                   Level: Preschool: Skills are performed independently                        Building Your Vision:                    A Road Trip Around
                                         Mon., June 13; 3-5 pm
                                                                                   Our Preschool course is the Red Cross level 3 for preschoolers and will     Taking Your                              Minnesota: Lakes &
                                                                                   be taught with swimmers standing on a submerged platform in the             Photography From                         Waterfalls
Kick of Creativity                       FMS #119                                                                                                              Good To Great!                              Raise your hand if you are ready to
Grades 5-7                               Amy Purcell                               pool. They will begin to bob, open eyes underwater, float on front and
                                                                                   back and use arm and leg motions together. These skills are done in-           Are you a Photographer that           take a day or weekend Road Trip
   Let's spend some time outdoors                                                                                                                              wants to take your images to the next    around the State this Summer! We
while we kick our creativity into                                                  dependently. The class is recommended for 3 or 4 year olds. Parents
                                         Sketch and Paint                          are encouraged to observe.                                                  level; or maybe someone that is just     could almost feel the breeze from all
gear! Students will use their senses     Grades 4-6                                                                                                            getting started in photography? Do       the hands shooting up! Join
to help explore their creativity while                                             Level 1: Beginner: Introduction to water skills
                                            Drawing a blank? Not in this           This class is an introduction to swimming. Swimmers will learn to bob,      you want to be a photographer that       Professional Photographer, Jay
we do some poetry and art mixed to-      class! Students will be encouraged to                                                                                 TAKES snapshots; or one that             Grammond as he takes you on a
gether!                                                                            open eyes underwater, glide on their front and back, back float, and
                                         use their imaginations while we           begin to use alternating arm movements. It is recommended that swim-        CREATES Images? You’ll leave this        Virtual Road Trip around the state to
SYT151                                   sketch fun and zany ideas! We will                                                                                    class with ideas and concepts that       learn about some of Minnesota’s
Wed., June 15; 3-5 pm                                                              mers be at least 5 years old. The class is held in the shallow end of our
                                         also use watercolor or colored pencil     pool, which is 3 1⁄2 feet deep.                                             you can put into practice right away.    largest in-land lakes; and fantastic
$19                                      to complete our works of art! Our                                                                                     We will cover some compositional         Waterfalls - which were so vitally
FMS #119                                                                           Level 2: Beginner: Fundamental Aquatic Skills
                                         goal is to have amazing submissions       In this level, swimmers will master holding their breath underwater,        basics that will surely improve your     important to travel and trade in
Amy Purcell                              ready for the county fair!                continue bobbing and opening eyes underwater, learn front, jellyfish,       images if you are not using them; and    bygone days. In today’s world, these
                                         SYT154                                    tuck and back floats, tread water, begin rotary breathing, and move at      we will discuss concepts of building     same waterways are vital to the
Basket Weaving                           Mon. & Wed., June 27 & 29; 1-3 pm         least 5 body lengths.                                                       your Photographic Vision to take         State     and     local    community
Grades 4-5                               $29                                       Level 3: Intermediate: Stroke development                                   your images from good to great!          economies; as well as to the citizens
  We won't be under water but we         FMS #119                                  Swimmers who pass level 3 will be able to jump into water over their        SGE111                                   as a form of recreation and
will be weaving baskets! Join in for     Amy Purcell                               heads, as well as enter the water head first from seated and kneeling       Wed., June 15, 10-11 am                  relaxation. After participating in this
                                                                                   positions. They will bob, and use the survival float for 30 seconds. They   SGE112                                   class, you should come away with the
                                                                                   learn rotary breathing and float on both front and back for 1 minute.       Mon., June 20, 6:30-7:30 pm              seeds of your own road trip ideas
                                                                                   They must also swim the elementary backstroke and front crawl for 15                                                 planted for a fantastic summer road
                                                                                   yards. They learn the flutter, scissors, breaststroke and dolphin kicks.    $20                                      trip.
                                                                                   Level 4: Intermediate: Stroke improvement                                   On-line via Zoom                         SGE114
                                                                                   Skills at this level include diving, swimming underwater, treading                                                   Mon., June 13, 10-11 am
                                                                                   water and survival swimming for at least 1 minute. To pass this level,      Barnstorming: A Tour                     SGE115
                                                                                   swimmers must also swim the front crawl and elementary backstroke           of Minnesota Barns &                     Wed., June 22, 6:30-7:30 pm
                                                                                   (25 yards), as well as the breaststroke, back crawl, butterfly and side     Barn Quilts
                                                                                   stroke (15 yards).                                                             Minnesota is filled with countless    $20
                                                                                   Level 5: Advanced: Stroke refinement                                        numbers of Barns, most from a            On-line via Zoom
                                                                                   Level 5 mastery includes shallow angle dives, tuck surface dives and        bygone era. However, there are still a
                                                                                   pike surface dives as well as treading water (5 minutes), treading water    bunch in operation as well.              An American Love
                                                                                   using only legs, and sculling. To pass this course, a swimmer must          Professional Photographer and            Affair: Cars of the
                                                                                   swim the front crawl and elementary backstroke for 50 yards (2 pool         Amateur Historian, Jay Grammond          1950’s
                                                                                   lengths) and the breaststroke, butterfly, back crawl and sidestroke for     has travelled the state capturing           What is your favorite Classic Car?
                                                                                   25 yards. They will perform front and back flip turns.                      images of barns of all shapes, sizes,    Our instructor’s favorite is the 1957
                                                                                   Level 6: Advanced: Advanced Options                                         and conditions. There is just            Chevy Belair! Growing up watching
Summer Arts Safari                       Up Stages: Ages 7-14                      Advanced swimmers can dive into the pool and retrieve an object on
                                            Campers will learn about perform-                                                                                  something about a barn! There are        “Happy Days”, and having parents
                                                                                   the bottom of the pool (8 feet deep). They will swim the front crawl and    some areas of the State where the        take him and his siblings to car
                                         ance techniques and the magic of mu-      elementary backstroke 100 yards and the breaststroke, back crawl, but-
Beginning Stages: Grades 1-3                                                                                                                                   barns are adorned with something         shows started a lifelong love affair
                                         sical theater! Along with rehearsal,      terfly and sidestroke 50 yards, including swimming 500 yards contin-
   This exciting camp allows children                                                                                                                          called a Barn Quilt. Barn Quilts are     with cars and trucks, especially from
                                         campers will experience production        uously using any 3 strokes of their choice. They use open turns as well
to explore the performing arts                                                                                                                                 pieces of art on the side of a barn,     the 1950’s. World War II was over,
                                         workshops and opportunities for           as front and back flips.
through music, movement, and cre-                                                                                                                              shed, or house that usually tell some    manufacturing went back to normal;
                                         voice instruction. Matilda Jr. will be    Parent/Child
ative dramatics. Campers showcase                                                                                                                              sort of story. These places are all      and the economy was starting to
                                         performed this year!                      We will tailor the class based on the age of the students registered and
what they've learned at their end-of-
the-week performance.
                                         July 18-22; 10 am-3 pm
                                                                                   will assign staff based on registration. The class will be at the same
                                                                                                                                                               visible from the roadways, so once
                                                                                                                                                               you know about them, you can go
                                                                                                                                                                                                        blossom. Highways were becoming a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        thing that allowed people to travel         FOR MORE
SYT140                                                                             time but could be split based on skill/comfort level of the group
July 18-22; 10 am-3 pm
                                         $79 (Bring a sack lunch or enjoy a
                                         free meal from the summer meal pro-
                                                                                   ● Group A: 4-12 months of age, able to hold their head up, and par-
                                                                                                                                                               check them out!
                                                                                                                                                                                                        the country; and vehicle production
                                                                                                                                                                                                        really took an amazing turn in the         INFORMATION
$79 (Bring a sack lunch or enjoy a                                                 ticipate with a parent or caregiver. Babies and their caregivers work
                                                                                                                                                               Wed., June 22, 10-11 am                  1950’s. We’ll take a look at the details
free meal from the summer meal pro-
                                         LHS Auditorium
                                                                                   on getting wet, buoyancy and movement, front, back and vertical posi-
                                                                                                                                                               $20                                      that made these cars so special.            CONTACT
gram)                                                                              tion in the water, and shallow water entries and exits. Red Cross pre-
                                                                                                                                                               On-line via Zoom                         SGE116
LHS Auditorium
                                            Please register according to age.
                                                                                   school level 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mon., June 13, 6:30-7:30 pm                218-681-8711
                                                                                   ● Group B: 12-24 months of age, participating with a parent or care-
                                         To receive messages via text with
                                         class updates, text @22sumart to
                                                                                   giver. Babies and their caregivers work on rhythmic breathing, moving
                                                                                                                                                                                                        On-line via Zoom                              x5243
                                                                                   forward and backward, front and back float with recovery, and shallow
                                         81010.                                    water entries and exits. Red Cross preschool level 2.
                                            Performance is at 7:00 pm July 22
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
Thief River Falls Community Education                                                                                     AQUATICS 9
                                  Swimming Lessons                                                           and whistle.       We are taking
               Swimming Lessons-$60; Preschool-Level 2, limit 8; Level 3-6, limit 10                         registrations now for those that are
                 Latchkey and Discovery Place registration is until May 27 only!!!                           interested in these classes and we
                                                                                                             will schedule a class once we have a
         SESSION 1                          SESSION 3              Youth Aqua Fitness                        date and time. We will call you when
        June 6-10, 13-17                  July 11-15, 18-22             This summer aquatic fitness          a date is determined.
                                                                   program        emphasizes         skill   SAQ300
MORNING SESSION                   MORNING SESSION                  development for youth with a focus        Lifeguard Certification Class
                                                                   on competitive swimming. Sessions         $250
SAQ101, SAQ102, SAQ103, SAQ104    SAQ139, SAQ140, SAQ141, SAQ142   are designed around teaching the
Discovery Place                   Levels 1,2,3,4                   four competitive swim strokes (free,      SAQ301
Levels 1,2,3,4                    9:00-9:45 am                     back, breast, fly), racing starts, and    Lifeguard Recertification Class
9:00-9:45 am                                                       turns. Those interested in refining       $125
                                  SAQ143, SAQ144, SAQ145, SAQ146   skills or wanting to keep conditioned
SAQ105, SAQ106, SAQ107, SAQ108    Levels Preschool,1,2,3           for athletics should sign up. This
                                                                                                             Lap Swimming
                                                                                                             Mon., Wed., Fri.; 6-7:30 am
Levels Preschool,1,2,3            10:00-10:45 am                   program offers high-impact training
                                                                                                             Mon.-Thur.; 6-7 pm
10:00-10:45 am                                                     to maintain off-season fitness for
                                                                                                             Adults $5 and children $4 or a
                                  SAQ147, SAQ148, SAQ149, SAQ150   advanced swimmers. Skills testing
                                                                                                             Franklin Pool Pass
SAQ109, SAQ110, SAQ111, SAQ112    Levels Preschool,2,3,5/6         for Red Cross levels 5/6 will be
Levels Preschool,2,3,5/6          11:00-11:45 am                   offered during the first 2 weeks of the
                                                                                                             Open Swimming
11:00-11:45 am                                                     Novice program.           Prerequisite:
                                                                                                             Mon.-Thurs., 1-4 pm and 7-9 pm
                                  AFTERNOON SESSION                Participants should be able to swim
                                                                                                             Fri., Sat., Sun.; 1-4 pm and 6-8 pm
AFTERNOON SESSION                                                  the length of the pool without
                                                                                                             Adults $5 and children $4 or a
                                  SAQ151                           assistance or have passed Red Cross
                                                                                                             Franklin Pool Pass
SAQ166                            Level 5/6                        level 4.
Level 5/6                         3:30-4:15 pm                                                               Pool Rentals
3:30-4:15 pm                                                       SAQ200                                       Schedule rentals with the pool
                                  EVENING SESSION                  NOVICE-Grades K-5                         manager by calling 681-8065.
EVENING SESSION                                                    Mon.-Thurs., June 6-June 30 & July        Sat. and Sun.; 10 am–1 pm or 4–6 pm
                                  SAQ152, SAQ153, SAQ154           11-July 28; 3:30-4:30 pm                  (or during the week when not in use)
SAQ113, SAQ114, SAQ115            Levels 1,2,3                     $100                                      $75 per hour
Levels 1,2,3                      4:30-5:15 pm
4:30-5:15 pm                                                       SAQ201
                                  SAQ155, SAQ156, SAQ157, SAQ181   ADVANCED-Grades 6-12                               Pool Passes
SAQ116, SAQ117, SAQ118, SAQ119    Levels Parent/Child A & B,       Mon.-Thurs., June 6-June 30 & July                Family passes
Levels Parent/Child A & B,        Preschool,5/6                    11-July 28; 7:30-9 am                           12 month - $320.00
Preschool,5/6                     5:15-6 pm                        $125                                             9 month - $250.00
5:15-6 pm                                                                                                      Summer pass (Memorial day to
                                           SESSION 4               FMS Pool                                       Labor Day) - $175.00
          SESSION 2                    July 25-29, August 1-5                                                      Individual passes
    June 20-24, June 27-July 1                                     Lifeguard Classes
                                                                       Participants must be 15 years of            12 month - $210.00
                                  MORNING SESSION                                                                   9 month - $250.00
MORNING SESSION                                                    age by the end of the course. Please
                                                                   bring proof of age on the first day of      Summer pass (Memorial day to
                                  SAQ158, SAQ159, SAQ160, SAQ161                                                  Labor Day) - $100.00
SAQ120, SAQ121, SAQ122, SAQ123    Levels 1,2,3,4                   class. Upon successful course
Latchkey                          9:00-9:45 am                     completion      you    will    receive              Punch Cards
Levels 1,2,3,4                                                     certification cards for Lifeguarding,       Adult card-six punches - $25.00
9:00-9:45 am                      SAQ162, SAQ163, SAQ164, SAQ165   First Aid and CPR. Bring a swimsuit         Child card-six punches - $20.00
                                  Levels Preschool,1,2,3
SAQ124, SAQ125, SAQ126, S127      10:00-10:45 am
Latchkey (only levels 1,2,3)
Preschool                         SAQ167, SAQ168, SAQ169, SAQ170
10:00-10:45 am                    Levels Preschool,2,3,5/6
                                  11:00-11:45 am
SAQ128, SAQ129, SAQ130, SAQ131
Levels Preschool,2,3,5/6          AFTERNOON SESSION
11:00-11:45 am
AFTERNOON SESSION                 Level 5/6
                                  3:30-4:15 pm                        Little Brother Little Sister of Pennington County is inviting
Level 5/6                                                             you to join our program. The youth of our community can
                                  EVENING SESSION
3:30-4:15 pm                                                          strongly benefit from learning what you have to share.
                                  SAQ172, SAQ173, SAQ174              Mentoring only takes a minimum of 4 hours a month and can
EVENING SESSION                   Levels 1, 2, 3                      take place in a variety of settings. We believe even the
                                  4:30-5:15 pm
SAQ133 SAQ134, SAQ135                                                 slightest positive influence has the potential to change a
Levels 1,2,3                      SAQ175, SAQ176, SAQ177, SAQ182      child’s life.
4:30-5:15 pm                      Levels Parent/Child A & B,                         If you have questions, please call
                                  Preschool, 5/6                                       Ginger Alby at 218-791-5354,
SAQ136, SAQ137, SAQ138, SAQ180    5:15-6 pm
Levels Parent/Child A & B,                                                   check out our website
Preschool,5/6                                                                 or you can e-mailL
5:15-6 pm
Summer 2022 Activity Guide - Look For Us on Facebook! Thief River Falls Community Education
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