Summary of Comments A-004-2021 - 2246 Lynn Street

Page created by Curtis Lane
Summary of Comments A-004-2021 - 2246 Lynn Street
Summary of Comments
  2246 Lynn Street
 APPLICATION NUMBER(S):            A-004-2021 & A-005-2021

 MEETING DATE:                     January 21, 2021
 TO:                               Nicholas Skerratt, Secretary Treasurer Committee of

 FROM:                             Chris Cannon, Placemaker/Planner

 SUBJECT:                          Minor variance applications A-004-2021 & A-005-2021 is
                                   seeking relief from Section 3.17.1 g) and Section 3.5 c) of
                                   Zoning By-law No. 080-13 to construct a secondary dwelling

 Municipal Address 2246 Lynn Drive
 Legal Description Plan M349 Lot 48
 Official Plan     Village Residential
 Zoning By-law     Residential 1 (R1) Zone


The Planning Department recommends approval of A-004-2021 & A-005-2021 subject to
the following conditions.

   1.) The proposed secondary dwelling be shifted to the west to provide for a minimum
       exterior side yard setback (Small Street) of 6m.
   2.) The proposed second driveway access from Small Street be in accordance with the
       Town standards.

The applicant is seeking to construct secondary detached dwelling unit within the Village of
Stroud. Section 3.5 c) and 3.17.1 g) of the Zoning By-law requires that secondary detached
dwelling units do not exceed 50% of the gross floor area of the principal structure and does not
exceed 100m2 and only permits one driveway per residentially zoned lot within a settlement area
as defined in the Town’s Official Plan.

  Application       By-law          Requirement             Proposed          Difference
  Number            Section
  A-004-21          3.17.1 g)       1                      2 driveways        Relief from the
                                    driveway/residentially                    requirement

Committee of Adjustment Memorandum                                             January 21, 2021
A-004-21 & A-005-21 – 2246 Lynn Street                                              Page 2 of 3

                                    zoned lot within
                                    settlement area
  A-005-21         3.5 c)            50% &       36m2 & 14m2
                                    principal dwelling &    114m2
Committee of Adjustment Memorandum                                              January 21, 2021
A-004-21 & A-005-21 – 2246 Lynn Street                                               Page 3 of 3

                        Street), Staff do not feel the proposal comprises the visual streetscape
                        within the neighbourhood.

                        The subject lands are of sufficient size to support the existing principal
                        dwelling unit, along with the proposed secondary dwelling unit. Staff
                        feel the proposed variances, subject to conditions; meet the purpose
                        and intent of the Zoning By-law.

 The variance is        The proposed secondary dwelling unit on the subject lands will be sited
 desirable for the      in a location that will not impose on neighbouring properties. The
 appropriate/orderly    variance for a minor increase in size of the proposed secondary
 development or use     dwelling will not result in a visual conflict within the existing
 of the land:           neighbourhood setting as the frontage is essentially along Small
 ☒Yes                   Street. Due to the size of the subject lands there is ample space to
 ☐No                    facilitate a private septic system for the new secondary dwelling unit
                        and amenity space for each dwelling. In addition, the proposed access
                        driveway has been sited as to coordinate with existing driveways on
                        the east side of Small Street.

                        Staff are of the opinion the variance requested is desirable for
                        appropriate/orderly development or use of the land.
 The variance is        Staff consider the proposal to establish a secondary dwelling unit with
 minor in nature:       a minimal increase size and a second access from the exterior side
 ☒Yes                   yard as being minor in nature if the proposal is modified to meet all
 ☐No                    other provisions in the Zoning By-law, as suggested by Staff. The
                        proposed secondary dwelling unit location can be modified as to not
                        impose on the surrounding neighbourhood character.

Staff are of the opinion the variances A-004-2021 and A-005-2021 should be approved subject to

Chris Cannon, Placemaker/Planner

Nicholas Skerratt, Development Leader
Community Development Standards Branch

                                  MEMORANDUM TO FILE

DATE: January 15, 2021
FROM/CONTACT: Jocelyn Penfold ex 3506
FILE/APPLICATION: A-004 &005 2021
SUBJECT: 2246 Lynn Street

Comments to applicant/owner for information purposes (Comments help provide
additional information regarding the development of the subject lands to the applicant.
Comments are not conditions of approval):

   1. When applying for building permit for a new dwelling, please provide a lot grading plan
      designed by a Professional Engineer or an Ontario Land Surveyor to the satisfaction of
      Community Development Standards Branch (Building Department).
   2. When applying for a building permit, the applicant/owner shall provide a site plan with
      proposed building and septic footprint that meets all Ontario Building Code required
      clearances to neighbouring wells and on-site sewage systems, to the satisfaction of
      Community Development Standards Branch (Building Department).

   3. When applying for building permit please provide from a qualified designer that the size
      of the water line into the property is satisfactory for the fixtures in the existing and
      proposed dwellings, these assurances can be provided by hydraulic load calculations
      or other means.

Condition of Approval (Conditions of Approval are specific enforceable conditions regarding
the subject lands should the Committee of Adjustment approve the application. For example:
The applicant/owner shall apply for a building permit for the construction of a new dwelling to
the satisfaction of Community Development Standards Branch)

No comments.

                                  MEMORANDUM TO FILE

DATE:                      January 11, 2021
FROM/CONTACT:              Tim Gignac
FILE/APPLICATION:          A-004-2021 (2246 Lynn Street)
SUBJECT:                   Committee of Adjustment Applications – January 2021
                           Engineering Services Review Comments

Comments to applicant/owner for information purposes (Comments help provide
additional information regarding the development of the subject lands to the applicant.
Comments are not conditions of approval):

   •   Engineering has no comments.

Conditions of Approval (Conditions of Approval are specific enforceable conditions regarding
the subject lands should the Committee of Adjustment approve the application. For example:
The Applicant/Owner shall apply for a building permit for the construction of a new dwelling to
the satisfaction of Community Development Standards Branch):

   •   Engineering has no conditions.

This is in regards to the applications A-004-2021 & A-005-2021 - 2246 Lynn Street.

We do not approve of the proposed driveway and separate dwelling on 2246 Lynn St.

We have several concerns:

- Property value - Part of the appeal and value of the Stroud neighbourhood is the large
backyards and the privacy and space we all enjoy, and the distance from our backyard
neighbours is a selling feature. People viewing our house will walk into the backyard and see two
houses. How is that a good thing for resale value? We can accept a garage being built, but two
dwellings is another matter. Especially an oversize one.

- This is not a retirement community! If they are wanting something more convenient and
accessible for the their parents, they should be looking at Sandy Cove acres, not building an
oversize house in the backyard. The decision has to take into account how it affects the
neighbourhood as a whole. This will set precedence for others who may be thinking this.

- After the parents pass away, what happens to the house? Will it turn into a rental property?
That’s even worse for the neighbourhood resale value.

- A lot of surrounding neighbours have bon-fires and family get togethers in their backyards, and
the smoke does not affect surrounding homes with the large lots. The location of the home will be
affected by smoke which I feel will be a major issue with aging parents with open windows in the
summer. I’m afraid this will turn into a by-law nightmare with complaints to the town. Again… this
is not a retirement community!

- The reasons set out for a separate oversize dwelling do not outweigh the downside to the

I think it would be a lot more convenient for everyone if they took the money and renovated their
existing house to accommodate their aging parents and Grandmother. Any home can be modified
for wheelchair accessibility. Renovate the basement for the in-laws and put a chair lift on the
stairs. This would meet their needs and not involve building an oversize retirement home in the
backyard, affecting the surrounding neighbours and setting precedence for others.

Thank You.
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