Success on a plate: The Future of Eating - COVER - HubSpot

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    Success on a plate:
        The Future of Eating

        A Clarity insight report.

It’s crunch time for       Yet the industry is still valued
                           at almost £19bn in the UK alone.

the dining sector.         Consumers remain hungry for
                           convenience, great service and
                           a unique experience. Driven by

Experts predicted that
                           technology, smart players such
                           as delivery platforms, subscription
                           snacking propositions and nimble
in 2019 the industry       restaurant chains are innovating
                           to keep up with demand while

would suffer its fastest   simultaneously fuelling changes
                           in customer habits.

year-on-year decline       So what makes the likes of

since the beginning
                           Jamie’s Italian close its kitchens
                           while Just Eat and Deliveroo
                           get on their bikes?
of the last decade 1.
In order to uncover the crucial                                 Change is coming faster than
         factors that stir a brand to success                            ever. The sector must adapt
         or leave it stale, Clarity has created                          to consumers’ rapidly shifting
         The Eating Index.                                               behaviour, driven by digital.

         Using our unique methodology,                                   Digital is allowing habits to change,
         we have pinpointed brands’                                      presenting more choice and driving
         progress and pain points across a                               awareness for smaller players.
         range of ingredients far bigger than                            The Eating Index is our attempt
         mere financial indicators. Together                             to make sense of what’s going on.
         they give two key measures of                                   The report reveals ways to embrace
         performance: customer centricity                                disruption, stay relevant and thrive.
         and disruptability. There are lessons
         to be learned for each type of                                  The findings are useful for start-ups,
         brand, whether consumers think                                  chains, independents and investors
         they have gone cold or are cooking                              alike. From upstart disruptors using
         up a storm.                                                     technology to bring us fast food
                                                                         in a jiffy to established eateries
                                                                         struggling to keep up with diners’
                                                                         restless appetites, we uncover
                                                                         what’s working, what isn’t, and how
                                                                         to get ahead in uncertain times.


              The Eating Index
              puts brands
              in the dining
              sector under the
              We have included several tech-based
              businesses, such as subscription brands,
              table reservation platforms and digital
              delivery services, to ensure the analysis
              captures modern dining options. There
              are also a couple of drinks brands
              for good measure.
We scored 30 attributes for each brand,   The results are deliberately
grouped using aspects of the following:   bite-size. We chose these brands
                                          because we believe they’re
Financial indicators                      representative of different
                                          categories within dining. This
Brand strength                            has allowed us to benchmark
                                          disruption, successes, challenges
                                          and overall performance in a way
Competitive landscape                     that could easily be applied to
                                          similar brands in each category.
Market performance
                                          We’d happily discuss the
Innovation strategy                       methodology at greater depth and
                                          can also share further details of
Customer centricity                       how the brands that appear in the
                                          index performed. Please contact
Internal comms                            us to find out more about how
                                          Clarity can help your business.
Wellbeing including sustainability

Marketing strategy
 Earning a crust:
 current dining trends

 Many dining businesses will look                    In response, we saw major chains
                                                     including Giraffe, Frankie and Benny’s
 back on 2019 as a recipe for                        and Ed’s Easy Diner downsizing their
 disaster. It was a perfect storm                    estates, while Jamie’s Italian folded.
                                                     Total job losses topped 11,000, a rise
 of rising costs, market saturation                  of 8% on 20182.
 and economic uncertainty that
 made consumers hang on to                           Yet there is room for optimism.
                                                     Overall sales growth at branded
 their disposable income.                            chains grew by 2% in 2019, although
                                                     this was in no small part due to
                                                     a frenzy of promotions. Low-cost
                                                     convenience options including pubs
                                                     and fast-food chains also fared
                                                     comparatively well.

                                                     Understanding consumer behaviour

   11,000                        2%
                                                     and attitudes towards dining can
                                                     help the industry start the new
                                                     decade on a firmer footing. Let’s take
                                                     a closer look at some of the major
      of total job losses,    overall sales growth   trends driving change.
     a rise of 8% on 2018      at branded chains
                                     in 2019
Start-ups are hot property
                                                                                                pound menu
Start-ups are leading change           To pick just a couple of examples,
by capitalising on new consumer        early in 2020 new chain HôP
trends. There’s no shortage of VC      Vietnamese announced a £1.5m
funding being poured into dining       crowdfunding target to allow
brands looking to scale up quickly.    it to open 20 new sites5.

A report by DealRoom and               Meanwhile, street food concept
TechNation found UK tech start-ups     chain Mowgli had a stellar first year
garnered a huge £10.1bn investment     in 2019, entering the Sunday Times
in 2019. That’s a £3.1bn increase on   Fast Track 1006. It’s now aiming to
2018, and much of the cash is being    open in most major UK cities in 2020.
poured into food innovation. Out of
697 early-stage VC funding rounds,
91 are in the food tech space3.

It’s easy to see why so much is

being invested in dining: they
are best placed for growth and                                                 Mainstream TV has picked up            ²
commercial success. Back in                                                    on this trend, with recently aired     jobs-axed-as-high-profile-chains-endured-torrid-2019/

2014, very nearly half (49%) of                                                series Million Pound Menu helping      ³
UK restaurants were operated by             of UK restaurants were             to popularise emerging brands.         investment

brands with more than 100 sites4.          operated by brands with
By 2019, that fell to 43%. Well over         more than 100 sites               It doesn’t look like funding for new   ⁵
a third (37%) of restaurants are                    in 2014                    tastes will dry up any time soon.      Vietnamese-launches-crowdfunding-campaign-on-Crowdcube

now operated by groups with                                                    They are the instigators of            ⁶
fewer than 25 sites.                                                           change, leaving established
                                                                               players looking over their
                                                                               shoulders, and struggling
                                                                               brands lagging further behind.
We want it all and we want it now

The UK’s food-to-go sector is predicted to
be worth £23.4bn by 2024, according to IGD7,
increasing by a growth rate double that
of the total grocery market.

More consumers eating on the go         Consumers are also seeking
means greater demand for quicker        attributes beyond convenience:
availability to make life easier. The   high nutritional value, personalised
primary driver of growth is delivery    meals and constant quality, for
services, worth £8.4bn in the UK        example. So while the likes of Just
alone in 2019 and predicted to          Eat and Deliveroo are fuelling a
reach £9.8bn by 2021 (source:           new boom in fast food, people are
MCA). According to a report from        also looking for healthy options in
Deloitte on behalf of Uber Eats,        a quick meal.
dining outlets enjoy an average

annual revenue increase of £323m        Just look at the success of brands
in London alone, purely as a result     such as Mindful Chef, All Plant and
of joining delivery platforms8.         Vita Mojo which successfully blend
                                        convenience and healthy eating.
                                        These are winning propositions that     of annual revenue
                                        give consumers what they want.         increase in London
                                                                                  dining outlets
DIY with a head start

   Bridging the gap between takeaways

                                                           £1bn                                                       £30m
   and remembering to pick up ingredients,
   meal kits continue to grow in popularity.
   They offer a simple and satisfying cooking
                                                         meals kits including                                              is the valuation of
   experience with recipes made up online and           Gousto and SimplyCook                                           AllPlants, a vegan food
   orders sent direct to the customer’s door.                already sold                                                    delivery service

                                                UK operators - including firms such                           Look past established brands
                                                as Gousto and SimplyCook - are                                including HelloFresh and Abel and
                                                believed to be pulling in around                              Cole, and there’s still room for meal
                                                £1bn sales already. Globally,                                 kit start-ups to bring more growth.
                                                estimates suggest revenues could                              AllPlants, a vegan food delivery
                                                shatter £7bn in five years’ time9.                            service, is already valued at £30m
                                                                                                              following its launch in 2017, and
                                                                                                              recently secured £7.5m funding
                                                                                                              to widen its range.

Coming right up

     Gazing further into the future, three trends
     seem set to dominate between now and 2030,
     seriously challenging traditional dining.
                                                                                                                                         food tech unicorns have
                                                                                                                                           been created around
                                                                                                                                                the world

     The first is consumers demanding                                Then there are “smart diets”.               Finally, food science will play a
     a change in corporate attitudes                                 As people dip into their biometric          major role in building trust between
     towards the environment. Diners                                 data to drive health regimes,               consumers and meal providers.
     will reward businesses that take                                brands will need to respond with            Already, 35 food tech unicorns
     action to improve the world                                     more personalised meal options.             have been created around the
     around them, demonstrating                                                                                  world with a reported combined
     a commitment to sustainability.                                                                             value of £143bn . Restaurants are
                                                                                                                 likely to include food tech - the
                                                                                                                 brains behind healthier, trustworthy
                                                                                                                 provenance - in their brand stories.

Food for thought

                   Many of these trends are
                   driven by the will of younger
                   diners to discover new foods and
                   experiences. They are also behind
                   the rapid rise of food delivery
                   as more people opt to eat at
                   home thanks to convenience
                   driven by greater access to -
                   and proliferation of - services.

                   It doesn’t matter whether
                   your brand is a start-up or an
                   established player. Understanding
                   all of these trends, knowing the
                   values different audiences admire
                   and figuring out how to win their
                   hard-earned money will be key
                   future drivers of the sector.

                   But as we’ll now discover from
                   our index, there are many other
                   ingredients that can also deliver
                   success or failure.
Analysis: hungry for success
or feeding on scraps?

As described in our                                          Customer centricity is at its strongest      Disruptability is a score that reflects
                                                             when a brand has its ear to the              not just how adept a brand is at
Methodology each of the                                      ground. Its essence is listening to and      navigating change, but also its own
15 brands we put under the                                   attempting to understanding what             ability to effect change within the
                                                             consumers want, then responding in a         sector. Is your brand adapting, or being
microscope were examined                                     way that enthuses them and allows the        adapted by others? Customer centricity
through the lens of customer                                 business to stay relevant.                   and disruptability are the two axes
                                                                                                          for the index as illustrated below.
centricity and disruptability.

                                                                                                   Front Runners

                                 Customer Centricity



                                                                               Challenged Mainsteam

                                                             50                           100                             150                           200
In plotting individual brands on The Eating Index, we also grouped
them into four segments. Here’s a description of each one based
on the common characteristics of brands within them.

             Ousted                     Challenged Mainstream                           Front Runners                           Dominators
• Not attuned to market needs          •	Operating in highly competitive,      •	Ranging from fresh, cutting-edge   •	Changed the overall market
                                          often saturated markets; focus           propositions to brands that           context, setting the new rules by
•	Propositionally wide of the mark;      on tactics or ‘old ways of working’      have perfected the category           which everyone else must abide
   little relevance or motivating                                                  marketing model; customer
   factors for consumers               •	Customer experience diluted by           centric enough to succeed in       •	Strong innovation with a high
                                          desire to please all audiences           a landscape of change                 level of technical integration
•	Lacking customer centricity and
   unequipped for agile change         •	Becoming stale and unappealing        •	Often entrepreneurial and          •	Deep pockets; investor backed
                                          to younger audiences                     accessing great marketing             or track record of success in
•	Often overstretched and                                                                                               another category
   struggling operationally            •	At risk of being disrupted by            talent, they understand how
                                          fresh, more relevant propositions        to build a brand                   •	Foot on the gas, prioritising
                                                                                                                         insight, customer centricity,
                                                                                                                         testing and remaining relevant
The brands

    Now let’s throw the spotlight on brands in each
    of the segments with an explanation of why
    they’re placed there. Below, we analyse the
    disruption facing the sector, and how brands
    are - or aren’t - dealing with it.

                                                                                       Jamie’s Italian job losses
    Jamie’s Italian:                      It’s easy to see why Jamie’s
                                          suffered when you dig into its index         in 2019 with the closure
    Easily undercut,                      scores. Financial marks were as                  of 22 restaurants
    not customer centric                  bad as they could get, and while it
                                          was on message with a sustainable
    We hate to say it, but our analysis   approach to sourcing and did well
    first rang alarm bells for the        for internal comms, the chain had       11
    business a year before its demise.    a weak brand and proposition.           80million-21240398
    The curtain fell on the venture in    Critically, it scored poorly on         12
    May 2019 when years of money          potential to be undercut and            drop-by-29-across-the-uk

    worries culminated in the closure     suffered from the strong presence       13
    of 22 restaurants with the loss of    of disruptors in its category.          referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_

    1,000 jobs. As it stands, creditors   A glaring lack of innovation, agility   referrer_sig=AQAAADk6Cgt7c4XL9vdzmjMqKw
    are set to miss out on around £83m    and me-too communications were          o92CpA9HSfaAceuSAOlXALg3_FpLh7LTlbyaIno
    of debts that can’t be recovered11.   sadly the final nails in its coffin.    b4vdCJgj6aBFdb3Abj531nozatqIJzDEj&guccounter=2
Challenged Mainstream

Yo, Pizza Express,                       Pizza Express’s recent financial         All in all, Pizza Express would       Other brands are catching up in
                                         worries are well documented.             benefit from a shake-up to realign    terms of exciting and unique dining
Strada: Slow to                          In autumn 2019, hedge funds were         with evolving customer demand;        occasions: consider experience-
change, poor financials,                 reportedly circling the chain after it   the business claims it’s already      based hospitality brands such as
                                         admitted serious problems repaying       started on this journey with a        Puttshack and Hijingo.
marketing myopia                         loans and other debts. Earlier in the    “quality over quantity” approach13.
                                         year, it posted a pre-tax annual loss                                          In summary, brands in this segment
This segment is characterised            of £55m leading to doubts about          Yo! has happy employees, a            need to find ways to freshen up.
by financial strife. Yo! suffered        its future.                              strong sense of purpose and an        They’re going stale and drifting
a 29% drop in UK year-on-year
                                                                                  equally strong proposition. The in-   towards more financial scares that
earnings midway through 2019 12;
                                         Although it has a strong brand and       restaurant experienceFAILING
                                                                                                               always   might eventually leave investors cold.
out of keeping with its strong
                                         proposition - who doesn’t know           been its differentiator. However,
global results.
                                         what to expect when someone              there’s a new focus on cost for
                                         mentions Pizza Express? - the 2017       the customer rather than value for
Strada had already had a bad             Superbrand now seems to have             money, and its iconic conveyor belt
2018 when it closed nearly all of        gone crusty, suffering from its lack     is being removed in some stores.
its estate blaming “an increasingly      of innovation, customer connection       Upending its USP could prove
competitive market”. Despite             and agility.                             a mistake.
claiming imminent investment at

the time, the chain has offered little
                                         Like many brands in this sector,         Yo! needs to remain true to
in the way of a financial update
                                         Pizza Express’s over-reliance on         its successful proposition and
since. Although it has a relatively
                                         discounting is a major problem.          experience and develop ideas to
clear proposition, contented
                                         Effectively a form of “buying”           keep the very thing that makes           drop in UK year-on-year
employees and offers convenience,
                                         customers, the practice is a slippery    it stand out against rivals fresh        earnings at Yo! midway
it falls down on aspects such as
                                         slope and brands that try it can         and future-facing.                            through 2019
investment, innovation and customer
                                         quickly lose their feet.
satisfaction. Perhaps a new focus on
marketing could reignite its fortunes.
The brands

         Front Runners

Nando’s, Franco Manca,       Those brands furthest up the index -     Investment is vital. Gousto has
                             Nando’s, and meal kit gurus Gousto       raked in £100m since 2012, is
Hello Fresh, Gousto,         and Hello Fresh - will consider          achieving similar revenues and
Wagamama, Craft              themselves at the tipping point of       aims to create hundreds more
                             market dominance. Each exhibits          jobs in 202015. Hello Fresh,
Gin Club, Open Table,        strong profits, a clear purpose, a hot   meanwhile, says it now accounts
Grubhub: Growing             digital strategy and are put on a        for 1% of the UK grocery market.
and profitable, strong       pedestal by their loyal customers.       The personalisation and
                                                                      convenience factors are fuelling
brands, scalable, well       Nando’s scores full marks for            a global boom in meal kit orders.
liked, speedy, certain and   willingness to act and is bang           The stars seem aligned - in the
                             on the money with the bulk of            same way Google and Amazon
digitally savvy but still    the customer centricity elements.        weren’t first to market but grew
disruptable with disloyal    It has always been faithful to its       their empires through investment,
                             clear proposition just as rivals         functionality, powerful marketing
customers and indifferent    have stretched too far by feeling        and word of mouth - and these
employees                    the need to diversify in the face        could easily become Dominators
                             of changing customer tastes.             in the near future.

                             This ethos has propelled Nando’s
                             to the front of the casual dining
                             chains in the queue of brands
                             striving for Dominator status.
                                                                                                          Gousto has raked in
                                                                                                              since 2012
Meal kit value is one
warning sign, reflected
 in concerning churn
 driven by perceived      However, meal kit value is              Most operate in segments               Regardless of their exact spot
   high price points      one warning sign, reflected             of the market offering growth.         on the index, the key challenge
                          in concerning churn driven by           Not so Franco Manca. Entering          for brands in this group is to
                          perceived high price points. As for     the struggling pizza market, the       grasp the nettle. In most cases a
                          drinks subscriptions, Craft Gin Club    hardest niche within dining, might     greater focus on marketing and
                          scores similarly to meal kits though    seem like a hiding to nothing - but    communications - amplifying why
                          lags behind them on growth and          the eaterie is carving out its own     they have done well so far and
                          ability to not be undercut. How will    successful niche. The cosy and         creating more reasons to believe
                          it stay relevant and fresh within the   artisanal feel of its outlets are      for diners - will turn the dial up
                          limitations of its proposition?         working as it looks to expand, but     still further.
                                                                  it still might have an issue with
                          Brands in this segment have             loyalty and strategy. We might         Overall, these brands would do
                          common strengths. Impressive            expect to see next-gen chains like     well to monitor rivals, scouring the
                          financials are a given. Brand and       Pizza Pilgrims in this segment, too.   market for the latest innovation in
                          proposition are generally strong.                                              technology and customer service
                          They pay close attention to                                                    that will protect them against
                          rivals, are digitally mature and are                                           disruption and propel them forward.
                          prepared to invest in innovation.

                                                                    Hello Fresh’s share of the
                                                                       UK grocery market
The brands


  Just Eat, Deliveroo:          More than any other type of             Just Eat is also locked in deal        All of these factors raise the
                                business in the index, delivery         talks. Operating globally, the brand   prospect of market consolidation
  Game-changing innovators      brands are changing the face of         looks set to join forces with Dutch    as delivery brands jostle for
  with a clear purpose,         dining. Deloitte recently found that    delivery firm in a        position. This really could be a
                                a third of Western consumers use        £6.2bn merger18. Little wonder -       winner-takes-all segment in years
  proposition and plan with     meal deliveries, with 7% doing          it’s already the number one with       to come. Don’t underestimate
  the financial clout to stay   so at least once a week.                94% brand awareness.                   reputation and ethical factors;
  ahead - the ones to catch                                                                                    Deliveroo scored poorly for
                                No wonder Just Eat and Deliveroo        It’s interesting to compare the        sustainability in comparison to
                                are hot properties for investors. The   might of Deliveroo and Just            Just Eat, which is proving its green
                                latter received an investment boost     Eat with the presence of US            chops by partnering with Eskuta,
                                from Amazon in 2019. The £442m          competitor Grubhub, which sits         the e-scooter brand.
                                injection of cash - which would         further down the index in Front
                                mark an important move for the          Runners. The Dominators have got
                                ecommerce giant into yet another        digital spot on, whereas Grubhub’s
                                new market by giving it a 16%           platform still needs some work.
                                stake - is under investigation by       Meanwhile, Grubhub failed to
                                the UK’s Competition and Markets        react to the threat of disruption -
                                Authority for the deal’s “possible      where the Dominators now have
                                effect on prices and quality”. But      a stranglehold - and its purpose
                                Amazon’s interest underscores the       and proposition have consequently
                                growing importance of tech-based        suffered in the scoring.
                                takeaways.                                                                     16
Food for
           Whether the index leaves brands
           cold or warm, it’s wise to note the
           results are just current indicators.
           Where will they be in a few years’ time?
           The full version of our lens can provide
           a greater understanding.

           The index shows it’s not enough to know a rival is doing
           ‘well’ or ‘badly’. It’s the ‘why’ that matters. Because once
           you’re aware of that, you can start to turn up the heat on
           ingredients that will take the business from disruptable
           to disruptive.
Recipe for success: what brands
can learn from the index

    Hopefully The Eating Index has given
    you plenty of food for thought.
    As disruption inevitably comes to the
    sector, what can your brand do to
    move up, not slide down, the scale?
    Here are some things to consider,
    correlating to three different stages
    of organisational maturity.
Start-ups and scale-ups

   These are organisations     Yet we’ve seen how unforgiving                                   Reaching a sustainable size at the                              Meanwhile, don’t assume you
                               the market can be. Not all start-                                right speed and developing a cult                               know best. The industry is awash
   at an early stage of        ups make it: witness the demise                                  culture, with the right people, will                            with brilliant minds, from young
   their journey. They         of Honest Burger Co - once cited                                 help maintain the integrity of the                              innovators to experienced stars
                               as a scale-up standard bearer                                    offer during scale-up; investment in                            who’ve been there and worn
   have little historical      - at the beginning of 202019.                                    pocket, it’s all too easy for brands                            the apron. And if you still can’t
OP baggage
   L E A NDandPR    OP S
                  benefit                                                                       to over-reach. Jamie’s Italian had a                            find a winning team, take a look
                                                                                                strong core business at the outset.                             at external experts who excel
   from the ability to learn   When a brand has only humble
                               financial backing, it’ll need to                                 Once it got too big, culture and                                in brand proposition, marketing
   from other brands.          learn fast to achieve the optimal                                experience took a back seat and                                 and communication strategy.
                               proposition. That said, taking                                   it was diluted, with fatal effect.
                               time to reflect on how to truly                                  Conversely, Franco Manca and Pizza                              Finally, always have one eye on the
                               differentiate the brand is crucial.                              Pilgrims have created a culture for                             future to stay relevant. Any brand
                               How will it be built to challenge the                            colleagues to coalesce around.                                  that waits for this fast-moving
                               norm, to be different and better?                                                                                                sector to be disrupted and hopes
                                                                                                What’s the one story you want                                   to ride on rivals’ coat tails will
                               Whatever area of dining a brand                                  to tell, the hero narrative? It                                 be left behind. Look at Grubhub
                               operates in, giving diners a great                               works in other sectors: witness                                 and Zomato compared to our
                               experience is fundamental - and                                  the IKEA ‘pilgrimage’ to its                                    Dominators, Just Eat and Deliveroo.
                               that comes in many guises.                                       Sweden HQ employees are                                         Keep one eye on the customer,
                               It’s a chance to reimagine and                                   desperate to visit20. A happy                                   but the other on innovation.
                               redesign what best-in-class and                                  team brings happy customers.                                    Traditional thinking has created
                               fresh experiences look like.                                                                                                     a messy kitchen for the industry;
                                                                                                                                                                disruption is the way forward.

Established brands

     Just because a brand may enjoy high awareness
     doesn’t mean that enough volume and profit will
     follow to sustain it. In essence, this is the reason
     chains like Ed’s Diner and Frankie & Benny’s
     have had to shutter branches. They have a
     broad proposition and have suffered from
     the effects of trying to appeal to everyone.

     This is where a market focus is                               It’s crucial to be open-minded to           Of course, there’s always a balance
     crucial. The age-old adage “put the                           new and better ways of operating.           between having a brave new model
     customer first” couldn’t be more apt.                         This means driving true change              and maintaining elements customers
     What do people actually want?                                 and innovation that goes beyond a           have always devoured. Don’t be
                                                                   quarterly menu refresh to embrace           afraid to revisit the fundamentals
     Working to an existing - often                                the whole dining experience.                that many brands drift from: serving
     successful - formula might feel safe,                                                                     hot food within acceptable times
     but blocks the change necessary                               There is no harm in taking learnings        and using attentive service, for
     to remain relevant and embrace                                from innovation by the newer                example. Domino’s, for instance,
     bigger opportunities that emerge                              breed of digital native scale-ups.          reconnected with consumer
     from new technology, or a trend                               They are bringing convenience and           appetites by getting back to basics:
     propelled by other brands.                                    personalisation to customers, and           making great-tasting pizza21.
                                                                   doing well because they know what
                                                                   works. Competitors should use some
                                                                   of those ingredients to grow, too.


Clarity’s approach uses a lens to           The methodology is highly relevant
                                            for funding rounds, using lean
                                                                                  For a business that is four to five
                                                                                  years into its journey, looking to
consider the role of brand for investment   testing to prove objectively in       accelerate growth and scale, is the
prospects or those that are already part    each area and build index scores;     brand well defined? Does it have
                                            reducing risk and increasing the      a clear articulation of its vision,
of the stable. It qualifies and advises     prospect of delivering greater        values and beliefs, and how those
on specific areas where disruption can      returns in the process.               are expressed to make scaling
                                                                                  effective? Can it prove it provides
best be anticipated or driven, and how      For instance, when a business         a consistent experience for
a customer-centric focus can deliver        is at the earliest stage of its       consumers and employees alike,
ongoing relevance to the market,            development seeking seed funding,     or has it already lost its way?
                                            does it have a proposition that
with a value that reflects this.            is future proofed to adapt to the     These are just some of the
                                            changing consumer trends around       questions that should be asked -
                                            it? How does it plan to develop its   and answered.
                                            digital ecosystem to make best
                                            use of customer data, and offer
                                            more relevant and personalised
A brand perspective

    A scale-up view of
    investment strategy -
    Stephen Finch,
    Founder and MD,
    Vagabond Wines
“A bottle of wine is an unusual           “Angel investors liked the idea        There are a whole range of investor
high-street product: you don’t know       as it demonstrated a market            types but the sophisticated ones
what it is until you’ve paid for it.      inefficiency and a credible way to     have due diligence frameworks,
It’s not an insignificant purchase, so    solve it. You absolutely need to       so you need a credible path to
it’s understandable that people stick     identify those things, whatever your   profitability and exit. The other
to what they already know or turn         brand is in this area. I was able to   key thing is that if you come
to promotions to make a choice.           demonstrate the Vagabond concept       up with something cool it can’t
                                          was scalable and easily rolled         easily be copied by others.
“It’s a needlessly inefficient process.   out, and would be attractive to        They need convincing there is a
So I thought, if you can allow            subsequent buyers of the business.     reasonable element of sustainable
people to sample the wine before                                                 competitive advantage and
making a purchase, they would be          More recently we took on Imbiba        your business won’t get easily
more adventurous and willing to           investment. They chose us and we       copied, let alone disrupted.
spend more. Ten years in, I am glad       chose them. They have a great
to say that has been borne out.           network of property contacts -         Ultimately, in a commoditised
                                          that’s how we grow. They’re also       sector, you will have to stand out,
Back then, seeking start-up               wet led specialists, so they are       differentiate and find competitive
funding was such a different              better positioned to provide useful    advantage - and that invariably
time and it was difficult to raise        advice on issues we encounter          means having a strong brand.”
funds. Crowdfunding didn’t yet            than more generalist backers.
exist and we had a massive
recession. I managed to get some
angel investment and a small
loan from one major bank.”

Stephen Finch
Founder and MD, Vagabond Wines
Brand case study | Vagabond:
Defining a brand for successful expansion

Ensuring growth
doesn’t dilute
uniqueness                                       An impressive
                                                selection of over

                                            unique wines by the glass
                                              at an attainable price
Client challenge                    Moment of Clarity                    Activation                              Results
Vagabond was founded with           Rapid expansion creates its          During the brand immersion stage        Early signs point to a brand set for
a vision to be the place where      own set of challenges, with more     of ‘The Lens’ process, we examined      phenomenal success as each site
everyday consumers could enjoy      venues, more people to train and     the audience, their experience of       launch has been more effective
an impressive selection of over     more brand moments to bring life.    the brand and the market context.       than the last. We are in the process
100 unique wines, by the glass                                           These insights were used to develop     of defining opportunities for more
and at an attainable price.         We needed to distil what it was      an evolved brand framework and a        refined targeting, lowering cost
                                    that made Vagabond, Vagabond.        set of guidelines to help the brand     per acquisition and raising lifetime
Between 2014 and 2019 the brand     Once we’d bottled this magic we      live and breathe at each moment         customer lifetime value and
experienced great success, its      could ensure the brand could be      of a guests journey. These included     overall brand equity.
growth attracting venture capital   scaled up effectively, maintaining   a new on-site experience, digital
investment. Clarity’s task was to   and enhancing those qualities        eco-system and ‘branded moments’,
help supercharge the next stage     that make the brand unique.          such as the explainer – making the
of that invested growth.                                                 experience intuitive for those coming
                                                                         to the brand for the first time.
The Clarity Lens

        Clarity’s    Our process has been designed to
                     help brands transform with confidence.

                     We’ve helped clients work through disrupted
                     markets to a good place by guiding them
                     through the stages of navigation...

    TROPSNART        What trends are
                     affecting a category
                     and business, how
                     they’ll converge and
                                            What does the state
                                            of the market mean
                                            to a brand, and how
                                            should it position,
                     play out.              differentiate and
                     What these trends
                     mean to a brand’s
How we work
Our lens – the tool through which we glean
the vital insight that informs the most effective
articulation and delivery of your revitalised brand.


                                                                                                 Team Engagement
                                         OF CLARITY                                          Digital Communications
               Context and
               Opportunity                                     Clear Path Plan®                  Brand Development

                                                                                                     Social Content

                                                                                                  Branded Interiors

                                                                                               Film and Animation


               IM M ERS IO N            C R E ATIO N               AC TIVATIO N
                 Seeing how your      Defining how the world        Bringing your brand
                brand fits into the    will see your brand.         possibilities to life.
                  bigger picture.
Recipe for success.
The facts.

                                                                                      35 food tech unicorns
                                                                                     founded in 2020 worth

           £23.4bn  Eating out market           10.1bn
                         by 2024                investment

                                               in start ups
                                                  in 2019
                                                                      Valuation of

                                                                                                               The rise of
                              Cool                                                                             The Smart
                                                                                                                Biometric informed
                                                                                                                  nutrition plans

       11,000                                                 1%
                                                          Hello Fresh’s
                                                       share of the UK                                        Investment
        Job losses in 2019                             grocery market                                          in Gousto
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