Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias

Page created by Sara Frank
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
Study presentation
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
                Animal Kingdom

vertebrates                      invertebrates

Plant Kingdom                    Fungi Kingdom
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias

   All living things carry out the
     three life processes of
     nutrition, interaction and
  reproduction in different ways.
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
Can plants move around? Can they make
their own food?
   move around  make their own food

Can animals move around? Can they make their
own food?
   move around  make their own food

Can fungi move around? Can they make
their own food?
   move around  make their own food
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
What do invertebrates have instead of a backbone?

      97% of animals are

There are six groups:
- Molluscs
- Jellyfish
- Sponges
- Echinoderms
- Annelids
- Arthropods
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
  What do invertebrates have instead of a backbone?

          97% of animals are
Soft muscular
                     Soft body
                   called umbrella
  There are six groups:
  - Molluscs
                         Soft bodies with
  - Jellyfish              small holes         Hard skin or
  - Sponges
  - Echinoderms                                 Long soft body
                                            divided into segments
  - Annelids
  - Arthropods           Head, thorax and abdomen
                         covered by an exoskeleton
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
How do animals breathe?

           lungs                  gills

           birds                  fish
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
How do animals reproduce?

           viviparous                    oviparous
                                  reptiles         fish
            mammals                birds        amphibians

 Some animals are born directly from their mother: viviparous.
               Some others lay eggs: oviparous.
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
What do vertebrate animals eat?

   carnivores         herbivores           omnivores

 They eat meat.     They eat plants.    They eat plants
                                       and other animals.
Study presentation - Gobierno de Canarias
Plant nutrition and respiration
What is photosynthesis?

 Photosynthesis is a process by which plants make their own food.
They take in water, sunlight and carbon dioxide to release oxygen
into the air. We all need oxygen to live, so we need to take care of
      plants and trees to have enough oxygen to breathe in.
Plant nutrition and respiration
How do plants get their nutrients?

Plants use photosynthesis to make glucose.
They use glucose and oxygen for respiration.
Plant reproduction
How do plants reproduce?

Some plants reproduce by sexual reproduction: pollen goes from
the stamen to the pistil of the same plant or a different one.

Some plants reproduce by asexual reproduction: there are no
flowers or fertilisation.
Looking after living things
How do we look after living things?

We shouldn’t: climb trees, make a fire in the forest, remove
animals from their habitats, touch wild animals or drop rubbish.

We should: feed birds in the winter.
   What is an ecosystem?
                                  An ecosystem is the combination of a
                                habitat and its community of living things.
                               It includes all the living and non-living things
                                  in an area and the interaction between

Population: living things of the same species which live in the same place.

Habitat: place where the animals naturally live.

Food chain: ecosystems have food chains, in which living things depend
on each other for nutrition.

Seres vivos
                Reino Animal

vertebrados                     invertebrados

Reino Vegetal                  Reino de los Hongos

  Todos los seres vivos llevan a
 cabo las tres funciones vitales
      nutrición, relación y
  reproducción de diferentes
 maneras, dependiendo del reino
       al que pertenecen.
¿Pueden las plantas moverse? ¿Pueden
producir su propio alimento?
   moverse  producir su alimento

¿Pueden los animales moverse? ¿Pueden
producir su propio alimento?
   moverse  producir su alimento

¿Pueden los hongos moverse? ¿Pueden
producir su propio alimento?
   moverse  producir su alimento
¿Qué tienen los invertebrados en lugar de la
columna vertebral?
   El 97% de los animales son

Existen seis grupos:
- Moluscos
- Medusas
- Esponjas
- Equinodermos
- Anélidos
- Artrópodos
  ¿Qué tienen los invertebrados en lugar de la
  columna vertebral?
      El 97% de los animales son
muscular suave
                       Cuerpo suave
                    llamado paraguas
   Existen seis grupos:
   - Moluscos
                           Cuerpo suave con
   - Medusas              pequeños agujeros     Piel dura o
   - Esponjas
   - Equinodermos                          Cuerpo largo y suave
                                          dividido en segmentos
   - Anélidos
   - Artrópodos            Cabeza, tórax y abdomen
                         protegido por un exoesqueleto
¿Cómo respiran los animaleS?

          pulmones                branquias

           pájaros                 peces
¿Cómo se reproducen los animales?

            vivíparos                     ovíparos
                                  reptiles          peces
            mamíferos             pájaros          anfibios

  Algunos animales nacen directamente de su madre: vivíparos.
               Otros, nacen de huevos: ovíparos.
¿Cómo se nutren los animales?

   carnívoros         herbívoros      omnívoros

  Se nutren de       Se nutren de    Se nutren de
     carne.            plantas.     plantas y otros
Nutrición y respiración en

La fotosíntesis es un proceso que las plantas usan para fabricar su
propio alimento. Reciben agua, luz solar y dióxido de carbono para
liberar oxígeno. Todos necesitamos oxígeno para vivir, por tanto,
    debemos cuidar de plantas y árboles para poder respirar.
Nutrición y respiración en
¿Cómo respiran las plantas?
 Las plantas usan la fotosíntesis para elaborar glucosa..
 La usan para la respiración.
Reproducción en plantas
¿Cómo se reproducen las plantas?

Algunas plantas tienen reproducción sexual: el polen vaja desde el
estambre al pistilo de la misma planta o de otra diferente.

Otras tienen reproducción asexual: no existen flores ni
Reproducción en plantas
¿Cómo cuidamos a los seres vivos?

No debemos: escalar árboles, coger flores, quitar animales de su
hábitat, hacer fuego en el bosque o tocar animales salvajes.

Debemos: alimentar los pájaros en invierno.
   ¿Qué es un ecosistema?

                                Un ecosistema es la combinación del
                                hábitat y la comunidad de seres vivos.
                             Incluye todos los seres vivos e inertes de un
                                    área y la relación entre ellos.

Población: seres vivos de la misma especie que viven en el mismo espacio.

Hábitat: lugar donde viven los animales de forma natural.

Cadena alimentaria: relaciones alimentarias de un ecosistema, en el que
los seres vivos dependen unos de otros para alimentarse.
Living things                                                                  WORKSHEET 1.1

  Name                                                                 Date
  Unit                        Lesson

1. Match the words and sentences to the correct kingdom.

2. Choose the correct word for each photo.

             grass/tree/bush               vertebrate/invertebrate       mushroom/mould/yeast

3. Write a sentence with the words given.

   a) grow      on    things      living   and   that   still   are - feed
      Fungi eat the remains of living things or ____________________________________

   b) make       their   they -            food - own
      Fungi are similar to animals in that ______________________________________

© Oxford University Press España, S.A.
Living things                                          SUPPORT WORKSHEET 1.1

  Name                                                       Date
  Unit                        Lesson

1. Choose the correct option to write sentences about plants!

          1. can move around.
          3. move really slowly.
          1. eat other animals.
          2. eat the remains of other living things.
          3. make their own food.
   c) Plants
          1. invertebrates or vertebrates.
          2. grasses, bushes or trees.
          3. mould, yeast or mushrooms.

2. Tick and copy the sentences that talk about animals.
         They can move around.

         They eat other living things.                 _____________________________
         They make their own food.
         They can be grasses, bushes or trees.
         They can be vertebrates or invertebrates. _____________________________

3. What do fungi and plants have in common?



4. Order the letters to write the three kinds of fungi.

         ROOMMUSH                         ULDMO                     ASTYE
 __________________                 ___________________    ___________________

© Oxford University Press España, S.A.
Living things                                                                       WORKSHEET 1.2

  Name                                                                  Date
  Unit                       Lesson

1.   Write the name of the invertebrate group.

2.   Write the words in the correct column.

           head     soft body     shell     umbrella    soft body with holes    exoskeleton hard
             skin    tentacles    spikes      abdomen      segments    thorax    bright colours
                                         jointed legs   soft muscular body

© Oxford University Press España, S.A.
Living things                                          SUPPORT WORKSHEET 1.2

  Name                                                       Date
  Unit                       Lesson

1. Match the photo to the name of the invertebrate group.

2. Complete these sentences with the words in the box.

                     spikes      soft       thorax     muscular      shell
                   exoskeleto segments     sponges     coloured     umbrella

     a) Arthropods have three parts: head, ____________and abdomen. They also have
         jointed legs and a protective____________.
     b) Echinoderms are protected by hard skin or____________. They are often brightly
     c) Jellyfish have a ____________body called the____________. They also have
         long tentacles.
     d) Annelids have a long, soft body divided into____________.
     e) Molluscs have a soft, ____________body. It is often protected by a hard
     f) ____________have soft bodies covered with little holes.

© Oxford University Press España, S.A.
Living things                                                                   WORKSHEET 1.3

  Name                                                                 Date
  Unit                       Lesson

1. Circle the respiration words blue, the nutrition words green and the reproduction
   words red.

         viviparous      herbivores       gills    omnivores      carnivores     lungs    oviparous

 2. Match and write the sentences.

     All animals                                  gills when they are young and later develop lungs.
     Amphibians                                   omnivores or carnivores.
                                                  lay soft or hard eggs.
     Most vertebrate animals                      oxygen to live.
     Oviparous                                    produce milk to feed their babies.

 3. Which is the odd one out?

     a)       fish             young amphibians             reptiles

     b)       birds                mammals                     fish

     c)       lions                 humans                     pigs

 4. Write what each animal is. Follow the example given.

      a)                                 both animals and plants.             omnivore!
      b) To have babies, I lay eggs.
      c) I can breathe in the water.
      d) I produce milk to feed my babies.
      e) When I was a baby, I could breathe in water, but now I

© Oxford University Press España, S.A.
Living things                                       SUPPORT WORKSHEET 1.3

  Name                                                      Date
  Unit                       Lesson

1. Complete the sentences about respiration, reproduction and nutrition.

            gills               viviparous   carnivores     the water      herbivores
          oviparous               the air      eggs           lungs        omnivores

     a) Mammals, reptiles and birds get oxygen from ____________. They breathe with
     b) Fish use ____________to get oxygen from ____________.
     c) Mammals are born directly from their mother. They are ____________.
     d) Birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish reproduce by laying ____________. They are
     e) Most vertebrate animals are ____________ (they eat both animals and plants) or
      ____________ (they eat other animals).
     f) Some mammals and a few birds are ____________, they only eat plants.

2. Are these sentences true or false?

     a) Amphibians breathe with lungs when they are young and then they develop gills.
     b) Most vertebrate animals are herbivores.
     c) Mammals are viviparous. They are born live, directly from their mother.
     d) Mammals produce water to feed their babies.
     e) All vertebrate animals have lungs.
     f) Oviparous animals lay eggs. These eggs can be soft or hard.

3. Think of an animal that breathes with lungs, is oviparous and is an omnivore.
   Then draw it.

© Oxford University Press España, S.A.
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