Study of antioxidant activity of juices and beverages from blue honeysuckle and black chokeberry

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Study of antioxidant activity of juices and beverages from blue honeysuckle and black chokeberry
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science


Study of antioxidant activity of juices and beverages from blue
honeysuckle and black chokeberry
To cite this article: O V Belyaeva et al 2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 640 052008

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P2ARM 2020                                                                                                     IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 640 (2021) 052008                        doi:10.1088/1755-1315/640/5/052008

Study of antioxidant activity of juices and beverages from
blue honeysuckle and black chokeberry

                     O V Belyaeva, I Yu Sergeeva, E E Belyaeva and E V Chernobrovkina

                     Kemerovo State University, 47, Stroiteley bvr, Kemerovo, 650056, Russia


                     Abstract. Modern high rate of life and unfavorable environmental situation increase stress,
                     reduce active performance ability and health of the population. A relevant area of research is
                     the search for effective ways to protect the body from oxidative stress, when free radicals
                     destroy vascular walls, oxidize protein molecules, DNA, lipids. Oxidative stress can be
                     reduced by consuming the right amount of antioxidants. The work is devoted to the study of
                     antioxidant activity (AOA) of blue honeysuckle and black chokeberry juices and beverages. It
                     was found that beverages based on fruit raw materials have higher antioxidant activity
                     compared to mass soft drinks. It is shown that AOA of directly squeezed black chokeberry
                     juice makes 9.009±0.061 mmol-eq/l, and blue honeysuckle – 7.682±0.015 mmol-eq/l.
                     Beverages based on mineral water with fruit juices have higher AOA compared to those
                     prepared on technologically treated water (1.789±0.069 and 1.667±0.013 mmol-eq/l
                     respectively for blue honeysuckle and black chokeberry juices and beverages). During 7 days
                     of storage the beverages show a slight decrease in AOA, on average ranging from 3.5 to 7.5%.

1. Introduction
High rate of life and unfavorable environmental situation in modern cities increase stress, reduce
active performance ability and activity, as well as public health. Therefore, the development of
functional food products that contribute to the increase of missing minerals, vitamins and other
necessary nutritional components in the human body is a relevant task of the food industry.
    One of the actively developing areas of study is the protection of the body from the so-called
oxidative stress, when free radicals destroy the walls of vessels, oxidize molecules of proteins, DNA,
lipids. Oxidative stress can be reduced by the consumption of the required amount of antioxidants [1,
2]. The most known antioxidants are vitamins C, E, A, polyphenolic compounds (bioflavonoids,
anthocyans) and carotenoids. Therefore, plants and products of their processing possess high
antioxidant activity (AOA) [3-6]. It is possible to increase antioxidant activity of food products by
adding juices, extracts and dry powders from vegetable raw materials [7, 8].
    The fruits of black chokeberry are among the richest sources of pectin substances, polyphenols and
anthocyans. It contains large amounts of sugar, organic acids and vitamin P [9]. Honeysuckle is rich in
macro- and microelements, and its fruits contain a lot of magnesium and sodium. High content of
vitamins С, Р, B1, B2 и B9 is also noted [10]. The above makes honeysuckle and black chokeberry a
suitable raw material for the production of functional foods.
    In the autumn-spring period, the most frequently consumed products, being the source of vitamins,
minerals and other biologically active substances, including antioxidants, are beverages based on

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P2ARM 2020                                                                                 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 640 (2021) 052008    doi:10.1088/1755-1315/640/5/052008

natural fruit raw materials (juices, drinks, extracts, balsams).
   The purpose of the study is to analyze the antioxidant activity of blue honeysuckle and black
chokeberry juices and beverages.

2. Materials and methods
The fruits of black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) and blue honeysuckle berries (Lonicera
caeruelea) collected in 2019 on the territory of Gurievsky district of the Kemerovo Region became the
objects of the study. Directly directly squeezed juices from fast-frozen berries after defrosting at +4°С
were used for the study. The juices were clarified by centrifuging. The juice yield of 100 g of berries
was 46 ml and 68 ml for black chokeberry (sample M) and honeysuckle (sample H), respectively.
Distilled water (index of corresponding beverage samples w) and hydrogen carbonate mineral water
Borisovskaya (index of corresponding samples mw) were used for beverage preparation. For 100 ml of
a beverage we took 5% wt. juice of the corresponding berries, 2 g of citric acid, 7.3 g of sugar and
0.015 g of sodium benzoate. The composition is typical for the formula of mass consumption soft
   The integrated antioxidant activity (AOA) of juices and beverages was determined by
potentiometric method on a liquid analyzer Expert-001-A (Ekonix Expert, Russia) using a mediator
system K3[Fe(CN)6]/K4[Fe(CN)6]. The working electrode was the platinum electrode EPV-1 (Ekonix
Expert, Russia); reference electrode – silver chloride electrode EVL-1М3.1 (3.5M KCl). The
K3[Fe(CN)6] concentration in the original mediator system was 0.50 mmol/L and K4[Fe(CN)6] – 0.10
mmol/L, the acidity of the system was controlled by a phosphate buffer solution with a pH of 6.86.
   AOA (in mol-eq/l) was calculated based on the obtained potential difference of the initial mediator
system and the system with juice (beverage) addition according to formulas (1-2) [11]:
                                                    C ox − αC red
                                            AOA =                                                     (1)

                                                exp((E1 − E )nF RT )
                                          C red
                                     α=                                                               (2)
                                          C ox
where Cox and Cred – concentrations in electrochemical cell K3[Fe(CN)6] and K4[Fe(CN)6]
respectively, mol/l; n – number of electrons in the electrode reaction (n = 1); F – Faraday constant (F =
96485.333 Kl/mol); R – universal gas constant (R = 8.314 J/mol⋅К); T – temperature, K.
   The results of AOA determination are presented as the mean ± confidence interval for three
independent measurements at a significance level of 0.05.

3. Results and discussion
The rate of redox reaction of the mediator system may depend on the nature of the antioxidant.
Therefore, the stabilization time of the potential value of the system indicating the completion of the
redox processes was previously determined. For all beverages and juices under study, stabilization of
the potential began in 15-18 min. Potentiogram of a beverage with black chokeberry juice based on
mineral water is given in Figure 1. The potentiograms for other samples are the same.
The AOA determination of juices showed (Table 1) that the antioxidant activity of black chokeberry
juice is higher than that of honeysuckle juice. This is caused by its high content of polyphenolic
compounds and anthocyans. AOA of beverages prepared on pure water showed close values. Mineral
water-based beverages have higher AOA than those prepared on pure water, but not higher than for
juices (Table 1). At the same time, as well as in the case of pure juices the AOA of a beverage on the
basis of black chokeberry juice is higher than on the basis of honeysuckle juice.

P2ARM 2020                                                                                IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 640 (2021) 052008   doi:10.1088/1755-1315/640/5/052008

 Figure 1. Potentiogram obtained by determining the antioxidant activity of a beverage with mineral
                               water-based black chokeberry juice

                             Table 1. Antioxidant activity of juices and beverages

                                      Sample       АОА, mmol-eq/l

                                         M          9.009±0.061

                                         H          7.682±0.015

                                        Mw          0.663±0.003

                                        Hw          0.669±0.004

                                       Mmw          1.789±0.069

                                       Hmw          1.667±0.013

    The change in antioxidant activity during beverage storage is shown in Figure 2. The studies
showed that for samples of beverages prepared on pure water (Mw and Hw samples), the AOA change
within seven days does not exceed 3%. For a beverage prepared with honeysuckle juice on mineral
water (Hmw sample), AOA decreases by an average of 3.5% over the same period. In the case of a
beverage with black chokeberry juice (Mmw sample), the AOA value is reduced by 7.5% during the
first two days, then its change is slowed down and stabilized.

P2ARM 2020                                                                                IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 640 (2021) 052008   doi:10.1088/1755-1315/640/5/052008

                  Figure 2. Change in the antioxidant activity of beverages over time

4. Conclusion
Beverages based on mineral water with fruit juices have prominent antioxidant activity compared to
those prepared on technologically treated water. The mineral water blend composition and plant
phenolic potential demonstrate synergism with respect to the formation of an antioxidant barrier. The
antioxidant activity of beverages during 7 days of storage is relatively stable and decreases slightly.
The studies showed that black chokeberry fruit and honeysuckle berries are promising raw materials
for the production of functional beverages.

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