Student handbook - CareyOnline

Page created by Karl Carr
Student handbook - CareyOnline
Student handbook - CareyOnline
Kia ora                        Key contacts
Nau mai, haere mai!            Getting in touch with people at Carey:
Thanks for choosing to
                               Phone: 0800 773 7766
study at Carey Baptist
College (Carey), and for
                               ACADEMIC REGISTRAR
joining the Carey whānau!
We are committed to            Neroli Hollis
helping ensure that you        Administrative enquiries including
get the best out of your       CareyOnline, enrolment and course planning
time with us, whether you      Email:
are studying full‑time,        Phone: 09 526 0340 | 0800 773 7766
part-time, on campus or
from a distance.               CAREY RECEPTIONIST
This Handbook aims to          Lidy Schreuder
provide you with some          General information about Carey or study
helpful information on         or finances
how things work around
Carey, and how to be
                               Phone: 09 525 4017 | 0800 773 7766
successful as a student at
Carey. Please take the time
to familiarise yourself with   LIBRARY
the information provided       Siong Ng, Liz Tisdall & Carol Fearon
in this handbook—and           Library, ESOL support
don’t hesitate to get in
touch with us if you have
                               Phone: 09 526 6596 | 0800 773 7766
any other questions, or
can’t find an answer to
                               STUDENT ASSOCIATION
your questions. The key
contacts listed in this        Jonathan Edmeades
handbook outline who           Student Association President
best to talk to in the         Email:
first instance.

Rob Ayres                      DISABILITY OR SPECIAL
Academic Director              LEARNING NEEDS
                               Neroli Hollis

                               Phone: 09 526 0340 | 0800 773 7766
Student handbook - CareyOnline
Neroli Hollis & George Wieland                   You should contact your teacher if you
Issues adjusting to New Zealand, study skills,   need help with:
advocacy, ESOL support
                                                 • understanding the course material
                                                 • advice on how to proceed
Phone: 09 526 0340 | 0800 773 7766
                                                   with assessments
                                                 • advice about course readings, and
Phone: 09 526 6593 | 0800 773 7766
                                                   where to get further material

MĀORI & PASIFIKA STUDENT SUPPORT                 • discussion about any feedback given
Tanya Lameta & Jordyn Morgan                       on your assessments.

Email:                  Your teacher’s contact details will be
Phone: 021 793 447 | 0800 773 7766               on the Course Information section
                                                 on CareyOnline.
Phone: 021 0250 0072 | 0800 773 7766

Rob Ayres
For help with general academic information,
careers and employment, cross credits
and RPL

Phone: 09 526 6595 | 0800 773 7766

Student handbook - CareyOnline
Studying at Carey
    M     ost students are studying towards
          a specific qualification and are
    enrolled in the associated programme
                                              Some courses are taught weekly, whilst
                                              others have block sessions. For weekly
                                              taught courses, a semester will typically
    (e.g. the Bachelor of Applied Theology    look like:
    programme). Students enrol into              6 weeks of classes
    specific courses—most undergraduate
                                                 3 weeks of study/reading/research
    courses are 15 credits—this means
                                                 (and assessments)
    there are approximately 150 learning
    hours over the semester for each course      6 weeks of classes
    (approximately 8-10 hours per week,          2 weeks of study/reading/research
    per course).                                 (and final assessments)

    The academic year is divided into two     If you are a distance student, the classes
    semesters, each semester is seventeen     are all recorded and then available via
    weeks long. Most courses are taught       CareyOnline within 24-48 hours (in the
    within one semester, although some        Lecture Recordings tab of your course).
    courses are full-year (two-semesters).    We recommend you watch these in the
                                              week in which they are recorded so you
                                              can also participate in the online/zoom
                                              discussions facilitated via CareyOnline.
                                              Your course teacher will provide detail
                                              around this during the semester.

                                              Zoom is an online video conferencing
                                              tool we use at Carey to facilitate the
                                              course. The Zoom classes are designed
                                              for ALL students to participate in. Why do
                                              we do this? We strongly believe that deep
                                              learning occurs when we are required
                                              to engage in a range of ideas, articulate
                                              and defend our thinking to peers—in
                                              essence to have complex conversations
                                              around ideas and knowledge. We strongly
                                              recommend that you prioritise the time
                                              to join in with the Zoom classes. This
                                              will also help you get to know the rest of
                                              the class!

Student handbook - CareyOnline
We also understand that the Zoom             COURSE DETAILS
session times may not always work for        All key information about your course(s)
you as a distance student, so they are       can be found on CareyOnline. Each
also recorded and will be made available     course has a Course Outline which gives
under the Lecture Recordings tab on          detail about the content of the course,
CareyOnline. Let your teacher know if        teaching schedule and assessment tasks.
you can’t participate. Again, we strong      It will also give information about any
recommend you watch these recordings         special requirements for the course (such
in the week in which they are recorded.      as noho marae attendance, or block
                                             course attendance). If you have specific
CAREYONLINE                                  questions on a course, please contact the
CareyOnline (    teacher. Your teacher’s contact details
is Carey’s Learning Management System        can be found on CareyOnline.
(LMS). Every course at Carey has a course
site on CareyOnline. You will be emailed     TIMETABLE
your login details for CareyOnline at the    The annual timetable gives the dates
beginning of the semester.                   for key academic events, as well as
You should check out the course site         information about course teaching times
before your first class and then at least    for both undergraduate and postgraduate
once a week. All course information will     courses. It can be located on CareyOnline.
be posted to CareyOnline. Course lecture
recordings will be posted to CareyOnline     BLOCK COURSES
within 48 hours typically.                   Some courses are taught in block
                                             mode. Block courses are compulsory
If you have trouble accessing CareyOnline
                                             for all students, and are typically held
please contact Neroli Hollis.
                                             on campus at 473 Great South Road,
                                             Penrose, Auckland. The dates for the
                                             block courses are published in the Carey
Postgraduate courses are 30 credits and      Timetable. Block courses will also use
are typically full-year courses. They        Zoom to bring the class together before
are taught in block mode and require         and after the block session. Information
approximately 300 hours of learning          on these Zoom sessions will be on the
over the year. Details of how individual     CareyOnline for that course.
courses are offered are contained in
the Course Outline on CareyOnline
(Carey’s Moodle online portal). Also refer
to the section on Postgraduate Study
later in this handbook, and refer to the
Research Student Handbook.

Student handbook - CareyOnline
Studying at Carey
    ACADEMIC INTEGRITY                            If you are having difficulty with your
    Carey values the principles of academic       assessments, please talk to your course
    integrity. These are outlined in detail in    teacher. If you are unable to submit
    the First Steps course on CareyOnline         an assessment by the due date (for
    and in 10 Essentials for Assignments.         example, because of sickness or family
    Academic integrity is about acting with       bereavement) you can apply for an
    honesty, fairness, trust and responsibility   extension. The Application for Extension
    in regard to the academic work you            form can be found on CareyOnline
    complete as part of your studies. Carey is    under ‘Forms for Students’ and should
    committed to upholding high standards         be emailed to the Academic Registrar.
    of academic integrity for both our            An academic penalty will apply for any
    students and staff. If you are unfamiliar     assessment submitted late without a
    with the concept of academic integrity,       prior-approved extension. For further
    please refer to First Steps course on         information, please refer to the
    CareyOnline. All new students at Carey        Academic Regulations on CareyOnline.
    will be enrolled in First Steps and are
    required to complete this course prior to     WITHDRAWALS FROM A COURSE
    their first assessment being submitted.       If, for some reason, you are unable to
                                                  continue with your studies, you can
    ASSESSMENTS                                   withdraw from the courses within the
    Most written assessments are submitted        first four weeks of the course. If you
    electronically via CareyOnline. Your          withdraw within the first two weeks
      course teachers will provide specific       of semester, you can receive a refund
         information on assessment                (minus an administration fee) of your
            requirements for your                 course fees. This course will then not
               courses. Please also refer         appear on your academic record. After
                  to the 10 Essentials for        the second teaching week, you may
                      Assignments guide on        still withdraw from the course, however
                        CareyOnline for more      you will not be eligible for any refund
                           information about      and the course will show as WDN on
                              assessment          your academic record. After the fourth
                                 requirements.    teaching week, you are not able to
                                                  withdraw and the course with show with
                                                  the result Did Not Complete (DNC). For
                                                  more information, please refer to the
                                                  ‘Enrolment and Programme Regulations’
                                                  section within the Academic Regulations
                                                  on CareyOnline. The Application to
                                                     Withdraw form should be emailed to
                                                        the Academic Registrar.

Student handbook - CareyOnline
Postgraduate study
P   ostgraduate study means studying at
    Post-Graduate Diploma, Masters or
Doctorate level. If you are a postgraduate
                                             RESEARCH STUDENTS
                                             If you are enrolled in a research essay
                                             or thesis course, there are a series of
student, you will be enrolled in one         important processes and dates that you
of these programmes. Andrew Picard           need to be aware of. Please refer to the
is the Director of the Carey Graduate        Research Student Handbook document
School which is responsible for the post     located on CareyOnline for more
graduate programmes.                         information about the steps involved in
Most postgraduate taught-courses             the various stages of proposal/approval,
are 30 credit full-year courses, and         ethics approval, research and reporting
are typically taught in block mode.          and assessment.
You can find more information about
your courses on CareyOnline. If you are      LIBRARY & STUDY SPACE
doing a Research Essay or Thesis, you        If you need space to focus on your
will not have scheduled classes in the       research writing, the library has
same was as a taught class, but you will     a dedicated postgraduate study space.
be appointed a supervisor to oversee         This is located on the second level
the research process. If you have any        of the library building. The library
questions about the research process,        staff are also able to assist you with
please talk to your Carey supervisor in      locating research materials and helping
the first instance.                          with interloan requests. Postgraduate
                                             students have access to Laidlaw College
                                             physical resources.

International students
I f you are an international student beginning study at Carey, we welcome you both
  to Aotearoa New Zealand and to Carey. Community is an important part of Carey
life, and we want you to feel welcome and as part of our Carey whānau (family).
International students have specific academic requirements and pastoral support
provision. Please ensure that you refer to the International Student Prospectus and for detailed information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate
to contact one of the Carey team.
Student handbook - CareyOnline
Learning development
    C   arey has a range of support resources
        available to support your learning.
                                                  PEER WRITING ASSISTANTS
                                                  Carey has a team of student peer writing
                                                  assistants that are available to provide
    COURSE MATERIALS & ASSESSMENTS                help with writing assignments. They
    Your teacher’s contact details can            won’t tell you WHAT to write, but will be
    be found with your course materials           able to discuss your assessment structure
    on CareyOnline. You should contact            and academic writing considerations. To
    your teacher if you need help with:           book a session with the PWA team, talk
    understanding the course material,            to one of the library team.
    advice with how to proceed with
    assessments, advice about course              FIRST STEPS
    readings or where to get further              This is a CareyOnline course that outlines
    material. Your course teacher will also       the key aspects of academic integrity
    be able to discuss any feedback given on      and academic writing that students need
    your assessments.                             to be familiar with when engaging with
                                                  academic study. All new students are
    LEARNING DEVELOPMENT                          required to complete this course. You
    There are a range of self-help resources      can find First Steps under MyCourses
    available on CareyOnline to help you in       on CareyOnline.
    your studies. If you are unsure of how to
    access these materials please talk with       10 ESSENTIALS FOR ASSIGNMENTS
    one of the library team.                      The 10 Essentials for Assignments guide
                                                  covers all aspects of researching and
    LIBRARY GUIDE                                 writing an assignment. It has sections on
    This brochure covers borrowing                writing style, referencing and accessing
    procedures and loan periods, how to           library resources. It has important
    reserve an item, and information on           information for you to be aware of
    how to use the library catalogue to           before starting your first assessment.
    search for resources and journal articles.
    It also lists the range of collections that   ACADEMIC WRITING SUPPORT
    are available.                                There are a number of ways in which
                                                  we can help you with academic writing.
                                                  Talk to the library team to find out
                                                  more about options for help with ESOL
                                                  writing, assessment guidance and
                                                  peer‑writing support.

Student handbook - CareyOnline
Student life
   STUDENT ID CARDS                             WIFI ACCESS
When you start your studies at Carey,        There is free WIFI access for students
you will be issued with a photo              and visitors to Carey. You can pick up
identification card. You should carry this   a WIFI Access card at reception.
with you on campus at all times.
   STUDY AND MEETING PLACES                  Carey has lockers available for students
The Library has study spaces that            to use and they are located in the
accommodate groups and individuals.          Library. Keys are available on the locker
Students can also use the Chapel             doors and we ask that students return
for prayer or quiet reflection               the keys at the end of the year.
when it is not booked, along with
Te Whare Oranga.                                SHOWERS
                                             Showers are available for student
   PHOTOCOPIERS                              use and they can be found in the
Photocopiers are available to students       same building as the Chapel—behind
and are operated via a photocopy card        the toilets.
which students purchase, then add
money to for photocopying as required.          SMOKING AND ALCOHOL
Photocopying can be done in either black     Carey is a smoke-free and
and white or colour. See Fees Regulations    alcohol‑free institution.
and Schedule (in Academic Regulations
p25) for more information regarding             MEDICAL
charges. A number of computers and
                                             The college has a well-supplied first aid
laptops are also available to students for
                                             facility, as well as a sick-bay. An urgent
study related purposes—on campus.
                                             medical centre close-by is:
    CAR PARKING                              White Cross (Open 24 hours)
There is plenty of parking at Carey,         Ground Floor, Ascot Hospital
with a large carpark to the rear of the      90 Greenlane Rd East, Greenlane.
buildings. Parking is free to students       Phone: 09 520 9555
(white car park spaces only), but you will
need to have a Carey ID sticker attached           STUDENT ASSOCIATION (SASS)
to the front windscreen of your car.         The Students Association (SASS) is
These are available from reception, free     a voluntary organisation run by students
of charge.                                   for students.

Student life
       LUNCHES AT CAREY                             COMMUNITY WORSHIP
     Hospitality is an important element of         & WEDNESDAY PRAYERS
     community life at Carey. On Mondays         Every Tuesday we gather together as
     and Tuesdays of lecture weeks, lunch        a Carey community to worship in the
     is provided for students free of charge.    chapel. Students and Carey staff also
     On a regular basis at lunchtime we          come together in the chapel every
     interview a variety of guest speakers.      Wednesday to share coffee and connect.
     If you would like to bring guests please    All are welcome to join.
     contact reception.
                                                 We encourage any distance students to
                                                 participate in the range of community
                                                 events we host. You are also most
     On Tuesday mornings we offer                welcome to come by the campus and
     Formation Groups. These include our         attend a class in person if you happen
     specialised training programme groups       to be in Auckland when the class
     and a Formation Group that is open to all   is scheduled.
     students who want, as part of their Carey
     experience, to journey more personally
     with others.

Local information
   PUBLIC TRANSPORT                           EATING OUT
The easiest way to travel on Auckland      There are a range of affordable cafés
buses, trains and ferries is with          and lunch bars along Great South Road
a pre‑paid AT HOP card. A student          within easy walking distance. Within
concession is available when you           10 minutes walking distance north
purchase an AT HOP card. Visit             on Great South Road are a number of for more information. The       fast food outlets and cafés. A dairy is
nearest train stations to Carey are the    located along Rockfield Road (use the
Penrose and Ellerslie train stations.      rear entrance for the quickest journey)
Use the journey planner available at       approx. 10 minutes-walk. On the corner to plan your journey.           of Oranga Avenue and Rawhiti Road
                                           (5 minutes-drive) is a group of shops
Download the AT Mobile app or the
                                           that includes a dairy, café and
Track My Bus app on your phone to
                                           restaurant. There are a range
have easy and quick access to train and
                                           of supermarkets within a
bus journeys.
                                           15 to 20-minute radius
                                           of Carey; Countdown
                                           Greenlane, PAK’nSAVE
Great South Road is a very busy arterial   in Mt Wellington
route for cars, vans and trucks using      and Royal Oak.
the four lanes at any one time. Students   The closest
should take great care in crossing the     shops are
road on foot and turning into the main     Ellerslie.
entrance by vehicle. When driving, we
encourage indicating early to allow
plenty of time for cars behind to
navigate. For more on road safety
please refer to the website

An alternative is to use
the rear entrance onto
Greenpark Road.

Student wellbeing & safety
     C   arey is committed to providing a safe,
         inclusive and respectful learning
     environment for all of our students
                                                  STUDENT COUNSELLING SERVICES
                                                  Short-term student counselling
                                                  support is available. Please talk with
     and staff. If you have any concerns for      the Academic Registrar Neroli Hollis for
     your wellbeing or safety, please talk to     more information.
     your teacher, or contact the Principal
     or Executive Director. We all have           STUDENT COMPLAINTS PROCEDURES
     a responsibility to help ensure that the
                                                  If you have a complaint or grievance,
     community at Carey is a safe learning
                                                  we encourage you to first speak to the
     environment. If you have any concerns
                                                  person involved. If this does not result
     for your health and safety, or the health
                                                  in a satisfactory outcome, speak to the
     and safety of others, please do not
                                                  teacher or Academic Director. You may
     hesitate to talk with us.
                                                  request or bring an advocate or support
     The Health and Safety Policy is displayed    person with you.
     on the main notice board and is available
                                                  If you wish to lodge a formal complaint
                                                  in relation to the teaching or operation
                                                  of the College, you should put that
                                                  complaint in writing to the Carey
     Carey has a well-supplied first aid          Reception for the consideration of the
     cabinet, and the sick bay is located         Principal who may also consult the staff
     next to the showers in Te Whare              member concerned.
     Oranga. If you are feeling unwell please
     contact Reception.                           This procedure for responding to
                                                  complaints is set out in full in the ‘Carey
     Please ensure all accidents on campus        Student Complaints and Appeals Policy
     are reported to Carey Reception, and         and Procedure’ displayed on the main
     if you see a hazard on campus please         Carey notice board and available at
     register this at reception so that it can The ‘Carey Harassment
     be checked out. Thank you for helping us     Complaints Policy and Procedure’ is also
     keep our campus safe.                        displayed on the notice board and is
     Healthpoint provides up-to-date              available at
     information about healthcare                 Students should note that NZQA also
     providers, referral expectations,            provides a service to assist students with
     services offered and common                  complaints. Contact details are as below:
     treatments. See
     for further information.                     New Zealand Qualifications Authority
                                                  Freephone: 0800 QA HELP
                                                              (0800 72 4357)

Student support
Sometimes life circumstances change         Carey has a number of scholarships
unexpectedly and students can find          and funds for students studying in
themselves in financial difficulty. Carey   New Zealand that include scholarships
can offer some assistance to those who      for Māori and Pasifika, Women’s,
require it in an emergency or crisis        Masters, Baptist Pastors Masters,
situation. Students need to prove the       Pastoral Leadership accommodation and
financial hardship, be currently enrolled   the Stewart Memorial Trust Scholarships
in a programme of study and show that       available for Bachelor of Applied
they have exhausted other avenues           Theology students. More information
of funding. In the first instance, to       and how to apply can be found on at
apply for assistance students should under fees and scholarships.
contact their programme leader or
Rob Ayres, the Academic Director for
a confidential discussion.

Students should apply in writing to the
Principal, John Tucker. Decisions will be
made at the discretion of the Principal
according to the criterion of greatest
financial need.

Key resources
     CAREYONLINE                                  CAREY WEBSITE is the           Browse to for information
     Moodle portal where all Carey courses        on Carey, study options and general
     can be found.                                information and events.

     This details Carey’s academic regulations, provides access to
     policies and other important study           Tuhutanga (Discovery)—Carey’s web-
     related information.                         based search engine which delivers high
                                                  quality ebooks, journal articles, theses
     FORMS FOR STUDENTS                           and access to Carey’s library catalogue.
     This section on CareyOnline has
     enrolment forms, assessment related          COMMUNITY LIFE BROCHURE
     forms (e.g: special assessment               This publication details community
     circumstances, extension), as well as        activities for each semester. It can be
     forms for research students.                 found on CareyOnline or in hard copy
                                                  on campus.
     This covers topics such as time
     management, academic writing,
     referencing, how to submit
     an assignment.

TUE       TUE

Invite someone else
                         25         5
                          MAY       OCT
to begin their own       8am-3pm   8am-3pm
journey of discovering
more about God.  
473 Great South Road, Penrose
Auckland 1061, New Zealand
PO Box 12149, Penrose
Auckland 1642, New Zealand

T +64 9 525 4017 / 0800 773 776
F +64 9 525 4096
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