Student Handbook 2021 - UP Education

Page created by Stephen Richardson
Student Handbook 2021
Welcome to UP International College
New Zealand

Kia ora,                                                   At UP International College New Zealand, we have a
                                                           passion for education. The values of UP International
At UP International College New Zealand we want you        College New Zealandare underpinned by a
to succeed academically. Our objective is to help you      commitment to see our students succeed in every
learn as much as possible in the time available so you     facet of their lives.
achieve your goals and move on to further study.
                                                           This Handbook is designed to focus on life at the
As I write this, I am aware that a number of our           college and provide answers to a range of questions
students are offshore and online. Thank you for joining    you might have about what you need to do, not only
us and placing your trust in us to help you achieve        at the start of the course but throughout the year.
your goal. We are a mobile technology Campus
                                                           UP International College New Zealand has agreed to
with many years of experience using technology in
                                                           observe and be bound by the Code of Practice for the
assisting students to learn – we encourage the use
                                                           Pastoral Care of International Students published by
of electronic mobile devices for learning in class and
                                                           the New Zealand Ministry of Education.
out of class. For this to work well, we need you to be a
responsible user of that technology.
                                                           We have many people who can help you if you don’t
                                                           know what to do. Check the Handbook first to find an
Our Blackboard learning resources are extensive
                                                           answer, but if you are not certain about something,
and designed specifically for you in Foundation. We
                                                           please ask a member of staff. If they cannot help you
have many years of experience using technology in
                                                           directly, they will find someone who can.
assisting students to learn.
                                                           Best wishes with your studies and work hard!
Sections of this Handbook are relevant for students
who are on Campus rather than studying online.
Certain sections may not be relevant for some
students as their course progresses.

Remember that English goes on outside the
classroom as well, so for those of you in Auckland or
Wellington, make the most of your stay. Use every
opportunity to read, write, listen and speak in English
as this will undoubtedly make your learning at a
tertiary level easier and more enjoyable. I strongly
encourage you to make the campus an English-only           Yours sincerely
zone as much as possible.

                                                              Craig Monaghan
                                                              Executive Principal
                                                              UP International College New Zealand

This handbook provides you with all the information you need to know about UP English for Future Studies
(UPEFS) (registered as ‘Intensive General English’ with NZQA), The University of Auckland Certificate in Foundation
Studies and AUT University Certificate in Foundation Studies, and Victoria University of Wellington Certificate in
Foundation Studies registered as ‘UP International College Foundation Studies Programme’ (Level 3).

Senior Leadership Team                                    AUT Mr Matt Kelly
Mr Craig Monaghan
Executive Principal                                       AUT Mr Jacques September                     
Mrs Heather Blakeborough                                  VUW Mr Carrone Conroy (Wellington Campus)
Head of College AUT                             

Mr Bryce Pedersen (Wellington Campus)
                                                          Other Key Contacts
Head of College VUW

Ms Katya Mitchell                                         Ms Anyuan Wang
                                                          Education Pathways Counsellor UoA & AUT
Head of College English Studies                     

Mr Michael Graham                                         Ms Yuki Ru (Auckland Campus)
Head of Operations                                        Attendance Officer                     

Mr Nandy Nathu                                            Ms Maureen Ma’alo (Wellington Campus)
Deputy Head of College Discipline & Welfare               Attendance Officer
Mr Julian Latimer
                                                          International Student Support Team
Deputy Head of College Academic
                                                          Accommodation Team
Ms Helen Robertson
Head of Quality Assurance and Student Welfare/
UoA Dean                                                  Admissions Team
                                                          IT Student Support Team
UoA Mrs Joanne Bentley                          

UoA Mrs Jackie Morgan

Statutory information for students
Education Act

Section 234B of the Education Act requires providers         If you are a student from China, register online
to attest to the following:                                  with the Education section at the Chinese Embassy.
Other Costs: Page 4 of the Information and Application        Registering allows you to share your contact details with
Form advises costs that are additional to tuition, insurance the Embassy in case of emergency. It also enables you to
and accommodation.                                            receive your ‘Certificate for the returned Overseas Students
                                                              or Scholars’ when you complete your qualification in New
Student Services fee: UP Education Campus does not
                                                              Zealand. The certificate is issued by the Education section
require additional Student Services fees as the costs of such
                                                              of the Chinese Embassy in Wellington or by the Chinese
services are included in tuition fees.
                                                              Consulate in Auckland or Christchurch and enable New
Material conflicts of interest: None of the governing         Zealand qualification to be recognised in China. Visit
members of UP EDUCATION have a material conflict     to register.
of interest with another school or PTE nor are involved
in organisations that provide goods and services to
our students.

UP International College
New Zealand Expectations
There are many staff who can help students with                In addition, students must respect and abide by
problems. You need to have courage and confidence              New Zealand laws. A breach of New Zealand law is
to ask.                                                        deemed to be a breach of Campus rules. A breach
                                                               of these rules may ultimately result in the student
On Campus there is the College Code of Conduct is
                                                               concerned being removed from the College roll
there to guide and protect everyone. This is based on
                                                               and required to leave. Other penalties may include
respect for others and their property, and on ensuring
                                                               a student being suspended from the Campus for a
that the Campus maintains an excellent reputation in
the community. Inappropriate behaviour may reflect             number of College days.
poorly on all students, as the business community
of the city (many of whom are future employers of
students) observes the standards the Campus sets
and judges the Campus accordingly.
It is important that the College Code of Conduct is
All students are required to follow the Code of
The Code of Conduct may, from time to time, be
changed as Senior Leadership sees fit. Every effort will
be made to advise students of such changes either
during class or on noticeboards or digital screens.

Deans                                                        Tutors
The Dean is the person who is responsible for                Students will have a teacher who is called the ‘Tutor’.
the wellbeing and monitoring of students in each             This is another person to contact if students have any
programme.                                                   concerns/queries/problems.
If students have any questions, concerns or challenges       The Tutor will meet with students during the course to
and would like some help, the Dean is the person to          discuss students’ interests, give students advice and talk
contact. The Dean and Attendance Officer will also           about the progress after reports are issued.
monitor student’s attendance and talk with students if
there are any issues.                                        The Tutor is a responsible adult who is there to assist.
                                                             If for any reason they cannot help students the Tutor
If any students are feeling lonely, home sick, anxious and   will direct them to a person who can give students the
needs someone to talk to, the Dean is there for support.     assistance they need.
Tutors and teachers can also provide support.
Please do not be afraid to ask for help. We recognise
there will be times of pressure for students and we are
here to assist you.

Medical Support                                              Sonder
/Counsellor                                                  Auckland and Wellington Campuses also work with
                                                             Sonder, an organisation that provides 24/7 support for
UP International College New Zealand can provide
                                                             students in New Zealand via live chat or phone with
access to a medical professional and counsellor if
                                                             any issue. The free App can be downloaded to mobile
requested. The Dean will arrange medical or counselling
                                                             phone this ensures 24 hours support in a time of need.
support if required.
                                                             Any student can use Sonder when walking home alone
                                                             at night, meeting up with someone they do not know,
                                                             going on a first date, experiencing stress or anxiety, ill or
                                                             injured, at any time they do not know who to turn to for
                                                             UP International College New Zealand encourages all
                                                             onshore students to download the application as soon
                                                             as they begin their course of study.
                                                             Download the Sonder App
                                                             Call +64 9 2222099

Absences                                                      reasons they must provide a medical certificate dated
                                                              the day they are sick from a registered New Zealand
                                                              doctor, then it is most likely that the absence will be
Absence due to illness (or other reasons)                     recorded as an M. This absence will not count against
during term.                                                  a student for immigration status. In a limited number
IF STUDENTS ARE ILL, THEY ARE ADVISED TO VISIT A              of other cases, an absence may be considered as
NEW ZEALAND-REGISTERED DOCTOR.                                allowed and will not count against the student, but will
The doctors listed below are recommended by                   still be recorded as an absence.
Immigration New Zealand to complete medical and chest         Backdated medical certificates (i.e. where students
x-ray certificates for New Zealand visa applications.         tell the doctor they were sick the day before) are not
As such, they are approved for medical certificates for       accepted.
attendance purposes. Students who provide a medical           All medical certificates should be given to the
certificate from another medical centre may not have
                                                              Attendance Officer.
this automatically accepted for attendance purposes.

Auckland Doctors (Monday-Friday)                              Auckland Campus
• C
   ollege Hill Doctors 		                   (09) 360 8008    Wellington Campus
  46 College Hill, Ponsonby                    8:30 – 17:30
                                                              Other absences will be recorded as:
• Q
   ueen Street Doctors 		                   (09) 222 2577
  1st Floor, Dingwall Bldg, 87 Queen St        8:00 – 17:00   • Explained – You were absent and you gave an
                                                                 explanation as to why you were away. This type of
• C
   aring Clinic Doctors 		                  (09) 360 8008       absence counts against you for the purposes of
  Level 8, 175 Queen St                        8:30 – 10:00      meeting visa requirements. However, we know where
• V
   ictoria Park Medical Suite               (09) 557 3333       you were, that you were safe and therefore are not
  5 Vernon St, Victoria Park, CBD              8:30 – 17:30      as concerned about calling your agent or parents.

• D
   octors 109 			                           (09) 366 0109
                                                              Missing an assessment due to illness
  Level 3, 109 Queen St                        8:30 – 17:30
                                                              (or other reasons)
• A
   uckland City Doctors                     (09) 280 3555    All Foundation Studies programmes allow for
  415 Queen St 		                              8:30 – 17:30   Compassionate Consideration for a missed assessment
                                                              due to illness and/or exceptional circumstances.
Wellington Doctors
• W
   ellington Centre Medical Centre     (04) 912 2642         If students miss a test or examination because they are
  Level 8, 111 Customhouse Quay, CBD, Wellington              ill and would like to be considered for ‘compassionate
                                                              consideration’, and given an assessed mark, students
• After Hours (A&E)                          (04) 384 4999    must provide a medical certificate from a registered New
  17 Adelaide Road, Newton, Wellington                        Zealand doctor. The medical certificate must be dated
                                                              on the day of the examination/test. UP International
   For Emergencies                                            College New Zealand Senior Leadership reserves the
                                                              right to make the final judgement on accepting a reason
• Emergency Dept Wellington Hospital         (04) 384 5999    for absence. To apply for an assessed mark students
  Riddiford Street, Wellington                                must fill in the absent from assessment form.

OR from a local medical centre where you live.
                                                              UP International College New Zealand does not accept
Example: Island Bay Medical Centre, Johnsonville Medical
                                                              late assignments – for any reason.
Centre, Tawa Medical Centre, etc.

Attendance                                                    Assessment
At UP International College New Zealand attendance
is marked every period. If a student is in class they are     Procedures for Internal Assessments
marked as present.                                            Internal Assessments should be a regular part of every
If a student is not in class, for whatever reason, they       subject. All internal assessments should be marked
are marked absent. If a student is absent for medical         in a timely manner and students given the opportunity

to review the marking of the assessment.                        e. A student who is ill will need to report to a Senior
1. All Internal Assessments (tests, assignment) should be          Leader BEFORE the examination. Reporting
   marked against a mark scheme in a timely manner.                after the examination – the student will have
                                                                   been deemed to have not followed the correct
2. Students should have the opportunity to review their
                                                                   procedure and 2b will apply.
   internal assessment’s marking. For any queries on
   marking that can not be resolved, the student should         f. If. If in the opinion of the Senior Leader the student
   return the assessment before leaving the classroom              is too ill to sit the examination, then they will be
   and contact Mr Latimer (Auckland) or Mr Pedersen                sent to a Doctor of UP International College New
   (Wellington).                                                   Zealand’s choice for an assessment. There may be
                                                                   a guideline sheet that Doctors can follow in their
3. Marks must be entered into the appropriate
                                                                   examination of the student. The Doctor’s Report will
   Blackboard course within 24 hours of the Assessment
                                                                   be presented to the Senior Leader by the student
   being checked. Students will have 48 hours from the
                                                                   for consideration.
   period the Assessment is checked to view the mark
   on Blackboard to confirm it is the correct mark. No          g. If in the opinion of the Senior Leader, the student
   sign-off sheets are required.                                   is not too ill to sit the examination they will need sit
                                                                   the examination.
4. After 48 hours from the Assessment being checked,
   UP International College New Zealand will assume that       h. If in the opinion of the Doctor, the student may be
   the marks are correct and no other communication           given (at the discretion of the Senior Leader):
   will be entered into. Due to privacy, issues documents     i. An alternative examination or
   with student’s names and marks should not be               ii. A mark based on the average of their other
   circulated to students as a sign off sheet.                assessments in that subject and/or
5. After 48 hours where possible, assessments should          iii. A viva voce examination.
   be returned to students for their keeping. This will not
   occur for final exams.
                                                              If a student misses an examination due to unforeseen
6. Re-consideration of Internal Assessment result. If a
   student wishes to have an internal assessment result       circumstances (e.g. an accident, family death) then an
   reconsidered they must apply to their teacher in           assessed mark may be given at the discretion of a Senior
   writing within 24 hours of receiving the result of the     Leader. Appropriate evidence may be required for this to
   assessment                                                 occur.
                                                              If students have any concerns about an assessment or
UP International College New Zealand Campus                   examination, they should contact a Senior Leader.
1. For ALL internal assessments, where the date
   due is well advertised in course documentation,
                                                              Change of Address
   Compassionate Consideration will only be considered
   in “Exceptional Circumstances”.                            UP International College New Zealand must have your
                                                              updated personal details in case of emergency. It is
2. For ALL internal assessments that count towards a
                                                              student’s responsibility (a condition of your visa) to
   final grade, the following procedures apply:
                                                              ensure that UP International College New Zealand has
  a. A student who misses an assessment without a             accurate up to date details at all times.
     good reason can not sit in the assessment at a
     different time.
  b. A student who is ill will need to inform a Senior        Collaborating
     Leader at each Campus. BEFORE the assessment.
     Reporting after the assessment may result in a non-
                                                              and Plagiarism
     award grade.
  c. If in the opinion of the Senior Leader, the student      Collaborating means working with one or more other
     may be given                                             people. In some cases a student’s assessed work will be
    i.    An alternative assessment or                        a collaboration of work between students and this will
    ii.   A mark based on the average of their other          be acceptable. However, in a number of assessments
          assessments in that subject and/or
                                                              students will be expected to work by themselves. To
    iii. A viva voce assessment.
                                                              collaborate in these situations, it would be called
  d. Documentation should be recorded in Artena as to
                                                              cheating and a student would be at risk of earning zero
     the procedure taken and outcome.

marks for the work.                                             deadlines to be met.
                                                                Technology problems will not be accepted as
Plagiarism is copying from someone else’s work without          a valid reason for not handing in work on time.
acknowledgment. The original could be a published               The due date is the last day for the work to be
source, a computer source or another student’s work.            submitted. If students are absent on the day, they are still
Plagiarism is unacceptable and will be dealt with               responsible for ensuring the work reaches the Campus
                                                                on time. If necessary, students may send the work by
seriously. This may result in loss of marks.
                                                                courier or email.
                                                                Students who miss classes to complete assignments risk
Complaints, Appeals and                                         a zero mark.

Grievances                                                      If students do not meet a deadline, they may still need to
                                                                complete the work and hand it in for course completion.
                                                                There must be an exceptional reason for work to be
When students come to UP International College, they            accepted late, and this must be approved by a Senior
can expect to receive a high standard of education and          Leader.
feel safe while living and studying in NZ. UP International
College New Zealand is a signatory to the Code of
Practice for the pastoral care of international students
                                                                Discipline Policy and
which outlines the legal obligations education providers        Procedures
must abide by.

If any student has a complaint, they can contact UP
International College New Zealand or external agencies
such as NZQA or iStudent Complaints. The complaints             When a student is causing concern with ongoing
process to follow is on Blackboard and on noticeboards          poor behaviour/ongoing poor attendance or failing
around the College.                                             to comply with the College code of conduct and
                                                                procedures, a Dean/Senior Leader will contact the

Copyright                                                       student. If the problem persists, a warning maybe

Students and teachers are required to be aware of the           Discipline warnings
terms of the Copyright Act and the conditions it imposes
on schools. This is available on Blackboard and on
                                                                There are several levels of disciplinary warnings
                                                                dependent upon the nature of the offence and/or the
                                                                student’s discipline history.
                                                                The discipline process at UP International College New
and communication                                               Zealand (Auckland Campus) is outlined below:

It is essential that students check email regularly – this is   • A First Written Warning from the Dean.
the students’ responsibility.                                   • A Second Written Warning from Deputy Head of
International Student Support Team communication                College.
(on fees reminders, visa information, etc.) will be sent        • A Third and Final Written Warning from the Head of
electronically to the student’s Campus email address.           College.
This address is also accessible via
Copies of letters are sent to parents and agents via            The discipline process at UP International College New
email. Students may also request a hardcopy of the              Zealand (Wellington Campus) is outlined below:
                                                                • A First Written Warning from the Dean.

Deadlines                                                       • A Second Written Warning from Head of College.
                                                                • A Third and Final Written Warning from the Executive
Please note that campus policy requires assessment              Principal

students must not use it to watch videos or play games.
If the student’s behaviour continues to be unsatisfactory,     If teachers see that students are not using their iPad
the Executive Principal will have the option to suspend        appropriately, they may report it to the Dean.
the student and refer the student to the Disciplinary          The “Settings” on an iPad must be in English, not in the
Committee to formally consider the case and decide             student’s native language.
whether or not to exclude/expel the student.
                                                               Students are expected to take good care of their iPad
Note: parents/agent will be notified.                          and remember to charge the battery each night so it is
                                                               ready to use in class. It is a good idea to bring the iPad
                                                               charger to school.
Emergency                                                      The Campus computer system provides free internet

Evacuation Procedure                                           access to students. This Responsible Internet Use
                                                               statement helps protect students by clearly stating what
                                                               is acceptable and what is not:
Evacuation routes are well marked and evacuation details       • A
                                                                  ccess is only via the user’s authorised account
are in every room and lobby. The signal for evacuation           and password
is a continuous ringing of the alarm bell. The Campus is
                                                               • A
                                                                  student ID and password must not be given to any
required to have regular practice drills.
                                                                 other person. College computer and internet use
If the alarm rings, you must exit the building immediately       must be appropriate to the student’s education
in an orderly and sensible manner. Use the normal exits
unless these are clearly cut off, but do not use the lifts.    • C
                                                                  opyright and intellectual property rights must
Please stand clear of the roads to allow access for              be respected
emergency services.                                            • U
                                                                  sers are responsible for emails they send and for
                                                                 contacts made

Cultural Safety                                                • E
                                                                  mails should be written carefully and politely.
                                                                 As messages may need to be forwarded, using email
                                                                 is appropriate.
UP International College New Zealand is a multi-cultural
school, students are expected to respect the cultures of
others. Students will be exposed to the uniqueness of
New Zealand culture.
                                                               Lost Property
                                                               All lost property should be handed in to Reception.
ID Cards
All students are required to carry their UP International
                                                               Medical and Travel
College New Zealand student ID card. It is required            Insurance
for some transport providers and you can gain other
concessions from it, too. Students may be required
                                                               All international students on Campus are required to
to show the ID card for identity purposes at other
times, such as during exams. If students lose their ID         have medical insurance. This is to ensure our students
card, they can order another card at Reception at              get the best possible healthcare while in New Zealand.
replacement cost.                                              Campus International Support Team organise medical
                                                               and travel insurance for students through Southern

Internet Use                                                   Cross Healthcare, New Zealand’s largest health
                                                               insurance provider. If students have a different
                                                               insurance company, they are required to provide a
Be a responsible internet user
                                                               copy of the policy, which will be kept on their student
The school will issue students who are studying on
Campus with an iPad (and charger) for the duration
of their study with us. Students can use their iPad to
access study materials, use learning apps, take class
notes, make videos for their homework tasks, and do
many other great things.
The iPad is a learning tool. It is not for entertainment, so

Money Lending                                                   the Offer of Place.
                                                                Students must renew their visa before the expiry date
                                                                and if students leave the Campus during booked
It is our very strong recommendation that students do
not lend money to anyone. Under no circumstances                programme, students must renew their visa within
should money be lent without a written signed                   seven working days of departure. Students who
agreement stating the terms and conditions of the loan.         complete their booked programme have a valid visa
The Campus takes no responsibility for money lost in            until the date indicated on the visa label.
loans.                                                          Please ensure that the visa is up to date, and that the
                                                                course students are taking, or the Campus name,
Privacy                                                         is stated on the visa. Enquire at the International
                                                                Student Support Team if there are any questions or a
All information collected by the Campus during a student’s      student needs to renew their visa. The International
enrolment and subsequent time at the Campus shall               Student Support Team can assist students who
be governed by the principles of the Privacy Act 2020.          apply before the visa expiry date to renew their visa,
The Privacy Act provides that businesses should make            providing their attendance is higher than 90%.
individuals aware that their personal information is being      If students need to leave the programme for a period
collected, the purpose it is being collected for and who
                                                                of time that is more than 10 school days, students
is holding it. It also provides individuals with the right to
                                                                need to seek for approval from the Head of College
access and correct personal information the business
                                                                as Immigration NZ will need to be informed.
Personal information held by the Campus may not be
passed to another individual (by electronic or hardcopy         Transport
means), or seen by anyone (e.g. by computer screen
or hardcopy) unless specific permission is given by the
                                                                Students are strongly advised to use public transport
individual on whom the information is stored, or in the
                                                                to and from Campus.
Privacy Officer’s view there are acceptable grounds
within the law for doing so.                                    Parking is difficult and expensive and driving at peak
The Privacy Officer is the Head of Operations, Mr               times can be stressful and cause unexpected delays.
Graham.                                                         Parking difficulties do not provide an adequate reason
                                                                for being out of class or for being late.
Smoking, Alcohol,                                               Similarly, transport problems are not a reason for
                                                                being late or absent unless these are clearly outside
Drugs and Vaping                                                the student’s control.

All UP Education campuses are smoke-free environments,
and this applies to staff, students and visitors.
                                                                Verifying Documents
Smoking or vaping is also not permitted at Campus or on
Campus-related activities.                                      Sometimes copies of documents need verification.
                                                                The University of Auckland, AUT University or Victoria
Alcohol and drugs must not be brought onto Campus or
                                                                University will often need the signature of a Senior
consumed/used on Campus-related activities.
                                                                Leader to verify the student’s UP International College
                                                                New Zealand Statement of Results. In all cases,
Student Visa                                                    originals or certified copies must be presented before

and Student Permit
                                                                new copies can be verified.

International students must hold a valid student
visa before commencing the programme they are
currently enrolled in at UP International College New
This is the law in New Zealand. A valid visa means a
student has an electronic visa with details that match

Student Code of Conduct                                       taken to prevent these happening again. Any student
                                                              who has an injury, accident or near miss while at the
                                                              Campus must report this to Reception.
All students are expected to:                                 First aid kits are kept on each floor of the College
1.   Attend all classes                                       Campus to treat minor injuries. If a student has a minor
2.   Be on time and in class ready to learn at all times      injury, he/she should go to Reception for assistance.
3.   Follow the given guidelines for good learning            Fire evacuations, earthquake and lockdown drills will be
4.   Ensure all work submitted for assessment is your         held on a regular basis to ensure student safety. Details
     own work                                                 can be found on noticeboards throughout the College.

5.   Only use electronic devices in class time for work       If the alarm rings, students should exit the building
     directed by the teacher                                  immediately in an orderly manner. Use the identified exits
                                                              unless these are inaccessible. Do NOT use the lifts. When
6.   Act in a way that does not disrupt the learning of
                                                              outside of the building, stand clear of the roads and
                                                              allow access for emergency services.
7.   Respect the personal property of others
                                                              For further details on Health and Safety at UP
8.   Respect the personal rights of others                    International College refer to the Health and Safety
9.   Respect College Property and learning environment        Manual please see a senior leader for help.
10. Abide by all regulations and requirements
11. Behave in ways that will not create a health and
    safety hazard, impede operational activities, or bring
                                                              Student Wellbeing
    the College into disrepute
                                                              At UP International College New Zealand, student
12. Comply with all reasonable directions given by a
                                                              wellbeing and engagement with learning is very
    staff member
                                                              important to us. We want to ensure that we do all that
13. Dress in an appropriate manner respecting a multi-        we can to support students to complete your course of
    cultural campus                                           study successfully. At times students might encounter
14. Wear appropriate footwear at all times. This is a         challenges in your life that impact on learning. The Deans
    health and safety requirement.                            or International Student Support Team can help students
15. Comply with the non-smoking/vaping regulations            to find a doctor if needed. Students can also google
    and not smoke/vape in any area of the premises,           “GPs” in the area. Hospitals are listed online. The Deans
    except those designated as smoking/vaping areas.          or International Student Support Team can also contact
                                                              a counsellor if any student is feeling anxious or worried.
16. Refrain from accessing, altering, or removing items
    from the records of any present or past student           TalkingWorks is a wellbeing site that can connect
    or staff member, in either printed or electronic          students with professional counsellors. The Talkingworks
    form. No information pertaining to present or past        directory provides names of professional counsellors,
    students or staff members may be provided to any          psychotherapists, and psychologists throughout
    other party.                                              New Zealand. Support is available in a wide variety of
17. Comply with New Zealand laws and regulations.

Refer also to the International student Policy https://       Ways to look after your wellbeing             •   Care for others
International_Student_Policy_form.pdf                         •   Take a break
                                                              •   Eat well
Health and Safety                                             •   Do something that you are good at
                                                              •   Talk about your feelings
To ensure student safety, pre-existing medical conditions     •   Keep active
must be recorded on the enrolment form.                       •   Ask for help
The International Student Support Team must be                •   Accept who you are
informed if there are any new medical conditions.
                                                              •   Keep in touch
Students should not attend classes if they have any
medical condition that is contagious.
In New Zealand it is mandatory that all injuries, accidents
and near misses at are reported so that actions can be

For Advice
Address change                      ISST (International   Homestay and                       Accommodation
If you change your address          Student Support       accommodation                      Officer
                                    Team)                 If you are an International
                                                          Student and want to discuss your
Absence request                     Head of College       homestay and accommodation
To apply for leave from school                            arrangements/concerns

Appeal procedures                   Head of College       Health                             Deans
                                                          To see a doctor or dentist
Assessments                         Head of College
Questions about marks,                                    School ID card                     Level 1C (Auckland)
assessments given                                         If you lose your card              Reception
Attendance                          Attendance Officer
                                                          Leave applications                 Head of College

Bank                                ISST
If you are an International                               Medical/Travel insurance           ISST
Student and want to open                                  To apply for medical insurance
a bank account                                            with Southern Cross Healthcare

Complaints                          ISST                  To make a claim                    ISST
Complaints about cheating,
collaboration and sharing
                                                          To insure items                    ISST
of work                                                   Invoices                           Admissions
                                                          To pay accommodation fees,
Complaints about unfair             ISST                  see Accounts staff

Complaints about teachers           ISST                  Official letters                   ISST
                                                          Proof of study/payment
Course changes                      Head of College
If you are an International
Student and want and wish                                 Student visas                      ISST
to change your next course                                To renew your student
                                                          visa/ permit
Computer/iPad                       Teacher initially
                                                          Student welfare/Pastoral           Deans
To log in to your computer/ iPad,   IT support
or for other questions relating                           concerns
to computers                        http://               For any help

Important Contact
Auckland Campus                                  Wellington Campus

24/7 Emergency Contact number 021 224 4149       24/7 Emergency Contact number 021 513 617
Reception number (09) 307 5399                   Reception number (04) 979 5569
Attendance number 021 179 3769 or (09) 3074473   Attendance number 021 538 391 or (04) 979 5569
Wechat Upeducationpathways (Ms Yuki Ru)          (Wellington Campus)

24/7 Accommodation Emergency for all             24/7 Accommodation Emergency for all
locations 021 597 135                            locations 021 597 135

Useful phone numbers and websites                •Lifeline (0800 543 354)
•Alcohol & drug helpline (0800 787 797)          •OUTLine (0800 688 5463)
•Automobile Association (AA) (0800 500 222)      •Problem gambling helpline (0800 654 655)
•Chinese Lifeline (0800 888 880)                 •Poison emergency (0800 764 766)
•Citizens Advice Bureau (0800 367 222)           •Quitline – quit smoking (0800 778 778)
•Doctors                   •Rape Crisis (0800 623 1700)
•Dentists                        •Samaritans (0800 543 354)
•Depression Helpline (0800 111 757)              •Youthline (0800 376 633
•Healthline (0800 611 116)


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