2019-2020 Submitted for Board Approval October 2019 - Lamar CISD

Page created by Nathaniel Hall
Submitted for Board Approval October 2019
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Data Sources Reviewed
 STAAR Results                                   PASA Demographic Report               PEIMS Data
 2019 Accountability Reports                     2017 Operational Audit                CCMR Data
 Software Utilization Reports                    2018 Texas State-Wide Special Education Corrective Action Plan

Please Note: Activities funded through federal programs or State Compensatory Education must be identified in the proposed strategies sections

Teaching and Learning
Identified Issues                                               Alignment to District Strategic Plan and
                                                                Superintendent’s SMART Goals

Student Achievement
 In order to ensure that all campuses earn an “A” or “B”        Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
 rating in 2020, Response to Intervention (RtI) strategies
 will need to be effectively implemented across the District
 to address individual student needs and close gaps
 between student groups – thus addressing issues with
 Domain III.
 All student groups need to continue to grow and target         Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
 increasing performance at the Approaches, Meets and            Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
 Masters grade level on the 2020 STAAR test – thus
 ensuring success in all accountability Domains.

At-Risk Student Services / Drop-Out Prevention
 The District needs to continue efforts to support student      Strategic Plan Priority 3 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
 socio and emotional well-being to support students in their
 effort to remain in school through graduation.
 The District will need to target intervention strategies for   Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
 English Learner (EL) and Special Education (SPED)
 students in order to ensure four-year graduation rates for
 these groups exceed 90%.

Identified Issues                                               Alignment to District Strategic Plan and
                                                                Superintendent’s SMART Goals

College, Career and Military Readiness
 The District needs to continue expanding career interest       Strategic Plan Priority 2 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 2
 and certification opportunities in Career and Technical
 Education in order to remain above state and regional
 averages by 5% or more.
 The District needs to continue expanding Career and            Strategic Plan Priority 2 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 2
 Technical Education industry certification passing rates in
 order to remain above state and regional averages by 5%
 or more.
 The District will need to target intervention strategies for   Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
 not meeting TSI requirements by the end of their 11th
 grade year in order for the District to remain 5% or more
 points above the state and regional average.
 Integration of College Board standards and the Khan            Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
 Academy tutorials for PSAT and SAT are needed for the          Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
 District to remain 5% or more points above the state and
 regional average for meeting TSI standards.

School Culture, Climate and Leadership Effectiveness
Identified Issues                                              Alignment to District Strategic Plan and
                                                               Superintendent’s SMART Goals

The District will continue to improve school climate by        Strategic Plan Priority 3 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
promoting a culture that supports the social and emotional
wellness among all students on all campuses.
The District will improve school climate by decreasing the     Strategic Plan Priority 3 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 2
number of disciplinary incidents and days students spent
in suspension, reversing a 6.5% increase in disciplinary
incidents between the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school
The District will need to continue improving the               Strategic Plan Priority 3 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
implementation of safety drills to ensure that all students
and staff feel safe and prepared.
Since the District is planning to open at least one new        Strategic Plan Priority 5 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 2
campus per year for the foreseeable future, continued          Strategic Plan Priority 5 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
targeted leadership training is needed to maintain a quality
supply of potential campus and district leadership.

Teacher Quality and Retention
Identified Issues                                            Alignment to District Strategic Plan and
                                                             Superintendent’s SMART Goals

Effective training in the utilization of technology as a     Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
teaching and learning tool in the classroom is needed to
improve teacher effectiveness.
Effective utilization of Professional Learning Communities   Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
(PLC) to reinforce and train teachers on RtI processes and
strategies are needed across the District.
The District needs to continue to cultivate teacher          Strategic Plan Priority 2 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
expertise and the leadership pipeline as methods of
strengthening teacher quality and minimize teacher
By effectively reviewing staffing and salary guidelines,     Strategic Plan Priority 4 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 4
District teacher turnover rate remains approximately 3       Strategic Plan Priority 5 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
percentage points below the state average while retention
of experienced teachers remains approximately 2
percentage points above the state average.

Community and Student Engagement
Identified Issues                                            Alignment to District Strategic Plan and
                                                             Superintendent’s SMART Goals

The Canvas Learning Management system has not yet            Strategic Plan Priority 1 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 2
been adopted as a learning tool by the majority of parents
and students.
Secondary parents and students are having difficulties       Strategic Plan Priority 2 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
accessing information about college and career options via
Naviance (high schools) and Xello (junior high schools).
The District will continue to prepare for increased          Strategic Plan Priority 4 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 1
enrollment and expansion while preserving its ‘small town’   Strategic Plan Priority 4 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 2
district culture as the growth rate has accelerated to an    Strategic Plan Priority 4 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 3
estimated 4.7% per year through proactive planning that
engages all stakeholders.
Continued promotion of the District as a destination         Strategic Plan Priority 5 -- Superintendent SMART Goal 4
community is key to ensuring continued and sustainable

Evolve the Student Learning Experience
Strategic Priority: Evolve the Student Learning Experience

Objective 1.1: Ensure access to engaging, rigorous, real-world learning opportunities and up-to-date

Superintendent Smart Goal: The District will cultivate expertise in teaching and learning as a means for improving
student achievement, so teaching will become strengthened and more students will learn in deeper ways. In August of
2020, all campuses in Lamar CISD will receive an “A” or “B” overall performance rating from TEA.

           Activity / Strategy                Staff Responsible           Timeline            Resources                     Evaluation
Forty-eight staff members composed          Chief Academic           September 2019 –   Title II Funds           A report on the documentation
of elementary & secondary principals,       Officer,                 August 2020                                 developed from each walk
instructional support staff and central     Exec. Dir. of Teaching                                               providing reflection and
office administrators will be trained on    and Learning,                                                        instructional practices at the
the Instructional Rounds protocol.          Dir. of Staff                                                        Tier I level to guide staff
                                            Development                                                          growth and PD.
Forty-eight staff members composed          Chief Academic           June 2020 –        Title II Funds           Instructional Rounds
of elementary & secondary assistant         Officer,                 August 2020                                 implementation plan
principals, instructional support staff     Exec. Dir. of Teaching                                               developed for the 2020-2021
and central office administrators will be   and Learning,                                                        school year.
trained on the Instructional Rounds         Dir. of Staff
protocol.                                   Development
Internal Instructional Rounds will be       Campus                   November 2019 –    Utilize existing staff   A report on the documentation
implemented at the campus level a           Administrators,          February 2020      and resources            developed from each walk
minimum of four times.                      Campus-based                                                         providing reflection and
                                            Instructional Staff,                                                 instructional practices at the
                                            District Instructional                                               Tier I level to guide staff
                                            Support Staff                                                        growth and PD.

One network of Instructional Rounds         Chief Academic           March 2020         Utilize existing staff   A report on the documentation
will occur in the second semester.          Officer,                                    and resources            developed from each walk
                                            Exec. Dir. of Teaching                                               providing reflection and
                                            and Learning,                                                        instructional practices at the
                                            Dir. of Staff                                                        Tier I level to guide staff
                                            Development                                                          growth and PD.
Texas Teachers Evaluation and               Campus                   September 2019 –   Utilize existing staff   A formal 45-minute
Support System will be utilized             Administrators           May 2020           and resources            observation and
throughout the year.                                                                                             three or six walkthroughs
                                                                                                                 throughout the year as
                                                                                                                 determined by policy.
Instructional Walks conducted based         Campus                   October 2019 –     Utilize existing staff   A report on the documentation
on rigorous instructional strategies:       Administrators,          May 2020           and resources            developed from each walk
close observation and analysis,             Exec. Dir. of Teaching                                               providing reflection and
evidence-based writing, higher order        and Learning,                                                        instructional practices at the
questioning and academic                    Exec. Dir. of Student                                                Tier I level to guide staff
conversations.                              Programs                                                             growth and PD.
Provide professional development            Exec. Dir. of Teaching   September 2019 –   Title II Funds,          Monitor survey results after
opportunities to support                    and Learning,            August 2020        Local Budget             each PD opportunity.
implementation of close observation         Content Coordinators
and analysis, evidence-based writing,
higher order questioning and academic
conversations in Tier I instruction.

GT facilitators will strengthen the pull-   Dir. of Elementary GT,   May 2020           Local Budget Funds       Finalized, re-written GT units
out program units of SCI, Robotics,         Exec. Dir. of Student                                                for CSI, Robotics, and Country
and Country and Cultures by adding          Programs                                                             and Cultures.
additional depth and complexity
Special Education will provide              Exec. Dir. of Special    November 2019 –    IDEA-B                   Lessons delivered that contain
comprehensive PD for co-teachers to         Education                May 2020                                    deep, rich content knowledge,
introduce an instructional design tool                                                                           instructional strategies to
that will assist in development of                                                                               increase student engagement
lessons that include the four                                                                                    and participation, student
components of differentiated                                                                                     learner characteristics and
instruction.                                                                                                     classroom organization.
Increase teacher efficacy in Tier I         Dir. of Accelerated      September 2019 –   Bilingual Allotment,     A 5% increase in LEP
instruction by building on experience       Language Programs        May 2019           Title III                performance in all assessed
and helping to strengthen expertise in                                                                           content areas as measured by
their ability to facilitate language and                                                                         TELPAS and STAAR/EOC.

academic development for English
Learners through the use of Sheltered
Instruction practices implemented at
the Tier I level in all content areas.
The Digital Learning Team will provide    Dir. of Digital Learning   September 2019 –    Title IV Funds,       A 5% increase in student
monthly technology trainings at all                                  May 2020            Local Budget          scores on the end of year
campuses to increase knowledge and                                                                             Technology Application TEKS
expertise in teaching the Technology                                                                           assessment.
Application TEKS.
New teacher support network               Dir. of Staff              August 2019 – May   Title II Funds,       Increase first-year teacher
composed of campus mentors, District      Development                2020                Local Budget          retention by 5%.
mentors and campus administrators
providing coaching on the qualities of
effective teaching.
Engage parents in the learning            Dir. of Accelerated        August 2019 –       Title I Funds,        Monitor family participation,
process through parent and family         Language Programs,         August 2020         Title III Funds,      program and event survey
engagement opportunities including,       Dir. of Digital                                State Comp Ed.        results.
but not limited to, Project LEARN, Pre-   Learning,
K and EL Family Engagement Events,        Dir. of State and
Summer Connect.                           Federal Programs
Replace aging student computers,          Dir. of Technology         December 2021       2017 Bond, vendor     All aging student computers,
iPads, interactive white boards and       Support Services                               deployment services   iPads, interactive white boards
projectors.                                                                                                    and projectors replaced.
Annually update all software including    Dir. of Technology         Annually            Local funds, vendor   Software in the annual
the Windows OS, Office Suite and          Support Services                               support, Technology   computer image is audited
Adobe Suite to the latest version used                                                   staff                 every May and should be the
in the industry/private sector.                                                                                most current stable version.
All campus resources are loaded into      Dir. of Technology         Ongoing             Local funds, vendor   Classlink resources are
Classlink allowing student access         Support Services                               support, Technology   audited annually in
without recalling dozens of URLs and                                                     staff                 coordination with Academics
credentials.                                                                                                   to ensure all resources are
                                                                                                               correct and current.

Objective 1.2: Equip all parents and guardians with the tools to support student learning and growth.

Superintendent Smart Goal: All campuses will inform parents and guardians about the Canvas system. All Lamar CISD
teachers will have a home page in this system and 90% of the Canvas goals created by each campus will be attained by
June of 2020. Access to tools by parents and students will increase by 5% by June of 2020.

           Activity / Strategy             Staff Responsible            Timeline              Resources                     Evaluation
Digital Learning Coaches will meet       Dir. of Digital Learning   August 2019 –       Utilize existing staff   A total of 90% of teachers will
with every campus principal to develop                              October 2019        and resources            have met the campus goal.
individual campus Canvas goals.
Work with campus administration to       Dir. of Digital Learning   August 2019 – May   Utilize existing staff   A total of 90% of teachers will
develop and deliver a training plan to                              2020                and resources            have met the campus goal.
ensure teachers are able to meet the
campus goal.
The Digital Learning Team will provide   Dir. of Digital            August 2019 – May   Utilize existing staff   Quarterly usage data will be
documentation and training for           Learning,                  2020                and resources            shared with campuses
campus Canvas parent support             Campus Principals                                                       throughout the 2019-2020
representatives to aide parents in                                                                               school year to evaluate usage.
accessing Canvas.
Title I Campus Contacts will receive     Dir. of Federal            May 2020            Utilize existing staff   Documentation of the training
training on the online Canvas Parent     Programs                                       and resources            conducted.
Information resources and will deliver
training to parents on how to access
the online tool.
GT facilitators will post GT pullout     Dir. of Elementary         August 2019 – May   Utilize existing staff   Review of the pullout program
program activities in Canvas for each    Gifted and Talented        2020                and resources            activities throughout the school
grade level.                                                                                                     year.

Objective 1.3: Expand available resources to provide learning that is personalized to each student’s
interests and abilities in order to eliminate gaps in achievement.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Highly effective professional learning communities and highly effective Response to
Intervention (RTI) processes will be utilized as a vehicle for examining school, classroom and individual student progress.
As a result, interventions and acceleration opportunities for each student will be targeted in more focused ways resulting
in all campuses receiving an “A” or “B” overall performance rating from TEA in August of 2020.

          Activity / Strategy               Staff Responsible            Timeline            Resources                    Evaluation
PLC’s will meet regularly to share         Exec. Dir. of Teaching   September 2019 –   Utilize existing staff   Implementation of structured
expertise in improving instructional       and Learning,            May 2019           and resources            PLC’s at the campus level.
practices resulting in academic            Campus Principals
reteaching, quality interventions and/or
acceleration of learning.
Partnering with Mercury Chamber            Dir. of Performing and   October 2019 –     Title IV Funds           Increase student enrollment
Orchestra of Houston on orchestra          Visual Arts              May 2020                                    and retention rate by at least
student coaching and mentoring.                                                                                 5%.

Implement highly effective RtI             Campus Principals,       September 2019 –   Title I Funds,           Intervention documentation in
practices at the campus level that         District RtI             May 2020           State Comp Ed.           SuccessED will be current and
provide targeted support for struggling    Coordinator                                 Funds                    complete for all students being
students, including students identified                                                                         supported through the RtI
as At-Risk.                                                                                                     process. Records will be
                                                                                                                audited by the District Special
                                                                                                                Education team.
Special education staff and campus         Exec. Dir. of Special    October 2019 –     Utilize existing staff   Reduce failure rates of special
principals will meet monthly to review     Education,               May 2020           and resources            education students by 10%.
performance data and plan                  Asst. Supts. of
intervention.                              Elementary and
                                           Secondary Education
Implement a highly effective universal     Campus Principals,       October 2019 –     Local Budget             Progress on BOY, MOY and
screening process that provides            District RtI             May 2020                                    EOY performance data.
targeted information in student            Coordinator,
performance rates so that intervention     Asst. Supt. of
and acceleration opportunities can be      Elementary Education

personalized based on each student’s
baseline performance.
Campus PLC/RtI personalized training       Chief Academic        September 2019 –   Title I Funds,           High-quality PLC/RtI at every
and coaching.                              Officer               May 2020           Title II Funds           campus.
Participate in periodic meetings to        Chief Financial       December 2019 -    Utilize existing staff   Expenditure of funds to meet
discuss budgetary status of all funding    Officer, Chief        September 2020     and resources            required TEA spending targets
sources.                                   Academic Officer,                                                 and accountability ratings.
                                           Financial Services,
Ensure that spending targets are met       Chief Financial       March 2020         Utilize existing staff   Expenditure of funds to meet
and resources are focused toward           Officer, Chief                           and resources            required TEA spending targets
initiatives that eliminate gaps in         Academic Officer,                                                 and accountability ratings.
achievement.                               Financial Services,
Work collaboratively with instructional    Chief Financial       December 2019 -    Utilize existing staff   Compare audited expenditure
leaders to identify supplies, materials,   Officer, Chief        September 2020     and resources            totals annually.
and tools to enhance the learning          Academic Officer,
experience. Attempt to contain supply      Financial Services,
cost increases at a 5-8% level for the     Academics
next three years.

 Equip Students with Knowledge and
Skills to Succeed in a Changing World
Strategic Priority: Equip Students with Knowledge and Skills to Succeed in a
Changing World

Objective 2.1: Ensure Lamar CISD graduates have effective critical thinking, problem solving and
communications skills in order to be successful in professional and personal relationships.

Superintendent Smart Goal: The District will cultivate expertise in teaching and learning as a means for improving
student achievement, so teaching will become strengthened and more students will learn in deeper ways resulting in all
campuses in Lamar CISD receiving an “A” or “B” overall performance rating from TEA in August of 2020.

           Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible          Timeline              Resources                     Evaluation
Instructional Walks will be conducted     Campus                   October 2019 –      Utilize existing staff   A report on the documentation
in CTE and AP courses throughout the      Administrators,          May 2020            and resources            developed from each walk
District. The focus will be rigorous      Academic Leadership                                                   providing reflection and
instructional strategies: close           Team,                                                                 instructional practices at the
observation and analysis, evidence-       District and School                                                   Tier I level to guide staff
based writing, higher order questioning   Instructional Support                                                 growth and PD.
and academic conversations.

Instructional Walks conducted based       Campus                   October 2019 –      Utilize existing staff   A report on the documentation
on rigorous instructional strategies:     Administrators,          May 2020            and resources            developed from each walk
close observation and analysis,           Exec. Dir. of Teaching                                                providing reflection and
evidence- based writing, higher order     and Learning,                                                         instructional practices at the
questioning and academic                  Exec. Dir. of Student                                                 Tier I level to guide staff
conversations.                            Programs                                                              growth and PD.
Provide professional development          Exec. Dir. of Teaching   September 2019 –    Title II Funds,          Monitor survey results after
opportunities to support                  and Learning,            August 2020         Local Budget             each PD opportunity.
implementation of close observation       Content Coordinators
and analysis, evidence-based writing,
higher order questioning and
academic conversations in Tier I
Utilize District staff development days   Dir. of CTE, CTE         August 2019 – May   Utilize existing staff   Certification exam results and
and times to improve teacher              Coordinator, CTE         2020                and resources            increase passing rates by 5%
proficiency in industry certification     teachers                                                              for industry-related certification

preparation and alignment of course                                                                            exams.
curriculum with certification exams.
Campus libraries will provide regular     Dir. of Digital          September 2019 –   Title IV Funds           Monitor student participation
opportunities for students to think       Learning,                May 2020                                    and gather baseline data each
critically, problem solve, and practice   Campus Library Media                                                 semester.
communication skills through              Specialists
Makerspace opportunities.
Recruitment and retainment of Dual        Exec. Dir. of Student    February 2020      Title IV Funds           Increase the number of dual
Credit Certified Teachers by              Programs, Dir. of                                                    credit certified staff by 10
increasing participation rates in the     Advanced Studies,                                                    teachers.
Lamar CISD Dual Credit Credentialing      Dir. of Federal
Program and through professional          Programs
learning for principals about
importance of hiring teachers with dual
credit certification.

Objective 2.2: Ensure the curriculum equitably prepares students to achieve their preferred career
aspirations by enhancing both rigorous Career and Technical Education (CTE) and college preparatory

Superintendent Smart Goal: The District will cultivate expertise in teaching and learning as a means for improving
student achievement, so teaching will become strengthened and more students will learn in deeper ways resulting in a
5% increase in passing performance on CCMR indicators by June of 2020.

           Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible          Timeline             Resources                     Evaluation
Instructional Walks conducted based       Chief Academic           October 2019 –     Utilize existing staff   A report on the documentation
on rigorous instructional strategies:     Officer,                 May 2020           and resources            developed from each walk
close observation and analysis,           Exec. Dir. of Student                                                providing reflection and
evidence-based writing, higher order      Programs                                                             instructional practices at the
questioning and academic                                                                                       Tier I level to guide staff
conversations                                                                                                  growth and PD.

Provide professional development          Exec. Dir. of Teaching   September 2019 –   Title II Funds,          Monitor survey results after
opportunities to support                  and Learning,            August 2020        Local Budget             each PD opportunity.
implementation of close observation       Content Coordinators
and analysis, evidence-based writing,

higher order questioning and academic
conversations in Tier I instruction
Connect students to their College           Exec. Dir. of Student   September 2019 –     Utilize existing staff   Increased performance on 8 –
Board accounts to Khan Academy for          Programs,               May 2020             and resources            11 PSAT and SAT by 5%.
personalized SAT/PSAT preparation.          College Career
Through the use of the CTE                  Exec. Dir. of Student   August 2019 – May    Utilize existing staff   Survey responses of CTE
Professional Development Action             Programs,               2020                 and resources            teachers participating in PD.
Team, professional development on           Director of CTE
designated District early release days
will be developed based on relevant
instructional and student learning
Monitor progress of CCMR indicators         Dir. of Research        August 2019 –        Local Budget             Developed action plans for
and provide monthly status updates.         Assessment and          August 2020                                   improvement by CFF’s and
                                            Accountability,                                                       school leaders.
                                            Asst. Supt. of
                                            Secondary Education
A team of Advanced Placement                Exec. Dir. of Student   July 2020            Local Budget             Greater understanding of AP
teachers will attend the College Board      Programs,                                                             curriculum and exam
AP National Conference to participate       AP Teachers                                                           requirements resulting in an
in high quality PD and learn from the                                                                             increased number of qualifying
chief readers of AP exams.                                                                                        exam scores.
Advanced Placement (AP) teachers            Dir. of College &       August 2019 - June   Title IV Funds           Three meetings will be
will be part of Professional Learning       Career Readiness,       2020                                          scheduled and attended by
Communities, based on content area,         Exec. Dir. of Student                                                 95% of all AP teachers in the
and will meet three times during the        Programs                                                              District.
school year to review/analyze data,
plan with resources, align instruction to
the AP exams, and develop a
community of continuous improvement
and learning.
TSIA preparation and testing at             Dir. of Research,       September 2019 –     Local Budget             Improved percentage of
campuses throughout the year.               Assessment and          August 2019                                   students passing by 5%.
                                            Dir. of College and
                                            Career Readiness
Free school day SAT testing for 11th        Dir. of Research,       March 2020           Local Budget             Improved percentage of
grade students.                             Assessment and                                                        students passing by 5%.

ACT testing opportunities at campuses    Dir. of Research,       September 2019 –   Local Budget             Increased number of students
throughout the year.                     Assessment and          May 2020                                    taking the ACT by 5%.
                                         Dir. of College and
                                         Career Readiness

Objective 2.3: Increase students’, families’, and community members’ awareness of and access to all
available academic programs.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Secondary campuses will inform parents and guardians about the Naviance and Xello
programs. Naviance and Xello participation will increase by 5% by June of 2020.

         Activity / Strategy               Staff Responsible           Timeline         Resources                      Evaluation
Naviance Training for School             Exec. Dir. of Student   July 2019 –        Naviance                 Improve school counselor and
Counselors and CFF’s.                    Programs                December 2019      Consultant               CFF understanding of
                                                                                                             Naviance resulting in an
                                                                                                             increase in student usage by
School counselors share best             Dir. of Student         September 2019 –   Utilize existing staff   Review meeting agendas and
practices and utilization of both        Services                May 2020           and resources            an increase in student usage
Naviance and Xello at meetings.                                                                              data by 10%.
Hold Naviance and Xello training for     Exec. Dir. of Student   September 2019 –   Utilize existing staff   Increased usage of Naviance
campus administrators.                   Programs,               May 2020           and resources            and Xello Programs by 10%.
                                         Asst. Supt. of
                                         Secondary Education
College and Career Facilitators will     Exec. Dir. of Student   November 2019 –    Utilize existing staff   Increased usage of Naviance
provide Naviance and Xello training      Programs,               June 2020          and resources            and Xello Programs by 10%.
opportunities and resources for          Dir. of College and
parents.                                 Career Readiness
Student tasks in Naviance and Xello      Exec. Dir. of Student   October 2019 –     Utilize existing staff   Increased usage of Naviance
will be integrated into English and      Programs                May 2019           and resources            and Xello Programs by 10%.
Social Studies courses to support
student transition from junior high to
high school and for post-secondary

Provide information to each                Exec. Dir. of Student   November 2019   Utilize existing staff   Increased usage of Naviance
parent/guardian on student tasks in        Programs                                and resources            and Xello Programs by 10%.
Naviance and Xello.
CFF’s will train Title I campus contacts   Exec. Dir. of Student   March 2020      Utilize existing staff   Increased usage of Naviance
to train parents on how to access          Programs,                               and resources            and Xello Programs by 10%.
Naviance and Xello Programs.               Dir. of Federal

Promote a Safe and Healthy Environment
Strategic Priority: Promote a Safe and Healthy Environment

Objective 3.1: Increase mental and emotional health supports and resources to improve social and
emotional well-being among students and staff.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Character Counts guidance lessons will be implemented by professional school counselors
for each pillar (trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship) by June of 2020.

            Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible           Timeline            Resources                   Evaluation
All campus and District administrators     Dir. of Student           August 2020       Title IV Funds,          All (100%) campus and District
will be trained on grief-informed and      Services, Exec. Dir. of                     Local Budget             administrators will complete
trauma informed care.                      Student Programs,                                                    professional development.
                                           Asst. Supts. of
                                           Elementary and
                                           Secondary Education
All campus and District staff will be      Dir. of Student           August 2020       Title IV Funds,          All (100%) campus and District
trained on grief-informed and trauma-      Services, Exec. Dir. of                     Local Budget             staff will complete the
informed care.                             Student Programs,                                                    professional development.
                                           Asst. Supts. of
                                           Elementary and
                                           Secondary Education
Implement Character Counts                 Dir. of Student           May 2020          Title IV Funds,          All schools will have Character
Guidance in the Pre-Kindergarten –         Services, Exec. Dir. of                     Local Budget             Counts lessons delivered to
12th grade classrooms as part of the of    Student Programs,                                                    students at every grade level
a comprehensive school counseling          Asst. Supts. of                                                      as evidenced by end of
program to support students with           Elementary and                                                       semester reports.
positive behaviors.                        Secondary Education
All campus administrators and District     Dir. of Student           June 2020 –       Title IV Funds,          All (100%) current and new
Academic Directors will participate in a   Services, Exec. Dir. of   August 2020       Local Budget             administrators will be trained.
one-day administrator Character            Student Programs
Counts training.
All campuses will participate in the       Dir. of Student           September 2019,   Utilize existing staff   All (100%) campuses will
BOY and EOY Character Counts               Services, Exec. Dir. of   June 2020         and resources            complete a BOY and EOY
survey.                                    Student Programs,                                                    Character Counts survey and
                                           Dir. of Community                                                    information will be analyzed
                                           Relations                                                            for continuous improvement.

Action plan will be created from           Dir. of Student           July 2020      Utilize existing staff   An action plan will be
Character Counts survey data for           Services, Exec. Dir. of                  and resources            implemented in the 2020-2021
continuous improvement.                    Student Programs,                                                 school year based on 2019-
                                           Dir. of Community                                                 2020 Character Counts survey
                                           Relations                                                         data.
Grief-informed and trauma-informed         Dir. of Student           October 2019   Utilize existing staff   Grief-informed and trauma-
care resources will be made available      Services, Exec. Dir. of                  and resources            informed resources will be
on the District and campus websites.       Student Programs,                                                 posted on District and campus
                                           Dir. of Community                                                 websites.

Specialized training will be delivered     Exec. Dir of Special      August 2020    Utilize existing staff   All (100%) of special
for administrators and self-contained      Education                                and resources            education teachers will be
special education teachers, who work                                                                         trained.
with students with significant cognitive
delays, regarding the prevention and
recognition of sexual abuse of

Create Hope Line/Speak Out phone           Dir. of Information       August 2019    Utilize existing staff   Students will use the
application for students to report         Services                                 and resources            application to report needs.
bullying or seek other types of support.
Create a bullying management               Dir. of Information       January 2020   Utilize existing staff   Application tested and
application.                               Services                                 and resources            approved by campus
Create counselor log program to help       Director of Information   January 2020   Utilize existing staff   System usage logs and
student services track time spent with     Services                                 and resources            approval from the Dir. of
students.                                                                                                    Student Services.
Monitor social media and                   School Safety             Ongoing        Utilize existing staff   Weekly report of alerts
communications for indicators of           Coordinator/Dir. of                      and resources            received and reviewed.
mental or emotional distress.              Student Services

Objective 3.2: Ensure that disciplinary interventions consistently address the root causes of behavioral
issues and staff understand how to implement disciplinary practices in a clear and equitable way for the
well-being of all students.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Intervention opportunities for each student will be targeted in more focused ways
resulting in a 5% decrease in out-of-school and in-school suspensions by June of 2020.

           Activity / Strategy               Staff Responsible           Timeline             Resources                    Evaluation
Training of Lamar CISD counseling          Dir. of Student           January 2020       Title IV Funds           All counselors will be trained
staff on Solution Focused techniques       Services, Exec. Dir. of                                               on Solution Focused
to better understand the root cause of     Student Programs,                                                     techniques.
behavior.                                  Community Relations

Solution Focused Climate Specialist        Dir. of Student           June 2020          Title IV Funds           At least 25% of the counselors
certification will be earned by at least   Services, Exec. Dir. of                                               will earn the Solution Focused
25% of the Lamar CISD counseling           Student Programs,                                                     Climate Specialist certification
Staff in the first year of                 Community Relations                                                   by June of 2020.
Through Solution Focused                   Dir. of Student           September 2019 -   Utilize existing staff   Behavioral intervention
Techniques, counselors will be             Services, Exec. Dir. of   May 2020           and resources            provided through an RtI
equipped to support behavior needs         Student Programs,                                                     process will incorporate
determined through the RtI process.        Community Relations                                                   Solution Focused techniques.

Increase participation in student          Dir. of Student           September 2019 -   Utilize existing staff   Increase District participation
mentoring through the Whole Child          Services, Exec. Dir. of   May 2020           and resources            in student mentoring with
Model for those students in need.          Student Programs,                                                     counselors by 5% overall from
                                           Community Relations                                                   the 2018-2019 school year.

Increase participation in self-            Dir. of Student           September 2019 -   Utilize existing staff   Increase District participation
awareness and self-esteem groups as        Services, Exec. Dir. of   May 2020           and resources            in self-awareness and self-
needed through the Whole Child             Student Programs,                                                     esteem groups by 5% overall
Model.                                     Community Relations                                                   from the 2018-2019 school
RA&A Department will issue quarterly       Dir. of Research,         October 2019 –     Utilize existing staff   Increase in interventions, thus
reports of discipline data including the   Assessment and            May 2020           and resources            decreasing the ISS and OSS
number of ISS and OSS placements           Accountability                                                        placements in the District.
and their action reasons. Data will be

reviewed at principal meetings to plan
for intervention at the campus level.
Create DAEP/JJAEP electronic             Dir. Information      January 2020      Utilize existing staff   Workflow in place resulting in
workflows to streamline processing.      Services                                and resources            reduced processing time
                                                                                                          according to impacted staff.
Create an electronic bullying tracking   Dir. of Information   January 2020      Utilize existing staff   Tracking form in place
form to better document and track        Services                                and resources            resulting in improved tracking
bullying incidents.                                                                                       according to impacted staff.
Create a truancy app to help track and   Dir. of Information   January 2020      Utilize existing staff   Reduced paperwork, greatly
recover truant students.                 Services                                and resources            improved tracking and much
                                                                                                          faster end-to-end processing
                                                                                                          leading to higher recovery
                                                                                                          rates according to impacted

Objective 3.3: Ensure facility safety remains a priority through up-to-date technology and that all
facilities provide a safe, inclusive and effective learning environment for all.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Campuses will achieve 100% compliance with the monthly safety drills guideline by June
of 2020.

          Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible        Timeline           Resources                    Evaluation
Track the monthly drill requirements.    School Safety         June 2020         Utilize existing staff   Monthly progress reports by
                                         Coordinator                             and resources            campus.
Track the semester drill requirements.   School Safety         December 2019 -   Utilize existing staff   Monthly progress reports by
                                         Coordinator           June 2020         and resources            campus.
Provide software training and support    School Safety         December 2019     Utilize existing staff   The training schedule is
to campus administrators and staff.      Coordinator                             and resources            created.
Add security cameras as requested by     Chief Technology      Ongoing           Bond and local           Cameras in place and areas
campus administrators to cover           Information Officer                     funds, vendor            viewable by cameras.
locations not covered.
Replace aging and failing phones in      Dir. of Network       Ongoing           Bond and local           All identified phones are
offices and classrooms throughout the    Services                                funds, vendor            replaced and working reliably.

Plan for Rapid Growth While
Preserving District Culture
Strategic Priority: Plan for Rapid Growth While Preserving District Culture

Objective 4.1: Maintain neighborhood school structure and a unified community feeling during rapid
growth and expansion.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Using the Lamar CISD Zoning Process and the Lamar CISD Master Plan Principles, the
District will make all attendance boundary/zoning changes associated with Tamarron Elementary by March of 2020.

         Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible         Timeline          Resources                      Evaluation
Hold 2019-2020 Attendance Boundary       Chief of Staff        February 2020 for   PASA, N2 Learning        The Attendance Boundary
Committee meetings.                                            a Board                                      Committee will make a
                                                               recommendation                               recommendation.
Manage boundary changes in all           Dir. of Information   March 2020          Utilize existing staff   Changes made and displayed
Lamar CISD software that supports        Services                                  and resources            on website, transportation
mapping or addressing.                                                                                      system, and student
                                                                                                            management system.

Objective 4.2: Actively seek to engage and involve all stakeholder groups as community partners as
the District grows.

Superintendent Smart Goal: To maintain consistent, proactive communication with Lamar CISD stakeholders and
involve all stakeholders as the District grows, a monthly external eNewsletter with District highlights, initiatives,
celebrations and engagement opportunities will be launched by January of 2020.

            Activity / Strategy            Staff Responsible       Timeline           Resources                        Evaluation
Community Relations will create an       Dir. Community        November 2019       Constant Contact         Feedback from Community
external eNewsletter template in         Relations,                                                         Relations and other staff on
Constant Contact to highlight District   Communications                                                     the effectiveness of the
initiatives, celebrations and engage     Coordinator                                                        template.
the community.
Create a publishing schedule and         Dir. Community        November 2019       Utilize existing staff   Community Relations will
editorial calendar with ongoing          Relations,                                and resources            develop an editorial calendar

information and content for the           Communications                                                       that will detail publishing
eNewsletter.                              Coordinator                                                          dates, ideas for content, etc.
Promote the external eNewsletter on       Dir. of Community          November 2019    The District’s           View open/read reports via
all District channels. This includes      Relations, Web                              existing channels        Constant Contact.
creating a page on the District website   Developer                                   including social
to allow parents, staff, students and                                                 media, media list,
community members to subscribe to                                                     website, etc.
the eNewsletter.

Objective 4.3: Continue to build and maintain equitable campus buildings and shared District support
facilities commensurate with the District’s growth.

Superintendent Smart Goal: The District will complete a comprehensive building review by January of 2020.

          Activity / Strategy               Staff Responsible            Timeline           Resources                   Evaluation
Create a facility assessment survey       Exec. Dir. of Facilities   March 2019 -     Facilities               Evaluating data in October
and conduct facility site visits.         & Planning, PBK            January 2020     Assessment and           2019. Organizing data for
                                          Architects Inc.                             Long Range               Long Range Plan in January
                                                                                      Planning fee,            2020.
Develop an equitable standard for         Supt., Chief Financial     January 2020 -   Utilize existing staff   A document that outlines
furniture and equipment that promotes     Officer, Deputy Supt.      August 2020      and resources            standards and the 2020-21
productivity for employees, heightened    of Support Services,                                                 General Fund budget for
engagement for students and               Financial Services,                                                  facilities maintenance and
consistency among all like-facilities.    Facilities and Planning                                              construction.
Develop metrics to measure useful life    Supt., Chief Financial     January 2020 -   Utilize existing staff   A document that outlines
of furniture and equipment and            Officer, Deputy Supt.      August 2020      and resources            standards and guidelines.
determine a prudent replacement           of Support Services,
schedule/District guidelines.             Financial Services,
                                          Facilities and Planning
Ensure that the annual operating          Supt., Chief Financial     January 2020 -   Utilize existing staff   The 2020-21 General Fund
budget includes adequate funding for      Officer, Deputy Supt.      August 2020      and resources            budget for facilities
the replacement of furniture and          of Support Services,                                                 maintenance and construction.
equipment according to District           Financial Services,
guidelines.                               Facilities and Planning

Objective 4.4: Ensure that budget and staffing plans equitably meet the changing student and staff
needs as the District grows.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Using the TASB Salary Survey, the District will propose changes to staffing guidelines and
the compensation plan by May of 2020.

          Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible        Timeline          Resources                     Evaluation
Evaluate staffing guidelines annually    Human Resources,      June 2020        Utilize existing staff   Completed Compensation
to ensure that campuses maintain the     Financial Services                     and resources            Plan, staffing guidelines and
appropriate balance of staff by role                                                                     2020-21 budget documents.
and unit, while maintaining financial
Monitor legislative developments and     Supt. and Cabinet     December 2019-   Utilize existing staff   Successful external audit for
ensure that District practices reflect                         September 2020   and resources            2019-20 (January 2021).
the appropriate implementation of
House Bill 3 in all areas.
Automate hiring processes to save        Dir. Information      Ongoing          Utilize existing staff   Reduction in time and effort in
time and effort.                         Services                               and resources            the hiring process according to
                                                                                                         affected staff.

  Focus on Talent
Strategic Priority: Focus on Talent

Objective 5.1: Prioritize competitive compensation and benefits for all employees using available

Superintendent Smart Goal: The District will build a fiscally responsible budget that promotes and ensures a competitive
compensation package using the 2019-2020 TASB study data. The District will make recommendations for employee pay
adjustments that place us within +/- 5% of neighboring districts.

           Activity / Strategy               Staff Responsible       Timeline           Resources                   Evaluation
Conduct initial conference call to         Human Resources,      October 2019     Utilize existing staff   A completed work plan.
discuss the scope, goals and               Financial Services                     and resources
objectives of the compensation study
Submit plans, pay files and procedures     Human Resources,      November 2019    Utilize existing staff   A completed data submission.
to TASB.                                   Financial Services                     and resources
Coordinate staff interviews that will be   Human Resources       November 2019    TASB                     Interviews scheduled and
conducted by TASB.                                                                                         completed.
Review first draft of TASB’s findings      Human Resources,      January 2020 -   Utilize existing staff   Review complete and
and recommendations                        Financial Services    February 2020    and resources            necessary changes identified.
Prepare compensation plan that             Human Resources,      August 2020      Utilize existing staff   A completed compensation
includes recommended changes.              Financial Services                     and resources            plan.
Evaluate the budgetary impact of the       Human Resources,      January 2020 -   Utilize existing staff   A balanced 2020-21 General
TASB compensation study and                Financial Services    August 2020      and resources            Fund budget.
coordinate its systematic
implementation, along with sustaining
the historic level of salary increases.
Ensure that the District’s health plan     Human Resources,      January 2020 –   Utilize existing staff   A completed work plan.
and other benefit offerings are            Financial Services    August 2020      and resources
reviewed annually and remain
competitive in the market. Monitor
health premiums to ensure that
increases are limited to the nationally-
recognized percentage increase.

Objective 5.2: Expand access to differentiated professional development and coaching for all staff
based on experience and need.

Superintendent Smart Goal: The Lamar CISD intranet (LamarNet) will be updated to include ongoing information about
the Lamar CISD Leadership Development Framework by June of 2020.

         Activity / Strategy                Staff Responsible        Timeline            Resources                   Evaluation
Update LamarNet.                          Dir. of Information   June 2020          District staff           New intranet in place that
                                          Services, Dir. of                        including staff from     meets the needs identified by
                                          Community Relations                      Internal                 Lamar CISD staff.
Create and maintain a Leadership          Dir. of Community     November 2019      Utilize existing staff   Surveys/feedback from staff in
Development Framework Hub on              Relations, Web                           and resources            the Leadership Definition
LamarNet that houses ongoing              Developer                                                         Ambassador Program.
information and resources related to
leadership development.
Include a section on LamarNet for the     Dir. of Community     December 2019      Utilize existing staff   Surveys/feedback from staff in
Leadership Development Framework          Relations, Web                           and resources            the Leadership Definition
Hub.                                      Developer                                                         Ambassador Program
Promote the Leadership Development        Dir. of Community     September 2019 –   Constant Contact         Finalized monthly
Framework Hub in each of the monthly      Relations,            May 2020                                    eNewsletters.
staff eNewsletters that are distributed   Communications
to all Lamar CISD staff.                  Coordinator
Expand branding of the District’s         Supt. and Cabinet     September 2019 –   Utilize existing staff   Engagement campaign survey
Leadership Definition and continue to                           May 2020           and resources            tools.
provide significant opportunities for
engagement and learning.
Expand use of the competencies that       Supt. and Cabinet     August 2020        Utilize existing staff   Demonstrated use of
support the District’s Leadership                                                  and resources            competencies by District
Definition, and begin to develop the                                                                        leaders. A document that
underlying technical skill sets.                                                                            outlines required technical
                                                                                                            skills by role.

Objective 5.3: Provide career pathways and advancement opportunities throughout the organization in
order to attract and retain talented professionals.

Superintendent Smart Goal: Lamar CISD recognizes that internal talent is vital to the leadership pipeline. The Assistant
Principal (AP) pool will increase by 10% each application deadline with viable internal candidates.

           Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible           Timeline             Resources                    Evaluation
Provide internal candidates who are        Human Resources          Ongoing            Utilize existing staff   Applicant meetings.
not selected for the assistant principal                                               and resources
pool with the opportunity to receive
actionable feedback addressing growth
Increase the number of interview           Human Resources          September 2019 –   Human Resources          Assistant principal interviews.
opportunities for assistant principal                               March 2020         and assistant
candidates.                                                                            principal interview
Obtain feedback from assistant             Human Resources          Ongoing            Utilize existing staff   Feedback received from
principal candidates to determine what                                                 and resources            candidates.
process adjustments are needed.
Launch the Preservice Teacher Leader       Chief Academic           January 2020 –     Participant paid         District principals will teach
Institute designed to support teachers     Officer,                 December 2020      tuition to the           these classes along with
in developing leadership skills while      Academic Leadership                         University of            faculty of the University of
completing their Masters in                Team, Teaching and                          Houston Victoria         Houston Victoria.
Administration in a one-year University    Learning, Asst. Supts.
of Houston Cohort.
The Bridge program for aspiring            Chief Academic           January 2020 –     Local Budget             Feedback loops created for
administrators will be implemented         Officer,                 May 2020                                    the end of each session.
second semester of the 2019-2020           Academic Leadership
school year providing opportunities to     Team, Teaching and
practice leadership skills while           Learning, Asst. Supts.
partnering with District mentors.
Assistant Principal Induction Program      Chief Academic           September 2019 –   Local Budget             Feedback loops created for
framed around cohort work with first       Officer,                 May 2020                                    the end of each session.
year administrators. Engagement in         Academic Leadership
practical and relevant learning is done    Team, Teaching and
in an atmosphere of peer support.          Learning, Asst. Supts.

Emerging leadership opportunities           Chief Academic           August of 2019 –     Local Budget             Feedback loops created for
provided to veteran assistant principals    Officer,                 June 2020                                     the end of each session.
that are designed around instructional      Academic Leadership
leadership, human capital, executive        Team, Teaching and
leadership, school culture, strategic       Learning, Asst. Supts.
operations and the role of the principal.
Launch Principal Induction, providing       Chief Academic           September 2019 –     Local Budget             Feedback loops created for
support for the first-year principal as     Officer,                 May 2020                                      the end of each session.
he/she acquires and practices the skill     Academic Leadership
sets for leading a school and balancing     Team, Teaching and
time management. Activities are             Learning, Asst. Supts.
designed around instructional
leadership, human capital, executive
leadership, school culture, strategic
operations and the role of the principal.
Launch Leadership Strands, allowing         Chief Academic           August 2019 – July   Title II                 Participation in Collaborative
experienced principals to apply to one      Officer,                 2020                                          Cohort, Executive Education
of the two leadership strands: Learning     Academic Leadership                                                    Academy through RICE
Leader and Mentor Leader. The               Team, Teaching and                                                     Business School and
strands provide opportunities to            Learning, Asst. Supts.                                                 Leadership Partners,
continue leadership growth tailored to                                                                             application to RYHT Harvard
personal interests.                                                                                                Programs, TEPSA and
Collaborate with Teaching and               Human Resources,         June 2020 –          Utilize existing staff   Plan of action which provides
Learning to ensure alignment with the       Curriculum and           December 2020        and resources            alignment for Bridge program
Bridge program to better prepare            Instruction                                                            participants.
internal candidates for the selection
process by providing information
related to expectations for
administrators in Lamar CISD.

Objective 5.4: Increase awareness of Lamar CISD as a destination of choice to live, work and learn.

Superintendent Smart Goal: The District will create a marketing video by March of 2020 to help increase awareness of
Lamar CISD as a destination of choice to live, work and learn. The video will highlight the community and include parent,
student and employee testimonials.

           Activity / Strategy              Staff Responsible           Timeline          Resources                    Evaluation
Identify principals, staff and community   Human Resources          November 2019   Utilize existing staff   Participants finalized and
members who will participate in the        Recruiters                               and resources            interviews scheduled.
Draft and produce a video that             Human Resources          February 2020   Utilize existing staff   Video content finalized.
highlights District accomplishments,       Recruiters, Multimedia                   and resources
stakeholder testimonials and benefits      Specialist/Videograph
of living and working in Lamar CISD.       er
Utilize social media, District web         Human Resources          March 2020      District website and     Video is shared and views are
resources and university job fairs to      Recruiters, Dir. of                      social media             tracked.
share Lamar CISD video.                    Community Relations,                     accounts

Financial Summary-Budget for District Improvement Plan

                      Funding Source                                                    Total Amount
                               Title I                                                    $1,399,559
                              Title II                                                     $639,004
                              Title III                                                    $434,711
                              Title IV                                                     $304,110
Title I- Improving Basic Programs Operated by LEA (ESSA)
Title II- Supporting Effective Instruction (ESSA)
Title III- English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement (ESSA)
Title IV- Student Support and Academic Enrichment (ESSA)
SCE- State Compensatory Education

                                                    State Compensatory Education
                                              Personnel for District Improvement Plan

                              Position                                    FTEs Funded by Compensatory Education
 BUDGET ANALYST-STATE AND FEDER                                   .25

 COMMON THREADS MANAGERS                                          1.00

 ADMIN TRUANCY DROPOUT PREV                                       .70

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