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Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 Dinamika Pendidikan http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/dp The Development of ARCS-Based Economic E-Book Media for Sen- ior High School Kartika Yunita Saputri, Sigit Santoso, Aniek Hindrayani DOI: 10.15294/dp.v16i1.29810 Department of Magister Economic Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia History Article Abstract Submitted 2021-04-12 This study aimed to determine the appropriateness of ARCS-based economic e- Revised 2021-05-04 books on international trade material in the class XI IPS of Senior High School Accepted 2021-05-31 in terms of experts’ assessments and students’ responses to e-book products devel- oped. This study used the Borg & Gall development model which was modified Keywords into 10 stages, namely: 1) research and information gathering; 2) planning; 3) early ARCS Model; Economic E- e-book product development; 4) initial trials; 5) revision I; 6) main trials; 7) revi- book; Senior High School sion II; 8) operational trials; 9) revision III; 10) dissemination. The research was conducted in class XI of Senior High School in Surakarta. Data collection methods in this study used validation sheets and questionnaire sheets which were analyzed descriptively. The results showed the feasibility of an economic e-book based on ARCS qualified “very feasible” for the media aspect with a percentage of 93,75% and the material aspect with a percentage of 88,09% according to experts, and lin- guist with a percentage of 100% and received a positive response from students with a percentage of 76,11%. How to Cite Saputri, K. Y., Santoso, S., & Hindrayani, A. (2021). The Development of ARCS- Based Economic E-Book Media for Senior High School. Dinamika Pendidikan, 16(1), 83-93. Correspondence Author: p-ISSN 1907-3720 Jl. Ir. Sutarmi No 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta e-ISSN 2502-5074 E-mail: kartikayunita93@gmail.com
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 INTRODUCTION but are also owned by students and university students. Smartphones can be used as a means The development of science and technolo- of learning, entertainment media, to commu- gy has resulted in changes in almost all aspects of nication and business tools. This is what makes life, one of which is education. Developments in smartphone development the most actual in In- the world of education spur various innovations donesia over the last five years. The services and that use the results of the use of technology in features offered by smartphones attract people, learning activities. The global generation is beco- especially children. This interesting feature is ming increasingly sensitive to technology to deve- what makes smartphones for students with app- lop knowledge (Dwiningsih, Sukarmin, Muchlis lications designed specifically for users. & Rahma, 2018: 156). This is a great potential 65.98% of students use smartphones only that can be maximized by the teacher so that to access social media (Wulandari, Darmawigu- learning can be carried out effectively. Learning na, and Wahyuni, 2014: 401). Not only for acces- is actually an activity that creates communicati- sing social networks, the use of smartphones has on between teachers and students. The learning a positive impact on making it easier to access in- process that has occurred has encountered several formation on learning activities. Through the use obstacles. of smartphones, students can more easily find One of the efforts made to overcome the the information they need in learning. However, obstacles that occur in the learning process is by smartphone use also has a negative impact on utilizing appropriate learning media. One of the students. Some of the events related to the nega- supporting components for achieving a goal in tive impact of smartphone use include addiction learning is the development of instructional me- to games, making lots of friends through social dia. Learning media is a learning resource resul- media and also content that is not worth seeing. ting from the development of technology in lear- The use of smartphones as learning media ning activities (Warsita, 2017: 77). Media is a tool can reduce negative effects of using smartpho- that functions as an intermediary in the delivering nes among students. Learning media provide an of learning material to students (Wibawa, Astu- important role in the student learning process, ti & Pangestu (2019). The use of learning media namely as a source of independent learning for will help teachers deliver material easily, while for students and as a means of facilitating teachers in students it can increase learning motivation and teaching (Rusman, 2012: 60). This is the reason master the competencies being taught. for the use and development of smartphones as The learning media that are often used are learning media, especially in the economic field. text books, modules, and power points. The me- The use of smartphones as learning media is in dia that have been used in the learning have limi- the form of a digital book or also known as an tations, namely that they are less practical for stu- e-book (electronic books). dents to use at any time. The limitations of this E-book is a textbook in digital form in learning media provide an opportunity to take which there are text, images, and videos and can advantage of learning technology in the process be read on electronic devices (Chen & Jang, 2013; of activities. The digital technology development Liaw and Huang, 2014). With the existence of is very fast, one of which is a mobile phone or text, images, and videos can add a more attractive smartphone. The emergence of smartphones was impression in reading a book. E-books are the la- driven by human needs that were instantaneous test technological breakthroughs that can replace and fast in solving problems without the need to printed books for a more prospective and advan- meet face to face. ced future (Cassaladen & Pears, 2019). Smartphones from time to time are inc- E-books have several benefits, namely (1) reasingly sophisticated and are able to replace easy to use anytime and anywhere; (2) durable the existence of computers and laptops that are and not easy to rot because it is stored in the form commonly used by people in carrying out work. of files; (3) can better preserve a larger number This is a consideration that smartphones are a of book references: (4) can increase learning tool to do human work today. Almost all people satisfaction for readers (Nguyen, 2015: Tuah, in the world, especially Indonesia already have a Herman, and Maknun, 2019). The benefits of e- communication tool in the form of a smartphone. books can be felt by students and are recommen- Smartphone users in Indonesia occupy the third ded in a learning environment (Kissinger, 2013: position in Asia Pacific with 83.18 million users 156). The benefits of e-books as learning media in 2018 (Kusnandar, 2019). are the guidelines for developing the e-book itself. Smartphone users are not only for adults, Senior High School (SMA) is one level of 84
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 formal education that prepares students to be- sheets with the ARCS strategy could improve come educated and skilled graduates to be able student learning outcomes. Suwartini and Fujias- to continue to a higher level of education. Senior tuti (2017) revealed that the creation of ARCS- High School in Surakarta consists of 8 public and based textbooks could improve students’ critical 20 private senior high school. Senior High School and creative thinking skills. Fadilah, Yahya, and of Al Ashar Budi Syifa Surakarta and Senior Rahman (2016) revealed that modules oriented High School 5 Surakarta are formal educational to the ARCS model could make students happy institutions in Surakarta that have both academic to learn independently and easily understand the and non-academic achievements in the Science material being taught. However, the development and Social Studies programs. In the social studies of ARCS-based e-book is only limited to econo- program, especially in grade 11, there are econo- mic learning materials so that only learning mo- mic subjects. In economics, class XI IPS learns tivation and understanding of economic learning about international trade material. In this mate- materials are increased. rial, there are many theories that students must Previous research conducted based on li- understand in order to easily master the subject terature studies showed that the ARCS model matter and do the assignments given by the te- could increase student learning activities, moti- acher. vation and learning outcomes. Therefore, in this The results of interviews with economics research, an ARCS-based e-book of economic subject teachers in class XI Senior High School, will be developed that can be used by teachers it is known that economic learning still uses and students in their activities. The formulation printed books from libraries that students bor- of problem in this study is how to develop an row. The printed book is less practical to carry ARCS-based economic e-book that is suitable for anywhere and the material presented is not ea- use in the daily learning process. The purpose of sily understood by students. This condition cau- the study is to develop an ARCS-based economic ses the learning motivation of students to be not e-book that is suitable for use in the learning pro- optimal. Less motivation causes student learning cess. outcomes to be less than optimal. This is in cont- rast to the learning objectives, namely learning METHODS motivation and good and satisfactory learning outcomes of students. This study was Research and Development The learning process allows students to use (R & D). R & D is used to develop and or produ- smartphones. Seeing this potential, researchers ce a specific product and is useful for testing the want to make a breakthrough by developing lear- effectiveness of the product. Referring to the Borg ning media that use smartphones in the form of & Gall model, with the following steps: 1) study e-books. The development of e-books as learning and data collection; 2) planning; 3) development media can be integrated with learning models, of initial form of the product; 4) limited trials; 5) one of which is the ARCS model. The ARCS revised trial results; 6) extensive trials; 7) revised (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfacti- broad trial results; 8) field trials; 9) refinement of on) model is an approach to problem solving in products from field trials; 10) dissemination and learning that is designed through a motivational implementation. component to provide learning encouragement The test subjects were students of for students (Keller, 1983). class XI SMA “X” in Surakarta. Selec- Students are able to build initial knowled- tion of subjects used purposive sampling ge to make an understanding of new material technique. Research samples were SMA Al Azhar used to solve a problem learning process through Syifa Budi Surakarta, SMA Negeri 5 and SMA ARCS model (Reynold, Robert, and Hauck, Negeri 3 Surakarta. The data were collected 2017: 33). When compared to other learning mo- by using non-test instruments in the form of dels, the ARCS model is able to increase students’ closed questionnaires through the guttman scale learning motivation. The ARCS model can imp- “yes and “no” and interviews with teachers about rove learning motivation and student learning learning motivation and student learning out- outcomes. E-books based on ARCS model can comes. Data were analyzed by using percentage encourage the attention and self-confidence of qualitative descriptive analysis. Decision making students in the learning process (Turel and Sanal, about the feasibility of developing an ARCS- 2018: 130). based economic e-book media using a convention Based on previous research, Mawaddah level of achievement with scale of 4, can be seen (2015) revealed that the development of work- in Table 1. 85
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 Table 1. Media eligibility decisions comes. Learning media is connecting teachers Feasibility Criteria Feasibility Level and students in the learning process. Media in the learning process has a crucial role, namely as a 76% - 100% Extremely Feasible tool in learning activities and as learning resource 51% - 75% Feasible that is used independently and systematically in 26% - 50% Less Feasible distributing directed information to achieve lear- 1% - 25% Extremely Not Feasible ning goals. Source: Processed Primary Data (2020) Preliminary observations in the process of learning economics at SMA Kota Surakarta, na- Data collection techniques used observation mely SMA Al Azhar Budi Syifa Surakarta, SMA and test. Observation is a passive participation ap- Negeri 5 Surakarta, and SMA Negeri 3 Surakar- proach which refers to the concept offered, name- ta, the information from interviews with teachers ly students who take economic learning in school obtained the following data: (1) the teacher still from home activities, observation during school experienced problems in using learning media from home activities using ARCS-based econom- based on learning models; (2) teachers had diffi- ic e-books media, and unstructured interviews culty allocating time in the learning process; (3) with students who take part in the economic teachers still had not applied an appropriate lear- learning process in school from home activities ning model to arouse students’ learning motivati- and teachers who teach economics in school on; (4) there was no learning media in form of an from home activities. e-books used in the learning process in schools; Tests are also needed to obtain data and (5) teachers still often used books from the library information about the achievement of learning and worksheets when delivering material. From outcomes and the implementation of economic the results of the preliminary study in the form learning using ARCS-based economic e-books of interviews with teachers, it was necessary to in school from home activities. The data validity develop an economic e-book based on the ARCS technique used was source triangulation (Sulisti- model that could be used in economic learning. yowati, Nurkamto & Wahyuni, 2006). The data Turel and Sanal (2018: 130) revealed that analysis used was the interaction model of Miles the ARCS-based economic e-book media can be and Huberman, with steps, namely collecting used as a solution as an effective and innovative data, reducing data, and making conclusions. means to increase student motivation and lead to better learning outcomes in economic subjects. ARCS-based economic e-book is a systematic and RESULTS AND DISCUSSION interesting media that contains materials on eco- nomic learning to help students learn more easily Needs Analysis Stage and actively participate in learning activities so This stage was conducted by the desc- that learning objectives can be achieved. This is riptive observation method. The writer made in line with the opinion (Suwartini and Fujiastuti, general observations and comprehensively 2017: 141) that ARCS-based e-book media is an described everything he saw, heard, and felt to attractive educational tool and is used as an inter- determine the problem. The results of the obser- mediary in the learning process to enhance lear- vations were the lack of student motivation, the ning motivation, student activity, and the level of achievement of student learning outcomes was effectiveness in achieving learning goals. still lacking, and the development of technology Based on the results of the pre-research became an opportunity to develop learning inno- needs analysis carried out, it was found that high vations. The next stage, after finding the problems school economics teachers in the city of Sura- raised, an interview method was conducted to the karta had used several learning media including economics teacher of class XI SMA “X” in Sura- text books, modules, power points, and e-books karta. in supporting learning activities. The economics Based on the results, student motivation teacher in Surakarta had also implemented a was still low, learning outcomes were also low, learning model based on the motivational aspect, so it was necessary and important for the deve- namely the ARCS model during the learning pro- lopment of learning media. Good learning mo- cess to achieve effective learning goals. tivation will lead to improving student learning This condition made it easier for resear- outcomes (Daugherty, 2019). Learning at home chers to integrate the ARCS model in e-book me- makes the teacher design learning motivate stu- dia, especially in economic subjects. Meanwhile, dent learning and improve student learning out- the students’ needs analysis showed that the lear- 86
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 ning media favored by students were text books, the learning process more interesting and effecti- power points, modules, and e-books with a per- ve. An interesting learning process would further centage of 70%, 80%, 80%, and 85%. Based on enhance the attention of students in the learning the analysis of student needs, the media needed process, increase students ‘self-confidence and to achieve learning objectives related to learning learning satisfaction, and increase students’ mo- motivation and student learning outcomes in tivation in learning economics. The ARCS-based economic learning was ARCS-based economic economic e-book media also provided feedback e-book media. to students as an independent learning tool. It was hoped that through the ARCS-based eco- Media Design Stage nomic e-book media would help students to be ARCS-based economic e-book media able to increase learning motivation and learning contained several learning components, namely outcomes, especially in learning economics on in- learning objectives, learning materials, and as- ternational trade material for class XI senior high sessment in learning. In addition to the learning school. component, the ARCS-based economic e-book The e-book draft that had been prepared media was equipped with motivational quotes was adjusted to the ARCS learning model to that can arouse students’ enthusiasm and interest make it easier for teachers and students to use it. in learning in economic learning. All components Then the e-book draft was validated by a team in the ARCS-based economic e-book media were of experts and a trial was carried out aimed at arranged in a coherent and attractive manner be- getting an assessment, input, and suggestions on cause they were equipped with images, videos, the feasibility of the product in the form of an audio, and animation. ARCS-based economic e-book media being deve- Each component in the ARCS-based eco- loped. After the e-book had gone through several nomic e-book media had an important purpose. validations by 3 validators namely media valida- Objectives needed to be set as a reference for the tor, material validator, and language validator as achievement of abilities that must be mastered by well as limited scale trials stages, the ARCS-based students in the economic learning process both economic e-book was suitable for use by class XI in terms of affective (attitude), cognitive (know- students. ledge), and psychomotor (skills). The three abi- lities of these students are in accordance with Production stage the applicable 2013 curriculum. The 2013 curri- At this stage, ARCS-based economic e- culum is structured to prepare students who are book media was developed in digital form in the expected to make students better prepared for form of an e-book containing international trade future challenges with qualified skills (Theodora material for class XI of senior high school. Based & Marti’ah, 2017; Septianingrum & Indartono, on the 2013 curriculum, high school of class XI 2019). Furthermore, in order to achieve effecti- economics learning for international trade ma- ve goals, relevant materials were prepared and terial included basic competencies 3.8 analyzing aroused students’ learning motivation, especially international trade concepts and policies and 4.8 in economic learning. presenting the impact of international trade poli- The ARCS-based economic e-book media cies. Of the two basic competencies, there were contained economic learning material, especial- several learning objectives that must be achieved ly on international trade material in class XI of to increase learning motivation and student lear- senior high school which was arranged attrac- ning outcomes. tively with motivational quotes to further arou- The learning objectives formulated in the se students’ motivation in learning economics. ARCS-based economic e-book media were that The ARCS-based economic e-book media also students are expected to be able to: 1) explain the contained questions and assignments that could meaning of international trade with attention, re- increase students’ understanding in studying eco- levance, and confidence; 2) identify the benefits nomic material, especially international trade of international trade with care, relevance and material so that student learning outcomes were confidence; 3) mention the factors of internatio- getting better. Thus, the economic e-book media nal trade with care, relevance and confidence; 4) contained material and questions that could in- analyze international trade theory with attention, crease learning motivation and student learning relevance, and confidence. outcomes in learning economics. The learning objectives to be achieved in The ARCS-based economic e-book media this study were to increase students’ learning mo- was packaged in the form of an e-pub to make tivation and to master cognitive competence (kno- 87
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 wledge) as a form of student learning outcomes completed with learning evaluation; 5) choosing in economic learning. To achieve these learning each element of the font, color, material, anima- objectives, it was necessary to compile economic tion, video, and layout to consider aesthetic and learning materials, especially regarding interna- functional elements in order to make it easier for tional trade that was attractive and in accordance students to use them as reading media; 6) there with economic problems in everyday life. are guidelines for using the e-book. International trade materials for grade XI In Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4, some parts of the of SMA were arranged in a coherent and attrac- ARCS-based economic e-book media develop- tive manner in the form of images, videos, audio, ment product were shown in the form of covers, and animation in the ARCS-based economic e- materials, exercise questions, and motivational book media. The ARCS model emphasized the quotes. Figure 1 showed the cover of the ARCS- attention of students during the learning process, based economic e-book media, while the learning material suitability, self-confidence, and student materials equipped with interesting videos and learning satisfaction. This model aimed to make images were shown in Figure 2, in Figure 3 you students active in the learning process so that they can see the competency test on ARCS-based eco- were able to understand the material being stu- nomic e-book media, and Figure 4 showed the died related to international trade. The material quote motivation from some figures who can mo- was equipped with videos and pictures that sup- tivate and strengthen the enthusiasm for learning ported the learning material. This e-book media of students in studying economic material. was designed attractively with Sigil software in e-pub format. To determine the achievement of learning objectives, a measuring instrument that was in the form of assessment in learning was needed. In this study, the assessments used were questions and assignments. For assignments, students were given assignments to complete each learning ob- jective. Meanwhile, the evaluation questions were in the form of multiple choice questions and es- Figure 1. Cover say questions. Questions and assignments were Source: Processed Primary Data (2020) already contained in the ARCS-based economic e-book media. For the research instrument used in this research was a learning motivation questionnaire and a learning outcome test. The questionnaire instrument was made in accordance with the in- dicators of learning motivation, namely atten- dance, discipline, business persistence, achieve- ment, responsibility, and learning participation (Schunk, Pintrich, and Meece, 2012: 17). The questionnaire contained 20 questions which were arranged based on the learning motivation Figure 2. Video questionnaire lattice. While the test instrument Source: Processed Primary Data (2020) contained 15 questions in the form of 10 multip- le choice questions and 5 essay questions. Every question in the test instrument was relevant to in- ternational trade material. This e-book media can be accessed by using tablets, cellphones, and Android smartphones with the following superior product specifications: 1) e-book media using Sigil software; 2) the media is designed like a book, complete with pictures, videos, practice questions at the end of each les- son and motivational quotes in communicative language; 3) e-book media in e-pub format can Figure 3. Evaluation be accessed with supreader reading application; 4) Source: Processed Primary Data (2020) 88
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 the criteria were very good and the technical aspects scored 96.87% with very good criteria. The results of this assessment indicated that the ARCS-based economic e-book met the require- ments as a medium and was suitable for use as a tool that supported the economic learning pro- cess. Next stage was material expert validation, was assessed through a questionnaire distributed Figure 4. Quote motivation to a team of experts. The aspects assessed can be Source: Processed Primary Data (2020) seen in Table 3. Based on the data obtained from the results Expert Validation Stage of validation from material experts on the ARCS- The E-book draft that had been prepared based economic e-book, the following aspects of in accordance with the ARCS model was valida- the content feasibility got a score of 95.45% with ted by a team of experts whose aim was to as- very good criteria and for the feasibility aspect sess the feasibility of the product in the form of of the presentation it got a score of 85% with an ARCS-based economic e-book that had been very good criteria, and after Average score of produced. The ARCS-based economic e-book 88.09% with very good criteria. From these data, feasibility assessment was carried out by a team it showed that the material in the ARCS-based of experts in their respective fields. The product economic e-book was suitable for use in the eco- feasibility assessment consisted of media experts, nomic learning process. material experts, and linguists. Suggestions and Language aspects (Linguist Validation) input from the expert team was used as a refe- that were assessed were conformity with the rence for making improvements and enhancing level of development of students’ thinking, leg- the ARCS-based economic e-book, here are the ibility, ability to motivate, agility, coherence and results of the expert team’s validation. sequence of thought, and conformity to language Media validation was assessed through a rules. The results of the assessment from lan- questionnaire submitted to a team of experts. The guage experts can be seen in Table 4. media aspect was the visual aspect and the techni- Based on Table 4, it can be seen that the cal aspect. The results of the assessment from me- use of grammar in the ARCS-based economic e- dia experts can be seen in Table 2. book obtained an average score of the results of On Table 2, it showed that the results of linguist validation by 100% with very good crite- the media expert’s assessment of the ARCS-based ria. These results indicated that the ARCS-based economic e-book as a medium in the learning economic e-book was very good and suitable for process scored 93.75% with very good criteria, use as a learning medium. which measured the display aspect of 91.67%, On the Table 5, it described suggestions Table 2. Validation Results of Media Experts Scoring Scale No Aspect of Media Assessment ∑ni ∑N 100% Score Criteria 1. display 44 48 100% 91,67% Very good 2. Technical 31 32 100% 96,87% Very good Score 75 80 100% 93,75% Very good Source: Primary Data Processed (2020) Table 3. Results of Material Expert Validation Scoring Scale No Aspect of Media Assessment ∑ni ∑N 100% ∑ni Criteria 1. Content eligibility 42 44 100% 95,45% Very good 2. Serving eligibility 34 40 100% 85,00% Very good Score 74 84 100% 88,09% Very good Source: Primary Data Processed (2020) 89
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 Table 4. Linguist Validation Results Scoring Scale No Aspect of Media Assessment ∑ni ∑N 100% ∑ni Criteria 1. Suitability with the level of student thinking 8 8 100% 100% Very good development 2. Legibility 4 4 100% 100% Very good 3. Motivating ability 8 8 100% 100% Very good 4. Discretion 8 8 100% 100% Very good 5. Coherence and order of thought 8 8 100% 100% Very good 6. Conformity with language rules 4 4 100% 100% Very good Score 40 40 100% 100% Very good Source: Primary Data Processed (2020) Table 5. Improvements from the Validation Team Feedback Improvement Media Expert Can be used for further research Conduct a limited trial run Material Expert The material needs to be further refined Refining the material according to the curriculum, ARCS model, and the needs of students Linguist Double check the writing that is still mistyped Written typos are corrected according to expert in- put Source: Primary Data Processed (2020) from media, material, and language experts was also necessary to present questions regarding which were then corrected. Several revisions from international trade cases. media experts regarding the design of ARCS- In the aspect of presentation feasibility, based economic e-book media products, name- material experts suggested compiling more inte- ly in the display aspect, media experts provided resting material by using word choices that were suggestions and input for adjusting the placement easy for students to understand and selecting ima- of letters and images used in ARCS-based econo- ges that could attract students’ interest in learning mic e-book media. There were letters and words economics. Suggestions and input from linguists that still needed to be corrected due to typos in for the ARCS-based economic e-book on the the ARCS-based economic e-book. Furthermore, writing of typos. Furthermore, corrections were revisions were made to correct typo letters and made to the typo in accordance with the input words. In addition, it was equipped with a more of the linguist so that it could be used in further attractive image. On the technical aspect, the eco- research. nomic e-book media provided convenience and All suggestions from experts were fixed. usefulness for students in studying economic ma- This was relevant to the research of Istifarida, terial, especially international trade. Santoso, and Yusup (2017) regarding the develop- There were several revisions of material on ment of e-books based on learning models that ARCS-based economic e-book media based on had been developed was suitable for use in the suggestions given by material experts in terms of learning process. A limited trial was conducted the feasibility of content and presentation feasi- to obtain student responses to the ARCS-based bility, namely based on validation by material economic e-book. This limited trial was carried experts, the content of material in ARCS-based out on class XI students at SMA Al Azhar Syifa economic e-book media was incomplete and still Budi Surakarta on 9 students. The results of stu- needed more perfected, especially regarding in- dents’ responses during limited trials can be seen ternational trade in accordance with economic in Table 6. problems that existed in everyday life in society. It 90
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 Table 6. Limited Trial Results Scoring scale No Aspects of Media Assessment ∑ni ∑N 100% Score Criteria 1. Presentation 141 180 100% 78,33% Good 2. Technical Quality 140 180 100% 77,78% Good 3 Benefits 130 180 100% 72,22% Good Score 411 540 100% 76,11% Good Source: Primary Data Processed (2020) Based on the results of the ARCS-based used were textbooks and power points because economic e-book assessment by 9 students ob- they were easy to use and obtain. The use of me- tained a score of 76.11% with good criteria. dia that did not vary due to other media was not These results indicated that students gave positive available and was considered to take time in its responses to the ARCS-based economic e-book manufacture. One of the learning models used that was developed so that this ARCS-based eco- by economics teachers was the ARCS (Attention, nomic e-book was suitable for use as an economic Relevance, Confidence, and Satisfaction) model. learning medium so that it could be implemented However, overall learning that was carried out on a broader scale. The uniqueness of the ARCS- was still centered on teachers or teacher-centered based economic e-book media were videos that learning. The teacher focused on explaining the could attract the attention of students based on material with the help of textbooks and power the ARCS syntax, material relevant to learning, point media. Meanwhile, students only recorded and evaluation questions accompanied by mo- the material in the power point. Learning became tivational quotes that further increased student ineffective and students tended to be passive. confidence and learning satisfaction. Preliminary studies showed that almost all Research on the development of ARCS- students had an android which was used to access based economic e-book media was based on the the internet. This can be used as an opportunity results of the media needs analysis conducted to use Android as a tool to access ARCS-based at SMA Kota Surakarta. Preliminary studies economic e-book media in the form of e-pubs. showed that book media in digital form was still The ARCS-based economic e-book media had not optimally used in schools. The media used the advantage of attracting the attention of stu- was only in the form of textbooks and power dents to learn, arranged according to the material points. Less optimal use of book media in digi- and relevant economic problems that occurred tal form was because it was not available and and could increase self-confidence and learning teachers still did not have the ability to develop satisfaction so that students’ learning motivation learning media. The use of text books and power could increase. Increased learning motivation points made students tend to be passive in learn- would lead to the achievement of better student ing. Learning was dominated by teachers in de- learning outcomes than before. livering material. Based on the facts found in the field, the The power point used by the teacher was researchers developed ARCS-based economic e- only in the form of text and a few pictures that book media as an intermediary for teachers in were less attractive so that students became less delivering economic material in learning. The interested in learning. Based on the analysis of use of ARCS-based economic e-book media was preliminary studies, the media used was less at- expected to increase learning motivation. In- tractive and less varied. The results of the media creasing learning motivation in students would needs analysis showed that the e-book media had lead to an increase in student learning outcomes. been used in learning economics. Students were ARCS-based economic e-book media in the form interested in using ARCS-based economic e-book of e-pubs were easily accessible to users, namely media in the form of e-pubs because they were teachers and students. Media could be accessed interesting and could be accessed easily via An- by using Android and laptops and did not require droid. In addition, there were students who were expensive costs. ARCS-based economic e-book familiar and comfortable in using textbooks and media could be distributed by sending e-books power point media. through social media (whatsapp, facebook, Insta- In terms of the analysis of media needs for gram, blog, web). economics teachers, the media that were often ARCS-based economic e-book media de- 91
Kartika Yunita Saputri et al. / Dinamika Pendidikan 16 (1) (2021) 83-93 velopment used the Borg & Gall model through elements and materials that were relevant to the the stages of research and information collet- problems that occurred in daily life. ARCS-based ing, planning, developing preliminary forms of economic e-book media equipped with text, vi- product, preliminary field testing, main product deo, images, audio, and animation that were pre- revision, main field testing, operational product sented attractively were able to affect the interest revision, operational field testing, final product and motivation of students in following the eco- revision, and dissemination. ARCS-based eco- nomic learning process. nomic e-book media development began with The ARCS-based economic e-book media creating a product design. After the initial draft was declared suitable for use in the economic lear- of the product was completed, expert validation ning process based on the results of validation by was carried out. Validation was carried out on the media experts, material experts, and linguists and media, material and language. The results of me- practitioners. The results of the media expert’s dia validation conducted by experts were in the validation showed a percentage of 93.75%. Me- form of quantitative descriptive. anwhile, the results of the material expert’s va- The validation was carried out by media lidation showed a percentage of 88.09%. The experts, the results obtained with a percentage of results of the linguist validation showed a per- 93.75% in the very good category. Meanwhile, the centage of 100%. The results of the validation of assessment from material experts with a percent- media experts, material experts, and linguists on age of 88.09% was very good category. Mean- the ARCS-based economic e-book media were while, the language validation with a percentage categorized as very good. of 100% was very good category. Before proceed- The percentage of media experts, mate- ing to the next stage, first making revisions to the rial experts, and linguists was greater than 60% media based on suggestions from experts. so that the ARCS-based economic e-book media Furthermore, a limited trial was carried was suitable for use in economic learning. This out on 9 students of class XI at Surakarta City was based on the results of an assessment by a High School to respond to the ARCS-based eco- team of experts who validated ARCS-based eco- nomic e-book media. The results of the response nomic e-books and was supported by limited trial of the category students were very good. This data that received good responses from students. showed that the use of economic e-book media The use of economic e-books based on ARCS based on ARCS got a positive or good response could make students motivated in the learning from students. The results of the limited trial ob- process, be able to make students learn indepen- tained several suggestions from students so that dently, and be able to improve student learning revisions were made to the media in order to get outcomes. products that were feasible and good for use in Teachers should be able to develop media the learning process. based on learning models according to the estab- After the revision was carried out, an ex- lished curriculum, because teachers understand tensive trial was carried out on the feasibility of the conditions of students in school. The teacher the ARCS-based economic e-book media for use can follow up on the e-book that was developed in economic learning. The results of the student to be updated according to basic competency or response questionnaire to the ARCS-based eco- other material. The use of ARCS-based econo- nomic e-book media obtained a percentage of mic e-books can make it easier for students to 76.11% with a very good category. This showed understand the material being taught. However, that the ARCS-based economic e-book media re- students are always active and enthusiastic to ceived positive responses from students and was find other references because the ARCS model categorized as very good and suitable for use in emphasizes the motivational aspects of students economic learning in class XI of SMA. in learning. For the principal to be able to provide motivation and support in the form of training CONCLUSION for teachers to produce and develop learning me- dia according to the needs of students. Therefo- Based on data from research on the de- re, it is hoped that future researchers can develop velopment of ARCS-based economic e-books, e-books that are more innovative, creative, and it can be seen that the e-books developed were communicative. suitable for use in the economic learning process. ARCS-based economic e-book media in the form REFERENCES of e-pubs had been developed which were compi- led based on a model that contained motivational Cassaladen & Pears, S.S. & Huang, H.M. (2014). In- 92
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