Student Data Collection Pack 2020-2021 - IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please fill in this form with your child's details and return to the Academy ASAP ...
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Student Data Collection Pack 2020-2021 Student Name: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please fill in this form with your child’s details and return to the Academy ASAP.
Personal Student Information Sheet 2020-2021 Please complete this form giving all relevant details. It will be referred to during the school day and if your son/daughter participates in either an off-site visit or local evening event/activity. Please inform the Academy if your child’s contact details change. Student’s details only Legal Forename of student Legal Middle Names(s) Legal Surname of student Preferred Forename/Surname Date of Birth Gender Home Address Parent/Carer Details Priority 1 Forename Surname Parental Responsibility Relationship to student YES NO Contact Telephone Numbers Email Address (please write clearly) Home:................................................. NOTE: The mobile number and email address provided for Mobile:................................................ Parent/Carer (Priority1) will be used to inform you, via text/ Work:.................................................. email, of Academy events and general Academy information. Home Address (if different from students)
Parent/Carer Details Priority 2 Forename Surname Parental Responsibility Relationship to student YES NO Contact Telephone Numbers Email address (please write clearly) Home:................................................. Mobile:................................................ Work:.................................................. Home Address (if different from students) Alternative Contact Full Name Relationship to student Contact Telephone Numbers Home Address Home:................................................. Mobile:................................................ Work:.................................................. Alternative Contact Full Name Relationship to student Contact Telephone Numbers Home Address Home:................................................. Mobile:................................................ Work:..................................................
Student Characteristics - Ethnicity Details Please read the list below and tick one box to indicate your child’s ethnic origin White British White Irish White Eastern European Black Caribbean Black African White & Black Caribbean Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese White & Chinese White & Asian Any other Yemini Gypsy/Romany white background Any other Any other Any other black background mixed background ethnic background First Language Main Language (spoken at home) Travel Arrangements Please tick one box : which transport/travel arrangment is your child most likely to use/take? Car or Van Car Share Cycle Taxi Walk Bus Other (please state) Children of Service Personnel If your child has a parent who is service personnel serving in the regular HM Forces Military Units in the Armed Forces, please tick this box. The information requested on this form is subject to the provisions of the ACET Privacy Notice. The information will only be disclosed to the Local Education Authority, the health and welfare agencies or where a law or emergency necessitates a disclosure.
Medical Information Doctor’s Name Medical Surgery Address Medical Surgery Telephone Number Any special dietary requirements? YES NO Has your child suffered from any of the following (if yes please give details below) Asthma or bronchitis YES NO Heart condition YES NO Fits, fainting or blackouts YES NO Severe headaches or migraine YES NO Allergies to any known drug YES NO Other allergies eg food, materials YES NO Other illnesses or disability not named YES NO If yes to any of the above please give details Is your child currently vaccinated against tetanus? YES NO Date of injection: / / Date of booster: / / Does your child require medication(s) during the YES NO school day or on an offsite visit/activity? If YES, we will provide you with the “medication in school” document. Should your child require medication in the future this form is available via the student website.
Medical Information & External Visits Is your child receiving medical or surgical treatment from your family doctor or hospital and/ YES NO or have been given specific advice to follow in emergencies? If YES, Please give details Does your child have any mobility, visual and/or YES NO hearing difficulties? If YES, Please give details Accident/Illness I consent to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including inoculations, general or local anaesthetic, surgery or blood transfusion; as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent Swimming ability and water confidence Please tick which box best describes your child’s swimming ability. Strong Swimmer Able Swimmer Weak Swimmer Can’t Swim Is your child water confident with regard to YES NO activities in or near water? I agree to my child attending educational visits and activities during the academic year and I acknowledge that to be included he/she will need to maintain responsible behaviour. I declare that I have answered all the above questions to the best of my ability and have not knowingly withheld any information regarding physical fitness. I undertake to inform the school of any changes to the above Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent
Consent for academy trips and other off-site activities Please read the following important information before signing to give your consent for your child to participate in academy trips and other off-site activities. The trips and activities covered by this consent include: • all visits (including residential trips) which take place during the holidays or a weekend; • adventure activities at any time; • off-site sporting fixtures outside the academy day; The academy will send you information about each trip or activity before it takes place. you can, if you wish, tell the academy that your child does not want to take part in any particular trip or activity. Written consent will not be requested from you for the majority of off-site activities offered by the academy - for example, year group vistits to local amenities; as such activities are part of the academy’s curriculum and usually take place during the usual academy day. Residential Visits For residential trips, please inform the academy if your child has been in contact with any contagious or infectious diseases or suffered from any illness/injury in the last four weeks prior to the trip/activity that may be contagious/infectious/active. Updating contact details Before commencement of any trip/activity, please inform the academy/trip organiser, if your child’s medical, dietary or contact details have changed Behaviour If a student’s behaviour or attendance is below the Academy’s expectations they will not be offered a place on a trip. The Academy reserves the right to refuse students from going on trips if their behaviour or attendance is not acceptable or deteriorates prior to the trip. Students who are not able to go on the trip because of these reasons will forfeit any trip costs paid which the Academy is unable to recover from the trip operators. Whilst on the trip, students must adhere to the Academy’s Offsite Visits policy. Trip payment Trips can be paid for via Schoolcomms; which can be accessed online at or by downloading the app. All payments must be made by the deadlines outlined by the trip organiser. If all payments are not made by these deadlines your child will be removed from the trip and the full cost of the trip will remain payable, as the Academy will be unable to get a refund from the provider. If any unpaid amounts are still owed to the Academy for previous trips then the balance still owing must be settled in full before a place on another trip will be offered. I agree to my child taking part in Academy trips and other activities that take place off Academy premises. I have read, understand and agree to the Academy’s expectations which include behaviour and payment for trips. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent
Home – Academy Agreement Aston Academy’s Mission Statement At Aston we are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching, enabling everyone to reach their full potential, whatever their age, ability, gender or ethnicity. We believe that every person is unique and we work together in an inclusive environment of mutual respect and consideration, valuing everyone’s contribution. Through our partnership with the local and wider community we aim to support our young people in successfully taking their place in society. All adults in school have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. With your commitment we will make a difference. Student’s responsibilities • Attend school regularly and on time • Wear the correct uniform, P.E kit (unless exempted on religious grounds) and adhere to all other aspects of the uniform policy. • Adhere to the rules and behaviour policy of the Academy at all times. • Behave with respect to every other student and staff member at the Academy and people in the surrounding community, regardless or their age, ability, gender or ethnicity. • Tell a teacher / Learning Progress Manager if they are worried or concerned about any aspect of their schooling. • Complete all assigned extended learning on time and to the best of their abilities. • Strive to attain excellence in all its forms through full participation in the academic, sporting and extra-curricular activities of the Academy.
Parent’s/Carer’s responsibilities • Ensure that your child attends school regularly and on time. • Ensure that your child follows all aspects of the uniform policy (unless exempted on religious grounds) and that their P.E kit is brought to the academy when required. • Support the academy by encouraging exemplary behaviour from your child. • Support the academy by ensuring ‘Extended Learning Tasks’ assigned to your child are completed on time and that they have a suitable environment to complete them in. • Encourage your child’s learning through extra-curricular activities and independent learning. • Inform the Academy of any change in your child’s circumstances or you have any concerns regarding any aspect of your child’s learning. • Endeavour to support the Academy, and your child, by participating in any meetings or social activities that the Academy requests you to attend. • Encourage your child to strive for excellence in all aspects of Academy life. Aston Academy’s responsibilities • Provide each student with a safe, inclusive and accessible learning environment. • Provide a balanced curriculum, appropriate to the needs of every student. • Provide regular and rigorous extended learning that sufficiently tests every student. • Expect high standards, exemplary behaviour and mutual respect. • Promote reward and celebrate excellence, achievement and good behaviour. • Record poor behaviour and lack of progress; employing appropriate sanctions, to ensure students achieve their best and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, vital in our learning environment. • Provide extra-curricular activities to develop the broader skills that will assist with the personal, social, physical and cultural development of students. • Respect the rights and needs of all staff, parents and students associated with the academy. • Regularly meet with and/or provide parents/carers with feedback on the progress of their children. • Endeavour to provide all necessary information regarding the policies and activities of the academy and its students. Parental Declaration I, _________________ have read and understood the terms of this agreement and will undertake all reasonable measures to ensure that myself and my son/daughter abide by its contents and contribute to the mission of Aston Academy and to the success of my child. Signature (Student) : Signature (Parent/Carer) :
Lunchtime Arrangements Students are not allowed off school premises during lunchtime. Unless under exceptional circumstances. It is expected that your child will have a school meal or packed lunch. If you feel you are entitled to free school meals please apply via your local council website. We use a Cashless Catering System at Aston Academy which is based on biometrics. The system uses an image of the finger, creates a mathematical algorithm and then discards the finger image so that only the numbers remain, which cannot be reinterpreted back into a finger image. THIS CANNOT BE USED BY ANY OTHER SOURCE FOR IDENTIFICATION PURPOSES. If you do not want your child’s biometric data to be used for our school meals system please do not sign below and your child will be provided with a unique code. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent Academy Closure Due to unforeseen circumstances On very rare occasions it is necessary to send your child home early from school due to unforseen circumstances. This may be the result of very heavy snowfall, the breakdown of a boiler or other health and safety conditions. Clearly, we take decisions of this nature very seriously and the decision to close is only taken in extreme circumstances. These circumstances can, however, happen and we are concerned that students are not allowed home without your permission. You will receive a text message and an announcement will be placed on our website should the Academy need to close. If you do not want your child to be sent home without a telephone call to one of the provided contact details please do not sign below. I GIVE CONSENT for my child to be sent home early in the case of an emergency closure without a prior telephone call. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent It is important to keep the Academy updated regarding any changes to the contact details you have provided.
Transport I give consent to my child travelling by any form of public transport, Academy mini- bus, hired bus or coach, and/or in a motor vehicle driven by the party leader or any other responsible adult member of the party who is authorised by law and duly insured to drive. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent Personal effects of the student I acknowledge that my child will be responsible for the safety of his/her own money and personal effects. I will not hold the Academy responsible for losses unless caused by the negligence of the Academy. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent Photographs & Video Images - Within ACET Sometimes during a student’s academic career we will use images or video of students that are members of the ASTON COMMUNITY EDUCATION TRUST (ACET) family of schools (list of schools available on The use of such images and video could be for displays, presentation events and open events within our Trust. On other occasions we may use such images/videos in the public domain, for outside publications or on any of our Academy websites. I give permission for my child’s image, name or video to be used within all ACET schools for displays, presentation events, open events and other purposes within ACET school grounds. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent I give permission for my child’s image, name or video to be used in the public domain, for outside publications such as the Academy prospectus, any of the ACET school websites and/or Academy social media pages. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent I give permission for my child’s image, name or video to be used within ASTON ACADEMY , for displays, open events, presentation events or other purposes within the Academy grounds. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent I give consent for my child’s image, name or video to be used by external sources such as journalists and similar digital media uses. Please tick as appropriate: I give consent I do not give consent
Please ensure you have completed all tick boxes before signing below GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION (GDPR): The ACET Privacy Notice is available online at If you would like a paper copy please contact the Academy to request one. Declaration I agree that the information provided is correct and that I have completed all tick boxes as required and understand all of these options. Print Name (Parent\Carer) : Signature (Parent\Carer) : Relationship to child : Date :
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