Stronger Together Down Through the Years - SPRING 2021 - Monterey Bay Academy
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Sandscripts Monterey Bay Academy Alumni Magazine SPRING 2021 Stronger Together Down Through the Years Where Land and Sea 50th Honor Year Unite to Inspire Class of 1971 Yearbook
ALUMNI OFFICE FROM THE ALUMNI PRESIDENT Sandscripts Staff Editor Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer ’76 For the recent MBA graduates, as well as Designer Kent Cabreira, Benjamin Designs the current students, this experience of being together has been greatly altered due to the Contributors Covid-19 pandemic. Campus life is very differ- Jeff “PJ” Deming ent in order to implement certain health safety Traci (Wareham) Follet ’93 guidelines. One example is that there is separa- Charlotte Henderson tion of girls and boys during meals in the caf- Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer ’76 eteria. I’m sure some of you remember that in your days at MBA! Cohort learning groups Photographers and other precautions are in place to keep stu- 2021 Yearbook Staff dents and faculty safe, but everyone can finally Ronnell Cabacungan be together interacting face-to-face (masked, Kent Cabreira, Benjamin Designs of course), experiencing the joys of campus Jay Ketelsen ’76 life and growing stronger together. Psalm 133:1 Brian Schaffner (KJV) reads, Behold, how good and how pleasant Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer ’76 it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. As alumni, we know best that MBA is not just Office of Alumni and Development a school—it is a life-changing experience. A Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer ’76, Director Better Together I significant portion of that life-changing expe- n the Disney movie, A Bugs Life, a colony rience is being part of a community—learning MBA Administration of ants was under the control of grass- together, working together, playing together, Jeff “PJ” Deming, Principal/Registrar hoppers who forced them into a diffi- worshipping together, and growing together. Brian Schaffner, VP for Finance cult situation that seemed insurmountable to It is the strength of community, lifelong rela- Jay Ketelsen ’76, VP for Operations the scattered colony. It seemed that their lives tionships, and lasting memories that makes Kevin Bowen, VP for Enrollment Services would never be the same again—until they MBA so unforgettable. realized they possessed power in their num- To my MBA family—we are always stronger Sandscripts Correspondence bers. The ants joined together and were able together and with our God! I look forward to Sandscripts Editor to overcome their difficult circumstances, ulti- the day when we can all be together face-to- Office of Alumni and Development mately restoring their colony, their community face, no masks, healthy and strong, where there Monterey Bay Academy and, of course, living “happily ever after.” Their is no sickness, no sadness, no death, where our 783 San Andreas Rd strength was realized in being together. community is restored forever—where we can La Selva Beach CA 95076-1911 Our MBA colony—throughout its seven truly live “happily ever after.” Never forget that 831-728-1481 × 1222 decades—has experienced what, at times, we are stronger together. seemed insurmountable circumstances and yet, the faculty and staff, students and their Until we meet again, Alumni Association families, the alumni, and friends of this com- A list of directors is available online at munity have pulled together to overcome the challenges and keep the spirit of MBA alive and Traci (Wareham) Follet ’93, President alumni-association strong. Although the 2020–2021 school year MBA Alumni Association began online, students were able to return to Address Changes and News Notes campus for the second semester! Finally, the Email MBA community was able to be together in person, rather than segregated by class as lit- Sandscripts is the official magazine of Monterey tle squares on a computer screen. Arriving on Bay Academy, produced by the Office of Alum- campus, the excitement and joy of the students ni and Development, for the alumni and friends and staff was palpable. There were high-fives, On The Cover of the academy. MBA is owned and operated by shout-outs, and elbow bumps; bonds of friend- The 1971 MBA yearbook, in recognition the Central California Conference of Seventh- ship were instantly created. The community of the Class of 1971—this Virtual 71st Alumni day Adventists. was gaining its strength in coming together Weekend’s 50-year honor class. once again. 2
ALUMNI OFFICE Alumni Calendar EDITOR ’S MESSAGE April 2021 better than one, because they have a better return 22–25 | Alumni Weekend on their labor. If either of them falls down, one can 71st anniversary help the other up. VIRTUAL ONLY — See page 4–5 During this past year, MBA has leaned heavily on you, our friends and alumni, and you have june 2021 rallied around our home on the shore. Last April 4 | MBA Graduation and May, as a majority of the families of our Limited to family of graduates only. 2020 graduates experienced financial hardship due to covid-19, we called on you to help us to July 2021 graduate the senior class debt free. In six incred- TBA | Soquel Campmeeting ible weeks, over $90,000 was raised and every Virtual Only senior graduated debt free! During the sum- mer, we called on you to help us Bring Them Back in the fall. Again, the MBA spirit rallied Dates are subject to change. As an event and we raised $160,000 in Student Aid funds to gets closer, double-check the alumni web- help with the fall enrollment. And, they came site or call the Alumni Office for an update. back! In November, we leaned on you once Lean On Me again, calling for help with the budget deficit I Additional events and event details: n 1967, singer-songwriter and musician, due to the unexpected Beach Auditorium fire Bill Withers, had recently moved to Los and clean-up expenses. You rallied once again Angeles, CA, in hopes of starting a music raising over $320,000. Thank you, our MBA career. Life was not easy as he fought to make brothers and sisters, for understanding these a living in the big city. Having spent most of issues and lending a hand. Together, we did it! Who’s Considered an Alum? his life living in the coal mining town of Slab This issue of Sandscripts is in honor of you— If you’ve attended, worked, or taught at Fork, WV, Bill found his journey in Los Ange- our donors—who have given so generously MBA, we consider you alumni. les to be quite lonely. He missed the sense of during a very difficult time for MBA, our com- community, fellowship, and friendship that was munities, and our country. There simply are no ever present in his West Virginia hometown. words that adequately convey our gratitude for As a struggling musician, Withers couldn’t what you have done. Thank you for your rallying afford much, but was able to purchase a small spirit. Thank you for your support and for allow- piano that he would sit at and compose tunes. ing us to lean on you and to help us carry on. Stay Connected Yet, his music went completely unnoticed until Send us your career, education, 1972. While sitting at the piano, running his fin- Gladly serving our home on the shore! family, or travel news and photos at gers up and down the keyboard, the phrase alumni @ “lean on me” crossed his mind. It didn’t take him or mail to the Alumni Office long to complete the words and music for a song Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer ’76 at Monterey Bay Academy. that would go on to become an inspirational, Editor, Sandscripts worldwide rallying song encouraging togeth- Director of Alumni and Development Sign up for our email directory erness for those going through difficult times. on the MBA Alumni website I share this short story and a few lines of this Bill Withers, “Lean on Me” on Still Bill, 1972. to receive your alumni e-news. song with you because now, more than ever Lean on me when you’re not strong before, we must lean on each other for encour- And I’ll be your friend agement, help, and support. Sometimes lean- I’ll help you carry on... ing on others for help is looked upon as a sign For it won’t be long go green of weakness. We either believe our problems are bigger than anyone else’s and we choose Till I’m gonna need Somebody to lean on If you prefer to receive a digital copy of Sandscripts, visit not to burden others, or we believe we can just You just call on me brother, when you need a hand go it alone. I disagree with both of these views. We all need somebody to lean on to sign up. Leaning on each other actually brings strength I just might have a problem that you’ll understand to both of us. Ecclesiastes 4:9–10 says: Two are We all need somebody to lean on spring 2021 SANDSCRIPTS 3
VIRTUAL ALUMNI WEEKEND 2021 FROM THE DESK OF THE PRINCIPAL R egrettably, we won’t be able to conduct the 71st MBA Alumni Weekend in-person for yet another year. However, we invite you to our Virtual Alumni Weekend 2021 from the comfort of your own homes via your computer, phone—whatever mechanism works for you! Due to the guidelines set forth by the California Department of Public Health (which applies to both public and private schools), our students—who are thankfully now on campus 2nd semester—must receive their learning in a cohort style. This means that the students are not meeting in large groups and have other restrictions as well. The good news is Please mark your calendars: that they are so happy to be here regardless of the April 23–25, 2021 limitations! Our campus is limited to only essential • Honor Class Reunions workers, parents and pre-arranged guest visits only. for Classes of ’51 ’61 ’71 ’81 ’91 ’01 ’11 So, these operational guidelines make it impossible • Worship Speaker, Iki Taimi ’95 to bring our entire MBA family (that includes you) • Sabbath afternoon virtual campus tours. See together here at our Home on the Shore. our latest campus improvements and that beautiful ocean/beach PLEASE JOIN US! • MBA Music Concert A complete itinerary with events, dates, times, and • And more . . . links will be available April 18, 2021 on our website: Thank you for your continued prayers and concern for Monterey Bay Academy. Because of you, our stu- end-2021 dents are back and our hope for the future looks bright. God Bless! If you have any questions regarding the Alumni Weekend 2021 virtual event, please contact us! Jeff “PJ” Deming, Principal Kinzie Speyer, Director of Alumni and Development kspeyer @ Jeff “PJ” Deming, Principal principal@ Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer ’76, Director of Alumni and Development 4
VIRTUAL ACCESS Enter this address into your computer or mobile / device’s browser. alumni-weekend-2021 Video and meeting access links will be available on April 18, 2021. Direct links to meetings, additional information, Use your mobile device’s camera or and updated scheduling for the download a QR code reader to scan the code, instead of typing in the weekend’s events will be Alumni Weekend web address above. listed at the address above. SCHEDULE OF VIRTUAL EVENTS Friday, April 23, 2021 sunday, April 25, 2021 7:30 pm PDT Vespers — featuring Jose Rojas ’78, 10:00 am PDT Virtual 49er Brunch A look back . . . 2018 Sabbath Sermon Celebrating the 50-year honor class, Class of 1971 saturday, April 24 , 2021 10:00 am PDT Church Service — featuring Iki Taimi ’95, guest speaker 2:00 pm PDT Honor Class Gatherings All events will be made available for viewing at the designated times. 4:00 pm PDT Virtual Campus Tour 4:30 pm PDT MBA Music Program All times are PACIFIC DAYLIGHT TIME (PDT). Iki Taimi ’95 José Rojas ’78 Worship Speaker Vespers Speaker Senior Youth & Young Glenn and Kathy DeWitt President Adult Ministries Hubert Cisneros ’70 Kent Hansen ’71 Owners, Rainbow Fin MOVEmentum, LLC S. Calif. Conference Alumnus of the Year Alumnus of the Year Hall of Faith
70-year honor Class — 1951 40-year honor Class — 1981 30-year honor Class — 1991 20-year honor Class — 2001
60-year honor Class — 1961 50-year honor Class — 1971 aerial vew of campus — circa 1971 10-year honor Class — 2011
The MBA Meaning of ALUMNI FEATURES STRONGER TOGETHER by Charlotte Henderson — Often, you hear of couples or best friends that describe their relationship in such terms as “we are stron- ger together;” the weaknesses of one person are balanced by the strengths of the other person. At MBA, we truly believe we are stronger together due to our relationship with you—our alumni, our friends, our supporters—and the back-and-forth exchange of that relation- ship over a period of years, as well as decades. Those relationships have kept us thriving for 72 years. Yet, how does an entire organization define a relationship with their people? After much thought into our history and our future, Monterey Bay Academy defines it with the following outstanding examples of just some of the people who have contributed their strengths and abilities to help create a stronger MBA. Honoring the Past The People and Memories that Shaped the Future As the founding father of Monterey Bay After 41 years of continuous employment Academy, Elder Leal V. Grunke had a vision at MBA, plus 12 additional years as a staff vol- that this former World War II military base, unteer, Steve Walls has been a continuous pos- Camp McQuaide, could become a Seventh-day itive influence on the MBA campus for 52 of its Adventist academy like no other. Its geograph- 72 years of existence. He is the longest serving ical location and opportunities for industry MBA staff member in school history, and per- seemed ideal. At the time, not many shared haps of any Adventist academy. He has worked his vision for Camp McQuaide. Elder Grunke’s under eight of the school’s ten principals. He perseverance paid off when the United States has served as a mentor to his fellow staff mem- government agreed to give the base to the Cen- bers and has touched thousands of lives over tral California Conference at no cost. his career as a master teacher. Student Volunteers Mission Trip
ALUMNI FEATURES Mission Trip Grossman, Grossman,volunteer volunteer Maddox, volunteer Baptismal Pool, Pastor Fred Speyer, bottom-right Maintaining the Present Volunteers, Annual Financial Support, Scholarships As a retired attorney and California trial Interestingly, neither Jim Grossman or Clay has provided his wisdom , guidance, and his- court judge, Tom Seibly ’55 has worked with Maddox are MBA attendees. However, all their tory to the MBA board of trustees since 1995 some of our past government classes, prepar- children are MBA graduates. During the time and has served as the board finance chair since ing for the county mock trial competition. He their children were attending MBA, these two 1996. The continuity he provides is priceless. has also been instrumental in bringing major men became intertwined in the workings of Both of these men have proved to be extraor- financial support to his alma mater of his own, the school. Both live in Sonora, CA. Jim Gross- dinary volunteers. and through friendships and connections with man, a general contractor, has been a driving others. “During my three years at MBA, two force in the annual MBA workbees. His ongo- caring faculty members saved my life. I will ing support and dedication to our plant facil- be forever grateful,” says Tom. He works con- ities and maintenance crew is unprecedented. Stronger Together continued . . . tinuously to support MBA out of his gratitude. Clay Maddox, a certified public accountant, spring 2021 SANDSCRIPTS 9
Alumni Endowment Scholarship Student Leadership Baughman with children in Africa Castillo with fellow soldiers Looking to the Future Sharing the Vision, What We Can Achieve Through Endowments Ramona (Richli) Clark ’57 is MBA’s version of purpose of providing continuing education MBA is fortunate to build towards the future Ruth Bader Ginsburg—only in a medical pro- courses for the MBA faculty. “To have an excel- through the establishment by donors of the fol- fession way. Arriving at MBA at 14 years old, lent school, one must have dedicated, excel- lowing endowments: with her missionary parents living overseas, lent teachers,” says Dr. Clark. “The fund helps Ramona’s teen years were guided by the fac- to keep teachers abreast of new developments The Lillith (Newball) Richli Endowment ulty and staff at MBA. One of only two women in their field.” Several thousand dollars per year The Class of 1959 Endowment among 75 men in medical school in the early provides this opportunity to our faculty and The Class of 1961 Endowment 1960s, she paved the path for women in this thankfully will do so for the life of MBA. The Class of 1963 Endowment career field. A board-certified radiologist, she The Class of 1995 Endowment had to go above and beyond (especially after The Baerg Family Endowment she became a mother) to prove she could do The David J. Bieber Endowment the job, and the hours. From college, medical The Leal V. Grunke Leadership Endowment school, internship, and practice, she was met The Howlett Family Endowment with constant resistance that a woman could The MBA Alumni Endowment be a doctor. Not only a respected trailblazer in The Jon Speyer Gift of Grace Imparted Endowment the medical field, Ramona has devoted decades The Turpen Leadership Endowment of her life to MBA. She has served non-stop as The Wheeler Family Endowment an alumni board member and school board The Erik Wolfe Memorial Endowment trustee. However, the greatest gift to MBA has The Earl and Melva Wright Endowment been her action towards the future of MBA. She established an endowment that is for the sole Clark 10
ALUMNI FEATURES Preserving Our Legacy Service to Others — God/ Mission Trips/Community Service Days/United States of America service To God — From 1968–2012, there service To Country — Chaplain (Major) Saul service To All Humanity — Dr. Frank was a Pastor Speyer (sometimes two) on the Castillo ’82, has served in the U.S. Army since Baughman ’52, has been an active member of MBA campus. That’s 44 years! Pastor Fred 1994, after completing his masters of divinity the Rotary Club in the Porterville, CA, area Speyer pastored the MBA church for 20 years degree at Andrews University. His ministry of for 54 years. His club specifically helped fund as well as teaching Bible classes. Pastor Jon spiritually comforting soldiers and their fami- and build a Christian school in Africa. Half of Speyer ’75 returned to the campus in 1987 to lies has brought hundreds before him in vary- the students are Seventh-day Adventist. Frank teach Bible classes. Although each had their ing circumstances. and his wife, Shirlee ’52, have advocated and own style of teaching, each shared a common Terry Schmunk ’66, was the only missionary supported several folks in that village over the passion: to educate teenagers on the uncondi- dentist serving in Vietnam in the mid-70s dur- years to obtain their education to better assist tional love of Jesus Christ. The ing the war. In the 1980s, he joined the Army their fellow villagers. legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of Reserves. Colonel Schmunk went to many Dr. Scott Nelson ’88, an orthopaedic surgeon, those who were influenced by these two men foreign countries and was deployed to Iraq in felt the mission to serve others in third-world of God. Their father/son prayer would be, 2007, commanding the 307th Medical Com- countries. Working for Cure International, . . . that the Son of God may be glorified through pany. Healing his fellow soldiers was his call Scott served the people of the Dominican it. John 11:4 (nkjv). Randy Speyer ’79, mid- to service. Republic and Haiti. Eventually, he and his fam- dle son of Fred, is now the Director of Mis- Hillary Rollins ’09, was accepted into the U.S. ily returned to the United States—Loma Linda sion and Spiritual Care at Adventist Health in Military Academy at West Point in 2010. As University area—and Scott works at the uni- Roseville, CA. He is leading the organization senior class president in 2009 at MBA, it was versity hospital. He continues his dedication by in providing spiritual care for both employ- clear she was destined to leadership. taking a team of medical volunteers with him ees and patients. Randy has also been “Pastor several times per year (prior to Covid-19) to Speyer” his entire career—most recently at the Haiti and other countries who have been rav- Loma Linda University Church, prior to this aged by earthquake and poverty. Scott focuses Where Land and Sea new position at Adventist Health. These men Unite to Inspire on what and who God places before him. He have demonstrated service to others through- believes and claims Psalm 46 (niv), God is our out their lifetime. refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trou- ble. He wants to be present with God in help- ing those he can with the God-given talents and skills that have been given to him. The alumni mentioned here are merely a few of the many examples of MBA’s relationships with you that make us a stronger, more vibrant, per- severing organization with a vision for the future. Those relationships pro- vide a bright tomorrow for our stu- dents to learn about Jesus Christ and to serve others in positive ways. As Speyers Nelson the old saying goes, “It takes two to tango!” It takes you, side-by-side with MBA, to create an organization that is Charlotte Henderson served as the Director of Alumni and Development for MBA from 2008–2014. The alums ultimately . . . mentioned in this article were honored by Charlotte during her tenure at MBA. She currently serves as a consultant and manager of the mentorship program for Philanthropic Service for Institutions (PSI) of the Seventh-day Adven- Stronger Together. tist North American Division. In 2020, she authored the Adventist Academy Alumni Guide handbook for PSI. In addi- tion, she owns a private fundraising consulting business, in which schools may take advantage of her four decades Thank you! of expertise in educational fundraising. Thank you, Charlotte, for your dedication to MBA and Adventist education. spring 2021 SANDSCRIPTS 11
ALUMNI NEWS 1960s rated by Zuriel, who was Lucifer’s mansion keeper. Those who have read the book have told me it was a good read.” Order Ralph’s book from Amazon, TEACH Services, or him directly. Enga Almeida ’69 shared this wonderful tribute of classmate Edy (Lohne) Gangbin ’69. “On Feb- ruary 1, 2021, she passed away. She was a free spirit who always brought laughter and joy to Virgil those around her. She kept us connected with In August 2020, Sam, Jr. ’74, Tim ’75, and John ’78 her yearly Christmas card through snail mail, Vigil gathered in Minnesota with their wives an ‘Edy sent you a birthday greeting’ through and adult children to celebrate the life of their email, and various crazy forwards. Not until her father, Sam Vigil, Sr. (attended MBA in 1951, lived Stubbert death, did many of her MBA friends realize how from 1932–2020). Throughout an over 50-year and her husband, Jayne (Knittle) Stubbert ’64 she helped so many people all over the country career, Sam, Sr. served as an educator, pastor, Wayne, celebrated 50 years of marriage on during the past 30 years with their addictions; and chaplain at various Adventist institutions December 27, 2020. the testimonies to that were so filled with love in California and Hawaii. Tim and Linda live and respect for her. We are so grateful that she in Hutchinson, MN, where Linda teaches Bible was able to come to our 50th—so many hadn’t and is chaplain at Maplewood Academy. John seen her in years. Edy, rest in peace, we will see and Lisa are still living in Glendale, CA. Sam, you in the morning! Much love from all your Jr. and Jan live in Oregon, where Sam is the crazy friends who will miss your kindred spirit!” development and alumni director at Portland Her daughter, Xandra, and son, Kamron, state, Adventist Academy. “She passed away quickly and peacefully. She lived a full life, the way she wanted to, without 1980s apology. She went the way she wanted to and would not want us to be sad, but to remember her as she was and continue to live our lives to the fullest, without regret or guilt.” View some Raymond of the silliness she shared to keep us laughing: Marjorie (Wheeler) Raymond ’66 writes, “Despite the Covid-19-filled year, we consider our men- tal health to be of utmost importance, thus we 1970s have continued our migration to Mill Creek, CA. I continue to host an art retreat for women and teenagers, with over 100 on our waiting list. Every day is spent doing special art proj- ects, plus alone time in nature. Each evening Hoechlin we sit around the campfire reminiscing and Lori (Partridge) Hoechlin ’80 is excited to share giving thanks to our Lord for the opportunity that her son, Tyler (pictured in the ad), is play- to come together. We say special prayers for ing Superman in the new CW television show, MBA students and staff. You are in our hearts.” Superman and Lois. Lori says, “It’s a great family show, and I think many would relate to the plot Ralph Owens ’68 shares some exciting news. of the show. We all seem to have a little more “I’m living in Bonners Ferry, ID, and am retired time for some good TV watching these days.” after having a full career in writing software. Kaiser, Lucero, Schermann After starting to write a book 25 years ago, I Brenda (Martin) Schermann ’70, Alicia (Lopez) 1990s finally got it published. The title is, Zuriel, a Lucero ’70, and Trish (Sutphin) Kaiser ’70 recently Ethan Pooley ’95 and Robyn Minako Tsuji ’95 were Hebrew name meaning ‘Rock of God.’ This enjoyed time together in Rio Del Mar, CA, near married on May 30, 2020. “Thank you MBA for book presents the entire Great Controversy the Cement Boat, just a few miles down the a gift 25 years in the making.” story from an angel’s point of view. It is not a beach from MBA. One of the sweetest things theological book, but rather a storybook nar- in life is friendship. 14
making plans for their wedding in the near future. No date has been set. Pooley Vargas 2000s at the Watsonville Community Hospital as a hyperbaric tech and her husband owns his own Sheperd health-related business in Seaside, CA. Forest Sheperd ’19 and Rachel Kibukevich were 2010s married on October 10, 2020 in Rachel’s home- town of Moses Lake, WA. The couple met while in school at Walla Walla University and have currently made Walla Walla, WA, their home. Congratulations, Forest and Rachel. Schiffer Alexis (Parashis) Shiffer ’03 and her husband, Will, are excited to announce the birth of their baby, Liam Elias, on December 14, 2020. Con- Munsch gratulations on your new addition. Katherine (Evans) Munsch ’10 and her husband, Daniel, celebrated five years of marriage on October 10, 2020. Six days later, they welcomed Dunn son, Connor Bruce, into the world. Connor joins big brother, Wyatt, to the family. Kyle Dunn ’14 and Licenna Bouit were married on December 19, 2020, in Slayton, OR, and now live in Kennewick, WA. Kyle works at Chevrolet in Hermiston, OR, and Licenna is going to school and also works at Kadlec Regional Medical Center in Richland, WA. Palmer Jonathan ’06 and Rachelle (Gauino) Palmer ’06 May the grace of the Lord Jesus welcomed their second child, Teagan Ryleigh, Christ, and the love of God, and on February 1, 2021, joining brother, Finn! the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Elena Ruth Vargas ’08 sent a recent family pic- Acosta be with you all. ture and shares that she is currently expect- is happy to announce her Brenda Acosta ’10 ing her second child in July. She is working engagement to Basilio Avalos. They are busy 2 Corinthians 13:14 (niv) spring 2021 SANDSCRIPTS 15
2020 ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 01 – DECEMBER 31, 2020 We are grateful for the generous financial support offered by the many alumni and friends listed. It is with a thankful heart that we acknowledge your partnership and investment in the future of Adventist education and tomorrow’s leaders. This annual report lists donors who made gifts to MBA for the time period of January 01, 2020 to December 31, 2020. This list does not include unfulfilled pledges. Every effort has been made to make this report as accurate as possible. If your name has been omitted, misspelled, or misplaced, we sincerely apologize. Please notify the MBA Alumni and Development Office of any errors. Thank you! SUPPORTING THE PRESENT AND THE FUTURE
2020 ANNUAL REPORT FROM THE PRINCIPAL Together O ne night a father heard his young to death. Throughout that difficult weekend, daughter speaking, although she was emotions had been rubbed raw and fatigue alone in her room. The door was open was their constant companion. just enough that he could see that she was kneel- Somewhere in all the confusion, this small ing beside her bed in prayer. Interested to find group of followers found the strength, cour- out what subjects a child would bring before God, age, and desire to not journey on alone, but to he paused outside her door and listened. connect with each other and gather once again. After tuning in to her speech, he was puzzled As they were together, Jesus “came and stood to hear her reciting the alphabet: “A, B, C, D, E, F, among them” and reminded them that He was G, . . .” She just kept repeating it. He did not want still there, His grace was still sufficient, and He to interrupt her, but soon curiosity got the best was there to pull everyone together. of him and he broke into the prayer. Over the course of this year, there have been “Honey,” he asked, “what are you doing?” “I’m so many times when it has been difficult to praying, Daddy,” she replied. “Well, why are you know which direction to go, how to move for- praying the alphabet?” he asked. ward in plans, processes, and procedures, or She explained, “I started my prayers, but I to know what to pray for. Through it all, the wasn’t sure what to pray. So, I decided to just amazing gift and jewel of blessing has been the Jesus Appears to His Disciples say all the letters of the alphabet and let God put ability to remain together through the power On the evening of that first day of the week, them together however He thinks best.” of prayer and allowing God to put our “letters” when the disciples were together, with the doors Together. This word suggests different things together as He thinks best. He is still here, His locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came to different people—connection, unity, com- grace is still sufficient and He will continue to and stood among them and said, “Peace be with fort, peace and community. Over the past 12 hold us all together. you!” After he said this, he showed them his months, the journey we all have been travel- hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed ing has been difficult, if not impossible, to find Until another moment in time, remember to when they saw the Lord. ways to be together. We have become discon- Keep Looking uP, Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the nected and separated from friends and loved Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with ones and have been forced to find new and cre- that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the ative ways to experience togetherness. Jeff “PJ” Deming Holy Spirit. If you forgive anyone’s sins, their sins The Bible tells us in John 20:19–23 of another Principal are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are time many years ago when a group of people principal @ not forgiven.” John 20:19–23 (NIV) were struggling with this same issue of togeth- erness. It had been a tragic weekend filled with questions and sorrow, leaving the disciples of Jesus fearing the uncertainty of the future. Jesus had been arrested, tried, convicted, and put Target® and You WHEN YOU SHOP Take Charge of Education Here’s how it works When MBA school supporters use their REDcardsSM (Target® AMAZON DONATES TO MBA. AmazonSmile is a simple, automatic way for you to support MBA every time you Visa® credit card, Target Credit CardSM or Target Check CardSM) Target donates up to shop—at no cost to you. AmazonSmile has the same low prices, vast selection, 1% of their purchases to Monterey Bay Academy. It’s minimal effort for your school and shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon with maximum reward. will donate a portion of the purchase price to MBA. Give Back to MBA TO PARTICIPATE MBA receives Target contributions twice a year! Thank you to all who are currently Select MBA as your charitable organization to receive donations from eligible enrolled in the Take Charge of Education program. You have made a difference! purchases before you begin shopping. To participate, all you need is a REDcardSM to enroll. If you have an account, use that same account on AmazonSmile. Your shopping Enroll at or 1-800-316-6142. cart, Wish List, registries, and other account settings are also the same.
2020 ANNUAL REPORT LIFE MEMBERS CIRCLE Those who gave $25,000+ lifetime Adaptec, Inc. Richard and Clarice (Eberlein) Anderson Clay and Susan Maddox Alumni Awards Foundation Frank and Shirlee (Colburn) Baughman Terry and Peggy Moreland Annabelle E. Dennis Foundation Linda (Wright) Becker John and Linda (Downing) Mulay ArchieTonge Education Fund Charlotte (Fukuji) Beier Glenn Owens Central California Conference Peter Berbohm Douglas Roger Commonweal Foundation, Inc. Duane and Andrea (Moser) Blech Harold and Nancy Rutherford Educational Consortium Institute Lance Brown J. Thomas and Betty Seibly Hollister SDA Church Duke and Loren Chang Jeff and Jeri Shepherd Lakeside Organic Gardens, LLC Bob and Carol Christensen William and Alice Smith Monterey Bay Academy Alumni Endowment Fund, Inc Ramona (Richli) Clark Gary Soderstrom Monterey Bay Academy Church Jim and Bonnie Comazzi John Spiers Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Wayne and Dorothy de la Cruz-Schmedel David and Stephanie Trogdon Oceanside Laundry Herb and Betsy Dunn Bryan and Juna Tsao Olivann Richard and Anne Dunn Dorothy Turpen* Pacific Union Conference Jeff and DeeAnna (Nieri) Eller Peder and Lorraine Viehmann Pajaro Valley Unified School District Donna (Baerg) Entze Armi Walker Presidio in Monterey Ed and Brenda Evans Steve and Linda Walls RBCO Bob and Danetta Frost Rick and Sheryl (Halverson) Wells Ridgecrest SDA Church Darlene Grunke* Rebecca Wolfe Sundean Foundation Dan and Gina (Hoover) Jett Don and Vivien Wong Thomas B Hagood and Naomi M Hagood Trust Rolland and Florence Howlett John Worth Watsonville English SDA Church Barbara Julier Ed Wright Western Adventist Foundation Sam and Norma Koch David and Audrey Zinke Womens Care Center Tim and Nancy Kubrock Anonymous (×12) John and Bonnie (Rolls) Larson *Deceased Donna (Bostwick) Albor Sam and Beth (Wileman) Loredo Edward Allred Cheri Love and Mark Young Our Volunteers · Our Heroes Dogwood Charitable Foundation Shane Culler ’19 Josh Marin ’16 Tom ’55 and Betty Seibly Juan Brandao Sabrina Deming ’11 Steve McGuffey Keith Scott Dixie Brown-Velasquez ’71 Glenn DeWitt Jason Mustard Gerry Smiley Ken Bullington Richard Dunn Gayle Ochletree ’71 Mark Smith ’79 Butch and LeeAnn Burfeindt Traci (Wareham) Follett ’93 Keith Ormerod ’71 Jessica Trujillo Ramiro Cano Annemarie Gregory ’09 Ayanna Pearce Tim Trujillo Caitlyn Cassidy Jim and Martha Grossman Heber Perez Peder Viehmann ’88 Edgar Castellanos Charlotte Henderson Marcia Quiliche-Paz Berit Von Pohle Cindy Cisneros ’98 Tim and Nancy Kubrock Elisa Rasor Junior Wilson Ramona (Richli) Clark ’57 Clay Maddox Edith Reyna Don Wong ’71 Richard Cox Pat Magan Josh Rosado The heart of a volunteer is not measured in size, but by the depth of the commitment to make a difference in the lives of others. DeAnn Hollis THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 19
2020 ANNUAL REPORT LIGHTHOUSE CIRCLE Those who gave $10,000+ SCHOLAR’S CIRCLE Those who gave $1,000–$1,999 Lakeside Organic Gardens, LLC Clay and Susan Maddox Mervin James Insurance Services Chris and Sarah (Wedel) Lowry Olivann J. Thomas and Betty Seibly Pacific Union College Rolinda Luevano Western Adventist Foundation David and Stephanie Trogdon Anonymous Robert and Beverly (Clausen) Anonymous (×4) Don and Theresa Adams Mendenhall Jeff and DeeAnna (Nieri) Eller Peter Berbohm Don and Penny Moores Sam and Norma Koch Stephen and Sharon Brinkerhoff John and Linda (Downing) Mulay Bob and Brigitte Butler Christopher and Rosanna Patton Dennis and Linda Currier James and Margit Perry Lupe (Tarango) Deleon Leroy and Janelle (Burton) Rasi PRINCIPAL’S CIRCLE Those who gave $2,000–$9,999 Herb and Betsy Dunn Weslie Rau 128CM Memorial Foundation Darlene Grunke* John and Terri (Schroeder) Eggers Ryan and Krista (Sundahl) Root Edward Allred Barbara Julier Tim and Sandra Eickmann Jim Sanders Darren and Becky Almskog Marshall Rub Raul and Esther Esperante Gary Suter Anonymous (×3) Charles and Sherraine Sheldon Donald and Sylvia Fillman Willard and Kate Taylor Florida Cabacungan Kent Specht Gary French Jon and Patty Travis Ramona (Richli) Clark Robert and Sharon Westcott Marianne Gilbert Pete and Lorraine Viehmann Mick and Lin Davis Alonzo Gregg Steve and Linda Walls Larry and Arleen Downing *Deceased Mark and Linda (Schermann) Hubbard Frank and Kay Whitney Donna (Baerg) Entze Russell Laird Martin Wiedemann Bob and Danetta Frost John and Bonnie (Rolls) Larson Liana Wolfe Denise Longoria Tony and Cheri (Ames) Zuccarelli Brian and Linda Loomis No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. Calvin Coolidge, 30th U.S. President 20 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
2020 ANNUAL REPORT FOUNDER’S CIRCLE Those who gave $500–$999 SAND DOLLAR CIRCLE Those who gave $0–$499 AmazonSmile Foundation Alonzo and Sharon Proctor 3W Builders, Inc. Tom and Pat Chaplin Central California Conference Manuel Salinas A.L. Lease Co. John Chen Anonymous Fred and Susan Singer Benevity Causes Gaile Chenowith Chris and Kristi (Baerg) Burkhart Gary Soderstrom Charities Aid Foundation of America Frank and Lynelle Cherne Stephen Cunha John Swanson DFT Matrix Jeff and Yasuyo Cisneros John and Terri (Schroeder) Eggers Robert and Linda (Rood) Vasquez Evans Property Management Natalie Cline Pamela Fong Stanley and Jodi Wheeler Give From the Heart Todd Comm Bruce Johnson Patrick A. Wolfe HP Phoenix Construction, Inc. Dustin Comm Daniel and Thai King Chad Wylie Jackel Enterprises, Inc. Joda and Luis (Fleetwood) Consuegra Tim and Nancy Kubrock Mike and Sharon (Penaflorida) Pacific Union Conference Lonnie Cornwell Kenneth and Kathryn Lockwood Youngberg RBCO Robert and Janet (Clift) Cowan Kent and Pat Phillips The Vigil Family Trust Thomas and Dona Cowan Aaron and Lori (Bauer) Pozo Walton & Mitchell Law Office Jon and Beverly Crouch Watsonville Coast Produce Irving and Patricia (Grady) Curtis Anonymous (×2) Claudia Davis Victor and Louanne (Ruminson) Aaen Stuart and Laurel ( Johnson) Davis Linda Abdel-Malek Lisa (Richards) Davis Duane Ablamis Larry and Evangeline (Haas) deFluiter Diana Adams Jeff and Amy Deming Marlene and Robert Adams Selena Diaz Bob and Marlene Adams Jack and Bonnie Dickinson Donna (Bostwick) Albor Jennifer Downing Cindy Alegre Lance Downing Jim and Rebeccah Alli Don and Louise (Howlett) Driver Enga (Dirksen) Almeida Thomas Duerksen TO THOSE WHO GAVE Christopher and Benita (Reynolds) Kelly and Jennifer Dunbar Ames Richard and Marcia Dunbar THROUGH THEIR LOCAL CHURCH Joseph and Mary Annino Heather Dunn Betty L. Baerg Kathy and Joel Duran Nate and Sarah Bankirer Brian and April Evans Although we don’t know who you are Norman and Gina (Proctor) Barnhart Ed and Brenda (Brigham) Evans or the amounts of your gifts, Frank and Shirlee (Culburn) Baughman Roel Fernandez we want to say Thank You! for your support Charlotte (Fukuji) Beier Richard and Elvina Fernandez of Monterey Bay Academy. Jolly Bilstad Carol Follett Janice (Conte) Blair Scott Folsom • Duane and Andrea (Moser) Blech Michael and Mary (Lacorazza) Boele Chuck Frederick Ginny Frost Andrew and Helen (Stirewalt) Boskind Wayland Frye Ashley Bower Thomas and Vicky Garner We appreciate all you are doing for the Larry and Linda (Beamesderfer) Florence Genas students of this school through the Bowers James and Mary Georgeson following programs: Marnie (Breckenridge) Loomis Benjamin and Virginia (Liang) Giang Bill Brown Robert Gillings ANNUAL CONFERENCE-WIDE OFFERING FOR MBA Ella Mae Burgdorff Tim W. Gohr CCC 3-WAY MATCH PROGRAM Jean Burgdorff Joann Goodwin MBA STUDENT AID FOR EDUCATION (SAFE) PROGRAM Sandra (Dawson) Canaday Harold and Linda (Schlotthauer) CCC EDUCATION ENDOWMENT Ms. Joyce Kinton and Mr. Larry Googe Cannon Fritz and Suzanne (Clark) Goset David and Judith Carelock Brian and Robin (Vance) Grattan Norman Cary continued… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 21
2020 ANNUAL REPORT SAND DOLLAR CIRCLE continued Cindy (Crawford) Greene Cary Lai Sondra (Sundahl) Phillips John and Wendy (Piner) Taylor Daniel and Cheri Gregory Gwen Langham Dennis and Maureen Phillips Robert and Robin Tesch Catherine Griffith David and Lisa Lara Renee Rasco Cynthia Tomassi Greg and Angela Gryte Oleg Litvak Marjorie (Wheeler) Raymond Ernest and Dorothy (Baxter) Toppenberg Eryn Hales David and Carolyn Lombard Doug and Cheryl Reeves Dennis and Karen Torres Esther Hamel Michael and Christine (Huffman) Lopez Ryan and Aimee (Downing) Reeves Daniel and Jamie Tran Daphne Haney Chris and Sarah (Wedel) Lowry Edith Reyna Verna Travis Tamara and Vernal Hansen Samuel Macario David and Sandy Reynolds Bryan and Juna Tsao Jo Harris Pat and Sharon Magan Deanne (Maschmeyer) Rhynard Mark and Lavon (Richert) Turner Richard and Judy Hart Luther and Emily (Sabino) Mangoba Jeff Richardson Melville Uechi Scott and Charlotte Henderson Cindy Mauk Charles and Patricia Roesel Phyllis Vansanten Marilyn and Sheldon Hendricks Stan and Jill McAllister Richard Rose Peder Viehmann Martha Hendrickson Linda ( Justesen) McCumber David and Nancy Rouse Tammie Viehmann Ms. Naedo Henry Steve McGuffy Carol Sanders Linda (Dennis) Vollmer Roberto and Efigenia Hernandez Barbara (Suelzle) McLaughlin Gloria Sanders Toby Wagner Anselm and Sophia Hii Bill and Nancy (Fritz) Meert Brian and Linda Schaffner Pat (Morgan) Walter John Hinkle Evniki Menelaos Gloria Schaub-Ichikawa Daniel and Diane Ward Rhonda Hinrichs Calvin and Sherry Miller Robert and Darleen Shawl Atwood and Diane Watson Ida and Laren Hirst Thomas and Sharon Miller Kathleen (Shawl) Parkes Ronald and Emma Jeanne (Thompson) Rick and Sharon Hollinger Rose (Schonert) Montoya Kevin and Sue Sheets Weber Sharrell Hopkins Donna Lee (Stillman) Moore Stann and Janette Sheperd James and Janelle (Chesnut) White Rex Hossler Larry and Dorothy Morris Eugenia (Hughes) Shipowick Myron and Phyllis Whiting Jack Jett Deborah (Munroe) Hodges Donald Shreyer Suzan (Farrell) Williams Dan and Gina Jett Donald and Helen Myres Charles and Linda Shultz Velia Wilson Richard and Billie Jewett Julio Narvaez Kenneth and Jean Smith Lee and Helen (Burden) Wilson Christopher and Karen Johnson Arladell Nelson-Speyer David and Maxine (Georgeson) Smith Craig and Kathy (Petersen) Wilson Richard and Christine Johnston Mark and Amanda Nicewonger Elliot and Cheryl Sopkin Don and Vivien Wong David Johnston Jim and Debbie Nord Robert and Aileen (Andres) Sox John Worth Carla and Hugh Jones Dick and Norma Osborn Fred Speyer Dan and Ricci (Perry) Wright Jay and Janet Ketelsen Titus Osundina Brandon and LaShell Speyer Jim and Nancy Yoder Marshall and Julie Keymer Jamie Palmer Gianna Starr Mr. Mark Young and Ms. Cheri Love Richard and Julie Kimitsuka Ellen Park Wes and Doris Stout Tasha Ziegenbein Doug and Jenna Kingsfield Tim Patten Stella (Barnes) Straight Bruce and Judy Zimmerman Wayne Knittle Karen Peckham Wayne and Jayne (Knittle) Stubbert Tim and Ruthi Zytkoskee 22 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
At Rest OUR MBA FAMILY AT REST Verda (Webb) Lyons ’52 April 17, 2020 Samuel Vigil, Sr. ’52 November 26, 2020 Gene Butler ’56 December 23, 2020 Patricia (Sanford) Bergeron ’59 December 18, 2020 Norman Curtis ’59 December 21, 2020 Monty Perry ’59 January 2, 2021 Jim Luke ’61 February 07, 2021 Phyllis McCourry ’63 August 15, 2020 Edy (Lohne) Gangbin ’69 February 1, 2021 Jodi (Schulz) Thiessen ’71 September 16, 2020 Richard Behrens ’81 October 3, 2020 Carlye (Hummel) Strever ’81 February 21, 2021 IN HONOR OF . . . IN MEMORY OF . . . In Honor of Jim & Diana Adams In Memory of Ronald Parks In Memory of Samuel ’52 & Eleanor Vigil 3W Builders, Inc. Larry Cannon Vigil Family Trust Joyce Kinton In Memory of Danette Butler ’85 In Memory of Erik Wolfe ’80 Bob and Brigitte Butler In Memory of Josue Rosado ’91 Liana Wolfe ’81 Chris and Kristi (Baerg) ’84 Burkhart Anonymous Patrick A. Wolfe ’86 Jeff Cisneros ’85 In Memory/Honor of Elaine & Walter Sheets In Honor of Randy Zeismer ’71 In Memory of Nancy (Georgeson) Cunha ’68 Jo Harris Chuck Frederick ’71 Stephen Cunha Kevin Sheets ’76 In Memory of Thelma Fukuji In Memory of Jon Speyer ’75 Charlotte (Fukuji) Beier ’59 Anonymous Brandon and LaShell Speyer In Honor of William Keresoma ’70 Jim and Nancy Yoder Donald Fillman ’58 Gary Soderstrom ’58 spring 2021 SANDSCRIPTS 23
2020 ANNUAL REPORT FRIENDS Diana Adams Raul and Esther Esperante Richard and Julie Kimitsuka Charles and Sherraine Sheldon Marlene and Robert Adams Richard and Elvina Fernandez Sam and Norma Koch Charles and Linda Shultz Joseph and Mary Annino Scott Folsom Oleg Litvak Kenneth and Jean Smith Anonymous (×2) Thomas and Vicky Garner David and Carolyn Lombard Robert and Robin Tesch Nate Bankirer Florence Genas Rolinda Luevano Cynthia Tomassi Jolly Bilstad Marianne Gilbert Clay and Susan Maddox Dennis and Karen Torres Florida Cabacungan Tim W. Gohr Pat and Sharon Magan Verna Travis Ms. Joyce Kinton and Mr. Larry Cannon Joann Goodwin Cindy Mauk Melville Uechi Norman Cary Darlene Grunke* Julio Narvaez Phyllis Vansanten Gaile Chenowith Esther Hamel Jim and Debbie Nord Atwood and Diane Watson Todd Comm Jo Harris Titus Osundina Frank and Kay Whitney Dustin Comm Richard and Judy Hart Karen Peckham Suzan Williams Thomas Cowan Rhonda Hinrichs Richard Rose Velia Wilson Jon and Beverly Crouch Rick and Sharon Hollinger Manuel Salinas John Worth Stephen Cunha Richard and Billie Jewett Gloria Sanders Jim and Nancy Yoder Jack and Bonnie Dickinson Barbara Julier Gloria Schaub-Ichikawa Bruce and Judy Zimmerman Jennifer Downing Marshall and Julie Keymer Robert and Darleen Shawl Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you. Luke 6:38 (GNT) 24 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
Seniors have a pizza feed to kick off the Class of 2021 100-day Countdown to graduation.
2020 ANNUAL REPORT ALUMNI BY CLASS Class of 1951 Class of 1960 Class of 1966 Class of 1973 Lonnie Cornwell Anonymous Calvin Miller Ed Evans Emma Jeanne (Thompson) Weber Marjorie (Wheeler) Raymond Brenda (Brigham) Evans Class of 1952 Janell (Chesnut) Whit Tamara (Wheeler) Hansen Frank Baughman Class of 1967 Nancy (Fritz) Meert Shirlee (Colburn) Baughman Class of 1961 John Chen Robert Butler Tim Eickmann Kathy (Petersen) Wilson Class of 1975 Gary French Cindy (Crawford) Greene Class of 1954 Kenneth Lockwood Class of 1968 Karen (Goodwin) Johnson Janice (Conte) Blair Linda (Downing) Mulay Linda (Beamesderfer) Bowers Bonnie (Rolls) Larson Catherine (Lorenz) Griffith Kent Phillips Claudia Davis Marshall Rub Myron Whiting Jim Sanders Marilyn (Weckerley) Hendricks Maxine (Georgeson) Smith Russell Laird Class of 1976 Class of 1955 Wesley Stout Stan McAllister Linda (Schermann) Hubbard Donald Myres Linda (Rood) Vasquez Thomas Miller Janet (Trogdon) Ketelsen Tom Seibly Robert Westcott Sharon (Kuhlman) Miller Jay Ketelsen Eugenia (Hughes) Shipowick Cheri (Ames) Zuccarelli Rose (Schonert) Montoya Kevin Sheets David Reynolds Kent Specht Class of 1956 Class of 1962 Carol Sanders Kinzie (Yoder) Speyer Janet (Clift) Cowan Dennis Phillips Donald Shreyer Robert Cowan Class of 1977 Mick Davis Class of 1963 Class of 1969 Lisa (Richards) Davis Carla (Howard) Jones Jean Burgdorff Enga (Dirksen) Almeida Doug Kingsfield Alonzo Proctor Virginia (Liang) Giang Joda (Fleetwood) Consuegra Charles Roesel Alonzo Gregg David Johnston Class of 1978 Stella (Barnes) Straight Martha (Whitney) Hendrickson Linda ( Justesen) McCumber Kelly Dunbar Cary Lai Pat (Morgan) Walter John Eggers Class of 1957 Beverly (Clausen) Mendenhall Helen (Burden) Wilson DeeAnna (Nieri) Eller Ramona (Richli) Clark Robert Mendenhall Jeff Eller Irving Curtis Doris (Eickmann) Stout Class of 1970 Wayland Frye Pat (Grady) Curtis Anonymous Mike Youngberg Barbara (Suelzle) McLaughlin Class of 1964 Bill Brown James Perry Stephen Brinkerhoff Tom Chaplin Class of 1979 James Georgeson Naedo (Brauer) Henry Darren Almskog Class of 1958 Wayne Knittle Linda (Dennis) Vollmer Evangeline (Haas) deFluiter Louise (Howlett) Driver Brian Loomis Terri (Schroeder) Eggers Donald Fillman Jayne (Knittle) Stubbert Class of 1971 Daphne Haney Larry Morris Lavon (Richert) Turner Peter Berbohm John Hinkle Gary Soderstrom Chuck Frederick DeeDee Longoria Willard Taylor Class of 1965 Robert Gillings Don Moores Louanne (Ruminson) Aaen Donna Lee (Stillman) Moore Lori (Bauer) Pozo Class of 1959 Duane Ablamis Daniel Ward Jim Alli Mary (Lacorazza) Boele Don Wong Class of 1980 Charlotte (Fukuji) Beier Ella Mae Burgdorff Cheri Love Helen (Stirewalt) Boskind Linda (Schlotthauer) Googe Class of 1972 Jonathan Travis Dennis Currier Deborah (Munroe) Hodges Sharrell (Lemmon) Hopkins David Trogdon Lupe (Tarango) Deleon Richard Osborn Regina (Hoover) Jett Chad Wylie Larry Downing Aileen (Andres) Sox John Larson Mark Young Robert Frost Dorothy (Baxter) Toppenberg 26 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
2020 ANNUAL REPORT Class of 1981 Class of 1987 Class of 1994 Class of 2002 Weslie Rau Andrea (Moser) Blech Aimee (Downing) Reeves Jeff Richardson Gary Suter Bruce Johnson Kathleen (Shawl) Parkes Stan Wheeler Christine (Singer) Johnston Class of 2003 Liana Wolfe Class of 1995 Brandon Speyer Ricci (Perry) Wright Class of 1988 Donna (Bostwick) Albor Donald Adams Brian Evans Class of 2007 Class of 1982 Gina (Proctor) Barnhart Chris Lowry Heather Dunn Laurel ( Johnson) Davis Anselm Hii Sarah (Wedel) Lowry Ida (Coryell) Hirst Sondra (Sundahl) Phillips Krista (Sundahl) Root Class of 2008 Peder Viehmann Toby Wagner Natalie Cline Class of 1983 Martin Wiedemann Selena Diaz John Swanson Class of 1989 Duane Blech Class of 1996 Class of 2015 Class of 1984 Marnie (Breckenridge) Loomis Robin (Vance) Grattan Samuel Macario Kristi (Baerg) Burkhart Tom Duerksen Frank Cherne Tammie Viehmann Class of 1997 Class of 2017 Daniel King Gianna (Diaz) Starr Class of 1985 Class of 1990 Linda (Abdel) Malek Christine (Huffman) Lopez Class of 1998 Class of 2018 Ty Canavan Tasha Ziegenbein Erin Hales Jamie Palmer David Carelock Ellen Park Jeff Cisneros Class of 1991 Justin Wagner Pam Fong Cindy (Aso) Alegre Pamela (Sugihara) Wagner Janelle (Burton) Rasi Ryan Root Daniel Tran Wendy (Piner) Taylor Class of 2000 Sandra (Dawson) Canaday Class of 1986 Class of 1993 Deanne (Maschmeyer) Rhynard Donna (Baerg) Entze Benita (Reynolds) Ames Fred Singer Christopher Ames Class of 2001 Bryan Tsao Emily (Sabino) Mangoba Jack Jett Patrick Wolfe Christopher Patton THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU 27
2020 ANNUAL REPORT SCHOLARSHIPS: THE GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING D uring the 2020–2021 school year, 70 stu- dents received more than $177,000 from endowed and named scholarships. Typically, ful event that honors the honorable and pre- serves the history of MBA. We hope to resume this event in 2022. Below, are three of the many dollar amounts and total the number of stu- dents awarded, the impact these scholarships have on the student recipients is immeasurable. the scholarships are awarded at the Annual scholarships that were awarded during this cur- If you wish to honor or remember someone Scholarship Reception to kick off Alumni rent school year. by establishing a scholarship, please contact the Weekend. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and Each year, students and their parents are Alumni and Development Office: the cancellation of MBA’s Alumni Weekend in amazed at the stories of people, accomplish- (831) 728-1481 ×1222 both 2020 and 2021, the scholarship reception ments, and events that represent the schol- alumni@ unfortunately was/is cancelled. It’s a beauti- arships given. While it is easy to tabulate the Joshua Miguel Joshua is a junior from Gilroy, CA, and is the must do is accept it. So, there is no set criteria recipient of The Gift of Grace Imparted schol- for receiving this gift (scholarship), no essay to arship. This gift was established by Jon’s wife, write, no minimum GPA to meet, only a search- Kinzie ’76, and their three sons, Ryan ’00, Bran- ing heart and a desire to understand what God’s don ’03, and Jordan ’06, after Jon’s unexpected grace is all about. death on December 31, 2012. With Romans being Joshua is described as delightful young man, Jon’s favorite book of the Bible, and one of his inquisitive, and quick with a smile or laugh. He favorite classes to teach, he wanted his students has a caring heart and is very engaged in the to understand that God’s grace is unmerited, world around him, with a keen interest in oth- undeserved, and unearned. It is a gift given free ers. He is always willing and eager to be helpful Miguel of charge to each of us and there is absolutely and supportive to those around him. nothing we have done or will do to earn it. All we Andres Padilla Andres is a senior from Laguna Nigel, CA, and and pursuit towards the personal gifts God has is one of four recipients of the Class of 1979 given them for the benefit of those around them. Scholarship. This scholarship was established Andres is an incredibly talented young man in by the Class of 1979 to financially assist stu- the area of film. During his sophomore year, he dents who seek to attend MBA. The purpose of worked in the recruitment office for Pastor Kevin the scholarship is to help others in order that a Bowen, helping develop promotional videos for legacy of vision and spirit is extended from one MBA. He is described as a very caring young man. generation to another. It is a unique scholar- He is always thinks of others, many times put- ship in that it is the only scholarship students ting them before himself. Andres has a humble, can apply for and the Class of 1979 encourages kind, and gentle spirit. the applicants to express persistence, purpose, Padilla Lizania Aguilar-Vazquez Lizania is a junior from Gilroy, CA, and is the more, or junior when nominated. recipient of the Monterey Bay Academy Staff Liz is described by her teachers as an upbeat, Scholarship. This scholarship was established positive student. She has a fun and joyful per- and is funded by the faculty and staff. Each sonality, and is a responsible and trustworthy year the MBA staff nominate one student and a worker. She is always helpful and respectful to decision is reached by a vote of those collected those she comes in contact with. names. It is the desire of the staff to recognize students who make teaching fun and are a joy and delight to have in the classroom. They must also demonstrate a financial need, maintain a 3.0 Aguilar-Vazquez or higher GPA, and be either a freshman, sopho- 28 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
You can also read