Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success

Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
Volume 8, Issue 2                                   www.mountmorgan.org.au      31st January - 14th February 2013

        Proudly brought to you by Mount Morgan Promotion & Development Inc. ABN 21 391 526 801

Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo
It’s back to school for students this week,
and while this means a time for settling into
new classes and a new educational year,
it often also means a time for swapping
stories of what many did during the holiday
Well, there’s no doubt that sisters and local
students, Emma and Zara Benjamin will
have an interesting holiday tale to tell.
The pair saddled up for a competition in
New Zealand earlier this month, where they
competed in the first stage of the annual
Trans Tasman School Rodeo Challenge.
The local ladies were among ten young
rodeo competitors to make up the Australian
See page 4 for full story.
Pictured: The Australian High School Trans Tasman
Challenge Team (Zara - pictured on left horse, and
Emma - pictured on middle horse.) Photo supplied.

Mount Morgan cops wild weather and
record rainfall                                                               The region’s usual sunny
                                                                              Australia Day celebrations were
                                                                              swapped for record rainfall
                                                                              and wild weather. See pages
                                                                              8 and 9 for full story of the
                                                                              remnants of ex-tropical cyclone
                                                                              Oswald, and its move through
                                                                              the Mount. Plus, see page see 3
                                                                              for Council and Mines updates
                                                                              regarding flood aftermath.
                                                                              The rainfall received in the local area,
                                                                              along with heavy deluge in Struck
                                                                              Oil (the main catchment area for
                                                                              the Number 7 Dam), resulted in an
                                                                              enormous overflow into the Dee River.
                                                                              Pictured is the Private Jones Suspension
                                                                              Bridge, across the Dee River.

                                                                              Local businesses: Would you like
                                                                              to advertise on the front page of the
                                                                              Mount Morgan Argus? The front
                                                                              banner (as seen in previous issues)
                                                                              is now available for advertising
                                                                              once a month! Please contact
                                                                              MMPAD for details: ph: 4938 2333
                                                                              email: mmpad@bigpond.com
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success

                                                                           Pride in your Town
                                                                       So it is “back to school” again! For the little ones it is
                                                                       a start for reading, writing and arithmetic or maybe that
           Diaan Kay LICENSEE/PROPERTY MANAGER                         was the case in a bygone era - nowadays it possibly
                       Trevor Kay SALES                                could be the initial training for modern technology.
P: 07 4938 1446                                                        However one thing will not have changed over the
M: 0409 382 170                                                        years and that is the tears of the first day at school by a
E: diaankay.realestate@bigpond.com                                     little one and Mum hiding behind a tree also shedding a
57 Morgan Street Mt Morgan, Qld 4714                                   little tear or two. Yes, it is a big day for everyone.
                                                                       Education does not come easy and when we think of

               Mount Morgan
                                                                       our crazy English language and its complexity it is no
                                                                       wonder new chums to our shores and foreign tourists
                                                                       sometimes are baffled by it. Just read the following
               Hot Bread Shop                                          sentences as we show words with the same letters
                                                                       having such different meanings.
                  Phone: 4938 1427                                     The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
                                                                       The farm was used to produce produce.
                                                                       Since there is no time like the present, he thought it
                                                                       was time to present the present (gift).
                                                                       The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
                                                                       The above examples do show us what a difficult
                                                                       language our English is with spelling and sound often
      Breads, Cakes, Slices, Rolls, Scones,                            coming from the same letters. So ends yours lesson for
                                                                       the day as it is too difficult for us.
           Pastries, Sausage Rolls
                                                                       How wonderful it was to see a photo of our very
          And don’t forget the Pies!                                   handsome Jonathon Stock on the front page of the
                                                                       Morning Bulletin recently and to read of his ambition
                                                                       to make a name for himself in the music world. We wish
                                                                       him every success in his chosen career and also wish
                                                                       to say a Big Thank You Jonathon for your dedicated
                                                                       efforts to our own Community. You have been very
                                                                       generous with your time attending all functions you
                                                                       were asked to sing at. Keep up your good work.
                     Mount Morgan                                      To all other school leavers, we wish you good luck
                 Contact your local agents                             with future studies or careers and if you remain in
                                                                       Mount Morgan we trust you will be involved in all its
                  Brian and Carol Glover
                                                                       activities. So many organisations need new blood and
                     Phone: 4938 1121                                  young people with fresh ideas. You really only enjoy
                   Freecall 1800 825 422                               where you live when you put a little of yourself into
                                                                       the community.
               Providing you with peace of mind
                                                                       We are still very determined to have Mount Morgan
                   Mount Morgan Phone Directory - 2012                 as a very clean and tidy town in 2013. The greatest

          Leichhardt   Hotel
                                                                       disappointment we experience is to walk up Morgan
                                                                       Street and find a packet, can or fish wrapping paper in
            Leichhardt Hotel                                           the gutter RIGHT beside a bin. Please THINK CLEAN
              “the place toHotel
                 “the place to be”
                                 Mount Morgan
                                                                       – BE TIDY. USE THE BINS.
                                    Mount Morgan
                      “the place to be”
                     07 4938 1851
                            4938  1851
                          Mount Morgan
          52 Morgan Street, Mount Morgan
                   07 4938 1851
                   52 Morgan
               52 Morgan       Street,

                52 Morgan Street,
              Opening             Mount Morgan
            Opening Hours – hours:
                            Mon – SunMon    - Sun
                                     – 10.00am
                       finty@bigpond.com       to 12.00am
    Opening Hours -– Mon -– Sun
               10:00am          – 10.00am to 12.00am
                            to -12:00am                                                All grades of hay
              Hours - Bistro
                       -– Monor -–
                                        -– 10.00am    to 12.00am                   Round and small squares
               • Dining     - Bistro    or  Beer Garden
            - BistroMon-Sun
                        or Beer12.00pm
                                   Garden– 2.00pm
          • Accommodation
              Mon-SunMon-Sun          • Laundry
                                 6.00pm –
                             12.00pm       – 8.00pm  Facilities                       Delivery available
    Dining - Bistro
           Dine  in
                          Beer   Garden 2.00pm
    Dinner: Mon-SunEntertainment
             Mon-Sun 6.00pm –             • Social Club
    Lunch: Beer Garden 12.00pm
                           and Bistro-–are2.00pm
                                             available for functions     Phone: 0408 004 275 / 0418 778 620
             • Wine
    Dine in Mon-Sun
    Dinner:  or Takeaway & Beer    Tasting
                          6.00pm -– 8.00pm     Afternoons
    Dine Garden   and Bistro
           or Takeaway
          Accommodation       are available
                          – includes a Family for
    Beer Garden and Bistro are available for functions
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success

              relating to the recent torrential weather and resulting issues:
           Announcements by RRC:                                Announcement by Department of Natural
                                                                        Resources and Mines:
Mount Morgan Water Treatment Plant and
water mains burst:                                            Record heavy rainfall associated with ex-tropical Cyclone
                                                              Oswald has resulted in an uncontrolled discharge of water
The Mount Morgan Water Treatment Plant (WTP)                  from the abandoned Mount Morgan Mine site.
has now returned to operation after disruptions to its
operation since late last week.                               Abandoned Mine Lands Program officers from the
                                                              Department of Natural Resources and Mines today
The WTP is currently producing water with higher colour
                                                              (January 29) confirmed water is currently flowing from
and turbidity than normal due to the quality of the flood
                                                              the mine open cut pit into the Dee River at a rate of
waters in the No. 7 Dam. Although the drinking water
                                                              approximately 60 megalitres per day.
being supplied to the community has been disinfected,
FRW advises residents to boil water before drinking as        However, strong natural flows in the Dee River have to
a precaution until the drinking water returns to normal       date achieved significant dilution of any untreated water
water quality status.                                         entering the river; minimising potential downstream
An alternative tanker supply of clean potable water is
being made available at the corner of Central Street and      Approximately 700 millimetres (mm) of rain has fallen
Pattison Street in Mount Morgan should customers need         over the Mount Morgan Mine site since 23 January 2013.
to make use of this.
                                                              This was much more rainfall than during the 2011 flood
In regards to the two water mains that burst in Mount         event and close to the site’s annual rainfall.
Morgan earlier this week (Monday, January 28), they
have now been repaired and the water supply is restored.      As a result, the water level in the mine open cut pit quickly
                                                              rose from 1580 mm below the spillway and overflowed
                                                              at approximately 6.30am on Saturday 25 January 2013.
Mount Morgan Waste Disposal Facility:
                                                              Departmental officers on site continue to monitor water
Due to many areas within Mount Morgan being without           quality daily at hydrographic stations located downstream
power for 36 hours, the Mount Morgan Waste Disposal           of the mine site along the Dee and Don Rivers.
Facility is open free of charge, for acceptance of domestic
waste.                                                        Downstream landholders have been contacted and are
                                                              being kept fully informed about the situation at the
In addition, all Rockhampton Region landfills and waste
                                                              Mount Morgan mine.
transfer stations are currently accepting greenwaste free
of charge.                                                    Daily alerts are being provided to downstream landowners
                                                              and other key stakeholders including Rockhampton
                                                              Regional Council, Banana Shire Council, Central
Dislodged sewerage tank:                                      Highlands Regional Council, Fitzroy Basin Association,
Torrential weather over the weekend saw a sewerage            and the Capricorn Conservation Council.
overflow tank become dislodged from its original
                                                              Rumours of a hole in the Mount Morgan Mine pit wall
foundation settings in the Dee River.
                                                              are also unfounded.
Further information obtained from Rockhampton
Regional Council stated (on Tuesday, January 29) that         There are no threats to the integrity of the open cut pit
this tank was empty and had not been used for some time       wall which is monitored twice daily.
and is no longer required.                                    The four evaporators at the Mount Morgan Mine site
Council announced that the tank was inspected by Fitzroy      are in automatic mode and operating to lower pit water
River Water (FRW) on Sunday and decision was made to          levels.
demolish the tank and stabilise the river wall to protect
                                                              Seepage capture and return systems other than the central
the sewerage pump station next to it.
                                                              Mundic Gully system have been turned off to minimise
Equipment and material was transported from                   water re-entering the mine pit.
Rockhampton over the weekend and works should
commence on site early this week.                             These will be turned on again in the next day to minimise
                                                              the amount of low quality seepage exiting the site.
Council have advised that a decision will be made at a
later date on whether to replace the tank or not.

                                                                                  Find the team who bring you the
Local Disaster Coordination Centre:                                                     Argus on Facebook!
For any flood or storm related queries, or requests for                         Search Mount Morgan Promotion and
assistance please call the Local Disaster Coordination                               Development Incorporated.
Centre on 1300 652 659.
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo succ

            Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo succ
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo succ

It has been an exciting start to the year for local sisters, Emma   “I had a bit of a mishap for my first run at Wairoa Rodeo - the
and Zara Benjamin, who recently headed to New Zealand as            horse I was riding slipped on the third barrel and we both came
part of the annual Trans Tasman School Rodeo Challenge.             down. But I soon recovered and placed second at the second
                                                                    round of the challenge; gaining more points for our team.”
Making up part of the Australian team, the talented duo headed
to New Zealand for the competition on January 19.                   The recent competition marked the first time competing in
                                                                    the school rodeo challenge for 13 year old Zara, who made an
The competition saw four categories as part of the challenge,       impressive debut.
including barrel racing, steer riding, bull riding and bronc
riding.                                                             “I believe I did quite well competing in New Zealand” Zara
Both Emma and Zara competed in barrel racing events as
part of the competition, bringing with them years of riding         “Although I didn’t place in the challenge, I did place second
experience and a strong love for their sport.                       in the ‘Second Divi Barrel Race’ at Upper Mohaka which is
                                                                    against older and more experienced riders.”
“I began riding at 4 years old.” Emma said.
                                                                    The New Zealand challenge saw the Australian team arrive
“I have been going to rodeos all of my life but competing in        home as victors, with 355 points to New Zealand’s 335.
them for about 6 years. I love competing in barrel racing, I love
the adrenaline rush and being able to run with your best friend;    To finish up the Trans Tasman Challenge for 2013, three
it is a one of a kind feeling.”                                     rounds
                                                                    will later
Despite her young years, Zara also holds years of experience.       be held in
“Like Emma, I began riding at 4 and I have been competing in        Australia
rodeo since I was 10 years old.” Zara said.                         during
“I love barrel racing as it gives me something to look forward      September.
to and work towards. It is a sport that you can keep progressing
with; I love seeing how much myself and my horse have               Both Emma
improved throughout the year, with the help of my mum and           and Zara
my pop Lindsay Cant.”                                               say they
                                                                    are looking
The recent trip was the fourth time competing in New Zealand        forward to
for Emma, as well as her second year captaining the Australian      the next
High School Rodeo team.                                             challenge.
Discussing the current challenge, the inspiring 16 year old said    Pictured:
it was another thrilling experience.                                Emma and
                                                                    Zara. Photo
“The challenge sure is exciting, very different but certainly an    supplied.
experience and a half. I competed in the ‘Second Divi Barrel
Race’ as they call it over in New Zealand” Emma said.

                          Crowd heads to Harvest Festival
Crowd heads for Harvest Festival Crowd heads for Harvest Festival Crowd heads for Harvest Festival Crowd heads for Harvest Festiva
Crowd heads for Harvest Festival Crowd heads for Harvest Festival Crowd heads for Harvest Festival Crowd heads for Harvest Festiva

Since its establishment seven years ago, the Hindu                  A further celebration was held on the following Saturday
Temple located in Baree, Mount Morgan has hosted a                  at the CQUniveristy,
number of colourful, annual events.                                 where around 100
                                                                    people attended.
This month saw a crowd gather for the temple’s first
calendar of events for the year; the Harvest Festival of            Pictured: young attendees
Pongal.                                                             enjoy the celebrations for
                                                                    the Harvest Festival of
Held each year in mid- January, the Harvest Festival of             Pongal, held at the Hindu
Pongal is widely celebrated mostly in the south of India            Temple in Baree, Mount
and in Tamil Nadu. The festivity is associated with the
annual cycle of seasons and marks the reaping of the                Article and photo:
The local celebrations saw around 50 people gather at               Do you have an
the location in Baree on January 14, performing rites and           upcoming event that
ceremonies before indulging in a huge feast of vegetarian           you would like to
food.                                                               see included in the
                                                                    Mount Morgan Argus?
Guests predominately included Tamil residents, mostly               Contact MMPAD at:
from Sri Lanka and currently residing and employed in               mmpad@bigpond.com
Rockhampton.                                                        of phone: 4938 2333.
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
           Happy birthday!                                   
              Picnic Spot Celebration:                     There’s a silver lining in every cloud so they say, well
 On the 23rd of January, 2013 a group of friends and       the recent clouds have filled our dams and
 ex work mates celebrated the 80th Birthday of long
                                                           waterways for some time to come, so that must be
 time resident of Mount Morgan - OLIVE WYATT.
 Olive is no doubt well known for her many years at        There are so many people to thank for their tireless
            Mullins Café and Schirmir’s.                   efforts during the recent weather, the Council
     Congratulations Olive, enjoy many more.               Employees, SES, Police, Fire and Ambos on a local
                                                           level. The Telstra, Ergon and Main Roads staff who
                                                           also put in mighty efforts to get us back on line and
                                                           functioning in somewhat tough conditions. Many
       Thank you from On Track                                                             people have said they
Thank you to all of the kind and generous souls who                                        have never seen rain
donated items to the On Track Program - including                                          like it before—lets
            wheel barrows and plants.                                                      hope we don’t see it
               Hearing Screenings:                                                           Our in store rain gauge,
           Where: Mount Morgan Hospital.                                                     55 litre plastic crate,
             When: Monday 18th Feb                                                           filled to overflowing in 8
               Time: From 12 noon                                                            hours overnight Friday
                                                                                             night. That’s what you
Hearing screening only for clients who have a Pension
                                                                                             call a leaky roof!
  Card and who do not currently have hearing aids or
                                                                                             Thank you to everyone
 plan in place. Appointments essential - please phone
                                                                                             for your patience and
                     4912 5100.
                                                           understanding during this mood swing of Mother Nature!
                                                           It’s that time of year when we are reminded to tell that
  Are you interested in playing rugby union?               special person in our life how much we care. Love it or
                                                           hate it—Valentine’s Day is 14th February. Now for the
If you are 18 years of age or older, and are interested    romantics out there you will find, flowers, cards, stuffed
 in playing rugby union - please contact Natashia on       critters and more, don’t forget get in Early to avoid
              49381190 or 0447050538.                      disappointment, pre-order your
                                                           flowers and arrange delivery.
                                                           It’s the last days of our Back to
                                                           School catalogues, a great time to
                           Russell Cooper                  stock up for extra supplies for the
                                                           home and office.
                            Optometrist                      Finally (as we go to print), we await
                                                           news of road closures to Rockhampton.
                           now consulting from              This will impact on supplies so we ask
                            Mount Morgan                               for your patience.

                              Hospital                                         We’re local just like you!
                                                                                  45 Morgan Street
   Phone 4922 6996 for an appointment                                              Mount Morgan
                                                                               Email mtmorgannews@bigpond.com
      Visiting 1st & 3rd Tues of the month                                      Ph 49381070

  • All repairs done professionally at affordable prices
                • Over 10 years experience
           • Custom built new pc’s to any spec
     • Basic NEW PC’s $649, delivered and installed
                   (Mount Morgan only)
• New Gaming pc’s from $899, set up and ready to go!!!
        • All new computers come with 12 month
                                                                           Find the team who bring you the
                    hardware warranty
                                                                                 Argus on Facebook!
      Call Nathan from 8am to 6pm any day on:                                Search Mount Morgan Promotion and
             4938 2451 or 0421 411 249                                            Development Incorporated.
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
              People in Profile: David and Kerryn Betts
People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in
ofile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile People in Profile Peo

By Heather Quarry
Mount Morgan is a town of pride and character.                  It became his back yard for many years. Fascinated with
Each family living here enriches its unique charm,              nature and all it had to offer David never got bored, always
from those born here to those that have relocated from          finding new and exciting things to check out on his daily
elsewhere.                                                      adventures.
Kerryn and David Betts are reasonably new to the town           His main passion in the area of sport was soccer. As a
but fit in like they were born here. They will be travelling    twelve year old he was playing under eighteen soccer, but
around a little but have decided they will always come          stopped playing when his dad got out of the Army. Five
back to the place that made them feel at home from their        years away from the game and the family moving to a new
very first visit.                                               place gave David the opportunity to get back into it.

Kerryn was born in a Brisbane hospital on the February 5,       Playing just one game in 3rd division, then one game in
1974 and David says with a laugh “My mum was visiting           2nd division showed his passion and commitment to the
friends on the other side of Sydney and I decided to come       sport. He went straight to 1st division and enjoyed the
out on the 16th of October, 1976 at Blacktown Hospital.”        experiences of being undefeated for four years, winning
                                                                State Cups and attending State Finals at Home Bush. After
They say opposites attract. Kerryn and David are true           being promoted to premier league he tore both hamstrings
testimony to this statement. Kerryn’s dad was a glazier         and finally gave up soccer. The year prior to his premier
who bought glazing businesses quite often which kept            league promotion David had a broken neck, a fracture in
them frequently on the move. Much of her childhood was          his back and extensive head injuries due to a car accident.
spent with her parents travelling around a lot. She would
often be found with her brother cutting louvres for their       Kerryn and David stayed in the same street on Bribie Island
dad and generally doing kid stuff together. Becoming a          as kids but never knew each other. Years later, David’s
vet was one of her dreams until she realised that seeing        parents purchased a house next to a shop on the Island and
animals hurt or needing surgery was too much for her. She       Kerryn and her son Jamie lived in the unit above the shop.
hasn’t given up on the idea of being a foster carer for fur     David met Jamie when he used to rollerblade around the
babies though.                                                  car parks in 1999, as therapy after his accident. They
                                                                would rollerblade together for ages. Once David met
Kerryn started her school years in Brisbane, changing           Kerryn they developed what was to become a long term
schools often because of her dad’s business ventures,           friendship and marriage. Kerryn’s step brother was gay
and finished her schooling in Gympie. School wasn’t             and Kerryn recalls that both she and her brother wanted
Kerryn’s favourite topic of conversation although she           to go out with David. “Luckily for me I won” Kerryn says
enjoyed art, English and Japanese. (English being her           with a wicked chuckle. “My step brother has a beautiful
favourite subject, but she didn’t enjoy school). Having         partner now so all ended well.”
a very controlling father, she found that school life was
another area that tried to constantly control her. “Getting     Moving to Gracemere from Bundaberg to be closer to
into trouble constantly for talking too much was an every       David’s work at Dysart was a big step for them both. They
day occurrence I think. The experiences did help make           came for a drive to Mount Morgan one Saturday and both
me who I am today though”. Asking Kerryn about her              fell in love with the feel of the town. Kerryn repeatedly
thoughts on sport, she broke out laughingly replying “I am      told David the Mountain was calling her. They’d never
the most uncoordinated person you will ever meet so sport       bought a shop before but after buying a handy trader at
was definitely not an option for me”.                           the local news agency and seeing the “For Sale” advert for
                                                                the old Lucky Strike Pizza shop it didn’t take them long
Being a lover of music Kerryn was involved in a country         before The
music group plus choir. Her choir tutor wanted to take          Gypsies
her further with a musical career but her father wouldn’t       Pot Tea
allow it, so she gave up on that dream and channelled her       House was
energies in a different direction. She is studying to become    born.
a Naturopath with her ultimate goals of being a natural
healer and giver of natural therapies as well as getting land   In a future
and being able to foster and rescue animals.                    issue of
                                                                the Argus
David was a self confessed Army brat with two extremely         we hope
busy parents. He feels blessed that despite experiencing        to bring
an army life upbringing, he and his sister had a stable         you more
childhood. Growing up near the northern beaches of              on the
Sydney, David attended primary and high schools in the          lives and
area. “I’d latch on to the other army brats (and I say that     dreams of
respectfully because that is what we were all called back       David and
then). Most would only be around for a year or so then          Kerryn.
move on. It gave me new people to mix with plus helped
the others because I could show them around.”
The first fifteen years of David’s life were enjoyed
exploring the National Park next to where he lived.
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
                                                                Hope International Ministries, which is a Mount Morgan
                                                                based Ministry, supported Ferdi in his past and recent trips
                                                                to Zambia, with further support from individual donations.

                                                                The current work in Zambia will be shared at the HIM
                                                                Community Fellowship Church next month (Feb 17), with
                                                                a visit from Chris Shadbolt; an on the ground missionary
                                                                in Zambia.
The Argus brings you a new column “Locals Abroad”,              Pictured: Ferdi stands beside a progressing medical clinic, located in
dedicated to local residents and stories of their trips         Changkosa. Ferdi was able to use his building expertise during his visit
abroad.                                                         to Zambia, assisting in repair and building work, like the medical clinic
                                                                pictured. Photo supplied.
The first story to feature is that of local resident Ferdi
Miltenburg, who took a trip to Zambia, Africa last year.

On a mission: Ferdi Miltenburg:
For local resident, Ferdi Miltenburg, life in Zambia Africa
seems basic, and yet, very beautiful.
Mud huts, ministry work, few facilities and friendly
faces are just some of the remarkable experiences
Ferdi encountered during a recent trip to Africa, during
September of last year.
Ferdi headed to the area as part of a mission trip during
2012, where he worked with an on the ground team, part
of a missionary organisation known as ‘To the Nations’.
Over his six week stay, Ferdi travelled and spent time
in Kabwe, Imansa, Mkushi, Changkosa and Myooye;
preaching in local churches and ministering at a local
hospital with the Hospital Chaplain.
Trading as a builder back home, Ferdi also assisted in
many building and repair works throughout his stay;             Do you have a story of a past trip to be included in this
involved with the building of birthing clinics, medical         new column? Perhaps you have an experience to share, a
clinics, church buildings, and repairs to local schools.        funny tale to entertain or simply some great snapshots?
Ferdi’s trip was his fifth time visiting Zambia, with each of   Send in your experiences abroad to MMPAD:
the four prior trips being three week stays.                    mmpad@bigpond.com / 4938 2333.

Although visiting several times prior, Ferdi said the recent
experience certainly hadn’t become any less exciting or

“For me, one of the most rewarding parts of the trip was
seeing the faces of the people being ministered to and
being able to help them by way of building clinics in
places particularly where there are no medical facilities
at all.”
Ferdi said one special memory of the recent assistance
work was laying down a new roof for a school in Mkushi.
“Seeing the faces of the children as we laid down a new
roof for their school was wonderful.
“It had blown off during a storm, and they were so excited
when they saw it being put back on.”
Ferdi said the residents of Zambia also hold special
“The residents of Zambia are beautiful and happy” he said.

“They are always so willing to share their food and open
their homes to you, and show such appreciation for all that
is being done for them.”

“Village life is very basic and the buildings are constructed
in the villages where people are still living in mud huts.”
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
Mount Morgan cops wild weather and record rainfall Mount Morgan cops wild weather and record rainfall Mount Morgan cops wild we
Mount Morgan cops wild weather and record rainfall
Mount Morgan cops wild weather and record rainfall Mount Morgan cops wild weather and record rainfall Mount Morgan cops wild we

The Australia Day long weekend
may have been and gone for the
year, but it is safe to say that it
is one that will be spoken of for
many years to come...
Though not for the traditional
beach days and barbeques as we
often associate this time of year
Around the State, the usual
sunny      celebrations    were
replaced by wild weather, as
towns and cities experienced
the force of ex-tropical cyclone
Oswald before its move south.
This issue of the Argus, we
take a local look, albeit brief,
into some of what the area
experienced as the remnants of
Oswald made its move through
the Mount.
Firstly, it will come as no
surprise to many that the rainfall
Mount Morgan received over a brief few days, was that            “I have never seen the Dee River run with such force, and
of an enormous quantity.                                         I didn’t even see it at its peak.
Looking at online statistics, a number of sites list between     “Nor have I ever seen the mine crossing with such
550mm and 750mm of rainfall for the Mount Morgan                 extensive holes and damage. That was really mind
area during this time.                                           boggling to see it so gorged out.” The former Mine
                                                                 employee stated.
The higher readings matched a number of local gauges,
with some recording around 400mm of rain on the                  “I have never known Mount Morgan to receive over 20
township in just one day and well over 700mm during the          odd inches in a couple of days. I think it was 1964 that
move of Oswald. All in all, these recordings suggest that        we had about 6 inches in 20 minutes, but that was about
the local area almost received its entire average rainfall       the bulk of it. I’ve never seen it rain so strong for so many
for one year, in less than one week.                             hours and at some stages, it almost seemed horizontal.”
And with downpours of this magnitude in the township,            These severe downpours and wild winds, matched with a
it’s no surprise that areas such as Struck Oil called in         number of road closures, saw many opt to stay indoors as
even higher readings. The Bureau of Meteorology                  much as possible. Though for many, it wasn’t a time for
website recorded over 1,000mm of rain from the Upper             television or texting – as the long weekend saw the loss
Dee Station.                                                     of phone and internet service, and for many houses, even
                                                                 power and water.
Struck Oil resident, Murray Hare recorded an extreme
1,100mm for his area.                                            For those without technology and/or power, the situation
                                                                 proved an inconvenience, for others however it was a
“The rainfall from our end, the top end, had over 1,100mm        challenge.
of rain in the few days.”
                                                                 A number of locals also found themselves isolated for a
Murray said the experience of the remnants of Oswald is          period of time, with access to and from their homes lost
certainly one to remember.                                       due to rising streams.
“That’s to say the least” he said.                               Challenges also came for a number of local operators
“It was certainly something.”                                    who were unable to carry out their usual trading due
“The rainfall washed the first crossing to Struck Oil out -      to a loss of technology which sadly saw a decrease in
I have only seen that happen one other time in my life and       trade. Others fortunately were able to pull through the
that was in 1974. It did a lovely job of it – over two and       circumstances though with lower stock and unavailable
a half metres deep, which was quite amazing actually.”           eftpos proving the main challenges. For locals employed
                                                                 out of town, the weather also saw an extended holiday
And Murray certainly isn’t alone in his surprise by the
                                                                 for some, and a challenge for others trying to find ways
wild weather. Long term resident, Bette Broom says in
                                                                 to return home.
her lifetime of living in Mount Morgan, she has never
seen the local area experience wild weather like that of         For some, the loss of communication and power also
last week.                                                       proved a major concern.
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success
Deputy Local Controller for the Mount Morgan SES               Words of advice in times of severe weather, from our
Group, Darren Barnicoat, said the loss of communication                      local emergency assistance teams:
saw the need for a number of welfare and safety checks.         - Always try to phone 13 25 00 – (SES storm and flood
“With the power and communication out, some people              emergency number) when needing to contact the SES.
were unable to contact their loved ones and were               - If able, tune into your local radio stations such as ABC
concerned for their safety.”                                                 and 4RO for updates and warnings.
                                                                 - If it’s flooded, forget it! – Always avoid driving into
“We, along with other services, and staff of the Hospital                               flood waters.
were able to check in on those people, and also those                            - Check on your neighbour.
requiring regular medical treatment.”
Darren said welfare and safety checks were among the 30
to 40 varied jobs carried out by the local SES during the
time, with tasks also including removal of trees and fallen
branches, sandbagging, roof tarping and traffic control.
The long weekend also saw increased workload for many
other local services, seeing staff of the Rockhampton
Regional Council, Mount Morgan Hospital and other
emergency services working around the clock.
Station Officer of the Queensland Fire and Rescue
Service, Wayne McConachy recalled some of the tasks
the local Fire and Rescue Service team were faced with
during the few days.
                                                               Above: Intersection Morgan St, Tipperary Road and Mine Entrance.
“In that period of time we had 11 call outs. Some of these
were associated with fallen power lines and swift water
Discussing some of the call outs relating to swift water
rescue, Wayne advised strongly against driving into
flood waters during situations such as what we’ve just
“We have an issue with people driving in flood waters.
People may see various cars beside the creeks and roads
around our area, and this is evident proof of why you
shouldn’t ever do this.”
Abandoned cars are not the only changes to a number            Above: The Tipperary/Red Hill road crossing was one of the roadways to
                                                               see damage as a result of last week’s wild weather.
of local roads following the wild weather, with some
completely closed and others expected to see increased
traffic.                                                       The show
Transport and Main Roads announced this week that the          must go
heavy rain and wild weather caused significant landslides      on!:
                                                               The severe
along the Burnett Highway on the Mount Morgan Range
as well as bad cracks in the bitumen. At this stage it         may have
is suggested that it could be months before the road is        seen the
rebuilt.                                                       cancellation
                                                               of Australia
The department also acknowledged that there may                Day
be increased traffic using Razorback Road due to the           celebrations
closure of the Burnett Highway at Mount Morgan Range           around the
and Capricorn Highway at Neerkol Creek Bridge, and             region,
encourage motorists to drive safely and to the conditions.     but this
Despite these changes however, many locals, like Bette         to stop
Broom agree that most is minor in comparison to other          members of
areas.                                                         the Mt Morgan Multicultural Mob (who were initially set to
                                                               perform at the Mt Morgan Australia Day celebrations) from
“I really think we’re the lucky ones - to be on top of the     braving the elements to play music on Australia Day. Pictured is
hill” Bette said.                                              Tony Widjaya, who was also joined by Nicholai von Tonslamann.
                                                               The revellers at the Grand Hotel as well as passers by were
“The trouble we had is nothing much when compared              surprised but pleased to find that someone was doing something
to some of the things other parts of the State are             to lift the spirits on such a miserable grey day.
experiencing.”                                                 Caption and photo supplied.
Pictured left: Dairy Creek downside of road crossing- Gordon
Lane, Walter Hall. See MMPAD’s Facebook for more photos        What was your experience of the recent wild weather?
plus videos of the 2013 flooding.                              Send us your stories/photos – mmpad@bigpond.com
Emma and Zara saddle up for rodeo success


                         Screens & Blinds                                                       1st Tues of the Month
                        ABN No. 69293151026
Security Screens & Doors, Holland & Venetian Blinds, Vertical Drapes, Alu-
minium & Canvas Awnings, Glass & Window Replacement, Shower Screens
                Phone 4938 2055 ~ Mobile 0419 737 130
           Cannot perform building work in excess of $3,300

                 FAX: 4938 2671
           80a Gordon Lane, Mount Morgan

                                                                                   Trevlor Motors BP
                                                                                    Now approved inspection station
                                                                                            We also service:
                                                                                               •mowers             Now Stocking:
                                                                                               • ride ons           parts & auto
                                                                                           • whipper snippers       accessories!
                                                                                           • mobility scooters
                                                                                     Full driveway & friendly service
                                                                                           Phone: 49381 361


                                                                                             Phone Jason on 4926 1001
       6 Central Street, MOUNT MORGAN                                                              Mobile 0419 175 338
                 Phone: 4938 1283                                                            BSA - Jason Bean 121860

              M.A.W. Mowing &                                                    White Elephant Burger
             Handyman Services                                                            Bar
                                                                                             Now Open
                  Mr Mark Williamson
                                                                                      Open 7 days - 8am - 8pm
             PO Box 9649, Park Avenue 4702
                                                                               Come in for a sit down meal, or take away.
           “Lawns fear me women want me”                                     Burgers, fish and chips, meals- lunch and dinner,
                                                                                       fresh donuts and much more!
          MAW Mowing 0403 571 561
                        ABN 3070630026                                                    Phone: 49381 808
                                                                               65 Morgan Street (Formerly Rainbow Cafe)

                    W. & S. Cruickshank
                               BSA 75608
                   5 Calliungal Lane, Mt Morgan
               Phone 4938 2637, Mobile 0488 104774
              Email: sandracruickshank@bigpond.com
           Roofs airless sprayed from $1,700, Gutters & Facia
              from $250, Exteriors gurneyed from $300
                  All materials supplied at trade price
                 Pensioner discount on Painting.
              Prices apply only in Mt Morgan area.
                         BUSINESSES, TRADES & SERVICES

                               Lisa Wyvill                         ALAN HOUSMAN BUILDER
                                                                                    ABN 52 081 926 QBSA 19514
                                Director                                                                            Domestic &
                                                                                                                  Commercial Work
                                 PO Box 139                                                                         Specialising in:
                            Mt. Morgan Qld. 4714                                                                    • Restumping
                                                                                                                     • Extensions
                               Ph: 07 4938 1772                                                                     • Renovations
                                                                                                                     • New Home
                               Fax: 07 4938 1776
                                                                      Phone: 4938 1887 ~ Mobile 0419 741 611
                             kindycare@bigpond.com                 Building locally for over 20 years ~ Quality Workmanship Guaranteed

    John Hawkey Plumbing                                              Simon’s Computer Repairs
             ABN:93587510453 QBSA:43778

                                                        b   er!   ABN 83 232 873 270
For All Your Maintenance Plumbing!                  m
   Renovations                             a                      The Best Price’s
                                                                                s In

   Hot Water Systems

   Roof & Gutter

   Repairs                                                          Computers from $200
   Whirly Birds                                                     Phone 0417 398 183
            Mobile: 0448 168 939                                    Home 0749 382206

Local Licenced Mechanic
                                                                                         PEST MANAGEMENT SERVICES
Scotty                                                                                                  Phone: 07 4911 3901

           Elliott                                                                                        Fax: 07 4923 7880
                                                                                                          Mobile: 0404 486 102
                                                                  Gary Sawley
                                                                  Qld Health PMT 13536/F-10364
                                                                  BSA Licence: 1066542
PH: 49 382 505 / 0422 441859                                      Email: gary@cqpropest.com                 www.cqpropest.com

                                                                                 DIGITAL ANTENNA
   CONCRETING SERVICE                                                              INSTALLATION
       AVAILABLE                                                                      Extra TV Outlets
                                                                                  Telephone Extensions
                                                                         ADSL Central Filters For Broadband Internet
             • All Aspects of concreting                                        Mount Morgan - Wowan -
             • Jobs under $3000 value                                            Dululu - Bouldercombe
                                                                                      Eric J. Stevenson
                    • Free Quotes                                                         ACMA Lic. T14409
          Please phone 0428 1541 72                                 Ph 4938 1073 or 0417 006 591

MARK HUMPHREY’S ELECTRICAL                                                    MOUNTAIN MOWING
8 Baldwin Street                                                                 SERVICES
Mount Morgan 4714                                                                         Obligation free quote
Electrical Lic. No. 74711
                                                                                     KEVIN COUGHRAN
PHONE 0439 727 609                                                                              Owner
FAX 4938 2885                                                                      Mobile: 0428 678 096
       I N S TA L L AT I O N A N D R E PA I R S
      P R O M P T LY S E RV I C I N G M O U N T
      M O R G A N & W O WA N D I S T R I C T S

                                            FREE Community Information Sessions

                             Your Council
         ‘Accessing Information and Interacting with Council’

                        Tuesday 5 February 2013
                      MT MORGAN SCHOOL OF ARTS
                             2pm and 6pm
Rockhampton Regional Council will be conducting two 1.5 hour community information sessions
highlighting how the community can access information and the various ways to interact with Council.

            Topics will include:
                                  •   Navigating Council’s website
                                  •   Accessing Customer Service and Library Services
                                  •   Council’s social media space (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube)
                                  •   Hardship Payment processes
                                  •   Q G A P /Council Interaction for Mount Morgan

Bookings are not required but more information is available from Council’s Community Development
Staff on 4936 8576.

                        Community Capacity Building Workshops;
                    informing, educating and up-skilling our community.

     f    ‘Like’ us on Facebook                     Rockhampton Regional council

                                                    PO Box 1860, Rockhampton Qld 4700
          'Follow' us on Twitter                    4932 9000 or 1300 22 55 77 | www.rrc.qld.gov.au

               Rockhampton Regional Council

                                                                      •   Lively Stories
    Libraries are more                                                •   BOOK Club
    than just somewhere                                               •   Sports Library
    to borrow a book.                                                 •   E-Audio Books
                                                                      •   FREE Internet access
 OPENING TIMES: Monday - Friday 9am to 12noon - 1pm to 4pm. Saturday 9am to 11.30 am.

              Become a member today . . .
Mount Morgan Library | Rockhampton Regional Council Library Service
31 Morgan Street Mount Morgan|
Ph: 4936 1169 │Fax: 4936 8432 │PO Box 1860, Rockhampton Q 4700
                                                                 Mount Morgan Dam set to see new inhabitants Mount Morgan D
                       Ted Malone MP                                Mount Morgan Dam set to see
                                                                 Mount Morgan Dam set to see new inhabitants Mount Morgan D
                      Member for Mirani                                         new
                                                                 Mount Morgan Dam set to inhabitants
                                                                                         see new inhabitants Mount Morgan D

                          PO Box 56, Sarina Qld 4737             After the huge downpours last week, it is safe to say that
                  Telephone: 07 4956 1555 Fax : 07 4956 1980     our Dam is at maximum capacity. As our town water
                             Freecall: 1800 812 340              supply, this hopefully will see our area without water
                      Email: mirani@parliament.qld.gov.au
                                                                 concerns for some time to come.
                                                                 Along with all of this water, the area has seen a number
Welcome to 2013, I hope everyone has had a great break           of other inclusions and changes of late. With its new
and is ready for what I am sure will be another busy year.       playground, extra barbeques, increased parking, toilet
I take this opportunity to wish all students returning to        upgrade and general beautification to its parks and
school the best for your academic year and am sure you           gardens, the Dam is certainly coming along and proving
will all put in the effort required for great results in 2013.   a fantastic recreational spot for locals and visitors alike.
It was very unfortunate the weather saw the Australia Day        Funding for these improvements was a joint Council and
celebrations in Mount Morgan and the official opening of         Queensland Government funded project. It is a credit to
the new playground at the ‘Big Dam’ to be cancelled. The         the Council employees who maintain the area.
playground, completed at the end of 2012 was funded by           As many are no doubt aware, the Mount Morgan Dam is
the Queensland Government and the Local government               also home to a number of fish; a number which we are
Grants and Subsidies Program – Infrastructure Subsidy            hoping to raise considerably once again this year through
2012-2013 and the Rockhampton Regional Council.                  a restocking program.
Complete with picnic tables, chairs, bbq’s, playground
and outdoor gym equipment as well as a new car park,             Mount Morgan Promotion and Development (MMPAD)
I am sure the Mount Morgan Dam will be even more                 has secured a restocking permit issued by the Queensland
popular with these new facilities to appreciate when the         Government Department of Fisheries.This is captured
weather is more agreeable.                                       within a 5 year Recreation Restocking Plan, documenting
                                                                 some assurance that the Dam is stocked annually
I hope everyone still enjoyed their Australia Day … it           with native species. A scientific analytic approach
is a very special day for us all to give thanks for our          has recommended native types and numbers for this
freedom and our ability to live a peaceful lifestyle and         restocking and we are currently in the third year of this.
to acknowledge those in our communities who make
outstanding contributions to their communities and I             This year, MMPAD has engaged Hanwood Hatchery to
congratulate all the award recipients.                           supply 8,500 Golden Perch (Yellowbelly) fingerlings,
                                                                 scheduled for delivery to our Dam this week.
Be Prepared: With the storm and cyclone season upon
us, emergency authorities are asking Queenslanders to be         These will be placed in sheltered areas around the No 7
well prepared and equipped.                                      Dam’s perimeter. If the Dam is still at a stage of overflow,
                                                                 the fingerlings will be released in areas away from main
EMQ recommends all households have:                              currents.
• An emergency evacuation plan
• An evacuation kit ready in case they need to leave their       Almost 12 months ago, 7,500 fingerlings were released
properties quickly and                                           as part of this project and by the end of this year should
• An emergency kit in case services, power and water             be at size suitable for the plate. Within the following year,
supplies are disrupted.                                          these fingerlings are expected to reach 1.5 kg in weight,
                                                                 which to anyone is a “good sized catch”.
It’s also important to ensure all members of the household
know where the kits are and how to use them.                     We understand the importance of this type of community
                                                                 project which allows more versatility of the Dam’s
Road Safety: We are only just into the New Year and
                                                                 recreational usage, capitalising on the large man made
already we are seeing the tragic consequences of yet more
                                                                 location and hopefully extending enjoyment to many a
accidents on our highways and roads. Road accidents can
                                                                 keen and said to be knowledgeable freshwater fishers,
happen to any of us, but they are preventable. One out
                                                                 locals and visitors alike.
of six is due to fatigue and many others can be prevented
with care and consideration for others.                          A special thanks to the Mount Morgan community who
We are all special and we do not want these senseless            purchased raffle tickets in our Christmas hamper, plus
deaths on our roads, so we must take care when                   to Norton Goldfields, The Mount Morgan Rotary Club,
travelling to ensure we are driving safely, taking into          and Councillor Tom Wyatt for their kind sponsorship;
consideration traffic conditions and other vehicles on the       together meeting the $2330 required for the purchase of
road, recognising the warning signs of fatigue and taking        the fingerlings.
appropriate action.                                              We warmly welcome any of the Mount Morgan
Inevitably road accidents have a huge impact on families,        community to join us in releasing the thousands of
causing great sadness and extreme loss to all those              fingerlings into the Dam this weekend. The release is set
affected. However, we need to also remember that it              to happen at 9.30am this Saturday 2nd February 2013 at
is also extremely traumatic for our emergency service            the boat ramp. See you there!
workers … police, SES volunteers, fire fighters and
                                                                 - John Steinberger
ambulance officers, who are called out time and again to
                                                                 President, Mount Morgan Promotion & Development
deal with the horrific aftermath of road accidents.

           © Mountain Mick (Mick Blake)                              Book reviews by local resident,
                                                                              Karletta A.
Ingredients:                                                         ‘Australian Story Vol 4: Stories of Courage,
400g canned chick peas or freshly boiled                                      Determination and Love’
400g lentils canned or freshly boiled                                             By Graham Bauer
500g sweet potatoes 25mm Cubes
300g finely diced carrots                                       “Engaging, educational and often inspiring.”
300g finely diced celery                                        4 Stars ****
2 tablespoons of olive oil or veggie oil.
600ml veggie stock - up to a litre+                             The 10 episodes chosen for this fourth collection of
1 large onion finely chopped,                                   Australian Stories include the exciting tale of race-
3 tablespoons tomato paste                                      horse Black Caviar; struggle for recognition of heroic
1 ½ tablespoon sweet paprika                                    World War II sailors; and the amazing love story of
1 bay leaf                                                      Sally and her fiancé Sam, who wakes from his coma
3 clove of garlic                                               for an hour each day.
¼ teaspoon black pepper & salt
                                                                I found each story to be engaging, educational and
pinch of chilli (only if you like it other wise leave it out)
                                                                sometimes inspiring.
1 to 2 tablespoon corn flour mixed in 125ml water , mix
corn flour with a little water into a runny paste               One of my favourite stories is of a football player
                                                                ‘paying forward’ the role of being a mentor to young
Firstly, fry onions in oil until just clear. Now add sweet
potatoes, diced carrots, diced celery. Also add bay leaves,     The introduction pages tell how an Australian Story
garlic, salt black pepper and chilli (if using) and cook for    show makes it to the air and the values of producing
10 minutes on high heat.                                        the show.
Next, add tomato paste, sweet paprika and the veggie            Each story concludes with a note by a producer, or team
stock. Also add chick peas and lentils, then cook on low        member who championed for the show to be produced.
heat until sweet potato is just cooked. Now, add corn           This conclusion often updates us on ‘where are they
flour/water paste for 2 to 3 minutes over heat. Then chill      now’, explains why certain pieces of information were
in the fridge.                                                  left out (usually time constraints), and highlights the
                                                                surprising twists about the story that research revealed.
Line your pie dish with a pastry of your liking (I use
puffed pastry.) Fill this with pie filling, put lid on and
bake in 180C per-heated oven for 25 minutes or until
golden brown.                                                   With the warmer weather upon us, you may be spotting
Serve with green peas. I would serve with “iced green           snakes close by to your premise.
tea with a hint                                                 As many are aware, Australia is home to some of the
of mint.                                                        world’s most deadliest snakes and it is important to
I know...                                                       remember to avoid putting yourself in a dangerous
where’s the                                                     situation and avoid attempting to catch or remove
meat?? - but                                                    a snake. In most cases, snakes avoid contact with
try it, you may                                                 humans, however they are known to defend themselves
be surprised                                                    when they feel threatened.
and find you
love it (just                                                   Local snake catcher, Peter Wills is available to assist
don’t tell                                                      in removing and relocating snakes from your premise.
them, and they                                                  Phone Peter on 0478 227 863 for further details or if a
won’t know).                                                    snake is found.

			 Free Appraisals!
			                       Local Agent Dedicated to you!
			                       Reliable & Dependable!
                                                                              • Meals available 7 days
                            Mount Morgan’s                             • Live entertainment Friday evenings
                         Local Harcourt’s Agent!                              and Sunday afternoons
                             Angela Douglas                              • Big breakky Sunday from 10am
                           Harcourts Gracemere
                    ph: 07 4933 1088 m: 0401 953 882
                   e: angela.douglas@harcourts.com.au                Come in and have a coldy at the Bouldy.
                   Public Notices
      Have an article for a future Argus issue?
If you have a story idea, article or advertisement that you
 would   of meeting:
             included inMount  Morgan issue
                          an upcoming   Agricultural   Show
                                              of the Argus,                                                           THEATRE
 Society  invites all Show  Society   Members,   Volunteers
please contact the MMPAD staff on 4938 2333 or email:                                                              •98 JAMES ST MT MORGAN•
 and interested mmpad@bigpond.com
                   people to a thank you BBQ at the                                                                •CANDY BAR•DOLBY SOUND•
 Showgrounds, Sunday 11th Sep 2011. With a meeting                                                                     •AIR CONDITIONED•
        Next issue out Thursday, February 14th.
 and idea forum session to follow. Please RSVP for
   Please note, cutoff for all inclusions is strictly 2pm
 catering by Friday 9th Sep: 04032 92061
                                                                                                                         CARS 2 (PG)
                   Friday, February 8th.
                                                                                                                      FRI & SAT SEP 16 & 17
 Research - information request: Information is
                 for Argus
           Find the         team onproject.
                                      Facebook!                                                                           7.30 - 9.25 pm
 being sought         an upcoming             If you know
 For details of the Argus  online, community    happenings                                                                $ 9.00 ENTRY
 of any past information regarding: Nessie         Chardon,
  and event pics, search: Mount Morgan Promotion and
 the Mount Morgan School of Arts and Library, please
                Development Incorporated                                                                            SOON: GREEN LANTERN: RISE
 phone John on: 4938 2548 / 0429 055 165 or email:                                                                   OF THE PLANET OF THE APES:
 bullocky@westnet.com.au                                                                                           COWBOYS & ALIENS: PUSS IN BOOTS
  Mount Morgan Phonebook: To ensure the accuracy                                                                         (Schedules May Vary)
                                                                                                                      Local Business -
  of all AN
NEED      details  within the new RJ
              ELECTRICIAN?:            local directories,
                                          Electrician  Pty local
                                                            Ltd.                                                      Use it or Lose it!
Phone:   0431are576
                     101        to provide residential details
  to the MMPAD Office. If you have had a change of
WORK WANTED: Trailer repairs, small welding                                  JUST
                                                                        • HIRE       $10 FOR
                                                                                3 OR MORE         7 MOVIES
                                                                                          NEW RELEASES           FOR
                                                                                                           FOR JUST   $5 A
      gates amade
               change    of name     orPeter:
                                                 not 2965
                                                      like /your                        WHOLE
jobs,               to order.  Phone                                        • JUST $10 FOR 7 MOVIESWEEK?
                                                                                                      FOR A WHOLE WEEK!
0411   893 details
           778      included (if details have been in past                        NOW
                                                                              • BUY DVD’STHAT’S    GOOD
                                                                                          & CD’S FROM      VALUE!!
                                                                                                        ONLY  $1.00 EACH
  prints), please contact the MMPAD Office at: 61                                    NOW THAT’S
                                                                               GOOD THERAPY  - TAKEGOOD   VALUE!
                                                                                                    2 MOVIES & GO TO BED
REPAIRS: All computer repairs fixed by experienced
  Morgan Street Mount Morgan or email: mmpad@                                 GOOD THERAPY - TAKE 2 MOVIES & GO TO BED
computer technician. Call Nathan on: 4938 2451.                                     GETTING YOUR MOVIES OFF THE NET?
  bigpond.com                                                             YOU
                                                                       EVERY   ARE
                                                                             WEEK   MISSING
                                                                                  THERE          OUT!
                                                                                          ARE LOTS   OF THERE ARE MOVIES
                                                                                                        GREAT NEW  LOTS OF  GREAT
                                                                                                                          THAT YOU’VE
FREE CONCRETE RUBBLE: Available in mid                               NEVER HEARD
                                                                         NEW     OF.... EVERY
                                                                              MOVIES    COME INWEEK
                                                                                                 & SEE WHAT
                                                                                                             YOU’VEBEEN MISSING
                                                                                                                     NEVER      OUT ON;
                     C L A inS SMount
February. Free delivery           I F I Morgan
                                         E D S area. Phone:                     OVER
                                                                                        IT’S TITLES & CHANGING
                                                                                             OK. IT’S  NOT TOO ALLLATE...
                                                                                                                   THE TIME!

0439 497 109.                                                              COME IN & SEE WHAT YOU’VE BEEN MISSING OUT ON.
                                                                       SOME OF THIS WEEK’S BIGGIES NOW AVAILABLE:
  WORK WANTED: Fencing, small welding jobs,                                   OVER 8,000 TITLES & CHANGING ALL THE TIME!
        lopped,Playstation    2 plusand
                  chain saw work      8gbrubbish
                                           memory    stick, 16
                                                  removed.            LOOPER: DEATH RACE 3: BAIT: MADAGASCAR 3: UNIVERSAL
                                                                       SOLDIER 4: SOME
                                                                                   RESIDENT  EVIL 5:
                                                                                          OF THIS    LOCKOUT:
                                                                                                   WEEK’S      EXPENDABLES 2:
games,   including   Sing Star  and
  PH: Peter 49382965 or 0411 893778. 2  X microphones.    Very                      TOTAL&RECALL   (& MANY  MORE...)
                                                                       INSIDIOUS: BOURKE    HARE: THE HOLE:YOUR  HIGHNESS: DIARY
good condition. $120.00 Phone Amanda on:                                OF A WIMPY KID 2: BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES: ARTHUR: FAST &
0400   656 113.Slasher/ Operator for 8 acre block in                 * WILL BUY CD’SFURIOUS
                                                                                      & MUSIC5VIDEOS   IN EXCELLENT
                                                                                               (AND MANY    MORE!)   CONDITION *
  Struck Oil. Please phone Sharon on: 0417 004 221.
                                                                                       DOB IN A PIRATE: 1800 251996
                 Date Claimers
GARAGE SALE: Saturday 3rd Septmber (Only after
Feb  2: Blue                                                                                AT FOX VIDEO
                                                                                         DOB IN A PIRATE: 1800 251996
7:00am).   25 Care
              CrownAuxiliary    Trash &Morgan.
                      Street, Mount       Treasure. 8am - 12            AT THEAT  THE RAINBOW
                                                                               RAINBOW     BUILDING   BUILDING
                                                                                                       NEXT TO THE NEXT
                                                                                                                     WHITETO THE
noon. 21 Gordon Street.                                               LOCATED AT THE RAINBOW BUILDING NEXT TO THE WHITE ELEPHANT BURGER
                                                                                   WHITE       ELEPHANT
                                                                                                  BURGER    BURGER
                                                                                                           BAR...     BAR...
                                                                                        BAR...‘BEST BURGERS IN THE WORLD’
        DOG: Cent    Sale.
                Buddy,      Mt Morgan
                         male,   black andQCWA
                                                     silky2pm.                        ‘BEST
                                                                                                BURGERS ININTHE
                                                                                                             THE   WORD’
Feb  23: Bouldy   Bush  Markets    and  Car  Boot   Sale.
terrier cross. Wearing collar with tag and flea collar.   8am-
12noon,   Bouldercombe    Recreation    Complex.
Missing from River Street, Sunday Aug 14. Reward
Feb  23: Phone
          Red Dress   for0434
                                                                      FINLAYSON &
offered.         Anne:          592Day
                                     065.Fundraiser. 9:30am
for a 10am start. QCWA Hall.                                           McKENZIE
                 Date Claimers
Feb 23: Bush Dance. 8pm, Community Services
Sep 7:$6  entry. All
       Swinging      proceeds
                 Bridge  Communityto Mount     Morgan
                                      Consultation        Show
                                                      Meeting,                FUNERALS
handicraft  exhibition ‘Certificates
Community Services Hall, 6pm.          of Excellence’.
March 2: Blue Care Auxiliary Trash & Treasure. 8am -
Sep 9: Diggin’It! Gardening Comp - nominations open.
12 noon. 21 Gordon Street.
                                                                          Mount Morgan Division
Sept 10: 5:
March    GMF   Cent Sale.
             Mount        SaintRugby
                     Morgan       Mary’s, Club
                                          2pm AGM. 6pm,
                                                                       Sandi Wood (nee Inslay) from Mount
Sept 10: Grocery
Newman            Cent Sale
           Oval. Players   toatattend
                                QCWAand Hall,  East
                                            also    St, 2pm.
                                                 open    to any
                                                                      Morgan was born and raised within the
Sept 18: GMF
interested     Barefoot
           members   of Bowls.    1pm. Dee Bowls Club.
                         the public.
March    9: Cent
Oct 1: “Spring TimeSale.   Hosted
                     Social”         by Railway
                               at St Marys            Museum
                                            Church, 2pm.
                                                                     Mount and is well aware of the needs of the
volunteers.  2pm,  Mt  Morgan     School   of Arts.
Oct 8: State School P&C Car Boot Sale. State School
                                                                     Mount Morgan community. Sandi is Mount
March 23: Cent Sale. 2pm, Masonic Hall.
grounds, 8am- 1pm.
                                                                     Morgan’s funeral consultant and is available
                                                                               for all funeral advice.

           aai lw
                i  ayayHo
                  lw      Htoetl e
                                                                      Contact Sandi for more information and
                                                                          competitive prices with burials
         RR Mount      Morgan
                 Mount Morgan                                             cremations or prepaid funerals
                                                                        Sandi Wood your local consultant
   egular Live
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                Entertainment    Join
                                  JoinOur  Social Club
                                      Our Social  Club                         Phone: 49221269
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                                                                          Mount Morgan          Office at 61 Morgan Street, or email: mmpad@
                                                                                       to ArgusPromotion
 Ph: 49381800
 Ph:4938  1800                                                        and Development Inc.
                                                                     bigpond.com or ph 07 4938 2333 10.30am - 2.30pm Mon-Fri.
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