Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review

Page created by Katherine Schroeder
Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
Spring 2020   February 19     Vol. 21   Issue 7

4 Environment
              22 Soup 4 U
                                        32 Ice Cream
Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
Campus Life
                                                         4    Environmental Issues Seminars
                                                              Addressing important environmental issues
                                                         8    Three Rivers’ Fitness Center
                                                              TRCC's one stop shop for a workout
                        The Current is the               10   Benefits of being a Commuter
                           official student              12
                                                              Do commuters do it better?
                                                              Accessibility at Three Rivers
                            publication of               14
                                                              Is accessibility to the standard it should be?
                                                              Kem Barfield
                                                              River's Bed: A look at who keeps Three Rivers flowing.
                             Three Rivers                18   Could a Summer/Winter Class be for
                              Community                       Thinking ahead on your time off

The Staff                          College.
                                                         19   What Niche Does TRCC Fill?
                                                              What makes the school special?

Editor                                                   20   The Constant Cold
    Chris Boyle                                               How to stay warm this winter
                           The Current is                22   Soup 4 U Chef's Challenge
Managing Editor                                               Local chefs compete for best soup in Norwich
    Chris Boyle            written, edited,              25   Stay Proactive in Flu Season
                                                              Do your part to keep yourself and others healthy
Staff                                                    26   2020 is the Year of the Rat
    Ariana Cloutier
                        and designed soley                    What it means to be born in the Year of the Rat
                                                         27   New Semester Means New Strategies
    Axel Soto                 by students.                    Ways to stay energized this semester
                                                         28   Make time for Self-Care
    Bianca Lane                                               Are you taking the time to fulfil your needs?
    Jerico Ciliano
    John White                                                                 Editorial
                                                         30   Students Today, Wallets Forever
    Tucker Noniewicz                                          Be thorough in research before transferring

Advisor                                                                   Entertainment
    Kevin Amenta                                         34   Netflix & Chill'd Flavor Review
                                                              Could the new flavor on your block be your go-to?
Special Thanks                                           36   YouTube Vs. COPPA
    Marketing                                            38
                                                              New YouTube policies are making waves.
                                                              Nana's Banana Chocolate Chip
    Copy Center                                               Cookies
    Samantha Zod                                              An exclusive look at a family favorite
                                                         40   First Steps to Digital Drawing
    Kiersten Galloway   Please send any submissions to        Tips and Tricks to get you started as a digital artist
    Gillian Taylor        42   Mr. Beast and #TeamTrees
2   Tyler Riddle
                                                              YouTube star making a difference                         3
Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

                                                                                                                                        SPRING 2020
                                                                                                                                Environmental Issues Seminars
Campus Life
                                                                                                                             Wednesday classes run from approximately 6-8:30 PM and will be followed with
                                                                                                                             Q&A. Seminars will be held in room C101 on the Three Rivers Campus. Students
                                                                                                                              taking classes for credit should arrive by 5:50 PM; noncredit students/guests
                                                                                                                                                  promptly by 6 PM. Open to everyone!!

                                                                                                                          For more info,                          22                                                             29

                                                                                                                        contact Professor                         Dr. John Lane,                                                   Dr. Gary Robbins,
                                                                                                                                                                  United States
                                                                                                                       Diba Khan-Bureau at                        Geological
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Professor Geology &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hydrology UCONN
                                                                                                                         860-215-9443 or                          Survey                                                           ¬– What we can
                                                                                                                                                                  (USGS)¬– Water
                                                                                                                         dkhan-bureau@                            Resources in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   learn from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   water systems of
                                                                                                                                                                  World.                                                           ancient Rome?

                                                                                                               1                    5                      12                                           19                      26

                                                                                                                                  Corrie Folsom-           Dr. Thomas                                   Dr. Hedley Freake,        Judy Preston, UCONN
                                                                                                                                                           Meyer, Professor                             Professor Nutritional     SeaGrant ¬–The

              Environmental Issues Seminar
                                                                                                                                  O’Keefe, Audubon
                                                                                                                                                           Geomatics                                    Sciences UCONN ¬–         History of the Green
                                                                                                                                  Society ¬– Bird
                                                                                                                                                           UCONN ¬– Using                               Approaches to             Lawn Dilemma;
                                                                                                                                                           GPS to Reveal the                            Eating in the United      Coastal Water
                                                                                                                                  across Connecticut                                                    States:
                                                                                                                                                           Secret Lives of                                                        Quality Challenges
                                                                                                                                  and specifically in                                                   Consequences for
                                                                                                                                                           Mountain Lions.                                                        Connecticut.
                                                                                                                                  the Lyme Forest
              Three Rivers does its part in addressing important enviromental issues.                                             Block.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        our Health and

              Story by Tucker Noniewicz                                                                                            4                                    11                                     25
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Michael Dietz,

                                                                                                                                                                                                Spring break
                                                                                                                                 Dr. Louise Lewis                      Mike Beauchene, CT.

                                                                                                                                 Professor Ecology                     Department of Energy                     Professor UCONN
                                                                                                                                 & Evolutionary                        and Environmental                        Extension Office

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Program Director
                          ednesday January 22nd at                     clean water. And we can tie over 80% of                   Biology, UCONN¬–                      Protection ¬– The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEMO ¬– International
                                                                                                                                 Algal Diversity and                   Management of
                          6:00pm in C101 Dr. John Lane,                the illnesses and 25,000 deaths per day                   Environmental                         Recreational Fishing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and National Concerns
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Stormwater
                   of the United States Geological Survey,             back to the fact that people don’t have                   Health                                what it Means for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pollution: Stormwater
                                                                                                                                                                       Connecticut’s Economy
                   Hydrogeophysics Branch, lectured a                  access to safe water.” Those are some                                                           and Environment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and Low Impact Design
                   group of students on water resources in             staggering numbers.
                   the developing world.                                       However, Dr. Lane drops an even                    1                      8                      15                                              22
                           This is the first in a series of            heavier fact on the room. “5 Children                    Dr. Peter Siver,         Congressman Joe        Greg Bugbee and                                 Dr. James O'Donnell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Professor of Marine
                   Environmental Issues talks sponsored                per minute die from water related                        Professor of Botany      Courtney - Earth       Abigail Wiegand,

                                                                                                                                and Environmental        Day....50 years!       Connecticut                                     Science, Connecticut
                   by Three Rivers professor Diba Khan-                illnesses, day in, day out. By the time I                Studies Director of      Environmental          Agricultural                                    Institute for Resilience
                   Bureau. While these talks are part                  finish this lecture something in the order               Environmental            Issues in              Experiment Station                              and Climate Adaptation
                                                                                                                                Studies Program,         Connecticut and in     ¬– Invasive Aquatic                             (CIRCA). Global climate
                   of a class, Professor Khan-Bureau                   of 300 children will have died from a                    Connecticut College -    the USA.               Plants found in CT                              change abroad, in
                   encourages anyone and everyone to                   preventable situation.”                                  Our Ancient Climate                             Lakes.                                          Connecticut;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                consequences and
                   attend, listen, and participate.                            Dr. Lane laments that the world                                                                                                                  remedies.
                           The talk opens with a lengthy and           population is set to increase by “2 billion     29                                                            6
                   varied introduction by Professor Khan-              over the next few decades.” He implores          Hank Gruner, Author & Vice                                   David Stokes, CT. Dept.
                   Bureau, establishing the credibility of             the room to think about where that               President of Programs,                                       of Energy and

                   Dr. Lane. Dr. Lane begins his talk by               growth will be occurring, and gives the          Connecticut Science Center                                   Environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                     Protection Bureau of
                                                                                                                        (retired) and Herpetologist -
                   describing it as an intersection between            answer “developing countries.”                   Making sense of the                                          Waste Management
                   his vocation and his avocation which                        “Developed countries                     geographical distribution and                                and Enforcement ¬–
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hazardous Waste
                                                                                                                        conservation of Connecticut's
                   is working in developing countries                  significantly reduce their birth rates.          Amphibians and reptiles
                   and bringing safe water to those who                Some countries in fact have negative
                   previously didn’t have it.                          birth rates. They can’t achieve a
                           Dr. Lane proceeds by laying                 replacement rate, Japan is a good                                                                                   1. Spaulding Pond, located at Mohegan Park (Photo by
                   down some facts. “Right now, across the             example. Russia is another one.”                                                                                    Chris Boyle).
                   world over 1 billion people lack access to                  Dr. Lane addressed key questions                                                                            2. Evironmental Issues lectures are scheduled for the rest of
                                                                                                                                                                                           the semester.

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Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

              such as:What water source is being           create problems too, by not considering       or smell funny, or taste funny. And                where trucks
              used? Does the area have electricity?        the social issues and the politics.”          certainly we want to treat the water in            will routinely
              Is that electricity available 24/7? Is the           The solution that Dr. Lane            a way that we eliminate the potential
Campus Life
                                                                                                                                                            drive around
              water itself potable? Are there wet and      provides for these social and political       microbial contamination at the source.             and distribute
              dry seasons in the area? Is the water        issues is putting the wells or distribution   And that the water is free of industrial           water.
              available 24/7?                              points in schools or medical clinics.         contaminants.”                                              Dr. Lane
                      Rain collection is cheap to set      “Everybody’s children go to school.                   Dr. Lane listed some of the                mentions that
              up but can be prone to contaminants          Everyone needs healthcare. This can           best places to look for well sites.                even if you
              such as leaf litter or animal feces. Above   be one of the ways around some of the         Buried valleys, alluvial fans, buried              have a potable
              ground sources are plentiful but are         social issues and politics.”                  channels (Paleochannels), Fault-zone
              generally contaminated with human,                   “Almost invariable the most           Compartment, fractured rock, fracture
                                                                                                                                                            source, by the           4
                                                                                                                                                            time the water
              animal, and industrial runoff. Wells         successful approach (when placing             zones, limestone, and sandstone.
              have the issues of supply, safety, and       a well) is very intensive community                   Then Dr. Lane gives two                    gets to the point of consumption it may
              contamination.                               involvement.”                                 examples of what geophysics can                    be contaminated by other means. To
                      Dr. Lane’s specialty,                        Dr. Lane then gave his ideal          detect: magnetic susceptibility and                that end the Dr. Lane says that good
              Hydrogeology, helps to find ideal well       well site selection criteria. “We would       electrical conductivity. “I’m gonna talk           hand and water container hygiene are
              sites. “This issue of public access. It’s    like a persistent (year-round) supply of      about magnetic susceptibility and that             essential to keeping water clean.
              really important to consider and really      good quality water that has low salinity,     basically is a fancy way of saying how                      Other factors, that Dr. Lane
              tricky. There can be some social issues      that’s clear, that doesn’t have a lot of      easy, how susceptible is a material to             mentions,    that have an impact on
              and politics that go into trying to solve    naturally occurring chemicals that            being magnetized.” “Volcanic rocks have            keeping    the water sources safe are
              a problem. You can very inadvertently        could cause the water to look funny,          a higher magnetic susceptibility than              sanitation   and  maintenance. Sanitation
                                                                                                         sedimentary rocks.”                                meaning keeping “Human and animal
                                                                                                                 “We also have electrical                   waste separate from our aquifers” and
                                                                                                         conductivity. This is an intuitive thing.          maintenance meaning keeping wells
                                                                                                    3                                                       and all the infrastructure in working
                                                                                                         Dry materials don’t want to pass an
                                                                                                         electrical current very well. It’s very hard       condition.
                                                                                                         to pass an electrical current through                       “It took me a long time to come
                                                                                                         glass or dry sand.”                                around    to this point of view, but I
                                                                                                                 Dr. Lane then                              think  I have.  If a water project is to be
                                                                                                         shows the students                                                         sustainable there has

                                                                                                         examples of both                                                           to be somebody who
                                                                                                         magnetic susceptibility                                                    owns it, and that can
                                                                                                         scanning and electrical                  ... the most                      be a water board in
                                                                                                                                                                                    the community, and
                                                                                                         conductivity scanning.
                                                                                                         And discusses how he                      successful                       they have to charge
                                                                                                                                                                                    something for the
                                                                                                         would place wells in
                                                                                                         each circumstance.
                                                                                                                                                   approach                         water. The only way
                                                                                                                 The next                       [is] intensive                      to have the money to
                                                                                                                                                                                    replace well parts is
                                                                                                         portion of Dr. Lane’s
                                                                                                         presentation is water                   community                          that some very small
                                                                                                                                                                                    amount of money
                                                                                                         delivery systems. He
                                                                                                         gives four examples.
                                                                                                                                                involvement.                        has to be charged for

                                                                                                         Pipeline distribution                                                      the water and it goes
                                                                                                         to home, a pipe                                                            into a bank and it’s
                                                                                                         transporting water to                                                      available to repair
                                                                                                         multiple taps within                                                       the well.”--
                                                                                                         a home. Pipeline distribution to Tap
                                                                                                         stands, Tap stands being communal
                                                                                                         sources of water rather than personal                  3. Aqueduct at Fort Shantok in Montville (Photo by Chris
                                                                                                         ones. Wellhead delivery, some sort of                  Boyle).
                                                                                                         pump that takes from a well or tank.                   4. Gardner Lake State Park (Photo by Chris Boyle).
                                                                                                         And Mechanical distribution, a method

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Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

              Three Rivers'
Campus Life

              Fitness Center
              Three Rivers' one stop shop for a workout

              Story & photos by Chris Boyle


              C     ollege students, and especially
                    commuters can sometimes find
               it hard to fit in a workout. Luckily,
                                                          there because its so spacious," she
                                                          said. "There's no other place I can
               Three Rivers very own fitness center       go that has mirrors the way the
               makes it that much easier.                 studio does so I can see what I am
                       The life of a college student is   doing, and how I look doing it.
               fast paced and stressful, and even a               A good workout can be
               simple 30 minute workout could be          just the right thing to clear one's
               enough to uplift your day. If you are      mind and take a break from their
               having a hard time balancing your          studies.
               physical health outside of school, the             Tyler Riddle visits the
               Fitness Center may be the place for        weight room when he has the time
               you.                                       between classes.
                       The facility has a wide range              "It's great because usually
               of workout equipment. Everything           theres hardly anyone there," he
               from free weights, to squat racks, and     said. "There's plenty of space for
               even treadmills.                           me to do my thing and I don't feel
                       With such a variety available      crammed."
               to students, there is something for                The Fitness Center is
               everyone at the Fitness Center.            located in F105 and is open
                       In addition to its weight and      Monday-Thursday, 8:00 A.M
               cardio rooms, the Fitness Center           -7:00P.M.--
               also has an open studio available to
               students and clubs.                        1. The weight room has dumb bells and many
                       When she is not painting in        free weights for use.
               the art room, Mackenzie Gaulin             2. Fitness Center has vast array of cardio
               frequents the studio to practice           machines (Ellipticals and treadmills).
               choreographed hula hooping.                3. The Fitness Center also has a spacious
                                                          studio used by students and clubs (Photo by
                       "I can do whatever I want in       Samantha Zod)                                             3       2

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Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

Campus Life

              Benefits of being a
              Commuter Student
              Do commuters do it better?

              Story by Jerico Ciliano


                                               S   ure dorming sounds really fun, going
                                                   to parties and staying up all hours of
                                               the night. Actually I would never know
                                                                                                          One major advantage of attending
                                                                                                  community college is that you sometimes
                                                                                                  receive a FAFSA refund. For example,
                                               because I have only commuted but I                 if you do not use all of the FAFSA you
                                               assume that is what dorming is like.               were awarded, you receive a refund check.
                                                       All I know for sure is that students       From that point on you can use the money
                                               save a significant amount of money.                however you want.
                                               According to the Student Loan Hero                         The one disadvantage of
                                               website, “The average cost of room and             community college is that you have to
                                               board is $10,440 for a public school and           travel back and forth to the college since
                                               $11,890 at private colleges. Over the course       it does not stay open all day. With that
                                               of four years, living in a college dorm            said, community college students will find
                                               can add over $40,000 to your total cost            themselves driving many times throughout
                                               of attendance” Tretina, K. (2017, March            the week. You’ll have to pay for gas at least
                                               29). The $10,000 Question: Is Living in a          once a week. It costs about $30 to fill a
                                               Dorm Worth It?                                     whole tank of gas. That adds up quickly.
                                                       College tuition is already pricey          Do not let that discourage you! Since
                                               alone, the last thing students want to do          you’re in community college you will have
                                               is spend money. Becoming a Three Rivers            the extra funds to cover gas money. --
                                               Community College student was a smart
                                                        According to the Three Rivers
                                               Community College (TRCC) website,                               1. Bustling cars are constantly moving in
                                               tuition costs about $9,112 for 2 years at                       and out of the campus' two access points
                                                                                                               (Photo by George Simones).
                                               Three Rivers. The price can be significantly                    2. A jam packed parking lot on a cloudy
                                               lowered if you are eligible for Free                            TRCC day.
                                               Application for Federal Student Aid
                                               (FAFSA). The cost of boarding is higher
                                           1   than TRCC’s tuition. Isn’t that crazy?

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Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

              Accessibility at Three Rivers                                                                       reach. Most snacks in the cafeteria are on
                                                                                                                  low shelves and easily accessible.
Campus Life
              Is the accessibility to the standard it should be?                                                  There are plenty of handicap parking
                                                                                                                  spots which is a huge plus because, most
                                                                                                                  establishments only have maybe one or two
                                                                                                                  of them.

              Story & Photos by Ariana Cloutier
                                                                                                                          As a whole, Three Rivers is
                                                                                                                  accessible enough by standard of say the
                   P   icking the right college is never an
                       easy task. Especially when having a
                   physical disability.
                                                                   absolutely have an automatic door opener.
                                                                           The library is somewhere all people
                                                                   of all abilities should have access to with
                                                                                                                  state requirements. As for a student who
                                                                                                                  has a physical disability these flaws could
                                                                                                                  really effect their choice in college or
                            Three Rivers has been built            ease.                                          require them to have someone with them at
                   recently enough that it is quite                        When it comes to elevators on          all times and for some that may not be an
                   accessible but, there are definite flaws.       campus there are four. Which is plenty for     option. --
                   Here are a few to start.                        a small campus.
                            Not all entry ways are accessible              Unfortunately, just because there
                   with automatic door buttons. There are          are elevators on campus doesn’t make
                   only two on campus and the side entry           them fully accessible. The one in E Wing                                                                                                           3
                   (A Wing) button is not working 90% of           on the first floor is the smallest but, the
                   the time.                                       buttons are lower than all of the other
                            If your class is in E wing, you        elevators on campus. Making it the most
                   must park at the main entrance and              accessible elevator.
                   use those doors instead of parking right                On the other hand, Three Rivers
                   outside of E Wing (where there are              does a lot of things right when it comes to
                   handicap parking spots) because those           accessibility.
                   doors are not accessible by button.                     There is plenty of space in the
                            That may not seem like a huge          hallways. They have ramps all throughout
                   deal but, when you are running late to          the school which makes for easy access to                                                    1. E-wing has a ramp build into the floor beside a set of
                   class it makes all the difference.              certain wings.                                                                               stairs.
                            Also, the library door is quite                Just that there are automatic doors                                                  2. The main entrance of Three Rivers has an automatic
                                                                                                                                                                button next to the door.
                   impossible to open for someone with             is a plus (there just isn’t enough of them).
                                                                                                                                                                3. Emergency operators buttons are present outside of the
                   weak upper body strength because they           In the cafeteria, the staff is more than                                                     E-wing elevator.
                   are huge glass doors. These should              happy to assist with anything that is out of
                                                                                                                                                          4     4. Buttons inside E wing elevator

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Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

                                                                                   Kem Barfield
Campus Life

              K    em Barfield is the Associate Dean                            River's Bed: A look at who keeps Three Rivers Flowing.                              1. Kem Barfield, Associate Dean of Academics and
                                                                                                                                                                    Director of Educational Technologies
                   of Academics and the Director                                         Story & Photos by Tucker Noniewicz
              of Educational Technologies at Three
              Rivers Community College. Kem has
              been at Three Rivers since the summer
              of 2005.                                                                                                                                              the students.
                      Kem is a Blackboard                                                                                                                                   I think it actually helps the
              Administrator for Three Rivers, works                                                                                                                 faculty when they use it. I always say to
              with classroom technology, and runs                                                                                                                   the faculty you know, you have this bag
              technology training sessions. Kem                                                                                                                     of papers and you’ve got your gradebook
              supervises at the tutoring and writing                                                                                                                and you’re always trying to communicate
              centers, the Innovative Design in                                                                                                                     these things out to students and you have
              Educational Advancement (IDEA)                                                                                                                        things going back and forth all the time.
              center, and the Assessment of Prior                                                                                                                           Gradebook in Blackboard
              Learning (APL) center. He also runs                                                                                                                   actually helps save you a lot of time,
              website support for the Three Rivers                                                                                                                  cause you don’t have to have an
              Extranet. In addition Kem has a hand                                                                                                                  individual conversation where you are
              in almost every survey that goes out to                                                                                                               pulling out your gradebook and going
              students or faculty. Lastly, Kem is in                                                                                                                through the grades and adding them up.
              the process of relinquishing the title of                                                                                                             Students see that automatically.
              Director of Institutional Research to                                                                                                                         I think MyCommNet, which
              someone new.                                                                                                                                          was a project years ago to unite all of
                                                                                                                                                                    the different log-ins. So if you’d been
                      Q: How does your work impact                                                                                                                  a student in say 2004, 2005 you might
              the lives of Three Rivers students?                                                                                                                   have had five different log-ins for our
                                                                                                                                                                    different systems. Different passwords
                      So there are a lot of ways. Just                                                                                                              and usernames to log into each one of
                                                                                                                                                                1   these.
              about every survey that happens,
              electronic survey, comes through me.                                                                                                                          So we used the Luminous
                       If you’re a distance learning       all me. Plus I mean, I have a number                   classrooms that we have in D207. It was           platform system-wide, I was on the
              student you are going to get emails from     of students who are working with like                  good we had some funding and so we                committee. We combined all of those
              me almost from the time that you sign        Digication and other things and if they                were able to put together classrooms              so now can get into MyCommnet and
              up for classes. Even if you’re not you       can’t get it resolved through like the                 that you can show things on a lot of              essentially you have one password for
              may be getting some information about        tutoring center or IT or the registration              different monitors and group spaces. So           everything.
              Blackboard.                                  office then a lot of times they will come              we went away from the rows of desks                       That concept has gone beyond
                      If you have problems with your       to me because we can usually figure it                 and chairs that you’d typically see in a          MyCommnet even so now you can
              classes (on Blackboard) in general I’m       out or contact the right people who can                lot of classrooms. To something that was          get into your mail in other ways and
              the one who goes in and kinda solves the     figure it out.                                         spread out and students could plug in             into other systems by using that same
              technical issues with classes, so students                                                          laptops and they work in groups.                  username and password. So I think it
              contact me for that.                               Q: What is the most impactful                            As well as some of the other              was a big thing.
                      If there are student complaints      change you feel you’ve made for Three                  classrooms with video capability and
              that have already gone through the           Rivers?                                                smartboards. I think those have been                    Q: Looking ahead, what excites
              department and are not resolved then                                                                really good things.                               you the most about the future of Three
              those come to me as well. So I talk to       Oh I don’t know … There are many                               I think that we’ve been good              Rivers?
              students about those things.                 things that … that I’ve enjoyed doing and              at encouraging faculty to use more
                      Not anymore things, Climate          I think have made an impact.                           technology, especially Blackboard. In a                   I think there are a lot of great
              surveys that come through, they are                  So for instance the active learning            lot of different ways I think that’s helped       things that are possible in Education
                                                                                                                                                                    Technologies. So I do think that there

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              is the potential for us to use virtual              now we have tools that can generate that      for the faculty but you also have a very
              technology and that would be the way                kind of data on the fly, while classes are    dedicated staff that’s also all about
Campus Life
              we did our distance learning classes.               in progress.                                  helping the student get in and get into
                      So you would put on your                             So that when students are            the right place and get what they need.
              headset, you would meet the instructor              having problems there’s an indicator of               And then that support team is
              in a particular environment, and the                that problem right away and you can           providing orientations and they are
              instructor could talk to you, students              intervene. So that the student doesn’t        analyzing information. So if they are
              could do group work together. You could             drop out of the class or fail the class, or   advisors a lot of times they are meeting
              actually be at important historical sites.          maybe even fail the next unit that you’re     with students very frequently, they are
                      If you’re taking your architecture          working on. So I think that kind of data      giving the student career advice, which
              of the world class you could actually be            that we can bring to bear on students is      is another thing that you might not get at
              in Greece at a site and your professor              gonna be very important. I think that’s       a university. You’re getting it and you’re
              could guide you through that with other             very exciting the future.                     getting it early here. So Three Rivers
              class members.                                                                                    is the place I gained respect for that
                      This is                                                      Q: How has being a           mission. --

              the same kind of                                                  faculty member here at
              thing I thought                                                   Three Rivers made an
              was possible with              ...having data on                  impact on you?
                                                                                                                2. Kem Barfield working in his office.
              Second Life. With
              Second Life you                  education [will                     I think Three Rivers
              were still detached
              from it, you were               give] a wealth of                 has given me a greater
                                                                                appreciation for the
              guiding an avatar               information you                   community college mission.
              in an environment                                                 I’ve worked at a variety of
              on a screen.                  can use to support                  colleges and at a university
                      With this
              you put on the                   your     students...             and in the military
                                                                                before, and I knew about

              headset and it feels                                              community colleges, but
              like you’re there.                                                in my mind a community
              You can actually                                                  college was just another
              get up and move around in it. So that is            place of higher education. You get
              pretty exciting.                                    what you need there and move on to
                      I also think, well this is exciting         something else.
              but I don’t think that most people will                      Three Rivers has shown me that
              think it’s exciting. I think that, so there’s       it is actually a special place in higher
              been this talk about Big Data. So we’re             ed. And it provides value to students
              collecting data on everything, and some             who, in a lot of ways, might not get what
              people are opposed to this Big Data                 they need if they went straight off to
              because they don’t want everybody to be             university, and it does it at an affordable
              just a number.                                      cost.
                      But I also think that having                         It has people who are the best
              data on education, on the students in               practitioners of education. That is, at a
              education, especially when we have that             university your professor may not know
              across large numbers as we have with                you, may not know your name. T.A. ‘s
              some of the massive open online classes.            are gonna be doing a lot of the work
              I think that probably gives you a wealth            with you. The professor lectures and
              of information you can use to support               then the professor is gone.
              your students.                                               Our professors actually have
                      And we no longer have to spend              the office hours, and they’re not doing
              a lot of time, and have it take so much             research so their whole focus is on
              time that we can’t do it in real time. So           teaching and on education. That’s great       2

 16                                                                                                                                                                          17
Soup 4 U Challenge Ice Cream Review
February 19, 2020

                                                                                                                             What Niche Does TRCC Fill?
              Could a
Campus Life
                                                                                                                           What makes the school unique?

              Summer/                                                                                                                                                                                                       3

              Winter Class
                                                                                                                           Story by Tucker Noniewicz

                                                                                                                            W     hat sets Three Rivers Community
                                                                                                                                  College apart from a larger school?
                                                                                                                                                                                 just another number or a face in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 crowd, TRCC puts genuine effort into

              be for You?                                                                                                   The answer is the the intimate relationship
                                                                                                                            between both the academic body and
                                                                                                                            professional staff.
                                                                                                                                                                                 giving you a community backing... having
                                                                                                                                                                                 people available to you for support,
                                                                                                                                                                                 doing the same stuff you’re doing,
                                                                                                                                   Chris Boyle is a returning student to         [with] common goals with different
                                                                                                                            TRCC after previously attending Eastern              backgrounds."
              Thinking ahead on your time off
                                                                                                                            Connecticut State University, and later the                 Students at TRCC have much in
                                                                                                                            University of Connecticut.                           common. This commonality creates a
              Story & Photos by Jerico Ciliano                                                                         2           “Three Rivers’ niche is its very              strong sense of community in the schools
                                                                                                                            unique sense of community" he said.                  population.--
                                                                                                                                    “Whereas at a larger school you’re

               P    iling classes onto your schedule could
                    make your efforts counterproductive
               and harder to accomplish your goal.
                                                               Student Aid (FAFSA) does not cover
                                                               it. You can only receive FAFSA if you
                                                               are a full-time student, taking 3 classes

               Having more than 3 classes is very stressful    in a semester. The cost of one winter or
               let alone more.                                 summer class is $632. The class is 3 weeks
                        By having all of these classes you     long, it flies by fast, however the workload
               may feel overwhelmed and stressed, this         is shortened.--
               could potentially harm your grades.
               Winter and summer classes are a great way
               of quickly getting credits. These classes are
               worth 3 to 4 credits. Depending on what
               class you are taking it can be on campus or
               It’s money well spent because you have
               a higher chance of succeeding. You will
               only focus on that class and not have other
               classes to worry about. Go to the Three         1. A student working on classwork for the summer
               Rivers Community College website to see         photography course.
               if any of your required classes are offered     2. Video Filmmaking is offered in the winter with an
               during the winter or summer! Make life          altered course load.
               easier.                                         3. Golden hour highlights the simple but eye catching
                                                               architecture of TRCC (Photo by Chris Boyle).
                        Unfortunately, you have to pay
               out of pocket for a winter and summer
               class because Free Application for Federal

 18                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
February 19, 2020

            The Constant Cold
                                                                                                                             your face. These items are also the
                                                                                                                             most inexpensive out of them all so
                                                                                                                             they shouldn’t be a big problem to
                                                                                                                                     Consume foods/ beverages that
            How to stay warm in the cold                                                                                     are warm are what’ll keep you from
                                                                                                                             freezing. Having hot foods will make you
                                                                                                                             feel satisfied compared to more colder
                                                                                                                             foods like ice cream. A hot cappuccino
                                                                                                                             or food straight from an oven is always a
                                                                                                                             good commendation. --

                                                                                                                              1. There are endless possibilities of winter clothes
                                                                                                                              that can fit your style.
                                                                                                                              2. There may be a lack of snow, but the winter
                                                                                                                              season is far from over.


            Story & Photos by Axel Soto
                                                                                                                                                                                               It’s ok if
                                                                                                                                                                                             you haven’t
            W       hen it comes to that time of the
                    year where the temperature gets to
            a low point and no matter what clothes
                                                           We sometimes try to excuse ourselves
                                                          into thinking that maybe it’s ‘not that
                                                          cold’ just so we don’t have to carry                                                                                               everything
            you wear, you’re constantly feeling cold.
            It’s always important to maintain a
                                                          around a jacket with us.
                                                                   Go shopping for a puffy jacket or
                                                                                                                                                                                              there is to
            normal body temperature.
                     Stay warm by staying in indoor
                                                          a winter coat. Coats/ jackets also have
                                                          a lot of pockets so there’s the additional
                                                                                                                                                                                             know about
            environments. Most buildings will have        benefit of having space to place small                                                                                             money and

            heat running around the facility like
            retail stores, restaurants, or schools. You
                                                                  There are some alternative pieces                                                                                            banking.
            don’t even have to go anywhere if you         of clothing to choose from like thermal
            have heating at home. It’s best to find a     shirts/ pants, double layering clothing
            place that fits your own personal interior    on top of another, and winter boots.                                  That’s why we created the Chelsea U Student Banking program,
            preferences.                                  Invest in accessories that’ll keep you                               with checking and savings accounts, and a chance to learn all the basics,
                     The clothing we wear is a way        warm.
            of expressing our personalities. We                    You’d probably pick items that                              including how to use a debit card, save for a goal, and earn good credit.
            dress how we want others to view us           are lightweight yet effective. Carrying
            as. But wearing some of these articles        a pair of gloves or a scarf with you                             Pop into your local Chelsea Groton Bank branch and we’ll help you open an account.
            of clothing may not be suitable for the       would bring benefits to having constant
            upcoming seasons.                             cold hands and having the breeze hit

 20                                                                                                                                   (860) 448-4200 | Learn more at
February 19, 2020

                Soup 4

                U Chef's
                Local chefs compete for best soup in Norwich

                Story & Photos by Chris Boyle                                                                                                                                                                     1

                E   leven restaurants from around
                    Norwich competed for the title of
                best soup February 7th in Chef Ceil
                                                               trophy ornamented with a Le Creuset
                                                               soup pot.
                                                                       The event is currently kept
                                                                                                           I want to make twenty-two,” he said.
                                                                                                           “There were so many people, over one
                                                                                                           hundred. It was just incredible.”
                                                                                                                                                               Last year’s Soup 4 U Chef ’s
                                                                                                                                                        Challenge raised $3,000.
                                                                                                                                                               “I love the community of
                Vardar’s “Soup 4 U Chef ’s Challenge.”         exclusive to Norwich owned restaurants.             Chef Ceil Vardar, local chef and     Norwich.” said Illiano’s Race.
                The event was held at the Wauregan             The participants of this year’s challenge   winner of Food Network’s Chopped, is         “Whatever I don’t use is a donation and
                Ballroo.                                       are Brick and Basil, Cafe Otis, Canggio,    a self-taught chef whose passion for         even just that is special.”--
                        The public could purchase tickets      Craftsman Cliff Roasters, Harp and          cooking lead to the creation of the
                to the event that included a tasting of        Dragon, Illiano’s Grill, Lazizah, Royal     competition. She came up with the idea
                each soup and the ability for a guest to       Punjabi, Tulli’s, These Guys Brewing,       for the competition as a way to highlight
                vote on their favorite. There were two         and Uncle D’s Blazin’ BBQ.                  Norwich business.
                serving times that were available for                  Each restaurant chooses their               Since last year’s installment of
                ticket purchase on the day of the event;       own soup to prepare for the event, and      the event, there have been ideas in ways
                5-7pm or 7-9pm.                                no two soups are exactly alike.             to change how it is structured and who
                        Tickets were purchased online                  Last year’s sold out competition    should be able to compete. Vardar said
                                     for $18 and included      was held at Epicure Brewing and             that they have talked about expanding
                                     11 tasting tickets        was attended by 200 people. Some            the competition, but she would like
                                     for each competing        participants felt they were under           to keep it limited to only restaurants
                                     soup as well as one       prepared as they were not expecting such    located in Norwich.                                                                                      3
                                     red voting ticket,        a large turnout.                                    “I want to keep the contest
                                     of which were                     Vincenzo Race, owner and            in Norwich to keep the business in
                                                                                                                                                                     1. Typical minestrone soup is made with ingredients
                                     presented at the          operator of Illiano’s Grill, participated   Norwich,” Vardar said.                                    such as pasta, beans, onions, celery, carrots, and other
                                     door. Participants of     in the event last year and will be                  All proceeds for the event go to                  vegetables.
                                     the challenge receive     returning to compete. He will be making     benefit the Norwich Events Organization                   2. The winning soup gets a custom trophy (Photo by
                                     a certificate of          gluten free and vegan minestrone to         that oversees community events such as                    Ceil Vardar).
                                     their entry, and the      highlight the restaurant’s menu options     the competition itself. This money goes                   3. The competition will be held at the Wauregan
            2                        winner is presented       for a variety of diets.                     towards parades, fireworks, and other                     Ballroom.
                                     with a custom made                 “I made eight quarts.. This year   events.

 22                                                                                                                                                                                                                        23
February 19, 2020



                                                                                                          Stay Proactive in Flu Season
                                                                                                          Do your part to keep yourself and others healthy

                                                                                                          Story John White

                                                                                                          F    lu season is in full effect and
                                                                                                               consequently has been causing a stir
                                                                                                          in the community. In the past month,
                                                                                                                                                         to remember the flu should not be taken
                                                                                                                                                         lightly. Children and the elderly are
                                                                                                                                                         particularly susceptible to the virus.
                                                                                                          Mitchell College was forced to cancel          During the 2019-2020 flu season, the
                                                                                                          classes for nearly a week after many of        CDC reported 10,000 people have died
                                                                                                          their students had contracted the flu.         and 180,000 were hospitalized from the
                                                                                                                   As the media promotes the fear        virus.
                                                                                                          of the looming threat of global pandemic                To protect yourself and the
                                                                                                          causing a nation wide frenzy, it is            community, the first step experts
                                                                                                          important to remember that “flu season”        recommend is to get vaccinated. The
                                                                                                          is to be taken seriously. This year, experts   CDC recommends “everyone 6 months
                                                                                                          have said that the virus is expected to be     of age and older get vaccinated every flu
                                                                                                          just as severe, if not more, than previous     season.”
                                                                                                          years.                                                  In addition, it is recommended
                                                                                                                   Symptoms of the common flu can        you wash your hands thoroughly and
                                                                                                          come on suddenly. These include things         avoid touching your face to prevent
                                                                                                          like high fever, severe muscle aches,          spreading the virus from surfaces to
              1                                                                                           weakness or fatigue, chills, flushed skin,     oneself. For situations where you are not
                                                                                                          headaches, dry cough, sore throat, and         readily able to wash your hands, carry an
            1. Use hand sanitizer only when you are not able to wash your hands, as it is aggressive on
                                                                                                          runny nose.                                    alcohol-based hand sanitizer. --
            skin (Photo by Chris Boyle).                                                                           While at first these may seem like
            2. Washing your hands with hot water removes germs better (Photo by Chris Boyle).             manageable symptoms, it is important

 24                                                                                                                                                                                           25
February 19, 2020

                                                                                                                 New Semester

                                                                                                                 Means New
                                                 2020 is the
                                                                                                                 Ways to stay energized this semester

                                              Year of the Rat                                                    Story & Photo by Axel Soto
                                                        An in-depth description of what it                                                                                2
                                                    means to be born in the Year of the Rat
                                                                       Story Ariana Cloutier                      P    lanning:
                                                                                                                       When you get back into
                                                                                                                   the learning process, you may
                                                                                                                                                        S    leep:
                                                                                                                                                             It is sad to say that students
                                                                                                                                                         aren’t getting enough sleep as
                                                                                                                                                                                              E   ating Breakfast:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  It’s important to eat a
                                                                                                                                                                                              decent breakfast. Students
                                                                                                                   have a hard time trying to get        they should be getting. Some         might believe that skipping
                                                                                                                   back into it. Coming from the         of the reasons are due to            breakfast isn’t a big deal and
                                                                                                                   winter break, back into doing         stress, sleeping disorders, and      might not see the importance.
            I  n 2020, Chinese New Year
               festivities fell between the dates
            of January 25th to February 4th. This
                                                           metal. Officially, this year is called,
                                                           “The Year of the Metal Rat”.
                                                                   Traditionally the year of
                                                                                                                   schoolwork can be difficult to
                                                                                                                   adapt to.
                                                                                                                                                         overhaul of work.
                                                                                                                                                                   To try to get as much
                                                                                                                                                                                                      According to Rush
                                                                                                                                                                                              University Medical Center,
                                                                                                                            It’ll then lead to           sleep as possible, there are a       one of the advantages of eating
            year happens to be the year of the             your zodiac will often come with                        waiting until the last minute of      few steps to prevent yourself        breakfast in the AM is “Having
            Rat.                                           some bad luck. For 2020, the Rat                        doing homework and staying            from staying up all night.           better performance (memory
                     If born in the following              will have some better luck than                         up all night. Trying to cram                   Relief thoughts: It’s       and attention) (for school-aged
            years, consider yourself a Rat; 1924,          normal career wise. Unfortunately,                      all your work together into a         not healthy to be thinking so        children)."--
            1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996,            some relationship and health                            huge list of assignments just         negatively, especially when
            2008, and 2020.                                struggles may arise.                                    to get half-baked attempts of         getting sleep
                     According to folklore the                     It is said that, people born                    unfinished work.                               Avoid anything that
            Rat represents the beginning of a              within a year of the Rat are well                                To fight this attitude,      might distract you: Leaving
            new day.                                       liked. They are quite emotional                         you must manage your time             the television on or using your
                     The zodiac animals are                people but, tend to have a stubborn                     with a personal planner. Set          phone are influences that keep
            made up of twelve different                    side.                                                   times to when you’re going to         you up at night.
            animals. The Rat happens to be the                     The most popular attributes                     finish said assignment and get
            first on the list.                             of the Rat are, good with money                         it done by that time.
                     A myth created by the Jade            and smart.                                                      It’s best to have a plan
            Emperor determines the order of                        Be prosperous in the year                       than just waiting every time. If
            the zodiac animals. It is based off            2020!                                                   you feel it might be too much
            of which animal showed up to his                       Gong Hei Fat Choy! (Happy                       work effort put onto yourself,
            party first.                                   New Year).--                                            take frequent breaks, relax,
                     The zodiacs also have                                                                         and return to it later.
            corresponding elements that                                                                                    The earlier it’s done,
            change every year. There are five                                                                      the better. This isn’t just a tip                                          2. The many possibilities of breakfast can be just
            elements, wood, fire, water, metal,           1. Red lanters, traditional for Chinese New Year         for school, it’s life advice as                                            as simple as bread with butter.
            and earth. This year happens to be            (Photo by Pexels).                                 1     well.

 26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          27
February 19, 2020

                                                                                                                                                                       The busy life of a commuting
                                                                                                                                                               college student can make it hard to
                                                                                                                                                               prioritize self care. The easiest thing to do
                                                                                                                                                               is make small changes that are attainable

                                                                                                                                                               in your every day life.
                                                                                                                                                                       Here are a list of target areas to
                                                                                                                                                               focus on to make sure you are giving
                                                                                                                                                               yourself the care you need:

                                                                                                                                                                 1. Get a good night's sleep.
                                                                                                                                                                 2. Manage your time to avoid
                                                                                                                                                                 the stress of the crunch.
                                                                                                                                                                 3. Never skip meals. Pack a
                                                                                                                                                                 lunch if you know you will be
                                                                                                                                                                 out for too long.

            Make Time for Self-Care
                                                                                                                                                                 4. Excercise; even a simple 20
                                                                                                                                                 1               minute workout can make all
                                                                                                                                                                 the difference.
            Are you taking the time to fulfil your needs?                                                                                                        5. Take a break from your
            Story & Photo by Jerico Ciliano                                                                                                                      work; know when its time to
                                                                                                                                                                 step away for a bit, get snack
                                                                                                                                                                 and come back energized.

                  W       hy do college students develop
                          poor eating habits? Students may
                  not be eating three meals a day because
                                                               is not a wide variety of healthy food
                                                               available in the cafeteria and restaurants
                                                               are very pricey. Eating food at school
                                                                                                            calories but low in nutrients and is
                                                                                                            very cheap.
                                                                                                                     Another factor to lack of self-
                                                                                                                                                                        As difficult as it may be for college
                                                                                                                                                               students to take self care into account,
                  of financial, mental, or physical reasons.   can become pricey, especially if you         care is stress. Studying and working               it is just as important as getting their
                  What happens when a student does not         spend your whole day there.                  on assignments becomes a priority                  homework done on time. --
                  eat enough during a semester?                        According to journalist              and must be done in order to
                           A college education is not          Vanessa Romo, from the National              succeed. However, it feels as though
                  cheap. Students will find themselves         Public Radio (NPR), said “... just 29        your needs can be attended at a later
                  paying for classes, textbooks, and           percent of college students today are        time. This problem can be avoided
                  school supplies in order to succeed in       ‘traditional students’ — those who           if you plan your meals ahead of time
                  college. Some college students might         enroll immediately after high school and     and spend the time making them.
                  struggle financially in general. With        depend on their parents for financial                 Making food for yourself is
                  this burden on their shoulders they          support. The vast majority — 71 percent      not as time consuming as you think
                  neglect their basic necessities. Students    — don’t follow the narrative of the          it is. Skipping meals cannot be that
                  are on the go most of the day, whether       ‘typical’ college student.” (NPR, 2019).     bad for you, right? According to self.
                  it’s going from one class to another or      All ages attend colleges these days.         com, your blood sugar and energy
                  going to work. According to Consumer         Older students may be juggling school        levels drop. Your glucose, a simple
                  News and Business Channel (CNBC),            with children, money, or a job.              sugar that is an important energy
                  “Researchers surveyed 43,000 college                 Unfortunately, students will         source in living organisms, can
                  students at 66 schools and found             sacrifice their basic needs in order to      deplete if you do not eat. Low levels
                  that 36 percent of students on U.S.          live comfortably outside of school. Most     of glucose will cause you to feel tired                       1. A good breakfast when you wake up can make
                                                                                                                                                                          all the difference in your mood and energy for the
                  college campuses are considered “food        college students resort to unhealthy and     and weak. Not eating can cause you
                  insecure,” meaning they do not get           innutritious food options, such as fast      to not think straight because your
                  enough to eat” (CNBC, 2018). There           food or junk food. Junk food is high in      brain needs glucose as well.

 28                                                                                                                                                                                                                            29
February 19, 2020

                                                                Story and Photos by Chris Boyle

            Students Today,
                                                                                                                  because of my 2 years’ experience at
                                                                                                                  TRCC. For instance, I was placed in an

                                                                T   he University of Connecticut is
                                                                    considered among some of the
                                                                                                                  introductory digital media class that was
                                                                                                                  essentially a brief and haphazardly put

                                                                more elite schools in the country, and            together class to expose new students

            Wallets Forever
                                                                an iconic name in our area. Everyone              to basic Adobe software. In short, my
                                                                knows a UConn Husky, and in the Fall              impression of the Graphics Program as
                                                                of 2019, I was that Husky. After a few            a whole was just that; haphazardly put
                                                                semesters under my belt at Three Rivers,          together.
                                                                I decided to transfer to UConn in favor                  Unfortunately for me, the faculty
              Be thorough in research before transferring       of the opportunities I had thought the            I reached out for guidance were the very
                                                                school would open up for me. I want               ones that put the program together. In
                                                                to specifically critique UConn with the           my experience, help from faculty at the
                                                                lens of a transfer student, as many of us         university was nonexistent. When I began
                                                                at TRCC will be or are in the process of          to have second thoughts on whether or
                                                                transferring soon.                                not UConn was the right place for me,
                                                                        UConn is extremely particular             I reached out to my assigned advisor.
                                                                about what credits they do and do not             After being ignored for a week, I decided
                                                                take. I would go as far as to argue the           to play a game with myself and send one
                                                                school is overly selective. When I began the
                                                                transfer process into the school, however,
                                                                the people I had met with on UConn had
                                                                walked me through my credits to make it
                                                                sound like I was ahead of the game. They
                                                                assured me that my previously earned
                                                                credits filled requirements, and I was good
                                                                to go. This was, in fact, not the case. As it
                                                                turns out, the vast majority of my credits
                                                                obtained would transfer to UConn only
                                                                as “electives.” In terms of my program,
                                                                Graphic Design, I was starting from square
                                                                1 again. On Orientation Day, I met with
                                                                faculty to discuss the credits more in
                                                                depth, but was more or less shooed away to
                                                                keep the line moving.
                                                                        Almost nothing I had previously
                                                                taken was going to transfer into a
                                                                meaningful slot. The university went as far
                                                                as to argue that my Art History I & II, one
                                                                taken at ESCU and the other at TRCC,
                                                                was not of the same caliber as the UConn
                                                                brand of the same class. I coined the term
                                                                “UConn brand” as a label for most my
                                                                classes that semester because they were
                                                                essentially catch-up work for the Graphic
                                                            1   Design Degree program at UConn.
                                                                Moreover, for classes I was involved in that        1 Student posing with UConn merchandise- a
                                                                                                                    common sight in our area.
                                                                were specific to the Graphics program at
                                                                                                                    2. Living on campus is convenient, but have you
                                                                the university, I was already well ahead            fully tallied the cost?

 30                                                                                                                                                                       31
February 19, 2020

            additional follow-up email per day.
            After three days, my advisor reached out
            and offered to meet with me to discuss

            my experience. When we did in fact
            meet, the session devolved into more of
            an hour long argument as to the merit
            of the classes I was involved in, and
            annoyance that I came with questions
            rather than compliance.
                    It is important when discussing
            UConn to make mention of its price tag.
            My semester, including room, board,
            and estimated cost of textbooks, was
            about 16,000. This does not include the
            numerous fees and dues that suddenly
            just seemed to appear. For instance,
            the university attempted to charge me
            500 dollars when I withdrew; 3 months
            before the next semester even started.
            How you can be charged for a lack of
            service so far in advance is beyond me.
            After a bit of back and forth with the                                                                                                                                                           3
            administration via email, I was assured
            the mystery charge would be removed.
                    College is expensive, no doubt,                                                                                                  into what will be our last semester as
                                                        Uconn, in my experience, favored             you.”
             and there is not a single person reading                                                                                                students of Three Rivers Community
                                                        money rather than the quality of their               I am not without fault in my
            that needs to be told that. UConn,                                                                                                       College, I want to stress how important
                                                        education. When questioned, the faculty      UConn ordeal, and I understand that. I
            however, is an entirely different beast.                                                                                                 it is to take full advantage of the
                                                        would dig their feet in the ground, puff     did not take the time to fully understand
            In fact, after talking in depth to other                                                                                                 resources and faculty available to
                                                        out their chest, and argue a UConn           the necessary components involved in the
            students in my program who had                                                                                                           students. With many of us looking
                                                        education is worth whatever price they       transfer process. I did not talk to enough
                                                                                                                                                     ahead to our next chapter, take the
                                                        deem necessary.                              faculty to think ahead to a UConn transfer,
                                                                                                                                                     time to get all you possibly can out of
                                                                For new students to TRCC, and        and I did not take into account the culture
                                                                                                                                                     TRCC. Talk to your advisors, make
                                                        those of us getting ready to graduate,       shock that comes with transferring to
                                                                                                                                                     time to visit Kathleen Gray, and work
                                                        I want to stress the importance of           a much larger school. If there was any
                                                                                                                                                     towards what is in your best interest.
                                                        fully researching and understanding          advice I could give to students thinking
                                                                                                                                                     Not just now, but 5 years time. Value
                                                        what is the best course of action for        about transferring to a university after
                                                                                                                                                     the relationship between student and
                                                        your education as well as your wallet.       their time at TRCC, and especially those
                                                                                                                                                     teacher found at TRCC, because they
                                                        Kathleen Gray- TRCC counselor who            with prospects of UConn, take the time
                                                                                                                                                     are truly on your side and not just there
                                                        works closely with the transfer process      to fully understand your options. It is
                                                                                                                                                     for a paycheck.
                                                        between schools- explained to me             crucial that you meet with your advisor,
                                                                                                                                                              To respond to this editiorial,
                                                        that a smooth transfer, and to UConn         research the school, and make time to visit
                                                        especially, requires as early forward        the campus. The student is responsible
                                                  4     thinking as you can get. Though her one      for understanding what they are getting
                                                        person office seems spread thin amongst      themselves into. I was lucky enough to          3. What the university lacks in program coordination
             attended the university a lot longer       the student body, Gray said students         have faculty at TRCC who, even though I         it made up for in its scenery from its vast fields of
            than I, it seemed their programs were       with even an idea to transfer should         was no longer a student, were still on my       green.
            specifically structured to cost you, the    meet with her and “take the time to pick     side.                                           4. Advertising for sporting events on UConn campus
            student, time and subsequently money.       the brain of the faculty that are here for          As many of my classmates and I go        is easy to come by; but should advisor help be so as

 32                                                                                                                                                                                                              33
February 19, 2020
Entertainment   1

                    Netflix & Chill'd Flavor Review              Could the new flavor on the block be your go-to?
                                                                       Story & Photos by Chris Boyle

                    W      hen it comes to ice cream, I try to
                           keep it plain and simple, to always
                    know what I am getting myself into. I
                                                                    swirls” mixed in. Such an iconic flavor
                                                                    combination like this turned out to be
                                                                    a welcome addition to an ice cream,
                                                                                                                                   cream in a cone, and what better than a
                                                                                                                                   freshly made waffle cone. The addition
                                                                                                                                   of the waffle cone might not seem all
                    have been known to toss and turn at             regardless of my initial questioning of                        too bold at first, but something about
                    the mere thought of quickly scanning a          its use.                                                       the way it wrapped the ice cream in
                    menu board full of extravagant flavors,                  Wanting to be thorough in my                          question was both visually appealing
                    then settle on vanilla. Whether out of          analysis, I made a point to try the new                        and more tasty than I thought was
                    respect to my comfort zone, or respect          flavor in a variety of different ways.                         possible.
                    for the poor worker who has to wait on          A flavor as bold and brilliant as this                                  Lastly, I made a point to try
                    such an indecisive customer as myself, I        demands more than just a sample                                the ice cream as my personal favorite
                    never find myself wanting to branch out.        spoonful. In a cup, the ice cream stands                       frozen dairy treat: a milkshake. At first
                    That was until a friend of mine told me         on its own as a large savory scoop that                        thought, one would think that the fudge                     3
                    about a new flavor of Ben & Jerry’s ice         is sure to leave ambitious customers                           brownies would not lend themselves
                    cream coming out: Netflix & Chill’d.            satisfied. Netflix & Chill’d is so flavorful                   well to the nature of being enjoyed
                            At first glance, the flavor is          that you would feel like you are missing                       through a straw. Surprisingly, these
                    everything I tend to avoid in ice cream         anything with it simply in a paper cup,                        nay-sayers would be wrong. The ice
                    and everything a normal taster would            accessorized with a wooden disposable                          cream and all its contents was smooth
                    love. The new flavor is a mouth-watering        spoon. Of course, the next natural                             and flavorful just the same. To me, in
                    combination of peanut butter ice cream          progression would be to enjoy the ice                          fact, it enhanced it.
                    with sweet and salty pretzel swirls mixed                                                                               Netflix & Chill’d was an
                    in. Not only that, but there are fudge                                                                         overwhelmingly satisfying flavor. It
                    brownie pieces mixed in as well, and                                                                           has made me rethink my plain vanilla-
                    large pieces at that. The flavor is one of                                                                     ways, and made me a believer in more
                    the newest additions to the Ben & Jerry’s                                                                      innovative flavors. I give the ice cream 5
                    lengthy menu board, and has already                                                                            out of 5 stars. --

                    become a hit among customers.
                            On my first sample of the flavor,
                    every item in its description made itself
                    well known to my taste buds. Peanut
                    butter ice cream was a delicious change                                                                         1. Ben & Jerry's at Mohegan Sun.
                    from my usual vanilla, while the fudge                                                                          2. Netflix & Chill'd shaken... not stirred.
                    brownie pieces were bold and flavorful.                                                                         3. Ordering a creatively named flavor results in
                    I was actually taken aback by just how                                                                          more smiles than ordering a standard vanilla.
                    large the fudge pieces are, and how                                                                             4. The new flavor looks appetizing and trendy,
                    plentiful they are in just a sample. This                                                                       accessorized with a wooden disposable spoon.
                    new flavor is quality and quantity in one
                    delicious package. I found that the best
                    part of the ice cream, however, lies in                                          2
                    its inclusion of “sweet and salty pretzel

 34                                                                                                                                   4
February 19, 2020

                                    YouTube Vs.                                                                  this case YouTube, get a list of criteria they
                                                                                                                 must follow, or else be in COPPA violation
                                                                                                                                                                        set all future and existing content as
                                                                                                                                                                        made for kids or not. At the video level,
                                                                                                                 and face the consequences.                             creators will need to set each existing
                                                                                                                                                                        and future video as made for kids or not.

                                                                                                                         As of January 1st, 2020 Youtube                         Now, a creator’s revenue is
                                                                                                                 has begun to dramatically reduce the data              largely generated by the ads placed on
                                                                                                                 collection from videos marked as “made                 the videos. Because of the new changes,
                                                                                                                 for kids.” Which means YouTube has                     creators’ revenue will be cut and they
                                                                                                                 disabled a lot of different features on these          will earn less pay.
                                                                                                                 videos.                                                         Not only will creators lose
                                          New YouTube policies are making waves.                                         These features, include but are                revenue, but for each miss labeled video,
                                                                                                                 not limited to, targeted advertising,                  A creator can be fined civil penalties of
                 Story by Bianca Lane                                                                            Comments, Channel notifications and                    up to $42,530 per violation. --
                                                                                                                 these videos can no longer be saved to
                B   y now, everyone has heard about
                    the YouTube vs the FTC event that
                happened. What you probably do not know
                                                                  website, “COPPA imposes certain
                                                                  requirements on operators of websites or
                                                                  online services directed to children under
                                                                                                                 watch later. These videos will also no
                                                                                                                 longer show up on the search engine.
                is what that means exactly for youtube            13 years of age, and on operators of other             What does this mean for creators?
                creators or anyone that uses YouTube.             websites or online services that have actual   Creators are now required to set future and
                       But first alittle about the Child          knowledge that they are collecting personal    existing videos as made for kids or not.
                Online Privacy Protection law of 1998, or         information online from a child under 13       They may do this on a channel wide level,
                better known as COPPA. According to               years of age”.                                 or on an individual video level.
                the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC)                      Which means, website operators, in              Labeling at the channel level, will               1. A screenshot of new YouTube channel settings.



February 19, 2020

                    Nana's Banana

                Chocolate Chip Cookies

                               An exclusive look at a family favorite
                                      By Ariana Cloutier

                 2/3 Cup of Shortening (ie. Crisco)
                 1 Cup of Sugar
                 2 Eggs
                 1 Package of Milk or Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips
                 1 tsp. of Vanilla
                 2 ¼ Cup of Flour
                 2 tsp. of Baking Powder
                 ¼ tsp. Baking Soda
                 ½ tsp. of Salt
                 1 Heaping Cup of ripe Mashed Baking* Bananas (about
                 3 medium sized bananas)

                 *Baking bananas means that they are very ripe. They will
                 have mostly brown skins. These bananas should be nice and soft
                 for best results.

                 Oven Setting: 350 Degrees

                 1. Hand mix shortening and sugar together. Then, add
                 eggs. Mix this together well!
                 2. Stir in chocolate chips and vanilla
                 3. Sift all dry ingredients and combine with shortening
                 4. Add in mashed bananas
                 5. Scoop spoon sized dollops of batter on to a
                 baking sheet. (Should be able to fit 12 cookies
                 onto a normal sized baking sheet)
                 6. Place in oven for about 12 minutes or until light
                 golden color is achieved.                                         1. You'll go bananas for
                                                                                  these home made cookies!
                 (For best result don’t use blender or mixer. Blend by hand!)--

 38                                                                                                                               39
February 19, 2020


                                                                                                                           down. That way your clipping mask

                                                                                                                           color job will have something to hold               1. There are a number of digital drawing programs to
                                                                                                                           onto. You can then turn your line art               choose from. Find the one that works best for you!
                                                                                                                           back on and create a blank layer between            2. A screenshot of new YouTube channel settings.
                                                                                                                           the color base and the line art. Then you
                                                                                                                           can click the option called “clipping”
                                                                                                                           and begin to draw.
                                                                                                                                  You can also use the Alpha Locks
                                                                                                                           and Clipping mask to color your line
                                                                                                                                  If you are using photoshop all
                                                                                                                           you have to do, is click the lock button
                                                                                                                           for an alpha lock, or place your mouse
                                                                                                                           between the two layers you want to add
                                                                                                                           a clipping mask to, hold down alt and

                First Steps to Digital Drawing
                                                                                                                           click your mouse once.
                                                                                                                           Tip #3 Shading/Highlighting
                                                                                                                           The third and final tip, is how to shade
                Tips and Tricks to get you started as a digital artist                                                     and highlight a drawing without adding
                                                                                                                           black or white to the color.
                Story & Photo by Bianca Lane                                                                                       Let’s begin with the shading.
                                                                                                                           Now, when you go to get a color to
                                                                                                                           shade with, do not go straight to black.

                  T  hese digital drawing tips and
                     tricks are primarily for digital art
                  applications, such as Ibis Paint X,
                                                                         There are the Alpha Locks and the
                                                                         Clipping Mask.
                                                                         First, let’s talk about the Alpha Locks.
                                                                                                                           Instead, move around your color wheel
                                                                                                                           to get a different color.
                                                                                                                                   Take yellow for example, to shade
                  MediBang and Sketchbook, but can be                    Using Alpha Lock lets you lock a layer’s          that color, you would move closer to an
                  used in others such as Adobe Photoshop                 transparency. What that means is that,            orange color to shade. As your shadows
                  and Illustrator or Paint tool SAI.                     once you apply an Alpha Lock on a                 get darker, just keep moving around
                                                                         layer, you will only be able to paint             the color wheel, until satisfied that the
                  Tip #1 Cleaner Line Art                                inside what already on that particular            shadows pop.
                  PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!                          layer.                                                    Now for the highlighting. You
                  That is the number one rule to get better                       To put it simply, it’s a one layer       will want to go back to the base color to
                  at anything. However that is only part of              only deal and you do not want to mess             begin anew.
                  it.                                                    up.                                                       For the highlighting, you will
                          To get cleaner line art, start                 The second way to color in the line               want to go around your color wheel
                  by trying to get your line done in one                 art, is to use a clipping mask. Clipping          once more, only this time in the opposite
                  stroke. It will be hard at first, but that is          Masks let you clip multiple layers to the         direction of the shadow colors. Just a
                  where the practice comes in.                           content of one layer, allowing for non-           tiny bit, and for highlights, you will want
                  Do not be afraid to erase the line a                   destructive alterations.                          to move the tone of your color ever so
                  couple dozens of times before you get                           To do a quick color job using a          slightly towards the white to get a lighter
                  the line you want. You are not the only                clipping mask, all you have to do is take         color.
                  one.                                                   your magic wand tool, tap outside your                    So, with the yellow example, you
                                                                         line art then invert the selection. You can       will want to use a softer yellow, that has
                  Tip #2 Easy coloring/Clipping/Alpha                    then hide your line art, but still see the        a slight green tint to it.
                  lock                                                   outline because you made the selection.
                  There are two easy ways to keep the                    Next you will want to take your paint             And you’re done!--
                  strokes of color within the line art.                  bucket tool, and plop a base color layer

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