Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk

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Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Entry to university 2019
A guide for students and parents

Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Entry to university 2019
A guide for students and parents

Introduction                                                      Vocational or non-vocational?
During the next few months, students will be making               Vocational degrees, such as Law, Medicine, Dentistry,
important decisions about applying to university. These           Architecture and Engineering, tend to lead straight into
decisions will affect their future, in particular their career,   stable, well-paid employment. As a result, these degrees
and also their wider wellbeing. Students will need to             are very difficult to get onto. Oxbridge Law lecturers
research their options thoroughly. They should focus on           maintain on the basis of experience that a Law degree
their course of choice rather than the prestige of various        from Oxbridge is effectively an automatic passport to a
universities and give careful consideration to where they         training contract with a top law firm or a pupillage at a top
think their degree will lead them.                                barristers’ chambers. Non-vocational degrees, such as
                                                                  History or English Literature, offer a less certain trajectory
                                                                  into paid employment. Students who study these degrees
Why go to university?
                                                                  can either teach the subjects they have studied or re-train.
Most students go to university in order to be in an               Many historians, for example, take the Postgraduate
advantageous position when entering the jobs market. In           Diploma in Law and become lawyers. Whether they
an age when ever-increasing numbers of people go to               are following vocational or non-vocational programmes,
university, young people are worried about how they will          undergraduates will have to give serious consideration
be perceived if they decide not to go. That said, university      to what they want to do after leaving university and, to
is more expensive than ever, and many graduates                   that end, they will need to forge contacts with potential
struggle to find regular, well-paid work. Some professions,       employers while they are still at university, undertaking
such as accountancy, are moving back to accepting                 summer placements, for example. A quarter of graduates
non-graduates – these simply have to spend longer on              now hold first class degrees, so work experience is
in-house training programmes. Other professions, such as          essential for students to stand out.
law, are unlikely to revert to accepting non-graduates any
time soon.

                                                                                              ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019        3
Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Which university?                                                 Universities in London
The best guide to a university’s standing is its position in      London is a diverse, exciting city and students
international and national league tables. This information        understandably want to study there. It contains a great many
is in the public domain. A popular choice with students           highly-regarded institutions, with correspondingly demanding
are Russell Group universities – high-ranking, generally          entry requirements – King’s, UCL, LSE and Imperial College,
old-established universities with a strong track-record of        for example. It also contains institutions with markedly less
academic research. Examples of these universities are             demanding entry criteria, so students might want to look
Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Durham and Exeter. They are           outside London when it comes to fall-back options.
highly regarded by employers. Also popular are so-called
‘Red Brick universities’. These were established in the
1960s as research-based institutions to cater for the surge       Russell Group universities
in demand for university places from the ‘baby boom’              The Russell Group of universities are old-established,
generation. Sussex is an example of a Red Brick university.       research-led universities such as Durham, Exeter, Bristol and
Then there are the new universities, formerly Polytechnics.       the University of London. They can be as difficult to get into
These were granted university status in the 1990s, meaning        as Oxbridge, and should be approached with caution.
that they became research-based institutions. Some such
as Oxford Brookes have achieved an excellent reputation for
themselves. Here, Hospitality Management is a particularly
                                                                  Oxbridge applications
popular course. English and Creative Writing are popular          Oxford and Cambridge are extremely hard to get into,
courses at the University of East Anglia. New universities are    so even top level students should think carefully before
particularly good for practical degree courses which have         applying. A good crop of A and A* grades at GCSE and A
work-experience requirements as they tend to have excellent       and A* predictions at A Level are a must. Over and above
contacts with industry.                                           this, applicants have to prove that they are much more
                                                                  than just good A Level students: they have to come across
                                                                  as driven, showing evidence of interest and aptitude well
Campus or non-campus?
                                                                  beyond the confines of A Level. An Oxbridge Personal
Some universities, such as Nottingham, are campus                 Statement will be taken up overwhelmingly with subject-
universities, meaning that halls of residence and subject         specific material and candidates can expect to be asked
faculties are all located in one place. Some students will like   about this should they be called for interview.
the convenience that this gives; others may feel that they        Students considering applying to Oxbridge must
are back at school! Other universities, such as the various       contact Mat Carmody, Oxbridge Co-ordinator
colleges of London University, are located in the midst of        (mat.carmody@mpw.ac.uk).
large cities. This certainly gives undergraduate life a more
sophisticated feel, but students can all too often feel lost in
the midst of a large, unfamiliar city.                            Art and Design applications
                                                                  Students wishing to study Art and Design at university
                                                                  usually enroll on a Foundation Course first in order to make
Scottish universities
                                                                  the right choice of degree programme. To gain a place
These are deservedly popular with students. One or two            on a Foundation Course, students apply directly to their
factors need to be borne in mind, however. There is some          institution of choice. The deadlines are often different from
evidence that they are under pressure from the Scottish           UCAS deadlines and students are not limited in terms of
government to give preferential treatment to applicants           the number of institutions they can apply to. A popular
resident in Scotland, and Edinburgh seems to be adopting a        destination for Foundation Courses is the University of the
policy of not considering applications from re-sit students.      Arts London, an umbrella institution comprising Camberwell
                                                                  College of Arts, Central Saint Martins, Chelsea College of
At the very least, re-sit students wanting to submit an           Arts, London College of Communication, London College
application to Edinburgh should check with the relevant           of Fashion and Wimbledon College of Arts. For further
subject department beforehand. Applicants resident in             information about the application process, students should in
Scotland, it should be noted, are exempt from paying              the first instance talk to members of the Art Department.
tuition fees, so more Scottish students will be seeking to go
there. It should also be remembered that Law graduates
from Scottish universities will not have an automatic right to
practise in England as Scotland has a separate legal system.

Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
The UCAS Form
All applications to UK universities, medical schools and         Applications are accepted between mid-September and
Higher Education colleges are processed through the              early January, but students are advised to submit their
UCAS Apply system. Copies of the UCAS form are                   applications as soon as they can. Students applying to
distributed to the universities selected by the applicant, and   Oxford or Cambridge – it is not possible to apply to both
universities inform candidates of their decisions through        these universities in the same year – or for courses in
UCAS. Universities do not know which other institutions the      medicine, dentistry or veterinary science are referred to
applicant has chosen: this information is revealed only when     as ‘Early Applicants’. MPW will need to have their part of
applicants decide which offers to accept.                        the application ready by the end of September for onward
                                                                 despatch by 15 October, which is when the external, non-
All applications to UK universities, medical schools and         negotiable deadline is. The college cannot undertake to
Higher Education colleges are processed through the              process applications received after the end of September.
UCAS Apply system. Copies of the UCAS form are
distributed to the universities selected by the applicant, and   UCAS as an organisation plays no part in the decision-
universities inform candidates of their decisions through        making process: this is the responsibility of universities
UCAS. Universities do not know which other institutions the      alone. If students are at all unsure about whether they
applicant has chosen: this information is revealed only when     meet the admissions criteria for a specific course, then it
applicants decide which offers to accept.                        is recommended that they make direct contact with the

Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
relevant admissions department, full details for which are       speak to students, particularly after results are published in
contained on the university’s website.                           August. They will not speak to anyone not authorised by you.

MPW requires returning students – that is, students              Student support arrangements: UK and EU nationals
moving from the Lower Sixth to the Upper Sixth – to meet         should put 02 in order to benefit from the current scheme
with the Directors of Studies during the course of the           whereby the government pays their fees up-front and they
summer term to talk over their university plans, to map out      then pay this back when they are earning above a certain
a draft Personal Statement, to register with UCAS and to         amount, currently £21,000. Students will need to enter
fill out the technical parts of the form, for which guidance     the name of their Local Authority as these administer the
is provided below.                                               scheme.

No inappropriate email addresses: You want the                   The student loan: This low-interest loan is well worth
institution to take you seriously!                               having at a time when money can be very hard to get hold
                                                                 of! It is intended to help with living expenses. Asking for
Nominated access: Either a parent or your Director of            information about the loan does not commit you to taking
Studies. This person will be contacted by universities if they   it up.
cannot get hold of you, and universities do often want to

                                                                                            ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019        7
Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Choices: Universities state typical grade offers on their         should convey two things, namely that a student is
websites though they have the discretion to let in applicants     academically capable and also that they are a well-rounded
even if they have missed their offer by a grade or two and        person who is likely to be happy at university. A Personal
often do this. Students should choose a range of institutions     Statement is typically made up of four sections.
based on their published grade requirements: perhaps
two best-case scenarios, a safe choice and two fall-back          Students should start by mentioning their degree subject of
options. For example, a student predicted AAB might apply         choice in terms of why they want to study it at university.
for a course which typically requires AAA but should back         They should avoid the use of the word ‘passion’: it has
this up by applying for one or two courses which require          become something of an in-joke amongst admissions
no higher than ABB. Five very ambitious choices runs the          tutors. It will be necessary to show strong evidence of
risk of five rejections followed by the stresses of clearing in   interest in their subject of choice. Humanities students will
August.                                                           typically need to comment on texts they have read which
                                                                  go beyond the requirements of their A Level course and all
Academic qualifications: These will typically be a mixture        students will need to mention lectures or other events they
of pending qualifications, A Level, A/S Level or Pre-U            have attended. Students should seek to make mention of
qualifications already obtained and GCSEs and IGCSEs              academic journals, many of which are available online. And
already obtained. Grades which have been certificated,            rather than just list reading, students should comment on
however bad, need to be declared on the form: not                 what they have learnt from what they have read and what
declaring them is technically fraudulent. Universities can        they think about it. Universities and other learned societies
and do run checks on students’ qualifications. Students will      frequently hold public lectures and it is expected that
know if the grade for a qualification has been certificated as    committed students attend these. Subject-specific practical
it will appear as an upper-case letter on their certificate or    work and work experience are highly desirable.
results slip. GCSE and IGCSE Double Science awards often
cause confusion: they are listed under GCSE Double Award          Students should then talk about their existing A Level
and IGCSE Double Award rather than GCSE and IGCSE. In             subjects in terms of the skills they have developed which
this way, there are four separate categories of GCSE grade.       will serve them well at university such as textual analysis
                                                                  or the interpretation of data. Students applying to read
The Personal Statement: This is the part of the form that         History might mention, for example, how they have
students tend to find most daunting. A Personal Statement         developed intellectually through analysing literature from

Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
different historical periods; science or economics applicants,    Finally, students should where possible list charitable-type
similarly, might mention particular aspects of their Maths        activities – visiting the elderly, mentoring younger pupils,
course that interest them on the basis that Maths is often a      coaching sport, raising money for charity and so on.
key component of Science and Economics degrees.                   These activities are no less important than extra-curricular
                                                                  activities. Re-sit students should avoid dwelling on past
Students should then mention their hobbies – drama, music         setbacks. Instead, they should seek to flatter the institutions
and sport, for example – placing particular emphasis on           to which they are applying: they are retaking the year in
things they have done rather than on things they enjoy            order to meet the university’s entry requirements.
watching or doing. Playing sport is preferable to watching
sport and learning a musical instrument is preferable to
                                                                  Further advice
listening to music. Also, in the case of students from
traditional independent schools, it is best to avoid the          In the first instance, students should speak to their
use of institutional-type language as academics tend to           Directors of Studies. Oxbridge applicants must register
have a complex and not always favourable view of private          their interest with Mat Carmody, Oxbridge Co-ordinator
education. Students cannot and should not attempt to hide         (mat.carmody@mpw.ac.uk). Applicants for sciences and
where they were at school, but don’t overdo it. Thus, ‘I          medicine need to speak to Simon Horner, Head of Science
played for my school football team’ is preferable to ‘I played    (simon.horner@mpw.ac.uk). Other Heads of Department
for the 1st XI’ and ‘I held a position of responsibility’ is      are also available for subject-specific advice. MPW has
preferable to ‘I was a House Monitor’. Also, extra-curricular     published a number of Trotman guides, which are available
activities outside the school framework are more impressive       in hard copy in the college. The UCAS website and the
than school-based activities: after all, it is hard not to be     websites of individual universities contain much helpful
drafted into activities at traditional schools. Ideally, extra-   information. New this year is the Bridge-U system, which
curricular activities should take up no more than 20% of          is a programme enabling students to make university
the Personal Statement – universities are interested above        choices and investigate future career possibilities. Students
all in applicants’ academic potential. Students should be         are also welcome to talk to Richard McMillan, UCAS
aware that universities cannot use non-academic criteria          Co-ordinator (richard.mcmillan@mpw.ac.uk), or Richard
to determine their selection policy, so the extra-curricular      Berlie, Vice-Principal (richard.berlie@mpw.ac.uk). MPW
section will count for less than perhaps they imagine.            aims to submit all applications to UCAS by 30 November.

                                                                                              ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019         9
Entry to university 2019 - A guide for students and parents www.mpw.ac.uk
Key dates: Academic Year 2018-2019

               Date                 Internal MPW deadline                      External deadline

                             UCAS week, including presentation to
 W/B 11 JUNE
                             Year 12 students on university

                                                                       Registration opens for early BMAT
 MONDAY 25 JUNE                                                        examination (but not for the A100
                                                                       Oxford course)

                                                                       Applications can be sent to UCAS
 JULY                                                                  conservatoires for some creative
                                                                       arts courses

 SUNDAY 12 AUGUST                                                      Registration for early BMAT closes

 SATURDAY 1 SEPTEMBER                                                  Early BMAT examination test date

                             Early applicants complete technical
                             information on the UCAS form

                                                                       UKCAT registration deadline
 TUESDAY 18 SEPTEMBER                                                  (opened 1 May; testing began
                                                                       2 July)

                             Early applicants finalise university
                             choices and submit first draft of their
 FRIDAY 21 SEPTEMBER                                                   Early BMAT results published
                             personal statement to their Directors
                             of Studies
                             Internal deadline for registering for
                             October BMAT and Oxford and
                             Cambridge admissions tests; early
                             applicants to submit their UCAS
                             applications to their Directors of

                                                                       Final date for sitting UKCAT (testing
                                                                       began on 2 July 2018)

                             Deadline for finalisation of personal
                             statements by early applicants

Final date for sitting the LNAT
                                                               test for Oxford Law applicants.
                                                               Deadline for submission of SAQ
                                                               (for all Cambridge applicants)

                       Regular applicants submit personal
MONDAY 29 OCTOBER      statements to their Directors of
                       Studies for approval

                       Oxford and Cambridge Admissions
                       tests and BMAT

                                                               Written work to be submitted to
                                                               Oxbridge colleges

                       Deadline for finalisation of personal

                       References completed and all
                       applications to be submitted to UCAS

DECEMBER                                                       Oxbridge interviews

                                                               Cambridge offers published;
JANUARY                                                        Cambridge Winter Pool opens;
                                                               Oxford offers published 9 January

FRIDAY 15 JANUARY                                              UCAS final deadline

SUNDAY 20 JANUARY                                              Final date for sitting the LNAT test

                                                               Cambridge Winter Pool closes;
                                                               LNAT results released

                                                               UCAS final decision date for
                                                               applicants who have received all
                                                               their decisions by 31 March; further
                                                               decision dates in June and July

                                                               A level Results Day; UCAS Clearing
                                                               and Adjustment opens

                                                                    ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019          11
Exemplar personal statement for Medicine

     My journey to Medical School has been long,             therapy in atrial fibrillation sufferers and learnt how
     carefully considered and slightly unusual. I read       primary care is now providing what was previously
     Geophysics at university and, although I enjoyed        hospital-based treatment.
     my studies, I became convinced that my vocation         For over a year, I have been volunteering with in a
     lay elsewhere. As a member of the Officer Training      respiratory ward, helping serve the patients their
     Corps, I trained with the Royal Army Medical Corps      Sunday lunch and assisting the nursing staff each
     in trauma medicine in a hospital environment;           weekend. This not only gave me valuable clinical
     the dynamic nature of medicine in a challenging         experience, but also emphasised how disabling
     environment hooked me. I also volunteered at            a respiratory disorder can be, and illustrated how
     Nightline, which introduced me to a different side      resourceful and adaptable a doctor is required to
     of medicine. Acting as an emotional support for         be. The grandson of two cancer survivors, I was
     vulnerable people taught me the value of careful        also keen to be involved in Macmillan. I have spent
     and proactive listening – vital for a doctor. The       the last year involved with Macmillan’s ‘Lewisham
     analytical and diagnostic skills developed at           Buddies’ program, a one-to-one support meeting
     university, together with my rigorous science and       each week for cancer sufferers. I have experienced
     military background, mean I believe I will cope well    first-hand people fighting the disease and learnt the
     with the challenges of a medical degree and future      value to patients of gestures, even in a non-clinical
     career.                                                 setting.
     Since university, I have worked at a GP                 My interest in the pathophysiology of cancer, and
     practice, both as a receptionist and as a clinical      its effect on people, led me to arrange a week’s
     administrator. As the first point of contact between    work experience in which I saw the gruelling nature
     the practice and its patients, I would often be         of its treatment. This led me to the subject of gene
     called upon to liaise with clinicians in both primary   therapy, in particular, oncolytic virotherapy. I found
     and secondary care in a variety of specialties. One     a recent paper (Nature, 2012) on a phase 3 trial
     example involved a patient who had absconded            using T-VEC for metastatic melanoma of particular
     from her psychiatric hospital who turned up at the      interest. I also experienced A&E and Orthopaedic
     front desk in a very distressed state. Having to take   clinics, illustrating the demands of a Junior Doctor.
     the patient aside, listen to her, calm her down and
                                                             Alongside medicine, I have other interests; I
     also liaise with a doctor in the building illustrated
                                                             coached football in my Gap Year, continuing it at
     to me the importance of applying a delicate touch
                                                             university, in addition to boxing, and was an active
     to a highly complex and stressful environment.
                                                             member of my university union. I feel that it would
     Through my work, I have been involved with the
                                                             be a huge privilege to be able to pursue a career
     Planning all Care Together (PACT) programme
                                                             in medicine. I know that medicine is a demanding
     - an initiative by a local Clinical Commissioning
                                                             training and career, but my hands-on experience
     Group to combine community and social services
                                                             working for the NHS has only strengthened my
     in primary care to help patients suffering from
                                                             resolve to pursue a career in the field.
     chronic disease lead what is termed ‘a more
     independent life’. Involvement included sitting in on
     and organising follow-up GP-led consultations. The
     project has taught me that even routine monitoring
     and procedures can be incredibly powerful, such
     as helping identify risk factors through blood test/
     lifestyle audits and ensuring people are allocated
     specialist care. I attended a conference, which
     discussed primary care-based anti-coagulation

Exemplar personal statement for Veterinary Science

I want to become a vet for three reasons: to aid         120 which seemed abnormally frequent and it was
animal welfare, to improve the livestock farming         thought to have been a genetic condition. The
process and to maintain a manageable way of life         entropion was treated by injecting penicillin into the
for British farmers. It is my ambition that as a vet I   eyelids to keep them firm and to slightly scar the
will be able to make permanent positive changes for      muscle tissue to prevent them from inverting again. I
animal based communities and industries worldwide.       learned from Sargison’s book, ‘Sheep Flock Health’
My interest was ignited from farm work in Dorset         that in more severe cases Michel clips can be used
where I have spent school holidays working with          to correct eyelid structure. The book led me on to
sheep, horses, chickens, working ferrets and dogs. I     more reading about aspects of flock care.
have aided local farmers with cattle droving and am      At one practice there were age restrictions on farm
confident around large animals. I have visited a pig     visits. This indicated some of the management
farm where they had an output of 18,000 weaners          differences between running larger and smaller
per year. I have been involved with docking, feeding     practices. There was however a calf who was
and herd management while shadowing a long               brought into the onsite LA treatment centre for
term EMS student for three days. I have also spent       fluids and close observation after collapsing in a
my weekends and whatever free weekdays I have            field without colostrum. It was severely dehydrated
milking sheep on the largest sheep dairy in the UK       due to bouts of diarrhoea and required a five litre
with a 3,000 strong flock. Exposure to animals in        bag of fluid and a series of vitamin injections to
this context has reinforced my desire to pursue a        counter the lack of colostrum. This case showed
career veterinary science.                               that a condition which at the time seemed fatal
I have long been fascinated by animal anatomy.           could be turned around using very basic resources,
I started and have co-run a dissection society           saving the farmer hundreds of pounds in the long
for two years. We are able to gain a far broader         term. I proceeded to research other techniques
view of animal anatomy than class dissections            and problems with colostrum deficiency in extracts
of a heart or lung. I have visited two veterinary        of Moran’s book, ‘Rearing young stock on tropical
practices both with farm sub-units and an equine         dairy farms in Asia’. At school, I have been keenly
specialist for over four weeks. During one, I came       engaged with the beagle pack where I have learned
across a pug with several hereditary respiratory         valuable lessons in how to correctly segregate
problems. This prompted me to complete a short           packs to minimise stress and injuries caused
research project on brachycephalic dogs. It gave         by bad relationships between hounds. This was
me a great insight into the unseen challenges of         highlighted when several other dogs attacked a
breeding as most problematic dogs are hidden             bitch after being put in the wrong kennel. A problem
from public view. This prompted me to do further         that could have been avoided by more careful
research through Clinician’s Brief and local vets.       separation. I am currently retaking my A Levels on
It became clear that, despite some actions being         a shortened course. I am taking one term out to
taken by organisations such as the Kennel Club,          travel in Argentina and New Zealand. I have already
not enough is being done to prevent the breeding         organised work placements on a cattle ranch and
of dogs with poor quality of life.                       a feed contractor with the aim of expanding my
Work experience shadowing Luke Gamble gave me            bovine knowledge. A career as an LA vet would give
a deep insight into the charity work that he does        me the opportunity to make what I hope to be a
as a vet through his company WVS. this showed            significant change to the way that we treat livestock,
me some of the alternate career paths available          improving both the lives of farmers and more
after vet school. On one farm there were 5 cases         importantly the animals themselves.
of entropion in new-born lambs out of a flock of

                                                                                     ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019     13
Exemplar personal statement for Politics

     Ever since the 2010 general election, I have taken       deal of reading on modern politics. I have a
     a keen interest in Politics. I started by learning       weekly subscription to ‘The Economist’ and find
     some of the basics of UK politics from family            it a useful tool for comparing much of what I learn
     discussions. I chose to study Government and             in class to what occurs in real life, thus greatly
     Politics at A level. I have been highly fortunate to     enriching my understanding of the topic. A related
     study politics during years that are of such great       interest is the UK legal system. In the summer of
     significance for UK and US politics. The Scottish        2015, I shadowed a barrister at One Pump Court
     referendum, the 2015 general election, the EU            chambers. Attending numerous court sessions of
     referendum and now the presidential election; all        various kinds gave me insight into the interaction
     have motivated my studies in the subject. Learning       between the state and ordinary citizens. Learning
     about UK politics was interesting, however I wished      about USA politics for A2 I find to be highly
     to move on to look at global politics. To this end,      interesting, and indeed particularly relevant today,
     I have attended seven Model United Nations               what with the Presidential election, the difficulties
     conferences, on one occasion, chairing the Politics      surrounding the appointment of a ninth Supreme
     Committee. MUN has provided me with a greater            Court Justice and the USA’s controversial role
     appreciation of the importance of debate and             Syria.
     negotiation within global politics and the significant   During my time at school, I have also taken
     role the UN seeks to play in promoting global            advantage of co-curricular opportunities. I have
     peace and prosperity – a task becoming ever more         been learning to play the electric guitar since the
     significant and controversial.                           age of thirteen and two years ago began teaching
     Studying Modern History for Pre-U has greatly            myself bass guitar. I am also an avid rugby player.
     enhanced my knowledge and understanding of               I was involved in club rugby from the ages of four
     modern politics, particularly in the UK. Part of the     to sixteen, and my rugby playing ability has been
     course involved coursework. I chose to examine           greatly enhanced playing for Middlesex County at
     the causes of British success in America during the      both U16 and U18. I regularly played for my school
     Seven Years’ War. I found the task of independent        1st XV, which has recently won the prestigious,
     research demanding but ultimately worthwhile. My         national St Joe’s festival. I have found that playing
     researches centred on academic monographs and            rugby at a competitive level has enriched my ability
     articles on JSTOR. Possibly my favourite era of          to work in a team as well as testing my capability
     British history is the mid/late 19th century – the age   to balance a great deal of co-curricular activities
     of Gladstone and Disraeli. Such was my interest in       with my academic work. I relish having a busy
     this era of British politics that I read ‘The Lion and   schedule. In addition to these leisure activities, I
     the Unicorn’ by Richard Aldous. This made a very         have taken an interest in community work. In 2014
     clear connection between the adversarial politics        and 2015 I volunteered weekly at Forge Lane
     shown by these two politicians and what can be           Primary School, helping to teach young children
     seen during Prime Minister’s Question Time today.        to read, in addition to basic maths. I found this a
     In addition to this, I have read ‘Sybil’ in order to     highly rewarding experience, and gave me greater
     better understand One Nation Conservatism and in         appreciation of the importance of education for all
     turn, Disraeli’s impact upon modern Conservative         members of the community. In an effort to support
     politics.                                                myself financially during my studies, I have recently
     In order to progress beyond a study of                   taken on a part-time job working as a barman at
     conventional politics, I have read ‘The Communist        a local pub. Such work, while often tiring, as it
     Manifesto’ and am currently getting to grips with        involves working late, has given me a wide variety
     ‘Das Kapital’. This is supplemented by a great           of life experiences.

Exemplar personal statement for Business/Economics

I am sure my strong interest in economics and            the end, all three groups came away with a tried
business goes back to when my grandfather                and tested service/product and two had begun
introduced me to the concept of money when I             approaching investors. I am currently involved
was a child. He set up some shares in my name            in the youth-led campaign ‘Undivided’, helping
and we watched them fluctuate together. It               to co-lead the media and talent teams, securing
wasn’t until the age of fourteen that I realised I       the services of celebrities to act as ambassadors
could study these subjects at school. Since then,        for our cause. On the launch day, we were given
learning about economic theories has influenced          coverage by Sky, ITV and the BBC.
the way I look at things, especially after reading the   I have always had a number of interests outside
‘Freakonomics’ series and various articles in the        of academic studies, playing 1st XI football, being
Financial Times. This has led me to the fascinating      a monitor and a senior member of my school
area of behavioral economics and in particular the       council. Currently, I am playing for my alumni team
works of Daniel Ariely on predictable irrationality      in the FA amateurs league. I also work at Reed’s
and William Poundstone’s work on Bendford’s law          school as a lifeguard, which involves early starts
and its application in tax and accounting fraud.         but is highly rewarding. I have also begun working
In June 2014 I was delighted to be offered two           in the school shop. Through football, I became
weeks with Trayport, a London-based trading              involved in coaching primary school children,
software firm. I was fortunate to work with              including preparing lesson plans for the sessions.
different departments and I particularly enjoyed my      All of these activities I believe have really helped me
time with accounting and with marketing. I was           to manage my time more effectively and improve
struck by how crucial it is to ensure departments        my team working, leadership and organisational
communicate to sustain a coherent and efficient          skills. After my grandfather’s passing I decided
workplace. This experience left me intrigued             to devote more time to charity. I have competed
about the company’s decision to remain private,          in a number of endurance events, such as the
so I decided to write my research paper on               London to Brighton cycle race, raising funds for
the opportunities and threats of an Initial Public       the British Heart Foundation. I am currently training
Offering to a firm such as Trayport. After weighing      for the Broadgate run in aid of Student Minds. I
up the economic and cultural costs and benefits,         believe I am a highly motivated person, and when
I began to understand why certain firms choose           working in teams I try to pass my enthusiasm on
to stay private. This experience encouraged me           to those around me, particularly in situations where
to gain more insight into the world of finance           we are under pressure and morale might be low.
and I have managed to get a placement at                 This has helped me and my team through events
Goldman Sachs over the Christmas period. Last            such as a 50-mile night walk from Brighton to
summer I was fortunate to win a place to attend          Guildford in which I took over the job of navigating
an entrepreneurial workshop sponsored by                 and energising the team. I am hoping to find an
O2. During the two weeks, we were given the              outlet for my interest in charitable work whilst at
opportunity to meet with venture capitalists and         university.
heads of major corporations and we also visited a
number of different businesses. At the end, I asked
for and was offered a meeting with the Barclays
accelerator to talk through my concept for a
trading platform for the education market, which I
am currently working on with the help of software
developers at Trayport. This summer I was invited
back to mentor a small number of people. By

                                                                                     ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019      15
Exemplar personal statement for Real Estate

     Real Estate is a career that I wish to pursue: my        allowed me to learn more about Chinese culture
     aim is to become a Chartered Surveyor. This area         and ways of living, which opened my eyes to
     interests me due to my studies in Economics,             lifestyles and modes of behaviour in Asia.
     Geography, and Business Management. These                I have achieved my Silver Duke of Edinburgh
     subjects have given me a good foundation to              award, which involved doing some volunteer
     understand the world of Real Estate. Aspects             work at the Leonard Cheshire Homes. My role
     within Human Geography such as poverty and               involved a lot of teamwork aimed at entertaining
     inequality have significantly influenced this, as well   and communicating with residents in a supportive
     as studying the economic environment in which            and active manner. My physical aspect of the
     this sector functions. These subjects complement         award focused on rowing which is my team sport
     my learning of Mandarin as a second language,            at school. The discipline of training and reliance
     due to the property market becoming ever more            on teammates are aspects that help me in other
     globalised. In addition, the part which China            school activities. I am a qualified PADI Advanced
     plays in our global economy is ever-changing and         Scuba Diver. Over the last five years I have taken
     evolving, significantly influencing sectors such as      exams and applied the theory to supporting me
     Real Estate.                                             in over thirty dives. I have found this useful in
     I have undertaken work experience at Hearst              meeting people in various countries as well as
     Magazines. During this, I was able to gain               appreciating teamwork in preparing and carrying
     some practical experience in the business                out dives. I am also an accomplished snow skier.
     environment. I was given the opportunity to              In my last year at school I was made Head of
     develop an assessment of digital competitors.            the Charities Committee. This involved planning
     My presentation was on competitive markets for           and leading people to deliver initiatives that
     one of their online magazines and was entitled           raised funds towards charities such as ‘Afrikids’.
     ‘Who are Digital Spy’s Competitors?’ This allowed        I recently went to India on a World Challenge
     me to better understand how businesses are               initiative. This included trekking across the
     becoming digitized, and how publishers like Hearst       Himalayas, volunteering at a school and visiting
     Magazines need to evolve as technology changes           the Taj Mahal and the Agra Palace. During the
     their business model. I worked with a number             expedition, I had to develop my leadership skills,
     of departments so as to ensure a measured                organising the transport. The trek tested my
     assessment of my project. In addition, I have            endurance - having to trek for eight hours across
     undertaken work experience at Getty Images.              rivers and across the Himalayas. Next summer
     From this, I was able to experience how a digital        I am seeking to broaden my experiences and
     agent worked with its clients to produce marketing       undertake a ‘Projects Abroad’ expedition. I am
     material from their own resources. I also spent          interested in doing a project involving conservation
     a week in the editorial department of their news         and the environments, which links to my work with
     room. I have recently spent some time at Strutt &        studying about the environment in Geography.
     Parker, as well as meeting with various Chartered
     Surveyors. From this, I have been able to gain an
     understanding of this sector of work that appeals
     to my interests in Real Estate. I am currently
     studying Mandarin outside the school curriculum.
     I have recently achieved my HSK Level 1
     qualification. I am now progressing towards Level
     2. This was achieved after travelling to Shanghai
     to study Mandarin in my summer holidays. My visit

Exemplar personal statement for History

Open any newspaper and it is evident that the           phenomena as over-hunting, apartheid and the
effects of historical events are still being felt in    AIDS epidemic. I was also a member of my school
our world today where geopolitical tensions and         CCF where I learnt leadership and resilience skills.
regional conflicts make headline news. I believe        I have undertaken work experience at Schroders,
that History can help us understand many of the         a global investment management firm, where I
problems we currently face. For example, my             learnt about the impact of international capital
recent reading of ‘A Peace To End All Peace’ by         on the development of high growth economies
David Fromkin has taught me that many of the            such as China and India. I have also worked at
ongoing problems in the Middle East were caused         a website design company called SuperDo. This
by the imperial designs of Great Britain and France     work experience has helped me to further develop
in the early twentieth century. In Syria, a country     my teamwork skills, working with and learning
originally conceived by the Sykes-Picot Agreement       from other people.
in 1916, we are witnessing the disintegration of a      I was ill in my last year at school and I am
country due to the actions of so-called ISIL and        therefore taking my final A level in History this year.
the inability of Western powers to implement a          Resilience has helped me overcome the challenges
peaceful settlement. It is ironic that Russia will      of ill health and, now that I am fully fit, I look
likely be the main beneficiary from this conflict,      forward to moving on to university and studying a
having given its tacit support to both these            subject that fascinates and motivates me.
imperial countries at the signing of this agreement
one hundred years ago.
I am currently studying History A Level, having
already gained an A* grade in Business Studies
and a C grade in Geography, which I am re-sitting
with a view to improving by one grade. I was
awarded the Business Studies prize at school for
being the best performing student in this subject. I
am committed to studying History at university and
have a particular interest in the American Civil War
and the origins of the First World War as well as
the history of the Middle East and Central Asia – I
have recently finished reading Peter Frankopan’s
book ‘The Silk Roads’.
I enjoy team sports, having played rugby and
cricket for my school. I also enjoy walking in the
countryside where I have space and time to think
about the challenges and opportunities that lie
ahead of me. I was Head of Charity at school,
which taught me the importance of helping others
less fortunate in the world. I helped to successfully
organise a Dawn till Dusk football tournament
where we raised over £1,000 for charity. I worked
on animal conservation and in an orphanage in
Warmbad in southern Namibia this summer where
I saw first-hand the after-effects of such diverse

                                                                                    ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019      17
Exemplar personal statement for Architecture

     When, at thirteen, I read ‘50 Ideas about               final piece, I attempted to adopt the sense of
     Architecture’ by Philip Wilkinson, I became acutely     spatial and conceptual awareness exemplified in
     aware of the world of architectural design that         Supertree Groves’ organic structural forms. During
     I had previously been oblivious to. From this           the creation of my piece, I explored methods
     epiphany, my deep fascination with architecture         of fabricating structural objects in a shallow
     was forged. This fascination effloresced during         compositional space, in addition to exploring
     my participation at Young Engineers Club. I was         the use of light to create a sense of drama. I
     exposed to the process of intertwining aesthetic        also experienced the process of labouring over
     design with technical knowledge, and the                a project for an extensive amount of time - a
     progression of an initial design into a complete,       practice that I believe architects must adopt.
     functional machine. This sparked a realisation that     I have a range of extra-curricular interests, some
     a development of a project can be more fulfilling       of which are related to architecture and others
     than the outcome.                                       of which are not. I won the St Helens School
     To become more aware of what a building project         Subject Prize for Art. I pursued ballet to Grade
     entails, I underwent a work experience placement        8 and served in the Combined Cadet Force for
     at the Michaelis Boyd architectural firm. I was set a   three years. I also participated in the National
     week-long condensed project to complete, during         Citizenship Service (NCS) to develop my teamwork
     which I gained experience with Indesign, Sketchup       and communication skills. NCS has offered me
     and Vectorworks. I also visited a construction          the opportunity to solve real-world problems
     site with Michaelis Boyd, at which I discovered         within society - a notion that resonates with the
     the intricacy and detail that designing a structure     philosophies of Shigeru Ban’s work. I am keen to
     entails. From witnessing the inner workings             progress to university so as to realise my dream of
     of an architectural firm, I found that persistent       becoming an architect.
     commitment is an integral quality when developing
     a project.
     An architect I am especially interested in is
     Shigeru Ban. He is known for creating designs
     in response to natural disasters. I discovered
     upon independent research that his ‘Cardboard
     Cathedral’ in Christchurch, New Zealand, was
     designed to renovate and reimagine a pre-
     existing church that was damaged during an
     earthquake in 2013. The restorative nature of
     this building highlights the sense of community
     within the discipline of architecture. I am attracted
     to this notion as I believe architecture must be
     harmonised with the environment it exists in.
     When visiting the Supertree Grove in Singapore,
     I discovered how an architect could construct an
     extremely organic and simultaneously monumental
     structure, in which design and functionality
     become intertwined. It is this fusion of seemingly
     antipathetic concepts that I hunger to embrace.
     When creating an installation for my Art A Level

Exemplar personal statement for English Literature

Literature is an integral part of human society,         great religion, exemplify literature’s ability to voice
giving us valuable insights into psychological,          ideas which it may be difficult to raise in other
political and social issues. ‘The Tempest’               ways. So, though I once considered studying
showed me Shakespeare’s exploration of the               Politics, I now believe that literature is a creative
psyche, social structures and philosophical              context as well suited for the study of themes also
ideas. In ‘Macbeth’, I saw his poetic exploration        central in politics.
of power, order in society, and psychology.              The performance of literature (whether plays
His works display the power of literature to             as such or adaptations of other works) gives
nourish and shape society. Society depends on            an enjoyable opportunity to see different
fundamental tools of literature: language, analysis      interpretations of literary works. In seeing theatre
and evaluation. Literature portrays the fragility of     productions of ‘The Tempest’ and ‘Jane Eyre’,
society, challenging ideas, often controversially.       film versions of ‘Dracula’, ‘The Monk’, and ‘The
Critics reach diverse opinions on literary works,        Merchant of Venice’, and reviewing ‘The Duchess
so the subject evolves continuously as writers and       of Malfi’ for my school magazine, I was struck by
critics feed off one another. Like the subject itself,   the various interpretations, especially after what
I want to expand my skills and gain ideas from           we discussed in class, seen in critical works and
study, the world around me, and fellow students.         evident in the performances.
I want to develop a wider and deeper knowledge           I read to an elderly neighbour (a retired librarian,
of literature. So far, I have found gothic fiction       now sadly disabled) and enjoy our discussions
from the 18th century onwards the most engaging          after reading. This has shown me the power of
genre. For me it has a timeless nature: though           literature to help people escape from problems
some may find its focus on the supernatural and          such as disability and pain, an idea I encountered
its hyperbolic gloom archaic, I find that gothic         in an online course on Literature and Mental
literature expresses emotion with unusual intensity.     Health. A lecture on ‘Alchemical symbolism
As the BBC’s ‘In Our Time’ described, the 18th           in Shakespeare’ showed me the influence of
century public were awestruck by the shock               alchemy, neo-platonism and Paracelsus on
element of Walpole’s ‘The Castle of Otranto’,            Shakespeare’s work. I believe independent
which set the standard for Gothic literature,            learning such as this will be important to me at
explored philosophical ideas of the inadequacy of        university.
a purely scientific view, and anticipated Freudian
                                                         My other A-Level subjects (History and Philosophy)
ideas of the unconscious. Controversy draws
                                                         require analytical and essay writing skills.
me to literature. Outside my A-Level syllabus,
                                                         Philosophy has taught me to think reflectively,
Charlotte Bronte’s ‘Jane Eyre’, addressing gender
                                                         abstractly and logically. I feel I have acquired
inequality, was controversial for its time, spurring
                                                         evaluative skills from History, and it has enabled
development in thought, and illustrating the social
                                                         me to develop stronger research and investigative
influence of literature. Also controversial, in ‘The
                                                         skills. Having visited many universities and spoken
Monk’, Matthew Lewis condemns Catholicism
                                                         to students about studying English Literature, I am
as a perversion of religion, also bluntly criticising
                                                         aware of the hard work and dedication it entails.
human vice. Anti-papism had been a theme much
                                                         If anything, this enhances my desire to take this
earlier, for example in ‘The Duchess of Malfi’, but
Lewis challenged the Radcliffean mode of terror
(emphasising suspense) and replaced it with horror
(gore), an example of the flexibility of the Gothic
genre. Bronte’s bravery in revealing the treatment
of women in her era, and Lewis’s exposure of a

                                                                                     ENTRY TO UNIVERSITY 2019      19
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