Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders
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January 2013 Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders By Louis Soares I. Introduction and Summary er behavior and production and distribution Introduction incongruities which arise as a result.”2 In the midst of MOOC (massive open A young man who is the son of factory online course) excitement and edX enthu- workers nearly dropped out of high siasm, American postsecondary education school five years ago. While he did gradu- leaders and policymakers should take heed of ate, his basic academic skills were so low Drucker’s observation. There is indeed a trans- that he could not pass the military’s entry formation coming in American higher educa- exam, which eliminated a potentially tion. It is not driven by technology or MOOCs, promising career path that many of his though these tools abet the change. It will be peers had taken. Compounding his un- driven by the rise of post-traditional learners.3 derdeveloped academic abilities was his complete ignorance about how to explore Summary career options and make a choice—or To keep its competitive edge in the global, where to turn for help. Since high school innovation-based economy, the United States he has drifted from town to town, living needs to increase the number of Americans with relatives, working odd jobs, and that possess postsecondary levels of academic squandering the early work years that and applied skills. To this end, the Obama are essential to establishing a career. A administration had set an ambitious goal of re- couple of minor drug possession charges taking America’s position as a leader in post- further weaken his prospects.1 secondary attainment by 2020. States are also participating in college completion initiatives, This vignette highlights the many challenges such as the 28-state partnership Complete that adults face when they pursue a postsec- College America and the National Governors ondary education. The narrative of this life Association’s Complete to Compete. holds the clues to the innovations that will Each of these initiatives views it as critical drive the transformation of traditional postsec- that the nation improve the output of its K–12 ondary education. education systems, yet they acknowledge that Renowned management theorist Peter to hit such an aggressive goal policymakers Drucker studied innovation across many sec- will need to target improving the educational tors of the economy. Among his key observa- success of the working age population, those tions about the drivers of innovation was that ages 25–64. We refer to these existing and while new knowledge and technology were im- potential college students as post-traditional portant—“there are more important sources of learners. Post-traditional learners are indi- opportunity that drive innovation. Key among viduals already in the work force who lack a these sources of innovation in a sector are … postsecondary credential yet are determined changes in demographics that drive consum- to pursue further knowledge and skills while Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 1
balancing work, life, and education responsi- and online education, post-traditional learners bilities. Post-traditional learners reflect a latent still find it difficult to succeed in postsecond- market of up to 80 million students able to tap ary education. Data show that non-traditional at least some of the $500 billion invested in undergraduates and “employees who study” postsecondary education and training outside are far less likely to complete a credential than of formal postsecondary education settings. their traditional student peers. The simple Post-traditional learners have been a fact is that our traditional system of two- and growing presence in America’s postsecondary four-year colleges and universities with their education institutions since the late 1970s. In campus-based, semester-timed, credit-hour fact, by many measures these “non-traditional” driven model of instructional delivery is not students have become the norm in postsec- well-suited to educate post-traditional ondary education. But post-traditional learners learners.4 are a diverse group. The term encompasses Public policymakers thus turn to Amer- individuals with a range of education needs ica’s postsecondary education leaders and from high school graduates to high school institutions to deliver learning experiences for dropouts and those with limited literacy and post-traditional learners but they are found English language skills. Post-traditional learn- lacking. Postsecondary education finds itself ers also encompass many life stages and iden- between a rock and a hard place. Policymakers tities; they are single mothers, immigrants, are demanding a more educated working age veterans, and at-risk younger people looking population while fiscal realities are constrain- for a second chance. ing budgets. Innovation—the discovery and As postsecondary education faculty, ad- application of new pedagogy, technology, and ministrators, and policymakers have struggled revenue approaches—that maintains quali- to understand the needs of post-traditional ty and reduces costs would seem to be the learners, they have developed terms to classify answer. Yet this type of innovation has been them. These research terms include: adult elusive at scale. learners, non-traditional undergraduates, We argue that the key to innovation at employees who study, independent students, scale is for postsecondary education leaders out-of-school youth, and even part-time stu- and policymakers to see beyond the diversity dents. While these statistical categories help of post-traditional learners and embrace an us to understand aspects of these learners, important set of five commonalities which they do not capture their essence, identity, or drive their postsecondary participation. market impact. Indeed, they have another key Post-traditional learners: limitation. The categorizations are inherently 1. Are needed wage earners for them- institution-centric and view post-traditional selves or their families; learners as an aberration in the demand 2. Combine work and learning at the same for higher education services. This insti- time or move between them frequently; tution-centric view creates a blind spot for 3. Pursue knowledge, skills, and creden- postsecondary leaders and policymakers when tials that employers will recognize and considering post-traditional learners and the compensate; broader market for postsecondary education 4. Require developmental education to be and training in the 21st century. The blind spot successful in college-level courses;5 and causes these leaders to not see that the de- 5. Seek academic/career advising to navi- mand for and nature of postsecondary educa- gate their complex path to a degree. tion is changing in ways that call the current These five commonalities are, in turn, re- institutional models into question. shaping the demand for postsecondary educa- The result is that while the data has in- tion in the 21st century into a more fluid form formed new programs, including continuing of college-going with longer, episodic partic- 2 American Council on Education
ipation. This form of college-going is marked II. A Primer on Disruptive Innovation and D by more customized pathways to degree or Post-traditional Learners credential completion and a focus away from r. Clayton Christensen’s theory of dis- credit hours to the ability to demonstrate and ruptive innovation (DI) is often cited apply knowledge. This new demand encom- as the underlying framework for why passes: higher education will be “dis-intermediated” Modular, easy-to-access instruction; or “unbundled,” with technology performing Blended academic and occupational every task from teaching to library services to curricula; peer networking. Indeed, disruptive innovation Progressive credentialing of knowledge theory places a great emphasis on the power and skills (sub-degree level); of technology to reshape an industry and Financial, academic, and career advis- how it delivers its product and services. Yet, ing; and a nuanced reading of DI theory also provides Public policy that reflects the complex postsecondary education leaders with a tool task of balancing life, work, and educa- set for managing innovation that goes beyond tion.6 technological triumphalism. This new demand, the size of the market it Disruptive innovation theory posits represents, and the potential to access new in- that technologies that can simplify complex vestment will require postsecondary education processes and products aimed at meeting the leaders to re-imagine their role from stewards needs of a segment of the public not currently of an existing enterprise to innovators of a served (or who are underserved) by existing new venture. This will require rethinking post- suppliers can transform an industry, with older secondary education’s role in a more holisti- producers giving way to new competitors. cally viewed market, redesigning instruction Three characteristics distinguish disruptive delivery, and redeveloping the institutional innovation from regular change. infrastructure for providing these services. One is that disruptive innovators target We need a manifesto that seeks to chal- their service or product at the needs of lenge postsecondary education leaders to a new group of customers. They provide embrace a future of innovation that may put a simpler, more affordable product than their current institutional, instructional, and the one offered by incumbent firms. financial models at risk—to in effect disrupt These new customers have a different themselves. Given the number of individuals job they want done, but the incumbents we need to educate, increased pressure for ac- often consider it not worth their time countability, and lack of resources, this innova- to provide that service because their tive path may be the only thing that can save revenue requirements make the new postsecondary education. offering unattractive. We will first provide a brief primer on The second characteristic is that dis- innovation to give us a new way to look at ruptive innovation uses enabling tech- the evidence that postsecondary education nology. An enabling technology simpli- provides. Second, we will sketch a profile of fies and routinizes the way a company post-traditional learners that provides the delivers its service or product. platform for innovation. Third, we will reframe The third and final characteristic is that the U.S. investment in postsecondary educa- a truly disruptive technology eventually tion and training with a more holistic measure. gives way to a new business model And finally, we will provide three principles —a new way to organize the people, to catalyze a manifesto for college leaders on technology, and processes to deliver a how to proceed. service at a lower cost and price to new customers. The new business model al- Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 3
lows disruptive innovators to beat their business model. Yet, a 2009 U.S. Department incumbent competitors who are unable of Education meta-analysis of research on to respond because they are locked into online education7 showed that most learners, an old business model by gross profit in particular adult, non-traditional, and at-risk needs of serving existing customers. learners, would best be served by blended To summarize, incumbents in a sector models of education, in which instruction and tend to prefer sustaining innovations in which other services are performed with different they build better products to serve their best combinations of high-tech and high-touch. customers at premium prices. Disruptors build Disruptive institutional, instructional, and simpler products at a lower cost to pull into revenue models that reflect this data have yet the market consumers who would not other- to be applied and scaled in postsecondary wise be served. Disruptors transform a market education broadly. by pulling in new customers. The key to understanding what mix of DI theory grew out of a study of computer high-tech and high-touch is the future of disk drives and how this technology trans- postsecondary education must come from an formed the market for computers. The only in-depth understanding of student (customer) computers 50 years ago were expensive and needs. In the case of disruptive innovation, the one needed to be an expert to use them prop- customer with the potential to transform the erly. Years of disruption in the computer sector market through expansion is the post-tradi- brought mini-computers, desktops, laptops, tional learner. (See next section for full de- and mobile phones. In each case, new custom- scription.) ers were introduced to simpler products that To see why, let us turn to a little discussed became better over time, and in the process aspect of disruptive innovation theory— the computer market became larger and the circumstance-based marketing. DI theory shape of demand for computing changed. It posits that for markets in which non-consum- is important to remember that mainframes ers have the potential to transform the market still exist and remain very expensive and are through growth, producers must understand mostly used by highly skilled consumers. They the process by which these non-consumers simply are a much smaller part of the overall are brought into the market. For Christensen, market. customers become aware of a job that they In postsecondary education, disruption need to get done in their lives, and they look is in its earliest stages as evidenced by the around for a product or service that they can variety of online and occupationally focused “hire” to get that job done. The functional, programs taking hold. These programs target emotional, and social dimensions of the jobs learners whose work and life circumstances that customers need to get done constitute require flexible ways to get their education. Yet the circumstances in which they buy. In other except for a small number of niche providers, words, the jobs that customers are trying to e.g., StraighterLine and Western Governors get done or the outcomes that they are trying University (WGU), we have not seen the type to achieve constitute a circumstance-based of complete market transformation through categorization of the market.8 expansion. We have not realized similar qual Companies that target their products at ity at lower prices. the circumstances in which customers find We can look to the three characteristics themselves, rather than at the customers them- of DI for some clues to why and also as a selves, are those that can launch predictably foundation for a growth-oriented expansion successful products. The critical unit of analy- of postsecondary education. Organizations sis is the circumstance and not the customer.9 such as StraighterLine and WGU have lever- Given the size of the post-traditional aged technology to create a technology-driven learner market and the investment it represents, 4 American Council on Education
circumstance-based marketing points the way III. The Rise of the Post-traditional Learner to how to transform postsecondary education B Why the Term Post-traditional Learner? delivery through market growth by making the efore moving forward with a survey of basis for innovation the jobs they want done. available data that illustrate the rise of In the next section, we support this asser- the post-traditional learner, it is import- tion by providing evidence that traditional ant to be intentional about our use of terms. learners are no longer the norm in postsecond- While we use the available data on non-tra- ary education and, in fact, we are seeing the ditional students to enforce our argument as rise of a whole different breed of college-goer. best we can, we have selected the term post-tra- Before turning to the data, it is important ditional learner to describe the population of to remind ourselves of the profoundly human working age adults (ages 25 to 64) for three rea- and radically changing nature of the job to be sons. The first, as we argue in the introduction done for the post-traditional learner. and summary, is that terms currently used for A young California woman knew soon data and statistical purposes—nontraditional, after finishing high school that her employees who study, independent, at-risk— minimum-wage, fast-food job wouldn’t frankly describe these learners as aberrations build her much of a future. But it took to the postsecondary education system rather 15 years of part-time work, part-time than the courageous learners they are. Second, school, and a lot of help to find her way statistically speaking, these categories are to a family-sustaining career. It was becoming increasingly irrelevant, as the data only after seeing a flier in a welfare survey below will show. Third, we believe that office that she enrolled in training that post-traditional learners and their need for enabled her to move from being a med- customized education experiences is actually ical assistant, to a lab technician, to a mirrored by millennial generation students certified nursing assistant. Now she is now enrolling in postsecondary education who working toward becoming a nurse.10 show a deep desire to integrate experience and This young woman’s path to a postsecond- education and tailor their learning.11 Thus the ary credential is marking the trail to a radically term post-traditional is also intended to infer different way to deliver a quality and afford- the emergence of a form of college-going that able college education. is still emerging but cross-generational and aligned with the innovation economy’s empha- sis on lifelong learning. Post-traditional Learners: The New Normal According to the National Center for Educa- tion Statistics, for the academic year ending 2009, there were 17.6 million undergraduates seeking degrees in the United States.12 But who are these undergraduates? Amer- icans have a mental model of postsecondary education as a four-year experience that results in a bachelor’s degree by age 22. In this model, students go to a college campus and experience a mix of instruction in increments of three credit hours per course, learn about who they want to be and eventually, after four years, receive a credential. Students that fit into this model are categorized as “traditional.” Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 5
For statistical purposes, these are students that Work is becoming more common among go to college immediately after high school, all students. In 2010, more than one-third of all attend full-time, and are financially depen- undergraduates were employed full-time while dent on their parents. Over the last 30 years, enrolled, and 44 percent work part-time during however, the data indicate that the number of the semester.24 students actually fitting this traditional model Post-traditional learners, ages 25 to 64, has been dropping. And as a result, “college is have always been more likely to work and less a safe haven in which to grow into adult- drive these ratios up; however, younger stu- hood and more an obstacle course of econom- dents are also working more. In 2010, about ic stress and cross pressure between family, 40 percent of full-time and 73 percent of work, and education.”13 part-time college students ages 16 to 24 were The startling reality is that, according to employed.25 In fact, a recent analysis of the the National Center for Education Statistics, National Postsecondary Student Aid Study today traditional students represent only calculated that 82 percent of undergraduates about 15 percent of current undergraduates. say they can’t afford to go to school without They attend four-year colleges and live on working.26 campus.14 The remaining 85 percent, or about Postsecondary students are also becoming 15 million undergraduates, are a diverse group more mobile. Data from national longitudinal that includes adult learners, employees who studies that looked at how students actually study, low-income students, commuters, and attend college over the 1990–2000 decade student parents. indicate high levels of transfer among post- Unpacking this 85 percent a little further, secondary institutions, with two-thirds of all we find that: students who eventually earn a baccalaureate 38 percent of those enrolled are over degree having attended two or more colleges the age of 25 and one-fourth are over or universities.27 the age of 30.15 The growth in demand for online learning The share of all students over age 25 is provides evidence for the growth of post-tradi- projected to increase another 23 per- tional learners, who make up the lion’s share of cent by 2019.16 enrollments in this form of postsecondary ed- The average age of a Pell Grant recip- ucation. A recent survey by Aslanian Market ient (26) has been rising for the last 20 Research and The Learning House, Inc. found years.17 that 80 percent of those enrolled in online pro- Nearly a quarter of postsecondary stu- grams were 25 or older.28 More than 6 million dents in the United States (3.9 million) students were taking at least one online course are parents.18 Half of student parents during the 2010 academic year.29 This repre- are married, and half are unmarried.19 sented 31 percent of total enrollment and a 43 percent of all undergraduates attend quintupling of participation in online learning community colleges.20 And, adult learn- since 2002. Further, almost 70 percent of post- ers make up as much as 60 percent of secondary institutions that offer online educa- all community college students.21 tion report that to a major extent they provide 30 percent of undergraduates enrolled this service to give access to students who at public four-year regional colleges would not otherwise attend due to geographic, and universities are adults over the age family, or work-related reasons.30 of 24.22 In addition to their personal demograph- Almost 40 percent of all undergrad- ics, the types of education and credentials uates and about 60 percent of those being sought by post-traditional learners are attending public two-year colleges are reshaping the demand for postsecondary enrolled part-time.23 credentials. Slightly more than half of today’s 6 American Council on Education
students are seeking “sub-baccalaureate port used National Postsecondary Student Aid credentials” (i.e., certificate, technical/occupa- Study data to examine student demographic tional license, or associate degree). In 2009–10, data and enrollment patterns and Beginning postsecondary institutions conferred 935,000 Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Studies certificates and 849,000 associate degrees data to examine the relationship between non- compared with 1.7 million bachelor’s degrees.31 traditional status and persistence. The Work With regard to credential attainment, it is First, Study Second report also used both data worth noting that extant research is clear that sources but limited it sample to individuals many post-traditional learners require some over the age of 24. While these studies were type of developmental education,32 which can conducted a decade ago they remain the foun- make serving them more of a challenge. dation of much of the writing since regarding As a final note to demonstrate that post-traditional learners. Taken together, these post-traditional learners are the new normal, two studies provide the best approximate the line between undergraduate adult students snapshot of postsecondary attainment for the (25 and older) and traditional-age students group we have termed post-traditional learn- (26 and younger) gets increasingly blurred as ers. more and more college students of all ages In the 2002 report, Nontraditional Under- seek alternative ways of learning—part-time, graduates,35 the National Center for Education evenings, weekends, off-campus, or online.33 Statistics defined a non-traditional learner as In fact, evidence from studies of the millen- a student with any of seven characteristic risk nial generation, ages 18 to 29, now enrolling factors: in college demonstrates a preference toward Has delayed enrollment in postsecond- customized, blended learning experiences ary education beyond the first year after that allow them to integrate life and learning.34 high school graduation; This closely mirrors the customization sought Attends part time; by their older post-traditional learner peers. Is financially independent from his or The survey of data above describes a her parents; much different type of learner than a bright- Works full time; eyed 18-year-old going off to a college campus Has dependents other than a spouse; on Mom and Dad’s checking account. Post- Is a single parent; or traditional learners—older, working, attending Has no high school diploma or GED® part-time, often with children of their own— test credential. have become the new normal. While not all nontraditional students are Post-traditional Learner Experience in Postsec- adults, that is, over the age of 24, by definition ondary Education all adults in the sample are nontraditional— Having established that post-traditional learn- they exhibit multiple risk factors. The NCES ers are, in fact, the undergraduates of the 21st study found that non-traditional students century, let us turn to their actual experience are considerably less likely to complete their in postsecondary education to consider how program. Three years after enrolling in a com- they fare. To do this, we look to two studies munity college, nearly half of non-traditional commissioned by the National Center for students have left school without a degree, Education Statistics (NCES). The first is a compared with only one-fifth of traditional 2002 report titled Nontraditional Undergrad- students. Similarly a six-year study of students uates. The second is a 2003 report titled Work enrolled at four-year colleges and universities First, Study Second: Adult Undergraduates found non-traditional students with at least Who Combine Employment and Postsecondary two risk factors completed at a rate of less Enrollment. than 15 percent, compared with 57 percent of The Nontraditional Undergraduates re- traditional students.36 Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 7
In 2003, Work First, Study Second took verse group. Many have rusty basic skills a focused look at adult undergraduates who and struggle academically. They work in both work and attend college—about 82 per- low-paying jobs and lack resources to invest cent of the population of adults age 24 and in education. They lack good information older enrolled in some type of postsecondary about labor market opportunities and become education.37 This study contrasted the char- frustrated at what their education is getting acteristics and college experiences of two them. They have little scheduling flexibility groups: students who work (i.e., individuals because of work and family obligations and who saw themselves as students first, working thus pursue postsecondary credentials at a to help pay expenses) and employees who slower pace. study (i.e., individuals who saw themselves as A 1998 study by Mathematica Policy workers first, taking college programs to help Research39 found four consistent and power- them improve their job prospects or for other ful barriers to further education for working reasons). In 1999–2000, a significant majority— adults: the lack of time to pursue education; about two out of three working college stu- family responsibilities; scheduling of course dents—saw themselves as employees first and time and place; and the cost of educational students second. Among both groups, getting courses. a degree or credential was their primary goal. More recently, a 2007 national survey of Among employees who study, about a third 1,500 adult students conducted by Lumina had enrolled because their job required them Foundation revealed key factors that support to seek additional education. the success of post-traditional learners. These Employees who study tend to be older, factors include: work more, attend school less, and have family Convenience to work and home; responsibilities, compared with their peers Affordability; whose primary activity was being a student. Good information regarding programs They tend, therefore, to be more likely to have and processes; the multiple risk factors associated with mod- Child care supports; and erately and highly non-traditional students. More convenient course delivery sys- Indeed, adults who are working full time and tems.40 studying part time have trouble completing Managing time, finding financial resources, their programs. Six years after beginning taking courses when time permits, understand- postsecondary studies, 62 percent of these ing the connection to labor market outcomes, adult learners (employees who study) had not and navigating a complex education journey completed a degree or certificate and were no are the shared experiences of all post-tradition- longer enrolled, compared with 39 percent of al learners. It is upon these shared experiences students who work. Employees who study were that we find common ground to build postsec- at particular risk of leaving postsecondary ondary education institutions and pathways education in their first year with no credential, that make sense and will lead to completion. compared with only 7 percent of students who In the next section, we explore a more ho- work.38 listic measure of America’s investment in post- Key Challenges/Commonalities of Post-tradi- secondary education and training that pro- tional Learners vides context for the nature of post-traditional From the studies, we see that post-traditional learner demand and points to new resources to learners do not fare well in completing post- harness to transform postsecondary education. secondary studies as compared with their traditional counterparts. The reasons for this poor showing are straightforward and point the way to the commonalities among this di- 8 American Council on Education
IV. A More Holistic View of Postsecondary credentials offer a useful signal to employers P Education Investment that a post-traditional learner has specific ost-traditional learner demand for post- qualifications and competencies. However, secondary education is shaped by the in addition to credentials, employers are now skills in demand in the nation’s econ- demanding that new hires have hands-on ex- omy. In this section, we reframe the nation’s perience as well. Call it a demand for expertise. investment in postsecondary education. First, Employers are increasingly seeking individu- we illustrate the demand for postsecondary als with both technical knowledge in their field levels of academic and applied skills. Second, and also practical experience solving work- we explore the size of demand for postsecond- place problems.43 Of course, employers have ary education among post-traditional learners. always valued experience in more seasoned Third, we illustrate a more holistic measure of veterans; what is changing is the emphasis national investment in postsecondary educa- on applied problem-solving skills in newer tion with a special focus on the emergence of a workers.44 new ecosystem for learning validation outside This trend is being driven by the automa- the academy. tion of work processes as well as the competi- tive pressure to reorganize work practices on The U.S. Economy Demands Postsecondary the front line to an ever-changing consumer Academic and Applied Skills demand. Noted global competitiveness expert With the advent of the innovation economy, and Harvard Business School professor Mi- new technologies, technology services, glo- chael Porter describes the necessary skills this balization, and changes in the way businesses way: organize work are driving the increase in the demand for postsecondary level skills and “Competitive workers must have the credentials. According to Georgetown Univer- ability to apply academic or technical sity’s Center on Education and the Workforce, knowledge to solve real-world problems… nearly two-thirds of jobs will require some and to work effectively with other people postsecondary education or skills training by as customers, coworkers, and supervi- 2018.41 This total encompasses high skill occu- sors.”45 pations that require bachelor’s degrees, such The type of integrated postsecondary as engineers and physicians, which account education that yields this knowledge and skills for about one-third of skills demand. But this mix is not commonplace in higher education. also includes occupations that require associ- One promising example is the Liberal Educa- ate degrees and technical certificates—para- tion and America’s Promise initiative (LEAP), professionals in health care, IT support staff, through which more than 150 members of the and windmill technicians. Association of American Colleges and Uni- The Georgetown researchers estimate that versities are striving to integrate the elements to promote economic competitiveness and of a liberal education across all areas of study, economic mobility will require the United including career and professional disciplines States to produce an additional 3 million (Association of American Colleges and Uni- workers with associate degrees or higher and 5 versities, 2007). LEAP could be a foundation million workers with technical certificates and for a new form of postsecondary education credentials by 2018—above and beyond the that meets labor market needs. current pace of development.42 The innovation challenge for postsec- But a demand for credentials (and the ondary education leaders with regard to the projected shortfall in meeting demand) is not dual issues of credential production and the the only relevant issue to postsecondary edu- emergent demand for blended academic and cation innovation. Classroom studies provide applied skills on the part of post-traditional a foundation of knowledge and postsecondary Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 9
learners is determining which institutional, in- education but unable to participate.49 structional, and financial models can produce This potential market of 80 million non- or this education at scale. under-consumers of postsecondary education In the next section, we take a broader is of critical importance to national competi- look at national investment in postsecondary tiveness. According to the Aspen Institute, for education and training that provides a clue to instance, two-thirds of our expected workforce the availability of resources for scaling a fully in 2020 is already beyond our elementary and integrated form of postsecondary education. secondary education systems.50 In other words, Post-traditional Learner Demand for it will not be enough to solve the problems in Postsecondary Education our elementary and secondary education sys- The growing demand of post-traditional learn- tems since two-thirds of the workforce will be ers for postsecondary education is massive. unaffected by those changes. To put the scale Here we use existing data sets for working age in context, over the next 10 years about 30 adults as a proxy for post-traditional learner million young people will graduate from high demand. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, school in the United States, and many will be in the 2010 American Community Survey, prepared for college—but there are today twice more than 60 percent of the U.S. population as many adults already in the work force who between the ages of 25 and 64 had no postsec- have no postsecondary credentials.51 ondary education credential. This is approx- America’s National Investment in Postsecond- imately 100 million individuals. Estimates ary Education and Learning Validation range as high as 80 million to 90 million indi- Now we turn to a reframing of America’s total viduals with no postsecondary credential who investment in postsecondary education and could benefit from some type of postsecondary training. Postsecondary education leaders, education.46 researchers, and policymakers often miss the This is, of course, latent demand or what true impact of post-traditional learners on Christensen would call non-consumption. But postsecondary systems. The primary reason data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s National for this is that they conflate postsecondary Household Education Survey (NHES) show learning and education exclusively with tra- increasing participation in postsecondary edu- ditional college settings while in a knowledge cation on the part of adult learners. The NHES economy meaningful learning is happening shows consistent increases over the past few (and required) in many different places, i.e., decades in the number of adults participating online, in the workplace, and as part of military in some form of postsecondary education or service. training and taking work-related courses. The Economists at Georgetown’s Center on Ed- number of adults engaging in any form of adult ucation and the Workforce have documented education increased from 58 million in 1991 to this “holistic” measure of national investment 90 million in 1999.47 In 2003, 33 percent of the in postsecondary education. The researchers population over 25 reported participating in calculate an estimated $772 billion invested in work-related courses (defined by the Depart- postsecondary education and training in the ment of Education as courses on narrow topics, United States with only 35 percent spent in delivered in concentrated courses, usually in formal two- and four-year colleges and univer- non-accredited postsecondary institutions), sities.52 Approximately $271 billion of this in- which was up from 24 percent in 1999.48 vestment is going into credit-bearing postsec- Further, many more adults would like ondary education at colleges and universities, to participate in work-related courses than serving 21 million individuals. The remaining currently do. A review of the 2005 NHES indi- $501 billion is invested in learning experiences cated that there may be as many as 37 million occurring in workplaces (i.e., apprenticeships, adults who are interested in work-related adult training programs, and on-the-job training) 10 American Council on Education
and other venues including military service, Prior Learning Assessment community-based organizations, and vol- Corporate universities and other non-college unteer experiences serving an estimated 22 based learning programs (e.g., military and million individuals. community-based) have, in turn, given rise to a This investment breakdown is instructive demand to evaluate learning outside the acad- on a few levels. The first level is the astound- emy for college credit. This process is called ing fact that a considerable investment in “prior learning assessment” and uses examina- learning is being made outside the academy. tions, portfolios, and reviews to ascertain if the The second is that many of these resources postsecondary education that occurs outside are being invested with individuals that fit the college classrooms can be awarded college working definition of post-traditional learners. credit. Demand for prior learning assessment Corporate Universities, Prior Learning Assessment, has existed at least since World War II, when and Learning Validation the American Council on Education began a As we seek to understand the nature of the credit recommendation service to value for investment in postsecondary education out- credit-worthiness learning done by GIs in side the academy, one indicator to consider service. is the rise of the corporate university in the The 1970s saw an upsurge in demand, with latter half of the 20th century. Jeanne Meister, other organizations scaling efforts to award former director of research for the American credit, including: The Council for Adult and Society of Training and Development and Experiential Learning, The College Board, Ex- author of the bestselling book The 2020 Work- celsior College, and DANTES military exams. place, has documented the explosive growth The mechanisms used to evaluate experiences of corporate universities. In 1993, there were for credit-worthiness range from portfolio as- approximately 400 corporate universities in sessment to exams to credit for training. Most the United States. Today, estimates show that recently, interest in prior learning assessment there are between 2,800 and 3,000.53 has been piqued in stories related to MOOCs Where is this growth coming from? Large offered by venerable universities. and medium sized corporations are building While the MOOC discussion is inspiring out this corporate university infrastructure excitement and trepidation, the important because an innovation economy is a learning element to consider is the emergence of a set of economy. To be globally competitive, these entities which are capable of evaluating differ- organizations need to develop knowledge and ent learning experiences for credit-worthiness. skills in ways that are not being attended to by Thus far this competency has been largely used the academy. So a sophisticated learning infra- at the margins of postsecondary education, not structure is emerging that is admittedly career surprisingly because it is closely associated focused but not necessarily less rigorous in its with the characteristics of post-traditional curricula and standards of performance. One learners. MOOC initiatives could be the accel- standout example of such a top program is erant that moves these organizations to scale in GE’s John F. Welch Leadership Development mainstream postsecondary education delivery. Center in Crotonville, New York. GE’s man- The investment of $500 billion in educa- agement preparation curricula are a rigorous tion outside the academy, the rise of corporate mix of global cultural competency, leadership, universities, and the expanded interest in management disciplines, and technology prior learning assessment are all pointing to application. Famously, GE’s managers who the emergence of an ecosystem for validating have been through the program are heavily learning that encompasses and supersedes the recruited by competitors seeking 21st century academy. management talent. To observe this newly coalescing ecosys- tem, we turn to the last element of our refram- Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 11
ing of postsecondary education—competency- a framework for illustrating what students based education. should be expected to know and be able to do Competency-based Education and Learning Vali- once they earn their postsecondary degrees. dation The initiative proposes specific learning A final, and provocative, indicator of the rise in outcomes and competencies that benchmark postsecondary education at the intersection of the associate, bachelor’s, and master’s degrees the academy and the workplace is the grow- along five dimensions. ing interest in competency-based education. Applied learning: Used by students Prior learning assessment seeks to equate to demonstrate what they can do with “outside college learning” to college credits. In what they know. a competency-based education approach, stu- Intellectual skills: Used by students to dents advance when they have demonstrated think critically and analytically about mastery of a competency, which is defined as what they learn. “a combination of skills, abilities, and knowl- Specialized knowledge: The knowledge edge needed to perform a task in a specific students demonstrate about their indi- context.”54 Mastery is the sole determinant of vidual fields of study. progress, which means that delivery options Broad knowledge: Transcends the multiply and expand since any instructional typical boundaries of students’ first method or instructional provider that can two years of higher education and move a student toward mastery is theoretically encompasses all learning in broad areas acceptable.55 With regard to college credits, through multiple degree levels. one can imagine a future in which competen- Civic learning: Enables students to cies validated by a reliable evaluator could respond to social, environmental, and replace the college credit. economic challenges at local, national, The emergence of competency-based edu- and global levels. cation is being driven by more systemic pres- The Degree Qualifications Profile initia- sures. In a global knowledge economy, em- tive is currently partnering with 100 institu- ployers demand ways to affirm the knowledge, tions in 30 states to build out the framework in skills, and abilities of workers, and employees a variety of disciplines: biology, chemistry, ed- continuously seek to remain competitive by ucation, history, physics, and graphic design. pursuing more learning. Driven by this need to An industry-driven initiative, the National optimize human capital production, nations, Association of Manufacturers’ Manufacturing higher education systems, and employers are Skills Certification System has developed a coming together to develop competencies and structure of stackable credentials indicating learning outcomes that can be used to guide that workers have attained competencies for instruction and assessment, thus ensuring increasingly sophisticated levels of work across quality and increasing productivity promoting many areas of manufacturing, from machine optimal use of national resources. operator to engineer to management positions. The initiatives that develop these compe- The essential elements of the Manufactur- tencies and learning outcomes tend to be part- ing Skills Certification System are: nerships between postsecondary education A collection of competencies that to- institutions and other stakeholders, especially gether defines a successful, high-perfor- philanthropic and industry-based groups. Let’s mance manufacturing workforce; turn now to two such initiatives—the Degree Industry-driven certifications that align Qualifications Profile and the Manufacturing with competencies; and Skills Certification System.56 Best-in-class curriculum to articulate The Degree Qualifications Profile ini- for-credit education pathways that will tiative, supported by Lumina Foundation, is ensure students achieve the compe- 12 American Council on Education
tencies necessary to achieve industry thought that nursing would be the credentials. career for her. She has been slowly and This initiative is already beginning to methodically working in physician’s bridge the worlds of workplace competen- offices while taking health care-related cies and postsecondary education. In 2011, courses at a total of six community the National Association of Manufacturers colleges and universities. Her earned announced a partnership with the Univer- income, combined with some financial sity of Phoenix in which the association’s aid, provides the means to afford col- competency-based curriculum and credentials lege and cover life expenses (with addi- will form the core of a bachelor’s in manage- tional support from her parents). First, ment at the online university. she targeted achieving an associate in Competency-based education, corporate medical assisting. Then, as a result of universities, and prior learning assessment her work experience and interactions are all indicators of nations striving to meet with doctors, nurses, and managers the demands of their labor markets for post- she realized she enjoyed the business secondary knowledge and skills and educate side of health care. So she modified her post-traditional learners in an efficient and education plan electing to pursue her cost-effective manner. They also point to the bachelor’s degree in health care admin- emergence of a new ecosystem around the istration. need to validate learning that is occurring in Along the course of this complex journey non-credit environments—to capture prior she was confronted by a postsecondary learning to better engage adult learners, help education system with little ability or in- them persist, decrease time to degree, and terest to adapt to her life circumstances. reduce the cost. She has taken the same general educa- This ecosystem is another foundation that tion requirements several times because makes the disruptive innovation of postsec- institutions didn’t accept transfer credits. ondary education both possible and likely. It Financial aid rules limited her ability to is our contention that current postsecondary get aid when she needed to attend only leaders should take up the rise of the post- one course. Academic and career ad- traditional learner and the emergence of a vising were almost non-existent to help learning validation ecosystem as partners and her navigate the complexities of life and tools to lead the vanguard of transforming the education. Repeated attempts to have very system they now control. her 10 years of work experience in health A final post-traditional learner vignette care reviewed for credit equivalency have helps us to illustrate the extent of the needed gone unheard. Not surprisingly, discour- transformation and its urgency. agement and a growing debt load have A bright 27-year-old Rhode Island been dogging her desire and ability to woman has been blending work and complete her degree. 57 learning for a decade. She is from a This young woman cannot afford to wait. working class family and graduated She, along with millions like her, needs a high school nine years ago. Having transformed postsecondary education system worked at a pharmacy and doctor’s in order to reach her full potential. office part-time in high school, she Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 13
V. A Manifesto for College Leaders on United States, none have questioned the foun- T Innovation in Postsecondary Education dations of the academy. A contemporaneous he post-traditional learner vignettes example of this lack of innovation leadership throughout this brief were meant to put is that postsecondary education seems almost a human face on what it will mean to unable to frame the correct research questions educate America in the coming years. Educat- with regard to MOOCs. There is simply a ing millions of post-traditional learners will lack of curiosity about this type of innovation prove to be a moving target as the demand for at scale. The specific intent of this group of customized learning experiences grows, driven postsecondary leaders and other stakeholders by learning style, purchasing preferences, and would be to explore disrupting current institu- life responsibilities. The nation’s postsecond- tional, instructional, and revenue models. ary education leaders must move beyond their SEMATECH may be a useful model. historical roles for expanding access, making Formed in the 1980s, SEMATECH was a con- college affordable, and ensuring quality to sortium of semi-conductor firms, research labs, intentionally promoting innovation. and public policymakers formed to promote We propose three principles for har- the success of the U.S. semi-conductor indus- nessing these realities as a foundation for try. SEMATECH focuses on research to solve intentionally disrupting current institutional, common problems and to push the industry instructional, and revenue models to achieve to the next level of science and competition in better results for post-traditional learners and semi-conductors. the nation: Postsecondary education leaders should 1. Go Beyond the Academy to Take Lead- push for the creation of a similar consortium ership—A Consortium for Teaching and with a focus of expanding the frontiers of teach- Learning; ing and learning for post-traditional learners. 2. Rebuild the Definition of Postsecond- The consortium would bring togetherthe best ary Education from the Post-traditional researchers in cognitive science, instructional Learner Out; and design, information technology, and public 3. Be Entrepreneurs of a New Venture, policy to transform the nation’s most important Not Stewards of Existing Institutions. competitive engine—postsecondary education. Go Beyond the Academy to Take Leader- Rebuild the Definition of Postsecondary Educa- ship—A Consortium for Teaching and Learning tion from the Post-traditional Learner Out The needs of post-traditional learners and the The image of a 22-year-old walking across a economy’s demand for academic and applied stage to accept her bachelor’s degree is a pow- skills go well beyond the current expertise of erful “mental map” familiar to most American America’s traditional colleges and universities. families. This mental map of the ideal journey While the challenges have been with us and through postsecondary education reflects both even discussed for years, there has never been the historical development of the academy and a sustained, postsecondary education leader- a rite of passage in our middle-class identity. driven effort to actually place innovation at the College completion leads to a career, a family, forefront of a national postsecondary educa- and settling down to a prosperous lifestyle. tion transformation agenda. Postsecondary This mental map defines how individu- education leaders need to take the lead while als and families make college choices; what bringing in other stakeholders including courses students take in high school; how public policymakers and business leaders to guidance counselors provide advice; what and create such a sustained effort. how colleges teach; and, of equal importance, While there have been many national com- the tools that public policy uses to promote missions and even nonprofit organizations the attainment of college credentials. In short, formed to address education issues in the it circumscribes both the demand and supply 14 American Council on Education
of postsecondary education. Be Entrepreneurs of a New Venture, Not Stew- Postsecondary education leaders must ards of Existing Institutions take the lead in making it acceptable to Harvard didn’t always look like it does now. redefine what postsecondary education and It was developed over a century with fits and college actually mean in today’s economy. The starts evolving from a religious training school mental model above may work as an ideal, to a global research university. This process but in practice, it oversimplifies a very com- was quite entrepreneurial, with much trial and plex set of life realities and decisions faced by error in attempts to respond to student and post-traditional learners to the point of being societal needs. negligent. Post-traditional learners call much Yet today, postsecondary education lead- of the model into question. ers seem more intent on protecting the exist- Given the extent and nature of skills in ing enterprise than solving the nettlesome demand, is the baccalaureate the right gold challenges of educating an ever more diverse standard for postsecondary education? Or is a and demanding group of learners. new hybrid academic and applied credential a Entrepreneurs identify problems that con- better fit for millions of learners? sumers are having that no one else is solving. Given the desire for modular, episodic As documented above, post-traditional learn- learning, is institutional accreditation the ers certainly provide a set of postsecondary right level? Or is course-level accreditation the attainment problems to be solved. Based on correct approach for 21st century education their success rates in postsecondary educa- delivery? tion, no one has really solved these problems What is the right mix of high-tech and yet. high-touch? For which learners is that mix Postsecondary education leaders and appropriate? policymakers must acknowledge that these These questions are being asked. But too types of problems require entrepreneurship often they are being asked of postsecondary to be built into education marketplaces. For education leaders, not by them as a means to example, competitive venture funding could innovate current institutional, instructional, be built into operating budgets and state sub- and revenue models. sidies as a means to encourage experiments to We need a new mental model of college solve post-traditional learner challenges and that suits post-traditional learner realities. Em- then scale them if they work. bracing post-traditional learners as innovation Postsecondary education leaders are partners and not excluding them as aberra- too often coaxed into entrepreneurship by tions is the key to unlocking this new mental extra-institutional stakeholders such as pol- model. Postsecondary education leaders must icymakers. Postsecondary education leaders be our guides in answering these questions should be the entrepreneurs of learning, not and fomenting learner-centric innovation. the coaxed incremental change agents. Post-traditional Learners and the Transformation of Postsecondary Education: A Manifesto for College Leaders 15
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