Strides In Fire Safety - for Mass Wood Timber Buildings - SmartLam

Page created by Leon Keller
Strides In Fire Safety - for Mass Wood Timber Buildings - SmartLam
Kaiser Group and
                                                                     Path Architecture
                                                                     designed Carbon
                                                                     12. At the time it
                                                                     was built it was the
                                                                     tallest mass timber
                                                                     and cross-laminated
                                                                     timber building in
                                                                     the country.

                                                                                            CREDIT: ANDREW POGUE
Strides In Fire Safety
for Mass Wood Timber Buildings
Tall Mass Wood Timber buildings have captured the design imagination of North
America. As these buildings are poised to go taller, the leading firestop company,
Hilti North America, has stepped in with innovative ways to help promote fire safety.

Strides In Fire Safety - for Mass Wood Timber Buildings - SmartLam
“The question for Hilti became, How long can a structural
                                                                                                                                                                                                            wood construction element withstand a fire within a building?
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hilti has focused on this gray area because no approved
                                                                                                                                                                                                            firestop solutions existed.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        —Neal Clemens, Marketing and Product Manager,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fire Protection, Hilti North America

                                                                                                                                                                                                         wood-built future in tall buildings.           ability to approach tall building from a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             From 2014 to the end of 2018, the          modular standpoint results in reduced
                                                                                                                                                                                                         number of U.S. mass timber projects            manpower and many other characteristics
                                                                                                                                                                                                         grew from fewer than 20 to well over           that make CLT attractive to the building
                                                                                                                                                                                                         400, reports nonprofit WoodWorks. And          industry—and it’s not going away.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Forterra, a land conservation nonprofit,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         says that demand for CLT, which is used        WITH INNOVATION COMES
                                                                                                                                                                                                         in Tall MWT projects, is expected to           RESPONSIBILITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                         double every five years into the future.       Perhaps the most important (and misun-

                                                                                                                                                                                  CREDIT: ANDREW POGUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                             The exponential growth of MWT              derstood) aspect of MWT is its fire perfor-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is good news for the building industry         mance. People often think of wood as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         because the technology offers faster           quick-igniting object, like kindling. But
Carbon 12 shows off the beauty of wood with its exposed Douglas Fir panels doubling as finished ceilings.                                                                                                construction time, reduced on-site skilled     the mass wood used in multistory build-
                                                                                                                                      Mass timber is the general term for                                labor requirements, generally lighter          ings chars in the event of a fire, protecting

                                                                                                                                   large structural panels, posts, and beams                             weight potentially requiring less substan-     the inner layers of wood from damage.
                                   HEN CARBON 12, A BEAUTIFUL EIGHT-STORY Cross-Laminated                                          composed of wood. Products in the cate-                               tial foundations, beneficial thermal prop-        In fact, according to “Mass Timber
                            Timber (CLT) apartment complex was built in Portland,                                                  gory include CLT, Structural Composite                                erties, and positive environmental impact.     Market Analysis,” by The Beck Group,
                                                                                                                                   Lumber, glue-laminated timber, and large                                  “CLT technology is absolutely becoming     “Recent laboratory burn tests of Mass
                            Oregon, the country got excited about the future of Tall Mass                                          section sawn lumber. The market for these                             more popular,” says Matthew Winston,           Timber products have addressed
                            Wood Timber (MWT) building. After Carbon 12’s 2017 debut,                                              products in tall buildings like Carbon 12 is                          Testing and Approvals Engineer, Fire           concerns regarding fire safety in large
                                                                                                                                   growing rapidly—so rapidly, in fact, that                             Protection Engineering Team, Hilti North       wooden structures. Mass timber struc-
                            many on-the-boards projects got press as Portland—and                                                  the building and scientific communities                               America. “And really that popularity           tures far outperform stick framed struc-
          other cities, including Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia—dreamed                                                 are struggling to keep up with the anal-                              started to rise in 2015, making a resurgence   tures and, due to the charring effect, can
                                                                                                                                   yses, best practices, and codes needed to                             with the green building and sustainability     even outperform steel structures during
          of new ways to go taller with timber. Today, Portland has the country’s largest
                                                                                                                                   ensure a smooth transition from building                              initiatives that design firms were looking     very high temperature fires, in which
          concentration of mass timber buildings and has solid growth potential.                                                   with steel or post-tension concrete to a                              to bring into the construction world. The      steel will melt, deform, and fail.”

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Strides In Fire Safety - for Mass Wood Timber Buildings - SmartLam
Hilti, the leading manufacturer of        BUILDING CODES EVOLVE                          the use of MWT in tall buildings.                worked through building code issues, Hilti         While Winston points out that quite a        for building designers and the inspectors
   internationally approved and tested fire-     According to the International Code                Based on favorable research results,         continued to focus on firestop solutions.      few Tall MWT buildings have gone up in           who are tasked with signing off on fire-
   stop systems, monitored the growth of         Council (ICC), “Tall Mass Timber” identi-      ICC approved code changes to 2021 IBC            “We asked ourselves, ‘How do we tie fire-      places like Portland and Seattle, a large part   stop systems in MWT buildings, but until
   MWT, and in particular CLT, and realized      fies mass timber buildings constructed of      allowing for Tall MWT.                           stop into the building of MWT, addressing      of the inspection community is still waiting     the assemblies are listed or certified, says
   its leadership in producing and testing       mass timber elements that exceed current           “For the 2021 IBC, ICC classified MWT        these taller and bigger buildings?’ The code   for a chance to review a MWT project. “For       Winston, approvals will rest on project-
   firestop products had put the company         height limits for wood buildings set by the    within a Class IV building and then added        gives requirements like it does for any        example, I recently provided an analysis         specific designs called Engineering
   in an excellent position to help propel the   International Building Code (IBC). Until       three more categories types--IV-A, IV-B,         other type of construction, but you have       of test data for firestops in CLT to a design    Judgments. “Typically, someone who
   mass timber industry forward.                 recently, building codes were the primary      and IV-C. These categories allow fully           to have rated assemblies and still meet        team,” says Winston. “The initial firestop       needs a firestop system would refer to
       “The question for Hilti became, ‘How      barrier to the use of Tall Mass Timber         encapsulated MWT buildings (IV-A) to go up       the requirements for compartmentaliza-         designs were provided in 2018 and now,           a listing from a third-party certification
   long can a structural wood construc-          because they were tailored to traditional      to a maximum 18 stories depending on the         tion,” Goldhammer says. “We have always        in 2020, the design teams are sitting with       body. To date, however, no such listings
   tion element withstand a fire within a        building systems, such as steel, stick         occupancy and partially encapsulated MWT         had firestop through a rated assembly, so      building inspectors [to review life safety.]”    exist for firestops in MWT,” he says.
   building?’” says Neal Clemens, Marketing      frame, and concrete.                           buildings (IV-B) to go up to a maximum of        that’s not a big change. The challenge is          Hilti wants to streamline the process            With the goal of developing more data

In 2019, Katerra opened a 270,000-square-foot CLT factory in Spokane Valley, Wash. At full capacity, this factory will produce the highest    When CLT members, such as this one being manufactured by Katerra, are tested by Hilti, they are built into mock-up assemblies with penetrations
volume of CLT in North America–13,000,000 square feet of 5-ply panels annually. The factory also represents one of the largest CLT presses    included. The testing plans are designed to show what happens when mechanical or electrical conduit is put through the floor to determine how to
currently in operation globally, offering customers unmatched design flexibility. IMAGE BY KATERRA WWW.KATERRA.COM                            fire rate it. The tests include different CLT manufacturers’ products and different species of wood, which are tested in ovens. COURTESY HILTI

   and Product Manager, Fire Protection,             “In the 2018 code cycle, wood coali-       12 stories,” Goldhammer explains.                that these new assemblies are not part                                          “There has been a big push back around fire
   Hilti North America. “Hilti has focused on    tions put forth proposed changes to               The encapsulated buildings use                of a listing/certification [such as UL or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 safety in tall wood buildings. On the one
   this gray area because no approved firestop   include MWT,” says Edward Goldhammer,          gypsum or other noncombustible prod-             Intertek] so we can not obtain a firestop
   solutions existed.”                           Director of Codes and Approvals for            ucts to add passive fire resistance, which       certification without a certified assembly.”                                    hand, design firms, the mass timber
      “Really the question around firestop       Hilti North America. “The bulk of these        is why they are approved for taller struc-                                                                                       industry and ICC code committees have
   started with Oregon State University,         proposals were rejected because they did       tures. The partially encapsulated build-         HILTI GOES TO BAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 paved the way; on the other hand, fire
   who had contacted SmartLam to build a         not have enough data on fire performance       ings are still safe, Goldhammer says.            “There has been a big push back around
   Tall MWT the University had designed,”        in tall buildings. As a result ICC agreed to   “Even though the IV-B structure performs         fire safety in tall wood buildings,” Winston
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 inspectors, fire departments, and city
   says Clemens. “SmartLam said they could       create an ICC Tall Wood Building Ad Hoc        well, having the gypsum just adds another        says. “On the one hand, design firms,                                           inspectors have pushed back on life safety
   build it but asked the important question:    Committee. The committee in conjunction        level of safety.”                                the mass timber industry and ICC code                                           issues and the lack of assembly
   ‘What about life safety?’”                    with the wood industry conducted a series         Designers can opt for the IV-B structure      committees have paved the way; on the
      The building industry, antsy to put        of large scale fire testing to demonstrate     for designs that celebrate the wood look of      other hand, fire inspectors, fire depart-
   wood to work in buildings of scale, turned    how MWT performs in a fire. Based on this      CLT building. Exposed Douglas Fir panels         ments, and city inspectors have pushed                                          —Matthew Winston, Testing and Approvals Engineer,
   to building codes and testing to maintain     research the committee developed a set of      can, for example, serve as unit ceilings.        back on life safety issues and the lack of                                      Fire Protection Engineering Team, Hilti North America
   the momentum of Tall MWT adoption.            code change proposals to accommodate              While the ICC and other stakeholders          assembly certifications.”

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The tests were successful, helping show                                                        metallic penetrating items, ducts, and               One critical reason that firestop testing
                                                                                                            firestops in CLT can perform well in                                                           cables with success. In joints, sealants will    in MWT is so important is to understand
                                                                                                            accordance with consensus fire test                                                            consist mainly of flexible sealants, either      how intumescent collars will perform
                                                                                                            standards. “The tested solutions have                                                          acrylic or silicone based, that accommo-         when the MWT they are attached to begins
                                                                                                            allowed us to use Hilti testing as evidence                                                    date small amounts of joint movement.            to break down under fire conditions. Hilti
                                                                                                            to demonstrate life safety building code        PRODUCT SOLUTION:                                   Intumescent wraps or collars are            has successfully tested the use of collars
                                                                                                            requirements are met,” Blomgren says.           High-Performance                               a unique firestop tool that excel when           attached to exposed MWT floors.
                                                                                                                A key next step for Hilti is to work        Intumescent Firestop Sealant                   protecting penetration openings with
                                                                                                            with certification agencies to develop a        FS-ONE MAX                                     nonmetallic pipes. During the fire endur-
                                                                                                            pathway for MWT firestop listings. “Hilti                                                      ance test nonmetallic penetrating items
                                                                                                            has tested firestops in CLT assemblies          This product seals most common through         melt and break down, which leaves a
                                                                                                                                                            penetrations in a variety of base materials    void equal to the original pipe size in
                                                                                                            with representatives from leading certi-
                                                                                                                                                            including concrete, masonry, drywall, and
                                                                                                            fication agencies as witnesses. These tests                                                    the opening. Intumescent wraps and
                                                                                                                                                            mass timber. Appropriate for metal pipe

                                                                                                            have been positive, which has opened the                                                       collars are designed to expand at the time
                                                                                                                                                            penetrations (copper, steel, and EMT),
                                                                                                            pathway for discussing how to approach                                                         nonmetallic pipes start to break down to
                                                                                                                                                            insulated metal pipe penetrations (steel
                 Hilti engineers test CLT assemblies to UL 1479 (ASTME 814) for penetrations and            listings,” Winston explains. “We have           and copper), and plastic pipe penetrations
                                                                                                                                                                                                           fill the void space created.
                 UL 2079 (ASTME 1966) for joints. The photo above shows a MWT assembly as it is             done a lot of work to find safe solutions,      (closed or vented). The sealant is easy             Testing for intumescent wraps in MWT         PRODUCT SOLUTION:
                 removed from the furnace at the end of a UL 1479 fire endurance test.                      and it is important for designers and           to use, water based, paintable, ethylene       involves wrapping the nonmetallic pene-           Speed Sleeve CP 653 BA
                                                                                                            building officials to have clear options        glycol free, and offers industry-leading VOC   trating item and then inserting it into the
                 for CLT assemblies, Hilti has worked with     applying different firestop material,        for firestops in CLT assemblies. The goal       results. Visit: FS-ONE MAX                     annular space within the MWT assembly.            For use with concrete floor rated up to three
                 Katerra, Nordic, and other manufacturers      and prepping the assembly for testing,”      is to avoid the use of a firestop solution                                                     Intumescent collars are attached to the           hours and gypsum walls rated up to four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             hours, and MWT assemblies for up to 1¹/₂
                 on firestop solutions for CLT since 2017.     Winston says.                                that was not tested, and the best way to       in most cases and allow contractors to be       outer surfaces of the MWT assemblies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             hours, this product is a re-penetrable cable
                 “We requested Hilti provide tested fire-          Tests were performed at the Hilti        accomplish this is to have publicly avail-     reactive to changing jobsite plans.             (to both surfaces for walls or the bottom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             management device electrical and premise
                 stop assemblies for use on our first CLT      North American Testing and Development       able firestop listings in CLT as we have           With penetrations through MWT,              surface only for floors) using wood screws.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             wiring, as well as low-voltage and datacom.
                 projects—The Postmark, Lifebridge,            Center in Irving, Texas. Engineers focused   for concrete, gypsum, and other building       firestop sealants are often intumescent                                                           It offers fast installation, easy penetration
                 Amberglen, and The Grove,” says Hans-         on two standards applicable in the United    systems. I am hopeful that we can reach        (designed to expand with heat) and paired                                                         and re-penetration, the industry’s best “Air
                 Erik Blomgren, PE, SE, Director of Testing    States: UL 1479 (ASTME 814) for pene-        this goal with our certification partners      with mineral wool insulation to fill the                                                          Movement” ratings, Low L-ratings. Test in
                 and Characterization, Katerra.                trations and UL 2079 (ASTME 1966) for        in the next year.”                             annular space around penetrating items.                                                           accordance to UL 1479, ASTM E 814, CAN/
                    Hilti put its state-of-the-art research    joints. For Canada approvals, Hilti tested                                                  Hilti has tested firestop sealants with                                                           ULC-S115. Visit: Speed Sleeve CP 653 BA
                 facility and the expertise of its engineers   to CAN/ULC S115, both in-house and with      FIRESTOP PRODUCTS ARE THE KEY
                 to work testing firestop solutions on CLT     external partners. Hilti provides these      Firestop solutions are the key to why                                                                                                               Firestop devices bring many advan-
                 specimens. “Together we designed the test     types of collaborative tests for a variety   CLT assemblies continue to pass Hilti’s                                                                                                         tages when planning and jobsite coordina-
                 plan and did all the research necessary to    of customers. “We provide services, prod-    rigorous lab tests. “Firestop is important                                                                                                      tion can accommodate their installation.
                 test the assemblies in the lab, including     ucts, and custom testing plans for each      because as we approach 2021—when they                                                                                                           Hilti’s firestop drop-in device is a great
                 creating all the openings for penetrating     project to help Katerra,” Clemens says.      actually adopt fire protection for tall mass                                                    PRODUCT SOLUTION:                               example for MWT of a firestop device that
                 items like PVC drain pipes or conduit,            This work should inspire confidence.     timber into the building codes—there                                                            Firestop Drop-In Device                         can accommodate a variety of metallic
                                                                                                            needs to be a way to balance going higher                                                       CFS-DID                                         and nonmetallic penetrating items, can be
                                                                                                            and higher with safer and more effec-                                                                                                           installed on the jobsite or accommodate
                                                                                                            tive structures,” says Clemens. Winston                                                         An out-of-the-box, one-step firestop solu-      modular design with factory installation,
                                                                                                            agrees, and says Hilti’s firestop prod-         PRODUCT SOLUTION:                               tion for a variety of pipe materials and        and simplify inspection.
                                                                                                            ucts are crucial if the building industry       Firestop Top Track Seal                         diameters, this product helps reduce labor          The device contains intumescent
                                                                                                                                                                                                            costs and increases productivity. It offers
                                                                                                            continues to push the vertical boundaries.      CFS-TTS                                                                                         strips at the bottom of a steel sleeve with
                                                                                                                                                                                                            integrated moisture and smoke seal and
                                                                                                               Firestop products that have been tested                                                                                                      an integrated flange. The device flange is
                                                                                                                                                            CFS-TTS is a preformed polyurethane fire-       quick install, and is easily identifiable to
                                                                                                            in MWT assemblies can be grouped into                                                                                                           attached to the top surface of the MWT
                                                                                                                                                            stop device designed to be a versatile          building inspectors. The device is for use in
                                                                                                            three major categories: sealants, intumes-                                                      MWT, concrete, hollow core, and metal deck
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            floor. The intumescent strips are located
                                                                                                                                                            solution for fire-rated assemblies on flat
                                                                                                            cent wraps or collars, and firestop devices.                                                    slab thicknesses ranging from 2 ½” to 12 ½”.    on both the inside and outside of the
                                                                                                                                                            concrete construction. Designed to saddle
                                                                                                               Firestop sealants are popular on             over top track without additional folding,      Options for fastening include gas actuated      sleeve. This affords protection of the
                                                                                                            jobsites because they are simple to install     taping, or gluing, the product achieves a       fasteners, metal hit anchors, and Kwik con      annular space around penetrating items
                                                                                                            once the opening and penetrating item, or       durable and reliable system tested in accor-    screw anchor systems. For MWT assemblies        in the sleeve, and it protects the opening
                                                                                                            joint, has been made. Sealants are the last     dance with UL2079 5th Edition and CAN/          the device is fastened with wood screws.        in the MWT around the sleeve by filling
                                                                                                            item to be installed for a firestop system      ULC-S115. Visit: Top Track Seal CFS-TTS         Visit: Firestop Drop-In Device CFS-DID          the space with intumescent material.

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Strides In Fire Safety - for Mass Wood Timber Buildings - SmartLam

                                   Katerra is constructing the 150,000-square-foot Catalyst Building in Spokane’s new South University District. This is the first project to receive
                                   CLT from Katerra’s newest factory and the first office building in Washington State to be constructed from CLT. The Catalyst will be connected
                                   to an energy and resource sharing eco-district that serves as a bridge between Spokane’s downtown core and the growing U-District.

                                          In joints involving MWT, Hilti has had
                                      success with firestop devices. One example
                                      is the joint between gypsum board and the
                                      bottom surface of a MWT floor. This joint
                                      is called a head-of-wall joint, and it can be
                                      protected with Hilti’s Firestop Top Track
                                      Seal. This firestop device is placed over the
                                      ceiling runners used for the walls prior
                                      to attaching the framing to the bottom
                                      of the MWT assembly. Intumescent
                                      flanges on the device then hang over the
                                      ceiling runner, and once gypsum board
                                      is installed, fill the space between the
                                      gypsum board and MWT floor.

                                      STREAMLINING FOR THE FUTURE                     Clemens reminds. “We don’t have to              timber, specifically CLT, as the backbone for
                                      While Hilti is the undisputed leader in         reinvent the wheel or create brand-new          future generations of high-performance,
                                      firestop solutions for MWT building—as          products to support the industry, to help       low-carbon buildings,” says Blomgren.
                                      well as a tireless champion of streamlined      everyone on site.”                              “Mass timber is a technologically advanced
                                      adoption of Tall MWT—the company has                Looking to the future, Clemens says         and sustainable product that offers a shift
                                      a broader role.                                 that Hilti’s suite of products, expertise,      towards greater productivity through
                                          “We are Hilti, and we are committed         and customer support put the company            prefabrication. When sourced from well-
                                      to fire protection,” Clemens emphasizes.        in an excellent position to help building       managed forests, mass timber can benefit
                                      We also offer more than that. Think of us       designers dream up ever more exciting           the environment and the built environment
                                      as mass timber everything—everything a          Tall MWT projects.                              by contributing to forest health, reducing
                                      firestop professional would need to install         “One of the most exciting things about      the carbon footprint of buildings and
                                      in MWT or other types of construction,          the mass timber industry is prefab,”            increasing the well-being of its occupants.”
                                      we can do.”                                     Clemens says. “Companies can create                “From my side, looking at the future,
                                          The streamlining includes the tireless      assemblies off site, put them on a flatbed,     we will continue to support projects
                                      lobbying and grueling data gathering            and they go up just like puzzle pieces on       directly,” says Winston. “For manufac-
                                      for listings and code approvals, as well        site. All the construction concerns of the      turers and organizations that want to
                                      as the company’s commitment to be the           industry—budget, safety, timing, pay,           take mass timber to the next level, such as
                                      one source for developers and designers.        and income—are all tied to schedule, and        in modular buildings, we will help those
                                      “We have developed products for concrete        we can help solve that.”                        companies bring efficiency to the building
                                      and steel construction that work for wood,          Katerra and other manufacturers are         process and provide firestop solutions
                                      such as tools, screw fastenings, anchors,”      bullish about the future. “We see mass          that support the life-safety mission.” n

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