Page created by Samuel Rowe
NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

                          Strategy 2018-2021

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

NHS Lothian’s eHealth Strategy provides a vision outlining where time and resources will be directed over the
period 2018-21. The document outlines NHS Lothian’s strategic aims regarding eHealth and where efforts
should be focused. At the forefront of these efforts will be the constant requirement to ensure that patient
safety and quality of care is maintained or improved. This strategy recognises the need to introduce
transformational change that will permeate throughout the whole organisation, positively impacting the way
care is provided and outcomes for patients. Against a weak economic position, this strategy is bold and
ambitious and will aim to help the whole organisation deliver financial stability as well as sustainable services
for patients.

The strategy outlines seven strategic aims;

1.   Enhance the availability of appropriate information
2.   Assist patients to manage their own health and wellbeing
3.   Support people with Long Term Conditions (LTC)
4.   Improve medicines safety
5.   Improve access to management information
6.   Help deliver efficient working practices
7.   Contribute to innovation.

In order to fully implement the proposed delivery plan for these strategic aims, additional resources will be
required. Although only high-level estimates at this point, initial figures suggest the organisation will require
additional capital funding of £12m to cover 2018-2021, and that by 2021 there will be additional recurring
annual revenue costs of £4.8m.

NHS Lothian is facing a reality where aging software and hardware across the entire organisation requires
immediate action to either replace this or to begin the replacement process. Failing to address this will
compromise system availability, increase service disruptions and impact performance across a number of
major eHealth systems which will ultimately lead to a negative impact on patient care. In order to maintain
current service provision there are aspects of this strategy which reflect this imperative need. The proposed
plan to deliver this strategy is therefore a balance between meeting the challenges posed by aging
infrastructure and the aspirations to improve services and functionality.

An element of flexibility will be needed as new national and regional policies and strategies are released over
the coming years. NHS Lothian will be required to respond to and implement elements of strategies currently
under development and unreleased.

NHS Lothian’s eHealth Strategy plans to deliver some transformational changes over the coming years. These
changes will deliver new functionality and opportunities but will also open up new possibilities to build upon
the initial changes. For example, the implementation of Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines
Administration (HEPMA) will deliver a significant change to working practices and patient safety; however, this
would then facilitate additional changes in decision support and clinical working practices that would be truly

A glossary of terms is provided in Appendix B.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.     NHS LOTHIAN – ICT PROGRESS TO DATE ....................................................................................................... 4
        1.1 OVERVIEW OF NHS LOTHIAN eHEALTH DEPARTMENT ......................................................................... 4
        1.2 FINANCES, FUNDING AND RESOURCES ................................................................................................. 4
2.     STRATEGIC VISION ......................................................................................................................................... 7
        2.1 STRATEGIC AIMS ................................................................................................................................... 7
       2.1.1           STRATEGIC AIM 1 – ENHANCE THE AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION .......................................... 7
       2.1.3           STRATEGIC AIM 3 – SUPPORT PEOPLE WITH LONG TERM CONDITIONS ..................................... 8
       2.1.4           STRATEGIC AIM 4 – IMPROVE MEDICINES SAFETY ....................................................................... 8
       2.1.5           STRATEGIC AIM 5 – IMPROVE ACCESS TO MANAGEMENT INFORMATION ................................. 8
       2.1.6           STRATEGIC AIM 6 – HELP TO DELIVER EFFICIENT WORKING PRACTICES ..................................... 8
       2.1.7           STRATEGIC AIM 7 – CONTRIBUTE TO INNOVATION ..................................................................... 8
3.     INFLUENCES ................................................................................................................................................. 10
        3.1 NATIONAL INFLUENCES ....................................................................................................................... 10
        3.2 REGIONAL INFLUENCES ....................................................................................................................... 10
        3.3 LOCAL INFLUENCES ............................................................................................................................. 10
       3.3.1           LOCAL ESSENTIAL ITEMS............................................................................................................. 10
        3.3.2 LOCAL DESIRABLE ITEMS ..................................................................................................................... 11
        3.4 MANAGING EXPECTATIONS ................................................................................................................ 11
4.     PROPOSED DELIVERY PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 12
        4.1 PROJECTS AND ASPIRATIONS WITH RESOURCES ALLOCATED ............................................................ 12
        4.2 PROJECTS AND ASPIRATIONS THAT REQUIRE INVESTMENT ............................................................... 12
        4.3 KEY ELEMENTS OF THE PROPOSED DELIVERY PLAN ............................................................................ 12
       4.3.1           TRAKCare .................................................................................................................................... 12
       4.3.2           HEPMA........................................................................................................................................ 16
       4.3.3           MOBILE COMPUTING ................................................................................................................. 16
       4.3.4           USE OF FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................................................ 16
5.     GOVERNANCE AND DELIVERY ...................................................................................................................... 17
        5.1 LEADERSHIP ......................................................................................................................................... 17
        5.2 SUPPLIER RELATIONSHIPS AND PROCUREMENT ................................................................................ 18
APPENDIX A – PROPOSED DELIVERY PLAN AND RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ...................................................... 19
APPENDIX B – GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................... 26

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


    NHS Lothian has an extensive digital footprint and has delivered much to be proud of over the past few
    years. Almost every aspect of what NHS Lothian does as an organisation relies on the hardware and
    software that is already in place, such as the clinician at an Outpatient Clinic, a patient having their
    appointment booked, an enquiry from a colleague to Human Resources, Finance reviewing transactions,
    a patient having their records read electronically by multiple clinicians across multiple sites
    simultaneously, clinics being run Paperlite and so much more. All of this is possible through the strides
    NHS Lothian has already made regarding eHealth.

    Moving forward, NHS Lothian will strive to maintain and build upon this excellent existing eHealth
    framework. As society moves into a new digital age the importance of eHealth will increase as more and
    more is demanded from the services NHS Lothian provides. Moving forward it is expected that our
    eHealth footprint will become even more important to the day-to-day activities undertaken across the


    The eHealth Department of NHS Lothian is made up of a diverse group of teams, providing a wide range
    of services across Lothian. There are over 700 members of staff within the eHealth Department who
    make up over 40 separate teams covering eHealth Director / Heads of Service (approx 10 staff),
    Operations, Infrastructure, and Telecoms (approx 200 staff), Programmes, Development and Training
    (approx 80 staff) and Health Records (approx 420 Staff). The eHealth Department supports the day-to-
    day work carried out by more than 27,000 NHS Lothian staff.

    The eHealth Department has delivered some major achievements over the past few years and the efforts
    which have gone before provide an excellent example of what the Department, working with colleagues
    across the entire organisation, can deliver.

    The impact that some projects have had over the last few years, including the upgrade to TRAKCARE
    2016, the launch of Paperlite working, patient digital letters (eCommunications), the beginning of the GP
    server centralisation project and development of electronic document transfer to GP Practices across the
    country, have delivered new capabilities, helped speed up processes, assisted Services in managing
    increased demand, improved efficiencies and become so ingrained with how we all work that it would be
    difficult, if not impossible, to return to how things were before these were introduced.

    Fig 1 offers a snapshot of some of the excellent achievements that have been delivered since 2015.


    Like all public bodies, NHS Lothian is under intense pressure to deliver a balanced budget. However,
    achieving the strategic aims set out in this strategy will be impossible without increased funding to
    deliver the proposed eHealth delivery plan.

    NHS Lothian’s eHealth Department will play a key role in the implementation of the proposed delivery
    plan and it will be expected to lead on technical projects. Where projects will deliver new functionality
    or changes to clinical processes, it is more appropriate that clinical colleagues take a leading role in the
    delivery of those projects, with eHealth taking a service provider role to implement.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

       Fig 1 – Example of key eHealth achievements since 2015

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

    NHS Lothian’s eHealth Department currently spends approximately 90% of its annual budget simply
    maintaining the current environment. This means that almost all the budget NHS Lothian allocates to
    eHealth is spent ensuring applications and software work as users expect them to, day in and day out.
    This leaves little resource to deliver new projects.

    Therefore additional resources will be required to deliver the proposed plan and achieve our strategic
    aims. It is estimated that £12m of additional capital funding will be required from 2018-2021, with an
    increase in recurring annual revenue of £4.8m by 2021.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


    NHS Lothian’s strategic vision is to ensure that patient care, safety and outcomes are maintained and
    where possible improved. The eHealth Strategy therefore aims to support services and colleagues across
    the organisation to provide this care by making the necessary tools available to ensure patients are
    treated effectively and efficiently resulting in the attainment of positive outcomes for all concerned.

    At a time of increased service demand and tight fiscal control, a significant aim will be to help deliver
    sustainable services and facilitate increases in productivity and efficiency gains through the introduction
    of new digital approaches. Going forward, the organisation has an aspiration to embrace some of the
    newly emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence to support decision making or new
    functionality within existing systems which offers additional opportunities to improve care provision.


        The seven strategic aims identified in the new National Digital Health and Care Strategy are
        incorporated in NHS Lothian’s strategic ambitions;

        1    Enhance the availability of appropriate information
        2    Assist patients to manage their own health and wellbeing
        3    Support people with Long Term Conditions (LTC)
        4    Improve medicines safety
        5    Improve access to management information
        6    Help deliver efficient working practices
        7    Contribute to innovation.

    These seven aims are not mutually exclusive, so implementation of certain proposed projects will help to
    deliver several of the aims. For example, the implementation of HEPMA will help to not only deliver an
    improvement in medicines safety but will also positively impact the availability of appropriate
    information for healthcare workers, improve access to timely management information, help to deliver
    efficient working practices and also offer the opportunity to develop innovative working practices.

    Fig 2 offers an overview of the strategic aims and some of the high-level plans proposed to help
    NHS Lothian meet these aims.


            An aim of this strategy is to improve and enhance the availability of all relevant information for
            healthcare workers to enable them to make the right choice for the patient first time. This will mean
            shared IT systems and records which are accessible to different professionals across the care system
            ensuring clinicians and other staff at all stages have the necessary information about the patient,
            with care better tailored to the patient’s needs. For example, mobile computing in the community,
            Federated TRAKCare, as well as the ability to communicate information effectively increasing
            productivity and efficiency through more flexible working practices.


            Over the next few years NHS Lothian has a strategic aim to provide the opportunity for more
            patients to take an active role in the management of their own health and wellbeing. By providing
            patients and carers with access to technologies and their own personal information, it is hoped that
            they will be able to become increasingly more involved in care planning and self manage their own
            health and wellbeing.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


         With an aging population, more and more of the patients treated within NHS Lothian have long term
         conditions with many also having multiple co-morbidities that add a level of complexity to the care
         provided. If, as an organisation, NHS Lothian were to give additional support to patients living with a
         long term condition which would enable them to remain in their own homes and out of a care
         setting, it would be of benefit to both the patient and the organisation. This would be supported
         through the provision of improved access to services via video consultations in both primary and
         secondary care settings. Using data, the stratification of the patient population could ensure care is
         targeted at the appropriate level with supporting anticipatory care plans in place.


         Statistically hospitals are not a safe place to be and there are times when mistakes made can cause
         harm. There can be serious consequences if patients receive the wrong medicine or an incorrect
         dosage and a strategic aim of NHS Lothian is to reduce the risks of harm to patients through
         medication errors. Improving medicine safety through systems such as Hospital Electronic
         Prescriptions and Medication Administration (HEPMA) and Medications Reconciliation will reduce
         errors and ensure that patients get the right medication, in the right dose, at the right time.


        Having up to date, relevant information on what is happening within services throughout the
        organisation is vital to the management of those services. NHS Lothian has an extensive data set
        already in place for use by Service Managers and Heads of Departments to help manage resource to
        meet demand, by providing information systems which enable the organisation to gather the
        information needed to monitor whether changes are working, including disaggregated data on
        activity and outcomes for equality groups. Moving forward, it is a strategic aim of the organisation to
        improve access to relevant management information to assist senior managers and clinicians in their
        attempts to improve the sustainability of services.


        Demand across services is increasing, resulting in the need to identify ways in which to utilise the
        same, or even fewer, resources to manage that increase. Improving productivity and efficiency across
        services to allow colleagues to work smarter as well as streamline some of the less efficient processes
        is a strategic aim of this strategy. An ambition will be to facilitate the development of jointly agreed
        care plans with input from GPs, community teams, specialist nurses and consultants with jointly
        agreed protocols and care pathways, supported by IT tools.


        Given the pressure the organisation is currently under with increased demand and tighter controls on
        resources available to meet those demands, innovation will be a necessity to help manage those
        pressures. An aim of this strategy is to allow eHealth developments to inspire new ways of thinking
        and to open up opportunities to do things in new and exciting ways.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

Fig 2 – Overview of the strategic aims and key elements of proposed plan to meet those aims

The proposed delivery plan outlined in section 4 is a mixture of projects with resources attached to them already, and some which will require additional resources.
Fig 2 does not show all the individual projects but it does provide an overview of the total funding required to deliver each strategic aim.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


    When developing NHS Lothian’s eHealth Strategy a number of different influences were taken into
    account and used to help mould the strategy.


    As part of a wider organisation, NHS Lothian’s eHealth Strategy is shaped by the policies and direction set
    at a national level. The new National Digital Health and Social Care Strategy is expected to be delivered
    in 2018 and although it has yet to be released, the emerging themes and expected areas of focus have
    already been outlined. The seven strategic aims set out in this strategy have been aligned closely to what
    is expected to be delivered in the upcoming national strategy. One area of focus has been the
    convergence of systems to reduce the overheads of managing and operating multiple versions of
    applications from multiple suppliers, where a preferred system exists and procurement options allow.
    This convergence work was successfully undertaken as part of the creation of NHS Lothian whereby the
    number of systems in operation within the previous autonomous Trusts was reduced creating single
    instances. Where possible a ‘Once for Scotland’ or ‘Once for Regional Working’ approach will be
    followed as opportunities arise, such as at the end of supplier contracts, end of system life or during new


    Across NHS Scotland significant focus is currently being placed upon increasing regional working and
    collaboration. NHS Lothian sits within the East of Scotland Region along with NHS Borders and NHS Fife.
    NHS Lothian’s eHealth Strategy therefore also takes into account the regional aspirations that are being
    outlined in the East of Scotland’s Regional Delivery Plan which will be published in March 2018.

    Not only will the three eHealth Departments within the East of Scotland area work more closely together
    towards the delivery of a shared service model, there is also a requirement for eHealth across the region
    to work closely with other services and departments to help deliver their regional goals.


    There are a number of aspirations that this strategy and proposed delivery plan will aim to achieve which
    are focused primarily on NHS Lothian specific issues. It is accepted that plans focusing on local
    aspirations will not compromise national or regional deliverables without justifiable reasons.

    A prerequisite of this strategy is that NHS Lothian’s eHealth Department will ensure that the services and
    applications used by NHS Lothian staff will be available and every effort made to minimise unscheduled
    downtime. Therefore maintaining business as usual will continue to absorb the vast majority of eHealth
    Department resources.

    The local aspirations which contribute to the overall eHealth Strategy can be categorised from a different
    perspective into things which ‘must’ be done and things that we would ‘like’ to do.


        Certain items that focus on local requirements are in this strategy and proposed delivery plan because
        NHS Lothian simply ‘must do’ something to tackle a localised issue, as to do nothing would incur too
        high a risk to business continuity, patient safety and quality. For example, NHS Lothian must replace
        its telephony infrastructure, as to not do so would leave NHS Lothian with a major risk of a
        catastrophic failure to our telephony system which is now technologically obsolete and unsupported,
        placing patients at immediate risk.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

             A list of high priority items is as follows:

                   Remove and replace devices operating on Windows XP to reduce the vulnerability this poses to
                    NHS Lothian’s infrastructure as Windows XP will not be updated against new threats
                   Replace Microsoft Office 2007 – this requires investment to maintain a supported environment
                    for desktop users and compatibility with applications needing to utilise Microsoft Office
                    functionality (e.g. letter production)
                   Replace NHS Lothian’s telephony infrastructure – requires investment as the existing equipment
                    is past end of life and the availability of a telecoms service is at risk
                    Replace deprecated items/software within TRAKCare – requires investment as these are no
                    longer supported but are needed to maintain functionality (such as TRAKCare letter production
                    and Order Entry facilities).


         There are aspects of the strategy, focusing on local issues the organisation would ‘like’ to deliver, that are
         less imperative from a risk perspective. Whilst they may have the potential to deliver benefits, not doing
         them would simply be a missed opportunity rather than open NHS Lothian up to significant risk.

         For example, adding more resource into the TRAKCare team to increase their capacity to deliver change
         requests would have wide reaching benefits for staff using TRAKCare across NHS Lothian, however
         TRAKCare is still usable in its current form and therefore arguably not a ‘must do’.


         This strategy and proposed delivery plan has attempted to be both ambitious whilst at the same time
         setting realistic expectations around what can be delivered. As staff and patients immerse themselves
         into a digital world outside of work, they are becoming increasingly frustrated that NHS Lothian is not
         able to deliver services in a manner they find commonplace in other industries.

         NHS Lothian has made great strides to become more digital - the Paperlite Project is good example of this
         - but the reality is that the wider world is moving forward more quickly than NHS Lothian can keep up
         and managing expectations now may help remove some unavoidable frustration.

    Deprecated items refer to software or applications that are considered to be end of life by the manufacturer

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


         A high level proposed delivery plan has been drafted to indicate how NHS Lothian can meet the strategic
         aims of this eHealth Strategy. The delivery plan looks at the different projects and aspirations that would
         enable the organisation to meet its strategic aims. An overview of this proposed delivery plan can be
         viewed in Appendix A.

         The delivery plan focuses on the period 2018-2021 and is split into two categories; those with resources
         already allocated to them and those which require investment.


         There are a number of projects and aspirations that have already been approved and resources put in
         place to deliver over the next three years. It is therefore highly likely that these resourced projects and
         aspirations will be delivered.


         A large portion of the proposed delivery plan will require additional investment in both capital and
         recurring revenue resources in order to be delivered. At this point, such investment has not been made
         available and in the current economic climate there is a significant element of risk that funding may not
         be forthcoming which would impact on the organisation’s ability to delivery its strategic aims.

         In order to deliver the proposed plans, high level estimates indicate that additional capital funds of £12m
         over the period 2018-21 would be required, as well as an increase in recurring revenue funds of £4.8m by
         2021. Based on agreed priorities, a business case would be required for each scheme taken forward.

         Fig 3 outlines a high level representation of the additional capital and revenue costs required to
         implement the proposed delivery plan.

         Fig 4 outlines the funding schedule, the progress expected to be achieved in delivering each of the
         strategic aims and the expected benefits the funding would deliver each year.


4.3.1         TRAKCare

             TRAKCare is the primary clinical system for the vast majority of services across NHS Lothian.
             Throughout the life of this strategy we will seek to build upon the strong foundations already in place
             with a view to expand the footprint of the system (adding Theatres, HEPMA and Laboratories). In
             addition, the organisation will look to invest in additional resource with the sole aim of making a
             series of small changes, at the request of system users, to deliver refined processes and improve
             efficiency with the ultimate goal of minimising the amount of paper notes in use. TRAKCare – CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE

              By the end of 2018 it is hoped that NHS Lothian will have centres of excellence in the use of
              TRAKCare within each of the acute hospitals which can be used to highlight the functionality
              available and show how TRAKCare can make a greater difference to the way we treat patients.
              These centres of excellence can then be used as examples to demonstrate how working processes
              can be improved in care areas across NHS Lothian when TRAKCare is used to its full potential.

    For the purposes of the diagram in Fig 3, the different projects and aspirations have been placed in the most appropriate strategic aim

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

Fig 3 – Overview of Projects that require additional resources

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

Fig 4 – A funding schedule, progress and benefits for projects that require additional resources

                    £9M CAPITAL                                            £2M CAPITAL                    £1M CAPITAL




                    £3.1M REC. REVENUE                                     £4.4M REC. REVENUE             £4.8M REC. REVENUE

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021 TRAKCare – DEPRECATED ITEMS

        In September 2016, NHS Lothian upgraded to TRAKCare 2016. At that time, InterSystems (supplier
        of TRAKCare) indicated that some of the software which supports TRAKCare was end of life and that
        moving forward future versions of TRAKCare would no longer work if the software was not
        upgraded. The end of life software is referred to as ‘deprecated items’. As TRAKCare is the main
        Electronic Patient Record (EPR) for patients, not upgrading these components would impact the
        service levels eHealth and the supplier could offer, compromising patient safety as much of the
        information held and accessed in TRAKCare supports critical clinical decision making on a day-to-day

        The deprecated items impact the way TRAKCare prints, the order entry screen and the appointment
        booking screen. The amount of time and resource it will take to resolve these issues should not be
        underestimated, and once the deprecated items have been replaced the outcomes will look very
        similar to the current functionality within TRAKCare. This means that a large amount of time and
        resource will be spent maintaining the status quo, however to do nothing would result in
        NHS Lothian being unable to upgrade to new versions of TRAKCare.

        Requires investment. TRAKCare – THEATRES

        It is an aspiration to introduce the TRAKCare Theatres module to Lothian over the coming years. This
        will see the replacement of the current ‘ORSOS’ system and provide improved continuity for
        clinicians using TRAKCare, together with improved theatre utilisation. An additional aspiration is to
        use the Theatres module a regional level to help bring about sustainable services for the entire

        Requires investment. TRAKCare – FEDERATED TRAKCare

        Delivering the functionality proposed by Federated TRAKCare will allow clinical information from
        other Board’s instances of TRAKCare to appear seamlessly into NHS Lothian’s version. For example,
        if a patient lives in another Health Board using TRAKCare or is treated while visiting another region,
        the information housed in that Health Board’s version of TRAKCare will become visible within the
        patient’s record within NHS Lothian’s version of TRAKCare.

        Requires investment. TRAKCare – CHANGE REQUESTS

        Since 2010 the TRAKCare team have received over 480 Change Requests. As of October 2017, 204 of
        these (43.5%) had been completed. A further 7 (1.5%) are currently being worked on, leaving 256
        (55%) not currently being progressed. These requests have been submitted from across services and
        departments in NHS Lothian and the reality is that the resources available to the team mean that the
        change request process is not working since current resources are often focussed on business as
        usual instead of delivering change requests.

        In a time of finite resources, it is not feasible to provide sufficient resource to clear the entire
        backlog; however an aim of the eHealth Strategy is to provide more resources to the TRAKCare team
        to allow them to focus on delivering more change requests over the coming years. Options have
        previously been proposed to resource this work with additional monies throughout the 3 year period
        of this strategy, funded at a low, medium and high level. Progressing these options will not
        completely clear the current RFC backlog but will increase eHealth’s ability to deliver significant

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

        Requires investment.

4.3.2   HEPMA

        The implementation of HEPMA is expected to deliver significant benefits to patient care in
        NHS Lothian. Changing the way in which clinicians prescribe medications from paper cardex to an
        electronic method will significantly reduce the risks of medication errors. The introduction of
        HEPMA will also help manage stocks of medication thereby reducing waste.

        Once implemented, HEPMA will not only deliver positive changes but will also open up new
        possibilities to change processes in ways unavailable with the current method of prescribing and
        administering medication.

        Requires investment.


        One of the problems NHS Lothian staff face working out in the community is the lack of access to
        relevant information. As more of our processes become electronic, the more difficult it becomes to
        work in a non-electronic environment. Working in the community can be difficult as colleagues are
        away from their desk and their PCs. It often means that staff have to go to their base to prepare for
        appointments, carry everything they need when visiting patients and handwrite notes off site before
        returning to their base to type those notes into the electronic system.

        The proposed plan is to introduce large scale mobile computing for a significant proportion of our
        community based staff. This will give them with the tools they need to access patient information
        electronically and, crucially, allow them to type up notes off site rather than having to head back to
        base to do so.

        Requires investment.


        The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasing across industries and healthcare is beginning to see
        how AI can positively help manage the levels of service demand, and also aid clinicians in ensuring
        that a level of standardisation in patient care is achieved.

        There are many ways AI could assist in the treatment of patients; by helping triage referrals or
        providing support to help clinicians make relevant decisions.

        We will continue to evaluate new technologies, e.g. to deliver clinical “apps”, integrate the output
        of wearable devices into patient records, further enhance patient information, security and privacy,
        and derive greater insights from clinical notes through Natural Language Processing (NLP).

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


       The diagram below in Fig 5 outlines the overall governance structure for the delivery of this strategy.
       It is expected that progress reports, issue resolution and quality assurance would be provided by the
       reformed Digital Transformation Group, TRAKCARE Board, LCIG, CMT, F&R and the Board.

       There is an established process of submitting and evaluating New Work Requests (NWR), for both
       TRAKCare and non-TRAKCare eHealth Systems, as outlined in Appendix A. These are triaged within
       eHealth and resource estimates/specifications defined and costed as required. Key prioritisation
       decisions for TrakCare related changes is the responsibility of the TRAKCARE Board. Non-TRAKCare
       projects are reviewed with the appropriate CMT who sponsored the change, the eHealth Executive
       Team for eHealth infrastructure changes and NHS system-wide changes are reviewed/managed/
       priorities by the Digital Transformation Group. eHealth has Account Managers assigned to each key
       operational unit within NHS Lothian to develop and maintain effective working relationships across a
       range of services, and to lead the development/coordination of eHealth priorities for these
       operational units. The Diamond Group reviews strategic changes and brings together an eHealth,
       Finance, Medical and Nursing Directors’ perspective.

       It is expected that the Scottish Government will also require and seek assurances from NHS Lothian
       that aspects of their agenda are being met.

       It is expected that the different projects which will deliver outcomes to meet the aims of this strategy
       will use governance structures valid for that particular project depending on the projects size and
       level of resources required. These potential governance structures are also outlined in the diagram in
       Fig 5.

       Fig 5 – Governance Structure


    Delivering this strategy will require strong leadership across the entire organisation. The strategy is
    aiming to deliver transformational change in the way we all work and how services are delivered. For
    this to be effective each of the building blocks of this strategy will require to be clinically or service led, as
    appropriate, with the eHealth Department playing a delivery role.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


    NHS Lothian will continue to build upon the excellent working relationships with suppliers and partner
    organisations in an attempt to ensure consistency in securing the best possible value deal for patients
    and staff.

    At all times, eHealth Department will work to the guidelines set out both locally and nationally to ensure
    fair and equitable practices are adopted throughout any procurement exercise, again ensuring the best
    possible outcome for patients and staff.

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM              PLAN                     CURRENT POSITION                     FUTURE POSITION              Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                             Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                       £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
1     Enhance           Perform a periodic        Currently no formal digital         NHS Lothian will understand its
      availability of   assessment of digital     maturity assessment has been        own digital maturity when
      information       maturity - HIMSS and      undertaken focused primarily on     compared to other organisations                      Yes                    40                   40                        40
                        TRAKCare Essentials       a healthcare setting                and also identify areas to focus
                        evaluation of usage                                           investment priorities
2     Enhance           Deliver desktop via VDI   NHS Lothian already utilises VDI    Virtual Desktops provide many
      availability of   (WYSE machines)           widely with over 40% of our         benefits, for standardisation,
      information                                 devices currently VDI               speed of machines and the
                                                                                      support required to maintain the        Yes
                                                                                      machines. The more that are
                                                                                      deployed enhances those
                                                                                      benefits. Target penetration 80%
3     Enhance           Replace telephony         NHS Lothian’s telephony system      Replacing the system will
      availability of   infrastructure            is antiquated and needs to be       provide enhanced functionality                                  2000
      information                                 replaced. Currently going           to our users and additional                          Yes       (early      350                  350                       350
                                                  through a Business Case process     flexible working patterns in                                    est)
                                                  to seek approval                    addition to improved resilience
4     Enhance           Professional to           There is limited functionality      Enhancing the speed and ease of
      availability of   professional              beyond telephones and email         how colleagues can
      information       communication                                                 communicate via applications            Yes
                                                                                      like SKYPE for Business improves
                                                                                      communication and efficiency
5     Enhance           Complete CTG              There is currently no electronic    A dedicated CTG solution will
      availability of   Implementation            storage of CTG tracings             provide electronic storage and
      information                                                                     AI algorithms to assist in Clinical
                                                                                      Decision Support
6     Enhance           Complete Neonatal         The existing Neonatal solution is   A new solution will improve
      availability of   System replacement        obsolete and unsupported            information availability and
      information                                                                     enhance the integration with
                                                                                      other associated systems
7     Enhance           TRAKCare - expand to      Currently NHS Lothian has a         Using TRAKCare to provide Labs
      availability of   deliver TRAKCare Labs     separate Labs system that is able   functions will reduce risks
      information                                 to send information into            associated with two systems
                                                  TRAKCare. This system is at the     which need integration to
                                                  end of its contract term and        communicate. It will open up
                                                  requires to be replaced             additional functionality to aid         Yes
                                                                                      decision support and how
                                                                                      results are viewed in TRAKCare.
                                                                                      Will also benefit regional
                                                                                      working if all boards move onto

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM               PLAN                     CURRENT POSITION                     FUTURE POSITION              Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                              Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                        £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
8     Enhance           TRAKCare - replace         NHS Lothian currently replaces      Implementing the proposed
      availability of   hardware to ensure it is   hardware as and when funding        infrastructure set up for
      information       future proof with          is made available irrespective of   TRAKCARE will provide a more
                        scalability                system performance                  robust and resilient application.
                                                                                       It will also make scaling up the
                                                                                       use of TRAKCARE simpler as
                                                                                       adding server/storage space will
                                                                                       be easy and affordable
9     Enhance           ICU System                 There is currently no dedicated     A dedicated ICU system for adult
      availability of                              ICU system in place within adult    ICU areas in NHS Lothian will
      information                                  units                               enhance patient care and
                                                                                       improve patient safety
10    Enhance           EPR - next steps           Paperlite is well established       Over the coming years the next
      availability of                              throughout NHS Lothian              phase of Paperlite will include
      information                                                                      the automatic uploading of data
                                                                                       from medical devices directly
                                                                                       into the patient record. This will
                                                                                       result in more relevant data                         Yes         250        30                   30                        30
                                                                                       being available to clinicians to
                                                                                       assist them in their decision
                                                                                       making. It will remove the need
                                                                                       to input data manually thereby
                                                                                       saving time
11    Enhance           Basic computer             NHS Lothian currently has a         Replacing older software will
      availability of   operating systems are      large number of machines that       remove security risks and
      information       often old and pose a       use windows XP. Also elements       provide additional functionality
                        security risk              of infrastructure are starting to   that can be used over time
                                                   become aged and require
                                                   replacing i.e. our 2008 Servers
12    Enhance           Internet access – social   NHS Lothian currently bans all      A number of educational links
      availability of   media                      forms of social media on its        will be viewable moving
      information                                  networks                            forward, allowing clinicians and
                                                                                       support staff to access this to aid
                                                                                       them in their work. In addition,        Yes
                                                                                       these services will open up new
                                                                                       informal means of
                                                                                       communication, together with
                                                                                       information sharing
13    Enhance           National CHI / Child       The current national solutions      A national initiative will see the
      availability of   Health                     are obsolete and not easily         procurement of new National
      information                                  upgradeable                         CHI and SCPHWS Child Health             Yes
                                                                                       solutions and their

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM              PLAN                     CURRENT POSITION                    FUTURE POSITION            Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                          Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                    £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
14    Enhance           Enhance training          We currently focus our efforts     We will take an active part in
      availability of   opportunities to cover    on systems training. A large gap   determining national training
      information       all elements of our       is increasingly becoming           initiatives but until the
                        work force so they        apparent in some areas where       requirements are outlined it is       Yes
                        receive appropriate       staff are poorly equipped to       difficult to identify a programme
                        training relevant to      operate a PC even at a very        and the funding required to
                        their duties              rudimental level                   deliver it
15    Enhance           Improve IT security       NHS Lothian currently spends       Ensure that NHS Lothian is able
      availability of                             time and money protecting the      to manage the risks of cyber
      information                                 perimeter of our network.          threats will help to keep systems
                                                  Moving forward our aim will be     up and running allowing patient                    Yes                   100                  100                       100
                                                  to improve the protection of our   care to be uninterrupted
                                                  network if something is able to
                                                  get through our perimeter
16    Assisting         GP Online booking and     Universally, patients are unable   All patients will be able to take
      patients to       repeat prescriptions      to book online appointments        control of their bookings and
      manage their                                and repeat prescriptions via the   repeat prescriptions and avoid        Yes
      own health                                  GP patient management system       unnecessary telephone calls

17    Assisting         Every citizen should      Work is currently underway on a    Providing patients with access to
      patients to       have a personalised       West of Scotland Patient Portal    more information, on a platform
      manage their      view of their Personal    pilot. The work planned for NHS    that can expand over the years
      own health        Health Record (PHR)       Lothian in this area will be       to deliver new levels of
                        information by 2020,      informed by this pilot             functionality, will allow them to
                        lab results, outpatient                                      understand more of their own                       Yes                              300        75                        75
                        appointments, link to                                        information and help them
                        vetted mobile apps,                                          manage their conditions
                        allow to input data
                        from their digital
18    Assisting         Deliver patient WiFi to   NHS Lothian has WiFi set up at     Offering patient WiFi at all of
      patients to       all NHS Lothian           the four main sites and some       our main sites, and some other
      manage their      locations that already    other smaller clinical areas but   locations, will offer a new level
                                                                                                                                        Yes                    93                   93                        93
      own health        have WiFi set up for      does not offer patient WiFi        of patient experience which will
                        clinical and business     anywhere                           aid in their recovery
19    Support           Modernisation of          Currently NHS Lothian utilises     Provide the opportunity for
      people with       outpatient video /        video consultations with our       patients to access healthcare
      LTC               telecommunications        Midwives to Mother service,        from the comfort of their own
                                                                                                                                        Yes         175        75        100        75                        75
                                                  providing breast feeding advice.   home avoiding unnecessary trips
                                                  Expanding use of this proven       to healthcare centres
                                                  technology to support LTCs

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM            PLAN                     CURRENT POSITION                    FUTURE POSITION             Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                         Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                   £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
20    Support         Modernisation of GP       Currently the number of video       Provide the opportunity for
      people with     video /                   consultations is limited across     patients to access healthcare
      LTC             telecommunications        GP practices                        from the comfort of their own                      Yes         400        60                   60                        60
                                                                                    home avoiding unnecessary trips
                                                                                    to healthcare centres
21    Improve         Medicine                  This is an important                Provide clinicians an easy way to
      medicine        Reconciliation            development and work needs to       reconcile the medications
      safety                                    be undertaken in advance of the     patients are prescribed from
                                                implementation of HEPMA to          different healthcare settings to
                                                                                                                                       Yes                   100                  100                       100
                                                deliver early safety benefits       ensure safe working practices.
                                                                                    To be automated as far as
                                                                                    possible to remove lengthy
                                                                                    manual processes
22    Improve         HEPMA - Implement         NHS Lothian currently does not      HEPMA in place in hospitals
      medicine                                  have HEPMA but it is a priority     across NHS Lothian with
      safety          HEPMA – support the       aspiration to introduce             electronic prescribing and
                      change to workflows                                           medicines administration being
                      and implement new                                             the norm                                           Yes        2000       125       1300       125       900             525
                      solutions to streamline
                      process and improve
                      safety (e.g. barcode
23    Improve         Public Records Act – a    The organisation needs a            NHS Lothian meets all of the
      access to       document                  document records management         requirements placed on it by the
      management      management system is      system to store policies,           Public Records Act                                 Yes                              250        50                        50
      information     required                  procedures etc with adequate
                                                timelines for destruction
24    Improve         Replace the Microsoft     NHS Lothian currently uses the      A new version of MS Office will
      access to       Office 2007 product       MS Office 2007 product suite        be used across the organisation,
      management      suite with a modern       however licensing for the use of    with everyone provided with the
      information     equivalent                this is coming to an end and        relevant levels of access to
                                                                                                                                       Yes                    50                  1140                      1140
                                                there is a need to move to an       applications that their role
                                                alternative solution                requires, offering enhanced
                                                                                    ways of working, collaborating
                                                                                    and communicating
25    Improve         TRAKCare – Offer a        TRAKCare does have some audit       Services will be able to use the
      access to       suite of generic audit    tools but these are set up for      generic audit tools to better
      management      tools that services can   each service individually; having   understand their patients,
                                                                                                                                       Yes                    32                   32                        32
      information     use to gain additional    a generic set would allow more      identify trends and make
                      data and insight into     audit to occur                      relevant changes to help deliver
                      their patients                                                sustainable services

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM            PLAN                    CURRENT POSITION                     FUTURE POSITION             Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                         Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                   £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
26    Help to         TRAKCare – Implement      Limited amount of resource          New levels of standardisation
      deliver         and maintain decision     available to introduce decision     will ensure an equitable and safe
      efficient       support and local         support and effect change           service for patients. Having
      working         changes and               requests in TRAKCare currently      TRAKCare identify the next step
                                                                                                                                       Yes                   500                  500                       500
      practices       customisations for                                            for a patient or offer advice
                      clinicians within                                             based on pathway, will aid
                      TRAKCare                                                      clinicians and enhance patient
27    Help to         Technology enabled        NHS Lothian currently supports a    This would see specific steps of
      deliver         care - implement          system called Florence which        the patient pathway completely
      efficient       something to actually     facilitates blood pressure          removed due to the introduction       Yes
      working         remove/replace tasks      readings at home                    of technology/digital solutions
      practices       not just enhance
28    Help to         Increase the prevalence   NHS Lothian currently has small     Community based staff will be
      deliver         of mobile computing in    numbers of staff using mobile       able to access information away
      efficient       the community             computing, having access to         from the office and also input
      working                                   documents and files wherever        information off site allowing                      Yes        3500       950                  950                       950
      practices                                 there is adequate 4G mobile         them to avoid unnecessary trips
                                                connectivity                        back to their base to complete
29    Help to         Reduce the complexity     Single Sign On (SSO) has been       NHS Lothian is undertaking a
      deliver         and inefficiency of       enjoyed for a numbers of years      process of centralising GP
      efficient       logging on to multiple    within the acute sector and         servers which will provide
      working         applications              corporate functions. Hitherto,      additional options to roll out
      practices                                 this functionality has not been     SSO, removing the need to
                                                available within General Practice   remember so many different
                                                                                    passwords for the different
                                                                                    applications used by GPs
30    Help to         Improve the speed of      The speed of connection across      Increasing the speed that data is
      deliver         GP practice networks      NHS Lothian varies; the aim will    retrieved by devices in GP
      efficient                                 be to ensure all practices have     practices, and the speed at
      working                                   adequate connection speeds and      which those devices work, will
      practices                                 capacity                            increase efficiency and reduce
31    Help to         Improve the experience    Due to limited network capacity,    Ensure software updates and
      deliver         of applying security      patching processes often impact     patches are implemented via
      efficient       updates within GP         system performance and create       central infrastructure to reduce      Yes
      working         practices                 inefficiency                        the risks of cyber threat with
      practices                                                                     minimal user disruption

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM            PLAN                      CURRENT POSITION                       FUTURE POSITION               Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                               Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                         £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
32    Help to         Introduce outpatient       Inpatient results are already         The ability to safely check
      deliver         result sign off            signed off electronically within      outpatient results, and be
      efficient                                  TRAKCare but the functionality        confident that all of the results
      working                                    for outpatient areas is only now      are sent electronically to the
      practices                                  becoming available                    correct clinician, will reduce risks
                                                                                       as well as increase patient safety
                                                                                       and efficiency

33    Help to         TRAKCare centres of        In the early stages of planning to    NHS Lothian will be able to show
      deliver         excellence – create        set up wards on each of the           the true potential of using
      efficient       internal demonstrator      main sites which have access to       TRAKCare, and all of its current
      working         areas                      an enhanced level of resources        functionality, showing how
      practices                                  to help use TRAKCare to its full      more productive and efficient
                                                 potential to demonstrate what         the organisation could be and            Yes
                                                 can be done with current              how patient care can be
                                                 functionality. Use these wards        enhanced
                                                 as exemplars for rest of

34    Help to         TRAKCare Deprecated        Some of TRAKCare is built upon        By replacing the deprecated
      deliver         items - project to         coding that is now considered         items, NHS Lothian can
      efficient       remove obsolete            obsolete. The system continues        implement future upgrades of
      working         software (e.g. reporting   to operate but we have been           TRAKCare allowing new
      practices       mechanism)                 informed by the supplier that         functionality to be utilised             Yes
                                                 unless we remove this obsolete
                                                 coding the application cannot be
                                                 upgraded in the future

35    Help to         TRAKCare - expand to       Currently NHS Lothian has a           We will implement a new
      deliver         deliver TRAKCare           separate Theatres application         Theatre solution which is more
      efficient       Theatres                   that is reaching end of life and      tightly integrated to TRAKCare                        Yes         600        75                   75                        75
      working                                    needs to be replaced                  Waiting List functionality
36    Help to         Radiology reporting        Each Health Board in Scotland         New functionality will be
      deliver         solution                   aims to do its own Radiology          implemented to allow radiology
      efficient                                  reporting. Staffing difficulties in   examinations to be reported on
      working                                    some areas of Scotland have           securely from any Health Board           Yes
      practices                                  significant recruitment and           in Scotland
                                                 retention issues

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021

REF   STRATEGIC AIM             PLAN                      CURRENT POSITION                FUTURE POSITION             Resourced     Requires   2018/19    2018/19   2019/20    2019/20   2020/21         2020/21
                                                                                                                       Project    Investment    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital   Rec Rev    Capital        Rec Rev
                                                                                                                                                 £,000     £,000      £,000     £,000      £,000          £,000
37    Contribute to   Develop a suite of          There is currently no          Offer clinicians the use of
      innovation      clinical apps / certify     functionality of this nature   applications that have been
                      apps already available                                     reviewed, or even developed, by
                      for use in NHS Lothian                                     NHS Lothian developers to assist                    Yes                   100                  100                       100
                                                                                 in the improvement of patient
                                                                                 care and outcomes

38    Contribute to   Artificial Intelligence     There is currently no          Begin to identify how NHS
      innovation      (AI) – automation of        functionality of this nature   Lothian can utilise the data held
                      the upload of data from                                    by wearable fitness and
                      wearable devices                                           monitoring devices, and how
                                                                                                                                     Yes         75                   100                 100
                      directly into the patient                                  this could be automatically
                      record in TRAKCare/GP                                      uploaded directly into the
                                                                                 patient’s EPR

39    Contribute to   Automated workflows         There is currently no          Work with external suppliers to
      innovation      using AI, including         functionality of this nature   explore the triaging of referrals,
                      referral management                                        and other repetitive processes,
                                                                                 via AI in a safe way thereby                        Yes                   500                  500                       500
                                                                                 freeing up resources to focus on
                                                                                 other tasks

                                                                                                                                   TOTAL        9000       3180      2050       4395      1000            4795

NHS Lothian eHealth Strategy 2018-2021


AI              Artificial Intelligence

CHI             Community Health Index

CMT             Corporate Management Team

CTG             Cardiotocography

Diamond Group   Subset of CMT tasked with oversight of eHealth Strategy creation

                (Director of Finance, Executive Nurse Director, Executive Medical Director, Director of eHealth)

EPR             Electronic Patient Record

F&R             Finance and Resource Committee

HEPMA           Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration

HIMSS           Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society

ICU             Intensive Care Unit

LCIG            Lothian Capital Investment Group

LTC             Long Term Conditions

PACS            Picture Archiving and Communication System

PHR             Personal Health Record

PC              Primary Care

RFC             Request For Change

SC              Secondary Care

SCPHWS          Scottish Child and Public Health Wellbeing System

SSO             Single Sign On

VDI             Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

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