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UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 3 FOREWORD Dear colleagues, UNICEF’s Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 calls for continued investment in knowledge and information sharing to strengthen our position as a knowledge leader and advocate for children. It also affirms our commitment to provide staff with the tools to support collaboration with United Nations colleagues, partners and others to improve knowledge resources. It gives me great satisfaction to share the UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific Regional Knowledge Management strategy developed by the Regional Office in consultation with Country Offices, UNICEF Headquarters and other UNICEF Regional Offices. This strategy aims to strengthen the results for children of our Regional Headlines (Early moments matter, Children grow in safe and sustainable environments and Adolescents’ potential unleashed) and contribute to the achievement of the 2018 – 2021 Strategic Plan. We hope that it will strengthen a results-oriented and demand-driven knowledge culture; generate smarter and better aligned knowledge products, and encourage a more systematic and user-friendly access to solutions and transfer of knowledge that achieve results for children. We encourage you to adapt this strategy to suit your context and share it with our partners. We all share a common goal to leave no child behind. Kind regards Karin Hulshof Regional Director UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 6 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 ABBREVIATIONS AAR After Action Review AWP Annual Work Plan CoP Community of Practice CO Country Office EAP East Asia and the Pacific EDB Evaluation and Research Database ECM Enterprise Content Management HQ Headquarters HR Human Resource IMEP Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation Plan IT Information Technology KPI Key Performance Indicators MTR Mid Term Review MICS Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey PRIME Plan for Research, Impact Monitoring and Evaluation PFP Private Fundraising and Partnership PSN Programme Strategy Note RO Regional Office RMT Regional Management Team RBM Results Based Management RAM Results Assessment Module SITAN Situation Analysis SP Strategic Plan SDG Sustainable Development Goals WASH Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 7 1 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN UNICEF “ “Organizations of the United Nations system recognize that knowledge-based environments lead to better decision-making and increased effectiveness, productivity and quality and thus improved overall performance.1” “Our vision for UNICEF is that of a knowledge leader for children, an organization that generates, shares and acts on knowledge to advance children’s rights and equity, and plays a key role in empowering others to do the same.2” ” K nowledge is indispensable to all including individuals, communities, governments and the global community, requirement of continued investment in improved knowledge-sharing and information management. Building and is thus an intrinsic part of the on our ability to create, share and use Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) knowledge and support our partners 2030 agenda as a catalyst to accelerate in doing the same, Knowledge their achievement. Enhancing knowledge Management (KM) is a key element of and information systems for programme our overall work which support us to results and organizational efficiency and be an effective advocate and actor on effectiveness is one of the key ‘enablers’ behalf of children’s rights and equity of the UNICEF Strategic Plan (SP), 2018- for children for the future. UNICEF with 2021. UNICEF sets out to strengthen its on-the-ground experience globally, its position as a knowledge leader and our commitment and continued success advocate for children and emphasizes the depends on being effective, innovative, 1 Knowledge management in the United Nations system, Joint Inspection Report, Note by the Secretary- General, Seventy-second session, 5 September 2017 2 Knowledge Management for Equity and Children’s Rights, A Strategic Framework for UNICEF Action 2010- 2015, Draft, Division of Policy and Planning, Information & Knowledge Management Unit, 2011
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 8 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 and forward-thinking which requires generation are not consistently extracted enhanced capacity and systematic or disseminated. It recommends approach. As reported in the UNICEF a requirement of firmer and more Institutional Assessment Report systematic approaches to make the best 2015-20163, knowledge generation is use of the knowledge produced, with successful, and knowledge management ‘feedback loops’ appropriately developed as a function is emerging within UNICEF. and deployed for learning. However, lessons learned from evidence 3 Institutional Assessment Report- UNICEF, 2015- 2016, Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network, http://www.mopanonline.org/assessments/unicef2015-16/Mopan%20UNICEF%20report%20 [final]%20[interactive]%20[final].pdf
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 9 2 CONTEXT KM in UNICEF East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region stands out as a key strategy to be the knowledge and is relevantly applicable for the region. The Regional KM Strategy sets forth a path to develop a more leader for children. It is one of the key result-oriented knowledge culture in foundation of UNICEF’s programmes and the region with deeper understanding advocacy work both at the Regional and of what knowledge is needed, taking a Country Office level. demand-driven approach to knowledge and supplying smarter knowledge UNICEF in the region is already products that fulfil a well-articulated producing and using evidence from need and creative means for delivering research, evaluation, and data to meet them. It will help guide and encourage policy or programming needs together staff to share their experiences with with innovations including work under each other and with counterparts so Technology for Development (T4D). we can learn from our successes and However, much more can be done failures and to support more open by continuing to refine, improve and and effective knowledge exchange systematically manage our KM work to internally and externally. The Strategy ensure generation and utility of quality will ultimately provide a clear direction products, accessibility to all our external of our KM journey, from currently being and internal audiences, learn from our disconnected and partly disorganized experience and to collaboratively work in towards a more systematic and a more consistent and integrated manner. synergetic KM environment promoting Now and as UNICEF global systems for culture of learning, generating, KM develop, UNICEF in the region can exchange and utilisation of knowledge. bolster its role to support knowledge KM as a catalyst will contribute to generation, gathering, sharing and informed programming and policy use. KM in UNICEF is defined as “the decision making to scale up and creation, organization, sharing, and use accelerate better results for children by of knowledge for better organizational making right knowledge available to the performance and development results”4 right people at the right time. 4 Knowledge Management for Equity and Children’s Rights, A Strategic Framework for UNICEF Action 2010- 2015, DPP, Draft, PAKM, Information & Knowledge Management Unit, 2011
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 10 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 3 CURRENT KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SITUATION AND CHALLENGES ONGOING INITIATIVES CHALLENGES At present numerous KM initiatives There is a wide spectrum of ongoing are underway in the region and some KM activities in the region, however of the key knowledge generation and due to the absence of an organization exchange include reports and articles framework or strategy, there is no from situation analysis, monitoring and consistency and harmony. Most of the evaluation completed; academic journals KM initiatives are led and implemented from research and studies; policy briefs, by sections in the offices in silos guided newsletters, human interest and photo by their sectoral KM framework. As stories, meeting and conference reports; one CO pointed out, KM activities are development of databases. Knowledge like a wish list and numerous products planning, sharing and dissemination are produced with no clear objective is primarily done via Office websites, of what they will be used for and often social media, emails, meetings and they are not used or even shared at conferences for external audiences and all. The number of existing knowledge SharePoint, Communities of Practice, products generated is overwhelming Yammer, office shared drives, webinars, and challenges the absorptive capacity brown bag and internal meetings (formal of our internal and external audience and informal), emails, existing PRIME who are drowned with too much etc. for internal audiences. Some of information. In informal dialogues and the COs also have already established related meetings with the COs and systems and mechanisms in place for sections in the Regional Office (RO), quality assurance and planning for a number of KM ‘needs’ continue to communication and dissemination. be expressed. In most instances these Few sectors like Emergency and WASH needs are around managing important also have their sector specific Regional and relevant existing knowledge, KM framework with specific objectives better management of the process of to improve knowledge generation and creating, sharing, and applying new sharing. Their ongoing initiatives also knowledge for programming and policy include capacity building, knowledge advocacy. Similar feedback was received sharing and exchange using sectoral from the KM work stock taking inputs Teamsites, Yammer, newsletter and (September 2017) received from the COs. practices notes on lessons learnt and Additionally, it is noted that the current monthly webinars.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 11 level and type of KM work in offices in strengthened collaboration. Working the region varies widely i.e. from being in silos separates different efforts that rudimentary to quite advanced. The do not co-ordinate, or may not even be KM function and work is also diffused aware of each other. The other major throughout the offices remaining challenge in the absence of a good KM in specific sectoral areas leading to monitoring plan, has been measurement duplication of effort, overlapping of policy uptake of the findings from and conflicting approaches, waste of evidence generated which UNICEF resources and missed opportunities for commissions to make a strong case for KM and it’s impact.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 12 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 4 UNICEF EAST ASIA PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY U NICEF EAP KM Strategy sets out to establish a simple and harmonized system that extracts, n implementing, monitoring and reporting on key KM actions for the COs and RO packages, distributes and continually It will guide the KM work of the region over updates evidence, data and knowledge the period of UNICEF Strategic Plan 2018- for internal and external audiences to 2021. position the RO and COs as knowledge hubs on children and issues affecting them. It outlines a systematic approach 4.1 PURPOSE to support strengthening KM culture, The Regional KM Strategy sets forth a path environment and function to prioritise that will lead us from the fragmented and knowledge gathering, development of disorganized status quo to: knowledge products, share, disseminate n a results-oriented and demand-driven and importantly emphasize on the utility knowledge culture; and of knowledge, to influence action. n supply of smarter and better aligned knowledge products; The Strategy will serve as a guide for the n systematic and user-friendly offices in the region, and as an important environment. linkage for common knowledge sharing points across the region. This integrated approach builds upon current investments, 4.2 DEFINITION capacities and knowledge including The Regional Strategy will apply UNICEF’s sectoral KM strategies throughout UNICEF. definition of KM as: The strategy sets out to improve KM in The creation, organization, sharing, and use the region by: of knowledge for better organizational n setting a framework to consider performance and development results.5 around KM work; n establishing the management and coordination mechanisms to support this; 4.3 INTENDED STAKEHOLDERS n identifying proposed roles as well as As KM is an integral part of all UNICEF supporting references on good KM staff’s need for knowledge to learn, share practices; and and improve programme effectiveness 5 Knowledge Management for Equity and Children’s Rights, A Strategic Framework for UNICEF Action 2010- 2015, DPP, Draft, PAKM, Information & Knowledge Management Unit, 2011
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 13 and advocacy, the primary users are all Figure 1: UNICEF staff in the region as well as our partners who will find the Regional KM RESULT FOR Strategy of importance to their work. CHILDREN It is also meant for our colleagues at Headquarters and other Regional Offices. POLICY ADVOCACY & PROGRAMMES 4.4 TYPES OF KNOWLEDGE PLATFORMS IMPLIED PRIORITISATION INNOVATION Analysis of knowledge on: & n Situation of women and children; CROSS SECTORAL COLLABORATION n Trends and emerging issues and environment impacting children; n Effective and efficient programme, operational and management performance and practices PRODUCTS PARTNERS The above three classification of knowledge will include both explicit, in the form of data and documents which can be written down, recorded, or codified in some manner, and tacit, in programme cycle, from harnessing the form of unrecorded and/or individual evidence about existing conditions, expertise. analysis and trends to strategic planning, implementation, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and using the 4.5 KM PILLARS – THE FIVE ‘PS’ knowledge generated for organizational The Regional KM Strategy will be learning and informed decision making. operationalized within a framework While providing a strategic direction to of five pillars (see Figure 1). The regional KM work, it seeks to establish Strategy within the framework sets a harmonized system and processes. out to establish a system to prioritize The five pillars are grounded in the knowledge gathering, develop knowledge Regional Headline Priorities and linked products and importantly emphasize to UNICEF’s strategic framework to on the utility of knowledge to influence create a positive feedback loop between action in a structured manner. It overlays quality knowledge products, knowledge the Results Based Management (RBM) partnership and platforms with the approach of our programming embedded focus to influence program and policy in how we approach every stage of the advocacy.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 14 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 4.5.1 Prioritisation including but not limited to the Plan for Research, Impact Monitoring and The Regional KM Strategy will focus Evaluation/Integrated Monitoring on the 3 Regional Headlines (figure and Evaluation Plan (PRIME/IMEP), 2) for EAP region that embody its Evaluation and Research Database contributions to the SDGs in full (EDB); alignment with UNICEF SP goals for n KM plan is result-oriented with costed 2018-2021. The region will prioritise the knowledge generation and realistic KM resources within each of the broad dissemination plan for effective use types of knowledge mentioned above of the knowledge produced; to demonstrate KM’s contribution to n Requirement of expertise and achieve the 18 Regional Headline Results. support (within CO and from the However, prioritisation of the Regional RO) need is determined to identify Headlines does not imply that these are technical support and capacity the only results that the RO and COs building needs. are undertaking but rather commits to n Potential partners to generate, share additional focus and attention of KM on and use knowledge are identified. specific results areas for an agreed time. n Implementation is effective and efficient e.g. consolidation of The identification of need for knowledge evidence-generation activities on on the priority areas is to be done issues of common concern for more through the planning processes, ideally than one country at regional/sub- at the beginning of a programme cycle regional level. but can be done during the annual planning processes both at the COs and 4.5.2 Products RO. Prioritization of work and allocation of resources should be based on those EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE: sustainable activities that are proven to The focus of the strategy will be to lean have worked well and the greatest and forward from generating and gathering sometimes quick impact for UNICEF. knowledge products towards instigating the audience to translate evidence into These processes include broad action and that is when it will have consultations in the offices and with maximum impact. The products will partners where relevant, to ensure that: need to deliver tangible results in terms n Knowledge needs around the of improving programme performance Regional Headline Results are and furthering our advocacy efforts. strategically identified – to fill Although offices in the region have in existing knowledge gaps and existing knowledge generation activities articulated in the different key and processes in place but to filter planning documents such as the and streamline renewed, efficient and Programme Strategy Notes (PSN) effective efforts, the following should be and Annual Work Plans (AWP), considered:
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 15 Figure 2: Regional Headline Results THE REGIONAL HEADLINES AND THE STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS GOAL AREA 1 GOAL AREA 2 GOAL AREA 3 GOAL AREA 4 GOAL AREA 5 EVERY CHILD EVERY CHILD EVERY CHILD IS EVERY CHILD EVERY CHILD SURVIVES AND LEARNS PROTECTED FROM LIVES IN SAFE HAS AN THRIVES VIOLENCE AND AND CLEAN EQUITABLE EXPLOITATION ENVIRONMENT CHANCE IN LIFE EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL HEADLINES (EAP) REGIONAL HEADLINES REGIONAL HEADLINE 1 REGIONAL HEADLINE 2 REGIONAL HEADLINE 3 EARLY MOMENTS MATTER CHILDREN GROW IN SAFE AND ADOLESCENTS’ SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTS POTENTIAL UNLEASHED 18 REGIONAL HEADLINE RESULT AREAS 1. Maternal, newborn and child care 7. Urban inequities EAP 13. Adolescents’ learning outcomes 2. Preventive and curative nutrition 8. Safe drinking water and basic sanitation 14. Gender responsive adolescent health and nutrition 3. Positve parenting EAP 9. Indoor and ambient pollution EAP 15. Prevention and protection from violence 4. Early Childhood Development 10. Children’s participation in climate action EAP 16. Child pregnancies and child marriage EAP 5. Quality education in and out of school 11. Disaster Risk Reduction and social choesion 17. Safe spaces for participation, creativity and EAP 6. Multi-dimensional child poverty and social 12. Access to justice self-expression protection 18. Safe access and responsible use of ICT EAP The 7 Results Areas marked as ‘EAP’ are specific to the region while are others are from the UNICEF SP 2018-2021. n Commission knowledge generation/ • Analysis of data from Multiple Indicator gathering on the Regional Headline Cluster Survey (MICS), Demographic Results through; Health Survey (DHS), other National • Policy and operational research on Household surveys and administrative thematic areas data produce thematic reports. • Evaluations e.g. large country offices • Regional data analyses e.g. Baseline should conduct five evaluations per data study country programme cycle, medium- • Regional Annual Progress Report on sized and smaller country offices the Regional Headlines should carry out at least three n Produce and regularly update the evaluations over the same period and Situation Analysis of children and 2 evaluations by the RO6. women (SITAN). 6 UNICEF EAP Regional Evaluation Strategy and Action Plan, 2018-2021
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 16 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 n Analyse and document innovation, force meetings, intersectoral good practices and performance, dialogue, collaborative work on success stories, challenges and joint projects, brown bag lunch, opportunities e.g. Annual Progress etc. Please also see https://www. Report, RAM progress statements, unicef.org/knowledge-exchange/ Mid-Term Review (MTR) and index_82053.html (which has Evaluation reports, Case Studies, resources on strategically planning, Technical briefs, Field and Practice implementing and documenting notes, Real Time Review, After Action successful knowledge sharing Review (AAR) etc. This process events. The resources available should also draw heavily on existing also helps to decide if a face-to-face evidence databases such as PRIME/ meeting is really needed or could IMEP, Evaluation and Research. be done with a real-time meeting n Documentation of contribution and using different platforms e.g. Skype, influence by key development actors Video Conferencing.) and partners around the Regional n Developing and/or participating Headlines. in Communities of Practice (CoP) n Document national, regional and in key areas of relevant to the global key events discussion, Regional Headlines led by the conference proceedings and RO. Helpful UNICEF resource on outcomes. building CoP are available here: https://unicef.sharepoint.com/teams/ TACIT KNOWLEDGE: Communities/SitePages/Build.aspx It is important, for the pace of n Offices (in coordination between organizational innovation and change, to KM mobilisers and HR section) capture and integrate the tacit knowledge to establish mechanism on exit (UNICEF’s undocumented experiential interviews and handover notes and individual knowledge) on issues of when someone leaves a post, planning and implementing programmes retires or upon completion of staff and partners into the formal of a consultancy to retain organizational learning and programming institutional memory as well as process. This should be routinely and to learn and share. Please see strategically documented, and key good samples of exit interview insights distilled and shared through: templates https://www.yammer. n Regular sharing, exchanging and com/unicef.org/#/uploaded_ capturing experiential knowledge files/51679315?threadId=987594622 through meetings of different and handover notes https://www. kinds: Regional Network meetings, yammer.com/unicef.org/#/uploaded_ staff meetings, professional staff files/51679382?threadId=987594622 meetings, section meetings, developed by UNICEF Private weekly thematic meetings, head Fundraising and Partnership (PFP) of cluster meetings, thematic task Division.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 17 n Offices to develop Induction n Providing platform and participation Packages led by HR to support new in dissemination of key knowledge colleagues to help settle in and products produced jointly better understand the Office’s way of n Strengthening capacity and skills working (administrative – HR/Ops and transfer to advocate and influence programmatic – Predecessor’s note) policies to bring them to speed. n Include key elements of KM as listed above in donor proposals. 4.5.3 PARTNERSHIP This will also build on the work To translate KM partnership into around ‘Thought Leadership’, pragmatic actions, it will be important whereby UNICEF EAP plans to invest to engage the partners early in the KM in developing quality academic process to identify key priorities, agree on and think tank partnerships in and knowledge requirement and importantly beyond EAP to provide UNICEF added define roles and responsibilities. agility and scope, to generate high KM partnership should nurture joint quality evidence using traditional and accountability, foster quality assurance innovative methodologies, to leverage and help to mitigate the risk of obtaining the expertise and academic networks of knowledge which is not utilized. The others to wield influence agendas and Strategy will focus on developing KM advocate policy shifts more widely. partnerships (formal and informal) on a shared purpose or goal in producing new 4.5.4 PLATFORM knowledge as well as to provide access to crucial networks and relationships that extend UNICEF’s reach for the UNICEF offices as ‘knowledge centers’ dissemination of knowledge to amplify should provide platforms for debates children’s issues and voices. For the on children’s issues by improving the strategy, KM partnership will be fostered accessibility of desired knowledge through: products by those they are intended to reach and to initiate interactions n Potential collaboration with partners to prompt action or change. This to co-finance and conduct research, means ensuring physical availability studies and evaluation and accessibility of the knowledge n Promoting creativity and innovation products to wider target audience and n Documenting successes and failures making the products relevant for those of joint efforts who receive it. Development of IT n Increased access to knowledge, enabled KM platforms will build on the experience, resources and ongoing Digital Transformation Project connections for external audience and Content n Exchanging learning and good Management (ECM) project for UNICEF. practices The following mix of appropriate platforms including IT enabled to speed
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 18 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 up stimulation of interest and action Management system with a around a key knowledge area of work for repository of key knowledge the Office is to be considered: products by RO and COs on Regional Headlines Result areas to For internal audiences: share and find information more TACIT KNOWLEDGE easily and collaborate efficiently. n Webinars around key topics of (Updated and resources of ongoing interest on the Regional Headline work area available here: Digital Results led by the RO to exchange Transformation Project - https:// ideas and insights as means unicef.sharepoint.com/teams/DOC/ of sharing tacit knowledge and DigitalTransformation/SitePages/ stimulating further peer-to-peer and Introduction.aspx and Improved inter-country interactions. Document Management system- n Regional Network meetings to include https://unicef.sharepoint.com/teams/ a dedicated session on knowledge DHR/ECM/SitePages/Home.aspx) exchange as a forum to share good and effective practices related to For external audiences: specific programme areas, operations TACIT KNOWLEDGE as well as practical management n Global, regional and national approaches. level conferences and meetings to n Communities/networks to exchange disseminate UNICEF knowledge as information and experience based on well as to learn from the partners identified needs e.g. UNICEF Yammer and there is also the spin-off value community (sectoral communities, of building/maintaining external customer care, communities of networking ties. interest, regional and country groups) is one such platform that EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE has been found to be very effective n Regional Headline Results online to share knowledge, learn from monitoring and tracking platform others, find solution and to connect managed by the RO embedded in the with people of same interest for EAPRO website: https://www.unicef. focused discussion etc.7 Resources org/eap/regional-headlines on creating communities of practice n COs websites with highlighted pages are available here: https://unicef. on latest information, updates and sharepoint.com/teams/Communities/ resources on relevant priorities. SitePages/Build.aspx https://www.unicef.org/eap/where-we- work EXPLICIT KNOWLEDGE n Use of social media e.g. Facebook, n Easy-to-access regional platform Twitter etc. to put issues out into (Teamsite) and internal Document the wider public domain and create 7 UNICEF Community Survey 2018
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 19 discourse that draws the attention of the form of studies, research (policy policy-makers and mobilize action. research, operational research) and evaluation and rigorous analysis of While presented in a logical sequence as data on the Regional Headline Results coming after prioritization and product, will need to feed into the Regional and it makes sense that the process of National advocacy. It is therefore critical agreeing on the knowledge product(s), that very early in the KM process, Office identification of partnership and develops a clear plan to address what platforms, occurs simultaneously. knowledge is required and how will it be generated, packaged and more 4.5.5 PROGRAMME AND POLICY importantly used to inform program and ADVOCACY ACTIONS policy actions. The RO in consultation with the Knowledge Exchange team UNICEF can play a knowledge brokerage in HQ and the RO Evidence Group role, leveraging UNICEF’s significant comprising of RO Evaluation, Research convening power to foster and support and Monitoring team will establish the dynamic knowledge exchanges with implementation of a mechanism for development stakeholders and country tracking of knowledge uptake within and counterparts. The main focus of the beyond the organisation. The mechanism KM Strategy remains on the utility of will include documentation of specific knowledge for improved programme programme or policy action as a result of and policy actions. All knowledge support from KM including prioritisation, generated should provide knowledge products generation and dissemination in of the situation and about ‘what works’ partnership with others. is made readily available to support the practitioners and to influence policy- UNICEF in EAP region brings an added makers to help shape policies, leverage value to existing global evidence, with a budgetary investments for children, focus on specific national and regional inform and enrich academic discourse dimensions. The Strategy proposes a and guide programmes and practice. The continuation of this work with prioritization products should speak to the needs of and a greater focus on end use from the audience to generate interest, influence outset linking with the broader Office policies and to address the issues communication and advocacy strategy highlighted. All the formal generation/ formulation, in an iterative cycle of gathering of compelling evidence in planning along the 5 pillars.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 20 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 5 KM GOVERNANCE T he management of the knowledge function is an integral part of the EAP Regional KM strategy and is interrelated advance the wellbeing of children. To implement this, it will require the Senior Management Team (as above) to: with the key change strategies of UNICEF n Identify common agreement and clear SP 2018-2021 (Programming for at scale, accountability on the direction of KM developing and leveraging resources work as well as budgets as required, and partnerships, fostering innovation, plans and responsibilities of various harnessing the power of evidence as a parts of the organization to achieve driver of change for children). Effective them. management of the knowledge function n Coordination and coherence of KM calls for leadership and direction work, and reduced duplication of from the Regional Director, Deputy efforts and costs. Regional Director, Representatives, n Higher level attention to knowledge- Deputy Representatives, Regional related issues in the offices and Advisors and CO Section Chiefs to unite across the organization. the core capacities in programmes, n Greater capitalization on the monitoring and evaluation, planning, combined expertise between offices and communications. The Senior and across the organization. Management Team needs to create n Greater cross-functional a curiosity and synergy to generate, collaboration. collect and use knowledge needed to
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 21 6 KM ACCOUNTABILITIES KM is one of UNICEF’s cross- cutting strategies – meaning that KM practices and activities are not n will address those needs. Implement, monitor, and report sectoral KM activities as identified in the sole responsibility of a specific group the Regional KM Action Plan. of people but rather something that n Gather and communicate feedback every UNICEF staff member has a stake about KM impact of their work to the in and a responsibility for. However, the Office. primary accountability remains with the Heads of the Office and Section Chiefs to drive KM as a strategy for programme KM Mobilisers (Currently Office KM effectiveness and to influence improved focal points carry this function): decision for children. The Senior The COs are encouraged to identify (if Management Team will lead and effective they have not done yet) one KM Mobiliser planning, implementation, monitoring per Office with an important coordination and regular reporting of the Regional KM and oversight role in their job description Strategy through the KM Action Plan. to: All staff will contribute towards this but n CConvene, monitor and report on the the following specific staff at COs and implementation of the Regional KM RO with specific KM coordination and strategy through the Regional KM oversight roles will provide support to Action Plan. the offices. n Liaise and communicate KM progress, practices, and outputs Sectoral KM Champions (Colleagues between different sections of the with KM as a part of their job profile Office and with others Offices. to manage KM work in their relevant n Facilitate knowledge sharing, sectors): learning, and knowledge capture n Continue to lead sectoral KM work sessions. linked to their existing sectoral KM n Coordinate with Knowledge strategy, framework and approach. Champions and people who have n Represent section in KM initiatives been identified as sources of planning and review, and/or KM experience / expertise; mentor and needs analysis. support new Knowledge Champions. n Identify major sectoral knowledge n Point colleagues in a helpful direction and information needs and be alert to towards relevant resources or discovery of external resources that colleagues when they mention an information or knowledge need.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 22 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 RO KM Specialist: n Monitor and report on the n PProvide overall technical support implementation of KM Strategy and to the COs and RO’s management the action plan with support from the of knowledge function and its KM Champions and Mobilisers. management. n Compile reporting by the COs to n Reference point for clarification and publish and share an annual report explanation on KM matters. with support from KM Champions n Provide ideas and suggestions for and Mobilisers on the implementation new initiatives or improvements to of the KM Action Plan so that the KM KM services and tools. experiences of COs is captured well n Share best KM practices through and shared in a formalized way. various online platforms and develop n Support build KM capacity of staff. templates of good KM products for n Liaise with HQ Knowledge and COs to facilitate the adoption of these Exchange team to seek guidance and best practices. support required as well as contribute to advance the overall management of knowledge in the region.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 23 7 STRENGTHENING KM CULTURE AND CAPACITY T he Senior Management Team will support and promote knowledge culture and enabling environment model integration in professional staff evaluations (PAS) discussion to promote interest and support career growth. KM through continuous and concerted effort capacity will be built through learning to integrate knowledge generating, and training opportunities; however, sharing and use in the Office. The staff should take individual responsibility staff will be kept abreast of knowledge and interest for learning. They should relevant to their work through exchange proactively engage to discuss their and sharing of new knowledge learning plan with the Supervisors. A list updates and development through of reviewed and recommended external it’s easy-to-access Office teamsites, learning opportunities will be developed document management system and by the RO and will include both virtual internal meetings e.g. management and in-person training opportunities. meetings, annual and mid-year reviews, Local opportunities for staff in field offices regional network meetings. Staff will will also be considered. The list will be be encouraged and supported to coordinated with HQ but will require take part in available global, regional inputs both from RO and COs especially and country level communities of regarding local training and learning practice, participate and contribute to opportunities. Although currently it does knowledge sharing events organized not exist but a basic training course for internally or externally. However, every better understanding of the fundamentals staff member as a KM worker will of KM will also be proposed to be also require a change in mindset and developed by HQ and made available ways of behaving and operating as an to all staff and partners in AGORA. All individual on a personal level and as staff including KM Champions and KM teams by fostering the culture of real Mobilisers, should also plan their relevant time feedback at and between sections, individual KM activities and outputs in not just with the line management. The ACHIEVE and report on achievements RO will establish an incentive system to made on planning and delivering realistic acknowledge and recognize significant KM outputs to sustain their skills and contribution of Offices on KM as well as learning and for their career growth.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 24 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 8 MEASURING KM PROGRESS E ffective measurement of KM is critical to making sure that we are pursuing the highest impact activities These should be benchmarked and monitored on a continual basis as part of UNICEF’s overall programme and that those activities have proven performance management system results of informed programming and should include feedback on and policy decision making. For the our performance from our external Strategy, a Regional KM work plan partners. The Action Plan will be (Annex 1) with a set of activities with monitored on an annual basis by the measurable key performance indicators Regional Programme and Planning (KPIs) will be developed to cover the section, and progress report will be major areas of KM work both at the COs provided to the Regional Director and and RO. It will include both quantitative the Regional Management Team (RMT). and qualitative measures. Some indicators though also need feedback Through effective measurement we culture to be able to pick up trends and will continually make the case that stories. A way of knowing that we are improvements in KM results in higher moving in right direction, is by hearing quality knowledge products, increased increasing stories/ feedback about what engagement and sharing with partners is working well and then focus energy and overall improvements to efficiency on these areas (go with the energy). in our own work.
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 25 ANNEX 1 REGIONAL KM ACTION PLAN 2018-2019 KM Pillars Activities Roles & Responsibilities Provisional Timelines Status PRIORITISATION Identify key KM priorities relevant KM Specialist and CO KM Oct-18 to the Regional Headlines for 2018 Mobilisers and 2019 and reflect in the regional KM Action Plan. Strategic planning documents (CO Section Chiefs at RO and COs On-going Programme Strategy Notes, SitAns, with support from Planning UNDAFs, CPDs, MTRs, COAR, ROAR colleagues, KM Specialist and etc.) reviewed with a ‘KM lens’ to CO KM Mobilisers encourage KM principals to be systematically integrated into each stage of the programme cycle. Review of IMEP (PRIME which - At CO: PME section Beginning of year for 2019 we hear that will be replaced - At RO: Programme and Plan- soon) with a focus on the utility ning, Social Policy, Evaluation aspect i.e. is the evidence being gathered influencing programme/ policy direction and is it been effectively channeled as relevant to wider developmental partners. The review will also identify the existing knowledge gaps. Development of CO KM strategy or CO KM Mobilisers with sup- Based on CO requirement framework port from RO KM Specialist PRODUCTS Encourage systematic approach KM Champions, Mobilisers, On-going to documenting and sharing good Specialist practices/lessons learnt in East Asia and the Pacific. Produce Baseline study on the key RO Programme and Planning - Baseline Study, Sept 2018 indicators of the Regional Headline section - Annual Progress Report, Results and Annual progress Jan 2019 flagship report. Produce knowledge related prod- CO and RO by relevant sectors On-going (2018 & 2019) ucts including evaluation, research, studies, report, data analysis, policy briefs etc. on the identified KM priorities. Prepare and produce Annual pub- RO KM Specialist with support Jan-Feb 2019 lications catalogue of knowledge from CO KM Mobilisers products from the region. (Please see example from ESARO https:// www.unicef.org/esaro/resourc- es_publications-catalogues.html)
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 26 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 PARTNERSHIP Identify at least 2 key partners (e.g. Sectoral KM Champions with Sep/18 academia, implementing partners support from KM Mobilisers etc.) collaborating on KM. (These partners will help ensure an external focus to compliment the internal one, enrich discussions with new ‘outside’ perspectives, and work on joint activities where appropriate.) Documenting and sharing good CO and RO by relevant sectors On-going practices/lessons learnt from pro- with support from KM Mobil- gramme and policy actions through isers/Specialist partnership. Facilitate South-South exchange. Sectoral KM Champions with On-going support from KM Mobilisers PLATFORM Develop internal SOPs to more RO Programme and Planning Oct/18 effectively use Network meetings (KM Specialist) and Regional (as planned in 2018 and 2019) and Advisers create ‘spaces’ for reflection and conversations on key issues. Convene at least 6 brown bag KM Mobilisers with support - 2 by end of year 2018 sessions and webinars annually from sectoral KM Champions - 6 by in 2019 for dissemination of key findings, sharing experiences such as an innovative programme, feedback from staff who attended a global mtg etc. These sessions are aimed at engaging with both internal and external audiences and creating a dialogue on relevant developmental opportunities and challenges. Identify key global/regional meet- KM Champions with support On-going ings being attended by staff. Agree from KM Mobilisers with staff attending such meetings on plan for sharing information. Roll-out of Enterprise Content CO and RO ECM Champi- Aug-Dec 2018 Management: ons, ICT, KM Specialist, KM - Revitalization of the Office Mobilisers Teamsite - Cloud-based document manage- ment system - Collaboration sites Establish a systematic approach to RO Programme and Planning Sep/18 dissemination of key findings and (KM Specialist), Social Policy, cutting edge trends within thematic Evaluation, Advisers areas. Agree on ways to better tackle the EAPRO role of ‘filtering’ info (from HQ & other sources). Development of online platform RO Programme and Planning Sep/18 (EAPRO website) to monitor and with support from RO Commu- report on the Regional Headline nication Results Development of Regional Headline RO Programme and Planning Oct/18 Results database and dashboard with support from RO ICT on EAPRO Teamsite
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 27 PROGRAMME AND Establish a mechanism for tracking RO KM Specialist with support Will need to discuss with Ian POLICY ADVOCACY of knowledge uptake within and from KE HQ and RO Evidence ACTIONS beyond the organisation group Share examples for good practices RO KM Specialist On-going on knowledge uptake from the region and beyond Documentation of specific pro- RO KM Specialist, CO KM On-going gramme or policy actions as result Mobiliser with support from of KM (Please see an example from KM Champions ESARO here: https://intranet.unicef. org/epp/evalsite.nsf/0/2155BD3C- B0E53555852582A5005B0C10/$FILE/ ESAR%20PMR%20%20Dream%20 Meeting%202018%20V2.pdf) Increased emphasis on KM in KM Mobilisers & Communi- On-going statements, speeches and talking cations points developed for RO and CO Management audiences in East Asia and the Pacific region. CAPACITY BUILDING Organize regular webinars KM Specialist & HQ KM Once in every two months on knowledge sharing by CO Exchange colleagues colleagues to update on knowl- edge work and exchange of best practices and lessons learnt. Few of the webinars will be focussed on orientation on available UNICEF tools and systems led by HQ KM exchange colleagues Integration of KM capacity building RO KM Specialist and Region- As and when network meet- during network meetings (it is al- al sections ings are planned ready in plan for Emergency, WASH and PME sections) Propose and include KM trainings RHRDT, Office Management On-going in the Regional Human Resource Development Plan (RHRDT) and Office specific learning plan Organize Office/Sector specific KM KM Mobilisers and RO KM Learning day on KM planned trainings for staff and partners Specialist with support from for Planning and Monitoring HR network meeting KM results established and report- Line Managers/HR ACHIEVE - Planning and ed in ACHIEVE for all professional Reporting phase staff and Programme Assistants
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 28 REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 ANNEX 2 REGIONAL AND GLOBAL KM CONTACT LIST Country Name Designation Email address Cambodia Sydney Nhamo Planning & Monitoring Specialist snhamo@unicef.org China Ying Lee Programme Associate ylee@unicef.org China Fang Yan M&E Specialist fyan@unicef.org DPRK Silas Rapold M&E Specialist srapold@unicef.org Indonesia Charlotte Lie-Piang KM Specialist cliepiang@unicef.org Indonesia Ceriel Gerrits Social Policy Officer cegerrits@unicef.org Laos PDR Khamhoung Keovilay M&E Specialist kkeovilay@unicef.org Malaysia Anne Albert Research Officer asalbert@unicef.org Mongolia Khurelmaa Dashdorj M&E Officer kdashdorj@unicef.org Myanmar Anna Maria Levi Monitoring Specialist alevi@unicef.org Pacific Stanley Gwavuya Social Policy Specialist sgwavuya@unicef.org Pacific Kolianita Alfred M&E Officer kalfred@unicef.org PNG John Keating Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist jkeating@unicef.org Philippines Bea Lumanas Programme Officer blumanas@unicef.org Thailand Michele Schmit PME Specialist mschmit@unicef.org Timor Leste Joao Da Costa M&E Officer jdacosta@unicef.org Vietnam Nguyen Quynh Trang PME Specialist nqtrang@unicef.org EAPRO Anoop Singh Gurung KM Specialist asgurung@unicef.org EAPRO Anu Paudyal Gautam WASH Specialist apgautam@unicef.org EAPRO Rekha Shrestha Emergency Specialist rekshrestha@unicef.org Global KM and KE contact list is available here: https://unicef.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/teams/Communities/_layouts/15/Doc. aspx?sourcedoc=%7B569aa738-38dc-4935-a346-f32ec17ff3b9%7D&action=default
UNICEF EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC REGIONAL KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2018-2021 29 ANNEX 3 RESOURCES ON KM TOOLS 1. KM Handbook from IMA International (International consulting Institute on KM capacity building) – UNICEF Internal: IMA Handbook on KM 2. KM plan (internal draft): How to develop a KM plan? 3. UNICEF Knowledge Exchange Toolbox: https://www.unicef.org/knowledge- exchange/index_82053.html 4. Which Platform for what? – UNICEF Internal https://icon.unicef.org/iconhome/ ICON%20Document%20Library/which%20platform%20for%20what.pdf 5. Which Tools when? What the Tools can do for you – UNICEF Internal https:// icon.unicef.org/iconhome/ICON%20Document%20Library/Booklet%20-%20 which%20tool%20when.pdf 6. Guide to UNICEF Digital library (Journal subscriptions and database) – UNICEF Internal: https://unicef.sharepoint.com/teams/Communities/KECoP/ Documents_final/UNICEF_Digital-Library%202018.pdf
UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office 19 Phra Atit Road Bangkok 10200 Thailand Tel: (662) 356-9499 Fax: (662) 280-3563 E-mail: eapro@unicef.org www.unicef.org/eapro
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